Achieving Interoperability Using Open Standards and Specifications David Danko, Esri Marten Hogeweg, Esri Abstracting Geographic Knowledge

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Achieving Interoperability Using Open Standards and Specifications David Danko, Esri Marten Hogeweg, Esri Abstracting Geographic Knowledge Federal GIS Conference February 9–10, 2015 | Washington, DC Achieving Interoperability Using Open Standards and Specifications David Danko, Esri Marten Hogeweg, Esri Abstracting geographic knowledge Visualization, Encapsulating Analytics, real world Decision support. knowledge Models Maps Geodata Metadata GIS interoperability – exchanging and using geographic knowledge Interoperability: the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged * Technical interoperability Semantic interoperability * IEE Abstracting unlimited variety of features/phenomena GIS - merging diverse information Diverse: information types formats location reference systems perspectives Distributed Integrated by location Interoperability enablers Infrastructure Supportive networks, Interfaces, hardware • Practical, widely used • Providing technical and semantic interoperability • Fit for purpose • Geographic structures Knowledgeable users Interoperability Standards • Data formats • Well trained • Content description • Understand the need for • Quality quality • Data management • Metadata to understand • Visualization and use data and services properly • Geoweb services Laws • Metadata Intellectual property protection, Authorization to share ESRI learns about and supports standards through active participation: Implementations –IT/industry standards Organizations – GIS standards – ISO TC 211 – OGC – ANSI/INCITS –L1 – CEN – Global Map – GSDI – DGIWG – IHO – GWG Standards Development – International Standards Projects/Testbeds – Regional Standards – OGC Web Services testbeds – National Standards – GEOSS – Information Community Standards – INSPIRE – NATO Core GIS Standards • An agreement between a provider and a consumer a reference document enabling interoperability • Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) ISO TC211 Abstract Models, Software XML/XSD, HTML, Content, Vocabulary. Interfaces: XSLT, URI. Instantiations based on ISO and W3C standards Domain Infrastructure Technical interoperability standards ISO 19139 Metadata XML Schema WMS GML Organizations in which ESRI participates to establish Technical Interoperability example: ISO 19128, 19139 example: WMS, WFS, GML example: XML, URI, HTML5 Semantic Interoperability Standards INSPIRE Data specification on Geology ISO 19115 Metadata Title = name by which the resource is known FGDC Framework data models GML Organizations in which ESRI participates to establish Semantic Interoperability example: ISO 19157 Data quality, 19110 Feature Catalogue Methodology example: Point Symbology for Emergency Management, NAP example: INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules and Data example: FGDC Framework Themes, Specifications Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata GIS Standardization – functional areas 1. Basic Geographic Structures (semantic interoperability) - ISO Spatial Schema, Coverages, Coordinate Ref Systems standards 2. Content description (semantic interoperability) - FACC, SDSFIE, Standardized Data Models - Feature Catalogs, Metadata 3. Data Management (semantic and technical) - OGC Simple Features 4. Data Formats (technical interoperability) - VPF, OGC GML 5. Visualization (semantic and technical) - SLD, MIL-STD 2525 6. GeoWeb Services (technical interoperability) - OGC Catalog, Web Services, HTTP Putting it all together Using standard’s functional areas to provide geographic knowledge Basic Geographic Structure Content Description Data Management Data Format Examples: Visualization ISO 19107 Spatial Schemas Examples: Web services ISO 19111 Spatial referencing by coordinates ISO 19109 Rules for Application Schemas ISO 19123 Schema for coverage geometry ISO 19110 Feature Catalog Examples: and functions ISO 19115 Metadata GML, WMS, WCS ISO 19144 Classification Systems WFS, MIL-STD 2525 ISO TC 211Participation • ESRI provides leadership role in ISO TC 211 Standards Development: • Project lead on many ISO Standards • Provide technical experts on many Work Item project teams • Provide support for ISO TC 211 standards outreach • Meeting sponsorship ISO TC 211 Standards examples ISO 19107 Spatial schema ISO 19111 Spatial referencing by ISO 19115 Metadata Conceptual schemata for coordinates Schema for describing geographic describing, representing and Defines the conceptual schema for information and services manipulating the spatial spatial reference systems. The data required characteristics of geographic features to define 1, 2, and 3-dimensional systems ESRI serves many roles within OGC Board of Directors Architecture Board Planning Committee Technical Committee Lead several Standards and