OPEN CHURCHES 2010 Refer to end of list for more information and key to symbols

Abington* St Peter & St Paul.D T.Open and manned Abthorpe St John the Baptist. R. manned part time. Achurch St John the Baptist.R.Church manned part time. Adstone All Saints. R. Manned part time. Alderton* St Margaret. Aldwincle All Saints. R. Limted hours of opening Aldwincle St Peter.R. Manned 10-3 Apethorpe* St Leonard. T. * St Andrew Ascote* Methodist Chapel. * BVM & St Leodegarius. Well worth visiting. Ashley St Mary.R manned some of the time. Ashton St Michael&All Angels. R. Aston le Walls* St Leonard. Aynho St Michael. R. Manned possibly until 4 URC,R.. Badby* St Mary. D T. Barby* St Mary. Barnwell* All Saints. Main Street. Barnwell* St Andrew D T. Barton Seagrave St Botolph. R. Limited opening Benefield* St Mary.D T. Blakesley St Mary. R. Refreshments. Fete Blatherwycke Holy Trinity redundant. R. Manned part time. Blisworth* St John the Baptist.D T. Blisworth Baptist. Chapel Lane. R Boddington* St John the Baptist Bozeat St Mary. Hensman's Lane.10-3 Bozeat Wesleyan.Dychurch Lane. D T. Open 10-4 Bradden St Michael.R.Cold drinks. Open Brafield on the Green Baptist.Chapel Lane. Open manned 10-4 Brafield on the Green* St Lawrence. D T. Open and manned. * All Saints. D T. Braybrooke All Saints. R.Limited hours of opening. Brigstock* St Andrew. T * All Saints. D T. Broughton St Andrew. D T.R. Manned 10-4 Bugbrooke* St Michael&All Angels. T Bulwick* St Nicholas. Burton Latimer Baptist Meeting Lane.D T. 2-6 Burton Latimer St Mary the Virgin. T. Open 2-6 Burton Latimer Methodist Chapel, Piggots Lane.D T. R. Byfield* Holy Cross. T St Mary's.DT R at Ticket Office. 11-4.30.Stately Home Nt shop and Tearoom * Chapel GoodShepherd (Opp village hall) DT Charwelton* Holy Trinity.Gated road from village. D T. Chelveston c Caldicott* St John the Baptist. DT Chipping Warden* St Peter & St Paul. St Botolph.T. R. * St Michael. Cogenhoe* St Peter, Church Street. T. St Denys. R. Unmanned Cold Higham St Luke. R. Manned part of the time but open Collingtree St Columba. R. Corby St Peter & St Andrew.Open manned 10-1 Cosgrove. St Peter and St Paul. D T.R. Manned 10-1 * All Saints. Open and manned Cotterstock* St Andrews Cottingham* St Mary. Church Action day. Refreshments. Courteenhall St Peter and St Paul. R Cranford St Andrews Church, St Andrews Lane. R Cranford* St John the Baptist. D T. Cransley St Andrew. R. Limited hours of manning * URC High Street, T Creaton* St Michael. Open and manned Crick St Margaret. R. Might be also manned Croughton* All Saints. Dallington St Mary. D T R. Church manned 10-2 Holy Cross. T Manned 10-2 Daventry* URC, 45 Sheaf street.

