newed attempts to subdue the South. * * We throw it before the minds of the fathers PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, A war IN II N of invasion of the North, will suspent and mothers of our laud, and there leave it to SU A CE. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN Editor. BUSINESS CARDS. HOTELS. T.OILMAN. their wages; their daily pay'as soldiers, in green be thought of in wisdom, remarking only as to will amount to * • * j pibliehed at EXCHANGE STKKKT,by backs, nothing. Tht the early seeds of bodily disease, that they are BItOCKSIEI’EK’8 PATENT N0.82J I Life Insurance. PAPER BOX SI AXE FACTOR V. BRADLEY, MOULTON A North will not rise to defend itself; but the mass in sown between sundown ROGERS ZIRCON N. A. FOSTER A CO. nearly every case, MOUNT HOUnE, es will cry aloud for ! For no matter wh< W HOLM A LB DKA LABS IH peace and bedtime, in absence from the family circle; Gas ▲T TUB no matter Regulator! J• conquers, what the terms of peace- in the supply of spending money never earned R. Tk* Tout la hi, Dailt raassls published st SS.00 will for the sale of the Libby, peace give them employment—without the the doors of THE MANHATTAN EXCLUSIVE Agency Reg manufacturer of Grain and Celebrated Mt. Ziroon Mineral per year. by spender—opeuiug confec- I J ulator in Portland No. 102 Middle street, u Flour, Spring*, which they cannot live. The federal Govern- and soda j Provisions, Milton Plantation, Mt., Tub MaihbStatk 1'kesm 1* published every Thurs- tionaries fountains, of beer, and to- stairs. Ed war a 8b aw bole Agent. Thia new articl Paper 88 Commercial Thomas ment is no means left where- I Boxes, street, Block, #3.0# annum, in advanoe; *2.26 bankrupt, and has Life. Insurance for favor will save to the consum Ol I« now to the and no paint day aoruing.st per bacco, aud wine shops, of the circus, the ne- Company public 30 percent, every description, such ss opened public, If within fix and be with to feed and clothe its soldiers and their fam- er over burner now in use; have beei EOBIBT BBALKT, 1 will bo tuis a uvi to meet tbe wants paid months; *2.60,If payment gro minstrels, the and then OP X K W YORK. any gas 25,000 Shoe Boxse, spared the restaurant, dance; sold in New since This is no JewelryBoxes, Druggist Boxes S.« MOULTOB, PORTLAND, MM. sad rtnder and toe delayed beyond year. ilies. It Is not, on the whole, at all improbable England January las;. ; Collar 8 heir I } pleasant interesting follow the a Boxes, Boxes, Cone boiogical Boxss nlso as 1 still that we the North, and on Sunday excursion, the Sunday regulator to be affixed to the meter, all such havi A.«. noesus. ) of guests. And usual, may this Fall invade j PowderBoxee, Card Caaes, Cigar fco p;ay drive, with the easy transition to the Cash and Accumulation failed, but is attached immediately under each burn Boies, maySdtf J M)ard cheaper than any other bummer Hateiof Advertising: her soil dictate the terms of peace. At all events, compa- Capital iiouec ol those whose er tip, and is a part of, aud au ornament to, the ga 144 Middle 8t., (Up Stairs) Me. m New England. I it is worth The North is about to ny ways lead to the gates of Portland, For Ooelnoh ofspaoe in length of oolamn, constitutes trying. just fixture itself. The particular whiteness and steadi cases of Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaint, Gray- ami in aud now social, physical, aud moral ruiu. From Ov«i* ! JnueldSaa el, Stowe iu 4 “SqOABA” become bankrupt in men means, eight $1,700,000 ness of the light produced—because of the exac' the biadder, and others timilar, I war- to sixteen—in W. W. CAKlT & CO., rant n cure •1.50 square dally first week; 76 cents per week is the time to her to the wail A just ret- these few years—are the desti- proper combustion—astonishes ail who have seei by the use of tbe water, opieud.d scen- per push U*Tiii( taken tb. »ait Bton lormerly ooc.pitd b mud rides. At after; throe insertions or less, *1.00; continuing eve- ribution demands that we retaliate on her the nies of children fixed iu forty-nine cases out it, while thepositive fact of obtaining the improvet ery tbe short distance of lour mi.es other after first HENRY STOKES, President. nx a reduced Dana & Co. can be seen Kuxnford Fain, the in New Eng- ry dsy week, 60 oents. inflicted on of the light expense need only be investigate* G. SAWYER. largest cruelties she has us.”—[Richmond filly—fixed by pureut! Let every V. Y. WEMPLE, at land. llorscs and Half square, three fusertious or loss 76 oents; one .Secretary. this office to ensure the confidence of the mos Cat rings* fo let Good Trent 8. father and mother J. L. LiALShY. A hat. in stream- *1.00; 60 cents week after. Sentinel, .lug. solemnly vow,“By God’s Secretary. skeptical. The is a “tell tale oi fishing and ponds. A new road was week, per b■ N. regulator perfect Ito. 8 Under head of Axdsexkn I'll fix for STEBB1N8. Actuary. the exact amount of used. No attainec Fish and Exchange Street, built to the House last J ace. tbe access easi- rs, #2.00 per squire per help, my darling's destiny good, E. DWIGHT gas pressure Salt, malting or “ n W ord.” KENDALL, General Agt. the Gas Are 1 er than to any other Mountain House coach week; three insertions less, #1,60. Peace Hateful by making home more attractive than the by Company affects it disadvantageourty it prepared to offer «o the trade a large and well Daily SrniTAi the least; Gas all recommend from Bryant's Fond station o! tbe Grand Trank Notices, #1.76 per square first week, a Companies It becaum stiotgi (‘took of It has become hateful word, aud streets!” This it Luther Dana, Portland, to the House. •1.C0 per square after; three Insertions or less,#1.26; [Peace] long-established Company offers the follow gives entire satisfaction to consumers, hence theii ) ) Railway the use —1 should be left to of buffalo 1 .. to number Dana, Feet Office addre-s. Mt Zircon. Me. hall a square, three Insertions, #1.00; one week, exclusively ing advantages insurers, viz: of consumers are increased. Retail pric< Woodbury J if A and 80 John A. S. Dana and Domestis Fruit ! D. D W. *1.26 orators in a neighboring State, any of that large increasing Capital, $ecurely inre$teti. cents each. The article will be adjusted for con J , Foreign ABBOTT* Proprietor. ol Immediate sumuis Mt. Zircon, 29, 19M. Advertisements inserted In the Mains Statb sort still drivel and snivel. Let us get rid of the County l'iimlH>rliin9bd6w has a A permanent loan of one half of the and if not suited will Fbbs* (which large circulation in every part ol whole vile and say at once wc are for premium; time) be taken off free of ex cant, war, TUKAfUHkRS OFFICX, AUg 1804. and a which Sprue. Gum. the State) fbr 60 oents per squareir. addition to the feature, peculiar to thig company, by pense. «T. Smitli ?'***'•■ Um.|H an 1 nothing but war. until, as basis is said to ol are cto Oo., Mmeu., Sea-Side above rate*, fjr each Insertion. Coats of Criminal Prosecutions, insurers protected against forfeiture of the puli EDWARD Cuaury Seed, l..4ln, House, have the last of tins generation falls in his allowed the from SIIAW, Lemon Lboal Nurture at uscal rates. said, STATKMHNTby Supreme Judicial Court, at the oy circumstances of adversity. MANUFACTURERS OF J;1*1'*' Syrup, Hauer, HAHPSWELL and then that wc mean July Term, A. D. made in The 102 Middle stain. Crane., Oecoa NECK, Transient advertisements must be paid form ad- tra -ks.’ to pass it to the 1804, conformity with the company also issues nou-lorleiting policies Street, up Xu,.. rise. of an act of the on vance next in an inheritance. It is for those who have requirement* Legislature of Maine, the”Teu Year Plan.” We have this day Edward Shaw sol< *“«•• ■" Dm tea, entitled “An appointed Leather Card J;!1/—* CA8C BAY. Bosihefs la columns, 12 oents and Act relating to Fines and ( os»t* ot Crim- Policies incontegtiOle five years from date (the on- veuder aud agent lor Brocksieper’s Patent Kegula Belting, Clothing) Ollre., Bel.In.. 0_ Notices, reading unjustly wantonly invaded onr country to inal tor iu Tot.ee., ™ par line for one Insertion. No ie.*, than fifty Prosecutions,” approved March 27th, 1868. ly company in America having this provision m Portland; ail orders lor the goods must b* Loo* Sardine*. Clr.ro ™ This elegant and commodious Ho- charge offer us peace; and when de, trill still made Belt Luther Bub id Situ, cents lor onoh insertion. they they policies.) through him. Strip, Feecy Candle, ef all de*erlptlea. tel. situated on the extremity uS it in nun are c ^ vjjer until their armed men with- I?O tl HULL A a SE#^ All communication? Intended for the paper £ GOODELL. LEATHER TP’MMISOa, 4c., 0018 dtf Uarpewed Neck, about half mil# Should be direoted to the Editor of the Press.1’uni drawn from the sod of these Confederate States, Ijocal Board oe.ow the well-known Mansion ci 2 ?■© ef Reference: Below those, of a busine? chr, racier to the Publishers. and the it hurled down p * Js we give certificates of the high estimatioc Hanson’s Block, 144 Middle 8t„ Portland, _House, has just been completed after JeJon, ting gf stripes from o s Hon William Willis. exeouted © t z of the in other it is now is the \j M. and BF*Job I’atxTixe ol every description within our borders. After that it will ® Regulator places where uesigusoi Hakdiau, Esq Architect, ereryfort Prosecutions S’-* 'Su N. J. Miller. Esq., Collector Int. Revenue. use. Or at the Card Clothing Manufactory, Lewiston. IRA under b» wltn dispatch. ° WINN, Agent, superintendence, and will bo open for be time enough to prate about .V» the ^ * Wm. Moulton, Treat. Bank Cumberland. Jieace S St fc»q., Dovxe. 18,1864. H. M. Brewer, (Jnld3m) D. Y. Notes company F. Agent. W. W Thomas. Prest. Canal Bank. w July Tracy, Traveling eery word is nonsense.’'—[Kichinond Examiner, General Bill, $10 86 Esq., Messrs, /lull f Goodell:—The Directors of the No. 11 Union J. Merchant St., Oh wwd after the Feurlk ef Jwly. ldth. State vs. Nebetuiah C. Rice, 3 74 S.J.C S.J.C. B.Carroll, Esq.. Dover Gas Light alter a Axil and Aug. Jeremiah Ins. Co. Comyany, thorough It prepared to hruk The House is the James Nowlan, 3 74 Dow, Esq., 8ec'y Dirigo ox*™>P*'ion aud test of JOHH T. largest establishment, construct- "Urocksieper Gas Regula- KOUERSACO,, ed Frederick M. 44 Wm Kimball, Esq Trea*. 8. Packet Co. expressly for tbe of a »t Wat- Libby,3 74 tor.'' have ordered mo to purchase ODe hflndred (Jommission purpose Hotel, any 1864. Certain intoxicate Edward Shaw. .Sec’v Port. Mut.lns, Co. Merchants, STEAM KZGINES and ering Place on the coast of Maine. It is situated in Thursday Morning, Sept 1, Esq dollars .worth of the same, which I have this day BOILERS, Gen. McPherson and his of Messrs. Woodman. True * AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IE tne centra 01 a dense Opinion liquors claimed by Co. done, and have also received for said the grove ol old trees, with avu- Messrs. U. company of various sizes and patterns, nues au^vistas J.F. Abbott, 4 02 Mun.C. J. Libby k Co. exclusive for eaid in and for opening to the waters of th Bay, Grant and Sherman. agency goods the city ol be-: a fe w Jas.Bradley,jr.appt,4 22 •* *• Dover. Yours, Provisions & yards^di.tant on either side. CHOICE HEADING F0H THE truly, Flour, Groceries, 8taa u4 Fixiaraa, Kill turissf, kt. surrounded tbe P0LITI A gentleman who kuew McPherson, writes Richard R. Duddy •Parties are invited fo examine tho merits of this JoNAb D. TOWN8END, Fife Shifting, Fillip, ."}•**£ by sea. and abundantly No. 81 shaded by trees, tbe House lias a and bssi* app t, 4 22 company before effecting insurance. Dover Gas Lt. Co. Commercial Street, spacious to the New York Post as follows: " 44 Sup. Lioht Roues Work of all and all mnl verandah, OALLY INFIHM. Isaac Stevens. 3 62 HENRY K. STICKNEY, Agent, descriptions, extendiug o\er tbise hundred and kinds of work required in building thiny .eet on three sides of the with wide “Oue of the first to serve our when Inhabitants ol Cum- Office No. 13 Moulton St. Certificate from the gas fitter of the Mills, etc., at POBTLAND, ME. building, country 11 CAu.B.KogerV. } FOHTinoATiove. and too roughly ven bated balm and berland, 6 18 S.J.C. Mba* oorndors in the she called her sons to take he has S. II. Tewksbury. M. D., I Medical Lowell, so that visitors The Philosophy ol the Rebellion. up arms, Thos. Cast el ton alias Juneld6m interior, can eujoy the most eompie e C. W. Thomas, M. D., ) Examiners. Lowbll, Mas*., 11, 1864. IronStairs ami other Architectural Work. Irom the summer beat. since labored most faithfully, as the records of Charles Smith. 13 35 44 1# July protection “The establishment ol this is veri- Messrs. Hull f (iotyde.lt:—An of The steamboat wharf and boat Confederacy the war will show, Ins own merits he rose Almou L. A 74 44 experience many landings are cn tbe by Finery, Gentlemen of and in tbe year* In the business Wholesale and Retail. Houses, Stores, and other buildings, fitted with west a distinct reaction the whole course *' energy responsibility gas fitting has often suggested side, but n Jaw steps from tbe House. ly against Same, 3 74 Gas and Steam in the best manner. Ample to a Major iu the different cities and towns of Maine, desirous of rep- to me the great value of au facilities are at of the mistaken civilisation of the For rapidly Generalship regular James 44 improvement whereby band for boating ana fishing. On tba age. Define, 3 62 Tho Manhattan Life Insurance Co. will the prt s*ure of army, aud I believe that .o uiau that ever liv- *' resenting gas might be regulated at the poin' east side is a fine beech. where the of we have dclU>- Isaac W. Clark, 3 02 In az gravel laxary 'Liberty, Equality, fraternity,’ please address E DWIGHT KENDALL, General of consumption- and fruitless X. connection with the above is Iron can ed was more of the enviable Same. 44 44 Many attempts have Foundry, sea-bathing be enjoyed at ail times ol the tide. substituted Subordination and dcserviug position 3 02 Agent. Box No 2ftf>l p. from time to lime DAVIS, with a assortment of Pattern*. To which the eretaly Slavery, o.. Portland. been made to place regulators at largo At a short distance on the northeast, across an arm he occupied. Frauk, manly, generous, earn, Kur-well J. Carter 11.