J l B B lf°tC-L4/3%."/> ; : EDITION

Friday, March 11, 2005 1. :

1 "- 1 '-_"FBIE'dsPn ro b e noIt

2:- ¢,~ K1ll1_ng ofRap Star J -.. Bureau discards theory =1: being pursuedby itslead agent regardingslaying =1-,E of Notorious B.I.G. . '-:-.- By Tfmes StewWriter 3_ g__ The FBI has closed an inves- .. tigation into the 1997 slaying of $ -, rap star Notorious B.I.G., aban- 1 doning a controversial theory a_- pursued by its lead agent on the l case. l The bureau spent 18 months Lon! Snzpnnn Ln:Angela: runes _, investigating the possibility VICTIM: Noforiolw B.I.G. was that l a rogue Los Angeles police om- gunned dawn near; thePetersen J 92 cer and rap mogul Marion Automotive Museum in Los 5 Suge Knight orchestrated the Angeles in 1997. ' killing ofB.I.G., whose real name was Christopher Wallace. naed to testify in her wrongful- FBI oicials conducted a re- death lawsuit against the city. view of the investigation and The FBI has informed Voletta shut. it donm in January after WaIlaces lawyers that Carson 1learning that Agent Philip J. Car- will not testify in the case. Oi~ son had discussions with lawyers cials also ordered Carson to have I for Wallace'smother, Voletta no further contact withthe law- - ,___-5: Wallace, and had been subpoe- [See FBI,Page B7] l A- - : ' I 1 - -- _ _.--1~ _ ~- _ _ /.


