Annual Council - 8.5.97






H.A. Andrews, J. Bevan, Mrs. A. Blackman, D. Bolter, D.J. Bosley, D. Clarke, W.D.G. Cole, K.C. Cooper, G.R. Court, D.T. Davies, R.T. Davies, A. Donaldson, Mrs. M.J. Ellis, A.I. Evans, J.G. Evans, J.R.P. Evans, P. Fitzgerald, Mrs. C. Forehead, K. Forehead, Mrs. E.M. Gore, R.W. Gough, D.M. Gray, E.K. Griffiths, Mrs. K. Gwynne, K. James, S. Jenkins, B. Jones, L. Lewis, S. Lewis, K. Lloyd, C.P. Mann, Miss A. Morgan, E.G. Morgan, H. Moses, M.H. Newman, Mrs. E.D. Paginton, F.G. Perkins, R.S. Phillips, Mrs. J.A. Pritchard, J.M. Purnell, J.K. Rees, K.V. Reynolds, H.J.B. Rogers, Mrs. C.A. Sadler, Mrs. E.D. Silver, K.R. Snell, Mrs. J. Summers, Mrs. M.J. Thomas, M.W. Thomas, D.J. Toomer, L.G. Whittle, E.B. Williams, R.J. Williams, T.J. Williams, D.T. Wiltshire, J. Wood, R. Woodyatt.

Together with:

Chief Executive, Director of Education, Director of Environmental Services, Director of Resources, Director of Technical Services, Director of Social Services and Housing, Director of Competition Services, Head of Legal Services, Head of Policy and Central Services, Head of Economic Development, Senior Committee Services Officer.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors P.J. Bevan, W.H. Coleman, P.D. Ford, D.A. Fowler, G. Jenkins, G. Jones, Mrs. H.L. Morgan, Mrs. J.M. Morgan, L.R. Rees, R. Saralis and D.P. Slarke.


Councillor L. Lewis spoke of his various activities during his year of office and referred particularly to his chosen charities, namely Tenovus and St. John Ambulance for which £8,000 had been raised to date. He expressed appreciation at the assistance given to him by members and officers, particularly those whose duties brought them into regular contact with him.


RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs. C.A. Sadler be elected Mayor of County Borough Council until the appointment of a successor at the Annual Meeting in 1998.

Councillor Mrs. Sadler thanked her fellow members for the honour bestowed on her and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Chief Executive. The Mayor then presented the retiring Mayor with his past badge of office and referred to the work

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undertaken by him during his year of office. Members paid tribute to Councillor Lewis for the way in which he had undertaken his civic duties during that period.


RESOLVED that Councillor H.J.B. Rogers be appointed Deputy Mayor of Caerphilly County Borough Council until the appointment of a successor at the Annual Meeting in 1998.

Councillor H.J.B. Rogers thanked his fellow members for the honour bestowed on him and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Chief Executive.


RESOLVED that Councillor G.R. Court be appointed Leader and Councillors E.K. Griffiths and A.I. Evans Deputy Leaders of Caerphilly County Borough Council until the Annual Meeting in 1998.


The Mayor announced that her charities for 1997/98 would be Childline and Victim Support and requested the fullest support in raising much needed money for these two very worthy causes.



(i) all members be appointed to serve on the following committees:-

(a) Economic Development and Tourism Committee (b) Education Committee (c) Finance Committee (d) Highways, Transportation and Public Works Committee (e) Housing Committee (f) Leisure, Libraries and Community Education Committee (g) Personnel Committee (h) Planning Committee (i) Planning (Policy) Committee (j) Policy and Resources Committee (k) Property Committee (l) Public Protection Committee

(ii) with the exception of Councillors J. Bevan, P.D. Ford, R.W. Gough and R.S. Phillips (who will form an Appeals Panel), all other members of the Council be appointed to serve on the Social Services Committee;

(iii) the following members be appointed as the Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of Committees:- Economic Development and Tourism Committee Councillors R.S. Phillips and D.T. Davies

Education Committee Councillors G. Jenkins and K.R. Snell

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Finance Committee Councillors J. Wood and K. James

Highways, Transportation and Public Works Committee Councillors H.A. Andrews and Mrs. E.M. Gore

Housing Committee Councillors D.J. Toomer and L. Lewis

Leisure, Libraries and Community Education Committee Councillors T.J. Williams and M.W. Thomas