—eodlm the meter. attention of Government. Those social anil political prob- 44 Aug Experience has shown that all such at- Machinists,Millwrights,^nd Bhip-baild- of the sea. is Orr's Island, ceiebiated Mrs Beoch- these were bis AGreenh-afChuteS 10 Muu. C. have ers is invited—and all kinds ol Ca* furnished by lems which rack and torture modern we est, truthful, kiud, chief char- proved failures 1 have also seen and Bookseller, Stationer, togs ar Stowe’s wall mown novel. society Peabody hendand, 3 74 S J.C. ■ usedtempts in nt short notice. a trust 4 4 44 business all the so-called aed manufacturer of haTe undertaken to solve for ill our acteristics. To imposed in him he Same. 3 74 my nearly improve- The 8* a Side House la accessible by land Irom ourselves, ments in that would have been faithful unto death. That 62 44 44 DI1UGO burners, wherein which you have ac- flT*Ordarsfor Machine Jobbing Patterns ano Brunswick, fifteen miles distant, by one ot the finest own way, and upon our own principles. That George S.Twombly,3 has been 44 44 compiiahed attempted, but failed. promptly executed. ocfidtf drives in the Stato, and steam host from he was brave all aud I belter Daniel Brown, Jr, 3 74 always Premium Account Books. Forgings, by daily ‘among equals is right;' among those know; perhaps After a careful examination aud a thorough test of Paged equality Same, 3 74 44 44 Portland through the inside passages among the arenot is than understood how be Insurance Co. yonr Gas are who chaos; auy other, 44 44 of Me. Regulators—which attached Immedi- of naturally equal, equality entirely Same. 8 74 Portland, PAPER HANGINGS. islands the Bay. to his it was 44 44 ately uuder each burner as a of the fixture— HiNSE Ki S Visitors that there are slave races born to serve, muster was devoted couutry, for the James Hall, 8 74 part gas No, 63 Exchange Me. coming from the Ksnnebec and other OFFICE NO. 2A ST. l am convinced that ia a de- Street, Portland, of races born Such are ola hundred we Wm. 44 44 EXCHANGE fully your improvement parts the interior, can leave the railroad at Brans- to govern. the fundamental chief subject conveisatious J. Harmon, 3 74 cided 44 44 success, the is in brightness and Juueldt! wicX, and proceed by to or contin- which we inherit from the ancient was John Kennisou, 3 02 light improved stage fttarpswell. principles have had together. He a mail of Hue in- in its while the saved to SEWING MACJr INESI ue to Portland and take Manta ret Wallace,!: 5 30 44 4* illuminating power, expense the steamer, which rant world; whic,h we lifted up in the face of a per- cultivated and refined. His conversa- the consumer is fiill 80 cent. The combustion is CHAS J. down and back twio# a tellect, Sam’iU. Do ten, 4 22 44 Authorized per SCHUMACHER, day. verse that has the Wisdom Capital, $500,000. peridot, hence the must be as a generation forgotten tional aud social powers were remarkable. I 4 83 44 44 mprovement adopted WOODMAN, TRUE * CO., FrancisO.J.Smith, matter of as well as tho of a JOXH T. of its fathers; those we live, and an so- Richard eoouany, luxury good Fresco and Banner SJtlTX, Proprietor. by principles have known him charm entire circle iu F Cum- aud 1 Painter, J 4tf 44 " steady light. cheerfully rr-oommend it to the in their defence u-e have shou-u ourselves ready mings, 3 74 CAPITAL PAID IN *200,000. AGENTS, cial meetings, leaving them without an) de- spp’1, trade aud to all consumer of ga* No. 144 to June 1863. Geo. W. St. John et Middle Street, die."—[Hichmond Enquirer, 1‘2, to aud this was done with Invested as Yours. *o., H R. N»«. 14 ail *«..... Mi 111, bireai. sign except listen; als. 3 7 4 4 4 44 follow• BARKER, BRADLEY'S The contest is not bet ax en the -Yorth and the appts, dtf Gas 8 Central PORTLAND, MR. HOTEL, a and ease found 44 44 jy28 Fitter, Street. childlike naturalness seldom Geo. Harris, 4 49 Loans on of Real Estate two- Haedl.r.nd lr!mraln,».l..y' oakul. South as geographical sections, for between such Mortgages at fcT" Work executed in every part of the State. iu one so a favorite as himself.— John Sullivan et. thirds Pa value, sections then can br no nor be- universally |KJOO' GRANT'S —blltf | American and merely, contest; as. COFFEE ASPICS juneltf __ The chief charm ol his was that 1160 Loans on pledge of Securities, MILLlT European Plane, tween the the .Yorth and the preseuce pleas- 44 44 f>l,6 jdedge Manufacturer and Wholesale TU, Horn la ,1 aataa » • • Wm A. 19 10 Loans on J 1ST direct], oppoait* estrange us." “But the real contest from familiarity aud pedautry. Mitchell, pledge of Androscoggin County G-IR^A. T , ia DR. S. C. 7 0 9 4 4 44 Dealer FERMALD, ttl>« Urami Trank Kaliroa , anu bead a Same, Bonds, 4,000 Depot, lies between the two forms which have Of others lie was always ready to say kind 44 44 Wholesale Dealer in ail kinds of Beaton aod Portland qf society SamiThinget als. 16 b7 |ol Mmbiti1 Wharf become the one at the North and and word. Iu a late letter to 4 4 44 BRITANNIA I Coauactad wttn thb. Hour, la a #r«t established, friendly myself, Same, 7 0 9 _ claa, •2H0.000 DENTIST, >ti-r the other at the South.” written just before the battje of Atlanta, he John O. Brion et. —AMD— 3lH< and Disin, Hall. This Company Is now prepared to issue policies COFFEE, SPICES, No. 170 Middl S rrSEs BRADLEY. t CO “Such are the two forms of which had ol Generals als. 16 89 Mun.C. treat Jr, Propriatore. society speaks Grant aud Sherman most all kinds of in the or At J. Jr. Chas. S. 35 70 upon property city country, Salreratus Cream Tartar, Bradley, t. H bradlap. come to contest within the structure of the re- both at the Kewhalt, liable to lo-s or at a< low rates as is Plated Barman*on*.Drs. Baco and Bzmuz. InnalMAm beautifully, eulogizing highly, Janies Graham, 16 74 44 44 damage by tire, Ware, oent for was taken ether office. The ot yen and Mills, 13 and 15 Union Union, and the contest existence in- same lime them Ibeir W' 44 44 b> any patronage the Coffee Spice street, Fort Portland, May 16, ISfit.*- If distinguishing by pecu- Sami Leavitt, 16 32 Me. No. 318 street, Portland evitable. Neither could concur in the *4 merchauts and citizens ot Fortlaud and Portland, requisi- liar characterist ics. He of Grant: Nathan Coffin. 7 09 8. J. C. I generally Maine. * * * says is most ‘elicited Atlantic tions an 44 vicinity, respectfully Coffee and *or the with House, of the other.” “Like eagle 'Lieut. Gen. U. S. I as one of Wm 11 ManiD, 64 86 Trial Justice Bpicee put up trade, any Or. J. ha. Iff F A I n Grant, regard 4‘ A. K President. in all 1864. and a an Wm McKenzie, 16 2*» Mun.C. SHURTLEFF, address, variety ol packages, and warranted Portland, May 17th, mayl7dtl 8CAKBORO’ BEACH. fish joined together by indissoluble most remarkable men of our JEREMIAH * the couutry.— 44 •* DOW, Secretary. a* disposed of hi* entlr* interest .n hi* bond. * where the could not share Henry J. Morgan, a* 93 represented. eagle without to be a or Coffee roasted and for the trade at snort HAVINGOffice to Dr S C FKKXALD. *onld cheerfully aspiring genius, possessing Same, 7 69 S.J.C. ground THIS Room bean and the fluid suite! to the fish and where the 4 recoomm**nd him to hi* former it* having enlarged live, one 7 69 44 DIRECTORS notice. petto and the pub- those characteristics which impress forci- Same, lURGESsTlFOBESrircar Irefltted throughout will open lor the see- fish could not share the fluid suited to the bird 44 44 W“A11 woods entrusted* ithe owner's riik Do. Dr. Fbrbald, from long rape iecce, i* prepur at first his calm Monis Dearborn, 13 46 J. B. Brown. A. K. SDrinx. D. W. Clark. h AncrACTi uxan or J .ton on bly sight, sterling good sense, 44 ed to invert Artificial Teeth on the ’uleanite and live, and where one must perish that the oth- Marcia Richards. 62 68 Mun. C. J. B. Carrol), John 11.1. Robinson. marchlOdtf Base. and ol more Lynch, and all other method* known to th* Jane er unless the unnatural union shall judgment persistency purpose, 7 49 S. J. C. 44 profession. J_[ Monday, 13, 1864, may survive, Same, Japan, White Lead, Zinc, Palma, Portland Mav «. 1M* • than for thosu brilliant Frederick Weth- tf E be severed—so these societies would not if compensate dashing, H. TBUtTKEJ* » ovmioVi they New Steam And Ground Color*, N. B — closed on the L. II'. qualities which are apt to captivate at first erell, 18 68 Mun. C. 8t. John Smith, H.J. Libby. H.N Jam, >Iill, Positively babbeth to nil could, concur."—[Hon. Spratt.qf South 44 4 4 tmnsieni visitors. A. 19 tS H. M J Foot of between Fore k DEALERS IV janell in the giance. To know and appreciate General Joseph Knapp, Parson, N. Wintlow, G.W. Woodman, Croat, Commercial Sts. AMD Carolina, Confederate Congress. John Cannon et. Andrew Spring, Alvah Conant, 11 I. Robinson, WOOD AND CMAL Grant Tally, one ought to be a member of his als. 8 29 PhilipU. Brown, C. 11. Haskell, 8. C. Chase, WINSLOW, ~DOTEN & Medicines, Paints, Oils 4 Varnishes. BAY military ainny. /.adock Sylvester. Jeremiah Dow, N. O. Cram, Wm. Moulton. CO., Drug* CHEAP FOR CASH ! “VIEW HOUSE, 44 44 Will the Rebels Consent to Terms ol a remarkable reticence appt, i2 08 LD inform their former easterners and the Point and Color Factory, No. 29 Mnnjoy St., Though possessing 4 Portland, August 1,1864.-i«d3m 1 Nathl G. 18 7 4 4 44 CAMDEN. Peace as far us are Fryeappt, WOUpublic general v, that they have fitted up their SPRING MOUNTAIN. LEHIGH. HEZILTON military operations concerned,he 4 4 44 Henry A John*!, 7 6 9 New Mill with New and are now OMco A. Salesrooms, 80 Cemmerrlal »u, SUGAR LOAF, OLD COMPANY 44 Machinery, ready | LEHIGH. LO- Satocr.t»i take pitanr, im “There are some worse than or is frank aud affable, converses well, and has a John Wail. 46 72 44 O F F IGF O F T H F to do things hanging j Planing, Matching and Jointing, also Sweep (Thomas Block.) CUST MOUNTAIN. JOHN a. DIAMOND. WEBS nounciug tothvi' tn uusiud nil interested ami retentive Wheu not Nehemlali* II Mur and 1ft.od extermination. We reckon up the peculiar memory. Circular Sawing. Turning, fc. rERaud BLACK HEATH. Thwe Coal* an- of Un ia n first el w sen-side Hotel giving right 44 44 Bmv H. finding aocom- with the cares ol his is 11 70 We hare in one of Hessrt. k MKfl til II beat well modal of one of those lie phy appt. ATLANTIC operation Gray u. vary quality, screened aad aao _ toil*,tun1 .utir uew and Ho- eelf-goverumont things.” oppressed position, 44 44 s. posk*. rwina*. picked, spacious Oscar W. >m»U, 6 71 Wood's new chaklm 1Theaoe other man's. were and I npiSMBtstivt to the same. will be awnrded for thor- JuDeldCm several bathers has been erected with They given by request, have given written testimony to this effect, and these the Second of next, from which date Diplomas steps than must be the day. February courses. Able Assistants secured. projecting iuto ten leot of and the se- independence. Recognition am are the true sentiments of his usr concerts ol ough Bartlett’s Alio. Ground Rock Silt. water, whole assured instruments are in constant in the ail interest thereon will cease. The certificates to be cured from observation beginning, middle and of all negotiations. and Plan, the founder of Commercial Callages, strictly LAVE At by a floating screen. ending heart—a heart full of warm and im- the most distinguished artists—as (iotuchalk produced at the time ol payment, and cancelled. LITTLE, smoking Aroors Our no trieudiy adhered to as regards not Certain times Coin in iNMion .Urrcbanl grace the banks o* the Pond aad will on other terni“.” others—as well asIn the _ ras in the cit- people accept peace He of others with less warmth principal A Dividend ol Forty Per Cent, is declared ou the will be to copying. Wholesale Dealer* in invite the of the pulses. speaks Price devoted Commercial Law elucidations.— lodulgeuce lounger. —[Judge Ould, K 'el Commissioner Ex- ies. whenever such instruments are required. net earned premiums of thi lor the year for a qf but at th-- same while the true Company, Come all who have failed to be taught a business non PURCHASE ABD salbof Hoping share of the public patronage the un- time, painting 9*5 to 9600 each. These instruments may be found ending 3Dt December, 1863, for which certificates thauge. hand-writing and I will guarantee to you success. Domestic dersigned premia*s to spore no effort lor the eu or- portrait of tile raau, tries to excuse tiis faults, at the Music Uooms of the subscriber, where they will be issued, on and after Tuesday, the Filth of and Dry Goods, tainuientof his “Some of our old who are wcas iu Application solicited for Accountants. Separate in Foreign guests. tiEO. W. MURCH. meu, $lie a will be sold at tbe manufacturers' prices. next. AKO and Oats. with truly generous and Chrlstian-likjt spirit. April struction Students can enter time. Bariev, By© Westbrook, May 21, 1864, ma>21dtf knees, may want peace on any terms; but the The Profits of the given. any Sep- lu matters of interest he. ever be- II. 8. Company,ascertained arate rooms for Ladies. Tuition reasonable. personal w EDWARDS, Intri- loaded with Corn in bulk free of southern people will not have it without inde- From the 1st of Julv.l842,to the 1st of W oolons, HF*Care oharge. a reliance a No.8491 Stewart's St. cate accounts adjusted. Ladies and Gentlemen that Mr. Davis trayed profound upon higher pow- Block, Congress Jan.. 1863. for which Certificates were Warehouse No. 120 Conat relal pendence. knows them, and you will desire to take lessons, or a or a course, No. 148 Middle street, Stieet. HALLOWELL HOUSE er, aud of with the rash confi- aprl3dtl issued, amount to full, separate find he wilt insist that. Concede and spoke nothing 914.328,880 in either And Citt upon that, Additional from 1st to 1st Book-Koeping, Navigation, Commercial Moan, Doering Bridge. dence of the unlhiukiug. He was always Jan., 1863, Law, Civil En- POETLAKD, ME. REOPENE DI we’ll not quarrel about minor matters.”