Extract information from using BIRT and Generate fancy summaries, charts, and analysis for your reports

Skill Level: Intermediate

Tyler Anderson ([email protected]) Freelance writer Freelance

24 Jan 2006

Business reporting and analysis is a complex process that is difficult to get perfect when you want to produce a professional-looking report. Even more difficult is regularly repeating the exercise with new or updated data. The Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) is a suite of plug-ins for Eclipse that allows you to extract information from your databases, analyze that information, then generate summaries, charts, and analysis for your reports. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use BIRT in your Java™ 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications by creating and developing reports with BIRT using the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) technology.

Section 1. Before you start

If you have programs that collect or generate data and you need that data analyzed using various reports, this tutorial can help you get a good understanding of using Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT). This tutorial assumes basic knowledge of Eclipse and Apache Derby. Testing of the is implemented by deploying the example application on Apache Geronimo.

About this tutorial

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use BIRT in your J2EE applications by creating and developing reports using BIRT and Eclipse's Rich Client Platform (RCP) technology. You will install BIRT and create your first report that will interface with

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and source its data from a Derby database, and build subsequent reports that analyze data from the same data set at a different angle. An example application will be created that collects data from bank transactions. Tellers and bank managers will enter a transaction using a Web browser. A transaction includes the bank employee's title, deposit or withdrawal amount, and date. The end result will be that the data can be analyzed online, anytime, at several angles. Thus, throughout this tutorial, you will be the "bank manager," and you will use BIRT to view and analyze the transactions performed at your bank.


The following tools are needed to follow along. Note that this was written using a Microsoft® Windows® machine. However, the differences in details for following along on another machine should be minor.

• Eclipse and BIRT -- This tutorial uses the BIRT RCP Report Designer V1.0.1. This version uses RCP. The BIRT RCP build provides everything you need to use BIRT, including BIRT V1.0.1, Java 2 JDK V1.4.2, Eclipse Platform Runtime Binary V3.1, GEF Runtime V3.1, and EMF V2.1.0. You just unzip the download and away you go. Download the BIRT RCP Report Designer from the BIRT Release Build page. • BIRT Report Engine -- You need the BIRT Report Engine to be able to view BIRT reports. • Geronimo -- This tutorial uses Geronimo M5 to deploy the sample application, along with the embedded BIRT report objects to view the reports. • Java -- Both BIRT, Geronimo, and the example application require Java technology. Plus, the example application requires J2EE for the servlet you'll create. This tutorial uses Java V1.4.2_09 and J2EE V1.4. However, any version higher than these should suffice. Download the all-in-one Java technology bundle. • Derby -- Download Derby and be sure that the .jars you receive are added to your CLASSPATH. • DB2 Drivers -- This tutorial uses the IBM DB2® universal drivers for connecting to Derby. • Ant -- You need Ant to build the example application because it simplifies the build process of WAR files for Geronimo.

Section 2. Overview

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This section gives a high-level overview of what you will learn throughout this tutorial.

BIRT reports

Traditional reports allow businesses to graphically display data that is readable to other people. BIRT helps automate the processing of creating reports in deployed J2EE applications. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a report that will be deployed with your application.

Example application

When customers go to banks and withdraw or transfer money, the transaction is usually performed by a bank employee. The example application for this tutorial is a user interface (UI) that takes in transaction details and stores them in a Derby database. The recorded transaction details include transaction date, employee title, employee number, transaction type, amount deposited or transferred, etc.

Analyzing data

With the example application taking information and storing it in the database, the data is in its most raw form, without a feasible organization for viewing in a manner that would make sense. The BIRT reports you develop will be used to analyze this data.

Each type of report covered will allow you to view and subsequently analyze the data contained in the database.

Embedding BIRT objects in the application

Once the BIRT reports and the example application have been completed, the BIRT objects are ready to be embedded within your application. This will allow you, the bank's manager, to readily see the trends of the transactions that occur within your bank. You will gain knowledge that will allow you to make the decisions to change trends for the better, and improve productivity and performance at your bank.

Section 3. Derby: Setting up

In this section, you will create and initialize the Derby database with test data for use in BIRT. You'll use the built-in Derby database within Geronimo through Geronimo's network server. You'll use this same database when you deploy your application on Geronimo, so it makes sense to use the built-in database.

Setting up Geronimo for Derby

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Since you will use the built-in Derby database in Geronimo for BIRT, you need the right drivers.