.:I- " .- 92_

/ %

~Pz$ 1.. _ . » LOS ANGIE i¥§IlDiscards Theory, Znalts Probeof Killing I ll v [1IB1_-amPage B11 _ v f92 lqyersland torefer anylnqll-"195 l-'.gp£n,themthe FBI tolegal de- . §'partrnent. - _ . . Voletta.Wallace, whosesurt_ 1 accuses theLos AngelesPolice mtfor ocverirgirgp rm-. ' ,.1l.ice'involver'n¬nt her son's kill-in ~r§ing,issecking unspeciedmon- ;=_etary damages.The case £~?272l5l scheduledB0 E0 to trialApnl 12in , -federalcourt inLos Angeles. - - It is unclear whattestimony =,~her lawyersintend toelicit from I-:,Ca_rson. ",1; Louis J. CaprlnoJn, acting iihead ofthe criminaldivision of :1 Xhel"'Bl's Angeles eld hosoioe . , saidthis weekthat Carsonsin- lj-vestigation wasclosed because [federal prosecutorsreviewed the fjavidenee hehad gatheredand -determined thatthere wasno basis forprosecution." i"_» FBIolcials acknowledild thatthey discussed with Carson ',dealings his withthe Wallace ,- lawyers.But theysaid thathad -'no bearing on thedecision to halt Mr-i-so YnsuxnusFor rmTimer. .» theinvestigation. I snnxrno DAMAGES: Volettu Wdlldce,mother ofcherap star j ._ 'Caprinothe saiddiscussion Notorious B1.G., hasled a lawsuitaccusing theLAPD of co2>e1-mg - waspart ofa standardadminis- up policeinvolvement her_sons in killing. revlew conducted when- everan agentis subpoenaedto Mack, mayhave beeninvolved. In February 2004, Carson .testl.ty.said He thebureau foundBy then,Mack wasin prisonfor visited Mackat afederal prison improper conduct onCar- robbing bank.a Hehad beenon in AlabamaMack hassaid Car- S0nspart. the policeforce atthe timeof son otieredto seek a reductionin ,.- ,Perry Sanders,an attorneyWallace's killing. _ his 14-yearsentence thefor bank 'ior Wallace.Voletta tookissue Detectives learnedthat Mack robbery heif cooperatedin the with theFBIs explanationfor owned blacka ChevroletImpala Wallace investigation. .'the why probe was discontinued.similar toone seenspeeding In a court ling, Macksaid he I Sanders said theLAPD ex-from themurder scene.A wit- rejected theoffer in no uncertain erted political pressure on the ness saidhe sawMack outsideterms. - FBI to layo thecase. Hesaid the automotivemuseum several fl advisedCarson thathc had he learnedthis froma reliablehours beforethe shooting. 'in beeither themost ineptor la- _c9niident-ial sourcewhom he Then-Det. RusellPoole ad- ziest agentI had ever met,"Mack I wouldnot identity. vanced theidea that Mack wrote. Itwas obviousthat he. . . '- AssistantFBI Director Rich- planned thekilling atKnight's _was onlyregurgitating thealle- fl ardfl. Garcia,head ofthe Los behest andarranged afor friend, gations containedin the Wallace gation. Noone atthe FBIwas Wallace. " - This week, FBIofficials dis" asked ordirected tostop any- Other informationgathered puted Mack'saccount, contend- ' thing,Garcia saidin aninter- by investigatorsdid notsupport ing thatCarson neveroffered to _view.This investigationwas re-the theory,however, anddetect- seek reductiona hisin sentence, viewed diligentlyby [Carson's]ives turnedtheir attentionelse- which they said wouldhave vio- boss ona regularbasis andthe where. Knight,Mack andMu- lat/ed FBIpolicy. ' results weresubmitted tothy _hammad,Southland a mortgageIn _ September,FBI officials U.S. attorneysolhce. Theyde- broker, haveall denied any rolein say. theyasked Carsonto attend .tennined thatthe evidencewas the lnlllng. a meetingto discusswhy his ;-insumcient forprosecution. So Since resigningfrom the name wason aplaintl"s listof we droppedit." LAPD in1999, Poole has contin-potential Witnesses. ,~ _.Christopher Wallace,then 24,ued bopromote his theoryin - During the meeting,Ca.rs0ns Jwas gunneddown March9, 1997,books andthrough appearancesbosses alsodiscussed hiscon- . .in front of hundreds fansof afterin documentariesand on TV duct ofthe investigationand ex- a musicindustry partyat thePe- shows. VolettaWallace's plored lawsuit hisdealings withthe tersen AutomotiveMuseum inincorporates Pocle'sarguments, plaintilfs attorneys, sources the mid-Wilshiredistrict. and heis listedas anexpert wit- said. ~ LAPD detectives havepur- ness forthe plaintiffs. FBI officialswere concerned sued varioustheories their inef- Carson, theFBI agent,began that Carsonmight havebeen in- forts tosolve thecrime. Oneis his investigationafter watchinguenced bythe Wallacelawyers that thekilling, likethat ormp Poole ona Tj/';specia.l in thesurn- and thathis contactswith them. star TupacShakur sixmonths rner of2003. courtdocuments could embarrassthe bureau,the earlier, stemmedtrom afeud be-show. _ sources said. ' tween rapgures inNew York Carson contactedPoole and FBI ayntsare perrnlthedto and LosAngeles. interviewed otherdetectives, contact civilattorneys tosee if Shakur wasthe brighteststar Witnesses and informantsthey haveinformation relevant ~0f KnighvsDeath ROWRecords around thecountry atthe sug- to a criminal investigation.But in LosAngeles. Wallacewas as-gestion oiWallace farnilyattor- bureau policybars agentsfrom somated withBad BoyRecords neys. recordsshow. sharing investigativeinforma- ln NewYork. TheIZWO starsand In December2003, Carson tion Withthem. their associateshad exchangedand otheragents conductedsur- Carson andhis FBIsup8I101'S insults andthreats onstage andveillance ofMuhammad andsaid henever shared information in recordings. wired aninformant i.nan at- with Wallace'slawyers. .,In 1998, LAPD investigatorstempt to illicit incriminating Times stdwriter GregKri- began tosuspect thata dis- statements fromhim. Theeffort korlan contributedto this re- ;g"r-aced formerofficer, DavidA yielded nothing. port. _ I92A;_:]| .15» ' Message Page 1 2of 13" I 92 -92. l:|LA> R - _.. A A A _ . b 6 _ From:| | LA! FBI! Sent: Wednesda March 23, 2005 7:54 PM b7C

Subject: FW: Director'sregarding Note nationalmedia attentionin closed Los AngelesCase 194C-LA- 232722 Christopher Wallace. aka "Notorious B.l.G.," Etc. UNCLA§§!FlED NQN-RECQRD jolt-ease placein theBiggie case. SmallsIt isnow closed.Thanks,mj -----o '' _____ ~»-Y Sent: Friday, March 11,2005 7:04 PM T ' TS

LA! FBI LA! FBI! LA! FBI!; LA! FBI! u Je : ll ors oteregarding nationalmedia attention in closed Los AngelesCase 194C-LA-232722 Christopher Wallace, aka "Notorious B.I.G.," Etc. UNCLASSIFIED NQN-RECORD

DATE: 3l11/2005

TO: Directory Mueller E

FROM: Los Angeles Division, Squad WCC-4 Public C-orruptionlCivil Rights! CC: Please Disseminateappropriate as 1/16/2004 per DirectiveSIOC Category:Public Corruption Matters-Local ' Ofcials!



