
REPRESENTATION THEORY An Electronic Journal of the American Mathematical Society Volume 3, Pages 444–456 (November 9, 1999) S 1088-4165(99)00066-7



Abstract. Let G be a connected reductive with g defined over an algebraically closed field, k,withchark= 0. Fix a parabolic subgroup of G with Levi decomposition P = LU where U is the unipotent radical of P .Letu=Lie(U)andletzdenote the of Lie(L). Let T be a in L with Lie algebra t. Then the of (g, t) is a subset of t∗ and by restriction to z,therootsoftin u determine an arrangement of hyperplanes in z we denote by z. In this paper we construct an isomorphism A P z z of graded k[z]-modules HomG(g∗,k[G (z+u)]) ∼= D( ), where D( )isthe z × A PA k[z]-module of derivations of . We also show that HomG(g∗,k[G (z+u)]) P A × z and k[z] HomG(g∗,k[G u]) are isomorphic graded k[z]-modules, so D( ) ⊗ ×P A and k[z] HomG(g∗,k[G u]) are isomorphic, graded k[z]-modules. It follows immediately⊗ that z is a× free hyperplane arrangement. This result has been proved using case-by-caseA arguments by Orlik and Terao. By keeping track of the gradings involved, and recalling that g affords a self- of G, we recover a result of Sommers, Trapa, and Broer which states that the degrees in which the adjoint representation of G occurs as a constituent of the graded, rational G-module k[G P u] are the exponents of z. This result has also been proved, again using case-by-case× arguments, by SommersA and Trapa and independently by Broer.

1. Introduction Suppose k is an algebraically closed field with characteristic zero and G is a connected, reductive, algebraic group defined over k with Lie algebra g.Let denote the cone of nilpotent elements in g.ThenGacts on g by the adjointN representation and is a closed, G-invariant subvariety, so G acts on k[ ], the ring of regular functionsN on .Since is a cone, k[ ] inherits a gradingN from k[g] and each homogeneous component,N Nk[ ] ,isaG-stableN subspace. Kostant [5] N j proved that g occurs as a constituent of k[ ]j if and only if j is an exponent of the of G. Precisely, he proved theN equality of polynomials in q:

dim Hom (g,k[ ] )qj =qn1 + +qnl G N j ··· j 0 X≥ where n1,...,nl is the multiset of exponents of W (see [7, 6.2] for a definition of the exponents{ of}W ). § Sommers and Trapa [9] and also Broer [4] have generalized this result as follows. Fix a maximal torus, T , and a parabolic subgroup, P ,ofGwith T P .LetU denote the unipotent radical of P and let L be a Levi subgroup of P⊆ containing

Received by the editors March 8, 1999 and, in revised form September 28, 1999. 1991 Subject Classification. Primary 22E46.

c 1999 American Mathematical Society


T . We follow the convention that lower case Fraktur letters will denote the Lie algebra of the group denoted by the same upper case Roman letter, so for example t = Lie(T ), and u = Lie(U). Let z denote the center of l,soz t.Thenzacts on u by restricting the adjoint representation of g and the weights⊆ of z on u are the restrictions to z of the weights of t on u. The kernels of these weights determine a hyperplane arrangement in z we denote by (z, z). Orlik and Terao [8] have proven, using case-by-case arguments, that z is a freeA hyperplane arrangement and Orlik and Solomon [6] have computed theA exponents of z in all cases. Now P acts on u and so we can form the associatedA fibre bundle, G P u,over G/P with fibre u.ThenGacts on G P u by left multiplication and× so G acts on k[G P u], the ring of global regular× functions on G P u. Moreover, k[G P u] inherits× a grading from the scalar action of k on u, k[G× P u] k[G ×P u] , ∼= j 0 j and each homogeneous component is a G-stable subspace.× Sommers≥ and× Trapa [9], and independently Broer [4], have proven that g occurs asL a constituent of P z k[G u]j if and only if j is an exponent of . Precisely, they prove the equality of polynomials× in q: A

P j nz nz (1.1) dim Hom (g,k[G u] )q =q 1 + +q r G × j ··· j 0 X≥ z z z where n1,...,nr is the multiset of exponents of as defined in [7, Definition 4.25]. { } A In the special case when P is a of G,thenz=t, the exponents t P of are the exponents of the Weyl group of G,andk[ ]j and k[G u]j afford equivalentA representations of G for j 0, so we recover Kostant’sN result.× The proofs given by Sommers and≥ Trapa and by Broer of the equality (1.1) are both case-by-case arguments, with separate arguments for each type of root system. In this paper, our main result is that there is an isomorphism of graded k[z]- P z z modules Γ: HomG(g∗,k[G (z+u)]) D( ), where D( )isthek[z]-module of derivations of z. We also× show that there→ isA an isomorphismA of graded k[z]-modules A P P z between HomG(g∗,k[G (z+u)]) and k[z] HomG(g∗,k[G u]). Thus D( )and P× ⊗ × A k[z] HomG(g∗,k[G u]) are isomorphic, graded k[z]-modules, so by keeping track of the⊗ gradings involved,× and recalling that g affords a self-dual representation of G, we see that the isomorphism Γ explains the computation, (1.1), of Sommers, Trapa, and Broer. P z Our proof that HomG(g∗,k[G (z+u)]) and D( ) are isomorphic, graded k[z]- modules does not involve any case-by-case× computations.A We define Γ explicitly and then show, using that the set of semisimple elements is dense in g and some results on the P -orbit structure of z + u, that it’s a bijection. P z Since k[z] HomG(g∗,k[G u]) and D( ) are isomorphic k[z]-modules, it fol- lows immediately⊗ that the arrangement× z Ais free. We thus obtain a proof, free of case-by-case considerations, of the resultA of Orlik and Terao [8] that the restrictions of the reflection arrangements arising from Weyl groups are free. After learning of our ideas about the definition of Γ, Broer [3] has given another proof that it’s surjective, the difficult part of showing that it’s an isomorphism. His proof is elegant, using Saito’s criterion, but relies on a previous result of his concerning sums of exponents. Our proof that Γ is surjective is completely different than Broer’s and uses only some basic algebraic geometry and properties of root systems and algebraic groups. 446 J. MATTHEW DOUGLASS