There are a couple .jars you need to add to Geronimo: the IBM DB2 JDBC Universal Drivers. You should have them now (see Prerequisites). Unzip the .zip file you get from IBM. Take the two .jar files in the lib directory -- db2jcc.jar and db2jar_license_c.jar -- and place them in the /repository/org.apache.derby/jars directory of your Geronimo installation.

Geronimo's all set! Start Geronimo by opening up a console and typing:

java -jar /bin/server.jar

The Derby network server running on Geronimo is now ready and listening. Next, you'll connect to the network server to create and initialize the database.

Creating the Derby database

With the network server running, you're ready to create the database. Open a console and type:

java org.apache.derby.tools.ij

This fires up the Derby ij tool, and takes you to the ij prompt. Create the database by typing the following at the ij prompt:

connect 'jdbc:derby:net://localhost:1527/BANK;\ create=true:user=bankuser;password=bankpass;';

This connects to the Derby network server running on Geronimo, as well as a new BANK database. You will now be able to connect to and reference it from within BIRT.

Now we create and initialize the table.

Creating and initializing the transactions table

The transactions table will house all information on transactions performed at your bank. Create the transactions table at the ij prompt by typing the following, as shown in Listing 1.

Listing 1. Creating the transactions table

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create table transactions (transactionid integer not null generated always as identity (start with 1, increment by 1), employeeid integer not null, employeetitle varchar(50), transactiondate varchar(10), transactiontype varchar(50), amount integer, transactionSrc varchar(50), transactionDst varchar(50));

You just created the transactions table successfully. You'll need to fill it with test data for your reports, so execute the next query in the same ij prompt, as shown in Listing 2.

Listing 2. Inserting records into the transactions table

insert into transactions (employeeid, employeetitle, transactiondate, transactiontype, amount, transactionSrc, transactionDst) values (201, 'LoanOff', '12-08-2005', 'D', 7845, 'Customer', '651232135'), (203, 'Teller', '12-08-2005', 'T', 7123, '453780785', '864513215'), (204, 'Teller', '12-08-2005', 'W', 3564, '684612312', 'Customer'), (203, 'Teller', '12-08-2005', 'D', 1546, 'Customer', '054537563'), (202, 'SrTeller', '12-08-2005', 'D', 8769, 'Customer', '054537563'), (203, 'Teller', '12-09-2005', 'W', 9753, '754350324', 'Customer'), (201, 'LoanOff', '12-09-2005', 'D', 6482, 'Customer', '878505456'), (203, 'Teller', '12-09-2005', 'D', 4657, 'Customer', '040740075'), (204, 'Teller', '12-09-2005', 'T', 3542, '192837247', '075663333'), (203, 'Teller', '12-09-2005', 'D', 4075, 'Customer', '054537563'), (202, 'SrTeller', '12-09-2005', 'W', 23, '153057753', 'Customer'), (203, 'Teller', '12-09-2005', 'D', 1, 'Customer', '871532404'), (203, 'Teller', '12-10-2005', 'D', 4687, 'Customer', '975434231'), (204, 'Teller', '12-10-2005', 'T', 4578, '456213546', '075275705'), (201, 'LoanOff', '12-10-2005', 'D', 9946, 'Customer', '054537563'), (203, 'Teller', '12-10-2005', 'W', 1572, '468734234', 'Customer'), (203, 'Teller', '12-10-2005', 'D', 999, 'Customer', '345357477'), (202, 'SrTeller', '12-11-2005', 'D', 2457, 'Customer', '875725075'), (204, 'Teller', '12-11-2005', 'W', 7974, '643024563', 'Customer'), (204, 'Teller', '12-11-2005', 'T', 500, '23049834', '23049234');

You should have 20 records in the transactions table that you will use as your test data.

Next, you'll get into the BIRT RCP Report Designer, and analyze this data.

Section 4. Installing and introducing the BIRT RCP Report Designer

In this section, you will be introduced to the BIRT RCP Report Designer by creating your first BIRT project and learning the various views available from within BIRT.

Your first BIRT project

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If you haven't already downloaded and unzipped BIRT, do so now (see Prerequisites).

Starting BIRT is as simple as clicking on the BIRT.exe file you get when you unzip that file. You should see BIRT launch, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The BIRT RCP Report Designer

This is how BIRT should look each time you start it.

