BOOKS/LEISURE The American Political Reviewed by reation) .and the tasks of Carl L.\ Nelson . Books discipline (the "hole," reas- I signment to the 1 The reviewer is Washing• GOING TO JAIL: The Political Prisoner. By Howard wing of sexual psycho tan editor of the College Levy, M.D. and. David Miller. literature as a PraS Service. whole, including this book, (Grove, 243 $6.00) America's federal still lacks a detailing a this regard, jLevy and Miller their experiences the `' are model penal institutions. - in the experience of the most for point out tthhat federal pris- Lewisburg gotten of —wanes. Today they are less ons for men are little differ- and farm• camp and the , As one woman in crowded, have better food ent than other penal institu- lenwood farm camp, both in and accommodations, tions. Federal prisons may County Jail in Ft. auder- em- Pennsylvania, and the dale said last year, "we ploy higher qualified and replace physical brutality Disciplinary smell each other, better paid guards, and min- with behavioral psychology, Barracks in Kansas for ma. we know imise physical brutality to but the sad truth is that each other. Once a month terial for the book. we get-to keep inmates 'cooperative— correctional philosoPby- The Authors have two shave our legs and but that is not saying much. and on the state and mili- once a week we get to 'wretch aims: to give to the general televisien., But that's about Authors. Howard Levy and tary levels, correctional ,fa- reader "a camel:41141 frame- it." Day after day. Tear David *Her would not go cilities and techniques—bas work through which those back to"Altem in witness to progressed little from the after year. Even in the re- who have never been in port of the Commission on any cause without a fight black holes of. British deb- prison can comprehend and because, like state and local Law Enforcement and the tors' prisons that drove then challenge the prison Administration' of Justice— facgities, ere, to use Many inhabitants to North system," and to provide' a the words of Soledad American shores in,the first the most massive statement handbook for white radicals ever published on and Brotherlideta Drumgo, place. and liberals who may end "barbarie; cOgressive, racist corrections in Ameriee- Levy was imprisoned June up as political prisoners, an there is no chapter or para- and murders institutions:" 2, 1967, after conviction for increasingly real, possibility. Aceording Ite'T.itoing to-Jag: graph devoted to the koala refusing to train U.S. Army Within the limited aims of "offender." The Political' Prisoner;" the Special 'Forces medics the book, it does well, out- bode federal- Program for "Giing to Jail," is eon- bound for Vietnam duty. He lining in a series of concise vincing in arguing that the rehabilitation is still .eoer4" contended that it violated chapters what happens in don, and the' resitit 'is 'shit; system of prison admthistia- his medical ethics. Miller's the various areas of prison ton loth "no socially ra Wed lives and increasing name saw headlines across life, how a new prisoner fits Aatred. deeming value and ought .. the country at about the into the truncated prison . to be abolished." But "a so- Ter any penal system to same time when he burned society, and how prison ad- rehabilitate prisoners rather ciety which has not found his draft card at the Sheeps ministrators orchestrate the the courage and the means than institutionalize socie- Meadow demonstration in inmate's actions through the ty's vengeance, it must first to break its own shacklesti Central Park. He was con- carrots of privilege ("good in no position to break these guarantee its inmates self- victed and served 22 time" toward .or re- respect and due process, in it has placed upon its 'de- mouths. Both men draw on lease, reading tooterial, rec- viant' members."