Everyone Welcome
European Days of Jewish Culture & Heritage 5th & 12 -15th September 2010 UK Discover & Enjoy Historic Synagogues - Heritage Walks Exhibitions - Guided Tours Art - Lectures - Music Open Days Everyone Welcome Organised in the UK by B’nai B’rith UK Belgium Bosnia-Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia France Germany Greece Hungary Italy Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Poland Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine B’nai B’rith UK UNITED KINGDOM Jewish Museum, London 17th C. Ark Italian, Walnut, & Oak Our History Over the past eleven years, the European Days of Jewish Culture and Heritage have become an established feature in the Jewish calendar. B’nai B’rith UK Launched in 1996 by B’nai B’rith in Strasbourg, Jewish Heritage Days spread to several other European countries and gathered momentum when, in 2000, a partnership was formed which now comprises B’nai B’rith Europe, the European Council of Jewish Communities and the Spanish Jewry Network. Between 25 and 30 countries participate every year, attracting well over 200,000 visitors throughout Europe. The success of the EDJCH has led to the creation of the European Route of Jewish Heritage, linking notable sites in a Jewish Heritage Trail right across Europe. The Route is included in the Council of Europe’s programme – ‘A Common Heritage’ and has been awarded the status of ‘Major Cultural Route’, one of only 7 such routes. British participation in the EDJCH is organised by B’nai B’rith UK, this year celebrating the 100th anniversary of its presence in Great Britain. BBUK is part of B’nai B’rith International, founded in New York in 1843, today one of the largest Jewish volunteer organisations active in humanitarian, human rights, cultural and charitable work in 58 countries, 27 of which (including the United Kingdom) are affiliated to B’nai B’rith Europe.
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