Personnel Committee Councillors W.H. Coleman and L.R. Rees

Planning Committee and Planning (Policy) Committee Councillors J.M. Purnell and S. Jenkins

Policy and Resources Committee Councillors E.K. Griffiths and A.I. Evans

Property Committee Councillors D.P. Slarke and P.D. Ford

Public Protection Committee Councillors D.J. Bosley and D.T. Wiltshire

Social Services Committee Councillors Mrs. E.D. Paginton and Mrs. C. Forehead

(iv) the following members be appointed to serve on the Direct Services Board:-

Councillors P.J. Bevan, K. Forehead, D.A. Fowler, D.M. Gray, L.R. Rees, H.J.B. Rogers, E.B. Williams and Councillor D.A. Fowler be appointed as Chairman and Councillor D.M. Gray as Vice Chairman.



(i) a Sub-Committee (without delegated powers), comprising of Councillors P.J. Bevan, K.C. Cooper, G.R. Court, R.T. Davies, J.R.P. Evans, J.G. Evans, P. Fitzgerald, K. Forehead, L. Lewis, C.P. Mann, E.G. Morgan, Mrs. H.L. Morgan, H.J.B. Rogers, D.P. Slarke and Mrs. M.J. Thomas be established to discuss matters relating to new government policies;

(ii) Councillor G.R. Court be appointed as Chairman of the Sub-Committee and Councillor K. Forehead as Vice Chairman.


RESOLVED that the following members be appointed to serve on the Sub-Committees listed below:-

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(a) Aber Valley Steering Group: Councillors D.T. Davies, P. Fitzgerald, P.D. Ford, S. Jenkins, R.S. Phillips, J.M. Purnell, L. Whittle.

(b) Appointments Sub-Committee (Heads of Service): A Sub-Committee of 15 members, including the Chairman and Vice Chairman of both Personnel and the appropriate Service Committee.

(c) Appointments Sub-Committee (Percentage Related Posts): A Sub-Committee of 7 members including the Chairman and Vice Chairman of both Personnel and the appropriate Service Committee.

(d) Audit Sub-Committee (7 Members): Councillors A.I. Evans, E.K. Griffiths, K. James, G. Jones, C.P. Mann, E.G. Morgan, J. Wood.

(e) Bargoed Colliery Reclamation Scheme - Residents Liaison Committee (6 Members): Councillors H.A. Andrews, W.H. Coleman, D.T. Davies, J.G. Evans, Mrs. E.M. Gore, K.V. Reynolds.

(f) Bargoed Town Centre Management Group (5 Members): Councillors H.A. Andrews, W.H. Coleman, D.T. Davies, J.G. Evans, K.V. Reynolds.

(g) Caerphilly County Borough Citizens Advice Bureau Sub-Committee (18 Members): Councillors Mrs. A. Blackman, K.C. Cooper, D.T. Davies, R.T. Davies, P. Fitzgerald, D.A. Fowler, D.M. Gray, S. Lewis, K. Lloyd, Mrs. J.M. Morgan, M.H. Newman, F.G. Perkins, H.J.B. Rogers, Mrs. C.A. Sadler, Mrs. J. Summers, E.B. Williams, R.W. Williams, J. Wood.

(h) Caerphilly County Borough Council/Welsh Development Agency/Gwent TEC Forum (Area Initiatives) (5 Members Plus One Officer): Councillors P.J. Bevan, D.T. Davies, R.S. Phillips, Mrs. E.D. Silver, R.J. Williams and Mr. R. Webb (Director of Technical Services).

(i) Caerphilly Health Commissioning Board - Working Party (7 Members): Councillors D.J. Bosley, G. Jones, Mrs. E.G. Paginton, Mrs. J.A. Pritchard, K.V. Reynolds, H.J.B. Rogers, D.T. Wiltshire.

(j) Caerphilly Town Centre Management Group ( 7 Members): Councillors K. Forehead, D.A. Fowler, Mrs. K. Gwynne, R.S. Phillips, Mrs. E.D. Silver, K.R. Snell, M.W. Thomas.