Moreover, our technique can be extended to give a new proof of a theorem of Broer’s [2, Theorem 1] that characterizes when the restriction mapping from T MorG(g,V)toMorW(t,V ) is an isomorphism for a rational G-module V .Ina subsequent paper we hope to give a parabolic analog of Broer’s theorem, where g is replaced by AdG(z + u) (the closure of a Dixmier sheet in g), t is replaced by z, and V T is replaced by V L. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In 2 we collect several results about hyperplane arrangements in the form we need later;§ in 3 we discuss associ- ated fibre bundles over G/P ;in 4 we collect some results about§ the adjoint action of U on z + u;in 5 we construct§ Γ and prove it’s an isomorphism; and in 6we explain how the fact§ that Γ is an isomorphism implies the results discussed above.§ Finally, we use the following notation throughout this paper. If X and Y are varieties defined over k,thenk[X] denotes the k-algebra of global regular functions on X and Mor(X, Y ) denotes the set of all morphisms from X to Y . If a group, G, acts on X and Y ,thenMorG(X, Y ) denotes the set of all G-equivariant morphisms from X to Y .IfVand W are k-vector spaces, then V W and Hom(V,W)denote V W and Hom (V,W) respectively. If V and W ⊗afford representations of G, ⊗k k then HomG(V,W) denotes the set of all G-equivariant linear transformations from V to W .

2. Hyperplane arrangements In this paper a “hyperplane arrangement” is a pair, (V, ), where V is a finite dimensional k- and is a finite multiset of hyperplanesA in V . This slight generalization of the usual meaningA has no effect on the invariants of arrangements we consider. Suppose (V, ) is an arrangement with dim V = n.Let µ 1 j m A {j| ≤ ≤ } be a multiset of linear functionals so that = ker µ1,...,ker µ . Fix a , A { m } e1,...,en ,ofV and let x1,...,xn be the dual basis of V ∗.Thenfor1 i m { } n { } ≤ ≤ we may write µj = i=1 ξi,j xi where the ξi,j ’s are in k.Wemayidentifyk[V] with the polynomial ring k[x1,...,xn]andif∂i denotes partial differentiation with P respect to xi,thenDerk[V], the k[V ]-module of k-linear derivations of k[V ], has basis ∂1,...,∂n . With{ pointwise} operations, Mor(V,V ) is naturally a k[V ]-module, isomorphic to n k[V ] V . Suppose θ = i=1 fi∂i is in Der k[V ]. Define φ: V V by φ(v)= n ⊗ → i=1 fi(v)ei. Then it is easily seen that φ is in Mor(V,V ) and that the mapping θ φ is an isomorphism ofPk[V ]-modules. P7→Recall that the module of -derivations, D( ), is the k[V ]-module of all deriva- A A m tions, θ,ofk[V] with the property that θ(q)isink[V]qwhere q = j=1 µj is the defining polynomial of . It’s known that D( ) may be characterized as the set A A Q of all θ in Der k[V ] with the property that θ(µi)isink[V]µi for 1 i m [7, Proposition 4.8]. If θ and φ are as in the preceding paragraph, then θ ≤is in≤D( )if n # A and only if i=1 ξi,j fi is in k[V ]µj for 1 j m. On the other hand, if φ is the # n ≤ ≤ comorphism of φ,thenφ (µj)= i=1 ξi,j fi. Therefore, the of D( ) under the isomorphismP in the preceding paragraph is the set of all morphisms, φ:AV V , # P → with the property that φ (µj )isink[V]µj for 1 j m. In the rest of this paper, we’ll use only morphisms,≤ ≤ and not derivations, so from now on, we’ll abuse notation and identify D( ) with its image in Mor(V,V ), so D( )= φ Mor(V,V ) φ#(µ ) k[V ]µ , 1 A j m . A { ∈ | j ∈ j ≤ ≤ } ADJOINT REPRESENTATION AND ARRANGEMENTS 447