Now let's create your first report. Click File > New Report. Name it bank1.rptdesign. Next, select the type of report we'll create: Blank Report. Click Finish. With an active report, the look and feel of BIRT will change, with several of the views showing options. See Figure 2.

Figure 2. An empty report

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With your first report initialized, you'll now learn about the views within BIRT.

Views within BIRT

There are several views of interest in BIRT, including:

Palette The palette allows easy drag and drop of various report objects into your report.

Data Explorer • Data Sources -- These are the databases you will use in your report. This tutorial will use one data source. • Data Sets -- Query your data sources, using SQL, and provide the data you will use for your report. • Report Parameters -- The SQL used within your data sets to query data sources can be parameterizable using question marks. Report parameters are used to fill in the parameters in your SQL.

Outline The outline shows the hierarchy of objects within your report. You can use the outline to quickly find an object in your report that you would like to modify.

Property Editor

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Every object in your report has properties. For example, a heading could have several properties, including font, weight, alignment, etc. This is where you set and modify those properties.

Problems • If something's wrong with your report, you will find details of it here. • Main editor view showing an empty report (defaults to layout view) • Layout -- The view of your report you're currently seeing, also as shown in Figure 2. • Preview -- This tab shows what your report currently looks like. Currently, your report is empty, so this will display something like Report Header, underlined, and in bold font. You'll soon fix that. • Code -- Any code or BIRT scripting (JavaScript) you have in your report. See Resources for information about using this feature, as this is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Cheat Sheets Shows you how to get things done in your report. You won't be using this view, so you can strike it.

That finishes the views you can take advantage of when using the BIRT RPC Report Designer. Next, you'll create a data source that will allow you to fill in your report.

Section 5. Interfacing to data sources

This is where you'll create a connection, called a data source, to the Derby database you created in Derby: Setting up. You'll also create a data set using SQL on the data source.

Creating a new data source

Before you can query a database, BIRT requires that you set up a data source. This is done using the Data Explorer view:

1. Go to this Data Explorer view and click on Data Sources.

2. Right-click Data Sources and select New Data Source.

3. In the list presented, select JDBC Data Source.

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4. Click Next.

5. Click Manage Drivers.

6. Make sure the JAR Files tab is selected and click Add.

7. Find the DB2 driver jars you downloaded in Prerequisites, select the first one, db2jcc.jar, and click Open.

8. db2jcc.jar should appear in the list of jars. Follow steps 6 and 7 again, but this time, add the db2jcc_license_c.jar file.

9. You have now completed the prerequisites for adding the DB2 drivers to BIRT. Click OK.

10. Make sure that com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver (v2.6) is selected as the Driver Class.

11. Use this as the Database URL: jdbc:derby:net://localhost:1527/BANK;.

12. The user name should be bankuser.

13. The password should be bankpass (see Figure 3).

14. Click the Test Connection button. This makes sure that you can connect to your BANK database you created through the Derby network server running on Geronimo.

15. Click Finish.

Figure 3. Creating a data source

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Great! You now have a data source, so let's create a data set to have data for your reports to analyze.

Creating a data set from a data source

You will use the results of the query in your data set to source the data in your report. Right-click Data Sets, and select New Data Set. The options should appear, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Options for creating your data set

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Click Finish. Another window should now pop up: Edit Data Set --moneyPerEmployee. Replace the SQL in the text box on the right with the following SQL:

select employeeid, sum(AMOUNT) as totalAmt from TRANSACTIONS group by employeeid

Click OK. Your data set is ready for use in your report. Expand the moneyPerEmployee data set by clicking on the + symbol beside your newly created data set in the Data Explorer view. Your Data Explorer view should look like Figure 5.

Figure 5. The completed data set

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Let's create one more data set. Right-click the Data Sets object again, and select New Data Set, just as before. This time, keep the options the same, except change the name to transactionTypePerDate. Also, replace the SQL in the right text box with the following:

select transactiondate, transactiontype, sum(AMOUNT) as totalAmt from TRANSACTIONS group by transactiondate, transactiontype

You should now have two data sets, which you'll use in the next section to create a custom report.

The tricky parts are behind us. Next, we focus on creating the reports based on the data from the BANK database.

Section 6. Designing a custom report

In this section, you'll create a custom report with a couple charts that help graphically display data from the BANK database, so that you, the bank manager, can better analyze the transactions happening at your bank.