— I MIC \ A l io l A I. January, 1864, 2,680.000 Phonography Higher Mathematics, A. S.} juneWodlm Ibid. mindful of his own helplessness, and calculat- gineering, Surveying, Native Basines* Writing. Commercial Arithmetic, Card Jnne7dtf MlW ed upon that only which God might vouchsafe Total for 21 916,958,880 Correspondence, JOHN E. TUEEITURK a FIXTURES! profits j years, Marking, (and from and ANDERSON, to him. His habits were those of a Christian, Fire Insurance 1, The Certificates to 1862, have teaching printed copies Peace Scouted Company previous Text books will be avoided please oall, or add real k. S.O. a Sew 113 boen redeemed by cash, 11,690.210 "e. lemont, DENNIS, ProprlrMr.' and 1 have heard him express fearlessness of Of York, Oftc* Broadway. the Principal. K.N.BROWN. and Civil “It [peace] has become a hateful word, and death which indicated a readiness to meet the Portland. Oct.2.1868 ocS9 Surveyor Engineer, 1 Net earnings remaining with the Com- eod&eowly tMT The public are specially Informed that the should tie left to the use of Buffalo Carriage Manufacturer, exclusively summons if it should come. In answer to a CASH CAPITAL pany, on 1st January, 1864, 95.263,670 OFFICE, COD.MAN BLOCK, spacious, convenient and well known Haliowul orators in a if of that $1,000,000. the in the neighboring State, any request of mine to tell me all the war news,he By order of Board, Machine Preble Sueet, • Portland, Me. lloraa, center of Hallowed, two mils* from sort still drivel and snivel. Let us get nd of the WM. E WARREN, President. W TOWNSEND JONES, Sewing Improvements. me hi? dfcwtf Turn* lb Stbbbt. Augusta, and tour ml’es from Togns Spring, bus said, lately: ’I cannot tell you ad now; but if been at S»cr,tt^. refurnished and is open for the of whole vile caut, and say once we are for war, is HAMILTON Vice President. owners of and on hand and made to reception God spares my lile, wheu our dear country BRUCE, approved 8ewing Machines are 83F“Carriage# Sleighs company and permanent boarders and but war, until, as Davis is said to HUE W. invited to call at order. nothing safe and needs me no I will sit down CEO SAVAGE, Secretary. ALL juuel6dtf Every attention will be to the comfort have “the last of this more, by TRUSTEES. Ncoteh Cnnvast, given of said, generation fails in ail I guests. your side and tell you have experienced, * John D. David NO. 11 C LAPP’S -FOB BT- his tracks,” and then we mean to pass it to the Portland Board qf Peferences Jones, Lane, BLOCK, SALB by word of mouth. Yet 1 count upon noth- Charles Dennis, Jamc* Bry*e, C7 P. KIMBALL, next as an inheritance. It is for those who have Johh R. II ROW If k Son, Mersey Flbtchkk k Co. and see the operation of two of the most His will: and it W. H H. Moore. Wiu. Sturgis, jr., important MAIUFACTURII OF us ing, excepting through may 11. J. Libby k Co. John Lyvch k Co. of JAMES T. PATTEN A unjustly invaded our country to otter peace; Thos. Tiieston, H. k. Bogert, improvements the day— CO., STABLING, be that I shall fall in this If I *ad all tkr uail eonr«nl*DOM if * and when they do, they will still otter it in vain campaign. The undersigned having been Aorrt Henry Coit, A. A. Low, Me. Mpitu total it will appointed lilliu's hint frank mil and Uatk, arc imp!? until their armed men are withdrawn from the should, he in the foremost ranks, striv- and Attokikky for this Compa> y, is now prepared W.C. Pickeragill, Wm. t. Dodge, lotion, Bjdo’i Attvkmcnt. Carriages Sleighs, prorlded Hall.»waf', F»l>. 1 1864. mcb»6 aodtf ■oil of these the lclon ing heart and soul to do my so that to issue Policies on Insurable Properly at current Lewi* Curtis, Deunis Perkins, (Hear Preble Uoiue,) Confederate States, and duty, The former places the control of the machine en- Preble street, •)A/\ BOLTS Superior Bleached neither best shall ever rates. Cbas. ll Russell, Joa. Gaillard. jr., flag of is hauled down from fort you, my friend, nor I, tirely uudor t e control of th** feet of the operator, £\JKs iOO do All IIaa "Gov- stripes every Portland Oftre, 166 Fore Street. Lowdl Holbrook, J. Henry Burgy, 1UBTLAND, ME. Long , THE A11 ERIC A,\ our have reason to blush with shame wheu we look all backward motion of the al- eminent can HOUSE, within borders. After that it will be time P. A. Uargous, Cornelius Grinnell preventing wheel, tract," JOHN W. .MI NCER, Agent. lowing the freedom of both hands to handle the 100 do Kxtn All tax ArDfoaia. enough to prate about jieace. Now the very back upon these times.” R W Weston, C. A. Hand, Sale 110 and 111 St Matt. Long June 3.1864.—dW work, aud the of needles aud the Roomy, Su<1bury Boston, SOU do Fine San over Street .... word is Royal Watts Sherman, saving breaking Navy J leeto*. nonsense.—[Richmond Examiner. Phelps, of thethread. juaeltf Caleb Barstow, E. fc Morgan. entangliug Delivered in Portland or Bovtoa. The latter wilt allow the free use of linen PARTICIPATION. A. P. Pillot, B.J. thread Howland, or of iufenor Rath. April *0. IRAS «pit dtf Plain-Speaking. Leroy M. Babcock. cotton, and entirely does away with Tke Largest and Be»t Rebel Terms ot Pence. * ire insurance Willey, Ueuj. the of the cloth. Sates Sates\ \ Arranged Hotel 1 think there i- a deal of mischief Portland Mutual Danie' S. Fletcher soaping \ great Miller, Westray, Call and see aud vou will not fail to have them IN NIW ENGLAND. 8. T Kieotl. R. B Minturn. ap- FOB SALB AT “Save on our own terms we can no done what is called plain and jr., to machines. JOHN ~REMO V -aTl. accept by *ptalcing: Company. Josh a J (i W. Burn bam, plied your PORTER, Agent. and must how beautilul it is wheu a serene This will issue Polices to he free after the Henry, Mr Porter will machines in order aud teach LEWIS peace whatever, tight till doomsday j’et, oid man, Company Geo. G. Hobson, Fred. put RICE, Proprietor. ot six, or ten Premiums at the option Chauncey, the to u?e so that .JAMES BAILEY & Ml* la rather than yield an iota of them, and our terms knowing the ways of youth, in a spirit of in- payment eight James Low. operatoishow them, they will GO., of the insured and at rates as low as any other have no trouble. j UK. IOaH are: effable and at a mo- JOHN D JONES. President. gentleness love, timely The issue of Free Policies renders it at 10.1S64. dtt removed hi* reside noe to the of the Company. CHARLES DENNIS, Vice President. Portland, Aug No. 37 Middle Recognition by enemy independence ment, draws aside a young man whose dispo- V «least equal if not superior to the participation Hard-Ware Strrft, corner of Franklin street. Confederate States. W. 11. H. MOORE, 2d Vice President. Saddlery Dealers, HAS W. of the sition he has watched, and says to him in plain jpanies. OAoe as heretofore. No. 116 Kxcftanae 8tr«*t, in tieorge linnson, of the Y ankee No. 103 Middle 8t i 9. iTiarMiars sale. Withdrawal forces from every and thus arc Offic. 162 MIDDLE STREET, Noble's Block, up stnirt. OAoe hoars from 9 to K words,“My son, thus you living, forwarded and Ofxn roLiciw foot of Confederate CHARLES HOLDEN, Pres. Applications United States op America, I A. M., from J to 3, And from 8 to 9 o'clock P M. ground, including Kentucky and thus and thus will end such a life if GOLD & SILVER you EDWARD SHAW, Sec. procured by or PORTLAND,.MS. Dr. N. will continue, in connection with PLATER, and Missouri. District Maine,ss. J genera 74 you in lor him what his Feb 1« dkwtf to rive speoinl Attention to DISEASES OP Middle Street, Portland, Me* of the Y'ankee soldiers from persist it,"—doing JOHN W. to s Vend: to me directed JylSdSm practice, Withdrawal Mary- lather HUNGER, Agent, Expo: PM MALES ooSIdtf or mother, or employer never did—ad- from the Hou. Ashur Ware, of the Unit- land until that State shall decide by a free vote FIK8UANT Judge ▲ share of solicited and ministering to him but kind and For the Islands. No. 166 Fore street, head of Long Wharf, 1 ed States District Court, within and for the District patronage respctfnllv whether she shall remain in the old Union or ask plain, loving 63 Removal. 63 satisfaction given words of rebuke! will turn June of Maine. 1 shall expose and Sell at Public Vendue ail mission into the Conte That young man On and after ISththesteamer PORTLAND, MR. Orders from the country attended to. Jersey. will until further uotice to the highest bidder therefor, the proper- william promptlr by and by; and when he does and take CASCO June 3.— following aTpearce, Address W M arisen. *4 Middle street, Consent on the part of the Federal Govern- turn, w2wfceodtojau2R ! t v aud merchand ze at the time aud within said George hold of the leave Burnham's Wharf, for Peak’s place J. M. KNIGHT ft Room No 10. Portland, Me. ment to to the its ways of righteousness, he never District as follows, viz:— SON. up stairs, give up Confederacy propor- and Cushing's Islands at 9 and 10.80 A. M., and 3 PLUMBER! June 14—d3m will the of that faithfulness of At the Custom Horns Hl’ii ding, on Fore Afreet _ __ __ tion of the navy as it stood at the time of seces- forget beauty and 3 30 P. M. Returning will leave Cushing’s Island Commission MAKEU OF that so sank down 5.16 P. M in Portland, on Monday the bth day qf September Merchants, sion, or to pay for the same. speech into bis heart. But at 9.49 and 11.15 A. M., and 2.46 aud Notice, down and Children 15oU. Copartnership next, at ten o’clock, A M. And dealers In all on the of ou the other hand, there are men that Tickets25cents, back; Country Produce, have moved to No. Force and Water A. & SHURTLEFF A Y'ieldingup of pretension part many Six Cases of Brandy and Pumps Closets, 8. CO., undertake this faithfulness of June 9—dtl -AND- 63 Commercial street. the Federal Government to that portion of the speech who are Ten thousand Cigarf M RIDDLE Portland. May 10th, 1864. NO. 144 EXCHtNOE STREET, SOS. .VI ft STREET, old Territories which lies west of the Confeder- like a phys'uvan that should conclude that all Three Barrels Molasses and maylOdtf BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENT Two PORTLAND, MK. ate States. men were below the standard of health, aud 1ST O T ICE 1HOUBAND CIGARS. PORTLAND, The same having been decreed forfeit to the Unit- Law An equitable settlement on the basis of our should > around with some nauseous medi- Partnership. Manufacturer, aad Dealer, ta g PROVOST MARSHAL’S OFFICE, ed States in the District Court for said District, aud Warm, Cold and Shower Hath*. Wail absolute aud of all wherever he could ace a man’s ) independence equal rights, cine, and mouth First District, State (\f Maine, subscribers having on the 7th day of May ordered to bo sold aud the proceeds disposed of ac Brass accounts of the Bowls. * Silver Plated Cscks, Men'* and Youth'* public debt and public lauds, in a making himself a pest to Portland. August 11th, 1864 ) TIIEformed a copartnership under the name of cording to law. HOWARD A Soy*' Think, Kip the open, put pinch, CLEAVES. and advantages from treat- are on ali connected Dated at Portland thia 19tb*Iay of August A. D and Calf Boot*, accruing foreign the whole community. There many per- INQUIRIES ordinary subjects of Water Fixture* for Dw#l- ies. 1 with the drail, 1864. A Counsellors at description reformers, are enrolment, exemptions, liability Attorneys Law, J Houiww. Women’* Mltae* ,ri< CVUdr**’* sons that,as religious imperti- to McCarthy Sc INVERTling Hotel*. Public Building*. Shop*. Ooat. Kid These we the drait. credits and accounts ot men furnished, Bern, CHARLES CLARK. and Calf r: provisions, apprehend, comprise void of an- S. Marshal Office 91 Middle Su, over Caaco Ao arranged and tot up in 'he best manner, and all Balm ►. Bubber*. Shoe nent, intrusive, good judgement, should In* addressed to the Provost Marshal of the For the purpoee of on the L. Bank. minimum ol what we must before we carrying order* in town or falthfhUv executed All Stock, Findings, Ac require Moral Congressional and in case he is not able to Dist.of Mains. country our arms. noying, provoking. mosquitoes, gnats, District, PORTLAND, MS. klnde of lay down That is to the North ans t r fobbing promptly attended to. 4'oo*tantlr say, W. Beecher. them he will a*k information of the Provost BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS augltidtd our tlea«, vermin are! [H. 1OBKFH HOWAKD NATHAJi CLIAVIB. on hand LEAD PIPES. SHEET LEAD and BFFk tl/im superior ftcllties for mans footer tug. must yield all,—we nothing The whole they M u '»al General of the State. Answers be thus pre- may PUMPS of all apSdtf f and a large experience in the business, we tension of that country to secured more than the Pro- In all its branches, ami having all the facilities for lSd A w;!m description* prevent by force the promptly by addressing II. 8. marshal'* Holier. jy ^ we sre sble to sell as low as in Boston or elsewhere. the States vost Marshal General at where more getting up first class work for gentlemen and ladies, of must be to Sixteen. Washington, Dealers are to and ek« separation abandoned, Eight I are now to execute all orders with neat- United 8tatkh or reepeetftily invited call to important busiues* otteu answers wear, ready America, l which will.be equivalent au avowal that our Lord stated, in a public prevent prompt (be DR. O. H. RICH, T. Lewis Sz> amine our stooh before Shaftesbury recently to multitude ot now addreese to the Bu- ues- and dispatch. Our work will be made of Dibtuk t or Maine. **. > JT. Co., purvhssing were from the Inquiries Orders mail atteaded te. enemies wrong of in that I'tom olwer- best of the best of and ts a from the Hon. Ashui by promptly best, and, meetiug Loudon, personal reau on personal and other matters of minor comse- imported dock, b> workmea, Moniiion Denier* In ''foe as a causeless MAuafkcturers end Wholesnle Portland. A prtl «. 