DESCRIPTION: HEADQUARTERS NOTIFICATION REGARDING NATIONAL MEDIA ATTENTION OF THE CLOSING OF THE CAPTIONED INVESTIGATION. The captionedinvestigationopened >nwas by12/17/2002. The investigationwas predicatedChristopher uponmultiple aka. source Wallaceinformation "NotoriousB.l.G_~! allegingtperpetrated att e murwas ' - b ' ndaprecording associate star

3/29/2005 D Message. Paget.>7't"21 2 n,-_,_l .f"" l was in' reta furtheria ionor l't'fth e murthatd eroalleged r'rmurder theupacShakurorchestrated mon sixwas tns prior tfhdfhfWllo e ea 0 a b3Laceon 7 _-92 92» T as also a nationally recognized raprecording starand the most protable recording artistsigned t 'h Row label Both ShakurWailaces and have deaths. . receivedextensive . . attention media with respectto analleged Coast "East CoastWest War Rap haveand thebeen suimggtQI articles, books and television documentaries since late 1996 $400 millionClVIl lawsuit against the Los AngelesPolice Departmentfor its ofcer's a e 9 e Pinvo vemen and subsequent cover-u ...... b6 On 1111/2005,after approximately18 monthsof investigation,the captionedmatter was closed by the Los Angeles Division.This occurredafter routineadministrative reviewby members of theLos AngelesDivision b-;C management and the receipt of a declination to prosecute from the United States Attorrieys Ofce, Central District of .

On 3/11/2005an article appeared onpage B-1 of the Los AngelesTimes "California"Section!. Several sections of the article state that the FBls investigation into the murder of Wallace was terminated because of p detailexertedrespectthe bywith LosAngeles a subpoena toissues DepartmentPolice byarticle The attorne!:ospecicall also namesandtestify discussesthe n lawsuit, incivil currently scheduledto begin on 4/12/2005. e os nge es Division is currently opposingthis subpoenaand the article states that this is also a result of pressure from the LAPD and an on~going effort to cover up LAPD involvement in Wallace's murder.

The purpose of this note is to notify the Directorof the national mediaattention thatthis matter is likely to generatein the next severaldays and weeks. The Los AngelesDivision hasalready been contacted regarding the ctosingof the investigation bynumerous mediaagencies andthe Times article is being carriedby both the AP and UPI. In addition, it is believed thatthe Times article is the rst in a series of articles to be publishedin the immediate future. The Los Angeles Divisionwitl notify Headquarters offurther developmentsin this matter as they occur.



3/29/2005 fl . ev. so-97! 92'6 xx . , ,1


PRECEDENCE CLASSIFICATION |:l Immediate E] Top Secret Time Transmitted: El Priority Cl Secret Senders Initials: PC Routine |:l Confidential Number of Pages: 2 El Sensitive including cover sheet! Unclassied

To: LQS ANGELES y _ of f Date: 03/25/2005 Name 0fOfce Facsimile Number:I I _7 b6

Attn:mime I I oomTelephoneb7C b2



Special Handling Instructions: __

Originator'sI I Name: Telephone:

Originators Facsimile Number: Approved:I I__ SSA Brief Description of Communication Faxed: 7__ _

WARNING Information attached to the cover sheet is U.S. Government Property. If you are not the intended recipient of this information, disclosure, reproduction, distribution, or use of this information is prohibited l8.U_SC, § 641!. Please notify the originator or the local FBI Office immediately to arrange for proper disposition. ii Cfa 0/ c4 saws Q;/<1 ig ."|' _ ._-.-- -I

U.S. Department of Justice .,-r""l"'' ==>_;§ 5;.»-4' Federal Bureauof Investlganon

In Reply, Please Rtferto File N0. 11000 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1700 Los Angeles, California 90024

March 25, 2005

- b6 Los Angeles City Attorney's Office _ _ b?C Liability Division Ios Egeles, California


It is hereby requested that the Los Ange ' ' Office provide a copy of the deposition o th Fe e era d 1 Bureau of Investigation' ' .

Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.


l l

$upervisory Special Agent

Mam-aura-wqt Ogqp L49/, 05' . V Ix



March 25,zoos


b'l'C Supervisory SpecialAgent U.S. Departmentof Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation 11000 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1700 Los Angeles,'CA90024 D@~l:l ve enclosedfor ayou copyof transcriptthe the deposition of | aken on Febru QTY3, 8 2005 in Los An eles. I have also enclose e con ense version of the deposition. _

If I can beof further assistance inthis case,please donot hesitateto contactme at

Very truly yours, c I IC ity Attorney


Assistant CityAttorney DWV:gey #248570



AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY- AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER 200 NORTH MAIN STREET - 1.05 ANGELES, CA 90012 4131 - 213 978.8100 - 213.978.8310 TDD ' 11¢/aalsaamzh, Requaneamnmmmrecyumwme '01 *0 F Q3r FBI Probes Rap Star's'97 Killing;The agency pursues a 6-year-old theory _that a rogue LAPD officer arranged the murder of Notorious B.l.G. with rap "mogul Suge Knight.:[H0lVIE EDITION] Chuck Philips.Los AngelesTimes. LosAngeles, Calif.:Mar 20,2004. pg.B.1 _ _, ___,,, . . . . . Full Text242 words! I --- F sin "13 Copyright2004 Los C! Angeies Times! i. ,1-_.ts... H.-A I

Seven yearsafter thekilling ofrap starNotorious B.l.G.,the FBl is investigatingallegations thatanrogue Los Angeles police officer orchestrated the slaying with rap mogul Marion "Suge Knight, according to court documents and law enforcement sources.

The FBI is pursuinga 6-year-old theoiy that then-Officer David A. Mack, acting at Knight's request,arranged for Amir Muhammad, Mack's friendand college roommate, to ambush the rapper outside the Petersen Automotive Museum on Wilshire Boulevard.

Over the years, the LAPD has offered conicting assessments of the theory, which police at one point took seriously. Documents show that LAPD detectives are now focusing on an alternative theory that centers on a Houston rap entrepreneur. '

Mack, Knight and Muhammad, a Southiand mortgage broker, have long denied any involvement in the 1997 killing. -

"l have stated from the outset that I have nothing whatsoever to do with any of this," Muhammad, who also uses -, thename HarryBillups, saidin a telephone interview Thursdayfrom hisattorney's "l'veofce. nothing done wrong. l don't haveanything to hide."

Knight, founder of , also rejected the allegations.

l don'tknow David Mack or Amir Muhammad. I've nevermet them," he said by phone from Mule Creek State Prison, where he is sewing time for a probation violation. "The FBI has never contacted me, but I'mglad they are looking into all of this stuff. I hope they solve it."

Notorious B.l.G., whose real name was Christopher Wallace, was gunned down just after midnight March 9, 1997, in front of hundreds of people who had just left a music industry party at the Petersen museum. The Brooklyn rapperwas sittingin the passenger seatof a sport utility vehicieat a red lightwhen a lone assassinin a dark Impala pulled up in the neighboring lane and opened re.

The killing occurred six months after rap star was fatally wounded in a drive-by attack in .

Noone has ever been charged in either killing.

Early on,detectives speculatedthat themurders mayhave stemmedfrom a rivalry between EastCoast and West Coastrappers. Before theirdeaths, Shakurand Wallacehad beenfeuding, anda rivalrybetween their K record labels,Los Angeles-basedDeath Row and NewYork-based BadBoy Entertainment,had escalatedinto a series of assaults and shootings.

Each labelused gangmembers forprotection, andpolice investigatedthe possibilitythat bothkillings were committed by members of Compton'sSouthside gang. The theorynow beinginvestigated theby FBIwas firstadvanced 1998in bythen-LAPD Det.Russeil Poole.'

. , ' http://pqasb.pqarchivercom/latimes/5 83747181.html?MAC=0d87ccfct25 5c4896cl31a723a...3/22/2004 ;l y. Accordingto Poole,Knight Shakurmed had the because starrapabout wasleaghis tolabel - and Knight then had Wallace murdered to make it appear that both slayings were the result of a bicoastai rap feud. Poole contends thatKnight may have used corrupt police officers to help carry out both .