Available report types

There are two report types: listing and charts. There are several genres within those types (bar graphs, pie charts, etc.). However, most are quite similar. The most

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difficult of the two main categories are the charts, and within charts, the most difficult is creating a chart with a series grouping key. Thus, you'll focus on creating two charts -- one that uses a series grouping key and one that doesn't. A series grouping key is a way to group similar objects along the X-axis. For example, see the result of the transactionTypePerDate data set, shown in Listing 3.

Listing 3. Example results from the transactionTypePerDate data set

TRANSDATE TYPE TOTALAMT 12-08-2005 D 18160 12-08-2005 T 7123 12-08-2005 W 92384 12-09-2005 D 15215 12-09-2005 T 3542 12-09-2005 W 9776 12-10-2005 D 15632 12-10-2005 T 4578 12-10-2005 W 1572 12-11-2005 D 2457 12-11-2005 T 500 12-11-2005 W 7974

If you want to show in a single chart the amount transacted for all three types of transactions for a given day, you'll have three series (one for each type of transaction) and four points along the X-axis (one for each day). The series grouping key in the above case is the TYPE.

You can also add tables and other objects to a blank report using several BIRT objects. You'll learn about these next.

Available items

There are several items you can insert into your report using the Palette:

• Label -- Static text • Text -- Dynamic HTML/plain text with optional expressions • Data -- For inserting a data set or expression result • Image -- Insert an image (can be a URL, just like HTML) • Grid -- Allows you to display items using a column/row layout • List -- Displaying lists of results from a data set with a flexible format • Table -- Similar to List, but in a column format • Chart -- Inserts a graphical chart Thus, you can spruce up your report by adding any other data item you might want.

Next, you'll get to start defining the report.

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Creating a title for the report

Let's begin your report, starting with a title:

1. Go to the Palette View, and drag a Label to the top of the empty report.

2. Double-click the label you just dropped and type BANK OF MARS THE PLANET.

3. Let's add a little bit of jazz to the text by going to the Property Editor View. In the left box, make sure General is selected.

4. Click the Bold (B) button.

5. Change the Size to X-Large.

6. Click the Center button.

7. Change the background color to a light blue.

See Figure 6 for the preview results (select the preview tab in the main window).

Figure 6. Report title

Next, you'll create your first chart in BIRT.

Constructing a chart

Your first chart uses the moneyPerEmployee data set you created. Let's begin:

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1. Go to the Palette view and drag a Chart to your main report in Layout View.

2. Select Bar chart, and select the right-most subtype, then click OK.

3. In the new window, change the bar chart title to Money Transacted per Employee, then click Next.

4. Select the moneyPerEmployee data set, then click Next.

5. Find the text, X-Axis Title, and modify it to Employee ID, then click Next.

6. Find the text, Y-Axis Title and modify it to Amount.

7. Place "Amount" in the bottom-most text box, then click Next.

8. Enter row["EMPLOYEEID"] in the top-most text box (Data Definitions), then click Next.

9. Enter row["TOTALAMT"] in the Data Definitions text box, then click OK.

Click the Preview tab and compare your chart with that shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Example chart output

Voila! You've completed your first chart. Next, you'll create one more that allows you

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to have more than one series (color).

Constructing another chart

This second chart uses the transactionTypePerDate data set you created. Let's begin:

1. Go to the Palette view and drag a Chart to your report main report in Layout View just below your first chart.

2. Select Line chart, select the right-most subtype, then click OK.

3. In the new window, change the bar chart title to Transacted Money per Day per Transaction Type, then click Next.

4. Select the transactionTypePerDate data set, then click Next.

5. Find the text X-Axis Title and modify it to Date, then click Next.

6. Find the text Y-Axis Title and modify it to Amount.

7. Place row["TRANSACTIONTYPE"] in the bottom-most text box (this is the Series Group Key you learned about earlier), then click Next.

8. Enter row["TRANSACTIONDATE"] in the top-most text box (Data Definitions), then click Next.

9. Enter row["TOTALAMT"] in the Data Definitions text box, then click OK.

Again, click the Preview tab and compare your chart with that shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Example chart output using a series group key

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This completes the report. Next, you'll create an example application you'll use to enter more data into the Derby database. And after that, you'll embed your BIRT objects into your Java application and be able to view your reports online.

Section 7. The example application

This sections builds the example application. It consists of a servlet that takes data entered by a bank employee and stores this information in the same Derby database you've been working with throughout this tutorial.