1*** course, they waged au 1 wicked vation he had ascertained that of adult male quence. warranted to give pertect satisfaction, it is our aim PURSUANTWare, Judge of th.i United State? District Court SURGEON DENTIST, in strict of Major J W. that cur worl* shall not be second to in the Unit* within aud tor the District of Maine, war upon us, they ought justice to be cnmluala of that ail had fallen in- By Order T. GARDINER. any hereby givi city nearly CHARLES H. l ed States. public nr tice that the Libel has been lllec NO. 145 MIDDLE ST., PORTLAND. according to usage in such cases, to re- ol DOUGHTY. following Maine Railroad required, to a course of crime between the ages aud Provost Marshal We have also a stock of iu said Court, viz READY-MADE Central Compy. imburse to us the whole of our expenses Capt. 1st District Maine. completed ready-mad* IOpposite foot of Free Street,) CLOTHING, and that if a the first lor A libel 1 PART Ol BER S OFFICE. 1 * * * eight and sixteen years; and young Aug. 13—d3m work of quality, against ORB HtBTY-SECOND TKEAKI losses in the course of that war. Once the Ship Joseph Clark, and her fitted the above named AND FURNISHING GOODS, WaUrrMe. All,. l‘«». man lived an honest life up to twenty years ol appurtenances Having up rooms, be would 17, J more we it is all or This Confeder- Ladies, Gentlemen, and Children’s Wea seized the ol say nothing. Dissolution. by Collector the District of Bangor be happy to wait on all who may wish for the ser- Maia* C*atral Ba Iroad will there were chances in favoi York Boston ■ ■ ■ 1 a"d Company pay Y ankee one or age, forty-nine Selected from New and markets ou the tenth of at in saic vices of a skillful Dentist. Chamber! N’o*- 1 Free Street Block, acy or the nation, other, goes copartnership heretofore existing between day October, 1862, llangor Every branch of Den- THEtheir Coupon, ai the Fir*! National Bask, Port- and one him as to an honorable fplIE District ! will receive careful and sat- down, down to perdition. That is to say, one or only against JL Sweat and Cleaves as Attorneys at Law. n this Our Ladies’ work is from the celebrated Burt* tistry attention, perfect H. land, from thia dat*. : life Which was a (Orer 1. Libby k Co.,) its and thereafter. mutual consent. The affairs of the seizure for breach of thelawsofthi isfaction will be warranted. jyjti d3m J. RYE. Troamuwr. the other must forfeit national existence day dissolved by Manufactory of New Y’ork. United This is to either States, as is more particularly set forth ii A u 17—dim at the of its mortal Rich- a fact of singular importance late firm will be adjusted by party. * For lieutlcincu’t wear we have the best assortment t lie mercy enemy.”—f business at said Libel; thai a hearing aud trful "will be hac PORTLAND. MR fathers aud a fearful re- M-. Sweat will continue in office No. ever offer* d lor salo in this city; snch as tine French J. p. l£u! Oct. 16,1803, mothers, and shows thereon at iu said ou the First Tuet M. PEARSON. mond Ent/uirrr, 117 Middle street, Mussey ’sJRow. Latent Leather Boots; t.love ( all and Calf < on- , Path, District, sponsibility a should se- day of next, where any persons interest Jylldtf John Certainly, parent Mr Cleaves at tb# office of Howard A Cleaves, No. gress lor gentlemen's wear; Latent Leather Con- September Kinamaa, cure and exercise over the ed may appear and *h »w cause, ifany can be shown Silver absolute control 91 Middle street, over Casco Bank gress, and Calf Congress Balmoral, and trw French Plater, child D M. SWEAT. wherefore the same should not be decreed for lei' The Cheapest Agency OAS rood for Reflection, for ‘•Pence” I)emo. under sixteen. It cannot be a dilBcull L. Buckle Boots. AND FITTER, aud disix sod of according to law. MARTFACTUBIB09 urats. matter to do NATHAN CLEAVES. Have you seen the new style CR1MLF.D-FRON1 all olaeae* of from —A*I>— this, except in very rare cases Dated at Portland this tweutv-aecond day of Au collecting claim* arlaing Portland. July 16th. 1864 Jyl8d8m BUCKLE BOOT, now made by McCarthy It Ber- the war i* that ol the and if that control is not and effi- gust, A. D. 1S64. t A QUIN BY. IjlOR Dealer in Gas Kixtu es. “The North may cease to carry on active hos very wisely ry? For neatness, comfort and beauty, it surpasses SILVER WARE, it must be U 8. Deputy Marshal, before it will consent to ciently exercised, the parents fault Notice. anything ever got up in this city. Call and see it, And (ias *Sr Ktirosrae Cooking Apparatus. tilities long reeogni* to aug'22 d 14d Dist. of Maine. 938 Court Haute. Portland.Me. “MAINE WAR CLAIM ASSOCIATION/- it is the pareulal or remiss 1 hand at the old stand of M Mo- Coaprtf St., Opp. aud enter into formal terms owing neglect I give to my two sons. E. J. and Chas. *dwa>son The public are Invited to examine and test thee# our independence, day *r 1 e dleinter- * * * ness. Hence the real source of RancflTl. their time, to act and trade fbr them- BP-All kind, of Ware, aiieh A, KnlvM, Forks, in whioh the expense* are controlled by new with us. They are in tembli ninety-eighl THIS inventions, which are highly recommended far of peace 1 I snail not elaim thflr or their Board. Caller*. 4c., in the eated Executive Committee. cent, of the real selves; wages pay McCarthy & Spoons. Cake Baskets, platod ______summer use invasion ns of the North, ann per crime in a country sucl berry, dread of an by debta. T. C. RANDALL, Kez«r Falls, Me. FEW more Boarder, can be accommodated a best manner Apply in person, or by letter, to GEORGE f. and meani as England or the United lies at th< so. as r.vyo.v stxmst. more busy in trying to devise ways States, Witness, Mary Pills bury, Mary 8. Pillsbnry. No. 06 Eirhange Street. A 71 Daatbrtb Mreet.two door.above Braokatt ▲Ho, Repairing and Rt-fi*i»hing Old Silver EMERY, over the Portland Peet 0*oe, Metory. than in r* I door of the It U a fearful reflection 1 »oo». dawly Portlaad. dun* 14 -eod**, to repel such apprehended invasion parent*. JiimetT.lMi/ Jum* jUBtldtl Applr |uljf» Wart. at|td*ni There U room for that this The More of Mr. Sweat1* leoord. scarcely doubt pi- Emigrant kid Society. ORIGINAL AJfD special PRESi*. SELECTED. notices. NEW ORLEANS—Below list, Conquest, THE DAILY Globe rate vessel Is seat out at this Gov. Washburn, In b In in — barque The publication of the Congressional j juncture, message 1861, I rom Boston y * UAISM, the aud on her to of the settle PORT ROYAL—Ar 19th, briga Fannie, JMe’cbar, PORTLAJfO, which contains the during present cruising ground, give speaking mBnt of our |tndl) jy‘Whato'elook li it?” “I or Carriers qf Ike Daily Frets art net fg1 proceedings pubUc don’t know, allowed ] ’biladelphia; Slit, Mary Cobb, Bah#. New York liie •aid:—“VFblle bat ’ti* a to last session of Congress, Is not yet finished. aid to Copperhead cause. She is intended npox, this topic of tbe settle- only question of time.” tell paper* on their route*. HALIT'toRE—AT 28th mat, barque Flora, Hub- ---__ I a ment of our ard. Port Spain. however is to give us nearly for Copperhead missionary, to drive in from tmocc upied I will take oc- kS The quota of Enough printed lands, Rhode bland under the last lirnouih. a r *i9tb. barque Paladin, Brown, New York; sch. members. the ca«ion to North Thursday Morning, Sept 1,1864. all I he and voles of the the sea Democratic fishermen that they say that the plan of some gall is fall. Lx press, Elliott Poston speeches organized uncordiUontl Colon roter* of North Wil- -- measures for Tar- PHILADELPHIA—Ar 28th, barque Arena, this lor the valu- swell the vote. Bnt the the Illinois has filled "loath, are mart A gentleman of city, thirsting may Copperhead introduction of emigrants ST her quota under the re- TBi nqueeUd to at their Ton iams. New Orleaas. that from the North ttouie, at 4 o'clock, P. U an "aturdav, the third Ar 29th. sob E A Norton Naw York. I’he circulation o/the Press is able to be found in priceless trick will not work. The fisherman are v>f to our State has cent call. Conklin, Daily larger knowledge j Europe najr ot Sept., to nominate a candldata for RapraMn- Cld 27th. schs Courier, Curtis, Portsmouth; A 11- I t in other t* the and the whole are fools, been received wi th Thera is to be a taUre to any Daily paper State, j publication, has looked through getting their eyes open. Thep not j much favor by many of &• big horse-trot in bkowhe- Lefl.iature (ator, Wooster, Calais, •able that j Per Ar sch qf any other in Portland. the most .. ordor Town Committee 29th, brig Lil Mafanra*. Sardinian, without the aid of au index, aud will understand the game, and never thought ful and gan on Thursday, 8th inst. North wDay, four volumes, They far-sighted of our Yarmouth. An*. Ds ]n6< dtd ttumbail. New York, (and cld for Boston ) all the votes and of citizens. The The “Clarion" there is a At W from nil tut—*1,00 per year in advance. has noted nearly speeches j he caught playing into the bauds of their Norwegians in It is ry says young wo- quarantine, brig Annie E Grady, hite, 1 particular, llatanzas. from this District, those who are in full believed by those who have man in Meroer, 13 years old, who ar, W iii tlhaiu. Cld W Rradian Matter aa all Faar Putt. our present representative despoilers by aiding studied their char- weighs 29:b. barque R A Cochrane. Rice. Magna; brig r.mma. ||| for an extension of the same hon- those acter, would form pounds. fllHK Colon votan .f Windham will meet at the Birnaby, Port Spain ; Coucerd Everett, for the aspirant sympathy with despoilers. desirable accessions to our laiuta House, ou Sa 2. at bay. such HT The extensive of John B. Chase, eT. urday September NEW' ors. We intend to refresh our readers Irom population. By they are said to be tannery n t,,el***riooa to njmluatea caudi- YORK—Ar 29th. barque Bounding Billow, «i«r°.° °2k Yiaul ci, WC fair in N. was fire on *urP>«** *or Africa; brig Essex,Reed,Glace Bay; to time with information athletic, and healthy. are Manchester, H., destroyed by V, Representative to the time interesting Wanted—Judge Howard’s ‘‘Views." They also rep- I oiam l.oj(i*latu e. *hs Abby Bracked, Aehoru, Lmgan CB; La I'.ata, UNION RALLY! reseuted as Tuesday Loss about $10,000. Boston g eancd from tills source. We alluded yester- of intelligent, brave, loyal and morning. fetteugiil, The Argus yesterday says: frugal, C>d 29(b. brig* Mary E Ladd,(Bri Leghorn: Licsla CT to Mr. Sweat's denial of the industrious, affectionate and Of Douglas Jerrold calls women's arms”The Bay Your Htutioaery Cow (JUUM iiu day indignant The Press knows that Judge Howard put religious. They Packages Ryder, Bay CB. Ar Wth, Mary E 1 hila- that his was to embarrass his views on record at the of the are our true ancestors.” serpents that wind about a man’s neck, killing Drenaer «, 99 brig Rowland, Rowlaad, charge only object beginning Krohange street, lelphia; acha Eastern Belle, Haley. Lingan CB: L £ the his beat ►* the administration. In that remarkable war, and that resolutions adopted by the At the last session of the resolutions.” ^ f*1" dozen, or 25 cent* each. Smi h. Ktrout, Boston; Jeddie, Calais, Maracaibo, FOB FHES1 D B.K T, speech Legislature a com- recent State Convention at meet his was U The of the Providence. his virtue and iuuocence were no less Bangor pany chartered to try the of report anti-draft riot in New conspic- “eniire experiment wanted, addreaaL. DRESSER, Port Cld 3nh ship Escort, Flitr.er, Liverpool; ba quea approval.” Orleans, and the loss of 400 is not con- load,Me., Box 132. Lord. Marseilles; uous than his heroic bravery. He made a setiiing this class of people in our State. lives, j Mary. Mary Broushtru. Track, The Press didn't know of the kind, firmed later d4w London schs C A Yarns* orth, Crowell, Barbadoes; A.BRAHAM LINCOLN, anything by from that ...__ Mgl< fuitous attack on Winter Davis, who The following gentlemen are officers: intelligence city. Hannibal. K- gem, Bangor. Henry but our is very likely neighbor right. Judge HT William NEW HAVEN—Ar 80tb, sch Annie Ball. Bowden, OF ILLINOIS. was absent at the aud President—Hon. Richard D. Huntress, of Meridith, N. II., time, notwithstanding Howard his views on aud thou di Rice, Augusts. A New Perfume for the Handker- rrom ronco. put record, Vice committed suicids our little was twice re j President—Hou. Isaiah Stetson, Ban by hanging himsell, om Wed- N r.vv roisl—Ar 29th, sch Shoal Water, Coombs, pincky representative the sc- chief. stroyed record, perhaps, and this will gor. nesday of last week. rrom Providence for Haveratraw. minded that Mr. Davis was not in his seat lie fob D. ! count for his entirj silence while his country t reasurer—Hon. Samuel E. The SOMERSET-Ax 29th, brig Ella Maria, Taltner, vicb-presidbkt, William Kelle-, Spring, Port- W rebels admit that Phalon • Irom Pictou Hon. went on his abuse in the face they had fonr Gen- ''Night Blooming Cereua." ! piling up very has been for all to land. calling loyal men to rally erals killed and one PALL HI VER-Ar 29th. sch John R Mather, Col- OF PHILADELPHIA, him wounded in the battles on Phalon'• Cereu*." of the indignant members who thought Secretary—Nathan Webb, E q., Portland. the “Night Blooming lins, Eli/abethport. its aid; will account for Uls "serene indiffer- Weldon railroad. j Mid sch York. ANDREW Union cittfsrs i. Directors—Richard D. Geo. 9uth. las M Freeman, Ryder. New JOHNSON, VViU address the Uosonditional too to remonstrate with. The Rice, Augusta; N KM iusignificaut ence” while the nation has been as ST Phaloa's "Night Blooming Cereua.