Next, recall that the lattice of , L( ), is the set of subspaces of V that arise as intersections of hyperplanes in .A SupposeA X is in the lattice of .Thenifkerµ A A j is in , either X ker µj or X ker µj is a hyperplane in X. The “restricted” arrangement,A (X, ⊆X), is defined∩ to be the arrangement in X consisting of all hyperplanes, X kerA µ ,whereX ker µ .Let ∩ j 6⊆ j Xreg = v X v ker µ if and only if X ker µ , 1 j m . { ∈ | ∈ j ⊆ j ≤ ≤ } Then V is the disjoint union of the Xreg’s as X runs through L( ). Thus, given v A in V we can define X to be the unique subspace in L( ) with v in (X )reg. v A v Proposition 2.1. Suppose φ: V V is a morphism. Then the following are equivalent: → 1. φ is in D( ), A 2. φ(v) Xv for all v in V , 3. φ(X)∈ X for all X in L( ). ⊆ A Proof. Suppose first that φ is in D( ). Fix v in V .IfXv=X, then the result is obvious. Suppose X = X. Then relabelingA if necessary we may assume that v is v 6 in ker µj if and only if 1 j r,forsomerwith 1 r m.ThenX ker µj if and only if 1 j r ≤and ≤X = r ker µ . By≤ assumption,≤ for 1 ⊆j r, ≤ ≤ v j=1 j ≤ ≤ µ (v) = 0 implies that µ φ(v)=0,soφ(v)isin r ker µ = X . j j T j=1 j v The second statement clearly implies the third since if v is in X,thenXv is a subset of X. T Finally, suppose φ(X) X for all X in L( ). Then φ(ker µj ) ker µj for ⊆ A # ⊆ 1 j m. It follows that ker µj is contained in the zero set of φ (µj )andsoby ≤ ≤ # the Nullstellensatz, some power of φ (µj ) is a multiple of µj .Sinceµjis irreducible, it must be the case that φ#(µ ) is a multiple of µ . Therefore φ is in D( ). j j A 3. Fibre bundles In this section, G is an affine algebraic group and P is a closed subgroup of G. Suppose W is a finite dimensional k-vector space that affords a rational repre- 1 sentation of P .ThenPacts on G W by p(g,w)=(gp− ,pw)forpin P , g in G, and w in W . We can form the associated× fibre bundle, G P W ,overG/P ,which as a set is the set of P -orbits on G W .Forgin G and w×in W , g w will denote the image of (g,w)inG PW. × ∗ × For a non-negative integer, j,letk[W]j denote the vector space of all homoge- neous, degree j polynomial functions on W .SincePacts linearly on W , k[W ]j is a P -invariant subspace of k[W ]. The grading, k[W ] = j 0 k[W ]j, induces a ∼ ≥ grading, (k[G] k[W ])P = (k[G] k[W ] )P ,of(k[G] k[W])P . The natural ⊗ ∼ j 0 ⊗ j L⊗ map from (k[G] k[W ])P to k≥[G P W ] is an isomorphism of k-algebras and it’s L straightforward to⊗ check that the image× of (k[G] k[W ] )P in k[G P W ]is ⊗ j × f k[G PW] f(g ξw)=ξjf(g w) for all g G, w W, ξ k . { ∈ × | ∗ ∗ ∈ ∈ ∈ } P P P Denoting this last set by k[G W ]j we see that k[G W ] is graded by k[G W]= k[G PW] . × × × j 0 × j Left≥ multiplication defines a regular action of G on G P W and so the coor- L P × P dinate ring, k[G W ], affords a representation of G. Clearly each k[G W ]j × P G × is a G-invariant subspace. Moreover, if f = j 0 fj is in k[G W] with fj ≥ × P 448 J. MATTHEW DOUGLASS in k[G P W ] , then for fixed g and w,andanyξin k, f(g ξw) is a polyno- × j ∗ mial in ξ with coefficients fj(g w). Since f(g ξw)=f(1 ξw), it follows that ∗ ∗ ∗ P G the coefficients don’t depend on g and so each fj is in k[G W] . Therefore, k[G P W ]G k[G P W ]G is a graded k-algebra. × ∼= j 0 j Now× suppose that≥ V is× a finite dimensional k-vector space that affords a rational L P representation of G. It’s easy to see that with pointwise operations MorG(G W,V) P G P × is a k[G W ] -module. Also, MorG(G W,V) is isomorphic to the vector space × × P of all G-equivariant linear transformations from V ∗ to k[G W ]sinceV is an affine P P × space. Thus, MorG(G W,V) ∼= HomG(V ∗,k[G W]). It’s straightforward to check that × × P P Hom (V ∗,k[G W]) = Hom (V ∗,k[G W] ) G × ∼ G × j j 0 M≥ P P and that the image of Hom (V ∗,k[G W] )inMor (G W,V)is G × j G × φ Mor (G P W,V) φ(g ξw)=ξjφ(g w) for all g G, w W, ξ k . { ∈ G × | ∗ ∗ ∈ ∈ ∈ } P Thus, if we define MorG(G W,V)j to be this last vector space, it follows that Mor (G P W,V) ×Mor (G P W,V) . Moreover, it’s easy to see that in G ∼= j 0 G j × P ≥ × P G fact MorG(G W,V) is a graded k[G W ] -module. × L × P P Similarly, again since P acts linearly on W , k[W ] = j 0 k[W ]j and if ∼ ≥ Mor (W, V ) = ψ Mor (W, V ) ψ(ξw)=ξjw forL all w W, ξ k , P j { ∈ P | ∈ ∈ } then Mor (W, V ) Mor (W, V ) and therefore Mor (W, V ) is a graded P ∼= j 0 P j P k[W ]P -module. ≥ L Let τ : W G P W be the “inclusion” of the fibre over P defined by τ(w)=1 w → × P ∗ for w in W ,soτis a morphism. Suppose φ is in MorG(G W,V). Then, for p in P and w in W , × pφτ(w)=φ(p w)=φ(1 pw)=φτ(pw), ∗ ∗ P so φτ is in MorP (W, V ), the k[W ] -module of all P -equivariant morphisms from W to V . We need the following version of Frobenius reciprocity. Proposition 3.1. The mapping φ φτ defines an isomorphism of graded vector spaces between Mor (G P W,V) and7→ Mor (W, V ). G × P Proof. First, suppose φ is in Mor (G P W,V) .Thenforwin W and ξ in k, G × j φτ(ξw)=φ(1 ξx)=ξjφ(1 w)=ξjφτ(w), ∗ ∗ so φτ is in MorP (W, V )j . It’s straightforward to check that the mapping is a homomorphism of graded vec- P tor spaces. To show that it’s injective, suppose φ1 and φ2 are in Mor (G W,V) G × and φ1τ = φ2τ.Thenforgin G and w in W ,

