X TH E O FFICIA L G A ZE T TE 0F TH E COLOHY A N D PROTECrORATE 0F Publtsbed under the A uthorll of H ts Excellency the G overnor of the Colony and Protectorate of K ehra L ...- .E 2 .J . -E 22 22 - ZJ. . . . i - --...... Vol. LW - N O. 59 N AIRO BI Pnce 50 Cents R O ctober 21, 1952 eglstered as a N ewspaper at the G P O , Pubhshed every Tuesday

l CO N IM N I'D OFFICIAL GAZEW E OFFICIAL GhzETky --qcontd ) Govt N otlce No PAGE G eneral Nouce N o llog- A ppolntments, etc 1039 K lsum u M unlcm al Board- payment of R ates 2343 lllo- European Clvll Servlce Advzsory Board 1039 Tender 2344 1111-1 112- B1lls for lntroductlon lnto the Leglslatlve N akuru M unlcm al Board- voters Rolls 2345 councpl- K enya Cultural Centre- Balance Sheet, 1951 2346 An Ordm ance to Am end the Advocates Kltale M unlclpal Board- 1953 Estlm ates 2347 Ordlnance, 1949 1040 Nalrobt Clty Councll- N otlces 2348, 2354 An Ordm ance to Amend the Law Soclety N alrobl Dlstrlct Councll- N otlces 2349, 2350 of Kenya Ordlnance 1949 1043 Grass Flres (Control) Ordlnance-e rder 23J1 11 l3- Electrlc Power Oydlnance- Appolntm ent 1045 M ombasa M um clpal Board- N otlces 2352, 2353 llldl-c he Com pulsory N'atlonal Servlce O rdlnance Probate and Admlm stratlon 2355-2357

.- i ocal M anpower Com mlttee A pptxnt- Trade M ark 2358 m ents 1045 Bankruptcy Ordjnance 2359, 2360, 2362 1115- The N atlve Authorlty Ordlnance, 1937- E A Co-operatlve Tradlng Soclety, Ltd - W m dm g U p Appom tm ent 1045 Order 2361 lllG -x ltale M unlcjpal Board- N omlnatlon 1045 Dlssolution of Partnershlps, etc 2363-2366 1117- The Crown Lands Ordlnance- Exchange of Change of N am e 2367 Land 1045 Trv sfer of Buslness 2368 1118- The W lld Am mals Protectlon Ordlnance, 1951 W ater Ordlnance 2369 - Appomtments 1046 SUPPLEM EN r No 5: 1119- The M arrlage O rdm ance- N otlce 1046 1120- The A fncan Courts Ordlnance, 1951- Proclam atlons R ules and Regulatlons, 1952

Appolntments 1046 Govt N otlce N os 1102=1108, Proclam atlons N os 38 and 39 1 121- The Increased Productlon of Crops gssued as an Oïmal Gazette Extraordmary ) Ordlnance- Appom tm ents 1046 1 122- The Pnsons Ordlnance-e ëcml Vzsltors 1046 SUPPLEM EN T N o 51. 1 123-1124- n e Courts Ordlnance- Appolntm ents 1047 proaam attogs au/es and gegukattons Jpr 1125-1126- The N atlve Lw uor O rdlnance 1047 G eneral N otlces 1047-1062 GOVt N otlce N o PAOE General N otlce N o l 127- The Antm al D lseases Rules- Notlce 509 Transport Llcenslng 2322, 2323 1 128- Survey Regulatlons, lgsz- Amendment 510 European Cm l Servlce Contributory Penslons Fund 2324 1 129- The Defence (Controlled Produce) Regula- AIr Serwces D censlng 2325, 2326 tlons, 1943- Pnces for Groundnuts (Shelled H M Court of Appeal for E A at Dar es Salaam- and Unshelled) and Slmslm, to Producers Cause Llst . 2327 and Traders 510 Reglstratlon of Tltles Ordlnance 2328 l 130- The Defence (Control of Pnces) Regulatlons, Provlnclal Reorganlzatlon 2329 1945- Petro1eum Products Ordcr, October, Pharmacy and Polsons Ordlnance 2330 1952 512 Language Exammatlons 2331 1131- The Defence (Control of Pnces) Regulatmns, Indlan School of Agnculture, M orogoro- A pphcatpons 2332 1945- The Lubncatmg O11s and Greases Llquor Llcenslng 2333-2337 (M axlmum Prlces) (Amendment) Order, Vacancles m Governm ent Departm ents 2338, 2339 1952 513 E A R & H .-Tartl Amendments 2340 1 132- The Land and W ater Preservatlon (General) Companles Ordmance 2341, 2342 (Amendment) Rules, 1952 514

G OVERNMBNT N on cE N o 1109 REVERSION S DENIS FREKE SHAYLOR Ceased to aCt a: R eglstrar Of H er APPOINTM ENTS M azesty's Suprem e Coul't of K enya m tll efect from 15th D ENls FREK.B SHAYLOR to be R esldent M aglstrate, C entral October, 1952 Provlnce, wlth etlkct from 10th October, 1952 JAN MES STANLEY TEMPLETON çeased to act as srputy pu:ku JOHN ROBBRT M CCRBADY to be Resldent M aglstrate, Central Prosecutor with efect from 13th October, 1952 Provlnce, wlth effect from 15th October, 1952 W ALLACE C AM PBBLL ST C LAIR BAINBRIDGB to be R esldent C H H ARTW BLL, M ap strate, Nyanza Provm ce, wlth esect from 14th October, 1952 Deputy C/lle/ Secretary T'HoM As R ITCHIB PENNY to act as R eglstrar, H er M alesty's Suprem e Court of K enya at N alrobl, w lth Afect from 15th w October, 1952 GOVERNMENT N tm cs N o 1110 lsu c RossN to be Resldtnt M aglstrate, Rlft V alley Provm ce, (SIE 71111127j wlth elect from 14th O ctober, 1952 CHARI-BS W ALKBR M R C M S to be V eterlnary Oë cery Depart- EU ROPEAN CIVIL SERVICE AD VISORY BOARD m ent of Veterm ary Servlces, m th esect from 20th Septem ber, IT IS notlfied for general m form atmn that the Governor has 1952 been pleased to appom t- JOHN ANDREW FORSGA'I'E to be Survey Cadet, Survey of K enya, J P oB N OBRIGA, EsQ wlth effect from 1st Septem ber, 1952 to be a m em ber of the Board, vlce J B G ould, Esq , and Jol.m PHII-LIPS W EBBER to act as Crown Counsel wlth esect P C H ARRIS BsQ from 15th October, 1952 to be Secretary to tbe Board, vlce O S Knowles, Pasq PROM OTION m vm DOUGLAS MCDONALD Mcootlx to V Deputy Cgmm-- C H H ARTW ELL, sm ner of Pohce m th effect from 21st M ay, 1952 Deputy Chtej secretary

y -'k - - - . - #

1f140 THE OFFICIAT. GA ZETI'E Oçtober 21, 1952 t

G OVSRNMSNT N oncE N o 1111

The G overnor ln Counml has aN roved of the followm g B111 bem g lntroduced lnto the Leglslatw e Councll G J ELLERTON , A

certé cate ls lssued ,before the 1st day of February m any year shallp tf he was an advocate oq the 1st ctay of January of that years be deem ed, on paym ent of tho sald 5 annual subscnptlon, to have becom e a m em ber of the Soczety on the sald 1st day of January (4) The Reglstrar shall wlthhold the lssue of a prac- tlsm g certd cate unttl the fee therefor and the aforesald annual subscnptlon are pald 10 (5/ Every advocate who shall becom e a p em ber of the Soclety under sub-sectlon (3J of thls sm tlon shall, sub- Ject to the provluons of sub-sectlon (6) of thls sectlona rem am a m em ber unttl the end of the current yeax (6) W hen an advocate who ls a m ember of the 15 Society by reason of the provlslons of sub-sectlon (3) of thts sectlon has h1s nam es whether at h1s ow n request or otherwlse, rem oved or struck ol the R oll by an order of the Court or of the Com m lttees he shall thereupoh cease to be a m em ber of the Soclety 20 (7) A n advocate who ls a m em ber of the Somety by reason of the provlslons of sub-sectlon (3) of thls sed ion and who ls sum ended from practlce shall not be entltled durm g the penod of such suspenslon to any of the nght: or prm leges of such m em bershlp 25 (8) If in any cases not belng a case to whleh sub- sectlon (4) of thls sectlon or sectlon 23 of thls Ordlnance apphes. the R ep strars on appllcatlon duly m ade to hlm s refuses or neglects to lssue a practlslng certtficates tlm appllcant m ay apply to the Court or any Judge thereof 30 or the Chlef Justlces whlch or w ho m ay m ake such order m the m atters m cludm g an order for paym ent of costs by or to elther the Reglstrar or the appllcant, as shall V 3tzst (9) Sublect to the foregolng prow slons of tI):LS sectlon anJ to the provlszons of sectlon 23 of thls Ordmancm the 35 R eglstrar, lf satlsfed that the nam e of an apphcant ls on - A the R olls shall, after the explratlon of s1x days from th: dellvery to hun of the declaratlon referred to m sub- sectlon (1) of thls sectlon, delw er to the appllcant or h1s agent on dem and a practlsm g certlfcate ln suc.h form as 40 m ay be prescrlbed (10) ln thls sectlon, 'tthe Soclety'' m eans the Law Soclety of Kenya estabhshed'by the Law Soclety of Kenya No 10 of 1949

O rdm ance, 1949 V

4. The prm m pal O rdm ance IS am endod by lnsertm g NeW Sectlon 27 thereof a new sectlon 27A of the 45 thereln lm m edlately follow m g sectlon pnnczpal as follow s- ordm ance 27A N otw lthstandm g anythm g contam ed m t'hls Queen's counsel O rdm ance debarred from , no advocate who has the rank of Q ueen's performmg Counsel shall perform any of the functlons whlchs m certam functlons 50 E ngland, are perform ed by a sohcltor and are not m r- form ed by a barrlster, but an advocate who has the rank of Queen's Counsel shall not be precluded from contm ulng or engagm g m partnershlp w lth another advocate by reason only that such last-m entloned advocate perform s 55 any functlons as aforesald

5. The prm clpal O rdlnance ls am ended by m sertlng New sectlon therem lm m edlately follew m g sectlon 72 thereof a new sectlon 72A of the prm cupa! as follow s- Ordmance 72A A 11 adm lsslon fees recelved by the R eglstrar Payment Of fees etc , to the 60 under sub-sectlon (4) of sectlon 7 of thls Ordm ance, and tau soclety of all fees for practlsm g certlhcates, and al1 annual subscrlp- Kenya. l 1042 ''' THE OFFICIAL GAZE'ITE October 21, 19j2 ...... ! . . . . . % tlons to the Law Soclety of K enyas recew ed by the R eglstrar under sectlon 22 of thls O rdlnance, shall be pald to the Law Soclety of K enya and m ay be applled by the Soclety tp al1 or any of the oblects of the Soclety

#' M EM O RA N D U M 0 F OBJECTS A N D R EA SO N S 'l'he Law Society of K enya perform s a num ber of esscntlal statutory functlons under the A dvocates O rdm ance, 1949, and other useful publlc servlces relatlng to legldlatlon ln the Colony and the practlce of the professlon of advocate The Secretary of the Soclety also serves as Secretary to the A dvocates Com m lttee, whlch ls con- stltuted by the A ttorney G eneral, the Sohcltor G eneral and three prac- tlsm g advocates nom m ated by the Soclety, and whlch has under the Ordlnance to perform m ost responslble functlons ln dtsclplm ary m atters and rule-m akm g lt ls noty under the exlstlng law, com pulsory for practlslng advocates to becom e m em bers of the Soclety and there ls thus no body wholly representatlve of the professlon, although the functlons dlscharged by the Soclety are functlons approprlate to a representatw e body A t present, the Law Soclety's lncom e ls derlved from those advocates who are m em bers of the Soclety and from a G overnm ent subventlon of f 200 W lth these llm lted resources lt ls expenencm g the gregtest dlflkulty m discharglng 1ts proper functlons, whlch are of benefit not only to the G overnm ent and the pubhc but also to the whole yrofesslon lncludlng those practlslng advocates who are not m embers of the Som ety The dutles of Secretary of the Soclety, hltherto per- form ed by a practlsm g advocate m an honorary capaclty, have now reached such proportlons that lt has blcome necessary to appchnt a pald Secretary, and thls addltlonal expense cannot be m et from the Soclety's exlstm g resources Thls B11l ls accordlngly deslgned to m ake m em bershlp of the Law Soclety com pulsory and autom atlc on an advocate takm g out a prac- tlslng certlscate, and to requlre the advocate to pay to the Reglsttar of the Suprem e Coul't, together w lth the prescrlbed fee for h1s practlslng certlfcate, h1s annual subscnptlon to the Somety Vlause 3) The Bill contem plates the release to the Soclety of all adm lsslon fees and practlslng certlfcate fees pald by advocates, whlch have hltherto been paid lnto revenue (clause 5) The Government subventlon refetred to above w1ll be dlscontlnued, and the present arrangem ent whereunder the Soclety provldes a Secretary for the A dvocates Com m lttee recelves statutory recogm tlon m clause 2 Clauses 3 and 5 follow m prm clple precedents contalned m the Engllsh Sollcltors A cts, , though that on w hlch clause 3 ls founded (sectlon 3 of the 1941 Act) has not yet been brought m to operatlon m England The opportum ty has been taken to lnclude, ln clause 4 of the B1ll, an amendm ent relatlng to the appom tm ent of Queen's Counsel m the Colony lt ls estlmated that, by reason of the release to the Soclety of ad- m lsslon fees and practlslng certlfk ate fees, and after allowlng for the dlscontlnuance of the present G overnm ent subventlon, a net loss to revenue of between f 400 and f 500 per annum w1l1 result lf thls B11l ts passed m to law

N atrobl, JOH N W H YA TT, 11th O ctober, 1952 A ttorney G eneral --.ww a z1, 1952 TH E OFFICIAL G AZET FE 1043

G ovEltxMEx'r N oTlcs N o 1112 The G ovelnor m Cotm cll has approved of the follow lng Bll1 bem g lntloduced lnto the Leglslatlve Councll G J ELLERTON , A ctlng Clel k to the Legulattve Councll A BILL EN TITLED A N O R D IN A N CE TO A M EN D T H E LA W SO CIET Y O F K EN YA OR DINA N CE, 1949 E N A CTED by the G overnor of the Colony of K enya, w lth the advzce and consent of the Leglslatlve Councll thele- of, as follows 1. (l) Thls O rdlnance m ay be clted as the Law Soclety short tltle and of K enya (A m endm ent) O rdlnance, 1952, and shall be read Commencement and construed as one w lth the Law Soclety of K enya O rdln- ance, 1949, herelnafter lefen ed to as the prlnclpal O rdlnance No 10 of 1949 J Q ) Thls Otdlnance shall com e lnto folce on the 1st day of January. 1953

2. Sectlon 2 of the prlnclpal Ordlnance ls am ended by Amendment of lnsertlng thereln lm m edlately before the deûnltion of sectlon 2 of the P1jucjpaj Gtcouncll'' a new delinltlon as follow s- ordmauue 10

3. The prlnclpal Ordlnance ls am ended by substltutm g Replacement of fot Part 1ll thereof a new Part as follows Part 111 of the - m m clpal PART III Ordlnance - M EMBERSHIP 15 6 The m em bershlp of the Soclety shall conslst of Memberslup the follow lng- (J) al1 advocates who ere m em bers of the Soclety by rcason of the provlsions of sectlon 22 of the A dvocates O rdlnance, 1949, xo 55 of 1949 2p (:) a11 persons adm itted to m em bershlp of the Somety under sectlon 7 of thls O rdlnance, (c) a1l persons elected as honorary m embers of the Soclety under sectlon 8 of thls O rdm ance 7 A ny of the follow lng pelsons w ho applles for Quallscatlons 25 m em bershlp of the Soclety ln the prescrlbed m anner shall for membershlp be adm ltted as a m em ber of the Soclctyp that ls to say- (fl) the A ttorney General, Sollcltor General, Legal D raftsm an D eptlty Publlc Proseeutor and Crow n Counsel. fo1 the tlm e belng of the 30 C olonys and any person duly quallfied as a balrlstel ot sollcltor holdlng oë ce ln the A ttorncy G eneral's D epal tm ent, (>) the Legal Secretary and the A sslstant Legal Secre- tary to the East A frlca H lgh Com m lsslons and 35 any pelson duly quallûed aq a barrlster or sollcltol holdlng oë ce ln the Legal Secretary's D epartm ent or m the East A frlca Incom e Tax D epartm ent. (c) any person duly quallhed as a barrlster or sollcltor 40 holdm g oë ce ln any m tznlclpallty establlshed undcr the M tlnlcipalltles O ldlnance, cap 136 (#) the R eglstrar G eneral and any person duly quallfied as a barrlster ol sollcltol holdlng oë ce ln hls D epaltm ent, (e) the N atlve Courts O f cer lf duly qualltied as a barrlstet- or qollcltor, f/) such other legally quallfied persons fol the tlme bem g resident m the C olonys as m ay from tlm e to tlm e be detenm ned by speclal resolutlon

u A r z v > 4 z '*' > .x , .k a- . v e' r 4 .. s> . . z I to g j , j y , z 's er )