*1 I-Ar30ih, brig Moonlight.binall, POHTLAHO at rocking F. Patten. Bath; Isaiah Stetson, Thomas J. Tweuty-nine students have been admitted Pictou OF THNNKSSKM. ^ the amount of moral N9. n >ii who can display Stewart. N. C. to the in the throes of an earthquake. A Democrat Ayer, Bangor; L. L. Wads- present Freshman Class of Bowdoin Col- Phalon'* "Night Blooming Cereua." uu jar^’S BOLE—Ar 29tb, schs H S Boynton, uourage that Mr. Sweat did on that occasion worth, N. A. Her tick, from Lane’s Cove lor Laura from the country was heard to remark a few Pembroke; Farwell, Rockland; lege. Philadelphia; -Vew City Hall, John Phalon'* "Night Blooming Cereua.** * Htggins. Rockland for Baltimore. For Elector*. de-ervcs to be exhibited to the world in his Lyucb, Joua» H. Perley, N. O. Cram, Geo. Ar ! days since, that the party had got a candidate STDr. Pierce, the proprietorof “Pierce's j**h. ••ch* Ratau,Curtis, Boston »or New York; is to observe Portland; Joseph Eaton, Winslow. Phalon'* Cereua.*' W m ii Mitchell. I'm Sbulte NS for do: Dela- true colors. It really inspiriting 1 Bitters,” died n "Nigt* B*ooming Eaton, IOUN B. of Portland, now with whom no fault could he suddenly the 20th at ware. BROWN, Frdiay Evening, Sept. 2, found, for, Executive Committee—John Lynch, Jonas inst., his Crocked, Rockland for do; Boundary. Young, what a perfect he is, how eager for residence in Lowell. Ceren*." Marthas for do. \B.\ER ol Dainarleeotta At7, o’clock. gamecock said he has never said or H. Perley, N. O. Cram, Portland. Phalon’* “Night Blooming STETSON, he, anything for B08JUX—ArSOth. .ch, l’t-el- tie prey, how terribly chagrined that his ad General in ST We learn from the M.rix L D.ri.(Br) the war! He has offended neither Agent, resident Europe—Benia- Skowhegan Clarion A moat Delicate and Perfume ing A ax Mars Hill. •»t flirt. -RICHARD If cn ATV AS ol Biildeiorc. against Kxqaiaite. Fragrant Cxyei; fcnterpri*,, FiLber, »«d v did not meet him. With a chivalrous min F. Tefft. that the fron. Liraeburuer. Elisabeth j rsary house of Mr. on the distilled from the Rare and Beautiful Flower port; Ann Co. sins, Rondout; Hi Di.t—r .OdAsA D t EsdEJiDKN ufAU.'Uili. j Baud. men nor war for neither dwelling Noble, riv- L Patriotic Mukit by l?ili l'. 8. p-ace democrats, Resident Portland—Josiah it takee its name. C derrick. Perkins, do; R li Co.soa. HcUrta, *£ HOW -OOlSu tAl U JUS of Fltud.ld. of the South, he Agentin Pearce, er road to was magnanimity worthy Sunny where he Fairfield, destroyed by fire on Manufactured PHALON SOS, N T. New burg NY; Favbioh. Parker, do; David Crocket, »'* /Hit —BEN > P. il IE e if orouo j knows stands! Jr., Portland. only by # AN, intimates that Mr. who is oue of the VST"Beirare nf Ask for Phalon**— Matthews, New York: E Jsckton.do; PS « Boo* Davis, Monday night last. Counterfeit*. ArcuJarius, />!,/—J Oti ». 4' ZVY of .port This is a recommendation with a These are the EiDworth. tF* Proscenium reserved for ladies. Tengeancc. men who are accused by F. Take no Other. Sold by Druggist* Georgia, Alley j ihlest debaiers in the House, is afraid to meet The new machine Ar 3i#t Audubon, berk “Put his views on “at the O. J. Smith of kS shop of the Portland & gemT*^_ ship Matthews. Liverpool record,” forsooth, men for the Feder- J C Nickels, * Tun aud that he is absent at a lime kidnapping Kennebec Blancharu, lieufuego*; scbs Chal ge, I purposely of the wa, !" It reminds one ol Railroad Co., at Augusta, will go into Phi Mo*e« Eiua- State Elec.ion n««ua|, sept. III. beginning al army. To prove this, he quotes from a se- Impl y. aduphit; Paten, Carston, when be to have knowu very well that | next Portland t; John New York. Insult to the National ought the ti-lhiw who was accustomed to bis operation week, and give employment to Gallery. baibpo Langley, Intelligence. say cession paper in of the same Photographic Pelow, Hope from Calcutta; Burn- to attack him. We have Canada, charac- tiO snip barques .omeoody was going men. SO MIDDLE ST., PORTLAND, Me., from Annie, from The foil iwiiig Is from the Argus o prayers on reilrlng to bed. The be- ter as the side, Archangel. New Orleans FOB OorniBNOB, copied thing Portland Advertiser. If these men ('Id baroue not touched on the most John 81st. ntamloul. G T Harper, Smyrna; ( yet convincing proof came stale ai d too much so ar McDonald, atone time a member of A. 8. DAVIS, Holiday morning: iiqiired effort, had been for the Confederate neither of Prikprletor, sch Liueline McLain, Buckiiu, K**.klaud, to toad tor as well as almost army the 13th Maine was shot at 1664. i of the generosity, fearless, a regiment, dead the Portland, May 1], marUdtm I Philadelphia. SAMUEL COISTY •'Democratic a safe char* he wrote out pravti—“put his views on rec- these secession would have principles proved of our oratorical athlete papers found fault, Champlain Hotel in NEW btBYPORT- Ar 20th, brig Ctma» tha Hop* sev- I reckless courage to Burlington, Vt., by John ,ir the of State for more than ord”—and imbed it the headboard, and af- but as kins, llam^r, Chester River, Md; sch John A k rank, OF great ship being, they suppose, lor the Union Fenton. ! auqvsta. ii rotn Maine. For fear that Mr. Davis should Stop, Drunkard Fowler, New York. enty years, and their continued ascendency ter that lie would jump into bed, to the : polut army, they are horrified. The of the SPERANZA. an Italian to Sid 3dtH. *>ch Martha Hall. Poland. Rockland ilie councils ol the nalim would have guide* read the sarcasm of our Xew Eug- people HT Secretary Stanton has ordered that the preparation destroy withering “record,” saying, “Them’s my sentiments, the for Intoxicating Liquor* It ean be PORTSMOUTH—Ar 28th. schs Northern Light, e tna istrom i* t State will think it criminal to obtain of the appetite it uuliirm d past the terrib aud suffer so from | hardly wages sewing women in the admiulstered with safety. Price One Dollar Laue aud Ned 8utnter, Spaulding. New York. For Members of Congress, | land Junius thereby acutely Lord!” draw the blankets around him and employment perfect which 1 is ii* w plunged slid which threaten go men from the other side of the water to fill of the Government be increased per box. Ar 29;h. sch Jas BiLs. Hatch. Philadelphia. nurlifieatiou as never to be abTpORT«. KICK, Foxcrull. principlts governed that they are not printed in the Globe but ate obtaining by enlistment, communica- s tiashirg athwart the Southern and the tion t». At Shaughae June 21. Monsoon, 5.A Dist—FREDERICK A. PIKE, ol Calais in 1350 and 1000, and which control sky people who want to avoid it will not to by railroad between Atlanta and the rest of THO.HU LOSING. DRUGGIST, ships Merrill, fm party reserved for the which is object I Foochow, ar Jane IF; WUd appendix published distant thunders were heard he j Rover, Rogers; t-arah at the and with such a muttering, i the from creation. Its speedy fall is certain. Newman Cobb; Ruthveu. Williams. preseut time; afterwards. Perhaps the debate as far as increasing population which to draw, Horatio, Pal- Senators. long put his views on record, and there it stands! HRAOTICAL TRUS8 mer, and Endeaber, Doaoe, unc. aud others. it has the to insult it-- and if, as Smith the State baa to mill FITTER, meaning effroulery it to this may be interesting. says, pay lyThe planing of Messrs. Peak cc Clark, j At Amoy Jane30, Ship Samuel Hatred, burd.ck, i£ Caa/KriiMd-CiEOKos vv WOOD MAN,Portland pertains poiut the storm has and the winds Corner ef A Pederal3tf*. re,d?rs in the broad of the 19th cen Though raged, head for the would of Exchange in duck. 5A hI'el A ilOLBKuuK, Freepor; daylight Alter a tirade the abolitionists per men, they regard it as Chelsea, Mass., together with about $3000 long against have and the has At Foochow June 18, barqaes Beuefactrees. Eld- oLUitUU. L'iiukL k*. tin: BoU the utterance of such bombast and bowled, tempest roared, and worth of A perfect fit guaranteed. The poor liberally com tury, by cheap. lumber, was destroyed fire on Tues- ridge. for New York; Forest Belle, Percival. ui-o. DAn'l. I Iilc.il a KiibON Baldwin and profuse profession of the patriotism of by lido red. rach26dtf the of beset and with a At Hong June 29. Dan) D er Have- « lyi.No J a. lalschoods. The and intent of the abov. ship State, by pirates, last. Kong ships a; Amdroicoggm—JlKLMia LKV. spirit Mr. Sweat asks if Mr. Davis is day for — lemocrats, ner, Manila; Racehorse, Matthews,tor Foochow; Fi»c itayuia bL.1 in J tiALfc., t >*cion muiiuous crew, has and and Letter from Dp. Watnon'ti extract is. that if its party had remained ii pitched,, tossed, tbe State Capital. kW The new side-wheel steamer built Dipthena Cure, Northland. Peerless, aud Conti- Sajadthoc -iO.UJIAS J Mil/1 liAhU, Kicbmond. tbe or attorney of the President Iosco, Emery; Roberts, special agent reeled before the combined at Bbeliv. «*h, 1864. nent. I all. unc. aud oth-r*. fioosQut—oshoUJ M. iiBL ti V dpi lu^tiMaO. the nation would have the ter fury of the ele- Bath, which has been in search of the May power escaped tutUonzed to come to him and say that the Augusta, August 31,1864. pirate cur'd four case* oI in At 8. C H Sinn» aU aUbTub U 11A3^an, j Sir—Having Dipthena my Singapore July ship Soule, tt, unc. banHor. it Is uow • does not need our aid.” ments and the madness of those who would To the Editor qf the Press in at house, and watched its wonderful tucceas in ma»\ Passeu Ai June 21. While L .#h b A it tifc.it otoacou. rible maelstrom iuto which piling*-* President Tallahassee, put Kittery Navy Yard on j;er ship Ea, te,W iiliama, neighborhood* in my travels; I call Dr. Watson's from New York for Hong Hong CeMM6ec-JOdfc.FU A nAN aaU A.N bead field. the Democrat aud Demi* Mr. H'ris/iburru* of Illinois—I would sug- send her down to endless ruin, the The number of naval credits to which the i Tuesday for coal. We shall use words requiring Care a sure cure for that awftil Ar at 8t Helena July 11th, ship Southern Chief; Jo d.iii iKUfcl, U ohfield 1 10 the irom Maine that the Diptheria scourge test gentleman constant watchfulness and care and State is eutitied to the No one die* who 1 fro for (and CttiattV iilNUb. Benton. cratic in the same sense that the Argus does sagacity up 24th inst., has been kS Ex-Secretary Chase formally denies the take* it in season; and may uy it Higgins, Akyab Cork, proceed'd); ioih, gentleman Irom (Mr. is not cuieialt who are in even alter John Kerr Sweetser, Mauimain tor C ra for Franklin—i uIC.nEliLS HTuMK. Jay. Maryland Davis) of its honest commander and decided Gov. and absurd that he thorough using it; arque Does our the In helmsman to by Cony Major Gardiner, story has invested in the disease i# order* iand Aura Deea- WMio->ViLLlA* MciiiLVKKY. Deighbor suppose public mills seat. foreign called fatal by attending physician* proceeded 19th; 16th, ship j : her afloat aud who were and claims that a one *o show a failure where tin ur. Pickering. Akyab for frahuouth lor orders and EulAd Mli.LlitKM is stultified? No man knows bet Mr. Sweat—It’s not my (ault. I wish that keep before the wiud, Judge appointed by the Secretary at War funds, government officer may- , lohallacge any lelligence medicine ha* a reaemab’e chance. Who would uo» proceeded 16>h.) Font—&3tl&.rF il. bAvhs, biJdeford. lie were in his for 1 would wish him to Howard has laid In his a commission to be honest. ter than be that the war was com seat, serenely berth, refus- investigate the matter and have it in the hoaso; if knew its power. A ufl Brighton Aug 12. ship Casilda. Stafford, from LLl ii A il JEWKT1', &ouib Berwick, present they nave an opportunity ol answering me. fa*" William R. for Ce’ebrated Druggist here who feared to try it for a Rotterdam for Newcast.e. L.l dKU -1A> butt.N. i’ar eon field. and with a Democrat!* ing to lend a hand, to man a to report to the War The whole Watson, nearly forty years menced by Democrats, uuwiliiug gun, Department. while tried it for every member of his At Acapulco Aug C h. ship treat of tha Knox— il. LcD Wlli. Thou:an.on. Mr. H'an/iburne—Then I suggest to the one of the most finally family Ware, handle a or even to at a number for the active and prominent and told me he wouM uot tske dollar* tor the Woodburu, troin Baltimore, 120 d administration in He knows that no* cutlass, puil de- which State should have'eredit I politi- 100.00 days. JO’IN WALKe.it, Luiou. power. gentleman Iruin Maine that he withhold bis rope, At Rio Janeiro | cians of Rhode in oire Joj*t lor hie familv. and I dont believe he would | July 21. suits Eastern .Star. Nealy, i.'iijoin- KVKitfcl. 