φ1(g w)=φ1(1 w) ∗ ∗ = φ1τ(w)

= φ2τ(w)


To show the mapping is surjective, suppose φ is in MorP (W, V ). We define φ: G P W V by φ(g w)=gφ(w). Then φ is easily seen to be a well-defined × → ∗ morphism and clearly φτ = φ.Ifg1is in G,thene e φ(g1(g w)) = φ(g1g w) e ∗ ∗ = g1gφ(w)

= g1φ(g w), e ∗ so φ is G-equivariant. This completes the proof of the proposition.

Corollary 3.2. The mapping f fτ defines an isomorphism of graded k-algebras between k[G P W ]G and k[W ]P .7→ × Proof. This is just the preceding proposition when V = k with the trivial action of G.

P P G Notice that if φ is in MorG(G W,V)andfis in k[G W ] ,then(fφ) τ = (f τ)(φ τ), so the isomorphism above× intertwines the k[G ×P W ]G-module structure◦ on◦ Mor ◦(G P W,V)andthek[W]P-module structure on× Mor (W, V ). G × P Now suppose that W1 is a subspace of W with the property that pw w is in − W1 for all p in P and w in W . Notice that W1 is a P -stable subspace of W and that P acts trivially on W/W1.LetW0be a complement to W1 in W .Thenwe may identify k[W ]andk[W0] k[W1]. If k[W0] is given the trivial P -action and P ⊗ acts diagonally on k[W0] k[W1], then this identification is P -equivariant. P ⊗ Let θ : G W W0 by θ(g (w0 + w1)) = w0. Notice that θ is well-defined × → ∗ # P since P acts trivially on W/W1. The comorphism, θ : k[W0] k[G W ] defines P → × the structure of a graded k[W0]-module on k[G W ]. × Since P acts trivially on k[W0] in the decomposition k[W ] = k[W0] k[W1]we ∼ ⊗ have G-equivariant isomorphisms of graded k[W0]-modules, P P k[G W ] = (k[G] k[W0] k[W1]) × ∼ ⊗ ⊗ P = k[W0] (k[G] k[W1]) ∼ ⊗ ⊗ P = k[W0] k[G W1], ∼ ⊗ × P where G acts trivially on k[W0] and diagonally on k[W0] k[G W1]. More generally, using the isomorphism in the last paragraph,⊗ × we have isomor- phisms of graded k[W0]-modules, P P Mor (G W,V) = Hom (V ∗,k[G W]) G × ∼ G × P G = V k[W0] k[G W1] ∼ ⊗ ⊗ × P P = k[W0] V k[G W1] ∼ ⊗ ⊗ × P = k[W0] HomG(V ∗,k[G  W1]). ∼ ⊗ × This proves the next lemma.

Lemma 3.3. There is an isomorphism graded k[W0]-modules, P P Mor (G W,V) = k[W0] Hom (V ∗,k[G W1]). G × ∼ ⊗ G × # P Proposition 3.4. The comorphism, θ : k[W0] k[G W ], is an injective ho- → × momorphism of graded k-algebras. Moreover, if PW0 is a dense subvariety of W , 450 J. MATTHEW DOUGLASS

# P G then θ (k[W0]) = k[G W ] . Thus, if PW0 is dense in W ,thenk[W0]and k[G P W ]G are isomorphic,× graded k-algebras. × Proof. It’s easy to see that θ# is an injective homomorphism of graded k-algebras # P G and that θ (k[W0]) k[G W ] . Now suppose that PW0 is dense in W .Forf G ⊆ × in k[W0] , define f1 : W0 k by f1(w0)=f(1 w0), so f1 is in k[W0]. Suppose g → ∗ is in G, p is in P ,andw0 is in W0. Then,

f1θ(g pw0)=f1θ(gp w0) ∗ ∗ = f1(w0)