N Prowded that. sublect to th: prowslons of sectlon 22 'N'o 55 ol 1949 ol the A dvocates Ordm u ce, 1949, no person who has been duly expelled from m em bershlp of the Socldy shall thereafter be admhted agam as a member thereof wlthout the authonty of a speclal resolutton Honorary 8 The Councll m ay elect as honorary m em bers of m em bershlp the Soclety such m rsons as zt m ay thlnk lit, mther for llfe

or for such penod as the Counal m ay m any case deem - appropnate Annual 9 Sublect to the provlslons of sectlon 22 of the 10 subscnptm ns No 55 of 1949 A dvocates Ordlnance, 1949, m em bers of the Soclety shall pa/ mto the funds of the Soclety such annual subscrlptlon as m ay from ttm e to ttm e be prescnbed Provlded that no honorary m em ber shall be llable to pay any such subscrlptlon 75 N o entrance fee payable 10 N o entrance. fee shall be payable by any person on becom m g a m em ber of the Soclety - Restgnatm ns 10A N o m em ber of the Som ety shall reslgn or be perm ltted to reslgn h1s m em bershlp thereof at any tlm e w hlle he ls entltled to practlse as an advocate, buk save 2o as aforesald, and sublect to the provlslons of sectlon 22 of N o 55 of 1949 the A dvocates O rdlnance, 1949. any m em ber of the Som ety m ay reslgn h1s m em bershlp thereof m such m anner as m ay be prescrlbed Expulszon 10B Sublect to the provlslons of sectlon 22 of the 25 N o 55 of 1949 A dvocates Ordlnance. 1949, any m em ber of the Sometya other than an honorary m em ber. m ay be expelled there- from ln such m anner, and upon such grounds, after belng glven a reasonable opportum ty to answet a11 allegatm ns m ade agalnst hlm s as m ay from ttm e to tlm e be pre- ao scrlbed Provlded that no m em ber of the Soclety who ls en- tltled to practlse as an advocate shall be expelled from the Soclety at an3 tlm e whtle entltled so to practlse

Members ceaslng 1 0c A ny m em ber of the Soclety other than an .35 to be quahtieud jj onorary m em jx r who ceases to be qualtfied for m em ber- for members p , shlp shall thereupon automatlcally jease to be a member xmendment of 4. Sectlon 27 of the prlnclpal O rdlnance ls am ended by bect'on 27 of substltutlng for paragraph (J) thereof a new paragraph as the pnnm pal ordlnance follows-- 4o 'ç(t9 annual subscrlptlons,'' MO ORANDUM OF OBJECTS AND REASONS Thls BIll ls complementary to the Advocates (Amendm ent N o 2) B1ll 1952, and replaces (clause 3) the exlstm g Part of the prlnclpal Ordm ance whlch relates to m em belshlp of the Law Somety of K enya with a new Part, the provlslons of whlch are ln conform lty *1th the ? equirement proposed ln the Advocates (Amendment No 2) Bl11 1952 that a11 przctlszng advocates shall autom atlcally becom e m em bers ot the Soclety on taklng out practlslng certlik ates By vlrtue ot the am endm ents contalned m tlus B,l1, the m em ber- shlp of the Socletv w111 henceforth conslst of a11 practlsm g advocates bonorary rnem bels elected by the Councll of the Soclety, and such other persons as, bezng ellglbie are adm ltted to m em bershlp Slnce m em bershlp wl1l be com pulsory for practlsm g advocates no entrance fee w11l be payable m future, and the exlstm g provlslons of the plln- mpal O rdm ance relatm g to reslgnatlon ot m em bershlp and the expul- slon of m em bers have been m odllied as necessary The am endm ents contam ed ln clauses 2 and 4 are consequentlal on that contalned m clausc 3 N o addltm nal expendlture of publlc m oneys wjll be m volved lf the provlslons of thls B111 becom e law but, slnce thls Btll 1q, as stated above complem entary to the Advocates (Am endm ent No 2) B111 1952, attentlon ls 'nvlted to the Afem orandum of O blects and R easons attached to the latter B11l as publlshed, wherem the elect on revenue of the proposals to whsch b0t.h Bllls relate ls explam ed N atrobz, JOH N W H YATT, 11* Octobmr, 1952 Attorney Generd October 21, 1952 TI-lB OFPICIAL GAZETTE 1X 5

Gln s> Msxr Ntm cs No 1113 CJOU RNMENT NDTK B N O 1117 (El 6I1j (fnd 2d/3/2/fD ELECTRIC POW ER ORD IN AN CL THE CROW N LAN DS O RDINAN CE (Cap 174) (CJA 155) A IY OINTM ENT ExczaaxcE oF LAND IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sect on 147 of the jx sxEpclsE of the powers confen'ed by sectlon 65 of the Electrlc Power Ordlnance the G ox rnor ln Councll has been cl own Lands Ordlnance the G overnor, actm g w1th the consent pleased to appolnt- f the w atw e Lands Tru, st Board o , has been pleased to resume M P W N DOLTON possesslon of the alea of land ln the natwe leasehold f eas to be a M em ber of the Electnc Power Adwsory Bo'itt d descnbed ln the Flrst Schedule to thls notlce, and ln exchange for such area to add to t'he natlve leasehold areas the area By Com m and of the Governor ln Councll descnbed m the Second Schedule to thls notlce N alrobl, z G J E'LLERTON The boundanes of the lslolo natw e leasehold area as 3rd October 1952 Clelk to the f''tecld/lvc Councll amended by G overnm ent N otlce N o 657 of 1941 and by thls notlce are descllbed ln the Thlrd Schedule to thls notlce and are dellneated ln red on Boundary Plan No 178/6 depomted m the Departm ent of Surveys, N alrobl GOVERNMENT NoTlcE No l 1 14 By comm and ot the G overnor THE COM PU ESORY N ATION AL SERVIC: ORDIN AN CE C E M ORTIM ER, Nalrobl, M ember for Fcfpff/i, Lands (XTJ 19 t# 1951) 10th Octobet 1952 and Local Government LOLAL M ANPOW ER COM M ITTEE A PPOINTMENTS IN EX ER C ISE of the powers conferled by sectlon 19 of the FIRST SCHEDULE Compulsory Natlonal Servlce Ordlnance 1951 I hereby 47 ea Removed /itprn the Natlve Leasehold Areas appolnt- (1) An area of Iand approxlmately four square mlles bounded M AJOR C B O Nst.ow M c as follows - to be Chalrm an of the Sotlk Dlstrlct Local M anpower Com Com menclng at Beacon ::0 ,, of the Islolo Townshlp as defned m lttee, yfce M r R E Llklngstone-Bussell reslgned ln the Schedule to Proclam atlon N o 3a of the 10th day of M R D A L Hol-oEx o ecem ber 1951 , to be Chalrm an olr the W est Sotqk Area Local M anpower thence easterl, alcng the Topnshlp boundary to the m ter-

Com m lttee ; lce M alor C E O nslow , M c reslgned sectjon of that boundary M1th the lmolo R lver , M R G L BOOTH thence up stream by that nver to the pom t where lt 1s to be a m em bel of the W est Sotlk Area Local M anpower crossed by the Isyolo-K lpsm g Road , Comm lttee thencu along that road ln a north-westerly and northerly M R H S G PlckroRo dilecoon to the polnt where lt ls lntersected by the lslolo Town- to be Chalrm an of the East Sotlk Area Local M anpower Com slup boundaly , m lttee, vice M r S H Young leslgned thence northerly along that boundary to the pomt of com - M R G J L BURTON m encem ent to be a member of the Naro M oru ,:.1 ea Local M anpower (19 An area of land approxlmately 15 gquare mlles bounded C om m lttee as follows - F W CARPEN TER Comm enclng at the trlgonom etrlcal beacon Lendlh , Dll ector oj M anpov'el thenc: westerly by a stralght llne to the north-eastern conwr of L R N o 3185 thence westerly by the northern boundary of that portlon and by the northern boundary of L R N o 2731 to the lntersectlon GOVERNMSNT N o'ncB No 1115 Of thC latter wlth the U aso N ylto , thence down stream by the rw er to the poqnt at whlch lt THE N ATIVB AU TH ORITY ORD IN ANCE would be zntersected by the extenslon of a stralght lyne from , 1937 the trlgonometrlcal beacon xl ukogodo (O1 Donyo Lolgorop) (Cap 97) through the trlgonometrleal beacon Lendlll , AppofvrsfExr thence east-south eastelly along that llne to the pglnt of IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto elaabllng m e, I hereby com m encement bappolnt the person named ln the Schedule annexed hereto to -' sscoxo scHsot/z-s e om clal headm an for the area nam ed thereln Aiea A dded to fhe N attve Leasehold Areas C 1-1 W IN DLEY An area of land approxlm ately 75 square m lles bounded as , . N yel ly #z 51 lncftu t, Om ntivbm onel jojjows .- 15th O ctober, 1952 Central /5 ovlnce Com m enclng at the polnt known as the N dare Ford, where SCHEDULB the Ngare N dare ls crossed by the lslolo-K m slng Road , N alne --M ugo N laga thence up-stream by the N gare N dare to 1ts mtersectlon wlth A rea J-ocatlon a Stralght llne draw n from tlne sum m lt of 0 1 D onyo Lossos to .- M jverua D Beacon ç C of the Islolo Townshlp as defined ln the Schedule tsttkct --Em bu, Central Provlnce x 3:2 to Proclam atlon o . of the 10th day of Decem ber, 1951 , W ith c//esf froln - 1st October, 1952 jwsce south easterly aiong that llne to that beacon t , Revllq; ks - C)n plobatlon slce Chlef H abtll M bogo, retlred uerjce northerly by the western boundary of the Islolo Town t - shyp to the lntersectlon of that boundary Mqth the Ism lo- K lpslng Road , thence ln a generally north-westerly dlrectlon along that road G OVBRNMBNT N oTlcB N o to the polnt of com m encem ent vu s v u x lclpx clauss oso m wx cs 'r,-- s------(Cap 136) Revtsed Boundqrles t# the Islolo NJ/l1'' Letuehold WrE'l K ITALB M UN ICIPAL BOARD Com menclng at the trlgonometrlcal beacon M ukogodo sttuate N OMINNTION on the northerly boundary of N orth N yen Djstrlct , IN EXERCISE of the powers conferled upon h1m by sub- E thence westerly by that boundary to 1ts lntersectlon wlth the sectlon (2) of sectlon 14 of the M unlcm alltles Ordlnance (Cap ast U aso N ylro Rlver , 136) the G ovelnor has been pleased to nomlnate the tollowlng thence doln-stream bv that n&er to the Chanler s Falls , person to be a m ember of the Kltale M unlelpal Board from thence due south by a stralght llne to 1ts lntersectlon wlth tlx the Late of thls notlce untll 30th June, 1955 generally north-western boundary of the K tkuytz N atlve Lalx M R D K H ARRAP U nlt , y ce M r E G Penn (on transfer) thence south westerly by that boundary to 1ts mtersectlor Government Notfce No 713 of 1952 Ts amended accordlngly m th the Ngare Slolo tlmolol Rlver , thence up-stream by that rwer to a polnt where lt crosse By Com m and of the Governor the Islolo-K lpslng Road , C E M ORTIM ER thence north-westerly by that road to the Ndare Ford , Nalrobl, M ember jor Health Lands and thence westerly by a stralght lme to the polnt of commenq: 15th October 1952 Local Governm ent m ent 1046 THE OFFICIM GAZETTE October 21, 1952

G OVBRNMBNT NOTKB No 111% GOVERNMENT NoTlcs No 1122 (,$' ./4. Prn 4611 11 1) Tlv W ILD AN IM ALS PROTEG ION OR DIN AN CE 1951 TH E PRISON S ORD IN AN CE (No 18 oj 1951) (Cap 78) Aeeolxw exprs- Hoxolultv GXME W xuoexs O F--ICIAI- V lsl'roRs IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 52 of the IN EXERCISE of the powel s eonferred by sectlon 37 of the W lld Anlmals Protectlon Ordm ance 1951 I hereby appolnt the Pllsons Ordlnanct ! hereby appolnt fol each pllson speclhed persons nam ed below to be honoral'y gam e wardens for a perlod ln the li) st colum tl ot the Schedule hereto the pelsons whose of five years from the date hereof - nam es a1e set out opposlte ln the second colum n of the sald Schedule as offiulal vlsltol s for the pulposes of the sald H M A Sutto n ,E sq Ordlnance P R O Bally, Esq K 5m 1th, Esq G overnn eat N ottces N os 407, 700, 917 and 1128 of 1949 524, 525 and 37> of 1950, 728 shelkh saltm M ohamed M uhasm y , 820, 952, 983 and 1374 of 195 1 and 4S5 and 486 of 1952, are heleby cancelkd Nalrobl, W H HALE, N mlobl, JOH N W H YATT 14th October 1952 G anw W arden 18th Octobel , 1952 M cmbe' /()? Zcw and Ortfe? SeHSDULE * Flrst Colum n Second Colum n G OVBRNMBNT N oTlcB N o 1119 Pnson N am es of Om clal V lsltors N alrobl and N gong Bljg w T Sully TH E M ARRIA GE ORDINAN CE R lver Prlson C'ol P t- Colhson, o B Iï W ap 144) C ol A D unstan A dam s o B s M c 'r o N o'rlcE C apt C O H agan N OTICE Ts hereby pven that In exelclse of the powers con Capt C H A dam s ferred by sectlon 6 of the M arrlage Ordlnance, I have ltcensed 'I'he Rt Rev R P Crabbe the undermentloned place of worshlp to be a place for the R ev E Lawless celebratson of marrlages - R ev J A Turnel Name t# church --church of St Francls R e& J H opkjns Place- s zong S1r Eboo Pllbhal, o B E Dlyfricf .- M asal M r A Prltam M 1 M uchokl Glkonyo Nalrobl, G M LAW TON , M 1 A M Olafa Fem ale Pnson M rs George Blowers 15th October, 1952 Rezfstlar General , M B B M ls H K M ontgom ery M is F M C overdalo M om basa com dr L E Fordham , R o R N lt (Rtd ) GOVERNMENT N once N o 1120 Lt -com dr J B F M lller, t) c (f/Jd 161411) Lt -Col H W N ewell Rev J A Rldley THE AFRICAN COURTS ORD IN AN CE 1951 M l H C S H arrtson M l W A D W hlbley (No 65 oj 1951) D r M A R ana A PPOINTMENTS Chlef K athl Badawy IN BXERCISB of the powers conferred by sectlon 4 of the Nhelkh Seyyld A11 bin Ahm ed M ncan Courts Ordlnance, 1951, the Governor, on the advlce Sherlff A bdulla Sallm of the Ciuef Justlce, has been pleased to appolnt- Fem ale Pnson M lss E Lloyd M R R S THACKER Q e M lss M ary I Snyth ) be Chalrm an of the Court of Xevlew The G overnor has K lsum u M alor E G Russell m her been pleased to appolnt- M alor E L Buck C apt T A nderson M R M N EvAws M l A Pntam 8 be a member of the sald Court, pendlng the appolntm ent of M r H usseln Karm all a A fncan Courts Oë cer under sectlon 3 of the Ordm ance, M r l M Om lna ad M l J R A sem bo M R* JEROME K IHORI Fem ale Pnson M rs E G uthrle ) be the Afncan m em ber of the sald Court M rs E L Buck N akuru M l C H Sym onds n e Court of Revlew therefore conslsts of- M 1 W Gleen M r R S Thacker, Q c (Chaïl manj M r M oham ed U K arlm bux The Chlef N atlve Comm lssloner ReA, G oldon E M oyo M r M N Evans M r J F G K anyua M r Jerom e Klhorz M r Jacob M ulull Fem ale Pllson M rs H V F alford By Com m and of the G overnor M rs A nn W alsh ralrobl, E R ST A D AVIES, N yert Com dr W Scholield, R N (Rtd ) 17th October, 1952 M r G G ouldlng M èmber for Ajrlcan a4#cl/: M r F J Fergurson K ltale The Earl of Portsm outh Col F H Le Bleton ovEltxm xr N oTlcs N o 1121 M t C Feldm an LAgr 4/./J/5////) M r 17 V Pabarl M l Jacob l Om bala HB IN CREASED PRODU C TION OF CROPS ORDIN AN CE K erlcho D r St) anm vays D lxon M r E T A ndelson (No 7 o! 1942) M alor C E W oods D ISTRICT lkooucnoN AND M ANPOWER COMMITTBB Rev W D unne A PPOINTM BNTS R ev O T E W lgram IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 6 of the M 1 Sam son M achalla kcreased Productlon of Crops O rdlnance, 1942, the Governor, Fem ale Prlson M lv Jqm es Sobayenl 1 the advlce of the Board of Agrlculture, has been pleased to K lqu M 1 K G W ebster ake the followlng appolntm ents - M l Reglnald A R eldel M t Paul M boya Subukia rrtatflzc/lt)rl Sub-conlm ïttee K akam ega M 1 M usa Shlplrl M r C P Nlcholson to become Chalrman of the Subukla M r John M akatlanl Productlon Sub-com mlttee vlce M r R H R H ayne Fort H all M ) W H Thom pson reslgncd C hjet J1)l1, M B B s'olzu Produchon Sub comm lttee K apsabet M )r T C G rayston R ev J K uhu M r H J C H olm es to becom e Chalrm an of the Solal R cv R euben Serenoy Productlon Sub cozpm lttee, vlce M r H H Peet, who M achakos M 1 P H Pelclval rem alns a mem ber of thls Sub com nuttee Chlcf Slm eon Kloko By Comm and of the Governo'r M ahndt Shelkh M olnam ed H am ed Tlm anl K lam bu M ajol H T W ells, o B E F CAVEN DISH -BEN TIN CK , LAm u Shelkh A 11 b1n M oham ed M kuu o B E alrobl, M ember yt)r Agnkculture and Shelkh Husseln b1n Yahya Sham utl 17t14 October, 1952 N atural Resources Thzka Bng J K M unn