Mack, onetimepartner of disgraced former LAPD Ofcer Rafael Perez, came under suspicion after he was arrested inDecember 1997 for robbing a bank. He was later convicted and is sewing a 14-year prison term.

Mack owneda black impala similar to the car used in the Wallace slaying, and a witness reported seeinghim at the scene. informants told investigators that Mack may have provided security for Knight. Both men grew up in Compton. _ _ F

Poole began scrutinizing Muhammad, who was a classmate of Mack'sat the University of Oregon, after learning that he had visited Mack in prison in December 1997. Several months earlier, a jailhouse informant had told detectivesthat Wai|ace'skiller was a Southside Crip who went by a Middle Eastern name, possibly "Amir"or "Ashmir'- and - that his true name might be Abraham or Kenny or Keeky_

A driver'slicense photoof Muhammad resembles a police sketch of Wallace'skiller based on witness descriptions. One witness told police he saw a man who resembled Muhammad outside the Petersen museum the night of the shooting. .

Muhammad,in the phone interview, said the account was unfounded. Anybody who says they saw me there that night or thatl had anything to do with this is a liar," he said. -

Poole resignedfrom the LAPD in 1999 after disputes with his superiors about the direction of various investigations, including the one into Wallace'smurder.

Since then,Poole has promoted his theory of the Wallace slaying in newspaper interviews and books and through appearanceson documentaries and TV shows. He has endorsed a screenplay treatment of it that is being shopped to studios. Actor Sylvester Stallone has discussed portraying Poole in a movie.

Poole also joined forces with Wallace's mother,Voletta, who led a wrongful-death suit against the city of Los Angeles two years ago. The suit contends the LAPD covered up police involvement in the rapper's killing.

Thewitness case is the scheduled for plaintiffs. to Lawyersgo to trial Julythe 27in casein federal have taken depositions court in Los Angeles,from Poole with Pooleand testifying otherpolice as an expert ofcerstied toj the Wallaceinvestigation. irréthosedepositions, which.have beensealed undercourt order,officers disclose-' details about the FBl probe. " ' '

The FBI'sinterest in the case was sparked by a TV special on the Wallace killing aired on the VH1 cable channel last summer. An FBI-agent who saw the show later contacted attomeys for the Wallace family, who alleged thatwitnesses were afraid to talk to LAPD detectives about the case, documents show,

The FBI has interviewedseveralwitnesses at the suggestion of the Wallace family'slawyers. Depositions A suggest thatagents have reviewed Muhammad'smortgage payments and phone records and conducted wiretaps, trying to link him to Mack. . ne recentlyFBI surveillance conductedMuhammadSan of Dieqo_am1,_so_urces insaid, an wired informant an attemptto elicitincrimihatihgstatements from himjfhe effortyieldednothing,*according-tcicotrffdocuments andpeole EmliiarWe casef A 7

An FBI agent recentlytried to interview Mack at the federal prison in Alabama where he is serving 14- yearsfor the 19'97btahk'irobberytMack denied having anything to do with the Wallace murder, according to court records and sources.

,The FBIdeclined tocomment onthe investigation.Documents indicatethat thebureau is coordinating its work with the LAPD's ProfessionalStandards Bureau, which iooks into alleged police misconduct.

http://pqasb.pqarchivencoml 1atimcs/5 83747181 .htm1?MAC1=0d87ecfef255c4896d31a'723 3/22/ a... 2004 _ _ __ 1 g:l__i,l92PDChief Berkow,Michael Deputyof bureau,the gd Friday: saidis a=jo9FBl-LAPD "This investigation, and the LAPD is cooperating 100%."

' Courtdocuments, however,show thatLAPD_robbery-homicide detectivesare focusing on a possible Texas ' connection tothe Wallace slayingunrelated to the Poole theory. _

Police haveintenriewed theowner of a blue 1996 Bentleythat they suspect played a role in the shooting. Since September, police have traveled several times to Houston to interview witnesses and pursue leads about potential newsuspects - including a Houston rap entrepreneurand his friend who were allegedly near the crime scene on the night of the shooting, records show.

So far,Police haveproduced no evidence tying theBentley oreither manto thekilling, sourcessaid.

