Federal GIS Conference February 9–10, 2015 | Washington, DC

Achieving Interoperability Using Open Standards and Specifications David Danko, Marten Hogeweg, Esri Abstracting geographic knowledge

Visualization, Encapsulating Analytics, real world Decision support. . . knowledge

Models Maps Geodata Metadata GIS interoperability – exchanging and using geographic knowledge

Interoperability: the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged *

Technical interoperability Semantic interoperability * IEE Abstracting unlimited variety of features/phenomena GIS - merging diverse information

Diverse: information types formats location reference systems perspectives Distributed Integrated by location

Interoperability enablers Infrastructure

Supportive networks, Interfaces, hardware

• Practical, widely used • Providing technical and semantic interoperability • Fit for purpose • Geographic structures Knowledgeable users Interoperability Standards • Data formats • Well trained • Content description • Understand the need for • Quality quality • Data management • Metadata to understand • Visualization and use data and services properly • Geoweb services

Laws • Metadata

Intellectual property protection, Authorization to share ESRI learns about and supports standards through active participation:

Implementations –IT/industry standards Organizations – GIS standards – ISO TC 211 – OGC – ANSI/INCITS –L1 – CEN – Global Map – GSDI – DGIWG – IHO – GWG Standards Development – International Standards Projects/Testbeds – Regional Standards – OGC Web Services testbeds – National Standards – GEOSS – Information Community Standards – INSPIRE – NATO Core GIS Standards

• An agreement between a provider and a consumer a reference document enabling interoperability • Standards Development Organizations (SDOs)

ISO TC211 Abstract Models, Software XML/XSD, HTML, Content, Vocabulary. Interfaces: XSLT, URI. . . Instantiations based on ISO and W3C standards

Domain Infrastructure Technical interoperability standards

ISO 19139 Metadata XML Schema WMS

GML Organizations in which ESRI participates to establish Technical Interoperability

example: ISO 19128, 19139

example: WMS, WFS, GML

example: XML, URI, HTML5 Semantic Interoperability Standards INSPIRE Data specification on Geology ISO 19115 Metadata Title = name by which the resource is known

FGDC Framework data models GML Organizations in which ESRI participates to establish Semantic Interoperability

example: ISO 19157 Data quality, 19110 Feature Catalogue Methodology

example: Point Symbology for Emergency Management, NAP

example: INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules and Data example: FGDC Framework Themes, Specifications Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata GIS Standardization – functional areas

1. Basic Geographic Structures (semantic interoperability)

- ISO Spatial Schema, Coverages, Coordinate Ref Systems standards

2. Content description (semantic interoperability)

- FACC, SDSFIE, Standardized Data Models

- Feature Catalogs, Metadata

3. Data Management (semantic and technical)


4. Data Formats (technical interoperability)


5. Visualization (semantic and technical)

- SLD, MIL-STD 2525

6. GeoWeb Services (technical interoperability)

- OGC Catalog, Web Services, HTTP Putting it all together Using standard’s functional areas to provide geographic knowledge

Basic Geographic Structure Content Description Data Management Data Format Examples: Visualization ISO 19107 Spatial Schemas Examples: Web services ISO 19111 Spatial referencing by coordinates ISO 19109 Rules for Application Schemas ISO 19123 Schema for coverage geometry ISO 19110 Feature Catalog Examples: and functions ISO 19115 Metadata GML, WMS, WCS ISO 19144 Classification Systems WFS, MIL-STD 2525 ISO TC 211Participation

• ESRI provides leadership role in ISO TC 211 Standards Development: • Project lead on many ISO Standards • Provide technical experts on many Work Item project teams • Provide support for ISO TC 211 standards outreach • Meeting sponsorship ISO TC 211 Standards examples

ISO 19107 Spatial schema ISO 19111 Spatial referencing by ISO 19115 Metadata Conceptual schemata for coordinates Schema for describing geographic describing, representing and Defines the conceptual schema for information and services manipulating the spatial spatial reference systems. The data required characteristics of geographic features to define 1, 2, and 3-dimensional systems ESRI serves many roles within OGC

