Anything The Football Can Do… (The Official Newsletter of the Old Wilsonians’ Cricket Club) Editor: Mike Pike Issue No: 158 (May 2017 ) Club:Old Wilsonians 68a Knighton Park Rd Hayes Hill Sydenham SE26 5RL Hayes, Bromley, Tel: 020 8659-6443 Kent Email:
[email protected] Telephone: 0208 462 2600 All systems go - the 2017 season gets underway Our pre-season get together and quiz night was a great success, both socially and financially – it raised nearly £600 - and thanks to Tony (Sherlock) , Kenny (Maxwell) and Steve (Lawrence) for their organising skills and getting so many participants. The quiz itself was fiercely and noisily contested and enjoyed by all, whilst many members took the opportunity to pay their annual subs and sign their membership forms, which helps Jane (Kempthorn) and Andy (Spedding) with the tremendous administration work they do Also noticed that Louis Pryor is now taller than me – although that’s not difficult Club Force followed the week after and although all the work was completed I have to say the response from members was disappointing This is an occasion when ALL sections of the Club need to play their part but it probably benefits the cricket club more than anyone, as we play the summer game However, and as a consequence of the dedicated few, the Nets are now in tip top condition, the covers are fit for purpose and the sight-screens are state of the art – just compare them with those at neighbouring Ex-Blues, and the pavilion has been given a lick of paint.