= f(1 w0) ∗ = f(gp w0) ∗ = f(g pw0). ∗ Therefore f1θ and f agree on

G PW0 = g pw0 g G, p P, w0 W0 . ∗ { ∗ | ∈ ∈ ∈ } P Since PW0 is dense in W , G PW0 is dense in G W ,andsof1θ=f. Therefore # P∗ G # × θ (f1)=fand hence k[G W ] θ (k[W0]). This completes the proof of the proposition. × ⊆

4. The action of U on z + u For the rest of this paper, we return to the notation of the introduction: G is a connected, reductive, algebraic group; T is a maximal torus in G; P is a parabolic subgroup of G with Levi decomposition P = LU;andzis the center of l. Also, let Φ denote the root system of (g, t)andletΦu be the subset of Φ consisting of the weights of t on u. Lemma 4.1. Suppose l is a semisimple element in l. Define a : U Z (l) l + u l × u → by al(u, z)=Adu(l+z).Thenal is surjective with fibres isomorphic to ZU (l).

Proof. To show that al is surjective, suppose n is in u.Letl+n=(l+n)s+(l+n)n be the Jordan decomposition on l + n. Then Borho [1, 2] has shown that there is 1 § a u in U with Adu(l)=(l+n)s.Setz=Adu− ((l + n)n), so Adu(z)=(l+n)n. Then clearly Adu(l+z)=l+n. Moreover, [Adu(l), Adu(z)] = [(l+n)s, (l+n)n]=0. Thus, z is in Zu(l)andal(u, z)=l+n. 1 Suppose n is in u and consider F = al− (l +n). Fix (u, z)inF.SinceAdu(l+z) has Jordan decomposition Adu(l + z)=Adu(l)+Adu(z), if (u1,z1)isinU Z (l), × u then (u1,z1)isinF if and only if Adu1(l)=Adu(l)andAdu1(z1)=Adu(z). Thus ρ: F uZ (l)byρ(u1,z1)=u1 is a well-defined morphism. If ρ(u1,z1)= → U ρ(u2,z2), then u1 = u2 and so Adu1(z1)=Adu1(z2), so z1 = z2 and hence ρ is 1 injective. If v is in Z (l), set u1 = uv and z1 =Adv− (l+z) l. It’s straightforward U − to check that (u1,z1)isinF and so ρ is surjective. Finally, ρ is an isomorphism by Zariski’s Main Theorem.

Corollary 4.2. The P -saturation of zreg, AdP (zreg),iszreg + u,soAdP (zreg) is a dense open subvariety of z + u. z Proof. Recall that (z, ) is an arrangement in z,sozreg is defined as in 2. It’s A § easy to see that zreg = t t α(t) =0forallα Φ and hence that t is in { ∈ | 6 ∈ u} zreg if and only if Zu(t)=0.Iftis in zreg, then it follows from Lemma 4.1 that AdP (t)=t+u,soAdP(zreg)=zreg + u. ADJOINT REPRESENTATION AND ARRANGEMENTS 451