& October 21, 1952 TH E OFFICIAL GAZEU E 1047

Goveo MBx.r N OTICB No 1123 G BNSRAL N oqncB N o 101 op 1951 (&9 z4 J & L 121611 /J) HER M A JE8TY'S SU PREM R COU RT OF K EN YA TH E COURTS ORD IN ANCE NOTICE ts hereby gtvett that the followmg Sesslons of tV r (Cap 3) M alesty's Suprem e Court of K enya wll1 be held at the place,s hproLwtuvn set out hereunder - IN EX ERCISE of tbe powers conferred by sectlon 5 of tlze Courts Oldlnance, the G ovelnor has been pleased to appolnt- SIJPRBME COURT CRIMINM- SBssloxs xT THOM SON S FALI.S 7-10-52 Lztlcrtor DONALD ABI:I, Bzkkox o F c Cr C No 225/52 Reglna vl (1) Ndungu Glchuke, (2) Kuna to be a M agjstrate of the Flrst Class m th powers to hold a M acharla, (3) Kurla Gakuo, (4) M ungai Nluguna subordlnate Court of the Fjrst Class m the Rlft V alley Provlnce whllst holdm g h1s present appolntm ent as Dtstnct Oflicel SIJPREME CoIJRT CRIMINAL SEssloxs A.2 M OMBASA 7-10-52 (Speclal Dutles), , m ft Valley Plovlnce For Passkng Sentence By Com m and of the G ovelnor M lsc Cr C No /52 Reglna vz Ah s/o Abdalla For H eartng N atrobl, JOHN W HYATX Cr C No 170/52 Reglna v.ç Inyangala s/o Ochomo 15th O ctobel , 1952 M em bel jor flw and Otder Cr C No 231 / 52 Regma vx M amboleo s/o Slllae Cr C No 233 /52 Regma vs Klponda s/o M wavuo Cr A No 574/52 M ulnga Chltasl Chokwe vy Repna GOVERNMBNT N o'rlcà N o 1124 qs x4 J tt L 12 16 11 I34 SUPREMB Cotm.r (AH BLLATB SIDs) CRIMINAL SEssloNs AT t M OMBASA 14-10-52 TH E COU RTS ORDINAN CE Tuesday, 14th October, 1952, ln Court at 10 a m W ap 3) Before Hearne C J and Connell, J A epozxrlfrxr For H earlng IN EXERCISB of the powels conferred by sectlons 5 and 6 Cr A No 565/ 52 John Blackburn v, Regma of the Courts Ordlnance the G overnor has beeen pleased to Cr A No 577/52 Gurdlal Slngh Chana vs Regma afpolnt- Cr A No 610/ 52 Abdulla bm Klrunu vs Repna W ILLIAM FAIRLIE BUCHANAN POLLOK-M ORRIS Cr (Rev ) C No 123/ 52 'Twahb bln Klnzml v, Repna Cr (Rev ) C No 124/52 Bakarl b1n Klruml vy Regna to be a M aglstrate of the Second Class wlth powm s to hold a Cr (Rev ) C No 125 / 52 M med bm Klrumt vs Reglna suboldlnate Court of tlle Seeond Class ln the Rlft Valley Cr A No 483/52 Zebedayo W alukao s/o Bukum vs Reglna Provlnce whllst holdlng h1s p, esent appolntm ent as Dlstrlct Cr A No 441 /52 Hassan All altas M lntj s/o M ltwerandu v: Oë cer N akulu, Rlft Valley Plovm ce R egm a By Com m and ot the G overnor Cr A No 443/52 M bore s/o Nlogu v? Reglna Cr A No 501/ 52 m oba s/o Rukuwe v.ç Reglna N alrobl, JOH N W H YA TT, Cr A No 502/ 52 Raslkl s/o W ambura v, Regma 14th O ctober, 1952 M oltber /t77 Z,tzw akld Orffe? Cr A No 503 / 52 ' M wlta s/o Robl v: Reglna Cr A No 505/52 Omolo Owuor vs Reglna Cr A N o 507/52 W ayoga s/o Ayum vz Regma GOVERNMBNI' N oTlce N o 1125 Cr A N o 517/ 52 M anyege s/ o M aszanga v, Regma Cr A No 518 /52 Edward M atakl s/o Okurl vx Reglna (z'1#,?/ 21 I10I4I6j Cr A No 521/52 Jallng s/o Odlngo vl Regma Cr A No 523 /52 M osott s/o Nyaklnunrz v: Regma THE NATIVE LIQUOR ORDINANCE Cr A N o 529/52 Barnaba Ogamba s/o M achukl VJ Repna (Cap 106) Cr A No 550/52 Klpsang arap Kogo vx Reglna IN EXERCISE of the powers confelred by sectlon 2 of the Cr A N o 570/52 Jalro M usa Obera v: Regma N atlve taquol Ordlnance the G ovel nol has been pleased to Cr A N o 576/52 W llson Ohaka s/o Lubanga v.ç Regma a1Y olnt- Cr A No 605/52 Samwel b1n M akau vx Reglna TI.IB K IAMBIJ AFRICAN Dlsrltlc'r Cotpxclf- Cr A No 606/52 Isumael s/o Hamlsl v: Regma to be the loual authonty fo1 the purpose of the aforesald Cr A No 607/52 Juma bln Ah v.ç Reglna Ordlnance wlthm the K lambu Townshlp Cr (Rev ) C No /52 M tepe s/o Klmmdu vz Reglna SIJPREMB Cotm'r CRIMINAL SEsslows A By Com m and of the Govelnol T. TuosisoN s FA 't,s 7-10-52 N azrobl, E R ST A DAVIES, Cr C No 243/ 52 Reglna vs M wanm s/o Gltau M wanm s/o 15th October, 1952 M embel /t7/ Ajrlcan X#JI; J Nluguna, Mwal s/o Ndlrangu, M wangl s/o Kahlga Cr C No 248/52 Reglna v,: M wmga s/o Klrlka, Nlau s/o .A M wilua GovsttxMBx'r NorlcE No 1126 Cr C No 250/52 Regma v,g W alnalna s/o Klblgez Kanokl (X#n1 21 /Jp/4/6) s/o M achana, Gltau s/o Runana, W awez'u s/o G ltau THE NATIVE LIQDOR ORDINANCE SIJPRBMB Colm'r CRIMINAL Ssssloxs AT K lsuMu 21-10-52 (Cap 106) IN EXERCISE of the powels conferred by sectlon 34 of Cr C No 31 / 52 Reglna v.ç M lmbl s/o Naoml Nyaata the N atlve D quor Ordlnance, the G overnor m Councll at the Cr C No 183/52 Reglna v, Ndeda Kllungula and M usa request of the Klam bu Afllcan Dlstrlct Councll has been N deda pleased to declale that the llght to m anufacture and to sell and Cr C No 186/52 Reglna vs James Robert Omolo s/o Stefano supply native lntoxlcatlng hquor ln the K lam bu Townshlp ls Cr C No 195/52 Reglna vs Klmure arap Bor vested excluslvely m the sald councll Cr C No 196/52 Reglna v.ç Klmunge arap M aemba altas K mkeraku arap K oske N alrobl, G J ELLER TON , Cr C No 216/52 Reglna v,ç Chepkwony arap Chuchune 15th Octöber, 1952 Clerk to Fxeclf/ll,c Counctl Cr C No 223/52 Reglna vs Seplnano Ongot s/o Abdele Cr C-X o 224/ 52 Regma v,r Inchore s/o Nyaknndl 3 Cr C No 235/52 Reglna vs Dlbora Onua w/o Jered Apxma G BNBKAL N olqcE N o 2230 Cr C No 238/52 Regma vs Ondmm s/o Ombugl and Joseph Gan s/o Ombungl U ASIN GISH U D ISTRIC T COU N CIL Cr C No 219/52 Reglna v,g Joseph W akesa s/o Lubsla H OSPITAI- RATs G C N o 245/ 52 Reglna vl Ogodba s/o Onyango IN ACCORDAN CE w1th the term s of sectlon 110 of the Cr C No 246/52 Reglna vs Paulo Andedo s/o Oduöl Dlstnct Counmls Ordm ance, notlce ls hereby glven that at a Cr C No 252 / 52 Reglna vx Joseph Omolo s/o Owor meetmg of Counml held ln Eldoret on the 29th Septem ber, 1952, lt was resolved to m ove the follom ng rcsolutlon at a meetlng SU/RSMB Cotm'r CRIMINAL Ssssloxs AT N M ROBI 3 11-52 of Counml to be held on M onday, the 24th N ovem ber, 1952 - Cr C No 237/52 Reglna v: Nzlzkl s/o Usame x'That tlus Councll hereby resolves to lm pose a rate of Sh 50 Cr C No 240/52 Regma , s Amukobe s/o Aslubo (sfty shllhngs) for the year 1953, on every male person (who has Cr C No 247/ 52 Regma v: Nyangelo O1e Gutalyo attalned the age of 2.1 years) of wholly European ongln or Stmqr.pm Cotm'r CRIMINAL Sssstoxs A.T ' 4-11-52 descent who ls resldlng m the U asln Glshu, for the purpose of reducm g the dally fee to ratepayers and t.o provlde addltlonal Cr C No 202/52 Regma vs N'nkanatha s/o M aten ftm ds for thç m am tenance and upkeep of the Eldoret European Cl C No 220 /52 Reglna v.ç W artu s/o M unyungu H ospltal Thls rate shall becom e due and payable on the SUPREME Cotm'r CRIMINAL SesszoNs AT ELOORET 11-11-52 30th Apnl, 1953 '' * Cr C No 218/52 Regma vx Klplagat Arap Koslke Eldoret, J H PHILLIPS, T R PEN N Y, Acttng Regtstrar 30th September, 1952 Executlve Oycer S M Supreme Court 0/ Kenya

@ 1048 TH E OFFICIA L G A ZETTE October 21, 1952

G - RAL NoTlcs N o 2322 TRAN SPORT LICEN SIN G ORD IN AN CE W ap 237) THE undermentloned appllcatlons w1ll be consldered by the Transport Llcenslng Board m eetlng at the Town Hall Nakuru, at 10 a m on Tuesday, 4th N ovem ber, 1952 Any person who oblects to any appllcatlon m ust lodge a copy of h1s oblectlon on the prescrzbed form wlth the apphcant and Board not later than nudday, Thursday, 30th October, 1952 N atrobz, A H EDW ARDS, Secretal y 21st October, 1952 Transport D censlng ftptxztf P 0 Box 820, N atrobl R owo LlcExcBs TLB 4430- Ephralm M achana M unene, Box 513, N akuru NK / R/36/52- Paul Gatete Klratu Box 244 Nakunz Route Converslon of 4:J3', hcence (W 2426) Route N akuru v1a N alrobj to Fort H all N akuru to Othaya v1a D undon, Thomson s Falls 77/52- Nganga Karano, P O Elmentelta Route and Nyerl Townshm Elm entelta-N akuru N alvasha A lso $4B'' apphcatlon Route N akuru Distnct 38 / 52- W a1gere M uchln, Box 513 Nakuru Route (H 5291) N akuru-Thom son s Falls N yerl 5959- M abugu Klbugtz & Co , c/o James M ugo, Box 8, 39/52- Jackson M arco Box 513, Nakuru Route Nakuru Nalvasha Route N ganza-Thom son s Falls vla R um urutl-N anyukl M eru Gllgll to N alrobl 40 / sz- lackson M swrko M tlnngl, Box 303, Nakuru l0091- W allace W am agata, Box 44, N akuru Route Route N akuru-M eru v1a Thom son s Falls, Eldam a R avlne v1a N akulu to Nalrobl , Eldam a Rumurutl and N anyukl R avlne-M all M ajun Statlon 41 /52- S M M warangl Box 468, Nakuru Route Kampl- 1953- 1brah1m N gam an Thuku, Box 415, Nakuru Con- ya-M oto to Llm uru v1a N akuru verslon of IC'' llcence (H 3107) Route Nakuru- 42/52- M walangu & Bros , Box 303 Nakuru Route Bahatl--rhomson's Falls Subukla N akul'u Kagwl Klam bu 6335- H arrls N ganga N leroge Box 43, Elburgon Vana- 47 /52- Aram Kamau M wangl, P O Subtlkla Route tlon of route to read 01 loro Orok N akunz Subukla-Eldoret v1a Eldam a Ravm e Elburgon Present route to be deleted, v1z G llgll v1a East 44/52- M wang1 Paul, Box 36 Rullu Route Nalvasha Road-ol Joro Orok (T 4687) N orth K lnangop vm G llgll to N akuru 5306- M baruku Henl, c/o H L Nargural, Box 34, 45/52-4 M N W llllson, Box 36, Rulru Route Kls11- Gllgll Route Nakuru-Nalvasha (H 3341) K encho - K lsum u - Lum bwa - Londlam - M olo. Elburgon Nloro-N akuru 3230- W angecha Klnuthla, c/o Kerlnget Estate, Box M olo Vanatlon of route to add K edowa 46/52- W aweru Glchuhl, Box 415, Nakuru Route Present route Kennget-M olo-Nakuru (H 3114) N akuru-Thom son s Falls-N garua 1596- V ar1ety Stores, P O Thomson's Falls Route 47/52- Kamau K allrl, Box 138, Nakuru Route Nakuru Thom son s Falls-Garva N akuru v1a 01 Joro Orok N yerl v1a Thom son's Falls to O thaya and D undorl 48/ sz- M orrlson Nlenga W aweru, Box 38, Nloro Route 1856- So1omon M wangi W am boo, P O Box 60 01 K alou N loro Thlka v1a N alrobl - - Route W anlohl v1a 01 K alou to N akunl 49/52- M uranga Tradmg Co , Box 11, Nakulu Route 3446- Husse1n Slngh Blshan Slngh Box 210, N akuru N akuru-N alrobl-Folt H all Route N akuru-rlxom son s Falls-Rum urutl N yen 50/52- Klmanl Kamanlaa Box 476, Nakuru Route 1558- G1lbert Thuo W atoro, c/o Buston Tlmbel Co , N akuru-M okotlo N loro R oute Logom en-N akuru 51/52- M wang1 Thuo, Box 77, Nakuru Route Nakuru- A lso ç B'' appllcatlon--converslon of

* Octobe,r 21, 1952 YI'IE OFFICIAL G AZEW E 1049

B C ARRIERS LlcENcBs--tctpafff ) TLB 1398- Jagan N atlz Aggarwal Box 396, Eldoret Route NK /B/44/52- NJllua Kamau & Co Saslne Farm , N orth U asln Glshu and N andl D lstncts and Tam bach K lnangop R oute N orth and South K lnangop and (KCB 804) N alvasha NK /B/26/52- Nyaga N Solomon, c/o M umcmal A A Ofhcel 45/ sz- lkamau Nyamu P O Kamm-ya-M oto Route N akuru Route N akuru-N alrobl Rm nz K am pl-ya-M oto-Eldam a Ravm e-N akuru-Elburgon 27/ Gz- carpentry & M ason Bulldlng Contractors, P O (KBF 726) N loro Route N loro - M olo - Elburgon - N akuru- 46/ sz- W ambaya Klongl, Karanla Klgatlu & Co , c/o Elmentmta Rongal - N alvasha - Behatl - Sabatla- Hlekm an, Ltd , P O N aivasha Route N orth and K am pl-ya-M oto-solal South Klnangop-Nalvasha (H 4874) 28/52- Nd1rangu M acharla, Baruku Farm, P O Nakuru 47/ 52- Zakarla Kamau Chege, Box 15, 01 Kalou Route Route N akuru-Thom son s Fa1Is-O1 K alou Nalvasha Dlstnct (H 3:34) 29/52- Parmmas K amau Joslah, P O Elburgon Route 48/52-Mwaganu and Thuo, Box 54 Molo Route Forest Reserve-M anashonl M lll-Elburgon (H 3947) N akuru DTstrlct 30/52- M utg1Y M mgal and Kungu M ulgal Box 513, 49/52- M rs Dorothy M ary Ansell, Box 78, Nalvasha N akuru Route Tlm boroa Statlon - Londlanl- Route Kmangop Nawasha (two vehlcles) A mabkm -Eldam a Ravlne-K lpkabus-Eldoret 50/ 52- W 1111son Klmam W alcharl, Box 2, Elburgon 31 / sz- Karamshl Jesha Shall, P O Elburgon Route Route Elburgon-N akuru-Rongal-M olo-Londlanl Elburgon-Nakuru-Rongal-M olo (KCA 609) 51/ sz- shedrack Nloroge, Box 2, Elburgon Route 32/52- M wanp s/o Thuö, Box 375, Nakuru Route N akuru D lstrlct N akuru Dlstrlct 52/52- W H Crous, Box 17, Thomson's Falls Route 33/52- 1'1a141n Karlukl M arlgl, P O Elburgon Route R adm s of 30 m iles of Thom son's Falls N akuru Dlstnct and Elburgon G11g11 53 / 52- Bha.gat Smgh Coll P O M olo Route Radms of 34/ 52- NgunJ1r1 Thun, c/o Box 580, N akuru Route 30 m lles from Sltoten Nakuru Dlstnct (C 3986) 54/52- W ambaya Klangl, c/o W and D Hlckman, P O 35/ 52- M urnth1 Ngabuna, Box Nakuru Route N alvasha Route Nalvasha Dlstrlct (H 4874) N akulu-N yerl v1a Rongal 55 / 52- A1bort Sali c/o Box 32, Nalvasha Route 36/52- Thuu Ndlrangu, Box 94, Thomsonus Falls Route Longonot-south K lnangop Thom son's Falls--N akuru < E/ B /21 / 52- Leon Stanley Kudla Box 213 Eldoret Route 37/52--Char1es M Klol, Box 468, Nakuru Route Uasln Glshu Dlstnct (KBL 950) N akuru-solal-Elburgon and N akuru Dlstnct 22/52- K1muron arap Tolgos, P O Tambach Route 38 /52- Ehud Klmanl Nganga, c/o J S S Klamwathl, Tam bach Eldoret , M arakwet Eldoret , K abarnet- Box 64, R ulru R oute Elburgon-N akum -ltongal Eldolet (T 6281) * Solal and N akuru Dlstrlct 23/ sz- losselyn and Roberts P O Endebess Route 39 /52- Jama Hassan, P O Eldama Ravme Route Radzus of 130 nllles from rndebess N akuru-K arbedo v1a Eldama Ravlne , wlthm Barm go D lstnct 24/ 52- Antonl arap Chebolel, lrong, Tambachs Eldoret Route Tam bacn-ltltale-Bldoret and U asln Glshu 40/52- M bo)a N3uguna, Nox 36, Rulru Route Stultu Dlstrlct (H 3649) Kerlcho - Londlanl N akuru - Eldam a Ravlne v1a Shagm 25/52- Nathoobha1 Faklr, P O Box 25, Kltale Route 41 / 52- M wangt M uhalcha, BoK 36 Rulru Route Trans Nzola Dlstnct-Eldoret-Klsumu (J 1298) Londlam Lum bwa - K erlcho - K lsumu D lstnct , 26 ysz- ldbugua Kamau, 2ox #1, Eldorct Route Uasln Londsanl-M all M azurl-Elburgon-N akulu Glshu Dlstrlct 42/52- Fatehkhan s/o Hemekhan, Box 121, Nakuru 27/ 52- E11Jah W aweru M athare Box 369 Kltale Route Route Nakuru Dlstnct (KBB 734) Trans Nzola and U asln G lshu Dlstrlct 43 Jsz- stephen Ndlngu Ngunba, Dox 36z Rulru Route 28/52- Alexander Graham, Box 67 Eldorct Route N loro-N akuru-lnm uru , N loro K edowa U asln Glshu and Trans N zola