Board of Directors Architecture Board Planning Committee Technical Committee Lead several Standards and Domain Working Groups Joint Advisory Group to ISO TC211 OGC Forums Testbeds & Plugfests Testing & Compliancy Outreach Program Financial Support 160+ Compliant past and present products http://www.opengeospatial.org/resource/products/compliant#ESRI OGC Web Services examples


Web Feature Service Geospatial feature publishing/streaming service Geospatial “picture” publishing/viewing service static base maps where the bounding box and scales have been constrained to discrete tiles

Global Map http://ww Abstract: vector data NOAA Weather htt Abstract: point featur Landsat http://www.N Abstract: 30m satelli

Web Processing Service Interface for publishing geospatial algorithms, calculations or models Imagery and gridded data publishing/processing service Catalog Service-Web Metadata publishing/search service ISO TC 211 Standards

6709:2008 - Standard representation of latitude, longitude and altitude for 19130:2010 -Sensor and data models for imagery and gridded data geographic point locations 19101:2002 - Reference model Part 1: Fundamentals 19130-2 - SAR, InSAR, Lidar and Sonar 19101-2:2008 - Reference model - Part 2: Imagery 19131:2007 - Data product specifications 19103:2005 - Conceptual schema language 19132:2007 - Location based services - Reference model 19104:2008 - Terminology 19133:2005 - Location based services - Tracking and navigation 19105:2000 - Conformance and testing 19134:2007 - Multimodal location based services for routing and navigation 19106:2004 - Profiles 19135:2005 - Procedures for registration of geographical information items 19107:2003 - Spatial schema 19135-2 - XML Schema Implementation 19108:2002 - Temporal schema 19136:2007 - Geography Markup Language 19109:2005 - Rules for applicaiton schema 19137:2007 - Core profile of the spatial schema 19110:2005 - Methodology for feature cataloguing 19138:2006 - Data quality measures 19111:2007 - Spatial referencing by coordinates 19139:2007 - Metadata - XML schema implementation 19111-2:2009 - Extension for parametric value 19141:2008 - Schema for moving features 19112:2003 - Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers 19142:2010 - 19113:2002 - Quality principles 19143:2010 - Filter encoding 19114:2003 - Quality evaluation procedures 19144-1:2009 - Classification Systems – Part 1: Classification system structure 19115:2003 - Metadata 19144-2 - Land Cover Meta Language (LCML) 19115-2:2009 - Extension for imagery and gridded data 19145 - Registry of representations of geographic point location 19116:2004 - Positioning services 19146:2010 - Cross-domain vocabulary 19117:2005 - Portrayal 19147 - Transfer nodes 19118:2005 - Encoding 19148 - Linear referencing 19119:2005 - Services 19149 - Rights expression language for geographic information 19120:2001 - Functional standards 19150-1 - Ontology - Part 1: Framework 19121:2000 - Imagery and gridded data 19150-2 - Ontology - Part 2: Rules for developing OWL 19122:2004 - Qualifications and Certification of personnel 19148 - Linear referencing 19123:2005 - Schema for coverage geometry and functions 19152 - Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) 19124 - Imagery and gridded data components 19153 - Geospatial Digital Rights Management Reference Model 19125-1:2004 - Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture 19154 - Ubiquitous public access - Reference model 19125-2:2004 - SQL option 19155 - Place Identifier (PI) Architecture 19126:2009 - Profile - FACC Data Dictionary 19156 - Observations and measurements 19127:2005 - Geodetic codes and parameters 19157 - Data quality 19128:2005 - Web Map server interface 19158 - Quality assurance of data supply 19129:2009 - Imagery, gridded and framework 19159 - Calibration and validation of remote sensing imagery sensors and data 19160 - Addressing OGC Standards 22. PUCK