Page 1 Deanshanger Holy Trinity.R Deanshanger* Methodist Chapel. Denford Holy Trinity.R.Manned part time. Denton* St Margaret. T. Desborough. St Giles Anglican and methodist. T. R. Dodford* St Mary. Draughton* St Catherine. D T. Duddington* St Mary. Duston St Andrew's Methodist. Road. 10-4 Duston St Francis.D T. Open 10-2. Coffee morning Duston St Luke, off main rd. D T.Open manned 10-4 Duston St Patrick RC. Ashwood Rd/ Peveril Road.DT Open and manned 10-4.30 Duston* URC, Main Road. T. Earls Barton Baptist,West street.D T.Open manned 10-3 East Carlton* St Peter. Toilet nearby. St John the Baptist. Open manned 10-4 East Hadden St MaryToilet. R. Unmanned Easton Maudit St Peter and St Paul. R.Manned 10-4 Easton Neston* St Mary. Possible Heritage day. Entry through the Estate via Hulcote Ecton* St Mary Magdalene. T. Edgcote St James. R. Manned part time. Evenley St George. R .Manned part time. St Mary. Tnearby R Manned limited hours. Baptist. R. Could be open. Farthingstone* St Mary. T. Refreshments. St Mary.R Church will be open. Finedon St Mary.DT. R. Open part time Flore* All Saints. D T Fotheringhay* All Saints. Gayton* St Mary. Geddington* St Mary Magdalene D T. Glapthorn* St Leonard. Grafton Regis St Mary.R. Manned part time. Grafton Underwood* St James. D T. Great Addington* All Saints.D T in village hall. Great Billing LadyofPerpetual Succour. T. R. Mass at 10am followed by Eucharistic adoration till 3pm St Mary with St John. D T. Open manned 10-5. Great Doddington St Nicholas. Open and manned 10-5 Great Harrowden All Saints.R. Manned 10-3 while cleaning. Great Houghton* St Mary. Great Oakley St Michaels.T. R. Limited hours of opening. St Helen. Open and manned 10-4 Greatworth* Methodist Chapel,, Chapel Road.T Greatworth* St Peter. Greens Norton Methodist Chapel, Bradden Road. R Greens Norton* St Bartholomew. D T. Coffee morning Grendon St Mary. R. Gretton St James the Great.T. R. Limited Manning Gretton Baptist. High street R * St Ethelreda. T. Hannington* St Peter & St Paul. Hardingstone St EdmundKing&Martyr. R Hardwick.* St Leonard. Hargrave* All Hallows.T Harlestone* St Andrew. Harpole* All Saints. T Scarecrow festival Harpole* Methodist Chapel,School lane. T Harrington* St Peter & St Paul. Open and manned 10-4 Harringworth St John, Harrington Road. R. Church open Hartwell* St John the Baptist.D T. Wedding at 1pm. * St Michael. * St John the Baptist. TD Opp. Helmdon* St Mary.D T Hemington St Peter & St Paul. R Higham Ferrers* St Mary.DT nearby Hinton in the Hedges Most Holy Trinity. R. * St Mary & All Saints. D T. Hunsbury St Benedict T.R.Open and manned 10-4. Irthlingborough* St Peter.DT Isham* St Peter. Islip* St Nicholas. T. Kettering Central Methodist, School Lne. D T. 9-12.30

Page 2 Kettering Fuller Baptist, 51 Gold Street. D T.10-12 Kettering Rockingham Road Baptist. Open 12-4.Ploughmans Lunch also garden party Kettering St Mary, Fuller Street. T. 10-12 Kettering St Peter & St Paul.Market Place Open 10-4 Kettering Toller URC, Gold Street. D T.Open 10-1 Kettering* All Saints, William Street. D T. Kettering* St Andrew,Rockingham Rd.DT. R Kettering* St Michael and all Angels. Garfield Street.DT. Autumn Fair starts 2pm St Faith. Church walk. R. Open 10-4 Kings Sutton* St Peter & St Paul. D T KingsCliffe* All Saints & St James. T. Kingsthorpe Baptist- High Street.DT. Open and manned 10-3 Kingsthorpe Methodist Chapel.R.Open 10-12.. Kingsthorpe St John the Baptist. D T. 10-4 Kingsthorpe St Mark, Whitehills D T. 10-4 Kingsthorpe* St David's. Easter Avenue. T. Kislingbury* St Luke. D T Lamport All Saints. R. Unmanned Laxton All Saints. R. Manned limited hours. * All Saints. Litchborough Baptist, Road. R. Litchborough* St Martin.T. Pub now open,Church Conservation area, medieval glass. Little Addington* St Mary.D T Little Harrowden St Mary.R. Manned part time. Little Houghton* St Mary. D T. Coffee morning 10.30-12 Little Oakley St Peter. R. Open part time Loddington St Leonard. Open 10-4 Lois Weedon* St Mary & St Peter Baptist- Market Place. D T. R. Limited manning. Long Buckby. St Lawrence T. R. Unmanned St Mary and St Edmund. R. Lowick St Peter. Will be open and manned 10-5 Luddington Brook St Margaret. R. Manned part time. Lutton St Peter's. R. Church open. Maidford* St Peter and St Paul. D T. * St Mary. Open and manned Marston St Lawrence St Lawrence. R. Manned part time. St Nicholas Open and manned 10-4 Mears Ashby* All Saints. Middleton Cheney All Saints. D T. R. Limited manning Milton Malsor Holy Cross. R. manned 10-4 Moreton Pinkney* St Mary. T. Moulton Carey Baptist, West st. DT.R.10-12 + 3-5 Moulton St Peter and St Paul. R All Saints. R. Unmanned Nassington* St Mary & All Saints.D T. St Peter & St Paul. R. Nether Heyford* Baptist The Green. D T Newbottle St James. R. Church open. Newnham* St Michael and all angels. Newton Bromswold St Peter. R Open part of the time Northampton All Saints George Street. D T. 10-6 Northampton Boothville Community Church.Rear 3 Boothlane North DT 10-1 Northampton Christ Church. Christ Church RD D T. R. 10-4 Northampton Holy Sepulchre, 1 Church Lane. D T.R. Manned ltd hours. Bring and buy Northampton KingsleyParkMethodist. D T. 10-4 Northampton MountPleasant Baptist.147-155 Kettering Rd.Open and manned 10-1 Northampton Park AvenueMethodist. Manned 10-4 Northampton QueensgroveMethodist. Manned 10-4 Northampton St Alban the Martyr. Braodmead av. D T. R. Northampton St Giles,St Giles Terrace. D T. Open 10-4 Northampton St Michael,All Angels,St Edmund NN1 4HLDT. Open and manned 10-4 Northampton St Michael, Weedon Rd (A4500) Upton. R. Heritage wkend at Upton Hall. Northampton St Peter. (Marefair) Open amd manned 10-4 Northampton TowcesterRdMethodist.Southampton Rd Far Cotton.D T.R. Northampton St Mary the Virgin. Towcester Rd. Far Cotton.R Northampton* Castle Hill URC, Doddridge Street. T. Northampton* Holy Trinity and St Paul. NN12 6PH. D T. Northampton* St Matthew,St Matthews ParadeKettering Rd.D T. Art and Craft Ex and sale 10-4. also Sun 12-4 Norton All Saints. R. Unmanned Old* St Andrew. Orlingbury St Mary. R. Manned 10-3