G NBRAL N oTIcB N o 2323 TR AN SPORT LICEN SIN G ORD IN ANCE W ap 237) TH E underm entioned apphcatlons m ll be consldered by the Transport Llcensm g Board m eetlng at tize Desal M em orlal Hall, N alrobl, at 9 30 a m on Tuesday, 11th N ovembel, 1952 Any person who oblects to any apphcatlon m ulst lodge a copy of hls oblectlon on the prescnbed form m th the appllcant an d Board not later than mldday, Thursdav 6th N ovem ber, 1952

N alrobl, A H EDW ARDS, Secretary 21st October, 1952 Transport falcewrzlg Board P 0 Box 820, N atrobt R ()AD Ssllvlc.s LlcrxcBs TLB 5488- Kham1s Juma e/ o Box 5867, Nalrobl Varlatlon of TLB 1734- Henry M uiwa M wendwa, A I M M atlnyam , P O routo to operate dally between N allobl-N gong Kltul Vanatlon of route to add Kltul D lstrlct At present operatlng only on Tuesdays and Present route Kltul-Nalrobl-Klbwtza (W 3956) Fndays between N mrobz and N gong Townshlp '/76- shelkh Sahm b1n A bubaker, P O Kltm Vanatlon (H 5785) of route to add K ltul D lstnd and N alrobl 4700- M akau N z-au, M uh K lsangl and M utle M utunga, Present roate K ltm Klbwezl , K ltul--fluka K lteta Locatlon, P O M achakos Route (H 7209) W amunya M arket-M achakos-Kltm (H 2033) N.B / R / 52 /52- W anJohf Kanukl & Co c/o Capt P E Henn, 3553- K amau W algum e & Co , H ouse N o 486, Pumwam , Box 3968, N allobl R oute N alrobl-N yerl-K lgum o Nalrobl Converslon of t C llcence (W 3618) 53/52--Shaban1 Sallmu c/o M r J D M cKean, Nalrobl Route N alrobl-Fort Hall Club, Natrobl Route Nalrobl-Nakuru (KBL 578) 574/A- R E M M ugwe, Box 636, Nalrobl Route 54/52= NgunJln Glthu and M uturl Klbugu, Box 846) N alrobl-A rusha >la N am anga N alrobl Route N alrobl-N yen w a K anunga lgg7--sam uel Klongo Nluguna, Box 40, Ktkuyu Route 55/52- Nmroge Gatenge, C M Rocho, P O Thtka N akuru-chem agel v1a Sondo-K lsumu-K apsabet Route N alrobl-Fort H all-Gathugu 3599- M bonda Ndolo & Bros , c/o Abdul M tz Qureshl, 56/52- W aweru Kanyoro House No 266/7 Ptzmwanl Box 554, 'N alrobl Vanatlon of route to add Tala N alrobl Route N atrobl-N yerl amd Tb1#n Present route M achakos T >nd Unlt 57/52- Shedr.ack Rlgwz s/o Glohukl, Houso No 18D, (H 6027) Pumwam , Nalrobl Route N alrobl-Nye.n 5322- P* stan Bus Stm ce, Box 36 Thllca Vanatlon of M K /R/ l7/s2- Nmrogo Kangatlgl, c/o Hnrlshlnkzr Pnm unxnrl route to add Fort HV Proent route Thlka- M achakos Route M Y AfQ'œ - M wals - Tlllk'a- Tala , n lka-M aiuga M all'u , Thlkx-N azroh fszmbmm - (T 4860 1 8 /52- Joseph M umdl M utua c7o No 2 Dam Construc- 744- N arslu Sura Transport Selwlce, P O K ltul Varla- tlon U nlt, P O Thomson's Falls Route tlon of route to add M wmm Present route W amuuya Tlwa-ltltul-N alrobl K ltul-N alrobl vJa Thlka and Thlka D lstnct 19/52- DavId M ulnde Ngomo, M atungulu Locatlom (KBD 931) M achakos Route K awethel-Tala-Thlka-M acbnkog 1(50 YH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE October 21, 1952

ROAD SEltvlcs LLcvscts- lcontd ) M K /R/20/52- Kasum Ngomo and M uya M unyao M atungulu TH /R/6/52- M wendwa Brothers, M atmyanl, P O K ltul Route Locatlon, M achakos R oute K akuyunl- K ltul-fhlka N alrobl , K ttul-ltlbw ezl M atungulu B I Yatta M achakos v1a Thlka 21/52- Jonathan Nzloka Klmonyl, M atungulu Locatlon, 7/52- M wangang1 Slmlonl M utunga, P O Kttul Route M achakos Route K awethel M arket M achakos Kltul K lbwezl-Thlka N alrobl Embu N alrobl

22/52- 8 :' 52- Ph1l1p M uoee Kangwe P O Kltm Route Kltm- BW l KY atUtabaa, M wala Locatlon, M achakos Route K lbwezl f hlka-N alrobl Embu - M atuu I'hlka Smtham M alket 23/52- Pau1 M ulndl Kllelo M asu Locatlon M achakos 9/ sa- svan N Kamau Box 143, Thlka R oute M agum u Route M asll - Thlka - B l Yatta - North Yatta- Gatukuyu tM ang, u Reserve) Nalrobl v1a Tnlka K lthloko M arket TH /R/ 5/ sz- Benlatmn Kalsm Petet, M ulngl A f tlcan M arket, 10/ sz- Gltau Gtclllnl, M utua M unm and N lom o Gwhukl, K ltul Route K ltul-M ul , K ltul M lvukonl , Kltul- Box 72 Rm ru Route Titlka-N auobt Thlka- Thlka K angoo M angu t

GBNERAL NoTlcE N o 2324 EU ROPEAN CIVIL SERW CE CONTRIBU fORY PENSION S FUN D (Cap 69 of the Laws of #e/?.pll INCOME AND EXPENDITURE Accoupc FoR THE YBXR ExoEo 31sT DECEMBER 1950 EXPEN DITURE INCOM E f s cts é: , cts ro D epreclatlon of lnvestm ents 387 0 66 B'k Persollal Contrlbutlolls 3 1 43 Balanco belng Excess of lncom e over Expendlture lntel est on Investm ents 4,744 17 84 Transferred to General Rovenue 4,456 16 78 Profits on lnvestm ents Reahzed 95 18 17 :4,843 17 44 f4 843 17 44

PExslox FUND A ccotm 'r roR TI.IE Y EAR ENDED 31sA D ECEMBBR, 1950 EXPENDITURE j INCOME f s cts f s cts ro Benests Payable under Sectlon 23 of the Law 325 18 50 By Balanco on 1st January, 1950 369 19 55 Balance at 31st December, 1950, Transferred to Goneral Revenue 44 1 05 f369 19 55 l :369 19 55 BALANCE SBEET As AT 31sT D ECEMBER, 1950 LIABILITIES ASSETS f 5 cts g s cts Am ount Due to Contrlbutors 7,338 - 2 02 On Deposlt wlth Accountant General 252,939 4 92 Am ount D ue to Accountant General for Transfer to Am ount Due from Contrlbutors 4 19 60 General Kovenue 245,606 2 50 f 252 944 4 52 f 252,944 4 52 ' j 17th M ay, 1952 R W SM ITH, Ag Accountant Geneal The above account has been exam m ed under m y dlrectlon ln accordance wlth the exlstlng regulatlons and lnstructions I have obtalned he m form atlon and explanatlons that 1 have reqm red and l certlfy, as a result of tlus audlt, that m m y oplnlon the account ls correcl H D D W ILK IN SON , Nmrobt dg Dlreclor of AudI f, r z'd July: 1952 Colony azld Protectoratg of fezlN October 21, 1952 TH E OFH CIAL G AZE'I'TE 1051

osxsltxu pkolacs N o 2325 G sxszus N owcs N o 2328 TH E EAST A FRICAN A 1R TR AN SPORT A UTHORITY THE REG ISTRATION OF TITLES ORDINAN CE fHE A IR SERW CES (LICLN SIN G) REGU LATION S 1946 (Cap 160 Sectlon 72) N oTlcB oi? AePLILATION FOR A LICENCE fo OPERATE AIR SBRVICES W H EREA S Fledellc Phllllps 800th of Thom son s Falls ln PU RSUAN T to the provlslons of regalatlons 21 and 22 oi tne Colony of K enya ls reglstered as the propnetor of a.ll the An Servlces (Llcenslng) Regulatlons, 1946, notlce lq hereby those qhree pleces of l tnlz known as Land Reference N um bers glven that the A 1r Sulvey C om pany of Rhodesla, Lim lted, 2514, 326 1 and 6305 situate south of Rum uqutl Townshlp ln P O Box 1896, Sallsbuly, Southeru Rhodesla, has apphcd to the the Lazkalxa Dlstnct of the sald Colony by vlrtue of grants East Afllcan 2$11 Transport Authonty ior a hcence to opelate leglstered as I R N um bels 2155, 2154 and 2010 respecuvely, the follow zng a1r servlue - and whereas sufiicient evldonce has been adduced to show that Aenal photoglaphy only (aerlal surveà) pjthln the East the sald glants have been lost, notlce is hereby glven that A fllcan terlltorles of K en) a, U ganda, 'langanpka and aftel the explratlon of 90 days flom the date hereof I sball Zarizlbal for a penod oi one year lssue prow slonal certlhuates ln 1 espect of the sald grants pro- vlded that no oblectlons have been recelved m thm that perlod lt ls further notï ed that any representatlons or oblectzons wlth regald to thls appllcatlon must be m ade to thu East Afrlcan Nalrobl, D H PRICE, A ir Transport A uthorlty at the ofhce of the D lrectot ot C lvll 14th October, 1952 Reglstrar o! Tntles Avlatlon, Lugard Avenue. P O Box 5163, Nalrobl, not later than 20th N ovem oer, 19:2 Every such leplosentatlon or oblec- tlon shali be m ade zn writzng, shall state tlw speclfic grounds on G ILNSRAL N on cs N o 2329 whlch lt ls based, and shall speclty any condstions whlch Tt may (Adm 2711 l 1) be deslled should be attached to the llcence lt granted A copy of evely such lepresentatlon or oblectlon shall be sent by the PRO V IN CIA L R EO R G A N IZA TIO N person m akm g the sam e to the apphcant of the llcence at tlle N YBRI- N ORTHSRN IRRONrIBR D lsTluc'rs sam e tlm e as zt zs sent to the A uthtm ty IT IS hereby notllied fo1 genelal lnform atlon that wlth eEect STA C EY W D CO LLS, Nfrom tht 40th day of October 1952, that portlon of the N alrobt, Dtnectol t# Clvtl aglvlc/ltp?z orthern Ftontler D lstnct descrlbed m the Schedule hereto wlll 11th October, 1952 be adm lnpstered from Nanyukz and w111, for adm lm stratlve pur- East azl/rlcl poses, be lncluded wlthln the Nortll Nyerl Dlstrlct (commonly known as the Nanyukl Dlstnct) of the Central Provmce GENSRAL No'rlch N 0 2326 N auobl, H S POITER , 10th October, 1952 Chiej Secretary TH E EAST AFRICAN A lR fRAN SPORT AU THORITY SCHBDIJLE THE AIR SERVICES (LICENSING) REGULATIONS, 1946 An area of approxlm ately 15 square mtles bounded as N olqcs os A PPLICXTION FoR A LICENCE T0 OPERATE AIR SERVICES follows - PU RSUAN T to the provlslons of ltgulatlons 21 and 22 ot Com menclng at the tngonom etrlcal beacon Lendlh , thence the Alr Selvlces (Llcenslng) Regulavions, 1946, notlce Is hereby westerly by a stralght Ilne to the north eastern corner of L R gwen that Brltlsh Overseas Alrways Colporatlon A lrways N o 3185 , H ouse Great W est Road, Blenttord, M lddlesex, England, has thence westelly by the northern boundary of that portlon and appàed to the East Nfncan A1l Tlanspolt Authonty fo) a by the no1 theln boundary of L R N o 2731 to the m tersectlon llcence to operate the followm g a1r servme - of the latter wlth the U aso Npro m vel , The scheduled a1r routes (tour1st servlcesl- thence down-stream by that rlver to the pomt at whlch lt (c) London - Rome - Calro - Khartoum - Entebbe - Nalrobz would be Intersected by the extenslon of a stralght lzne from wlth optlonal calls at M alta and W adl H alfa the trlgonometncal beacon M ukogodo (or Donyo Lolgorogl) (bj London - Rome - Calro - Khartoum - Entebbe - Dal th) ough the trlgonom etrlcal beacon Lendlll , es Salaam m th optlonal calls at M alta and W adz H aifa thence east south-easterly along that llne to tlle pom t of (c) London - Rome - Calro - Khaltoum - Entebbe - Nalrobl com m encem ent - i usaka wlth optsonal calls at M alta and W adl Halfa Fol a perlod of five years ? It zs furthel notllied that any representatlons or oblectlons G ENERA.L N o'rlcE N o 2330 wlth regard to thls appllcatlon m ust be m ade to the h ast A fljcan Alr Transport A uthorlty at the ol ce of the Dlrector of Cl>1l TH E PH ARM ACY AN D POISON S ORDIN ANCE Avlatlon, Lugard Avenue, P O Box 5163, N ailobl, not later THE underm entloned has been reglstered ln accordance wlth than 20th N ovem ber, 1952 Every such lepresentation or oblec- thc term s of the Pharm acy and Polsons Board - tlon shall be m ade Jn wntm g, shall state the speclfic grounds on Name - Desal, M adhubhal C , M P s (BNGL ) 1952 whjch lt ls based, and shall speclfy any condltlons wluch lt m ay be deslred should be attached to the hcence lf granted A copy of every such representatlon or obleûtlon shall be sent by the GBNBRAL N olqcs N o 2275 person m akmg the sam e to the apphcant of the hcence at the sam e tim e as xt ls sent to the A uthonty GOVERN M ENT AFRICAN OVERSEAS BURSAR IES, 1953 î STA CEY W D COLLS: APPLICATION S are mvlted for Governm ent A frlcan Over- N alrobi, Lhrector t7/ Ctvll Avtatton seas Bm sanes for the academlc year 1953-54 11th Octobel, 1952 f'tzâ.f Afrkca No appllcatlon fol a bursary m 11 ordm anly be consldered unless the candldate has satlsfactorlly com pleted a course of . . - - ...... study at M akerele College GENERAL N OIXCE NO 2327 Appllcants should obtaln the necessary forms elther from the Dlrector of Educatlon, N alrobl, or through the Provm mal IN H ER M AJESTY'S CO URT OF APPEAL FOR Educatlon Olcers at N alrobl K lsumu N akuru, Nyen or EASTERN AFRICA AT DAR ES SALA AM M om basa The com pleted form s must be returned through tbe CAusB Lls'r appropnate Provlnclal Bducatlon Oëcer to reach G e D lrector W ednesday, 22nd October, 1952, at 9 30 a m of Educatlon not later than 30th Novem ber, 1952 Fok Ileattng C A No 60/52 Abdul W ahed HaJ M ohamtd vs M azal CIENERAL '4oTlcE l:o 2284 Shalom o Shako Cohen and another OPEN SITTINGS AT ZANZIBAR PUBLIC W OM 5 DEPA RTM ENT M onday, 27th October, 1952, at 9 30 a m SALB Bv TsxoBR TEN DERS are m vlted for the purcbase of emht 'GTilurlow'' Foé flec//r;,ç C A No 40/52 Fazal Kassam Vehl vl M Taklm & Company portable brlck-m akmg m achlnes complete The m aclunes are new and Jn good condltlon and m ay be Tuesday, 28tlt October 1952, at 9 30 a m lnspected at any tlm e durm g oë clal oë ce hours on apphcatm n Fol S ec? Ing to the Chlef Storekeeper, Pubhc W orks Departments Contral C A No 47/52 Fazal Kassam Velll v? Popat H1r)1 Stores N mrobl W ednesday, 29th October, 1932, at 9 30 a m Tenders m ay be submltted for the purchase of on: or m ore For H eartng m aclunes up to the total of ejght and m ust be forwardH to fhe Dlrector of Pubhc W orks m sealed envelopes endorsed C A No 58/52 Chhaganlal Purshotam Janl v: M rs Umlabaj Tender for Bnck-m akm g M achm es'' so as to reach hfm by Chhaganlal Jam and two others noon on 31st O ctober C G W REN SCH , R e&qstrar, Tlze lughest or qny tender wtll not netxssanl: be accopted Nalrobl, H M Ctpu/ t t# Appeal p@r T V QARI.AN D. 17th Ootober, 1952 Eastern A/rlcl jor Dlrector oj Pz/Nzr W orks 1052 TIIE OFFICIAL G A ZETTE O ctoA r 21, 1952