1. Cat: ebRIM App Profile: Earth Observation Products 23. SWE Common Data Model 2. Catalogue Service 24. SWE Service Model 3. CityGML 25. Sensor Model Language 4. Coordinate Transformation 26. Sensor Observation Service 5. Filter Encoding 27. Sensor Planning Service 6. GML in JPEG 2000 28. Simple Features 7. GeoAPI 29. Simple Features CORBA 8. Geopackage 30. Simple Features OLE/COM 9. GeoSparql 31. Simple Features SQL 10. Geography Markup Language 32. 11. Geospatial eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (GeoXACML) 33. Symbology Encoding 12. IndoorGML 34. Table Joining Service 13. KML 35. WaterML 14. Location Services (OpenLS) 36. Web Coverage Processing Service 15. NetCDF 37. Web Coverage Service 16. Observations and Measurements 38. Web Feature Service 17. Open GeoSMS 39. Web Map Context 18. OpenMI 40. Web Map Service 19. OpenSearch Geo 41. Web Map Tile Service 20. Ordering Services Framework for Earth Observation Products 42. 21. OWS Context 43. Web Service Common W3C Standards

Accessibility (All) Multimodal Web Applications Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) OWL Web Fonts Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) Web Performance Best Practices for Authoring HTML PICS Web Services Addressing CC/PP PNG Web Services Policy CSS POWDER Web Services Resource Access Declarative Web Applications Provenance WebCGM Device Description Repository Quality Assurance (QA) Framework Widgets DOM RDB2RDF WSDL DOM events RDF XForms Efficient XML Interchange RDF Relationship to Other Formats XHTML For Mobile eGovernment RDF vocabularies XHTML Modularization Geospatial RDFa XInclude Government RIF XKMS Graphics Security for User Agents XLink GRDDL Security for Web Applications XML HTML Semantic Annotation for WSDL and XML Schema XML Base HTTP Service Modeling Language (SML) XML Canonicalization InkML SKOS XML Design Techniques Internationalization (All) SMIL XML Encryption Internationalization of Web Architecture SOAP XML Pipeline (XProc) Internationalization of Web Design and Applications SPARQL XML Schema Internationalization of XML Stylesheets in XML XML Signature Javascript APIs SVG XML-binary Optimized Packaging Linked Data SVG Tiny :id MathML XPath Media Access User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) XPointer Mobile Web Applications Voice XQuery Mobile Web Authoring Web Architecture XSL-FO XSLT Coordinate Reference systems supported by ArcGIS

• Geographic coordinate systems • Projected coordinate systems - National Grids - Malaysia and Singapore - New Zealand - Africa (93) - Arc (equal arc-second) (18) - Africa - Argentina - North America - Antarctica (6) - Continental - Asia - Norway - Asia (97) - Africa (4) - Australia - Oceans - Atlantic Ocean (30) - Asia (7) - Austria - South Africa - Europe (9) - Australia/New Zealand (6) - Canada - South America - North America (24) - Caribbean (22) - Europe - South Korea - South America (3) - Europe (92) - Finland - Sweden - Gauss Kruger - Indian Ocean (9) - France - Turkey - Asia (4) - North America (34) - Germany - Polar - Beijing 1954 (61) - Indian Subcontinent - State Plane - Pacific Ocean (56) - CGCS2000 (62) - Indonesia - - Solar System (9) - Europe (59) State Systems - Japan - South America (39) - New Beijing (65) - UTM - Libya - Spheroid-based (47) - Pulkovo 1942 (~200) - World - World (17) - Pulkovo 1995 (~200) - World (Sphere-based) - Turkey (7)

- Xian 1980 (68) FGDC endorsed External Standards (1)


• GeoTIFF Revision 1.0 • ISO 19115 - Metadata + Corrigendum 1 • Hierarchical Data Format V 5.0 • ISO 19115 - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data • Codes for Identification of Hydrologic Units in the U.S. and the Caribbean • ISO 19118 - Encoding (Outlying) Areas . . . • ISO 19119 – Services + Amd 1 • Codes for the Identification of Counties and Equivalent Areas of the United • ISO 19123 - Schema for coverage geometry and functions States . . . • ISO 19132 - Location Based Services - Reference model • Codes for the Identification of the States and Equivalent Areas within the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Insular Areas • ISO 19133 - Location Based Services - Tracking and navigation • Identifying Attributes for Named Physical and Cultural Geographic Features • ISO 19134 - Location Based Services - Multimodal routing and (Except Roads and Highways) of the United States . . . navigation • North American Profile of ISO 19115:2003 - Geographic information - • ISO 19135 - Procedures for registration of geographical information Metadata (NAP - Metadata) items • Codes for the Identification of Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical • ISO 19141 - Schema for moving features Areas and Related Statistical Areas of the United States and Puerto Rico • ISO 19109 - Rules for application schema