(k) C.C.T. Policy Sub-Committee (15 Members): Councillors H.A. Andrews, W.D.G. Cole, A.I. Evans, Mrs. C. Forhead, E.K. Griffiths, K. James, L. Lewis, K. Lloyd, Miss A. Morgan, E.G. Morgan, Mrs. H.L. Morgan, Mrs. E.G. Paginton, Mrs. J. Pritchard, Mrs. E.D. Silver, T.J. Williams.

(l) Civil Marriage Sub-Committee (7 Members): Councillors D. Clarke, W.D.G. Cole, K.C. Cooper, J.G. Evans, L. Lewis, Mrs. H.L. Morgan, Mrs. J. Summers.

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(m) Commissioning Sub-Committee (15 Members): Councillors A. Donaldson, A.I. Evans, E.K. Griffiths, Mrs. K. Gwynne, G. Jones, H. Moses, Mrs. E.D. Paginton, F.G. Perkins, Mrs. J.A. Pritchard, L.R. Rees, H.J.B. Rogers, M.W. Thomas, E.B. Williams, J. Wood, R. Woodyatt.

(n) Community Councils Liaison Sub-Committee (16 Members): Councillors H.A. Andrews, J. Bevan, Mrs. A. Blackman, A.I. Evans, P. Fitzgerald, P.D. Ford, Mrs. C. Forehead, K. Forehead, Mrs. E.M. Gore, G. Jones, L. Lewis, C.P. Mann, M.H. Newman, H.J.B. Rogers, Mrs. M.J. Thomas, R. Woodyatt.

(o) Corporate Safety Committee: Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Public Protection and Personnel Committees.

(p) Disciplinary Appeals Sub-Committee: To be appointed.

(q) Drug and Alcohol Mis-Use Steering Group: Councillors Mrs. J.M. Morgan and J.K. Rees.

(r) Early Retirement/Redundancy Sub-Committee (7 Members): Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Personnel and Finance Committees, appropriate Service Committee and Councillor Mrs. H.L. Morgan.

(s) Gilfach Neighbourhood Sub-Committee: To be appointed.

(t) Grants to the Voluntary Sector Sub-Committee (15 Members): Councillors A.I. Evans, P.D. Ford, Mrs, C. Forehead, D.M. Gray, E.K. Griffiths, K. James, C.P. Mann, Miss A. Morgan, Mrs. H.L. Morgan, Mrs. J.M. Morgan, Mrs. J.A. Pritchard, K.V. Reynolds, Mrs. M.J. Thomas, T.J. Williams, J. Wood.

(u) Housing and Social Services Sub-Committee (15 Members): Councillors W.D.G. Cole, G.R. Court, Mrs. C. Forehead, Mrs. E.M. Gore, G. Jones, L. Lewis, K. Lloyd, Mrs. H.L. Morgan, Mrs. E.D. Paginton, Mrs. J.A. Pritchard, J.K. Rees, K.V. Reynolds, D. Toomer, M.W. Thomas, T.J. Williams.

(v) Housing Harmonisation Sub-Committee (15 Members): Councillor P.D. Ford, Mrs. C. Forehead, Mrs. K. Gwynne, K. James, L. Lewis, Miss A. Morgan, Mrs. H.L. Morgan, Mrs. E.D. Paginton, F. Perkins, Mrs. J.A. Pritchard, K.V. Reynolds, Mrs. J. Summers, M.W. Thomas, D.J. Toomer, J. Wood.

(w) Land Reclamation Sub-Committee: Councillors H.A. Andrews, Mrs. E.M. Gore, S. Jenkins, K. Lloyd, Miss A. Morgan, J.M. Purnell, and D.P. Slarke with relevant local ward members and the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Economic Development and Tourism Committee where appropriate.

(x) L.G. Sub-Committee (7 Members): Councillors H.A. Andrews, D.T. Davies, Mrs. H.L. Morgan, R.S. Phillips, J.M. Purnell, D.P. Slarke, J. Wood.

(y) Licensing Sub-Committee (15 Members): Councillors D. Bosley, D. Clarke, W.D.G. Cole, K.C. Cooper, J.G. Evans, K. Forehead, S. Lewis, K. Lloyd, Mrs. H.L. Morgan, Mrs. J.M. Morgan,

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M.H. Newman, K.R. Snell, Mrs. J. Summers, D.J. Toomer, D.T. Wiltshire.