G exslul N orlcs N o 2331 J F Stables, M edlcal (Lan 101313) H Thomas, Oëce of M em ber for H ea1th, Lands and Loo l Government LAN G UAG E EXAM IN ATION S W T Beyl, Pollce TH E tollowlng results are notllied foI general lnform atlon - H Baker, Pohce G S H E111s, Pohce H IGHBR SW AHILI CXAM INATION G E Ferrar Posts and Telecom m unlcatlons Pas% N W hlston, Publlc W orks M M ackenzle-Sm1th 5Adm lnlstratlon C E G H olt Pubhc W orks R G W llson, A dm lnlstratlon D G M G ardner, Publlc W orks J R N lm m o, Adm lm stlatlon D A G A llan, Publlc W orks R S W tnser, Adm lm stratlon H R R olland, Survey R G Otter, A dnunlstratlon R A Caukwell, Survey t 1 Pass qoral Ftz, t Onlyb A J Charllck, V eterlnary T A W atts, Adliunlstratlon R H Brown, V eterlnary H Pa F Tweedle, A dm lnlstratlon J F' H art, V eterlnary l C H Freem an Educatlon M E W ade, Veterlnary I C Falrall Pollce A C M acLaren U nofliclal G M H Trent, Pollce Pass- W b If/c?z Pat t t7rI/; E E H orne Pohce (Dlstlnctlon) P W hltelng, Pollce E D Fox, A dm lnlstlatlon R F M arshall, Pohce T W Ewlng, Admlnlstratlon E P H erlz-snuth, Pollce M lss M Clowhurst Educatlon PRBI-IM iNARY O RAL SW AHILI YXAM INATION D J C ow ald, Judlclal Pass J R R W ray, M edlcal l W D Peterson, A dm lnlstratlon G R T Jackson, Pubhc W orks A G Banks, Agncultul e P V ann, Survey A T Cottell A gnculture Pass- W kttten Part O nlt G B M artyrls, Agrlculture W A W lld, Admlntstratton .1 W elr, A grlculture W A W rlght, Agrlculture J E Stubblngs, Accountaqt G enelal s D epartment K W H uzzey, A grlculture C R Bradwell Educatlon R S K nox A grlculture M lss V H owe, Educatlon J S Bagenal, A grlculture R E Loadm anz Educatlon T M agner, East Afrlcan Fallways and Harbours M rs W M M oon, Educatlon M lss D K lrk, Educatlon M rs M M ornson, Educatlon A A Grelg, Educatlon M lss R Strachan, Educatlon A R oberts, Educatlon G C G M arshall, Inland Revenue D E H artnell-Beavls, Forests M R S Downham , Judlclal P E D W llson, Labour M Anderson, M edlcal T H Owen, M edtcal M lss E J Blencowe, M edlcal B Shaw, M edlcal M lss S J Flnnerty, M edlcal B P Perclval, Pnsons D r V L Helm, M edzcal J R M Fm dlay, Pollce K A Streets, Pohce J O H olhs, Pohce H W hltworth-chalk, Pnsons B R M athews, Pollce E J Blakey, Publlc W orks G C R Theunlssen, Pollce N A F Esnouf, Publm W orks R S W zlklnson, Pohce K O Fawcett, Publlc W orks P A V M urphy, Pollce A G Francls, Publlc W orks G A Lucas, Pollce T H awklns, Publlc W orks J A G arland, Pohce J L Joubert, Pubhc W orks )' G K naggs, Pollce A J H K lng, Publlc W orks M W Fltzgerald, Pubhc W orks F Lewls, Pubhc W olks R B Plckett, Pubhc W orks N M M ackay, Publto W orks J F Henry, W elghts and M easures J P Pearson, Publlc W orks A F Peal, W elghts and M easures H W U nderlull, Pubhc W orks J H Caley, Survey Z F van de M erwe, Pubhc W orks D L Johns, U noë clal M lss M B Tlghe, Secretarlat Pass--oral Part Onlv J Barrah, Vetennary G E Fletcher, Admm lstratlon P R Evans, Vetennary G M Johnson-l-llll, Admlnlstratlon N C H endrlks, V eterm aly K Lerche, A gncultule R W llllam s, Vvterm ary J D B H lndle, A gnculture J P Sherldan, Veterlnary G E Page, Agrlculture A I Stewart, V tterlnary R H Brldges, Educatlon tZwa 101213) W Rae, Educatlon STANDARD Sw M tlt,l EU MINATION P G Sudbury, Educatlon D tstlnctlon- W hole Exam lnatton B M Beer, Forests G H H Brown, Admtmstratlon W G Dyson, Forests J S S Rowlands, Admlm slratlon C C Plum b, Forests H T Beechey, Unoë clal K S Gould, Forests M 17 H Abraham , F'orests Pass- W hole Exam knatlon T E A llfree, Game (Dlstmctlon W rltten Part) R J D Teague, G am e ,I1 D Gordon, Admlm stratlon 1R' Bartlett, G am e M O S Hawkm s, Adnunlstratlon R T Elllot, G ame D E N lchol-G rlë ths, A dm lnlstratlon J L Cort, M edlcal R E Boldry, Agrlculture H M W hltehall, Pnsons T Lowndes, A grlculture K E Brown, Pohce H N Albone Educatlon D Cartwrlght, Pohce W G Bowm an, Educatlon A S Campbell, Pohce J Fuller, Educatlon W A Gre tlzs, Pollce E O Connor, Educatlon V G luck, Pohce I M M assey, M edlcal J K err, Pohce D W atts, Pubhe W orks P D Bates Pohce B L W atkzns Pubho W orks H H M alnprlce, Pohce D C Haguo, Veterm ary l C Rand, Pollce P E, Phllllps, W elghts and M easures J W D ggs, Pohce M lm ndstrom , UnoFwual M lss M M Sharm an, Pollce Pass- W hole Exanttnahon S M W allace, Pohce Y N Payet, Admlnlttratlon J H Banllon, Pubhc W orks A D Bruce-lsay, Admlnlstratlon I L Roberts, Publlc W orks J G M ackley, Admlnlstratlon G W G rlë n, Survey H B A mbrose, Agrlculture T O M athews, Survey A L M cfxonnell, A grlculture E m ckards, Veterlnary P M G he ale, Agnculture J Barrah, Vetennary J Knlght, dgnculture J Bond, Vetennary P n oms, Agnculture D H Sklnner, Vetennaz.y J D tm can, Am culture M rs W lndley, U noë clal S J Burnell, Forests Nmrobl, R H SYM ES-TH O N % ..0 Ham som zudl 'œ 17th oct .c... 'wm,.. ..rwwe.a,- a...xL= ----.-..- October 21. 1952 ,f'ftE OXFLICIM . G AM 'FI'E lûr)

G- RAL Nozlc: N o 2332 (k) Further detalls can be öbtamed from the Secretary of the lndlan and A1 ab Settlem ent Board, P O Box 825, N afrobl IN DIAN SCH OOL OF A GRICULTU R E , M OROG ORO Appllcatlons for five vacancles for the ceurse çom m encm g T AN G A N Y IK A TER R ITO R Y ln Janua y, 1953, m ust reach the Secretary of the lndtarv and Aeizt-ltx'rioxs FoR ENTRIES BY IxolAx AxD APXB RLSID=NTS Alab tlem ent Board P O Box 825, N alrobl, on or before ol K ENAA !st D ecem ber 1952 TH E Indlan bchool of Agnculture, bullt by the G overnm ents A B PA'IT,I- , of K enya and Tanganylka ls palt of thelr dqvelopm ent pro- Chatrfîlaa frtfffll?z attd Arab gram m e to furtiler the agncultural educatlon of m ale candldates 17th Octobel , 1952 Settlem ent Board of lndlan and A lab ongn from Kenya and Tanganpka Tenltory wlth a vlow to glvlng a. practlcal tratnlng whlclt w11l enzble them Sublect.î oj s'fudy to t ke thelr plate In the farnung lndustry ot thelr respuctlve terrltones l Agnculture- The scllool ls sltuuted on the G ovelnm ent Falm at M orogolo Tlwory and practlcal- tn the Izastern Provlnue of Tanganylka Terrltoly and wlll Introdttctlon A grlcultural econom y of East A frlca Soll tccomm odate tt'n pupjls fl om K enya and 20 flom Tanganylka C iops Appllcatlons from 1 esidunfs of K enyé fo1 adm lssion should 2 Aîlktnal S ushcndly..-- be subm ltted to the %ecretaly of the lndlan and A yab Settle T heory and practlcal . ment Board, P O Box 825, N atrobl Cattle D alry Poultry Appllcatlons wlll bu consldered Vln the first lnstance by the Indtan artd A1 ab Settlement Board %ho w1ll m ake thelr lecom - A grtcultuîal Fptwucerlnç- - mendatlons to tbe DTlector of Agneultgl e whose dçclslon ln Elem entary- Iegard to the adm lsslcm of candldates qhall bc fznal Levelllng Candldatt,s m ust nave com pleted Form 11l ln a Kellya Practlcal - secondar: school and m uqt attach to thelt appllcatlon fol Surveylng Drawlng Cal pentry Sm itlay Varm lmple- adm lsmon the followlng docum t-nts - m ents and m achlnery (1) A school certlfkate showm g the htandard attalned and lncludlng the recom mt ndatlon of the headm astel 4 .,z1 v Icz////f?t?l M arketlllg- (2) A medlcal k-ertlficate of fitness blgned by a leglstered Elem entary theory m cdlcal tafhcel the candldate m ust be of good physlque A gilcultultll ur-t gulatlon- alzd m ust be prepared to untleltake hald m artual work Elem entaly theory- as part of h1o pi actlcal tralning East A fncan Ordlnances and rcason: fo1 sam e ( -4) A certlhcate flom the father or gualdlan statlng that he m ll be responslble fcr the payment of school fees for 6 Book-keepm g- an am ount not exceedlng f 60 pel anrum Elem entaz'y theory- (4) Two slgnefl refel ences lrom lesponslble persons Farm accotlnts t5) Celutk ateq of any other qualjscatlons whlch the apphcant 7 'Vetellnary- m ay have obtalned Elem entaly theory and practlcal com blned- D lseascs of cgttle and poultly lhe punod (pl' tralnm g lh of two yeals tluratlon, and the next coup se Is due to com m t ntec eaily ln Janualy 1953 lt wlll 8 Elttonlology- be dfvlded lnto slx tel m s wlth five vacatlons Any students who Elem entary theory and placbcal com blned-- 1a1l to leach the lequlslte standard of classroom or practlcal P1 xnt pests Bee-keepng Tsetse wolk at the end of each term m ay be requlled to leave the scbool 9 Plallt Pathology- Elem entary theory and practjcal- Phe dutalled coursk- of study ls glqell below lt has been Jeslgned so as to cover a1l the sgblects an elem, entary know- Plant dlseases Iedge of which ls necessaly for a suocessful practlcal farmcl 10 Botan),- Studenfs m ust com ply m th a11 school rules and regulatlons Elementary theory and practlcal com bm wd ald dowa by the headm aster and m ust accept the authollty 1 1 F orestrp - Df the school staff Elem entary tlleory and practlcal comblrted A.n up-to-date lecord tol eateh student wlll be m am talned znd thls w1l1 be taken as a gulde for the lqsue of t ertllk ates nn the cem pletlon of the courst- e At the t'nd of each m term edlate ten'n there Mrl11 be class G cxpm u, N m lcB N o 2333 x tm lnatlons coverll g both the theoretlcal and plactlcal w ork ànd at the end of the full course an exam m ation w1l1 be set Nà ANZA LIQUOR LICENSING COURT an whlch togethta w lth tht, plevlous class leoord, the award THE followlng addltlonal appllcatlons for hquor hcenct's wlll E)f a certlficate of agtlcultule wkll be based , and a celtllk ate be heard at a m eeung of the N yanza Liquor Llcensm g Court w111 be zssut.d to eaeh suocessful candldate to be held oll 10th N ovem ber, 1952, at the oëce of the Dlstnct tt tee of Sh 1 10 pfel month (txoludmg vauatlon pellods) w1ll Com mlssloner, K tsum u, at 10 a m - 3e payable befole the com m fm cem ent of each term to cover hk, followm z school charges - N on-splrttuous fzqtltk? D cences K assam Jtvral & Bros , Plot No 3, K endu Bay, Soutll Nynnyn N/z Boald, lodglng alld laundly 85 K assam Jlvra) and Blos , Plot N o 1, Bunylmm , South rultlon 25 N vanza Benatalz Apolo Ohanga, Plot No 9s Dudl Tradmg Centre, Total Sh 110 K aradha Storeq, Censral Nyanza R E W AIN W RIG HT, Chatrmag Geno al K lsum u, Nyanza D quor D cerlllar Court, k) There w111 be sepalate cogklng all angements fo1 vegetallans 15th. October, 1952 K uum u d non. vegetal lans bj Hoçtel and messlng equlpment laundry and selvants w11l ptovided at the school 'c) Necessary school unlfolms w1l1 be supplwd fre? on first IBNISRAL Nmlce No 2334 wal at tho school TI'IE LIQUOR ORDINANCE CJ) Frew statlonery wtll bc provlded (c) A small 1 efel ence llbrary wlll be attached to the school W ap 266, Laws // Kenvaj COAST LIQUOR LICENSING COURT ..JI The necessaly eqmpm ent for lield and labm atory work L1 be plovlded at the sohool THE followmg addltlomal apphcatmn for a llquor hcence wttl be consldered by the Coast Llquor Llcensm g Court at lts g) The Gqyernment Falzo, dalry and hortlclzltural nurseltes m eetlng to bo held m Kaderblw y Hall, M om ba> , on M onday, M orogolo - 11 be avallable for pracucal tultzon 10th N ovember, 1952, at 1û a m - /z) Free meical attentlon w111 be prcvzded at the Govern- n.t H ospltal, M orogoro N Ew A IYLYATJON 'I) l7ree second-class rallway wa1 rants wl11 be lssued to Genod Retall iw wl/tr . dents from the, statlon nearest thetr lmme to M orogoro on Cec; Jam es Brayo, M anager, Sbanzu BeaG Ilotel, Ltd , P O nlng the scbool, for vacatlons and on completlon ot the Box 420, M om hasa, Subdlw slon N o 854, Sectlon 1, M mn- land N orth l7or vlslts to farm s, excurslons and the soll conservatlon se llt the N orthern Plgvlnce fl ee lor'ry or rall transport M om basa, F W GOOD BOD Y, Chœrm an, be provlded 14th O ctober, 1952 Coast Jaltguor L cenatnz Collrf U r

