Transcendental Basenji Sermons and Enlightenment Volume 1 Number 22 (short) 1 Editorial Transcendental This newsletter is a short version of my usual ANZAPA contribution newsletter. Basenjis Sermons and You are receiving it as a Christmas Card for having attended the 2006 Sydney Freecon. Enlightenment A longer version, containing all the in- Freecon handouts is going to the members Vol. 1 No. 22, December 2006 of the ANZAPA collective and those supporters of the 2006 Sydney Freecon Immediate Post-Sydney who were unable to attend (and who Freecon 2006 Issue explained why). Given the reception to a Science Fiction Freecon this year I intend to Postal Address: hold a 2007 SF Freecon AND I am going to P.O. Box 2 Bexley North NSW 2207, try to get up an All Science Freecon for the Home phone 2007 Science Week as well. I’ll let you know about both Freecons as more details (after 7 pm) 02 9718- 5827 are known.
[email protected] To my mind the 2006 Sydney Freecon was a damn fine SF con. It could of course been better, more people would have Newsletter Plan attended if we had had an event listing in any of the Friday / Weekend papers etc. Page 1, Index and Editorial By the standards of most SF cons held Pages 2 to 8, Report on the 2006 Sydney interstate, it wasn’t much, seven hours of Freecon and People’s Choice Short SF programming, three Authors, Some Story Competition. Science, Some coverage of local Speculative Fiction publishing, Some Page 8, The Sydney Mechanics School of coverage of local SF&F meetings & events, Arts Institute SF and Fantasy book group A short SF competition, a Captions meeting of Saturday October 28, 2006 competition and slightly more than thirty Pages 8 to 10, The Infinitas Book shop people.