For α in Φ let gα denote the α-weight space in g and fix a non-zero root vector, eα in gα. Also, let Uα be the corresponding root subgroup in G and suppose xα : k Uα is a fixed isomorphism from k to Uα satisfying Adxα(ξ)=exp(ad(ξeα)) for ξ in→k, where ad is the adjoint representation of g. For α and β in Φu, define α β if ker α z =kerβz. Clearly this is an equivalence relation on Φ . It’s also clear∼ that for α and| β in Φ| , α β if and only if α is a u u ∼ |z scalar multiple of β .LetΨ1,... ,Ψ be the equivalence classes for this relation |z s on Φu. Notice that each Ψi is a closed set of roots (that is, if α and β are in Ψi and α + β is a root, then α + β is in Ψi). It follows that if we define ui to be the span of the root vectors eα with α in Ψi and Ui to be the subgroup of U generated by the root subgroups, Uα,whereαis in Ψi,thenui is a subalgebra of u, Ui is a subgroup of U isomorphic to the product U (the product can be taken in any order), α Ψi α i ∈ and Lie(Ui)=ui. Moreover, if U = Uβ (the product taken in some fixed Q β Φu Ψi order), then every element in U has a unique∈ \ factorization u = uiu with ui in U i Q i and ui in Ui. For 1 i s,letHi denote ker α z for α in Ψi,soH1,... , Hs are the distinct hyperplanes≤ ≤ in z.Setzi= t z| β(t)=0forallβ Φ Ψ =z H. A { ∈ | 6 ∈ u\ i} \ i=j j Then zi is an open subvariety of z containing z . Finally, define a: U (z +6 u) reg S z + u by a(u, t+n)=Adu(t+n) and let a denote the restriction of a to U×i (zi +u→). i × i i i Proposition 4.3. For 1 i s, the morphism ai : U (z + ui) z + u deter- mines an isomorphism between≤ ≤ U i (zi + u ) and zi + u.× → × i i Proof. We show that ai is injective with image equal to z + u. Then by restricting the range we obtain a bijective, birational morphism of normal varieties between U i (zi + u )andzi+uwhich must be an isomorphism by Zariski’s Main Theorem. × i To show that ai is injective, suppose Adu(t + n)=Adu1(t1+n1)foru,u1 in i i 1 U , t, t1 in z ,andn,n1 in ui. Then clearly t = t1 and Adu1− u(t + n)=t+n1. 1 Just suppose u1− u is not in Ui and choose β in Φu with β not in Ψi, so that the 1 height of β is minimal and such that u1− u = x (c)u0 for some u0 in U, with c =0. β 6 We show that Adxβ (c)u0(t + n)=t cβ(t)+ α=β rαeα. First, if eα occurs with a − 6 non-zero coefficient in Adu0(t), then α = γ1 + +γ with γ = β for 1 i m. P··· m i 6 ≤ ≤ If some γj are not in Ψi, then either m =1andα=β,orm>1inwhichcasethe height of α is strictly greater than the height of β,6 so again α = β.Ifeveryγ is in 6 j Ψi, then so is their sum, so again α = β. It follows that Adu0(t)=t+ α=βsαeα 6 6 for some s ’s in k.ThusAdx (c)u0(t)=t cβ(t)+ s0 e where the s0 ’s are in α β − α=β α α Pα k.Next,ife occurs with a non-zero coefficient in Adx6 (c)u (n), then again, either α P β 0 α is in Ψi in which case α = β,orαis not in Ψi in which case the height of α is strictly greater than the height6 of β,soα=βin this case either. Thus, e does not 6 β appear in Adx (c)u0(n). It follows that Adx (c)u0(t + n)=t cβ(t)+ r e β β − α=β α α as desired. Since β = α,itmustbethatcβ(t) = 0 and since t is in zi, β(6 t) =0, 6 1 P 6 so c = 0, a contradiction. It follows that u1− u is in Ui and so it follows from the i factorization U = U Ui that u = u1. Therefore n = n1 also and so ai is injective. i i To show that the image of ai is z + u, suppose that t is in z .Iftis in Hi,then Zu(t)=ui since t is not in Hj for j = i, so by Lemma 4.1 given n in u, there is a 6 i i i u in U and an n1 in ui so that Adu(t + n1)=t+n.Writeu=uuiwith u in U and ui in Ui.ThenAdui(t+n1)isint+ui (recall that Ψi is a closed set of roots), i so say Adui(t + n1)=t+n10 where n10 is in ui. It follows that t + n =Adu(t+n10) 452 J. MATTHEW DOUGLASS is in the image of ai.Iftis not in Hi,thentis in zreg and so again by Lemma 4.1, i given n in u there is a u in U with Adu(t)=t+n.Factoru=uuias above. Then i Adui(t)isint+ui,sayAdui(t)=t+n1.Thent+n=Adu(t+n1), and so t + n is in the image of ai.

For 1 i s, fix a root, say αi,inΨi. This set of representatives will remain fixed for≤ the≤ rest of this paper. Proposition 4.4. Suppose 1 i s and u is in U . Then there is an element, ≤ ≤ i n1,inui, so that for t in z, Adu(t)=t+αi(t)n1.

Proof. We can write u = x (c ) x (c1)wherethec’s are in k and β1, ... , β β n n ··· β1 j n are in Ψi. We prove the result using induction on n.Ifn=1,thenAdxβ1(c1)(t)= t β1(t)c1e .Sinceβ1is in Ψ , there is a rational number, r,sothatβ =rα . − β1 i |z |z Now we can take n1 = rc1e . − β1 Suppose that n>1, u = x (c ) x (c1), and βn n ··· β1

Ad xβn 1 (cn 1) xβ1(c1) (t)=t+αi(t)n10 − − ··· for some n10 in ui and all t in z.Then 

Adu(t)=Adxβn(cn)(t+αi(t)n10 )

=t β (t)c e +α (t)Adx (c )n0 . − n n βn i βn n 1 Now β is in Ψ ,soβ =rα for some rational number, r,andAdx (c )n0 =n00 n i n|z |z βn n 1 1 for some n00 in u . The result follows by taking n1 = c re + n00. 1 i − n βn 1 5. The isomorphism

Let Φl denote the root system of (l, t), so Φ is the disjoint union of Φl,Φu,and Φu. Recall that z t and that z = α Φ ker α z. Also, for α in Φ, z ker α if and − ⊆ ∈ l | ⊆ only if α Φl. Thus the hyperplanes, ker α z,forαin Φu determine a hyperplane arrangement∈ in z,(z, z). As in 2T we consider| elements in D( z) as morphisms from z to itself satisfyingA the equivalent§ conditions of PropositionA 2.1. For t in z,setΨ = α Φ α(t)=0 . Then, with the notation of 2, t { ∈ u | } § Xt = α Ψ ker α z. Recall that for α in Φ, the root subgroup of G corresponding ∈ t | to α is Uα.ThenZU(t)= Uα and ZP (t)=LZU (t). T α Ψt Let σ : z G P (z + u)by∈ σ(t)=1 t,soσis a morphism. Suppose that Q φ: G P (z +→u) ×g is a G-equivariant morphism.∗ Then φσ : z g is a morphism × → → and since φ is G-equivariant and the stabilizer in G of σ(t)isZP(t), it follows that φσ(t)isingZP(t) for t in z.NowgZP(t) gL=zand so ⊆ ZP (t) g = t1 z α(t1) = 0 for all α Ψ = X . { ∈ | ∈ t } t Therefore, φσ(z) z and for t in z, φσ(t) Xt, so by restricting the range of φσ to z we obtain a morphism,⊆ Λ(φ), in D( z).∈ The rest of this section is devotedA to the proof of the following theorem.