• Codes for the Identification of Congressional Districts and Equivalent Areas • ISO 19127 - Geodetic codes and parameters of the United States . . . • ISO 19131 - Data product specifications + Amendment 1 • ISO 19107 - Spatial schema • ISO 19136 - Geographic Markup Language • ISO 19108 - Temporal schema w/Corrigendum 1 • ISO 19144 -- Classification Systems -- Part 1: Classification system • ISO 19110 - Methodology for Feature Cataloguing structure

• ISO 19111 - Spatial referencing by coordinates + extension for parametric • ISO 3166 - Codes for the Representation of Names Of Countries and values their Subdivisions • ISO 19112 - Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers FGDC endorsed External Standards (2)


• ISO 6709Standards representation of geographic point locations by • Location Services: Tracking Service Interface Standard coordinates w/Corrigendum 1 • Web Map Service Implementation Specification, Version 1.3.0 • ISO/IEC 13818 -2: MPEG 2 - video • SensorML Encoding Standard v 1.0 w/Schema Corrigendum 1 (1.01) • ISO/IEC 13818-3: MPEG 2 - audio • Catalogue Service (CAT) Implementation Specification (2.0.2) + Corrigendum • ISO/IEC 15444-1: JPEG 2000 for OpenGIS Implementation Specification 07-006: Catalogue Services, Version 2.0.2 • ISO/IEC IS 10918-1 : JPEG • Catalogue Services Specification 2.0.2 - ISO Metadata Application Profile • ISO 19103 - Conceptual schema language • Web Map Tile Service Implementation Standard, version 1.0.0 • ISO 19104 - Terminology • Web Coverage Service (WCS) Implementation Standard, version 1.1.2 • ISO 19138 -- Data quality measures w/Corrigendum 2 • ISO 19139 -- Metadata -- XML schema implementation • Location Services (OpenLS): Core Services, version 1.2 • NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) • OGC KML 2.2 – Abstract Test Suite (1.0.0) • Web Feature Service Implementation Specification, version 1.1.0 with Corrigendum 1 • KML, version 2.2.0 • Location Services (OpenLS): Part 6-Navigation Service • Filter Encoding Implementation Specification, version 1.1 • Location Services: Tracking Service Interface Standard • Web Map Context (WMC) Documents Implementation Specification, Version 1.1.0 w/Corrigendum 1 • Sensor Planning Service Implementation Specification, version 1.0.0

• Web Processing Service, Version: 1.0.0 w/ Corrigendum • Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)

• Symbology Encoding Implementation Specification, version 1.1.0 • Unified Model Language (UML)2.2

• Styled Layer Descriptor profile of the Web Map Service Implementation • GENC Ed.1 Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes Standard, Edition 1.0 Specification, version 1.1.0 • ISO 19156 Observation and Measurements • Sensor Observation Service Interface Standard, version 1.0.0 • OGC WaterML 2.0 Part 1 – Time series

• Time-Space-Position Information (TSPI), Version 2.0 DISR approved GEOINT Standards – mandated (1)