(z) Llancaiach Fawr Sub-Committee (7 Members): Councillors G.R. Court, D.T. Davies, L. Lewis, E.G. Morgan, R.S. Phillips, Mrs. J.A. Pritchard, J. Wood.

(aa) Local Agenda 21 Sub-Committee (15 Members): Councillors D.J. Bosley, A. Donaldson, Mrs. M.J. Ellis, J.G. Evans, P.D. Ford, G. Jones, K. Lloyd, E.G. Morgan, H. Moses, Mrs. J.A. Pritchard, J.M. Purnell, D.P. Slarke, D.J. Toomer, R.J. Williams, D.T. Wiltshire.

(bb) Members Services Working Party (7 Members): Councillors H.A. Andrews, P.J. Bevan, A.I. Evans, E.K. Griffiths, L. Lewis, R.S. Phillips, T.J. Williams.

(cc) Pollution and Contaminated Land Working Party (7 Members): Councillors D.J. Bosley, G.R. Court, A.I. Evans, E.K. Griffiths, Mrs. H.L. Morgan, D.T. Wiltshire, J. Wood.

(dd) Recycling Panel (15 Members): Councillors D.J. Bosley, A. Donaldson, Mrs. M.J. Ellis, J.G. Evans, P.D. Ford, G. Jones, K. Lloyd, E.G. Morgan, H. Moses, Mrs. J.A. Pritchard, J.M. Purnell, D.P. Slarke, D.J. Toomer, R.J. Williams, D.T. Wiltshire.

(ee) Renewal Areas Sub-Committee: Councillors Mrs. C. Forehead, D.J. Toomer and respective ward members.

(ff) Representations Sub-Committee (7 Members): Councillors W.H. Coleman, Mrs. M.J. Ellis, Mrs. E.M. Gore, E.K. Griffiths, B. Jones, C.P. Mann, J.K. Rees.

(gg) Rights of Way Sub-Committee (15 Members): Councillors H.A. Andrews, J. Bevan, G.R. Court, A. Donaldson, A.I. Evans, Mrs. E.M. Gore, E.K. Griffiths, Mrs. K. Gwynne, S. Jenkins, M.H. Newman, J.M. Purnell, J.K. Rees, Mrs. E.D. Silver, D.P. Slarke, R. Woodyatt.

(hh) Road Safety Sub-Committee (15 Members): Councillors H.A. Andrews, Mrs. A. Blackman, D. Bolter, G.R. Court, J.R.P. Evans, Mrs. E.M. Gore, D.M. Gray, R.W. Gough, K. James, B. Jones, L. Lewis, Mrs. E.D. Paginton, F.G. Perkins, R.S. Phillips, J.M. Purnell.

(ii) Social Services Appeals Panel (4 Members): Councillors J. Bevan, P.D. Ford, R.W. Gough, R.S. Phillips.

(jj) Special Educational Needs Sub-Committee (7 Members): Councillors G. Jenkins, B. Jones, Miss A. Morgan, H. Moses, Mrs. J.A. Pritchard, R. Saralis, K.R. Snell.

(kk) Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (6 Members): Councillors W.H. Coleman, Mrs. M.J. Ellis, R.W. Gough, D.M. Gray, Mrs. J. Summers, M.W. Thomas.

(ll) Strategic Development Scheme 1997/98 - Voluntary Sector Bids (7 Members): Councillors D. Bolter, D.T. Davies, K. Forehead, S. Jenkins, L. Lewis, R.S. Phillips, J.M. Purnell.

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(mm) Transportation Sub-Committee (15 Members): Councillors H.A. Andrews, D. Bolter, D.J. Bosley, G.R. Court, R.T. Davies, A. Donaldson, A.I. Evans, K. Forehead, D.A. Fowler, Mrs. E.M. Gore, E.K. Griffiths, G. Jenkins, K. Lloyd, Mrs. M.J. Thomas, R.J. Williams

(nn) Upper Rhymney Valley Community Regeneration Strategy Steering Group (4 Members): Councillors J.R.P. Evans, S. Lewis, L.R. Rees, H.J.B. Rogers.

(oo) Urban Renewal Sub-Committee (15 Members): Councillors P.J. Bevan, D. Bolter, D. Clarke, W.D.G. Cole, A. Donaldson, J.G. Evans, P. Fitzgerald, S. Jenkins, G. Jones, S. Lewis, E.G. Morgan, R.S. Phillips, J.M. Purnell, J.K. Rees, E.B. Williams.