1 W bitCibOJS, of Dana reset'a for Abraham remarks until the from to pray even for the of the' old they find to be *083. This will be a lift I Island,died Providenoe on from Chas 8 Pi a single southern rebel voted gentleman Maryland | clinlug safely good take it in go d even at it* bigheA premium It re- > Chlnchas; arson, Melcher, N York H**cooK—klhjMA& WAkRt-N, ol Doer Ule. *• I is in his seat. her towards the Monday. mind* me ot the Brazen a eure cure. for ban Francisco in dist ess: Enoch Talbot. fcHL\ M. a AMOK of fcedeu that the Democrats have the sole ship aud care-worn commander, but simp- filling quota of the State. Serpent," Merry- Lincoln; Verv Respectful y Your*. K M brnstcla man. for Chinchas; He en Clinton. Sprague, New lb L ** AUd WO«t 111, Jr. Mr. Sweat—It is the duty of gentlemen kS An exchange says—There is Washington—La. our common of to bis sealed up Co. B, State Guards, of Ban- something H. U. HAY, Portland, York tor ran Francisco. iu dt*tre«e. aAMIJtL Jl aLIU.iI glory of having insulted flag, as ly pointing record, saying Capt Ricker, Druggist. general agent | who make such charges ou this floor the sweet about little for to whom ail order* must be addressed. Off the harbor, ship « ha# ITeble. — inexpressibly The Lou- Moiuo. Davenport, from Arootr Hik PAUL te.lt i\ Linnettf. “Them’s snliments, Lord'." is to be mustered iuto service to girls. bL'Ui.Lluii, having opened baHeries upon the nation'- I gentleman made, to be “in hi* seat (notice mg gor, aud seat Cardiff lor Buenos Ayres. l/Jtford—AlLLlAJi il. V>U j1>, Aurvijr. isville Journal adds, "And it on ’em as A agio eod& wtl be at all times while the House is An old and much Fort to relieve the grows Ar at Quebec Aug 28, ship Metropolis, toa of the revenue cutter*, grammar) good though neglected McClary, now __ Keauey. laoMAa ViiA L buckued. forts, having captured j company they IbMlitn ii and on the imniedi- there whose time get bigger.” stolen stores aud the U. S | session, especially day* book says, referring to times of general oppo- expires on the 5th Ar at 1'icteii N8 IStb, Tho« Bnerma. army pillaged proximo. me WL. F." Atwood9!* Bitters, Price 3* Cti brig Connor.Pinkham, itely succeeding bis attack; lor he must Official W gunpowder argument was resorted Portland; 17th. barque Harvest Moon. F. tv a (ieuera: siliou and He that is uot /or me is notice has been received of the res- Staple*, Boa- Cumberland—G EOKg PARKER. Gorham. Mint. He knows that Democratic danger, Tbohsdimb, He., April 26. 18flS. ton | Know that if we have any manhood, any to yesterday on the reception of McClellan's Sarah B Hale, tin cluu- a. Portland; brigs Pise .t.jquas—fcii M AKU Jt.Htll, bang, rulle. i aud “he that not with and honorable De.ir Sir -A lady of my acquaintance wss- id u.a. troops 10 memo or self respect on this side of the against me," gathereth ignation discharge of Col. Zina Webslcr Kelley, Brown, Providence; Colorado. Im HiftdMA—PAiblC'R K MIL AI, Bowduiuham Texassurrenqgrta I 'ruth, any nomination. It was a severe a troubled with aevere attacks of sick headach for » East us scattereth abroad." This is H. of joke—almost port; 23d, Forest State, llerriraan. New tork; 9 PsraJaec t—Juuk li. WILo N, Bangor. critic Stale that those Democratic House, we should improve the tlrst opportuni- sound philos- Robinson, the Pth number ot years, and eon'o find do relief until iW officials; by Regiment. taunt—to burn over a man sch Maryland, Foster, Prince Edward** 1 eland P aa,b c—J<>tiX 11A < I'll, China. to aud thrust back such iu gunpowder military tried L. F. Atwood's Bitters, which fleeted a were ty repel charges aud as as it is true. ■ Gen. Uodsdon per- Old 23d. brig Alfararta. Bibber, Providence; 24th. Prdtaklan— a E tV A K tr lllLL officials the Uuited Slates soldiers in- ophy, just Adjutant started for Wash- who was Puilllpn. nis and call him to answer. always so saving of it. manent care. seb Bramhali. Kicker Portland. Wald—laltAEL k teeth, upon An eminent on CK.VItl in and Democrat said, in view of pre- ington where he will remain most Hr daughter was troubled with attack* of aevert Ar at St John NB ach carcerated filthy prisons i>arbaronsl> Mr. Garfield. 1 our friends on this Monday, 3Stb, Frrdonia. Roberts,and fork -BICd Attn! H G iING. Acton. hope _■ __.l__ .1__ tv >• QT The deaths of Otis headache and vomiting, which have been eared v V. Getchell, 16th H B Foster. Trafton, Boston. “V'J "“v“ n'i«n»ug w w isunam is uium «UV Ivan wu UU3Uit'8S, Maine, Xww— a it i'dEN W. LANOdlON. treated because they would not prove false lo ddeof the bouse will not obteet, bat let the by these bitters. I have my tel f been troubled ach* andO. 19th are Cld 26tu, Aramada, smith, Baugor, li B Foo- Laao 4a— K Kit >>Elt IcK Bremen. There can Gilley, Me., reported at Wash- with which has been telfcved ItEM.oi their to their Nation's gentleman from Maine continue bis attack on upon: be but two parties to this Benjamin H. Iliads, Esq, our and dyapepaia, already b) ter, Trafton, Boaton. tfaikingtim—BFNJaM.x W. FARRAR, obligations dag. popular ington, snd J. H. 1st this remedy. I it os hand, as 1 beltevr in absent member.” those Gerrish, Mo. Heavy Artil- always keep Ar»‘,;,ok-'.H bk-USURY Boulton. war; who support the Government and efficient military agent at has It to be a speedy cure for all derangement* of the He knows, too, that while all this was going Washington, A. S. 11th ,l’er steamship Edinburg, at New York; LVord-doHAllU aUaIIN, Canton. Is not this a exhibition? lery; Sermod, Maine; N. B. Allen, ■t rnaoh aud liver: and fir female complaint* whei. gratifying those, who oppose it. All are or trai- been presented with a watch Bid fm ldth inet, on a Democratic President—James Buchan patriots splendid gold 21st at Point. arising from debility of the digestive organs. Liverpool Constitution. 'MaKlh.* 1 Treasurers. Me., City for Sew York tors. To which does Howard aad chain in of his Yours truly, Cats Whitest. A I a party Judge recognition arduous and Eni oot al London iWahaWaad-PEiEK R. Windham. an—surrounded by Democratic Cabinet, tP Gen. in a abort at 1 16th, Atalagta, Pinkham. for 1 HALL. Burnaide, speech Cen- XfF Counterfeits and base imitations, in siml- New tj.Ct.Rili. belong? Does he support the Government ? faithful services in behalf of our Maine sol- York Andmsooggiu—liAaC sat still and saw.the work of rain culminating; The McO'ellan Demonstration. ter X. aaid he lar bottle and label are in the market and sold 6* Ar et Pill as—C AHl.il L. Ivl Mil ALL. Harbor, H., had heard more Bristol 16*h. Italia. Patten. New York. Pascalaq If not then he is to iL His friend at diers. Active, aud he has unprincipled dealtrs. Im Cu-xhaven tt as some one has like a draw- a opposed prompt laborious, Bid IJth.Chapin, Kail, Saeden. Hajada m.-tin.V 1 M BUVhY.iiatb. sat, said, plaster The music and the rockets collected quite grumbling in the North in three days than he The genuine is »igned L. F. Atwood, and also kart Pea Ps rot— a AlltfO th C. s LI X he does not believe either in the I roved himself the man for the r, Bangor. the rebellion to a head! He kuows al Bangor says just place. No had heard in the am a xt a a label, on white prper, counter signet Penn, bee 1/AXjEl.i‘IK ing number iu Market Square last evening. Tte whole campaign from the Rap- Per ateamabip Earop« at Halifkx.t AuguatS or the of the r>Uie has a better M. H BA T, Portland, Me., sole Gonerw made power right Government to carry ageut there than our owu. idan to Druggist, Ar at 19:b. Fr.iauia-LSn.VAKU KElTu. Fartulugton. this. He knows that for every new •rowd was not very large. Mr. C. P. Kimball Petersburg. Agent. Liverpool Gertriiee, Doane. Liverpool IFold.1—AiA A. HOtVr.o on this that he has been An order has been Issued Ar at Pernambuco 23, John Matthew* for even war; opposed to the from the War De Sold by respectable dealers in medicine generally July from Fo'A-vcitl » K grave, for every tnained soldier, the with a brief t# Every gun fired the ,.l Ailrod. ■peued meeting speech, quite yesterday by copper- laoylteodfcwfl Philadelphia Aaaedt—ALUttN war from the that he is a par Uncut forbidding the of men in SPRAuUE drop of blood shed, for every dollar expended i full of praise for the Chicago nominee, but the beginning; peace recruiting heads, could it have been heard at Richmond, Jfat'C ck—WM u Pi Lx oU KY, o* one SPOKEN Fuekaport. democrat in the broadest sense of the term. State to be credited to anothrr, as would have IPiAtKia I ■, x in of this the treason of ! to bis except caused the blood to ttA Slight Cold," Cough*. flea— 11 Us SABGVhl. consequence war, response below was not quite up expec- go bounding Ang 11. lat 48, lou 16. Excelsior, L x *Ve leave him the Act of o> ahip Pendleton, acuta—A UKr.W l» ; I, or vost Marshal General has issued a circular dy.if s«oi attacks the “Brown * down to the lowest pie, moving, when history de W A Boston named P. neglected. long- Ang 19 lat 42 »8. on 6710, barque Pilot Fish, bona Judz-aof Probata. from Jed. Davis private, took off his bat, bowed to the audience, and speculator, Perley, BronchiU Troches*’ sure and almost imm> that deserters give Boston tor Glace Bay CB. ittiU tE Ba h. is being made daily, when every seem- daring from the rebel army are while diate relief. Mi it and Sol .itrs should Sagadahoc-AMOS was the supporter of thu Democratic candi commenced his speech. We soon discovered thing purchasing gold coupons for 2.30, in Ban- ary Ojtcers No data, lat 29j, Ion 71, brig Charles VCosier, from Pe.„date i—JjliN E. Gobi ,iY not to kart them, as they can be carried in the pocket a* d lor Bangor. I to rest on sands, ask for no sealed subject enrollment or (Iran. If our gor. was arrested on for Se-rsport Malanias Kea-ebec—a R 1 dates in the last election. He knows tho a on his chaughig Tuesday violation of taken us BARER, tlal.otrn hat George frit very heavy load occasion require*. au/idawlm No date, lat 30. lou 68 a j Democratic friends 80, brig Prenti Ilnbba. fm Pr .klaa—PHILLIP ll.alLit t.a, i up for no man who is content to star d could upon Jeff the internal revenue in not a Portland for Strong. one who wears the stare of a Major Genera aud the of bis hearers records; prevail act, having broker's Havana. aWo-J.«ErU VV.RNOtVl.TnN shoulders, magnetism SoaoDOET —This t- a word that haa a record that has received no amendment- Davis to issue a similar oue license. been staring Tart—K "V.utj E was Vice Pres uy they miyht speed uu.K.Vt Ronn.bunk iu the K-bel service elected did not sew in to lighten it. George labored, everybody in the face the last two w eks. and It i* Kanx—S. T TALBOT obtain the so much desi. a. A Boston in aud receiv- d or the last three years. dy peace they Ey paper placed to the oredit of a a t getting iuto nearly everbody's mouth. A most Hone Ck—PA bo La TU. K.of dent by the Democrats 1850, ■rew somewhat hoarse, tried hard to make a NEW Boekapurt A letter from merchant of that the desirable tUiug this 8osou >ut. for eepiog the teeth ADVERTISEMENTS. li A Secretary Welles, ol the Navy city liberal gift of 950, Wselngtj.-JONA LlillNlOir. a large Democratic vote lor President in 180- uniut by which he could touch the hearts ol clean aud the mouth sweet.— Portland Daily Press La aoda -I J tN ION V 000 to Bowdoin aKSa, o NeWuS-tla. Democratic Convention Department, auuuuucea that the Sabine, now College, by Mr. H. U. Boody, a inch IT It Ar ,js toA-dr-NKY R. lit. He knows that the Democrats of 1850, ate l*' «s who stood before him. but bis efforts Gagged! POKTLAND UJiVXSi, iret^u. at merchant of New York. A hand” In its of the Portland for the purpose of re classmate of Mr. B. the men who the war again •v re utterly valu, aud be closed. The people accouul proceedings of the enlisting aretn want ot kind of PRINTING Haunters of Probate. day prosecute corrects the mist K^Ityom any Reorganized. 1 cruiis, will remain there for some aud ike. all at tn»l>ai.y Pre^aotRee t* eeA-ramf-lUgES s the that are the e iceseut did uot seem to know that he bad Uu the has mutilated lime, liURIMnET Portland. Government; they tpen, Chicago Convention, Argus r have lilted a baud tb fur his remarks did uot seem lik> the essiug the fact tha> withdrawing says equip- P acatug — 'A O »TCd I L, Outer. only men, against sited, closiug telegraphic record.suppt 1Dd U1L1< ultADB D. H. troin that station at at ii at CHANDLER, it one-E'-l >ii to t present, whatever rumors age Newport valued $33,000. It eon- at^thT neatly^ortnt* yaga UpiuN, Bam Union; that they are the men who are peroration. We say houestly aud sincerely the platform was adopted under a oao ! CRRDS wa are now ptefazeo to ivmah Music for all P * Mac l J.lxtl'ii K tt 1 vista of a •HAVING t. may have The barouche and four Bangor. i was we ever prevailed. Secretary also com- outriders. The Occasions where music is L«* 1 -J Mill U.tT 1 to eutbarraas the Government tat his speech the weakest beard That paper simply says,” The resolutions were wanted. A.i.uata day labortug hor»ee W .Mo-Bo Ax p HE..U. pliments the services of Maine aud the value cost $25,000. And yet this Grdgre left with D. H Chandler, P. J. its effort* lo uphold thu natioual unity ai < • H make, but we have uot space to give .tin adopted with but four dissenting votes.” wealthy, Boston Stock List. Willey or To *—jEi atS d R.vo nlddelord aristocrat is a*. Patna's Mmlc ALTON, of the seamen she furnishes. haughty chairman of a very im- at thb Uhoeers' Store, 1(3 Middle ttrret. wL'l be A'a ,x—>11.1 VKK G "ALL t ie flag thereof. a;o is tor that weakness, although they were The truth is—but Democrats will not learn Sales Board, Auo. 31. // „e ct -li-.ORU A. , it from their own papers—when Mr. truly, W ieki igt a* OS il tvi, LEU very George’s party i.oou.do.:..a*.* septl, eoddw* Secretary. A 1 ty In the list of wounded at Ream's Station relax O PulS.tjt. HO ,i „a. cra’s re:used to submit to the fairly expressf-f work, Ag consequently bis brain and longue Long, of Ohio, moved to amend, Suuset Cox, 6.000 ...do. 235, Oxford —JcSl x. a B. BO BBS. ia it. Thirty First Halve cor- we find the names o. Anson A. 1st 3.000 ..... do t Specie cnees j.va6j the Recimekt.—A Libby, Me., 1 Noilce or ForerloMtir. will oi the ; ibat they armed to resist were at fault. Wben he had finished, he turu of the same State, moved precious ques- 6.0M0 L’ a 6ixei Oommi majority left LoupOu 18*1)...lu*J cnlouerr* respondent of the Bath under date ol arm, severe; Frank 2».00.do. .W L LT born made ia the tau that have sworn t< d as if he was rather dissatisfied with to cut off all debate and Times, Cummings, do., right having performance p -polar verdict; they away j lion, ameadineule, of the conditions ot a Cumbtrlaiad—CAU.a CHAPLIN. Bricgton 1 600 United States 7 3 lOtLe(Oot).ll< « DF.FA eer.aln conveyance ia A ! “Near Petersburg,” furnishes the 1*6. »light; Joseph Merriam, Co. D, head; Je- ot tdru.tf/pyta —LaK -TR.CRL ,x u. oreak up the ua’ioual bond or lo periab it limeelf or his audieuce. and though Mr. Long appealed to him to Aug. 23J, 1600 do( Aug).Ill] Moitgare real eetete la the toe a ot W estbrook. ■ rome Pi> .do.