July 11th, 2013 The Dearborn Rotary X-Ray The Dearborn Rotary X-Ray

Thursday’s Meeting Summary We sang the national anthem members all of whom are listed on and introduced our guests and our website. We then watched a serenaded them with song. Our video of Rotary International guests included President Jim President Ron Burton and how Thorpe's family, Wife Carrie, and powerful Rotary can be when fully Future Meeting children Nick and Breana. Other engaged by a dedicated Rotarian. Duty Roster 07-18-13 guests included Amanda Arauju Engaging Rotary is also the theme former Exchange Student from for this coming year. Brazil, and Antenente Martin, President Thorpe went on to the Past President of the Westland Attendance six areas of focus he would like to Rotary Club. Jack & Jane Mueller see our club embrace. New President Jim Thorpe pulled He went on to say that he looks the winning 50/50 ticket which for our club to grow in and was donated to the Greeter membership and to find ways to Dearborn Foundation. get old members more involved . ? Sue Surducan announced that the He also expressed a desire to get Telegraph Road clean up was this families more involved with Saturday and all Volunteers Rotary, Involve the club in more Guests and Visitors should meet at Bryant Middle service projects, explore the ? School at 8:30 am. Antoinette possibility of a satellite club, and Martin from the Westland Club grow the Interact and Rotarcact offered raffle tickets to win a clubs. suite at Comerica Park. Invocation He also would like to see our club Past President Hassan Hammoud Bob Young engage with other clubs in our was presented with his banner as district more along with our a parting gift for a job well done community and our schools. by new President Jim Thorpe. We ended the lunch in our usual X-Ray Editor Also President Jim Thorpe tradition. David Anderson inducted a new member, Kim Najarin. Welcome Kim to Regan Ford, Editor for the day Dearborn Rotary Members in attendance 36 We accepted and celebrated our Guests 0 new President for the 2013 -2014 Future Meetings

year. President Jim Thorpe spoke, some of his remarks are 7-18-13 listed below. Foundation Update Jim Thorpe was born and raised Dale Bender & Jim Thorpe in Dearborn Michigan and graduated high school from 7-25-13 Dearborn High and graduated WSUPG college from Michigan State. He met his lovely wife Carrie in his senior year at Michigan State. President Thorpe is a 8-01-13 professional financial manager, he Willow Run Bomber Plant has served as the chairman of the Bob Hynes Dearborn Chamber of Commerce and belongs to many other civic and charity 8-08-13 organizations. ? In his free time, apart from spending time with his family he The first meeting of this year’s enjoys running, riding bicycles and Dearborn Rotarty Board of Directors traveling. 8-15-13 ? President Thorpe went on to acknowlege the new board Page 2 The Dearborn Rotary X-Ray

Foundation Giving—Every Rotarian Every Year

This Month is International Foundation Month and Our speaker’s for the past two meetings talk about our Rotary International Foundation. Each year our club President sets a goal for our Club’s giving to the Rotary International Foundation. One goal is for annual giving, and another goal is for Polio Plus. Our goal for annual giving is set at $7500.00 . By contributing to the “Every Rotarian Every Year” if every member contributes we will make the pledges with no problem. Remember “It’s not about the money, but what the money can do.”


 Need X-Ray meeting minute writers. Promise maximum writing is only once every six weeks. Can volunteer for even once a quarter or year. Please contact David Anderson.  Mark your calendars for August 22nd Hugh Archer Golf Outing to raise funds for the Hugh Archer Scholarship.


Morris and Sally Goodman July 31 37 years Rick and Adreana Goward, July 21 35 years Hassen and Mona Hammoud July 16 25 years Bob and Maggie Huston July 15 48 years Aldo and Susan Martin July 17 42 years Stanley and Wendy Moore July 18 21 Years Bill and Deborah Osboch July 13 29 years Richard and Barbara Ruth July 12 38 years Ray and Sylvia Trudeau July 16 60 Years Brian and Elizabeth Whiston July 02 31 years

Our congratulations to all July Brides and Grooms! Page 3 The Dearborn Rotary X-Ray

Pictures from Today’s Meeting

Past District Governor Jim Ives & Diane and Past RI Director Mike McCullough & Sherry at Sintra Portugal, the most western point in Europe.

President Jim Addresses the club for the first time as President

The First Family of Dearborn Rotary President Jim Thorpe, wife Carrie, and children Nick , Breana, and Amanda Arauju Page 4 The Dearborn Rotary X-Ray

Gates Foundation Joins With Rotary to Boost Polio Endgame Support By Dan Nixon and Arnold R. Grahl Rotary News -- 25 June 2013

An announcement at the Rotary International Convention in Lisbon, Portugal, set the stage for a bold new chapter in the partnership between Rotary and & Melinda Gates Foundation in the campaign for polio eradication. “Going forward, the Gates Foundation will match two-to-one, up to US$35 million per year, every dollar Rotary commits to reduce the funding shortfall for polio eradication through 2018,” said Jeff Raikes, the foundation’s chief executive officer, in a prerecorded video address shown during the convention’s plenary session on 25 June. “If fully realized, the value of this new partnership with Rotary is more than $500 million. In this way, your contributions to polio will work twice as hard.” The joint effort, called End Polio Now – Make History Today, comes during a critical phase for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative . The estimated cost of the initiative’s 2013-18 Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan is $5.5 billion. Funding commitments , announced at the Global Vaccine Summit in April, total $4 billion. Unless the $1.5 billion funding gap is met, immunization levels in polio-affected countries will decrease. And if polio is allowed to rebound, within a decade, more than 200,000 children worldwide could be paralyzed every year.

Rotary and the Gates Foundation are determined not to let polio make a comeback. “We will combine the strength of Rotary’s network with our resources, and together with the other partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), we will not just end a disease but change the face of public health forever,” said Raikes. In 2007, the Gates Foundation gave The Rotary Foundation a $100 million challenge grant for polio eradication, and in 2009, increased it to $355 million. Rotary agreed to raise $200 million in matching funds by 30 June 2012, but Rotarians in fact raised $228.7 million toward the challenge. “Now is the time for us all to take action: Talk to your government leaders, share your polio story with your social networks, and encourage others to join you in supporting this historic effort,” Raikes added. “When Rotarians combine the passion for service along with the power of a global network, you are unstoppable, and the Gates Foundation is proud to partner with you. Let’s make history and End Polio Now.”

Endgame strategy Bruce Aylward, assistant director-general for Polio, Emergencies and Country Collaboration at the World Health Organization -- a GPEI partner -- said that the finish line for polio eradication is in sight, but cautioned that “it is one thing to see the finish line; it is another to cross it.” Sharing details of the latest polio eradication strategic plan, he said the plan is historic in finally setting out the endgame, the final steps needed to wipe out polio. “We now have the plan to complete the program of PolioPlus,” Aylward said. “And we have the backing of you, Rotarians around the world, to get the job done.”

Actress Archie Panjabi, a Rotary polio eradication ambassador, recounted how, as a 10-year-old living in , she had seen children crawling along the streets, propelled only by their hands. The image troubled her for years. When she was asked to join Rotary’s This Close campaign in 2011, she said she realized that the children she’d seen were polio victims, and that by working to eliminate polio, she could help prevent others from suffering in that way.

“I came to realize that we still have work to do, and how important it is for people like me -- people like you -- to use our voices to raise awareness of, and support for, the global effort to eradicate polio,” Panjabi said. “As a Rotary polio ambassador, I will continue to do whatever I can to spread the word.” “” actress Archie Panjabi

Photos by Monika Lozinska/Rotary International