[illustration] Caption: PHOTO:RAP MOGUL: Marion "Suge" Knight is serving time for a probation violation; PHOTOGRAPHER: ; PHOTO: TARGET: Rap star Notorious B.l.G. was gunned down March 9, 1997, after a music industry party in Los Angeles; PHOTOGRAPHER: Los Angeles Times

Credit: Times Staff Writer

Reproduced withpermission ofthe copyright owner. Furtherreproduction ordistribution is prohibited without permission. Section: California Metro; Pan B; Metro Desk ISSNIISBNJ 04583035 Text Word Count 1242


http://pqasb.pqarchiver.comflatimes/'5838 1.html?MAC=0d87ecfet255c4896cl3 7471 1a723a...3/22/2004

iiilI .- O8-23-2000!Rev. --if { v-7.f"7:"' FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION

Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 04/13/2005

T0: Los Angeles Attn: ET

Frmm Los Angeles WCC4 Contact: | SAI Approved By:

Drafted By: CaseID it: l94CLA232722A% Pending!_

Title: osLTJ Angeies Pofice epartment; 5JEt Al; CHRISTOPHER WALLACE ~ Murder ViCtim; aka Notorius B.I.G.; b6 CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION; OO: Los Angeles b7C

Symnwis: Response to destroying evidence of closed captioned case .

Deunlst Even though case is closed, all 1C material will be maintained for the following 6 months as the potential for new evidence is a possibility. If this were to occur, captioned case would be reopened. The following is the list of 1C material:

1C1 Case file of Christopher Wallace

1C2 Case file from Federal Civil Attorneys

1C3 COPY of contact4

1C4 COPY of all interviews done by LAPD


m q@wig @272?/92f> lOQWoLe{ _ _ ._ B ;--Q.-?92___ . ._./ FD-3§2 Rev.10-6-95!



Date oftranscription Z 1

The following is a chronology of events/phone calls that took place between April 1 and April 6, 2005:

April 1, 2005; SA[:;;:%::keceiveda telephonic messa e [:::::::::]to ca im. In this message, tates how somebody wants to interview him regarding the "Biggie Smalls" case. This message has been saved. ' _ b6 April 4, 2005: ' b7Q I Ito SAI call receivedhim.I iwill another tele honic try message[:;::;:;J to con ac t a later time. Tls message has also been saved.

Assistant Division Council ADC! cont SSAI for SA ADC requested that S§A| |contac in order to day,obtain SSA[%:::;;:]provideda contact telephone nu ADC with tele one Laternumber on the same Losfor Angeles S eri s Department LASO! Deputy| |and the DeputytEf:EEi¬adteleph er| spoken ! ithinssA| e our. Istated that

April 5, 2005= ; - SA tacted Deputy!::;::::].1 le hon nu er provided a te ep one number poke with im yesterday on an unrelated matter. the L.A. Times is attempting to interview people associate with the "Biggi " as the pending Federal Civil trial is a roaching. the L.A. ' ' ' to ' heory that s ot B1 ie ma | i tat e as een success u so ar on avoiding 99 L.A.S - Times and uses and his u ADCi:?::::thenrvi or to attempteddivert any to contact contact roug out the entire ay, with no success.

investigation on at LOS Angel ES , CA r f File# 19 - - / Date dictated SA by ADC

This documentcontains neitherrecommendations norconclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and iS loanedto your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outsideyour agency.

1 v ._. 1-,.~w. t -_..~ 0 FD-30221 Rev.l0-6-95!

b6 194CLA232'722 b7C Continuation 0fFD-302 of _| , On O4 / O6/ 2O b?D , Page 2

April 6, 2005;

advised e was hardontacted.[:::;:::1at to ge a old 5:57 ofJ AM. SAI I | |toE SA | Ehat Ehe Peoples Court want g ut Him on adding kmck between9am Iam Lnd SA? provided "Tadviseda pager number to ca him as well. At approximately 10:40am SA contacted| ised him he would call ac in 2 minutes. SA met with ADC[::::::Jan ot ca led back| |

flrst of the year. en speain name came u telling en to SA on a few occasions and that he's SA a good GUY-

il wP ,-4 dbn -._/ C FD-302a Rev.10-6-95! b6

b7C l94CLA-232722 b-in

Continuation ofFD-302 of ,0 04/06/2005 P336 3 f | providedan address l I He added;

-u " .3-:D'92:0 -J . 92i FD-.302104-95! Reiii "



Date oftranscription [12 [2 O O5

The following is a chronology of events/phone calls that took place on April 7 & 8, 2005: April 7, 2005= b6

11 I . A message wasleft lstating agents were b?D [:if;ff:fi:f:ffthe' contact himpendingFederal regarding] lawsuit Civil involvingthe |LAPD an t e ity Attorney's Office.