Page 3 Oundle Holy Jesus RC WestSt. R. Oundle School Chapel. R. Oundle* St Peter.T. Passenham St Guthalac. R Pattishall Holy Cross. R. Paulerspury St James. D T. R. Manned part time. Paulerspury URC, High Street,R. Drinks available. Piddington* St John the Baptist. Pilton* All Saints & St Mary. T. * All Saints. Plumpton St John the Baptist.R. Church open Polebrook All Saints. R. * St Peter & St Paul. D T Preston Deanery St Peter and St Paul. R. Pytchley All Saints. R. Open Manned 12-3 Quinton* St John the Baptist. Ravensthorpe* St Denys. Ringstead Baptist High street/Back Lane. D T. R. Ringstead* Nativity of the BVM.D T nearby. Roade* St Mary. D Toilet. Roade* Roade Methodist D T. Refreshments. Rothersthorpe* St Peter & St Paul. Village fair. Rushden Whitefriars- Broughton Lne. School bldg.R Rushden* St Mary. D T.Heritage Wkend displays. Rushton All Saints. R St Peter. R unmanned * St Helen. Silverstone Methodist Chapel.Open and manned 10-12. Silverstone St Michael. R. Manned part time. Slapton St Botolph.R. Will be open refreshments Slipton* St John the Baptist. Southwick* St Mary St Andrew. R Stanion St Peter. R. Unmanned Stanwick* St Lawrence. T. Staverton St Mary. R. Open 10-4 Stoke Albany St Botolph.R. Will be open. Stoke Bruerne St Mary. T. R.Open 11-3 Stoke Doyle* St Rumbold. Church walk. Strixton* St Romwald. Decorating for Harvest Sudborough All Saints. T nearby.R. Manned part time. Sulgrave* St James. Decorating for Harvest festival Syresham* St James. D T Tansor St Mary. R.Open Thenford* St Mary. Thornby St Helen. Open and manned 10-1 Thorpe Malsor All Saints. R. Limited hours of opening Thorpe Mandeville St John the Baptist. R. Church open. Thrapston* St James. Toilet nearby. Thurning St James. Toilet nearby.R. Manned part time. Tiffield St John the Baptist. R. Titchmarsh* St Mary. Towcester St Lawrence. R. Toilets nearby 10.30-12.30 Twywell St Nicholas R. (10-4) * St James. Decorating for Harvest festival Wadenhoe* St Michael&All Angels. Wakerley * St John the Baptist(in care of Churches conservation trust.) Baptist.Gold Street. T. R Walgrave.* St Peter. Open and manned Warkton St Edmunds.R. Open 2-4 Warkworth* St Mary. Open and manned Warmington. * St Mary Watford St Peter & St Paul. R Weedon St Peter & St Paul. D Toilet. 10-4 Weekly St Mary. R.Manned 10.30-3. Weldon* St Mary.D T Welford Congregational. R. Welford* St Mary. D T Wellingborough ST Mary. R Wellingborough URC,High St.DT R.,10.30-12. Decorating for harvest Wellingborough* All Hallows, Market square.D T. nearby. Wellingborough* All Saints, Midland Rd. D T.