1054 TI'lE OVPICIAL G M ETTE October 31, 1952

N-JBNERAL NOTIQ.E No 2335 CONFIRMATION otp 'TRANSFLRS R estau'ant fvlqlzt?r D cence N AIROBI LIQUOR LICEN SIN G COU RT H C V Honnaslee to Hassanah Jdmal, Plot No 209/ 136/ 102, TH i= followlng àpphcatlons wlll be conslderod at the next corner of Dîwan Road Im ttazall Road, Nalrobl meetjng of the N alrobl Llquor Llcenqlng Court to be held m H'/?f: M etchlults (z,l# G 2 tpcerà Llquot falct flces the D lstnct Cemm lssloqet s Ofice Natrobl, ota M ottdzty, 10th Dlam ond Baktry and Provlslon Stores to Jlm my s Stol es, No&ember, and M onday 17tla N o&ernber 1952 at 9 39 a m - Plot No 2038 Reata Road, N ajlobl 9 30 a F?/ -m eneîbals af .&L eikces jor 1953 Ranm al Duda to Ranm al Duda & Sons Plot N o 2741 10 a p; - G cr?T.? al # : tatl f-lcc/luc; H azl at Road, N atrobl Ranmal A1a (ratlficatson oi renloval) transler from Plot Phlloz B M lstl y, Plot No 209/ 1849, Fol t Hall Road, Naxlebl N o 675 'k lctorla Stleet to Plot N o 1360 at the m nctlon Donald Norman Jatm an Hill Top Inn, Llmuru Road, oi V ctorla Ntleet and W hltthouse Road, Nalrobl N alrob, M Raghavll to M adhavll Raghavlt & Sons, Plol No 14t3/ 17, Kenya f heatl ts, Plot N o 2490/ 62 /63 / 6 / 1 Ngm a Road N alrebl Rlver Road N alrobl Rltz H otel t td Plot No (373 Vtctorla Stret t N alrobl W holesale Llquor falccrsceç M rs M m a W alker D e Garland H otel, Plot N o 63, Sclaters G enelttl Dlstrlbutols, 1. td , to A dam s Brown & Co , Ltd , Road N an obl Plot N o 632, Bazaar Lane N alrobl Ktttlex-ltoy & Tyson (ratlficatlon of lemoval Amal Hotel: Plot No 697 / 32 Campos Rlbelro Avelluc ) .u tlansfer flonz N atrobj Galnsborougb House Sttwart Strek t, to Cbestt r Houst, Halcyon Restaurant M rs F E R Pattullo, Standard Street, Sadler StI eot N alrolM N 0I1 F#2r??&DNuV Z/t?&t7/ Tlcellcesî Chum lal M Patel, Plot N o 209/664, Vlctorm Stleet, N alrobi Ranm a.l Ala (ratlftcatlon of rem oval), ttansfel from Plot M etro, t td Plot N o 2740 H azrat Road, N all ob1 N o 675, V lctorla Street, to Plot N o 1360 at the Junctlon of Vlctoma Street and W hltehouso Road, N airoby 10 30 a ??l - club Zlglf/r Llceltce M Ragha&ll te M adhavll Ragha&Jl & Sons, Plot No 1413/ 17, W anderet s Cncket Club, Karlra, Klam bu Road Rlver R oad, N asrobl Llth N ovenlber 1952- 9 ')0 a pl Btewers fwltgut?. f Icence Nbtl-âpll //?I&/zJ lvtqll&r Z/6*E'?lf.z.'.5' The Clty Blewety, Ltd , Plot N o 146, Industllal Alea, Nalrobl M wanm M urathe, Plot No 14 Shaull M oyo N auobl W hotesale Llquot Ltceltce W est li nd Provtslon Stores, Plot No 519, Ii astltlgh Sectton 1, N alrobl Hasham M eralll, Plot No 209/ 136 /58, Grogan Road Natrobl Eastlelgh Gzeccts Plot N o 2 Sectlon I Eastlelgh, Nallobl R BSt6IM' Ji'lt ZJ(2IfOl LtCI/RCC'S G tcheha N luguna, Plot N o 3(1 Llm uru M arket Lm mru P B M lstly Plot No 209 / 1 849 Fort Hall Road, Nan obl N gotho K lrengt, Plot N o 9: L R 209, Pum wanl, N allobl Thuman Slngh I achman Slngb, Plot No 785/ 12/2, m ver Clty G 1 ocery Stol es, Plot N o 940, W hltehouse Road, N anobl Road, N alrobl N allobl G tneral Setvlce Stores, Plot N o 2275, K han Road 11 a m - FP%/1e M elcho lt& c/fl G t or trg,ç Lkquor fz/cencc,s N alrob; Nalrobl Bakely and Plo&lslon Stoles, Plot N o 1996, Raue- Qualnts, Ltd , Plot Nos 1012/ 18 atld 1012/ 19, Ruzraka courqe Road N alrobl N alrobl Lucky Pro>lslon Stoles Plot No 2400, Vjctorla Street Nagpal Stolesv Plot No 209/ 152/2/ 1/5 Park Road Nalrobl l-axml Pzovlslon Stores Plot No 209/ 2490/ 13, Ngzzra Road, N alrobl N atlobl Buckley Storts, Plgt No 52/2 Btzckle) Road, Nallob! Saurashtla Selvlce Stores, Plot N o 1442 Eastlelgh Stctlon 111, 10 a m N alrobl W llllam & M wauta Company, Plot N o 271 Pumwanl, K ashznlr H ouse, Plot N o D Rallwdy Road K aplado N alrobl Gudka G louery Stolc, Plot N o 940 W hltelzouse Road, W llham Gltham bu Plot No 4 G athage M Arket Rutlu N allobl Samuel Klm anl & Petel M uroko Plot N o 2, Tlpganga Buylng R. A. Patel & Co , Plot No l36 /R 164, Grogan Road, Centre, K lAm bu N culobl Saulashtla Sen ce Stores, Plot N o 1442 L R 36, Fastlelgh sulesh & Company Plot N o 2613, Bazall Lane, N anobl Mectlon 111, N allobl Hml & Compan) Plot No 163/4 Swamp Road, Nalrobl Ngugtz Plovlslon Stoles, at Kabete Statjon P O Upper M alde Provlslon Stole Piot N o 1G Eastlmgh Sectlon tII* Kabtte N ctjlobi Jam es W am atu Plot N o 22 G atundu M arket, Klam bu Sureqla & f om pany, Plot N o 2613, Bazaar l-ane, Nalrobl 1 1 30 a /z? 5: ala Stores, P1Qt No 209/2703/3, Pumwanl Road, Nayrobl Thaker & Company, Plot Nct 209/3465/ 1 Ngala Road, KaJanl Stoles, Plot N o 9, Fastlelgb Sectlon V , N alrobl N alrobl W amokor Produce Store, 'Plot N o 2705 Quarry Road, N auobl sham jl M anll, Plot N o 1132, Fwastlelglz Seetlon lII Nalrobl 10 30 c l't Clty Grocery Store, Plot N o 940, W hltehouse Road N alrobl Shah Provhqlon Store, Plot No 2752 / 2 Pum wanl koad G ty Provjsloll Store, Plot N o 2267 L R 209, Rcata Road N alrobl Nalrobl K larle M bugua & Plot N dum berl M arket M rs M anglaben M Lakhanl (tradlng as M ahadev Store), K lambu Plot N o 408, fastlelgh Seotlon IIl N all ob1 Gacarage rradlng Co Plot N o 33, K angangl M drket, Rancllhoddaq Lavg & Sons, Plot No 49, W atkm s Stroet, East- K lam bu lelgh Stctlon 111, Nalrobl M ondothz W aklgo & Blos W altbaka M arket N o 15 *A , C R Gandhl Plot No L R h25/'!0, Lastlelgh Sectlon II, K lam bu N alrobt M ugwe K lrlukl & Co , Plot N o 36 K arun, Klam bu Gaba.r Provlston Stort Plot No 136/ R/ l61 Grogan Road, Sham ll &1rJl Shah Plot No 66, on the maln road Tluka- N alrobl Rulru Huqselm Provlslon Store Plot N o 63 Eastlelgh Sectlon 1, Slllchand & Sons Plot No 3544 Latema Road N alrobl N alrobt Panganl Grocers, Plot No 209/ 1635/3, Fall4lew Road Dldy's, Plot No 209/ 3465 / 1 Ngara Road Nallobl N alrobl . Lfmuru Falm Products, Plot No 799/80, M allka H ouse Lolo Loche, Plot N o 126 Sectlon 1, Eastletgh Nalrcbl Stewart Strtet N alrobl Shah M ulchand Lakha, Plot N o 5 Sectlon 8, Kmm bu Town 12 N oon shlp M tssrs M allk & Co , Plot N o 1256 Eastletg,h Sectlon lII 1 1 a m N alrobt lthamlro Plovlslon Store, Plot No 136/75, 1. R No 209 Surat U nlon Stores, Plot N o l77 L R 36, Eastlmgh G rogan R oad N all obz John G abnel M agntr, W estlands Cornm erclal Area, Sallqbur Setuon 111, Naitobl Road, N mrobl Bharat Cash Mtol es, Plot N o 869, W hltehouse Road, N auobl M oham ed Yusuf Plot N o 991, Eastlelgh Sectlon 111, N asrob Pangam Grocels, Plot No 209 / 1635 /3 Patr>lew Road, M uthumu 8toreq, Plot No 136/25, Grogan Road Nalroln Patzgam Troplcal Frmt Co , Plot No 136/ 106, L R 209 Nallobl Chhaganlal M eghll Pat e1 ,Plot No 6821 / 1, Dando, a, Nazrobl M lss M lnam W anlllu Shop N o 26 N ew A fncan M arke Naza! Smgh G111 Plot No 209 /556 Vlctona Stleet, Nalrobl rhtk l M r.ll Thakore Pîot No l38 J 30 Rlvel Roads Natrobl Rufab blrert ole Kuluo, Olonga P O N drok D K Gandhl, Plot No 2759/6 Ngala Road, Navobl Kahm la s Jo Pastany Plot No 3 Shapaltarakwa Nlau, %ukh Sagar Tradmg Stol etsx Plot N o 525 /28 Abdullah Stleet Dyal % ngh s /0 l-abln Slngh, L R 209, Plot No 276 N ajrobt Pum wam Road, Nalrobl N agarbhal R Patel Piot N o 1140, N gong Road, N allobt Abdul M alld, Plot N o 42, Thlka 12 30 p ln 1 1 30 a m %uprem e Tradels, Plot N o 2628, Gulm al Street, N auobl M bugwa K ahm a, Stall N o 25, N ew Afllcan M arkkt, Thll Pyarall K assam all. Plot N e 673, Vlctorla Street Nallobl Colomal Traders, Plot No 2759/2, N gara Road, Nalrob! Gangalam N Patel Plot No 139/ 1 Rlvel Road, Nalrolp Sltaram Johar, Plot No 138/20, Rlver Road, Nalrobl Colomal Traders, Plot No 209/2739/2, N gara Roads Nalrobl K ezlrom K lm alanku Shop N o 105, txam u R oad Pum m Parklands Stores, Plot N o& 2164, Sclaters Road, N alrobl Locatton, Nalrobl Prem chand Karam shl, Plot N o 2568, sadler Street, N mrobl H assam Javer, Plot N o 10, K apado O1d Bazaal, K allado October 21, 1952 TH E O FFICIA L G AZE'I'TE 1055

Shaun M oyo G enerali Store, Shop N o 5, Shaurl M oyo, K lltl K am ba, Plot N o 32, M bm nl M arket, M wala N auobl W am bua N gunzu Plot N o 21, M bium M arket, M wala M anglaben Bhagwanll Lakhanl, tradlng as t M ahadev Store , Phlllp M blndyo, Plot N o 59, Klthayom M arket, lvetl Plot N o 408 Eastlelgh Sectlon 111, N allobl Ex-chlef K aloboto, Plot N o 11. M achakos Afncan M arket Jam es W angotha, Plot N o 25, K alrl M alket Klam bu Dlstrlct Jotlram & Co Plot N o 3 K onza Tradlng Centle Box 57 Tluka Joel Oswll Plot N o 24 K olla M arket, K alam a K ahugl G ltulo & C om pany, Plot N o 7, G lthungurl M alket, Jonah K lswu lsangu, Plot N o 57, Klthayom M arket, lvetl G lthungull A lfred M K atlnga & Co Plot N o 37 K alundu M arket, K ungu K lm anl Plot N o 28 W hlte Slsters Road, Thlka K ltm 12 N ooit D lckson K am wakl M utweko Plot N o 6 K auwl Afncan M alket, K ltm N lologe M ugo, Plot No 7, W hlte Slsters R oad, n lka W llllam K lm ulu U baa, Plot N o 1 Yatta M atuu, P O Thlka W alganlo s/o Glkuluml, Plot No 27, Gathage M arket, Rm lu John M wololo N gunga, Plot N o 21, K llome M arket, M ukaa G ltau M unene Plot N o 11, G atundu M arket, Rullu M uthanja M akom a Plot N o 29, M utllum M arket M ukaa M bugua Thungu G la G lthu M arket Klam bu M K W illlam , Plot N o 47 Rungal M alket, Llmul u Klvuva K m nga & Bros Plot N o 7, U tangpa-K yam onyo, K angangl A Tradlng C o Plot N o 17 K angangt M alket, M boonl K lam bu K atlku M um o & C o M blhnl M arket, K angundo M acagucha Tradlng Store, Plot N o K angem l M arket G M ull Bubl Plot No 13 M atetam M arket, K angtm do K abete Phlllp llekyo M ula, Plot N o 10 K akuyum M arket, K angundo G ltuku W am ulndo Plot N o 4 K lngangq M arket K lam bu M utua N zukl Plot N o llam yl M angulu M arket, Kaltar Sjngh s/o Sobha Slngh Plot No 492/21, L R 209, M uputl m vel Road, Nalrobl Stephen M aslla N thum bl Plot N o 58 W am unyu M arket, Nagarbhal R Patel Plot No 100 L R 330 N gortg Road, N allobl K lteta H assanall K allm , tradm g as H assanall Provlslon Store , Elllah N zlokl K athlanl M arket M ltabom Johana N zoka M ltabom M arket, M ltabonl Fauvzew R oad, N 4lrobl M ulubl M unube Plot N o 9, Chulum , K ltul 12 30 p rn K achra Bhagwanll, Plot N o 5, K aàgundo Tradlng Centre D R Ohaz & Sons Plot No 3758, Kamlil Shamll M oham ed, Plot N o 14, Sultan H am ud Tradlng Centre Sukh Sagal Tradlng Store, L R 209, Plot No 525 /28, G ordhanbhal Dhyabhal Patel, Plot N o 2, Athl m ver Abdullah St4 eet, N alrobl z M achakos J K R TH ORP, Chalrm an, Everest Gcneral Store, Plot No 2759/6, Ngara Road, Nalrobl 9th Octobel 1952 Ukam ba D quor D censtng Court Hlrli & Company, Plot No 163 /4, Swamp Road, Nallobl Gangaram & Co Plot No 139/ 1, Rwer Road, Nalrobl H kan Rensburg, Farm L R 7659/7 Lower Klambu GSNERAL N orlcc N o 2337 Gabar Plovlslon Store Plot No 136/ 161, Grogan Road, N allobl KIKUYU LIQUOR LICENSING COURT Chhotabhal & Jasbhal Plot N o 1, Slm ba, P O Slm ba THE followm g new appllcatlons w1ll be consldered by the R A Patel & Company, Plot No 136/R/ 164, Grogan Road, Klkuyu Llquol Llcensm g Court whlch w111 assem ble m the N alrobl oë ce of the Dlstnct Com m lsslonel N anyukl, on M onday U ttan Slngh Ram Slngh Plot N o 18, Eastlelgh Sectlon 111, 10th N ovem bel 1952, at 10 a m - N alrobl W lne M erchants and Grocers D quor D cences Elburgon Flour M llls Chapaltlakw a Shop P O N alok Karanla s/o Nderl, Plot No 3 Gqthlge M alket, Rulru M eghp K Shah, Plot 1, N yen Statlon N yang or Provlslon Store Plot N o 126 Eastlelgh Sectlon I , Shah Ralpal Ladha & Sons, Plot N o B 3, Fort H all N alrobl N O?1-S.PIrI/I,I@&S Zlt#Nor D cellces M allk & Com pany, Plot N o 1256, Sectlon llI Eastlelgh, M eghll K Shah, Plot 1 Nyerl Statlon N alrobl M wanm W arlbu Plot N o F 17, N atlve Locatlon, N anyukl Eastlelgh Tradlng Co , Plot N o 144, Eastlelgh Sectlon 11 N yerl Statlon Store, Plot 19, Nyen Statlon N alrobl M ukangu M ana and Charles Plot N o 24 KTamutugu Hassanall Provlslon Stores, Plot No 209/ 1635/3, Fallwlew M arket Embu R oad N alrobl Joseph M 'M uketha Plot 1, Kangeta, M eru Charan Sm gh, Plot N o 47 Sectlon 1, Eastlelgh N alrobl Sldl M ltha Zanar Plot 5, Barlcho, Embu Kamanda Glûhlra, Plot N o L R 209/ 1623, Fort H all Road, M utura M atu Plot N o 3, M unm M arket, Embu N alrobl Ottambhal M arghabhal Plot N o 2, lshlara, Em bu Shah H em raj Jesang, Plot N o 665, Vlctorla Street, N alrobl J D M atam bo, Plot N o 15, , Embu Nalrobl C F ATK IN S Chaïl pFltm M am lal G lrdhar Shah, K utus Tradlng Centre, Em bu 16th O ctober 1952 N ail Obl àrlqlft?r L'lcenslng C olfrf M arclus M bero s/o Kamutu Plot No 15, Itharelnl M arket Em bu K lurtz Rulta Klanyaga Embu GBNERAL NoTIcB N O 2336 C ONFIRM ATION oF TRANSFER UKAM BA LIQUOR LICENSING COURT N on-svlrltuous TH E followlng appllcatlons for hquor hcences w11l be con F'rom H esebon M M buko to Jam es G acluhl K lnongl Plot sldered at a m eetm g of the U kam ba Llquor Llcensm g Court to N o 7 K utus Em bu be held m the Dlstnct Com mlssioner s Oë cez M achakos on Nanyukj A GALTON -FENZI, Chatrm an 10th Novembel , 1952, at 10 a m - 14th October, 1952 K lkuyu rlqzftp, D censlng Court RFxBw-tt.s FOR 1953 A 11 appheatlons for renewals for 1953 recelved not latel than GENERAL N oerlcs N o 2338 30th October 1952 N s&> A pzyrlczkn oxs VACAN CIES IN EA ST AFRICA HIGH COM M ISSION G enelal R eta;l fvtzzlo/ D cence Julltol E xalntnlng Omcers East X/ziccu Customs and Exclse D epartm ent M otlbhal J Patel Plot N o 1 Sectlon X l M achakos Townw APPLICATION S a e Invlted fo1 the posts of Junlor chlp Exam lnlng Om cers ln the East Afncan Custom s and Exclse M alt LIquor falce/icér,ç Departm ent and should be subm ltted m the appllcant s own M angaljl Tarm oham ed & Co Plot N o 5, Sectlon 111, handw rltlng to tlze C om m lssloner of Custom s and Exclse, M achakos Townshm P O Box 61 M om basa to reach h1m not later than Ranchhoddas Lavll & Sons Plot N o 4 K 1u Tradm g Centre 15th N ovem bel 1952 M m nzl M ala Plot N o 1, Tawa M arket, M boonl In the case of oë cers already ln the servlce appllcatlon should V ed Pa1 Plot N o 4 K onza Tradlng Centre be subm ltted through the head of the apphcant's departm ent *011 J N11 ItI4OllS ZICJ/tM L.lcel1ces The scale of salary attached to the posts zs f 340 by f 22 10.ç W llson M unnge Plot N o 29 M ulyu M arket, K lsau to f 520, ln addltlon to whlch a tem porary allowance of 25 per lohn N dunga Plot N o 8, Nungum M arket K llungu cent of salary ls at present payable W llson M utla Plot N o 7, Tala M alket, M atungulu The appolntm ents w1ll be sutnect to East Afrlca H lgh Com - John K lamba M usomba Plot N o 4 M alanl M arket N zawl m lsslon Regulatlons Andrew Kamllnzyu Plot N o 28, K ailmanl M arket, K angundo A ppllcants qhould be betw een the ages of 18 and 22 and Gldeon M wunda, Plot N o 39 K allmanl M arket Kangundo w111 be requlred to serve on probatlon for two years before F M ulm ge M ulwa, Plot N o 6, M asn M arket, M asll adm lsslon to the perm anent and penslonable servlce M ukonzo M aslla Plot No 4 K ltandl M arket, K llungu Onesmus M utlsya Plot No 9 K lthayom M arkt,t Ivetl Candldates must produce evldence of a good standard of Amos M un#ao, Plot No 2 Kalll M arket, M boonl educatlon and be ln possesslon of a school leavm g certlicate M utlso K ltuku Plot N o 5, M lu M arket, K lsau Tht, dutles of Examlnlng Ofhcers brlng them mto dally contact Phlllp M akewa Plot N o 17 llam M arket, M boonl wlth a1l classes of the publlc and tact restralnt and good M otlbhal J Patel Plot No 1 Sectlon XIs M achakos Town bearlng are essentlal requlrem ents shlp Oëcers m ay be requlred to serve anywhere ln K enya Uganda Paul M ungala & Co , Plot N o 24, Sletham M arket, M wala and Tankanpka 1056 T H E O FFICIA L G A ZET T'E O ctober 21, 1952