April 8 1 1 2005 4 SPtE:::::]received a page from an unknown number. when SA[::::::]returned the page, it was the home numberfor[:::::::::::::] and the following conversation took place: l lis familiar with captioned caseand knows| [has been trvinq to get a hold of las well as the maior crimes section.

to! lhas beenable to obtainl ccording ome te ephone number but lS unaware of his location. on severaoccasions statedand he has noted]spokenwith I I J l l what occurredin San I Dieqp newspaper article disclosin Ehe what "Biggieoccurred!,Smalls" includin murder

Invcstigationon 04/08/2005/at Los Angeles, CA

ns# l94C~LA232722¢M1§ 730 mmdkmw

This documentcontains neitherrecommendations norconclusions ofthe FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outsideyour agency. -1~"-B" Q FD-302a Raf;10-6-95! "i . a

b6 194CLA-232722 b7C ContinuationFD-302I |_ ofof . OnO/I 4 8/O 2,Pag<:YD 2

I if writer wanted to sneak with him.he would be in Los Anqelesl l

[L5 ::m'LIE nQ.a<=1; wrsrazl

I without worrying about athing.

After the convers t' n c ' ' of whattranspired ,;____._ Message . Page 1 of1 k

_ :-- , | | i_A! FBI! Fr=>m= like F81! Sent: Wednesday, May O4, 2005 3:07 PM °°=To' LA!

thea confessionl murderof Tupac and Biggy. He would 1 not _|from give me the informants someo na including, ed that he would if he could sit down with you and your supervisors. - He alsostatedthat he could not believethatFBI the commented had hat theUSAO had declineddeclination!, theca ' " 0 basisbuthat forhe thoughtsaid prosecution."our I told comment himon that wasdeclinationthe no an uncommonunheard procedure wasand the itofthatwould probably be an issue in some national press articles Time magazine!. d nothing good to sa n wr ckinghis c said t thoughtit ossiblwasinteresting nou.| Isaidth E-Ie tha Iaskedthathim a lot of terriblesaid thaques utas you, also but0 gerying hat you always acted proper y.

I asked u gave him any information hat you did not. I told him th ad told me tha ad give condential FBI information. ' said 'that 'this fl was norue and'fha |1vas u I of shit."

In any case, please let me know whether you want to meet with Sanders regarding this new evidence.


5/5/2005 -' iQ%C°~¢A» 932,72 _- -?!Message . . Page 1 of1 ---e4 | LA! FBI! PM A! FBI! Y Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 9:14 AM To: LA! FBI ~ A> |:|LA>|:| LA! FBI ! FBI! Cc: LA! FB|!| LA! FBI! Subject: Notorious BIG Article - 06-20-2005


Here is the electronic version of the late he left SA Carson a message esterda ce againand that s throwingcompletely statements ludicroustheregeta riseoutto out us. ofid It I II-u - 0llllll,-_ll 1-, 1- Ill - Ian-nu-_ ' _| _- I A A A _ |'F|opefU|'|y- once the civil na overllS Fl" end'fHisIT youhave nonsense. questions, any please ca|'| me.


6/20/2005 iqqcvor n:>,-/as/ll{j_ f, ~ _/K-. 1!: ,:_,;-;,__¢,I92/Iessage. PageI of1 in I ILA! FBI! From: I IILA! FBI! Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 9:20 AM T<>= |:| LA! FBI!

