Study Notes / Discussion Questions RADICAL Title The Magician Text(s) :1-12

CHURCH Sunday 11th October 2020

READ Read the passage and consider some of the following questions: What does this passage teach me about God and the Good News? Is there a word or phrase which stands out to you? Why might this be? What might God be trying to say?

SUMMARY / OUTLINE / KEY POINTS Acts 13 begins the second grand narrative of Acts as the focus is shifted from Peter (and others) in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to Paul heading west into the Roman Empire. Acts continually shows us how the words of in :8 are being fulfilled.

1. Call & Commission (Acts 13:1-3) To begin with, we see cultural and ethnic diversity in the leadership of the church - a model we should seek to replicate. God does not have a specific mould for leadership, rather he looks for people who will serve him faithfully. Just like David was called based on his heart attitude, we too are called in the same way.

In a time of fasting (giving up) and worshipping/prayer (focussed and distraction free!) the church at Antioch hear God’s call for and Paul. They set them apart (despite possibly wanting to keep hold of them!) and commission them for the work God is calling them to - despite the lack of certainty over the finer details.

2. Cyprus & Curiosity (Acts 13:4-8) Barnabas and Paul head to Cyprus on mission. They don’t know the full extent of God’s call, but go anyway - the uncertainties of a call require faith and obedience! As they travel across the region, they share the good news of Jesus in the synagogues. This draws the attention of a local Roman leader who wants to know more.

3. Confrontation & Conversion (Acts 13:9-12) Sergius Paulus had in his staff a magician named . Culturally this was normal and Elymas would have been there to support Sergius Paulus in decision making. The Roman official clearly takes an interest in the message being shared by the newly commissioned missionaries. However, Elymas doesn’t want to lose his employment and seeks to distract Sergius Paulus from committing to following God. A strong rebuke is issued by Paul through the Holy Spirit and Elymas is struck blind and left in darkness for a time. This powerful move of God leads Sergius Paulus to believe in God.

REFLECT Reflect and discuss: How does the sermon challenge or encourage you? Is there any personal/corporate application or implication for the week ahead? (i.e., what three things have you taken away from the sermon? How might this sermon apply to our fellowship/ community?)

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QUESTIONS 1. What distractions do you have that stop you from focussing on God? 2. What response would a church-wide call to prayer and worship/fasting receive at Pinhoe Road? Why do you think this and how could we encourage others to take part? 3. How can the church encourage people in exploring God’s call on their lives? Are you attentive to God’s call on others or praying that God would issue a call to service (locally or further afield) to people in the fellowship at Pinhoe Road. 4. Do you ask God to help you identify people on your frontline who are open to the good news or curious to know more about Jesus? 5. Thinking about Sergius Paulus and Elymas the Magician, who do you go to for wisdom/ guidance?

ACTION(S) • What might God be asking you to give up in order to pursue him in prayer and to be able to hear his voice more clearly? • How can you commit to praying more frequently in your personal life and with the wider body of the church at Pinhoe Road? • Ask God to move in power amongst the people of Pinhoe Road and beyond.

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