(pp) Urdd National Sub-Committee (6 Members): Councillors D.M. Gray, K. James, K. Lloyd, M.W. Thomas, T.J. Williams, J. Wood.

(qq) Virginia Park Golf and Bowling Club, Caerphilly (7 Members): Councillors H.A. Andrews, P.J. Bevan, G.R. Court, P. Fitzgerald, M.W. Thomas, T.J. Williams, J. Wood.

(rr) Voluntary Sector Sub-Committee (15 Members): Councillors D. Bolter, W.H. Coleman, G.R. Court, Mrs. M.J. Ellis, A.I. Evans, K. Forehead, D.A. Fowler, S. Lewis, Mrs. H.L. Morgan, Mrs. J.M. Morgan, Mrs. E.D. Paginton, F.G. Perkins, Mrs. J.A. Pritchard, D.P. Slarke, Mrs. J. Summers.

(ss) Working Party on Straying Animals (13 Members): Councillors J. Bevan, D.J. Bosley, D. Clarke, J.G. Evans, J.R.P. Evans, G. Jones, S. Lewis, K. Lloyd, L.R. Rees, H.J.B. Rogers, Mrs. C.A. Sadler, Mrs. E.D. Silver, D.T. Wiltshire.

(tt) Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni Task Group (7 Members): Councillors P.J. Bevan, G.R. Court, G. Jenkins, H. Moses, P. Slarke, K.R. Snell, J. Wood.

(uu) Ystrad Mynach Town Centre Forum: Councillors K.C. Cooper, S. Jenkins, B. Jones, J.M. Purnell.



(i) the Council be represented on associations and outside organisations by the following members:-

Adoption Panel Councillor D.A. Fowler

Age Concern Gwent - Executive Committee Councillor Mrs. C.A. Sadler - (The Mayor during her year of office)

Age Concern Wales Councillor Mrs. C.A. Sadler - (The Mayor during her year of office)

Arts Council for Wales - South East Wales Board

7 Annual Council - 8.5.97

Councillor T.J. Williams

Association of Councillors - Court of Management Councillor D.J. Toomer

Bryn Bach Park Management Joint Committee Councillors S. Jenkins, G. Jones, S. Lewis, J.M. Purnell and R.J. Williams

Butetown Sub-Committee of the Heritage Trust Councillors R.S. Phillips (Chairman of Economic Development and Tourism Committee) and J.R.P. Evans (Local Ward Member)

Caerphilly Community Health Council Please note that this is a two year period of office and no appointments are needed. 2 years from 1st April 1996 Mrs. E.M. Aldworth and Councillors K.C. Cooper, D.T. Davies, P.D. Ford, C.P. Mann 4 years from 1st April 1996 Mrs. C. Morgan, Mr. B. Rees and Councillors H. Moses, E.D. Silver and Mrs. M.J. Thomas

Caerphilly Council for the Disabled Councillors D.J. Bosley and Mrs. M.J. Thomas

Caerphilly Groundwork Trust - Board of Directors Councillors D.T. Davies, P.D. Ford, C.P. Mann, F.G. Perkins and J.M. Purnell

Caerphilly Mountain Countryside Service Joint Committee Councillors K. Forehead and D.A. Fowler

Care and Repair Wales Councillor Miss A. Morgan

Coalfield Communities Campaign Councillor J.R.P. Evans

Confederation of Passenger Transport Councillors H.A. Andrews and R.T. Davies.

Consortium Local Authorities Wales (CLAW) Councillors P.D. Ford and D.P. Slarke

Council of Social Services for Wales Councillors Mrs.E.D. Paginton and Mrs. C. Forehead (Chairman and Vice Chairman of Social Services Committee).

Department of Health and Social Security Local Tribunal Councillor D. Clarke

Glamorgan and Gwent War Pensions Committee Councillor R.S. Phillips

Glamorgan Summer School

8 Annual Council - 8.5.97

Councillor T.J. Williams

Greater Gwent Engineering Consultancy Joint Committee Councillor H.A. Andrews (Chairman of Highways Transportation and Public Works Committee)

Greater Gwent I.T. Joint Committee Councillors : J. Wood (Chairman of Finance Committee) Substitute: Councillor K. James (Vice Chairman of Finance Committee)

Greater Gwent (Torfaen) Pension Fund Management Group Councillors J. Wood and K. James (Chairman and Vice Chairman Finance Committee) and Councillor E.K. Griffiths (Chairman Policy & Resources Committee).