P z Theorem 5.1. The mapping Λ: MorG(G (z+u),g) D( ) is an isomor- phism of graded k[z]-modules. × → A It’s well-known that P acts trivially on (z + u)/u. Therefore, we can apply the results in 3 with W = z + u, W0 = z,andW1 =u, and conclude that Mor (G P (z +§u), g) has the structure of a graded k[z]-module via the comorphism G × ADJOINT REPRESENTATION AND ARRANGEMENTS 453 of θ : G P (z + u) z. Moreover, by Corollary 4.2, AdP (z)isdenseinz+u,and so k[z]and× k[G P→(z+u)]G are isomorphic graded k-algebras by Proposition 3.4. It’s straightforward× to check that Λ is a homomorphism of k[z]-modules. More- over, if φ is in Mor (G P (z + u), g) for some non-negative integer, j,then G × j Λ(φ(ξt)) = φ(1 ξt)=ξjΛ(φ)(t) ∗ z for t in z and ξ in k,soΛ(φ)isinD( )j. Thus Λ is a homomorphism of graded k[z]-modules. A P To show that Λ is injective, suppose φ1 and φ2 are in Mor (G (z + u), g) with G × Λ(φ1)=Λ(φ2). Define G (zreg + u)= g (t+n) g G, t zreg,n u .Then ∗ { ∗ | ∈ ∈ ∈ } if g (t + n)isinG (zreg + u), by Lemma 4.1 there is a u in U with Adu(t)=t+n and∗ so ∗

φ1(g (t + n)) = φ1(gu t) ∗ ∗ = φ1(1 t) ∗ = φ1σ(t)

= φ2σ(t)

= φ2(gu t) ∗ = φ2(g (t + n)). ∗ Therefore, φ1 and φ2 agree on G (zreg + u). Since zreg + u is a dense subvariety of ∗ P z + u, G (zreg + u) is a dense subvariety of G (z + u)andsoφ1 =φ2. To show∗ that Λ is surjective we proceed as× follows. Suppose η is in D( z). We A first construct a P -equivariant morphism, φ: z + u z + u with φ = η. Extending → |z the range of φ to all of g we can apply Proposition 3.1 and obtain a G-equivariant morphism, φ: G P (z + u) g, with φ(1 e(t + n)) = φ(t + n) fore all t + n in z + u. Then clearlye Λ(φ×)=ηand→ so Λ is surjective.∗ Now, to complete the proof of Theorem 5.1 it remainse to construct a morphism, z φ,inMorP(z+u,z+u), given a morphism, η,inD( ). So for the rest of this section, fix η in D( z). A A e Let areg denote the restriction of a: U (z + u) z + u to U zreg.Thenby × → × Corollary 4.2, areg determines an isomorphism of varieties between U zreg and × zreg + u. Thus, if 1U : U U is the identity morphism, then a (1U η zreg ) 1 → ◦ ×1 | ◦ areg− : zreg + u z + u is a morphism. Set φreg = a (1 η ) a− .Then → ◦ U × |zreg ◦ φreg(Adu(t)) = Adu(η(t)) for u in U and t in zreg so φreg zreg = η zreg . e | | We next show that φreg is P -equivariant. Then, since zreg + u is dense in z + u, e e it will follow that if φreg extends to a morphism, φ: z + u z + u,thenφis also → P -equivariant. So supposee p is in P , t is in zreg,andnis in u. Then there is a u in U so that t + n =Adeu(t). Write pu = u1l where u1e is in U and l is in L.Thene

φreg(Adp(t + n)) = φreg(Adpu(t)) = φ (Adu (t)) e ereg 1 =Adu1(η(t)) e =Adu1l(η(t)) =Adpu(η(t))

=Adp(φreg(t + n)).

Therefore, φreg is P -equivariant. e


Our strategy for showing that φreg extends to all of z + u is to show that φreg extends to a morphism φ : zi + u z + u for all α in Φ where as in 4, zi = i → u § t z β(t) =0forallβ Φu Ψei . e { ∈ | 6 ∈ \ } s i Assuming this has beene done and that φreg denotes the extension to i=1 z + u , we can complete the proof as follows. If f is in k[z + u], then fφ is a rational regS  e s i function on z + u whose domain contains i=1 z + u .Iffφreg is not a regular function on z + u, then the set of points at which it’s not definede is a closed sub- s S i  set of z + u with codimension 1. Now i=1 z + u is containede in the domain of fφreg and so the set of points in z + u at which fφreg is not defined is contained in s i S  (z + u) i=1 z + u . However e \ e S  s (z + u) zi + u = (H H ) + u. \  i ∩ j  i=1 i=j [  [6   Thus, the set of points at which fφreg is not defined has codimension at least 2. Therefore fφreg must be defined on all of z + u and so fφreg is in k[z + u]. It follows # e that φreg (k[z + u]) k[z + u], and so φreg extends to a morphism φ: z + u z + u. e ⊆ e i → It remains to show that φreg can be extended to a morphism from z + u to z + u e e i e for 1 i s. In order to show that φreg extends to z + u, we’ll finally use the ≤ ≤ z z # hypothesis that η is in D( e ). Since η is in D( ), for α in Φu, η (α z)isak[z]- # A A i | multiple of α z.Sayη (αiz)=fiαi z fore 1 i s. Define ηi : z + ui z + u by | | | ≤ ≤ i i → ηi(t + n)=η(t)+fi(t)n,soηi is a morphism. Recall that ai : U (z + ui) z + u i i i × → determines an isomorphism between U (z + ui)andz +uby Proposition 4.3. 1 i × Define φ = a (1 η ) a − : z + u z + u. i ◦ U × i ◦ i → Lemmae 5.2. The restriction of φi to zreg + u is equal to φreg.