^110? executed on tbe eflfcth da* of April A. 1>. 1888. by > “We now right leg Pe hacn— t a ,i W iicM v have but one commissioned officer amputated. 500 .do Gideon V Hamblin of Westbrook ION. Fid. a* ton. He further knows that every privateer s if This has a robust debate was all amendments (small).I Id atoresa a, and Seat Sec—N A TH AN 1 Fariniugton. gentleman strangled, United Bate* which a.id real estate ia described t-L UIUYa.-, tl, .si lu the regiment, Lieut.Child. This afternoon IP The St. John Globe a j 4,IM> Ten l*ortie».108 to said klort- P tat ta—CALVIN u. in behalf of the Democrats of rame aud a of but there were cut and the Platform of the reports suspicious 00 gege, a* follow, to ait: a cortain ar.Kr.tLti, Cheatorviile. fighting I860; pair strong lungs, off, Party f 8, Ugdeuaburg 2d Mortgage Bonds ... hi] ptree el land tP'oid*—leorgK a. bowler. Capt. Jones, of the 8th New steamer, supposed to be the Tallahassee, off Port 100 t*.-tcrn Kail road .110 with the building* therton siiuated in Westbrook that for fisherman ves- vas with him been iu was forced turul'uu under a oao! | Hampshire regi Po^t— ,.r. d N, L every destroyed, every : trouble also. Having 1 0 Michigan Central Railroad. 123 aforesaid end bounded tbu*: un at tbe SUtduall, Wella caine to take of Hood, on Thursday of last week. The Mirami- beg log Raox—KlC I vRU K raent, charge the regiment, J Boston aud Maine south westerly corner of l tar es Kill's th. *Att. sel boarded by rebel pirates, Democratic trai roduced as one of the most eloquent of the Kiee discussion was denied; despotism was Railroad.. 1*8 land, nee ttaa a j chi Gleaner that almost as said uill's now :>■!*-WM. SARGritT. o< Sedge ck and as our worthy Adjutant, C. L. Hayes, is says every port in the running ortherly fence aunoe WteA.itp »»—E IlR.tl P Uui.MA.i. tors are responsible. All this he knows am Stale, Mr. Pillsbury thought he must sustain the rule; the minority had no rights which to tbec-oea road; thence from these two bouida j our Gulf is filled with American L.onda— til M W. sick, Lieutenant is Sur- fishing schooners, nor b on -tid road and oa .. Jeff,, ton. much more. The sum of their villauies ami 'he name Kimball had aud so he at the lelt bound to and the acting Adjutant. exteoding westerly Amas-n.dc— r. C. given him, majority respect, from the one Wilson's hue !ar enough to Include S KhUKi, Smyrna. geon Kimball is still with us. The seeking protection Tallahassee. She _HARRIED._I twenty-ato B. 11U birb.irilies aud crimes baffle the oi mounted rainbows and national the Creed and companies acres: and bcii g the asms Oxford—,VUAd HUaU. Hiram. power I once among clouds, platlorm, “Apostle’s was lately seen at Islands. premise, occupied by of the are commanded Magdalen In Kocklaad. A of 20, John K Kof.r, and MU, me and on which 1 now bee," 1 claim to iorecloM numbers to and shows of the as S. regiment* hy Sergeant* Olerke of Oourtn. W express them, the bai- made some tremendous flourishes with his Lord's Prayer” party, WymaD B. j Mary A Bridge. said for breach of the conditions j or iy Mr. H. W. of Furness’ Mortgage thereof Corporal*. Recently several of oar com- Baldwin, Express, In Bo,(on. Ang IS. Krndall K Tboma* and Min Aanaaw Sagadahoc—JOS, Pa M. tlAYKs. Bath. reuness of when is »•- -iruis and hands, as if had been Moor iuipt m-ly styled the Cincinnati J. Laaiitaa. language description | they wings. plat- had a narrow el Holbrook, bo h of Kockland Pori P«a,*(c,l-lZllA C. BRKI oldiown. pany have gone to the very escape near St. John, says ■ary and. Sept. 1.1864 wtw r 'lakda-xluEON tempted. a ul floated in the air for a form at Bangor, In 1 ’Soil, was forced hospital, amongst lu Kockland. Aug Id, L Benner and MU, U.LoWfcLL. Farmington. beautifully upper through, the News, a few siuee. In Uaorge Wurdo-sElU L. whom are A. F. Win. B. days attempting to Miranda A Oilman. MILL'REN. And all the editor of the short and then came dowu ou an the convention to swallow the Winslow, Newton, « yet, knowing this, ; time, earthly being obliged a 1» St Robert notice. fork—C A EB L 'KI> A fred. Charles Nelson aud jump upon moving train be missel his hold, Grorga, Aug Id, Tbompaon and Min JTn insults the national tell- he waB dose whether or Joseph McIntyre, all of Rovlna iindfr.-izn.il n of the x—GEORGE TdORNIHBE Argus intelligence by level, where quite tame aud dull. The palatable otherwise. was Bailey. being, portion person violently thrown upon the ground, and nar- In Eli,worth. named in Section 1st of aa act enti- If a ..ieyit*—LEMUEL g. UOWNES, : of the of bis hoisted Bath. What men there are here of the Aug 31, Edwin A Taylor and MU. TUB ed An act iug safety whole truth there was uo iu their This shows how is regi- VCIM r. MUICd to Arooslords—B. L. nTAPLEa, Boulton. Democracy, is, patriotism harmony secured; by rowly the car wheels. inco porate the Xewlnziand Screw Steamship ment are iu and escaped Though bruised Iu aud of how safety to the nation would have and hearts could not “coercion,” a of good spirits ready for a fight Trenton, Aug 14. Alonso Tripp, of T, and Mis# Company," hereby giro public notice that the diet peeches, loyal respond force, by by gag, by diut par- uw "cic urutcu. County Attorneys. wyuva Jeru'ba Woodworth, of Franklin. meetin* of said corporation ter the p rpose ot or* resulted from its for the old flag. The is so Pise it G. L-BK continued sway ! Dumocra- to them. The fault was not in the ty strategy, parliamentary tactics and thear pruspect cheering In Bradlev, Aug 21. Wi liam H Leavitt and Mis# zanisntion, will be hsid nt tbe l'ortlsnd and New agues-A. KB, Foxoroft. audience, The Americans at — IT Honolulu P *,aebec LORE »Z iY'lA Y Gardiner. far as this is concerned. celebrated the Ma y L Thompson. fork Meamship office, on Brown's Wharf, ihurs* cy alone, as he calls it, is responsible for all but in the They did uot touch the gutnent of numbers! The voice of Lhe dissat- campaign Petersburg fork—INCKr.Aifc S. R speakers. 4th of J iu an day, September 16th, 1864. at 2 1-1 o'clock IV M IMBAlL, Sanford. is at onr and has uly appropriate manner. About Hi ic •ei-SUGKNE H of our troubles, and yet this traitorous chord. If one word had been uttered isflod is and the mercy, been for some »t Jena »»itu. ALE, Bllaeortb. party right strangled, remonstrances ot time, were 81000 raised ou the occasion for the s Waiting' ,a—CUARL-.S K. WHIDDEK but we are benefit DIED. Joiia B. Rbowx, | these men who have laid vandal hands upon Jeff. Davis, or other arch rebels, huu- the are drowned in the din ofsa- not ready for it yet; when Grant i,«ec,/a—Jaiiix c CAKL-TOV of Wnitrdeld. against opposition of the Sanitary Commission. A ballot for Pres- Mass IV Enur. wants it he can have it.’’ H. A'-ostook LLEWELLYN Honltoa. our of these men who have noise. * Phillip PoWKRd. compact Union, dreds of hearts in that crowd would perior \ ident was In Cumberland, Ang 29. M s Eunice, wife of Biots, { patriotic taken as follows: Lincoln,‘*7; Mc- apt Hint Fox. Oxford—WILLI A R W. BOLSTER, Dideld. Charles 1‘olano, aged 71 Iu the death of thi- inaugurated civil war and are Dow prosecut- I have burst forth iu loud demonstrations of years. Pori land, 1,1884. j ap- Clellan, 11; Fremont, 4. As goes Honolulu so truly Christiau woman, a large circle of relatives Sept. dtd Beglater of Deeds. or j these men who have the land The Case Conditions Peace.—Col of and have au ing it, deluged plause. But that word was not uttered, aud Plainly Stated. Harrimau goes the I'uion. friend* suetaiued irreparable loss. Ever PITMAN. 1 Piseatiqws-MARK the 11th New re- ready to risit the s.ck and to admiuister to their re- • For Sale. iu blood, with an assurance aud a brazen faced- a John L. who is Hampshire regiment, lately thereby hangs tale. Capt. Swift, well known in from a rebel %rM The New York World thinks Gilmore aud 1 ef aud to comfort the afflicted aud one*— leased prison in ad- sorrowing horse power Brian Bnoinx with nee* that would a conclave of devils to the Cnarlestou, •be two* inch-ed been an angel of to buudreda eight all put When we left Dud. of was Maine as a thoroughly loyal and able dressed a audience at the Jaques have done great injustice to Mr. Ben- m*»rcy \M tha hxtnres. has been bnt little Clay, Gardiner, lecturer, large Representa- who will rise up aud call her btessed. n-ed; nl*o a UNION MEETIN08. to the American to re good second land Gear utter, and a small blush, appeals people but he is too a to call addressed a ratification in New Or- tives Hall in In jamin and Jeff. Davis, The Worl 1 is LJT”Fuueral this ) at 2 o Enyina speaking, light foul for | recently Concord, Tuesday evening. exceeding- Thursday alternoon, cl’k, Lathe. to the course of his at htr late residence Apply establish them in power, claim that alone notice. The leans iu which he stated the case remarks he gave a short ac- ly tender of the of these arch they auenspaper Copperheads are iu the fol- reputation traitors; Iu 27, Dea Richard Merrill ISAAC McCLKt LAN. GEN. E. W. ot count of bis Interview with Gen. Howell Freeport, an* aged 67 eodJw» GANTT, Arkanaaa, can restore the which have broken, to to and much more so than it is of our President year* 7 months septl Gorham. peace they welcome all the glory be gained by such lowing plain unmistakable language: Cobb, who treated him and eraaE very kfndly and talk- in Bath, 3). Mrs wife will as follows ; at his That Aug Retsev. of Capt Nath 1 and reunite the nslion whose peaceful bonds a ed with advisers. shows clearly in what quar- display. “this is the golden moment to take the ini- very frankly him. On the subject ol Bicknell. of Hartford, Me, aged 86 years 9 months Attention Stbre Zouaves! Urav .Thursday IV X t. have sundered! Was ever be ter the wind sets. .8«pt. they impudence tiative. We have hedged and on the Presidency very candidly stated that the members of this are Gorham.1 hursday F.reuing Sett. 1 higgled Company requested this matter of until he hoped to see the Union candidate defeat- ALLto meet nt tbe armory on Bri igtou...Friday P. 1. more unblushing? slavery continued hesita- August the Xew York aristo- Wednesday. Sept ith. st.Kept, The Tallahassee for the Belmont, M1XUTURK ALMANAC atSo'oock a M to go to the Is'ani for Uarr -no '... Friday 2. Ebctioneering tion would be the height of The immu- ed. On being asked if he would return to Target Evening.Sept. lolly. crat, whose appearance on the streets of that I. Practice. A prlie will be awarded to 'he bost Cap' Rlxab.th.Saturday Evening 3. table decrees of the the Union in the event of the Tharaday,. September shot; .sept. Copperheads. late, unyielding ol election of an le: a'l be present. Per order F. H White, logic city excite* the ridicule of true Sun rises.. 6 24 High water (a m) .10 4ft Cnpt The Democratic Standard of events, call us to trifle no opposing candidate, he Return to every American | **Ptl A. H SAW Clerk. WALCOTT ol N, Loyalty—A No sensible man doubts that a bond of vi- upon longer'" with replied: Snn seta. 6.22 I Length of days-18 06 VaR, HAMLIN, Esq., IL, God or our own welfare. We ihe Union—never! Rather than return to the citiien in consequence of the to imitate Contrast. tal exists between the have purred attempts as sympathy Coppehreads ^ GOOD School for Will sperk follows; at the backs of semi-secessionists, have dandled Union under any man, he would cut bis own foreign extravagance and display, had the ef- Boys. Topshain, Ma ne. 16 In tbe account of the A miles Iroui Portland; <*f recuse—a bcauti- Limerick telegraphic proceed- of the North and the rebel leaders of the the of the South throat and those of his wile and children. easy C"rner.Thursday .8ept. 1. phantasm returning to its frontery to declare, in the MARINE NEWS ful ann henlt* y locally. For Circa,ar- he of Chicago Convention, please Wat-rburo’ Center.. 2 ings tiie Democratic Convention at Chica South. The of the serse and allegieuce, till no man lit to lie out- address the .Friday.Sept. manipulators Chicago that the misrule of the government had Principal, side of a lunatic out- brought WARREN I go, we find that Mr. Harris stated that he convention were rebels from the con- asylum, now enteitains the Indian Hakbabitiks.—The Indian JUUNSOX. A. M Hon. MARK U. DL'NNELL and Hon. South, the country to the verge of ruin. Such nabobs PORT OP PORTLAND. Sept 1—diw* delusion. Governmental oflers 01 are as atrocius as would not vote for McClellan il he were nom- at the Cilftoa House. the pardon rages in the West quite __ GEO. F. gregated Even are 1 1 TALBOT, have been haughtily rejected, its amnesties expected to advocate slavery and to defend a SS-JL--A- i, inated. Whereupon it was decided that he from this and those of which we read in the early history of Wednesday.Aagaet 31. Will speak as follows: at Copperhead delegates state, have been grossly abused, and all attempted slaveholding oligarchy. It is that a ARRIVED. had no business there and lie was this ecen, had to take the Clifton movements in liavor of peace have been New England. reported large Harri'OD. Thursday? 1. compelled from city, jug- A letter Steamer Forest City, Li«comb. Boston. M.Sept. on the of the the iy from Canada West says the sks- Naples .Thursday Erening.. ..Sept 1. to leave the Convention. This was A House in their route to that gleries part Souih, body of Indians are upon liig Blue, killing Steamer Lang. Koix. right. Chicago, they apd puerile da Idlers have Lady baugor. Kenago.F riday P. M .Kept. 2. iuauilies on the part of the North. It time “jumped out of the Steamer Scotia. Kimball, man who will not abide the action the is the men, women and children indiscriminate- frying pan Augusta. Baldwin...Frtdav 2. by of might retouch their political compasses by steam cniter Everiug.