Greater Mid Glamorgan I.T. Joint Committee Councillor J. Wood (Chairman of Finance Committee) Substitute: Councillor K. James (Vice Chairman of Finance Committee)

Greater Gwent Forum Councillors G.R. Court, A.I. Evans and E.K. Griffiths

Gwent Archives Joint Committee Councillors R.T. Davies and Mrs. M.J. Ellis

Gwent Association for the Blind Councillor W.D.G. Cole

Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations Councillors Mrs. J.M. Morgan and Mrs. M.J. Thomas

Gwent Careers Service Partnership Mr. C. Burns - Head of Economic Development

Gwent Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Councillor J.K. Rees

Gwent Cremation Committee Councillors D.J. Bosley and D.T. Wiltshire

Gwent Health Authority Neighbourhood Advisory Forums No appointment to be made to this Forum.

Gwent Health Authority Appeals Panel Councillor K.C. Cooper

Gwent Police Committee Councillors K. Forehead and Mrs. E.M. Gore

Gwent Purchasing Joint Arrangement Councillors J. Wood and K. James (Chairman and Vice Chairman of Finance Committee)

Heads of the Valleys Standing Conference No appointments to be made to this Forum at present and the matter of membership be discussed with the other constituent members.

9 Annual Council - 8.5.97

Islwyn Borough Transport Limited - Board of Directors Councillors J. Bevan, D. Bolter, A.I. Evans, P. Fitzgerald, D.M. Gray with the Director of Resources

Islwyn Social Club Management Committee Councillors L. Lewis and W.D.G. Cole

Joint Consultative Committee with Gwent Health Commission Councillors K.C. Cooper and Mrs. J.M. Morgan

Land Reclamation Joint Committee Councillors H.A. Andrews and Mrs. E.M. Gore (Chairman and Vice Chairman Highways, Transportation and Public Works Committee) Deputies: Mrs. J. Summers and R.T. Davies.

Local Flood Defence Committees Councillor Mrs. M.J. Ellis - Usk/Gwent Councillor R.S. Phillips - Mid Glamorgan

Local Government Management Board Wales and All Wales Provincial Council Councillors W.H. Coleman, L.R. Rees and E.B. Williams

Local Authority Action for Southern Africa (LAACTSA) Councillor R. Saralis

MADE/Economic Development Partnership Councillors D.T. Davies, J.G. Evans and D.M. Gray

Markham and District Trust (Markham Community Revival Strategy) Councillors J. Wood (Chairman Finance Committee), Mrs. E.M. Gore and T.J. Williams (Chairman Leisure, Libraries & Community Education Committee - ex officio).

Mid Glamorgan Archives Joint Committee Councillors R.T. Davies and Mrs. M.J. Ellis

Mid Glamorgan Association of Voluntary Organisations Councillors Mrs.J.M. Morgan and Mrs. M.J. Thomas

Mid Glamorgan Careers Service Partnership Mr. C. Burns - Head of Economic Development

Mid Glamorgan Committee for Employment of Disabled People Councillor J.G. Evans

Mid Glamorgan Forum on Joint Working Proposals for Joint Provision for a Curriculum Advice and Support Service to LEA’s and Schools Councillors G. Jenkins and K.R. Snell

Monwel Hankinson Joint Committee Councillors Mrs. E.D. Paginton and Mrs. C. Forehead (Chairman and Vice Chairman of Social Services Committee)

10 Annual Council - 8.5.97

National Housing and Town Planning Council Councillors Mrs. C. Forehead and J.M. Purnell

National Joint Council for Local Authorities Fire Brigades Councillors D.J. Bosley, Mrs. H.L. Morgan and D.T. Wiltshire

National Local Government Association Councillors G.R. Court, A.I. Evans, E.K. Griffiths and T.J. Williams

National Local Government Forum Against Poverty Councillor Mrs. E.D. Silver

National Playing Fields Association Councillor S. Lewis

National Society for Clean Air (Regional Committee) Councillor R. Saralis

Public Transportation Consortium of Non Metropolitan Authorities Councillor R.T. Davies (Chairman Transportation Sub Committee)

Relate Councillor Mrs. J.A. Pritchard

Rest Convalescent Home, Porthcawl - Board of Management Councillors J.G. Evans and L. Lewis

A subscription of £100 be paid to The Rest Convalescent Home for 1997/98.