Domain Working Groups Joint Advisory Group to ISO TC211 OGC Forums Testbeds & Plugfests Testing & Compliancy Outreach Program Financial Support 160+ Compliant past and present products OGC Web Services examples I-295 Web Feature Service Web Map Service Geospatial feature publishing/streaming service Geospatial “picture” publishing/viewing service Web Map Tile Service static base maps where the bounding box and scales have been constrained to discrete tiles Global Map http://ww Abstract: vector data NOAA Weather htt Abstract: point featur Landsat http://www.N Abstract: 30m satelli Web Processing Service Interface for publishing geospatial algorithms, calculations or models Web Coverage Service Imagery and gridded data publishing/processing service Catalog Service-Web Metadata publishing/search service ISO TC 211 Standards 6709:2008 - Standard representation of latitude, longitude and altitude for 19130:2010 -Sensor and data models for imagery and gridded data geographic point locations 19101:2002 - Reference model Part 1: Fundamentals 19130-2 - SAR, InSAR, Lidar and Sonar 19101-2:2008 - Reference model - Part 2: Imagery 19131:2007 - Data product specifications 19103:2005 - Conceptual schema language 19132:2007 - Location based services - Reference model 19104:2008 - Terminology 19133:2005 - Location based services - Tracking and navigation 19105:2000 - Conformance and testing 19134:2007 - Multimodal location based services for routing and navigation 19106:2004 - Profiles 19135:2005 - Procedures for registration of geographical information items 19107:2003 - Spatial schema 19135-2 - XML Schema Implementation 19108:2002 - Temporal schema 19136:2007 - Geography Markup Language 19109:2005 - Rules for applicaiton schema 19137:2007 - Core profile of the spatial schema 19110:2005 - Methodology for feature cataloguing 19138:2006 - Data quality measures 19111:2007 - Spatial referencing by coordinates 19139:2007 - Metadata - XML schema implementation 19111-2:2009 - Extension for parametric value 19141:2008 - Schema for moving features 19112:2003 - Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers 19142:2010 - Web Feature Service 19113:2002 - Quality principles 19143:2010 - Filter encoding 19114:2003 - Quality evaluation procedures 19144-1:2009 - Classification Systems – Part 1: Classification system structure 19115:2003 - Metadata 19144-2 - Land Cover Meta Language (LCML) 19115-2:2009 - Extension for imagery and gridded data 19145 - Registry of representations of geographic point location 19116:2004 - Positioning services 19146:2010 - Cross-domain vocabulary 19117:2005 - Portrayal 19147 - Transfer nodes 19118:2005 - Encoding 19148 - Linear referencing 19119:2005 - Services 19149 - Rights expression language for geographic information 19120:2001 - Functional standards 19150-1 - Ontology - Part 1: Framework 19121:2000 - Imagery and gridded data 19150-2 - Ontology - Part 2: Rules for developing OWL 19122:2004 - Qualifications and Certification of personnel 19148 - Linear referencing 19123:2005 - Schema for coverage geometry and functions 19152 - Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) 19124 - Imagery and gridded data components 19153 - Geospatial Digital Rights Management Reference Model 19125-1:2004 - Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture 19154 - Ubiquitous public access - Reference model 19125-2:2004 - SQL option 19155 - Place Identifier (PI) Architecture 19126:2009 - Profile - FACC Data Dictionary 19156 - Observations and measurements 19127:2005 - Geodetic codes and parameters 19157 - Data quality 19128:2005 - Web Map server interface 19158 - Quality assurance of data supply 19129:2009 - Imagery, gridded and coverage data framework 19159 - Calibration and validation of remote sensing imagery sensors and data 19160 - Addressing OGC Standards 22. PUCK 1. Cat: ebRIM App Profile: Earth Observation Products 23. SWE Common Data Model 2. Catalogue Service 24. SWE Service Model 3. CityGML 25. Sensor Model Language 4. Coordinate Transformation 26. Sensor Observation Service 5. Filter Encoding 27. Sensor Planning Service 6. GML in JPEG 2000 28. Simple Features 7. GeoAPI 29. Simple Features CORBA 8. Geopackage 30. Simple Features OLE/COM 9. GeoSparql 31. Simple Features SQL 10. Geography Markup Language 32. Styled Layer Descriptor 11. Geospatial eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (GeoXACML) 33. Symbology Encoding 12. IndoorGML 34. Table Joining Service 13. KML 35. WaterML 14. Location Services (OpenLS) 36. Web Coverage Processing Service 15. NetCDF 37. Web Coverage Service 16. Observations and Measurements 38. Web Feature Service 17. Open GeoSMS 39. Web Map Context 18. OpenMI 40. Web Map Service 19. OpenSearch Geo 41. Web Map Tile Service 20. Ordering Services Framework for Earth Observation Products 42. Web Processing Service 21. OWS Context 43. Web Service Common W3C Standards Accessibility
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