Proof. Suppose t + n is in zreg + u.Thent+n=Adu(t)forsomeuin U.Write i i i e e u=uuiwhere u is in U and ui is in Ui. It follows from Proposition 4.4 that there is an n1 in ui so that Adui(t0)=t0+αi(t0)n1 for every t0 in z.Thent+n= i Adu (t + αi(t)n1)andso i φi(t+n)=Adu (η(t)+fi(t)αi(t)n1) i =Adu (η(t)+αi(η(t))n1) e i =Aduui(η(t)) =Adu(η(t))

= φreg(t + n). This completes the proof of the lemma. e i It follows from the lemma that φreg extends to z + u for α in Φu,andsothe proof of Theorem 5.1 is complete.

e P z Corollary 5.3. The graded k[z]-modules, HomG(g∗,k[G (z+u)]) and D( ) are isomorphic. × A

P Proof. It is easily seen that the natural map between HomG(g∗,k[G (z+u)]) and Mor (G P (z + u), g) is an isomorphism of graded k[z]-modules, and× so if Γ is the G × ADJOINT REPRESENTATION AND ARRANGEMENTS 455 composition of Λ with this isomorphism, then P z Γ: Hom (g∗,k[G (z+u)]) D( ) G × → A is an isomorphism of graded k[z]-modules.

6. Conclusions

As in 5, since P acts trivially on (z + u)/u,wecantakeW=z+u,W0 =z, § and W1 = u in Lemma 3.3 and conclude that there is an isomorphism of graded P P k[z]-modules, k[z] HomG(g∗,k[G u]) ∼= MorG(G (z + u), g). Composing this isomorphism with⊗ the isomorphism× of Theorem 5.1× and using that g affords a self-dual representation of G, we obtain an isomorphism of graded k[z]-modules, P z z k[z] HomG(g,k[G u]) ∼= D( ). It follows that (z, )isafreehyperplane arrangement.⊗ We can× now proveA the following result of OrlikA and Terao [8]. Corollary 6.1. If (V, ) is a reflection arrangement arising from a finite Weyl group, then for X in theA lattice of , the restricted arrangement, (X, X) is free. A A Proof. Suppose Φ is a root system in a k-vector space V .Let be the arrangement of hyperplanes in V consisting of the hyperplanes orthogonalA to the vectors in Φ. It’s straightforward to check that if G is the adjoint group with root system Φ=Φ(G, T ), then every restriction of (V, ) arises as (z, z) for a suitable choice of P and L. A A Alternately, if W is the Weyl group of (V, ), then W acts on the lattice of and it follows from standard results about rootA systems that if Π is a base of Φ, thenA every W -orbit in the lattice of contains a representative that’s an intersection of the hyperplanes orthogonal to theA vectors in a subset of Π (see [6]). Clearly, if X is in the lattice of and w is in W ,then X is free if and only if wX is free. Now if G is the adjointA group with root systemA Φ = Φ(G, T ), B is a BorelA subgroup of G containing T , P is a parabolic subgroup of G containing B,andLis the standard Levi factor in P ,then(z, z) is free. Since every orbit of W on the lattice of contains a representative ofA this form, the result follows. A Finally, we show that the isomorphism of graded k[z]-modules between k[z] P z ⊗ HomG(g,k[G u]) and D( ) can be used to prove the result of Sommers, Trapa, and Broer mentioned× in theA introduction. Corollary 6.2. The multiplicity of the adjoint representation of G in the graded representation k[G P u] is given by × z z dim Hom (g,k[G Pu] )qj =qn1 + +qnr G × j ··· j 0 X≥ where q is an indeterminate and nz ,...,nz is the multiset of exponents of z. { 1 r } A P Proof. As in 2, HomG(g,k[G u]) inherits a grading from the scalar action of k § × P on u. Suppose φ1,...,φs is a homogeneous basis of HomG(g,k[G u]) with φi in Hom (g,k[G{ Pu] )for1} i s. Then clearly × G × di ≤ ≤ dim Hom (g,k[G Pu] )qj =qd1 + +qds. G × j ··· j 0 X≥ On the other hand, the set 1 φ1,...,1 φs is a homogeneous basis of k[z] Hom (g,k[G Pu]) and so corresponds{ ⊗ to⊗ a homogeneous} basis of D( z) under⊗ G × A 456 J. MATTHEW DOUGLASS

P z the isomorphism k[z] HomG(g,k[G u]) = D( ). Therefore, the multisets z ⊗ z × ∼ A d1,...,d and n ,...,n are equal. { s } { 1 r } References

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