Transaction details

The example application contains a form for bank employees to enter information on a transaction:

• Employee ID -- ID of the employee

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• Employee Title -- Title of the employee • Transaction Date -- Date of the transaction • Transaction Type -- Type of transaction (Withdrawal, Deposit or Transfer) • Amount -- Dollar amount involved in the transaction • Transaction Source -- Source of the transaction (customer for deposit, an account number for both withdrawal and transfer) • Transaction Destination -- Destination of transaction (customer for withdrawal, an account number for both deposit and transfer) Next, you'll build the user interface for inserting transaction details to Derby.

Building the servlet: The user interface

This servlet takes transaction data from bank employees and saves it to the BANK database. Now you will start to build the example application. Create a BankingServlet.java file and store it in the following location (rooted at a separate application directory): ./src/servlets/BankingServlet.java. Define it, as shown in Listing 4.

Listing 4. Developing the user interface with a servlet

package servlets; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java..*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class BankingServlet extends HttpServlet { public static final String form = "

\n" + "Employee ID:
\n" + "
\n" + "Employee Title:
\n" + "
\n" + "Transaction Date (MM-DD-YYYY):
\n" + "
\n" + "Transaction Type--Deposit (D), " + "Withdrawal (W), Transfer (T):
\n" + "
\n" + "Amount:
\n" + "
\n" + "Transaction Source (Enter Customer, or the account #):
\n"+ "
\n" + "Transaction Destination (Enter Customer, " + "or the account #):
\n" + "
\n" + "\n"; public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setBufferSize(8192); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println("" +

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"Enter a Transaction" + "" + "

Enter a Transaction

\n" + form + "
"); out.close(); } public String getServletInfo() { return "Enter a transaction!"; } }

The main items of interest are in bold -- namely, the form used to take in information from bank employees and the second bold block where the HTML is written to the browser. The form should look like Figure 9.

Figure 9. The form

Building the servlet: Storing data in the BANK database

Now we extend the servlet to add a doPost() function that takes the data submitted from the form via POST, and process and store it in the BANK database.

Continue to define the BankingServlet.java file, as shown in Listing 5.

Listing 5. Retrieving the POST request

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... ""); out.close(); } public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setBufferSize(8192); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println("" + "Enter a Transaction" + "" + "

Enter a Transaction

\n"); String empID_str = request.getParameter("empID"); String empTitle = request.getParameter("empTitle"); String transDate = request.getParameter("transDate"); String transType = request.getParameter("transType"); String amount_str = request.getParameter("amount"); String transSrc = request.getParameter("transSrc"); String transDst = request.getParameter("transDst"); ...

The doPost() method, as shown in Listing 5, starts out by retrieving all of the parameters from the received POST request. Next, you'll take this data, verify that an employee ID has been entered, and store the information in the database. See Listing 6.

Listing 6. Processing the POST request and storing it in the database

... String transSrc = request.getParameter("transSrc"); String transDst = request.getParameter("transDst"); boolean result = false; if ((empID_str != null) && (empID_str.length() > 0)) { int empID = Integer.parseInt(empID_str); int amount = Integer.parseInt(amount_str); Driver driver = null; try { driver = (Driver) (com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver.class).newInstance(); } catch(Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to load, " + "instantiate, or register driver " + driver + ": "+e.getMessage()); } try { Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.put("user", "bankuser"); prop.put("password", "bankpass"); Connection conn = driver. connect("jdbc:derby:net://localhost:1527/BANK;", prop); String sql = "insert into transactions "+ "(employeeid, employeetitle, transactiondate, "+ "transactiontype, amount, transactionSrc, "+ "transactionDst) values "+ "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(sql); statement.setInt(1, empID); statement.setString(2, empTitle); statement.setString(3, transDate); statement.setString(4, transType); statement.setInt(5, amount); statement.setString(6, transSrc);

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statement.setString(7, transDst); statement.execute(); result = true; ...

If a valid employee ID was entered, a connection is made to the BANK database using the same Driver you set up in BIRT. Then a parameterizable INSERT SQL statement is created, and the data from the POST request becomes the parameters. The SQL statement is finally executed, and result, previously false, gets set to true, indicating that no errors/exceptions occurred in the database transaction. This last segment starts off by catching any exceptions. See Listing 7.