GBNERAL No'rlcs No 2339 GENBRAL N olles N o 2340 @ VACAN CIES IN KEN YA GOVERN M ENT EAST AFRICAN RM LW AYS AN D H ARBOU RS Dlstl Ict Revenue Oy ce? (Etttopeall) #/ omnclal Admlntsttatu)n I 1- IS notlfied toz genelal znformatlon that the follom ng alteratlons and amendments to the Tarlff of H arbour Dues and Clerk Gzcffe I çM alej tfu?tppctz?7l, Govonnlel't Fe/crlrlc/y Charges N o 5 of 1st August w1ll come lnto force forthm th Expo lm ental Statlon N al%asha Clallse 47 D emltl ; age Charges o?; D ucks l?l the S c? bou' Aîea APPLICATION S are lnvlted foi the posts of - D elete C lause 47 and substltute therefor Dlstï Icf Revenue O//cc'? PI :)1 lnclal .z1ff/z7//??,5'p atloil Salaly Claltse 47 Demutrage Chaéges on Ttucks ln tlte H al bolf? A lea scalo- G rade 1, f690 by f 25 to E840 pe1 annum or G lade Il, The dcmurrage chalges w111 be m accordance wlth the rates :490 by f20 to :590 (emclency bal) by f20 to f 670 per annum and condltlons contam ed ln Clause 148 of the East A frlcan R allw ays and H arbouls, R allway M allne and Road M otor Clerk Grade I (M ale) G()T ernnlent Fc/epsnt?, v Expolmental Servlces, Tarlff Book No 1 of 1 / 10/ 1951 Statum NJIJ asha Salaly scale- f580 by f20 to f 680 (elclency N alrobl A DALTON bar) by f 20 to f 720 per annum 10th October, 1952 General M anaget They should be sent to the Secretarl European Clvll Servl%e Advlsory Board, P O Box 621, Nalrobl so as to reach h1m not later than 10th N ovem ber, 1952 GENERAL N ovrlcs No 2341 ln addltlon to salary a tem porary non-penslonable cost of TH E COM PAN IES ORD IN ANC E llvlng allow ance ls payable at the rate of 25 per cent of salary (47c/7 288) Appllcants In Governm ent servlue should subm lt thelr appllca- J CARTW RIGHT (N AIROBI), LIM ITED ttons m accol dance wlth the procedure lald down ln Secretanat (ln #'t7//d??/t;l/ ;. Iaqltldatloll) Clrclzlar N o 30 of 29th Septem bel , 1944 Appllcatlons from candldates not ln the G overnm ent servlce should be subm ztted N O TIC E ls hereby m ven ln pursuance of sectlon 240 of the on the form of appllcatlon fo1 em ploym ent wjth the Govern- Com panles O ldlnance, that a m eet'ng of the credltors of the m ent of K enya, coples of w hlch can be obtalned from the above nam ed com pany will be held on Fllday the 31st day of Secretary, European Clvll Servlce Advlsory Board, N alrobl It ls Octobel, 1952, at 2 30 p m ln thc Board Room of the N alrobl preferable that only coples of testlm onlals should be sent ln Cham ber of Com m erce Portal H ouse Portal Street, N alrobl the hrst lnstance N alrobl V F M U RD OCH , c A 17th O ctober 1952 Ltquldato; The posts a1e perm anent and penslonable and the general term s and condbtlons of selvlce are as follows (a4 Fol appllcznt, not already 1.n the Government selvlce G FNERAL N o'rlce N o appolntm ent on probatlon fol tw o years before adm lssTon to the perm anent and penslonable establlshm ent TH E CO M PAN IES ORDINAN CE (Cap 288) (h) Ezg/teen days local leave per annum , and vacatlon leave PU RSU AN T to sectlon 284, sub-sectlon 5 of the above at the late of 4.1. days for each completed month of Ordlnance, lt is hereby notlfied that the undermentloned com resldentlal servlce after 48 m onths tour for oflicm s under pany has thls day been struck off the Reglstel of Com panles 40, and at the rate of 5.1. days for each completed month and the com pany ls dzssolved - of resldentlal servlce after 40 m onths tour for oë cers over 40 A fllcan Bulldlng and G eneral Contractors, Llm lted N alrobl, G M LAW TON (c) Free passages to the Unlted D ngdom fol the oëcel (and 17th October 1952 Reglstra' ()/ Compaîtïès for h1s m fe, lf he ls marned) after completion of a tour of servlce, and retum passages If returnlng fol further servlce s ln the case of a m arrled om cer wlth G LNBRAL N oerlcs N o 2343 dependent chlldren under 21 passages for him self and h:s fam lly ale provlded up to the cost of three adult M U N ICIPAL BO AR D OF K ISUM U passages ol the actual cost of the passages w hlchever LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (RATING) ORDINANCE ls the less W ap 137) (J) W hen m occupatlon of Governmtnt qua) ters 10 per cent N on cs of salary ls charged as rent lf the quarters ale turnlshed PA RTIES lnterested are requested to note that the due date and 71. per cent of salary lf they are unfurnlsned when for the payment of lates as lndlcated ln paragraph 3 of the an oë cer occuplesw pnvate quarters he m ay clalm an notlce appearlng ln thw Ofliclal G azette on Tuesday 9th Septem allowance up to the am ount by w hlch the reflt exceeds ber, ls hereoy am ended to read 1st D ecem ber, 1952 10 per cent of hls salary lf the quartels are furnlshed, and up to the am ount by whlch the rent exceeds 71. per The date for the charglng of lnterest wlll accoldlngly be cent of hIs salary lf they are unfurnlshed 1st January, 1953 K lsumu, TH OM A S AN DERSON (e) Free medlcal tleatment by the Government medlcal servlce 11th October, 1952 Town Clerk for the om cer, hjs m fe and dependent unm arrled chlldren under 21 years of age G ENBRAL N oTlcB N o 2344 DCTIES AND QUALIFICATIONS M U N ICIPALITY OF K ISU M U Dishlct Revenue O//cer Pl tz&lncrcf Adnlînlstratîon TEN D ERS ale m vlted for the supply and dellvery at Klsumu Candldates should preferably have a knowledge of accounts of one refuse lem oval van of not less than 12 cublc feet (plefelably the Government system of accountlng) and a good capaclty worklng knowledge ot Swahlll The selected candldate w1l1 be The prlce quoted shall be the prtce deltvered ln K lsum u requlred to pass the G ovelnm ent Standard Swahlll Exam lnatlon Tenders, m sealed envelopes m arked dfefender for Plant ' m thln two years of hls appolntmhnt m ust be recelved by the undermgned on or before 29th N ovem -, The oK cer m ay be statloned ln any of the m alor statlons of ber, 1952 the C olony The lowest or any tender w111 not necessarlly be accepted Ktsumu THO M AS AN DERSON , Clerk Grade I (M ale), Gtpî ernnlent Fe/erl?7c? v E xpc?lrntz/l/fz/ 17th October, 1952 lrbwn Clerk Sïatkon N fuvtzx/ltz The dutles of the post are GbNER4L N oTlcs N o 2345 G eneral clerlcal and aucountlng dutles ln qccoldance m th M UN ICIPAL BOARD OF NA K URU G overnm ent Regulatlons and Flnanclal Orders VOTERS RoLt,s Quahflcattons - It Is deslrable that a caqdldate should have PU RSUANT to the Drovlslons of the European Counclllors passed the G overnm ent Senlor Accounts Exam lnatlon ol hold (Amendment) Rules, 1943, and the lndlan Counclllors Electlon an equlvalent quahtk ettlon how ever, tn tiàe case of a selected (Amondment) Rules, 1943, notzce ls hereby gwen that persons candtdate who does not possess the requlred quallficatlon or deslrous of havlng thelr names lnserted m the European or lts equlvalent, he wlll be requlred to pass the G overnm ent Indlan V oters R olls m ust torw ard thelr clalm s to the under- Senlol A ccounts Exam lnatlon and the G overnm ent M odllied slgned before tbe 1st day of December, 1952, after whlch date Typewrltlng Exam lnatlon wlthln two years of appolntm ent ln thc voters roll w11l be revlsed order to quallfy for adm lsqlon to the perm anent and penslonable Forms of appllcatlon for enrolm ent of voters m ay be obtalned estabhshm ent and for further advancement ln the salary scale on appllcatlon to the Town Clerk M unlclpal Oï cess N akuru A ktm wledge of G overnment accountlng procedure would N akuru, K M LOU IS bo an edvantage? 16th October, 1952 Tbwa C,lerk e Octobe,r 21, 1952 TH E OFFICTM G A ZET I'E 1057

GBNF.RAL N oT= N o 2346 KEN YA CU LTU M L CBN TRE BALAN CE SHEET AT 31sT DECEM BEK 1951 . . - * . . . f s cts f s cts f s cf: f s cts GENERAL Fuxos- THEATRE (lmder Constructlonl- C D & W G rant 20,000 0 00 Bmldlng 2:683 13 91 Kenya G overnment Grant 5,000 0 00 Audltorm m n ttm gs 3,072 17 62 Theatre Fund 3,975 6 88 Stage Draperles 1,052 15 02 W ar M emonal 1,000 0 00 Zafety Curtam 2,936 9 09 Llghtlng Equlpm ent 3,771 5 25 29,975 6 88 Alr Condltlonlng Plant 2,059 17 14 Less hxcess Expendlture over 1n- Cm em a Prolector 2,057 11 91 com e per attached A ccount 52l 1 92 O rchestra Plt Flzrm ture 147 8 40 29 454 4 96 R ehearsal R oom Furnlture 50 0 00 CR,EolToRs- 1 - 17,831 18 34 K enya G lrl G uldes- R ent 60 0 00 PAVMEN'I'S IN A DvANcB- f, s cts lnsurance 15* 0 00 Custom s D uty G rant 2,510 0 00 Less Pald 2,406 0 74 CAsH- 103 19 26 Post Ollice Savm gs Bank 1 1:593 12 75 Barclays Bank- -rrustees Account 10 12 1 CashatBank- Treasurer'sAccount 41 6 65 164 1 I C ash w lth A ppeal Secretary 1 16 60 11,636 16 00

f 29,618 14 34 f 29,618 14 34

B K FIGG IS, Prestdent, Govermng Counctl P M J O H N S O N , A C A , A S A A r H on Treasurer


EX PEN D ITU RE IN COM E f s cts f cts f s t*M To GENERAL EXPENSES- r By Entertalnmont Collectlons (Net) 48 15 60 Statlonery and Pnntlng 30 1 1 40 l Constltuont M em bers D onatlons 69 8 65 Bank Charges 69 6 51 H lre of Prenuses 3 0 00 Postages and Telegram s 4 8 50 Post Oëce lnterest 343 12 75 Bank Fees and Legal Fees 53 3 00 Excess Expendlture over lncom e 521 1 92 157 9 41 EX/ENSES- THEATRE EQUIPMENT- Insurance 525 7 50 Storage 170 8 94 Malntenance 32 15 00 1 728 11 44 1 f. s cts A RBORETIJM- RENT 150 0 00 Levs Recovered 75 0 00 0 * W AGES AXD SUNDRY 16 8 53 l Less Recovered 7 4 00 '( 9 4 53 W ATER Axn ELECTRIG'IN 15 13 54 99 jg (),7 f985 18 92 f985 18 92

G FNHRAL N o'rlcE N o 2347 M UN ICIPAL BOA RD OF K ITALE E STIMATES os R FNbNIJE AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31sT D ECEMBBR 1953 t'N A CCORD AN CE M 1th sectlon 104 (2) Cap 136 M un, clpalltles Ordlnance, Revlsed Laws of K enya, 1948 the follow ing sum m ary of the estlm ates for the year 1953 ls publlshed for general lnform atlon - EXOBNDITURE REVBNUE f f A dm fnlstratlon 1,835 A dm lm stratlon 8,483 Pub lc Hea1th Selvlcts 1,964 Publlc H.ealth Servlces 755 Publlc Servlces 610 Publlc Servlces 660 Publlc W orks 4,550 Publlc W orks 967 C leanslng Services 850 C leansm g Servlces 650 N atlve Locatlon l ,325 N atlve Locatlon 825 M unlclpal M arket 500 M unlclpal M arket 700 Pavm ent of Loss on Sale of Brlcks 200 ' Isstlm ated Surplus 1,206 f, 13,040 f 13,040

Kltale, A A D M ARTIN EAU 1.6th October, 1952 zowa l'urk I 1058 Tl4E oFlqctAl- G A ZET I'E o ctober 21. 1952

GENERAL N oTlcs N o 2348 N OTICE ls hereby glven that the Clty Councll of N alrobl at a m eetlng held on the 30th Septem ber, 1952, m ade the followm g provlslonal apportlonm ents of the cost of constructlng H enderson CITY COUN CIL OF N M ROBI Avenue, under the provlslons of the M um clpalltles and Townshlps N OTICE ls hereby glven that the Clty Councll of N alrobl at (Prlvate Streets) Ordlnance namely - a m eetlng held on the 30th Septem ber, 1952, made the folllwlng provlslonal apportlonm ents of the cost of constructlng Baldwln L R 1 N am o and Address Am ount Road, under the provlslons of the M unlclpalltles and Townshlps Plot N o (Pnvate Streets) Ordlnance, namely - I Sh cts L R 330 Nam e and Address t Am ount 341 Sbuelz O lno, P O Box 82 4, N alrobl 8,184 75 342 A H N H olden Ltd , P O Box 1355, Plot No j N alrobl 7,199 15 343 A H N H olden, Ltd , P O Box 1355, N alrobl 6,414 44 1277 CArhomwend Mohamed, P O Bex 254, Nbll 91 ,80 79 /1 h5 C0 tk'2 344 R L Le G allal sa P O Box 11 2 ,Nalrobl 6,513 51 174 Ahm ed M oham ed, P O Box 254, N b1 5,277 26 332 M r and M rs S N Inm an, P O Box 3 N alrobl 7,718 17 311 Joseph and M arla Ertl, P O Llm uru l 1,459 36 112 .,.. 315 J M ays, P O Box 192 0 ,N alrobl 7,446 12 331 A H N H olden, Ltd , P O Box 1355, 316 R D C W llcock, P O W estlands 5,840 09 N alrobl 7,607 45 313 J Sulkln, P 0 Box 1228, N alrobl 6,387 60 202 R Braellk and V A Braeltk, P O Box L R 2 167 Florence K Hearn, c/o Barciays Bank, 23, Llm uru *7,650 98 N alrobl 8 813 07 201 A J A ldonopoulous, P O Box 2086 98 M rs C L M Shlelds, Klloom a Estate, N alrobl *4,977 70 K lam bu 8,642 61 200 A J A ldonopoulous, P O Box 2086 80 A A Legat, c/o P O Box 281 Nalrobl 17,838 94 N alrobl *4,977 70 23 Nlcos 'Tzamburkls K orogwe, Tangan- 199 J S R athbone, P O Bdx 62 6, N alrobl *4,977 70 nylka T errltory 10,808 92 138 E R Laurance, P O Box 315 7 ,N b1 *7,765 48 l36 M rs E L Rathbone,p O Box626,N bl *7,541 97 Sh 93,382 03 133 M rs E L Rathbone,p O Box626,N b1 *8,210 80 Sh 89,730 80 N OTICE ls hereby glven that the Clty Councll of N alrobl at a m eetlng held on the 30t11 Septem bers 1952, m ade ttte follow tng bN alrobl Ctt./ Counml- sh 46,102/33 provlslonal apportlonm ents of the cost of constructlng Churanlllal N B --ef'he N alrobl Clty Councll are responslble for the payment Roa d sunder tpe provlslons of the Munlclpalltles and Townshlps of the am ounts charged to Plots N os 133, 136, 138, 199, 200, 201 (Pnvate Streets) Ordlnance, namely - . and 202 L R 209 N am e and A ddress A m ount Plot N o N OTICE ls hereby glven that the Clty Councll of N alrobl at a m eetm g held on the 30th Septembe ry 195 2 ,m ade the followlng Sh cts 17rovlslonal apportlonm ents of the cost of constructlng Churchlll 1465 M rs Durga Devl Sam a ,c/o Kapoor, A venue, under the provlslons of the M unlclpahtles and Tow nshlps P O Box 5010, N alrobl 5,362 26 (Prlvate Streetq) Ordlnance, namely - 1 4 7 9 S M , D M ,H M , S M B h a t t , P O Box 446, N alrobt 3,070 61 L R 5 N am e and A ddress A m ount 1478 M rs Chanan Devl, w/o R R Ralpal Plot N o Vedp a1, s/o Ram Rakha, P O Box 522 1 ,N alrobl 2,909 00 Sh cts 1477 N F Shah and K F Shah P O Box 1 J Bennett P O Box 2287 N alrobt 26,777 48 962, N alrobl 3,232 22 2 H C V H. aorm asle e pP O Box 75 0 ,N b1 19,564 52 1476 Tllak R aJ ,s/o Lach M andass, P O Box 4 Saivatlon A rm y, P O Box 575 N alrobï 24,503 17 1853, Nalrobz 3,641 75 6/2 M lss A C Harverson, P O W estlands 7,686 62 92/5 M r Hablb M otan, c/o P O Box 701, 37 M owlem Constructlon C o , Ltd , P O N alrobl 6,914 05 Box 78, N alrobl 1,089 59 92/7 M r Hablb M otan, c/o P O Box 701, 35 Sheelah Sllvester P O Box 825 N alrobl 9 838 37 N mrobl 8,560 22 36 F R Shlrtll ff, P O Box 1762, N alrob: 4,238 11 91/13 Chancalben M angalbhal Patel and 42 R N Twlstleton-W ykeham -Flennes, M anl Ben R anchhodbhal Patel, P O c/o Vet Lab , Kabete 3,745 12 Box 31 97 ,N alrobl 7,051 74 43 M lss A C H arversona P O W estlands 3,585 51 91/4 Hassanall R W a1Jl, P O Box 333, Nbl 7,051 42 19 W D G Row e P O Box 215, N atrobl 4,085 59 91/5 Hassanall R W a1Jl, P O Box 333, Nbll 7 374 64 20 E Shlrley P O Box 54 $ Nalrobl 4,085 59 91/12 Govlndll Popatl al ,P O Box 759, Nbl 7,374 96 24 Craellus E A D rllllng Co , Ltd , P O 92/8 M r Hablb M otan, P O Box 701, Nbl 2,714 10 Box 9 0 s N alrobl 4 408 62 92/9 M r Hablb M otan, P O Box 701, Nb1 2,715 07 25 M rs G M.. .. Schultz, P O W estlands 5 011 93 92/10 M r Hablb M otan, P O Box 701, Nbl 2,715 07 11 J S K arm all, P O Box 1895, N alrobl 6,224 26 92/11 M r Hablb M otan, P O Box 701, Nbl 2,715 39 30 Salom on Pollok, P O Box 294 N alrobl 3 726 87 92/12 M r Hablb M otan, P O Box 701, NbI 2,743 84 31 M rs P Cham bers, P O Box 260, N bl 3,730 69 92/13 M r Hablb M otan, P O Box 701, Nbl 2,750 95 26 M B Sm ltht P O Box 5071, N alrobl 4,768 15 2197 M rs C Fernande s ,c/o C J Sequelra, 27 C Schwentafsk y, F J Thornton and P O Box 2584, N alrobl 3,640 46 J Ree Burgess, P O Box 595, D ar 2196 Churanlllal & Co , P O Box 503, Nbl 3 232 22 es Salaam 5,440 37 2195 C huranlllal & Co , P O Box 503, N b1 2,909 00 2194 Ranchod D ass M anll, P O Box 2597, Sh 142 510 46 N alrobl 3,070 61 2193 M rs Patmaba 1 ,w/o AzLz Fazal, P O Box 118 0 ,M om basa 3,232 22 2151 M r A K Vlram , P O Box 1084, N b1 3,153 68 N OTICE ls hereby glven that the Clty Councll of Nalrolu at a m eetlng held on the 30th Septem be r ,1952, made the followlng Sh 98 135 48 Provlslonal apportlonm ents of the cost of constructlng the unnamed road on L R 209, Plots 103/1 to 7, ofr Second Avenu ea Parkland s, under the provlslons of the M unlcm ahtles and Townshlps (Pnvate Streets) Ordmance, namely - N OTICE ls hereby glven that the Clty Counml of N alrobl at a m eetlng held on the 30th/ Septem be r, 1952 m ade the followlng provlslonal apportlonm ents of the cost of constructlng Speke L R 209 Name and Address Am ount R oa d yunder the provlslons of the M unlcm alltles and Townshlps Plot N o (Prlvate Streets) Ordlnance, namely - 103/1 Abdulla Suleman Sum er, P O Box Sh cts PLlR 5 1 Name and Address Amount 1003 N alrobl 9 ot N o 103/2 Abdulla Suleman Sum er, P O Box ',194 16 1003, N alrobl 4 496 61 Sh cts 103/3 Kundanlal H Pandlt, P O Box 251 54 *J S K arm alt, P O Box 1895 N alrobt 6 020 58 N alrobl 4 406 41 53 *J S K arm all, P O Box 1895 ,.N a1rob1 7,181 85 102/1 Crown, P O Box 89, Nalrobl 6 004 37 32 M rq M G H olm es P O Box 485, N bt 890 20 103/7 Gulamhm smn Premlt, c/o P O Box 25 M rs G M Schultz P O W estlands 11,083 18 1199 N alrobl 3 495 88 4 Salvatlon A rm ya P O Box 575 N alrobl 15,822 36 103/6 M lss Carmln M ootasamy, P O Box 49 M r and M rs A L Basfords P O Box 3465, N alrobl 3 495 88 337. N alrobl 2,570 93 103/5 lsher Slngh s/o Annand Slng h ,Nanndu 48 A lllson H om es, Ltd , P O Box 2162, Slngh s/o lsher Slngh, P O Box N alrobl 6,956 71 6271, N alrobt 3 34 M rs M M Campbell-Gllttes, c/o 103/4 Harnam Smgh s/o Jander Smgh, P O ,495 88 2 Glllles Petrol Statlo n, N alrobl 1,123 75 Box 2074, N alrobl 3 447 31 H C V Horm aslee, P O Box 750, N b1 25,711 51

