The Zoogeography of the Fishes of the Youghiogheny River System
The Zoogeographyof the Fishes of the Youghiogheny River System,Pennsylvania, Maryland and West Virginia MICHAEL L. HENDRICKS RMC-MuddyRun EcologicalLaboratory, P. 0. Box 10, Drumore,Pennsylvania 17518 JAY R. STAUFFER, JR. Universityof Maryland,Center for Environmentaland EstuarineStudies, Appalachian Environmental Laboratory,Frostburg 21532 CHARLES H. HOCUTT Universityof Maryland,Center for Environmentaland EstuarineStudies, Horn PointEnvironmental Laboratories,Cambridge 21613; andDepartment ofIchthyology and FisheriesScience, Rhodes University, Grahamstown,South Africa 6140 ABSTRACT: A total of 266 fish collectionswere made at 172 stationsin the YoughioghenyRiver drainage, the largest tributary to theMonongahela River. Collec- tionswere made usingseines, electrofishing gear, gillnets and trapnets. A comprehensiveliterature review yielded 99 speciesof fishesreported from the YoughioghenyRiver system.Six species collectedduring this survey(Amia calva, Carassiusauratus, Ericymba buccata, Notropis rubellus, Ictalurus catus and Fundulusdiaphanus) establishednew distributional records for the system, increasing the total to 105 species. Of thistotal, 78 specieswere verified either by our collections(57 species),museum records(10) or stockingrecords (11), whereas27 could not be verified.Of the 27 unverifiedspecies, 21 are expectedto occurand six are consideredmisidentifications or erroneousrecords. An additional24 speciesare expectedto have occurredhistorically in the Youghioghenyor have the potentialto do so based on theirdistribution in the
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