EVENT HOSTS JOAN BECKER YUMI & LARRY HOGAN BROOKS BRADLEY LOIS & DICK HUG SANDY & BETH & BART MITCHELL MARY BETH CAROZZA KAREN OERTEL JIM CONNAUGHTON ELAINE PEVENSTEIN BRENDA DANDY LOUIS POPE CHARLIE EVANS DEBBIE WILLIAMS YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO AN EVENING RECEPTION TO BENEFIT ROMNEY VICTORY WITH SPECIAL GUEST ANN ROMNEY ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12TH, 2012 AT THE BWI MARRIOTT 1743 WEST NURSERY ROAD LINTHICUM, MD DINNER: 5:30PM w PHOTO RECEPTION: 6:30PM GENERAL RECEPTION: 7:00PM GENERAL RECEPTION: $1,000 PER PERSON PHOTO RECEPTION: $2,500 PER PERSON DINNER: $15,000 PER PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL 703-299-1226 OR EMAIL GRETCHEN MOSS AT [email protected] OR MATTHEW WELSH AT [email protected] 1 Romney Victory, Inc. Post Office Box 149757 Boston, MA 02114-9757 Contributions to Romney Victory, Inc. (“RV”) are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. RV is a joint fundraising committee composed of Romney for President, Inc. (“RFP”), the Republican National Committee (“RNC”), the official Republican Parties in four states (the Idaho Republican Party, the Massachusetts Republican Party, the Oklahoma Leadership Council, and the Vermont Republican Federal Election Committee), the National Republican Senatorial Committee (“NRSC”), and the National Republican Congressional Committee (“NRCC”).

Paid for by Romney Victory, Inc., a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Romney for President, Inc., the Republican National Committee, the Idaho Republican Party, the Massachusetts Republican Party, the Oklahoma Leadership Council, the Vermont Republican Federal Election Committee, the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and the National Republican Congressional Committee.

th Evening Reception June 12 , 2012 REPLY INFO q Yes, I will attend the dinner. Enclosed is my contribution of $ ______($15,000 per person) q Yes, I will attend the Photo Reception. Enclosed is my contribution of $ ______($2,500 per person) q Yes, I will attend the General Reception. Enclosed is my contribution of $ ______($1,000 per person) q No, I am unable attend, but enclosed is a contribution of $______. Please make your check payable to: Romney Victory, Inc.




Home Phone______Work Phone______


CONTRIBUTOR INFO This contribution is made by check or credit card from my personal funds and is not drawn on an account maintained by an incorporated entity. I am a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and this contribution will not be reimbursed by another person.

Signature______For a contribution from a joint account to be attributed to two individuals, both must sign this form, indicating agreement with the above statement.

Joint Contributor Signature______

Federal law requires us to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of each contributor whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year (RNC and state parties) or election cycle (RFP). Please complete the following: Occupation______Employer______

Joint Contributor Occupation______Joint Contributor Employer______CREDIT CARD REPLY Please charge my contribution of $______to my credit card. q Visa q MasterCard q AMEX q Discover

Account Number______Expiration Date______

Name on Card______Signature______

Mail to: Romney Victory, Inc. c/o Gretchen Moss 123 N Pitt Street, Suite 500 Alexandria, VA 22314 Or Fax: 703-299-1236; or Scan/Email to: [email protected]; or Contribute Online Via Secure Site: https://secure.mittromney.com/donate/victory/?sc=EMD003&fid=3655 Fundraiser ID: _ 3655 Source (or Event) Code: ______EMD003______

Proceeds to RV shall be allocated by the following formula:

1. Individuals and non-multicandidate PACs–The first $2,500 will go to RFP’s primary account. The next $2,500 will go to RFP’s general account. The next $30,800 will go to the RNC. The remaining amount will be split evenly among the federal accounts of the Republican Parties of Idaho, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, and Vermont, up to a maximum of $10,000 per committee.

2. Multicandidate PACs–The first $5,000 will go to RFP’s primary account. The next $5,000 will go to RFP’s general account. The next $15,000 will go to the RNC. The remaining amount will be split evenly among the federal accounts of the Republican Parties of Idaho, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, and Vermont, up to a maximum of $5,000 per committee.

Notwithstanding this allocation formula, a contributor may designate a contribution for a specific participant or participants. In addition, the allocation formula may change if any contribution would exceed applicable contribution limits. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, federal contractors, and foreign nationals are prohibited. Federal law requires us to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of each contributor whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year (RNC and state parties) or election cycle (RFP). Paid for by Romney Victory, Inc., a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Romney for President, Inc., the Republican National Committee, the Idaho Republican Party, the Massachusetts Republican Party, the Oklahoma Leadership Council, the Vermont Republican Federal Election Committee, the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and the National Republican Congressional Committee.