Page 4 Wellingborough* St Mark, Queensway. D T. Welton* St Martin. * All Saints. West Haddon* Baptist. Guilsborough Road. Weston by welland St Mary the Virgin. T.R Drinks. Open Weston Favell* St Peter. High Street. Weston Baptist Chapel. High Street. R St Andrew. R. Unmanned Whiston St Mary. R. Manned 10-4. Refreshments Whittlebury* St Mary.DT Wicken St John R Open manned 1-6 Wilbarston* All Saints. Wilby St Mary the Virgin. R. Manned part time. Winick St Michael All Angels. R Unmanned Wollaston* St Mary's church. T. Woodford* St Mary.D T. Woodnewton* St Mary. Wootton St George. R. Manned part time. Yardley Gobion St Leonard.D T. R. Manned part time. Yardley Hastings* St Andrew. T. Yarwell St Mary Magdalene. R. Manned part time. All Saints. D T. R Unmanned Yelvertoft* Congregational. D T

Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust Saturday 11 th September 2010 Registered Charity no 1021632 SPONSORED RIDE AND STRIDE LIST OF PARTICIPATING CHURCHES and INSTRUCTIONS FOR CYCLISTS AND WALKERS

* Church is open and manned all day T (or DT) Toilet available (suitable for disabled people) R – Register is available all day at church, which may be open for a period as well. Open – church open but unmanned

This list shows all the churches in taking part in this year’s sponsored Ride and Stride and you can also go into other counties – see below. The churches are listed alphabetically so look at a map for churches you may wish to visit. Sponsorship can be based on the number of churches visited or can be a lump sum. Plan a route visiting as many churches as you wish, either on your own or with friends. Some parishes plan a group event, others leave it to individuals. The latest list of open churches and other forms are on the web site .

Churches marked with an asterisk (*) in the list are open and manned between 10am and 6pm on Saturday 11 th September 2010 and quite a few of them provide biscuits and cold drinks. Please try to include as many of these as possible in your route. Some churches have special events happening and these are also mentioned where we have been informed of this. Other churches have a Register left for you to complete, either outside, or inside if the church is open but not manned. Some of these churches may also leave drinks out for you to help yourself. Some churches are manned for part of the time and some of these are able to have a register available for the rest of the time.

Before the day, obtain sponsorship , either per church you intend to visit or a lump sum, from friends, colleagues and neighbours. Ask them to consider, if they are taxpayers, filling in the Gift Aid section (clear house number or name, postcode, signature and date) which means their sponsorship money will have another 25% added to it by HM Revenue and Customs.

At each church you visit, make sure you put on the Register your name, church for which you are riding or walking (eg St Mary , Anytown) and the time. Your sponsor form will be signed by the person manning the church; if no-one is there, fill in your own or get your friend to sign it.

After the event , collect your sponsorship money and hand it, with the sponsorship form to your Local Organiser who gave you the form, this list etc. The money collected will be divided equally between the Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust and the church or chapel of your choice.

Please cycle responsibly and carefully. We strongly recommend you study all the relevant sections of the Highway Code. Cyclists, also please ensure your bicycle is roadworthy. We advise you to wear a crash helmet and suitable clothing. Walkers, please avoid walking in the road if possible: if not, take great care when walking on or crossing roads.

INSURANCE LIABILITY The trustees of the Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust accept no liability in respect of personal injury or damage sustained by any person in relation to the Ride and Stride, save where this is caused by the negligence of the trustees. Any horse riders taking part must have public liability insurance. If a participant wishes to have personal insurance, he/she must make their own arrangements.

ADJACENT COUNTIES Lists of participating churches can be obtained from the following people but please send a stamped addressed envelope

Bucks: Miss P Burstall, Little Croft, Bisham Road, Marlow. Bucks. SL7 1RL 01628 482754 Cambridgeshire: Mr A Westwood-Bate, 5 Sleford Close, Balsham, Cambridge CB1 6DP 01223 892430 Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire: Mr P Lepper, Falkland House, 121 Kings Road, Berkhamstead Herts. HP4 3BH 01442 866414 Leicestershire: Mr DKnowles, 34 Wallace Road, Loughborough, Leics. LE11 3NX 01509 268354 Oxfordshire: The Ven. J Morrison, 39 Crown Road, Wheatley, Oxford OX33 1UJ 01865 876625 Or website Rutland: Mr R Adams, 25 Trent Road, Oakham, Leics. LE15 6HE 01572 756706 & Coventry: Mr W Hawkes, 20 Broad Street, Stratford upon Avon CV37 6HN [email protected]

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