Listing 7. Developing the user interface with a servlet

... statement.execute(); result = true; } catch(Throwable e) { result = false; e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.out.println("Error executing query"); out.println("Error in SQL!
"); } } if(result) out.println("Transaction entered!
" + form); else out.println("Invalid, try again!
" + form); out.println(""); out.close(); } public String getServletInfo() { ...

Notice that if an exception is thrown, result remains false. A transaction success or failure notice is then output to the screen, followed by the form so a bank employee can immediately enter another transaction.

This ends the servlet. The rest of the section focuses on deploying and building the application on Geronimo.

Geronimo specifics: geronimo-web.xml

Geronimo requires a few minor things when deploying applications. In this case, there are only two files you need to create to facilitate deployment of the application on Geronimo: geronimo-web.xml (Geronimo-specific) and web.xml (J2EE-specific). Store them both in the ./WEB-INF/ directory. Define geronimo-web.xml, as shown in Listing 8.

Listing 8. Defining geronimo-web.xml

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xmlns:sec="http://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/security-1.0" configId="com/ibm/eclipse/birtDemo"> org.apache.derby/jars/db2jcc.jar org.apache.derby/jars/db2jcc_license_c.jar /birtDemo false

The configId is the ID associated with your application in Geronimo. Next, specify the two .jars you added to the Geronimo repository as dependencies, so Geronimo can dynamically load them with your application. These jars are the DB2 drivers. Last, specify where on Geronimo you can view your application -- birtDemo, in your case (http://localhost:8080/birtDemo).

Next, you'll define the web.xml file.

J2EE specifics: web.xml

The web.xml file defines standard J2EE properties. Define the web.xml file, as shown Listing 9.

Listing 9. Defining web.xml

BankingServlet BankingServlet servlets.BankingServlet BankingServlet /transaction.html

The servlet tags associate the binary BankingServlet file with a name that Geronimo uses in the servlet-mapping tags. The servlet-mapping tags specify where to place the servlet, so if a browser pointed to that location, the servlet would become active (http://localhost:8080/birtDemo/transaction.html, in this case).

The next step is to build the application using Ant.

Building the application using Ant

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To build the application, define a build.xml file and store it at the root, as shown in Listing 10.

Listing 10. Defining build.xml

The first target tag, compile, compiles the servlet and stores it in the proper location for the second target tag, war. This second target tag takes the web.xml, geronimo-web.xml and compiled servlet files and archives them into a web-archive (WAR) file, birtDemo.war, which is ready for deployment on Geronimo.

Deploying and testing the application on Geronimo

To know if the application is ready for the BIRT objects, deploy and test it on Geronimo. Type the following to deploy your application on Geronimo:

java -jar /bin/deployer.jar --user system --password manager deploy birtDemo.war

The application has now been deployed on Geronimo, so open a Web browser and point it to http://localhost:8080/birtDemo/transaction.html. The browser should now look like Figure 9.

Enter the information in the form, as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Entering a new transaction

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Click Submit. If everything works correctly, you'll get the following browser output, as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Example browser output for a successful transaction

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The application works, so let's import the BIRT objects and analyze some data online.

Section 8. Viewing BIRT reports in Geronimo

This section goes over how to view reports within Geronimo. First, you'll deploy the BIRT viewer on Geronimo, along with the .rpt design file (BIRT file). Then you'll view this BIRT report directly from Geronimo.

Package the BIRT viewer with the example application

Packaging the BIRT viewer and your application into one .war file embeds the BIRT viewer within your application. This also enables you to view your reports online, anytime, as the banking employees in your bank add transactions.

Do the following to package the BIRT viewer with your application:

1. Go to the < BIRT Report Engine-install-dir >.

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2. Make a new directory, merge, and copy birt.war to this directory.

3. Enter this directory and unarchive birt.war by typing: jar -xf birt.war (necessary because there's a bug in the "Web Viewer Example").

4. Delete the birt.war file.

5. Copy your birtDemo.war application file to the < BIRT Report Engine-install-dir > /merge directory.

6. Unarchive birtDemo.war by typing: jar -xf birtDemo.war

7. Delete birtDemo.war

8. Merge these two files: WEB-INF/web.xml and WEB-INF/web-template.xml. Copy the contents of WEB-INF/web.xml (belongs to your application) and replace the @generate@ statement in WEB-INF/web-template.xml (See Listing 11).

9. Delete the old web.xml file, and change web-template.xml to web.xml.

10. Copy your report file, bank1.rptdesign, from < BIRT-install-dir > /workspace/bank1.rptdesign to < BIRT Report Engine-install-dir > /merge.