-Sept. to stop the play. Independence is the fixed into the fire" in going to Canada to eTade the U S Malion.ng.Wtbeter, from a cruise INTt*NaTlOH,'V^'' btandish.Satu.day P. M.bept. 1. Convention has no in it. and carrying off such things of value as Sch Pbtnix. Bostou right the load-stone from tbe Confederacy. It was and iron purpose of the leaders of the South. ly, of them Het-ly, draft. Most are without money and Sch Joa Long, Osgood. Portsmouth. This Mr. Harris is the member of from lhe South iu ISO) that the “reliable” Invincible and inviolable is the they want. It is reported that the town of Hon. HANNIBAL HAMLIN Congress nationality are foroed to earn a livelihood as best CLEARED. of Il the they may. ; from M He is the member who vote was it is to the war-cry loyalty. South are to fight B'ue Springs is burnt, and t'lirty of the in- Steamer Willetts,New Will aa follows: at iryland. only Democratic looked for; The avenues are Chesapeake, York—Emery speak for their at the risk of only open by hard labor, to k Fox. a vote on the object extermination, habitants killed. are for the gave negative Uulon resolutions, South that in 1S84 the look to Troops leaving are not Mechanic Falls.... Thursday.Sept. 1. Copperheads toe are as inflexibly determined to march our which they always accustomed. Sch U Treacott, Upton. Boston-Joa II White. ! these and Many L'»r core .. 2. it to be the ol F.lls Friday. Kept. declaring duty Congress to pro- get Ih dr cue and to ascertain their party du- last man arid our lust dollar the in- purpose ofstoppiug cutrages punish- of them are almost SAILED—steam tug Warrior, for New York, with THE PORTLAND Die 8. speud for literally starving, and if the COLLEGE, He'd.. Saturday...Sept. 1 Wm Roberta iu tow. vide in u aud to down the rebei- is no on this o. the When the is the savages. barge Located in Soulh Parts .Monday.Sept. 4. money put ty. There doubt point. Facts tegrity Kepubl'c. South ing Government would offer a general to de- tired of it will I pardon ioo, aud tbe thanks of tbe nation all doubts. fighting, e as tired of slavery; DISASTER*. s Block. j expressing exclude serters, it is pretty certain that a considerable Clapp Congress Street. Hou. JOHN A. PETERS when it is ready to lay down its ii will Fbom Richland Phisox.—Lieut. Elton to tbe soldiers. Ev.-u arms, Gibb*, of Br barque Imogcne. report —left a link in ; Fernxuio Wood voted But of the Tallahassee; what has she to lie to down number would return to service. Capt Bryant. Stratton A Co.'a chain of In. Will ready lay slavery with them. Tiie W. Ware, of the 9th who has been Bay tb il Juue 2M, aud ou 'be following day *. speak aa follows; at Maine, Algoa IS Uutioeaa and Commercial l for these resolutions. A lew months Ilar- do with ? l It the lat 34 22. lou 22 68 r discovered the of a deck C. s*. a, ago Copperheadism Nothing plainer. path if fretdtm only to an in iy The editor of the Providence top edabii.bcd in twenty-' wo of M°eha highieay confined in the Richland S. Journal is on it. Lowered a b at and the leading cusaer- IcFals..Ibursday.2 uVock, Sapt. 1. a in prison, Columbia, housed atmg and a man clai citi.s in the Auburo l ris made speech the Hou-e of I Thousands of fishermen from Maine are al de-tructiule Union—a beany be- Lalted State, and Canadas. .. Thors lay. 7 o'clock, 1. U-presenta- co-operation informed by gentleman who was look him olT Ou he stated that he bept tweeu lor the last year and a writes to his onboard the beiug quts'ioued. Ltwraore falls .... 1 the sectious and Ihe C., half, Theobjectof these Fr.dm., 2 o'cmok.Sept 2. tives at Washington in which he to be absent at the immeasurable glory Tallahassee at belonged to ship D L. Choate, of Portland, bound College, la to famish yoana ,i. expressed ways supposed September Halifax, that the D vrha 2 8. that awai'i a common wife in the that E. prevalent opin- to Falmouth k>. The vessel had n- aj l.dhm tbeb^t for .Satnriay, o’c'ock.. Kept that the South would government aud a com- Bangor, says Whig, Capt. front Baa-ein £uam obi,mi* J bonth Paris 2 the hope never be sub- and the with ion iu the best informed circles weather, which her to thorough Rua see a e.ducstion .Monday, o'clo.k,.Sept. 4. election, Copperheads, though mon Is at in that is countered very heavy causal destiny.” F. Wyman, ol the 9th, that place a pris- city * f,UJ Ac. His was leak Jo. e loth, crew to throw over cargo Cum- ISRAEL jugated. language deemed ! out reason, we think, claim that their vole that the vessel would next try to run back into bogau 'S5*aih.*r «f«t»eof Botk.keeping. Hou, WASHRi rn, Jr., oner. Also Col. White of the 31st, Capta. A heav sea struck the fhip and carried away deck fakalnuona. Spencerian treasonable, aud a inoilon was made u» ol She afterwards h s*w P*»n!-,^ Lorresf°“"*rc1?' Le I expel I iu favor the Demo Wilmington. had but 450 tons of coal en hous with him ou it. Shortly lTi“w ili?1"' pond. me. tuns and Pr*c I Will speak u follow ; at largely predominates The Inheritance of and Lieuts. Peudex- Shame. Noyes Bartlett, Brown, the gives and setih down, ’*** chain for an ulm. The entire Democratic party voted a crailc tic set. if the fi-bermen can be board, her mainmast was ship heavy plunge giving got gone, and her machin- lira tor a few men to Into a boat H« Bttgton Centre.Tuur.day p. m.gept. g The tories of tho Revolution lelt ter, Tobey and Sherman, of the same regi- scarcely get ualiaufod'period*00'* i tbiswotion. Mr. Sweat among them. A the Democrats have only ery was out saw the boat for n f-w momeut# aud tnen lost sight b "tery..Friday trening .bept. v! gainst some to vote, large considerably of order. A large L.. A OKAY, A M shame and disgrace as the of ment. F. Drew, of the Oth, is also of her altogether, and suppos'd she sunk with the , motion was made to censure biin and declare inheritance George of her crew iiope of party advantage from it. That bond part abandoned her at that port.— ship. The crew consUted f 19 meu aud the s*ew- RESIDENT PRINCIPAL. on, CHARLES IIOLDEN and their So it there. are all well. Hon, children. has ever been with They ar icM. The re*cutd nun statis that he is a Pnu- him an‘‘uuwortUy member of the House," and of to which we have It was thought that her commander would BENJ. KINGSBURY, Jr., symbathy referred, those who have nan br birth au > that he had been ou the bouse opposed the aud to For further Informations rail for this motion a democrat vot- reaches country endeavor put into to make re- a> d seven without f« od or „«F“ pleas* at tha scarcely single to rebel headquarters. It reaches the were fired Wilmington eight uiglrs days water, or as follows; at takeu with its enemies Equivocal.—When guns college, read for Circular aud Cd ege MoLthir Will speak ed. part iu time of war. and that be had been dr.fUd near the tsnd twice dur- ! Most of like Mr. Sweat, dodged. -b"»e who a pairs. Inclosing letter atamp. Addreee them, issue and sign Commissions lu the yesterday, there was at first general impres- ing thr time. He could rot have survived th aotoo .Thursday Evening Sept. j, A paper before ns, to be demo- otigh Tbus.it seems tiiat a inan be to 1 claiming iy The Boston Transcript, in ths another day Th- roan war delivered over to the Newgeld..Filoav Evening.Sept. 2. may friendly Confederate service, and who give papers to sion that were in honor of the Chicago following US bryut strattox a cratic, contains the they Coustil at St Helena a»*d he wil b.. vid d for from gray, the a following: evidence of being well inform- pr rebellion, perjured traitor,aud may open- pirate cruisers. but it was afterwards rumored paragraph, gives the Cou-u a fuud and *• nt home tr*e first COL. ENOs T. j nominations, opt or ulI- rortlHBd.Maine. LUCE, talk treason ‘•Davis lias ignored the ed in relation to the status of Maine:— 11 he D L l had a ol rice and w» ly in the national witliou1 Thixdeld. Eve. 8. Disloyally pardooabl She g'tes forth nick of lime to 2Stb aud will go to The orew were irigliieu Lincoln four vesrs since—the it The editor of the Advertiser never heard timent the fall. Samuel Cony will be the next probably pieces with rebellion Is not of great -Vorl/i jy taken horn Hall’s point the cutter Star and land- Sympathy the Might s’, Th-»rn all Into port in seison for the electiou him out!” I by DENTIST, Hou- WM. K LY, ol J just flailing it was a necessary qualification of a member of Governor, and electors will be chosen "pledged” odat Damartocotta I be D was demisted and oth- Thiladalpbir ( But detection from arwise consequence. the d ms should It result in lavor of the kiud of an , n-Ju ed iu a ga e off White islands, last April, Mo. 8 Clapp’s Block. Market as which, Cup- What iuheritan:e will the au- to have any His to vote for for President. The Square, W U apeak r-ilows: at is the Congress religion. constituents, and had bat Just finished repairs. j cratic party unpardonable sin. A nun ir would be better than a p on TLAXD. p heads, rebel vic- thors of such statements leave for those ior did not consider such a First now an Even J. probably, qualification Diatriot, represented by oppoeition Portland.F.lday ag.Sept. who ifcilts the nomination dies, and his flesh is Interests of the DOM BBT 1C PORTS. — of arms for the Confed- bee ...8 turday Eyeni-g sept. I. tory whose existence they are responsible, and necessary, whan they elected him to Congress member, will load a Republican to the next Con- 9*ArtMolal T*eth inserted oa (laid. Vi Jeer, and ..Monday.. cast out to tbe SAN FKANCIICO—Old »th, Dwbp, U(«, . Patoowsfs Ml. All warrant, d to air* .bept. 4. , dogs. I The is as clear as a born.— who are »oon to I | .hip operations eracy. thing take their places ? some thirty yean ago. gress.” I Uo»g&M(. I •aUtfontlon, jan*60*odl»ljr 44 PORTLAND AND VICINITY. To all Interested. The Chicago Convention. Chicago. 31. Information is hereby given that there is no Aug _FINANCIAL. educational. ENTERTAINMENTS >'•« Advertisements To-Day. Mr. Pendleton being loudly called for said auction Sales. rendezvous on shore in this that ] naval place; BY no to his TELEGRAPH be Imd in which Notice of Foreclosure. language express to enlist men Select Bteam no one is authorized for the na- thanks ior this evidence of kindness and con- School. E. M. PATTEN. Kugiue fur Male. TOTH* U. DILI] 11 r NrO IIA LL AUCTIONSEE. 12 Eashangs^T Porilaod Maud to devote S. 7-30 loan! Fall Term of Mi*. that no one Do-gin'i Kc-urgsLlsed. vy but myself; ha« auy authority fidence. He could only promise rjIHE 8chool for Bohooi f>r X young laot.Haiid muae*, wil Sent Valuable Boys. hiuiself in the future as lu the past, w ith eu- begin 6tl> Heal Entitle on Free It. Sabre Zouaves. to men on hoard the Sabine, or to receive The For particular, uppiy lo tbe principal at .0 Attention, pass tire which lie Secretary of tho Treasury girts nodes that htuk VGednfsday, Thuisd iy, Friday and Salur. | devmiou to the great principles aog27dlw- VlTll.L be told on ThO'er'ey, P«pt 1»*. at I p M any compensation for any services in Press. ( OB getting Portland Daily at the foundation of our ihe subscript!! ni will be received for day **• P entity*.the 8 • scried double government, Coupon Treasury Ereninxs Aug. 3l«t, Sept, lot No OH bouteand m< n enlisted on board. the Free 8*. Kaligium Notices. Fair and equal s of the Slates and the liberties of Notea, three from righ payable ycara August 15, 1864 let, 3d. and 3d. u to r -—..»«»-- Casco Street •rra*fed one or two familiee.with idf A sermon, preparatory to tUe Communion, I chances are to all without people. In the future a* in the past, lie should Seminary. al the moduli Wl:l be given favor. All with semi interest at Fall Term rf tbit Ins itutioo will couveuieneea. preached by Kf,r Mr Walton in ihe Third 01 democra- annual the rate ot seven and comm^ce that is bo iaiiht.il to the great principles on 6 and continue Great °u‘ •»«l»l*»^ca#«nd Ire ban is that b. — Cougregtaioual Ciiurcb, fh ;» evening at 7j o'clock. required ageuts, brokers, princi- THE Tue.d last oa Church U. S. S. Sabine. ceedings ol tnls convention he printed. fifty dollars, or some multiple of fifty dol- aud Esq., of this city, was till recently, a resident Commanding —AMD— i.aoc. being tbe homestead o tbe la t eohu At- August 31,1804. Communications. It wa» resolved that the deinociacy of the lars. TAINMENT dill, dtctaaeu iu of Dexter, this istato, where he was different Female The auction will tale on the largely country bo requested to meet iu the College. —Ever preuented.— place prrmiaee on The notes will be transmitted to ai 12, ’elo.k In woolen St'iujicy mass on tbs owners free ol th‘» Tutusda) S.pumbe 1,1 *4, engaged A few Death.—Simon Libby of cities and hold ratification meetings, Institution will commanca 1 manufacturing. Cape FROM GENERAL T'ln.'.*11 *1r“ °/ ADMISSION ONLY 35 Atti E. STe-VENS, Acmialstrator. since SHERIDAN. the 17th of the of tbe av*uw,<*aT' 8t<:i aud oontiunc twelve OTS, yeirs he removed to , where Elizabeth, died very suddenly Tuesday night. September, anniversary transportation charges as soon after the receipt of week, Koatrtad *e»H GOcenta. UENRY Hail EY A CO a I ciioear as. of the Portland, 26. kale he was He fell adoption Federal constitution. the Board ot Instruction and rate, of For • »■ .mail Lilia Jnl> ltll. eodta-p engaged in lucrative business at the or jumped overboard from tbe steam j original Csrtifiostes of Deposit as they can be tuition tb« tame cariieulaie 1 A vote of thanks to tbe officers of the con- at in tbe puat. HiANE T. time the boat 11. 11. was 31. aug3o