AIXM 5.1 Aeronautical Information Exchange Model BPCGM01.00 BIIF Profile for Computer Graphics Metafile BPJ2K01.10 BIIF Profile for JPEG 2000, CAT 2.0.2 Catalogue Service (CAT) Implementation Specification DGIWG FACC DGIWG Feature and Attribute Coding Catalogue GRIB WMO No. 306 Manual on Codes, International Codes, Ext. BUFR WMO Manual on Codes, International Codes, Volume 1.2 GeoTIFF Revision 1 GeoTIFF Format Specification, GeoXACML GML2 Geospatial eXtensible Access Control Markup GeoXACML GML3 Geospatial eXtensible Access Control Markup Language GML 3.1.1 Geography Markup Language Encoding Specification IEC 80000-6:2008 Quantities and units - Part 6: Electromagnetism ISO 19107:2003 Spatial schema ISO 19108:2002 Temporal schema ISO 19109:2005 Rules for application schema ISO 19110:2005 Methodology for feature cataloguing ISO 19111:2007 Spatial referencing by coordinates ISO 19112:2003 Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers ISO 19115-2:2009 Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115:2003 Metadata, 8 May 2003, with Technical Corrigendum 1 ISO 19119:2005 Services ISO 19123:2005 Schema for coverage geometry and functions, ISO 19126:2009 Feature concept dictionaries and registers, ISO 19135:2005 Procedures for item registration, ISO 19136:2007 Geography Markup Language, ISO 19142:2010 Web Feature Service, ISO 3166-1:2006 Part 1: Country codes, ISO 3166-2:2007 Part 2: Country subdivision code, ISO 6709:2008 Standard representation of geographic point location by w/Cor1:2009 coordinates ISO 80000-1:2009 Quantities and units - Part 1: General ISO 80000-3:2006 Quantities and units - Part 3: Space and time ISO 80000-4:2006 Quantities and units - Part 4: Mechanics ISO 80000-7:2008 Quantities and units - Part 7: Light https://nsgreg.nga.mil/DISR-approved.jsp DISR approved GEOINT Standards – mandated (2)

MISB STD 0903.3 Video Moving Target Indicator and Track Metadata OGC SLD 1.1.0 Styled Layer Descriptor MISP v6.4 Motion Imagery Standards Profile OGC WCS 1.1.2 Web Coverage Service (WCS) Implementation Standard NGA.IP.0001_2.0 Implementation Profile for GeoTIFF NGA.IP.0002_1.0 High Resolution Elevation (HRE) Products, OpenGIS Filter 1.1 Filter Encoding Implementation Specification, Version 1.1.0 NGA.IP.0003_1.0 NITF Implementation Profile for LiDAR Systems OpenGIS SOS 1.0 Sensor Observation Service Implementation Specification, NGA.IP.0006_1.0 NITF Implementation Profile for Tactical Hyperspectral Imagery Rec. BT.601-6 (01/07) Studio encoding parameters of digital television for standard 4:3 and NGA.STND.0012-1_2.1 NSG Metadata Foundation (NMF) - Part 1: Conceptual Schema 16:9 aspect ratios, NGA.STND.0012-2_1.0 NSG Metadata Foundation (NMF) - Part 2: Quality Metadata, SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment, NGA.STND.0012-3_1.0.0 NSG Metadata Foundation (NMF) - Part 3: Metadata for Imagery and SE 1.1.0 Symbology Encoding Implementation Specification, Version: 1.1.0 Gridded Data NGA.STND.0015_3.1 Display Performance Standard, Version 3.1 SMPTE 336M-2007 Data Encoding Protocol Using Key-Length-Value, NGA.STND.0016_2.1 Softcopy Exploitation Facility Standard, Version 2.1 SMPTE 377M-1-2009 Material Exchange Format (MXF) - File Format Specification NGA.STND.0017_3.0.1 Community Sensor Model (CSM) Technical Requirements Document SPS 1.0 Sensor Planning Service Implementation Specification NGA.STND.0018_2.1 NSG Metadata Implementation Specification (NMIS) XML Exchange STANAG 3809 Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) Exchange Format Schema STANAG 4559 NATO Standard ISR Library Interface, Edition 3 NGA.STND.0020_5.0 NSG Feature Data Dictionary (NFDD), Version 5.0 STANAG 4607 NATO Ground Moving Target Indicator Format (GMTIF), Edition 3 NGA.STND.0021_5.0 NSG Entity Catalog (NEC), Version 5.0 STANAG 7098 Edition 2 Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (CADRG) NGA.STND.0022_5.0 NSG Application Schema (NAS) - Part 1: Platform Independent Model, STANAG 7099 Edition 2 Controlled Image Base (CIB), 26 November 2004 Version 5.0 STANAG 7172 (Ed.2) Use of Geomagnetic Models NGA.STND.0024-1_1.0 Sensor Independent Complex Data (SICD) Design & Implementation STANAG 7194 Edition 1 NATO Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale (NIIRS) Description Document STDI-0001 v1.3/CN3 National Support Data Extensions (SDE) for the NITF NGA.STND.0024-2_1.0 SICD, File Format Description Document STDI-0002-1_4.0 Controlled Extensions (CE) for NITF Tagged Record Extensions NGA.STND.0024-3_1.0 SICD Image Projections Description Document STDI-0002-2_1.0 The Compendium of Controlled Extensions (CE) for NITF NGA.STND.0025-1_1.0 SIDD Design and Implementation Description Document STDI-0006, 23 July 2008 National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) NGA.STND.0025-2_1.0 Sensor Independent Derived Data (SIDD) NITF File Format Description T3D v6.4r1 Tasked Target Text Data v6.4r1 Document, Version 1.0 TIFF Revision 6.0 TIFF, Revision 6.0, Adobe Systems Inc. NGA.STND.0025-3_1.0 Sensor Independent Derived Data (SIDD) GeoTIFF File Format U.S. DoD IP 1.1 Motion Imagery for Situational Awareness Description Document U.S. DoD USIP 1.1 Line of Sight Transmission of Motion Imagery for Battlespace NGA.STND.0026_5.0 NSG Topographic Data Store (TDS) Content Specification, Version 5.0 Awareness NGA.STND.0033_1.0 Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes (GENC) Standard, Edition 1.0 U.S. DoD USIP 1.2:2012 Beyond Line-of-Sight Transmission of Sensor Data for Battle Space NGA.STND.0034_4.1.26 Joint OPIR Logical Data Model (JODM) Version 4.1.26 Awareness OCL v2.2 Object Constraint Language (OCL), Version 2.2 UML 2.2 Unified Modeling Language (UML) Superstructure OGC GML sfp v2.0 w/Cor Geography Markup Language (GML) simple features profile, WFS 1.1 Web Feature Service OGC KML 2.2.0 OGC KML, Version 2.2.0 WMC 1.1 Web Map Context OGC SensorML v1.0.0 OpenGIS Sensor Model Language (SensorML) WMS 1.3 Web Map Service WMTS v1.0.0 Web Map Tile Service Implementation Standard https://nsgreg.nga.mil/DISR-approved.jsp WPS 1.0 Web Processing Service Standards for Geospatial Information