Road Safety Council for Wales Councillors J.R.P. Evans and B. Jones (Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Road Safety Sub-Committee)

1999 Rugby World Cup Forum Councillor K. James

Social Security Appeals Tribunal Councillors D.T. Davies, P.D. Ford, D.M. Gray, Mrs. K. Gwynne, K. James, S. Jenkins, B. Jones, L. Lewis, S. Lewis, C.P. Mann, E.G. Morgan, Mrs. J.M. Morgan, Mrs. H.L. Morgan, M.H. Newman, Mrs. J.A. Pritchard, J.M. Purnell, L.R. Rees, R. Saralis, Mrs. E.D. Silver, P.D. Slarke.

South Wales Rail Forum Councillors H.A. Andrews and R.T. Davies (Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Highways Transportation and Public Works Committee and Chairman of Transportation Sub-Committee)

South Wales Road Accident Prevention Federation Councillors J.R.P. Evans and B. Jones (Chairman and Vice Chairman of Road Safety Sub Committee)

South Wales Tourism Council Councillor D.T. Davies Substitute Councillor D.M. Gray

11 Annual Council - 8.5.97

Sports Council for Wales (South East Advisory Committee)Councillor T.J. Williams

Territorial Auxiliary and Volunteer Reserve Association for Wales Councillor Mrs. C.A. Sadler - (The Mayor during her year of office)

University of Wales - Court Councillors E.K. Griffiths (Chairman of Policy & Resources Committee) and G. Jenkins (Chairman of Education Committee) and Chief Executive and Director of Education and Leisure.

Valuation Tribunals (Wales) Councillors F.G. Perkins, R.S. Phillips and Mrs. J.A. Pritchard and J. Smith, 62 Tanybryn, Rhymney D.E. Bassett, 2 Crosskeys Cottage, Cefn Hengoed, Hengoed G. Snell, 69 St. Martin’s Road, Caerphilly D. Phillips, 13 Thorne Avenue, Newbridge W.R. Slocombe, 68 Grove Road, Risca L. Reardon, “The Laurels”, Park Terrace, Woodfieldside, Blackwood Wales Council for the Blind Councillor Mrs. E.D. Paginton.

Wales Council for the Disabled Councillors Mrs. E.D. Paginton and Mrs. C. Forehead (Chairman and Vice Chairman of Social Services Committee)

Wales and National Nuclear Free Zone Forum Councillor R. Saralis

Welsh Association for the Deaf Councillors Mrs. E.D. Paginton and Mrs. C. Forehead (Chairman and Vice Chairman of Social Services Committee)

Welsh Council for Association of Direct Labour Organisations Councillors D.A. Fowler and D.M. Gray (Chairman and Vice Chairman of Direct Services Board)

Welsh Church Act Fund Councillors J. Wood and K. James (Chairman and Vice Chairman of Finance Committee)

Wales Home Safety Council Councillors D.J. Bosley and D.T. Wiltshire (Chairman and Vice Chairman of Public Protection Committee)

Welsh Joint Education Committee Councillors G. Jenkins and K.R. Snell

Welsh Local Government Association Councillors G.R. Court, A.I. Evans, E.K. Griffiths and T.J. Williams

Welsh Purchasing Consortium (Gwent and Mid Glam) Councillors J. Wood and K. James (Chairman and Vice Chairman of Finance Committee)

Workers Education Association - South Wales District Committee

12 Annual Council - 8.5.97

Councillor W.D.G. Cole

(ii) Councillor R. Saralis’ attendances on the Local Authority Action for Southern Africa, National Society for Clean Air and the Wales and National Nuclear Free Zones are not classed as an approved duty but for travel and subsistenace purposes only;

(iii) Councillor E.B. Williams replaces Councillor Mrs. J.M. Morgan on the Blackwood Police Liaison Committee;

(iv) no representatives be appointed to FIDA, the Federation of Industrial Development Associations.

Approved as a correct record by the Council at its meeting on 3rd July 1997.