Sh 77,361 07 Sh 38,036 59- . N alrobl *subdlwslon of Plot 1. R 5/11 (Karmah) 2nu öctolxr, 1952 ROBEART LUNN, cttng l'/wa Clerk October 21, 1952 THE OFFICIAL GAZEW E 1059

GENBRAL N o'ncB N o 2349 G BNERAL NoTlcE N o 2352 D ISTRICT COUN CIL M U NICIPAL BOARD OF M OM BA SA Cl-osuas or DISTRICT ROADS- KAREN AREA THE EU ROPEAN COU N CILLO RS ELECTION RU LES AM EN DM EN T of tltle of publlc notlce publlshed as THE M OM BASA M UNICIPAL BOARD (ARAB M EM BERS) No 2233 ln the Oë clal G azette of 7th O ctober, 1952 ELECTION RULES, 1949 The tltle should read as above R m slox ob V oTeRs R otLs N OTICE ls hereby glven that a1I persons deslrous of havmg The roads nam ed m the above-m entloned publlc notlco are thelr nam es mserted ln the European Voters Roll or the A rab closed at all hmes to vehlcles of over 15 cwt carrpng capaclty M unlcm al Voters Roll m force for the tlm e bem g ln the on and after M onday, 13th October, 1952 except under perm lt M unlm pahty should forw ard thelr clalm s to the R ep sterlng Oflker to reach h1m before 1st Decem ber, 1952 N alrobl J R L COVEY , 10th October 1952 Cletk to C ouncd Form s of appllcatlon for enrolm ent m ay be obtam ed at these om ces A V RA TCLIFF, Town Clerk M ombasa, Reglstertng O'cer, GENERAI- Noncs N o 2350 9th October, 1952 M untcwal OFce: N AIROBI D ISTRICT COUN CIL THs LocAt, GOVBRNMBNT (COUNTY COUNCILS) ORDINANC.B 1952 AS REQUIRED under sectlon 7 (1) of Ordlnance No 30 GENERAL NoTlcs No 2353 of 1952, I hereby glve notlce that a schem e of County Councll A dm inlstratlon has been subm ltted to the M em ber for Local M UN ICIPAL BOARD OF M OM BA SA Governm ent by the N alrobl D lstnct Councll A copy of the THF M OMBASA M UNICIPAI- BOARD (ARAB M EMBBRS) ELECTION schem e ls open for lnspectlon durlng norm al worklng houl s RUI-ES 1949 at the oë ces of the N alrobl D lstrlct Councll, Vlctorla Street, PURSUAN T to the provlmons of rule 24 of the above rulès N alrobl nottce ls hereby glven that M r A bdullah M oham ed Shaqsy has Any representatlons thereon m ay be submltted to the M km bel slgned and dellvered a notlce of h,s retlrem ent from the candl- for Local Governm ent wlthln four weeks from the date of dature the pubhcatlon of thls notlce The numbçr of candldates belng thus reduced to the number to be elected- N alrobl, R L COYEY, M R N ASIR M OHAMED Cletk to Councll O ctober, 1952 has been declared to be duly elected a member of the M tm lclpal Board of M om basa ,, M om basa, A V R A TCL IFF Ttpw rl C lerk GENERA.L N oTlcs N o 235 1 11th O ctober 1952 Returntng O#zer GRASS FIRES (CONTROQ ORDINANCE W ap 185) N AK URU D ISTRICT COU N CIL G BNERAL N o'rlcE N o 2354 ORosa CI'rY COUN CIL OF N AIROBI IN EX ERCISE of powers conferred by sectlon 11 of the Grass Flres (Control) Ordmance, the Nakuru Dlstrlct Counml E IJROBBAN ANo INOIAN V OTERS R oLt.s hereby declares a state of danger ln respect of the N akuru PU R SU A N T to the provlslons of the European Counctllors D lstnct Councll area Electlon (Amendment) Rules, 1943, and the lndlan Counclllors The burnm g of vegetatlon m thln the sayd N akuru D lstrlct Electlon (Amendment) Rules 1943, notlce ls hereby glven that Councll area ls hereby prohlblted, except as hereunder stated, persons deslrous of havlng theyr nam es lnserted m the Europqan for a penod of three m onths from 15th N ovem ber, 1952, and or Indlan Voters Rolls must fomvard thelr clalm s to the under- anyone who burns vegetatyon contrary to the provlslons of thls slgned before the 1st day of D ecember, 1952, after whlch date order shall be gullty of an odence the voters rolls w 1l1 be revlsed Condttkons - N o burnlng whatsoever of vegetatlon ls per- F'rm s of appllcatlon for enrolm ent of voters m ay be obtalned mltted wlthout a penm t slgned lv a W ard M em bcr or on appllcatlon to the Chlef M unlclpal Inspector at the Chalrm an of the approprlate Productlon Sub-com mlttee or other Town H all such persons to whom authorlty ls delegated by the N akuru R OBERT LUN N , D lstrlct Councll N all obl, Achng Ttpwn Clerk and An addltlonal permlt ls requlred from the Chalrm an of the 14th October, 1952 Reglsterïng OFcer appropnate Productlon Sub comm lttee for the burm ng of crop resldue The normal hours of burnm g under permlt shall be between the hours of 5' a m to 8 a m and 5 p m and 8 p m dally G SNERAL N OTICB N O 2355 except Saturdays and Sundays ln speclal clrcumstances perm lts m ay be lssued to burn outslde the tlm es speclsed above Coples IN HER M AJESW S SUPREM E COU RT OF KEN YA of all perfm ts lssued must be sent to the Iocal Pollce O flicer N œ AT NAK URU D ISTRICT REG ISTR Y burnlng whatsoever ls ptrmltted on Saturdays or Sundays PR O BAT E A N D A D M IN ISTR A TIO N A speclal permit ps requlred for charcoal burnjng T AK E N O TIC E that appllcatlon havlng been m ade m tlus Court 1n- W ard M em bers- (1) CxusB No 12 oF 1952 M olo D H Pe11-Sm1th and J W Best By R obert K elllar, A lastalr D ouglas A rnott, and D avld D olg, Subukla S O V Hodge all of Nakulu, lawfully appolnted attorneys of the N atlonal Nloro D Broatch and R Stobbs Bank of Indla, Ltd , 26 Blshopsgate m the C lty of London, Solal B R M cK enzle England, and W llllam H enry G unson of Eldam a R avm e m Ravme A B G oord Elburgon-Ronga! J W F Lance the Colony of K enya, for probate of the' w1l1 of G revllle Jolm N akunz Lake W ard C E D lndge Prodgers of Eldam a R avlne w ho dled at N yerl on the 15th Lower M olo C J Curtls day of January 1952 Londtanl M rs D Pjckford (2) CAtiss No 11 OF 1952 Bahatl R H awkms By Johans Elederlck V an D er W esthulzen ot 01 Joro Orok Productton Sub-colnmlttee Chalrmen- In the Colony of K enya for plobate of the wll1 of Johan Nm ro-Nakunz L A Andersen H elrnanus Van D er W esthulzen of 01 Joro Orok who dled Rongat-Elburgon P G Thorne at 01 Joro Orok on the 17th day of July, 1952 M au-M olo T L M artln Thls Court wlll proceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be Subulua R H R H ayne shown to the contraly and appealance pn thls respect entered Eldam a Ravlne T C Pearson on or before the 31st day of October 1952 Solal H H Peet M ererom D N N eylan JovcE RUGG GUNM, Elm entmta R Prettelohn D u trtct D elegl/e, Londlanl G A Robsön N akuru, H M Supreme Court // Kenya 11th October, 1952 N c/vuru D tstrxt Regp/r)z W A PERREA U , Fxecu/lve Omcer N ote - The wllls above nam ed are now deposlted m Court 11th October, 1952 N akuru D lstrlct Councll and open for m spedlon at the Court 1- THB tyrf lclâu / ou' s'i-re œ teber' 21. 19sa

GBNBRAL N oTlcE N o 2356 GBNBRAL N oerlcB N o 2358 IN H ER M AM TY'& SUPREM E COU RT OF K EN YA TH E TRADE M ARKS OR DIN AN C: AT N AIRO BI W ap 293) PROBATE AN D AD M INLSTR ATIIN ADVBRTISBMBNT OF APPLICATION TAK B NOTICE that apphcatmn havmg been made m tlus TAKE N OTICE that appltcatl.nn has been m awl* for tlm Court ln - reglstratlon of the trade m ark shown below, and that mmh Cw ss No 64 or 1947 mark wll1 be rq jstered after 90 days from the date of thls By Jam es Frailar.k Hume H n- llton, advocate of Nm robl, Gazette, provzded no notsce of opposltlon ls recelved ae one of the attprneys of the exemzto.rs for a w 'ant o.f lrtters ApeucAnox No 5559 PART A CIAD 14 of V m mlRtratton tfe à- non af the estate oï G eorge Dacre Hardlngean ler, w:o dle4 at A th m England on tb.e 18th day of Jx e, 1935 G uss N o 204 oF 1952 * * By M essrs Daly & Flggjs. advocates of N alrobl, for and on J.R O D G E R S behatf of Perc: James Gl11, the atsorney of the executors, fox rost'ar- m the Colony of K enya of the certtf.ed copy of tb.e & S O N S grant of probate of the wl11 m th four codlclls lssued by Her M alesty's Hlgh Court of Justlce (the Pnnclpal Probate Regjstry) (To be assoclated m t'h No 5558 ) ln England to Alfred Arthtzr Lough, Predenck G eorge K nlght, Nature oj goods .-dheëeld and other plated gooe and sllver Henry Leo Burm e and G ordon Phllhp H em sley o.f tlle estate plate of Leonard Aldrldges who dzed at Alvengo G rande Rapallo m ltaly on the 8th day of June, 1952 Name (7/ applwant .-doseph Rodgers. & Sons, LlmTted A ddress - N o 6 W orks, Pond H 1l1, Sheë eld, England, and CAUSS N o 205 obt 1952 c/o M essrs Shapley, Barret & Company, advocates, of By Abdl Rage of Nalrobl through h>s advocates, M essrs A H P O Box 286, N alrobl M ahk & Co of N alrobl, fpr a g'rant of letters of admrmstratlon N alrobl, G M LAW TON mtestate of the estate of M ohamed M um l of N alrobl, who dted Regtslrar tv rrade x'.a, at Nalrob: on the 20th day o,f Decem ber, 1950 2nd October, 1952 CAuss N o 206 op 1952 By Edward Cayley H arnson, advocate of Nalrobl, for reseal- GBNSRAL N OTICE N O 2359 m g m the Colony of Kenya of a certéed copy of the grant of probate lssued by the Suprem e Court crf the Baham a Islands TH E BAN K RUPTCY ORD IN AN CE to Ard'a.th Huster Hl.ldefm n of N assau of tbe estat.e of Donald Carrmchael H aldeman of N assau, wlm dled at N assay on tlte N tm cs oF INTBNDED D lvloExo 26th day of February, 1952 D ebtor s nam e .-x arsan Ladha Address --+/0 H M Pnsons, Nalrobl Cw sE No 207 cm 1952 D escrlptkon - Butldlng Contractor By John Buckley Shaw Fox of N alrobl through h1s advocates, C ourt - H M Suprem e Court, N alrobl M essrs. H llm ,lton, H arrjson & M athews of N alroh , for a grant No oj matter -.4 of 1952 $ of probate of D orothy Joan F'ox of N avrobl, wlvo dled at Last day /or receïvlng prtyo/a - 5th November, 1952 Nalrobl on tho 26th day of June, 1952 Name oj trustee - The Oëclal Recmver A ddress .-taw Courts Bulldlng, P O Box 231, N alrobl Czrss N o 208 or 1952 By Jam es Fredertck Hum e H anulton, advocate of Nalrobl, one Nm robl, D J CO W A RD , of thç executors nam ed ln the w11l ôf the deceased for a grant 17th October, 1952 ior tlFczcf Raw er of probate of the wlll of M lldred Cathenne G race W alker of C# Joro tlrok, who d/d at tM Joro Cpok on the 26th day of A#*y, 1952 GSNERAL N orlcE No 2360 CAuss No* 209 OF 1952 TH E BA NK RU PTCY ORDINAN CE * ' James Fredenck Hume Hamjlton advocate of Nallobl, foT resealm g ln the Colony of K enya of a certllied copy of a N oxlcE oF D zvzosxo contirm atlon of a testam ent of W alter Reeve Pepper, who dled Sum mary C'tzx at Banchory, Scotland, on the 20th day of Octeber, 1950, Debtor s nam e - ltym att Scttwaçtz granted forth by Sherls of Aberdeen to J'essle Ogllvle D uncan Address - P O Box 5602, Nalrobl or Pepper D escrw tzon - Broker Thls Court wlll proceed to lssue same unless cause be slzown Court - H M Supreme Court, N alrobl tb the eontrary and appearance be entered on or before the No oj matter - 3 of 1951 4* day of N ovomber, 1952 Amount per f - 80 cts Fkrst or #ncl or otherwlse .-Flrst W F BROW N E, W hen payable - 22nd October, 1952 N alrobl, D eputy Reglstrar W here pavable --ofhce of the Oë clal Rrcelver, Law Courte 16th October, 1952 Supreme Court 0/ Kenya Bm ldm g, P O Box 231, N alrobl N tm/ze m 'I'e wzlls above named are depom ed and open to N alrobl, D J COW ARD . m spectëon at tlle Court 17th O ctober, 1952 jor t7#iclc/ Recewer

G RVp.Rx1, N oRqcE N o 2357 GENERAL N oerlcs N o 2361 PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION TAK B N OTICE that after 14 days from the date of thls IN H ER M AJESTY'S SU PREM E COU RT OF KEN YA rw'q- ttex I lntend to apply to H er M alesty s Suprem e Court A T N AIROBI az N atrobl fqr representatton of the estate of the person BAN K RUPTCY AN D W IN D IN G -UP JURISD ICTIGN nlm ed m the second colum n of the Schedule hereto, who dled CAIJSE No 19 oF 1952 olz th@ date stt fortk agam st hls name Re EAST A FRICAN CO-OPERARRVE TM D IN G SX IE'I'Y , And further take notlce that all m rsons havm g any clalm s LIM ITED agamst the estaté ot the sald deceased person are requlred (In faqlfl#cfltzn) to prove such clalm'j œ fore me wtthtn two montlts from the date N oRuee or W lxDlx()-up ORDER AND APPOININ BNT op of tlus Gazette, after whzch date the clalms so proved wl11 lx Pkovjsl% e LJQUIDATOR pe and the estate dlstnbuted accordm g to law N alne oj contptmy .-bast Afrlcgn Co-omratlve Tradmk N mrobz, G M LAW TON , Soclety, Llm lted

l'th October, 1*52 Pttbllc Trustee Reglstered tpy ce '-l-lardlnge Streetm . N alrobl Court - H M Stm rem e Court of Kenya at N alrob: ScHspuLs Date t7/ order - 10th October, 1952 Publm Testate No tz/ matter - 19 of 1952 T* Y D ate of or Name 0/ provksîonal Jst?ulglctpr - Tho Oëclal Reecdver cae x o Nam e of deceaseed A ddress oeath Intestate Address t7/ the #m wwop'cf hquldator - l.,aw Courts Bm ldlng, P O Box 231, Nalrobt 78/52 Hubert M aunce Bmghton, 12-12-51 estate D J COW ARD , N alrobl /ar Omczal Recetver and Vmrtem: Wade j Sussea 17th Octobtr, 1952 Prtm ym e Lzqm dater

* œ tober 21a 1952 TI'1E OPFICIAL GAZVJTE 1Y1