.Ul92lQL/_L&SLlilEQ >79 Iiljaili his isjust a quick e-mail regardingour conversationlast nightwhen I informed you abouta message: whenI eftckecked on my my work voice messages. maiiI onobviously June 17,did 2005return Sunday not call. night! at 6:00stated his PMHe thatwanted I received lethe aroundknow me 7:00that Ito PM pecificaliystated the FBI is onlynoted a few timesI IHe added wantshe meto re urn IS ca as he is very "perplexed" on why I have been I Iand and what my reason wantsto forknow doingwhy this I is.have Hedone added I h-re stated this his In hatmessage I stowhich e is saved thaI Itold himthis. - - lam veryfamiliar withSSnd his ast reIati0nshi sIhave spoke2 =uI ' A I 0- - uT JiETiTi nr-0| - -- I .- 1| -1- In ' - '

I wontbore ouwith allthe other details,the but bottom lineis I haveno idea whatI Is talking about regarding steaIingI-Y I id call me 2 weeks ago asking if there was something I could do to squash a subpoena he received to tes' I Int g isweII_k civii case.' I returned his messagestating therewas nothing II I didcouldnot do about speakwit that irectIyi and added Ihope a dou meand I go FBIalong netheas I kno an IS as veryupsetgoing to try andhow aboutgetwas heto him somethinhandledsayby: Ia reador unethical what happened between thos two!.


6/20/2005 92 / ' 5-C-":l_L_;£ :1: . 1; »_

Witness in B.l.G. Case Says His Memory'sBad o The admission comes as trial is set to begin in suit led by family of slain rap star against the city.

On the eve of testifying about the murder of Notorious B.l.G., a prime witness for the ' I hag, revealed that he suffers from severe memory lapses I I Pvho was expectedto provide eyewitness testimonytying corrupt police officers to alleged conspirators behind the 1997 slaying, spoke out Friday after learning that an arrest i warrant had been issued to force him to testify in the family's wrongful- death lawsuit against the city of Los Angeles. ADVERTISEMENT 92 The suitis setto go to trial b6 -92 / federal/ Tuesdaycourt.in Los Angeles b"IC

Notorious B.t.G., born

____ l°? '. r-ham; 2-4~"-'t- .,/ 1'v .9 II

Christopher Wallace,was gunned down March9, 1997, after a music industry party outside the Peterson AutomotiveMuseum in the Mid- Wilshire district. The case has spawned several investigations,and a cottage industry of books, documentaries andmagazine articles exploring possible conspiracy theories involvingWallace and Tupac Shakur, the other leading rap artist of his generation, who was shot to death in Las Vegas the year before. No one has been charged in either slaying. b6

Early on, Los Angeles Police Departmentdetectives speculatedthat the WC killings stemmed from a turf war between East Coast and West Coast rappers. Before their deaths, Shakur and Wallace had been feuding, and a rivalry betweentheir recordlabeisl |L0s Angeles- based Death Row and New York-based Bad Boy Entertainment, had escalated into a series of assaults _and shootings. | ago, thataeginex-APD anand other relatives office sued the cit threeonspired years |to killi |The suitsa Y s |ambushed Wallaceas his LImotorcade waitedat a stoplight.

However, the FBI, citing lack of evidence, closed an investigation into this theoryJanuary. in June On 13,the familydroppedl as defendants in the suit.

The next day, the rapper's relativespersuaded U.S. Dis ' Florence-Marie Cooper to issue the arrest warrant after to answer a subpoena to testify in the trial. statements Friday cast furtherdoubtthe on theory at thecenter of the lawsuit: that corrupt police officers orchestrated the slaying of the 24- year-old rapper, and that top |_APD ofcials covered up their actions. ina declarationled June6, 2004,| I | |had "personal knowledge"regarding Wallace's slaying, alleging i'haF"persons Deathwithin Row Records offered$25,000 to a law enforcement officer" to kill the rapper.

Accordin t eclaralion, it was "well known within Death Row" the iher LAPD aP record la observe at the 1995 Black ImageAwards, a 1996 boxing match in Las Vegas and "numerous Death Row functions" that were reserved for

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|:|close associates. On Fridayl Ithei Ilegal team had"altered" his statements before placing them in the declaration.

"My statements were taken out of contex Some thin s in there I never even said. They added them in. As far a ' w parties, I never said that.

I lhe takes "ful|blame" signing for false a declaration. ||:|l signedoffit ondayone [one whenthel of !lawyers] said it was imperative that it be signed. The fact IS, s imme rough the papers, butI didn't really read it. ljust signedit." . b6 Attorneysth state for suggestedthai:'vas to b'7c afraid testify. lhave recentlyexpres r and reluctance to voluntaril Y P artlci Pate," said attorne An earlier motion that we led on his behalf to preserve his testimony because he was afraid was fought by the city, and the court denied it being taken. Now here we are on the eve of trial and it'swonder he no attempts to distance himseif from statements he made long before a lawsuit was ever led." In hisdeclaration I


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