• The bad news – whew, a lot of standards - Many organizations feel their needs are special - Politically feel the need for an exclusive approach - As a broad based GIS provider Esri is involved a larger number than most • The good news - There is overlap! - Some standards are foundations for others - Esri doesn’t need to implement all - Some are mainstream IT standards - Esri is very active in getting SDOs to work together - Interoperability is working  Full list of Esri implementing, compliant, and reference implementations

http://www.opengeospatial.org/resource/products Sort on ESRI Interoperability across ArcGIS Desktop Web Device Application Layer

ArcGIS Online Portal Integration Layer


Online Content Data Layer and Services

Interoperability across ArcGIS @martenhogeweg Data Layer Exchange, Manage, Analyze

• Shapefile, Geopackage, SQLite • Relational Databases • BIG Data Sources – Hadoop, SAP HANA, Teradata • Multi-dimensional data – netCDF, GRIB, HDF • Plug-in Data Sources – MongoDB • Focus: Datasets Integration Layer Enterprise GIS Platform

• Extract Transform Load (ETL) using Python • Data Interoperability Extension • GeoEvent Extension Adapters • OGC WMS, WMTS, WFS, WFS-T, WCS, WPS • Partner Solutions: - OSIsoft (realtime data, internet of things) - SAP (enterprise resource management, geoanalytics) - … • Focus: Web Services Application Layer

• ArcGIS Apps for User Interface Framework - Android, iOS, Windows, … Components Components • ArcGIS CMS Modules - Drupal, WordPress, SharePoint, Kentico, TYPO3, … • ArcGIS API for …

• Focus: Webmaps ArcGIS Online Web Services ArcGIS ArcGIS Portal API JS API