11. Finally, Web-archive the merged Web applications by typing jar -cf birtDemo.war *.

Listing 11. Appending web.xml to the end of web-template.xml

... ViewerServlet /toolbar BankingServlet BankingServlet servlets.BankingServlet BankingServlet /transaction.html

Next, you'll redeploy your application, and test it out.

Redeploy the combined .war file on Geronimo

You have the viewer and your application in a single .war file. You need to redeploy your application so it replaces the old one within Geronimo. Type the following to redeploy the newly created, merged .war file:

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java -jar bin/deployer.jar --user system --p password manager redeploy birtDemo.war com/ibm/eclipse/birtDemo

The combined application is installed on Geronimo and ready for testing.

View the BIRT report embedded in your application

Now's the exciting part where you get to test the embedded BIRT reports on Geronimo. Point a browser to the following URL:


This should bring up your report, just as it did in the BIRT RCP Report Designer. If you want the output in PDF rather than HTML, tack this onto the above URL:


See Figure 12 for a screenshot of the report.

Figure 12. Viewing reports in Geronimo

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Cool, huh? You can look at your reports whenever you want. Just point your browser to them, and it doesn't matter what's going on back at the bank.

Next, you'll try adding more transactions to the system and see the changes online.

Add a couple more transactions and view the differences

Let's see if your online reports really work by adding some new records through the user interface you created. Point your browser to the transactions page (http://localhost:8080/birtDemo/transaction.html).

Add new records without creating new dates. Also, add a withdrawal on 10 Dec 2005 of $50,000, and you'll verify that a change has occurred for that date when you

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regenerate the report. Enter the new record, as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13. Adding a withdrawal of $50,000 on 12-10-2005

Click Submit. Go back to the browser where your report is and shift-click the reload button on your browser. This should refresh the report regardless of your browser's cached or saved data. The new report should now look like Figure 14.

Figure 14. Viewing the changes to the database in the BIRT report

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Section 9. Summary

Congratulations! You successfully learned how to use the Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools, developed for Eclipse, and integrated it with a Derby database. You then embedded your new BIRT objects into your example application, all deployed on the Geronimo application server. See Resources for links that point to possible extension points for BIRT reports, tools, and charts, and take advantage of using the power of this plug-in with the Eclipse platform.

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Description Name Size Download method Source code os-birtDemo.zip 19KB HTTP

Information about download methods

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Learn • For links to the latest version of Eclipse, information on IBM's involvement with Eclipse, and a guide to some of the most interesting Eclipse projects, check out Get started now with Eclipse. • See a presentation from EclipseCon 2005 titled Introducing the.Business Intelligence & Reporting Tools (BIRT) Project. • For information about a BIRT presentation at EclipseCon 2006, see BIRT In Depth: Extending and Using the BIRT Framework. • Get the BIRT Developer Guide. • See an excellent introductory BIRT tutorial. • Check out the "Recommended Eclipse reading list." • Browse all the Eclipse content on developerWorks. • New to Eclipse? Read the developerWorks article "Get started with Eclipse Platform" to learn its origin and architecture, and how to extend Eclipse with plug-ins. • Expand your Eclipse skills by checking out IBM developerWorks' Eclipse project resources. • To listen to interesting interviews and discussions for software developers, check out check out developerWorks podcasts. • For an introduction to the Eclipse platform, see "Getting started with the Eclipse Platform." • Stay current with developerWorks' Technical events and webcasts. • Watch and learn about IBM and open source technologies and product functions with the no-cost developerWorks On demand demos. • Check out upcoming conferences, trade shows, webcasts, and other Events around the world that are of interest to IBM open source developers. • Visit the developerWorks Open source zone for extensive how-to information, tools, and project updates to help you develop with open source technologies and use them with IBM's products. Get products and technologies • Check out the IBM DB2 Universal Drivers. • Download Apache Derby from Apache.org. • Download Eclipse from Eclipse.org. • Download BIRT from Eclipse.org.

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About the author

Tyler Anderson Tyler Anderson graduated with a degree in Computer Science from Brigham Young University in 2004 and is currently in his last semester as a Master of Science student in Computer Engineering. In the past, he worked as a database programmer for DPMG.COM, and he is currently an engineer for Stexar Corp., based in Beaverton, Oregon.

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