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Pacific eeklyW , March 17, 1958

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Thursday Cretan Woman"

at Opens

8:15 P.M. Wednesday Vol. 56 C.O.P. — STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA MARCH 14, 1958 — No.% SECONDARY CREDENTIAL PROGRAM SET; DR. HUNT GIVES PACIFIC DEBATERS BRING HOME OMITS GRADUATE YEAR OF SCHOOL LIBRARY TO COP Dean Marc Jantzen has announced a new program for earning Pacific's "Mr. California," Dr. FOUR TROPHIES FROM LINFIELD >'s general secondary credential without going for a graduate Rockwell Hunt, is giving his per­ ar to school. This program comes from a similar one that has sonal library of books on West­ en going on for general elementary majors. ern America and California to the COP library, it has been re­ NDARY CREDENTIAL vealed. RAM Dova Appears The collection consists of about In order to qualify for the sec- 1000 volumes, including 110 rare credential, a student must: and special editions, more than ) take some of the teacher edu- At Convocation 75 autographed volumes, several ition courses in his junior year, hundred pamphlets, many bound ) take General High School volumes of local historical maga­ [ethods and the methods course zines, and extensive files of news­ his teaching major in his se- paper clippings. ilor year, (3) as a high senior do This material has been assem­ Let ice teaching in his major bled by Dr. Hunt in the course of hly (this takes care of half of 70 years of study o f California usual practice teaching), (4) history. According to Dr. Eiselen, itain the usual degree in June, the collection now in the process I earn 30 units of graduate of being catalogued "will be a irk to complete the general distinct addition to the already indary credential by going to outstanding collection of books in weeks of summer session fol- this field." ng graduation, (12 units), iring the first year of teaching Wklng seminars and directed 87 Make Dean's List itjudy (6 units), and attending mother ten weeks of summer ses- For Fall Semester Dn after the first year of teach- A total of 87 College of the lig (12 units). COP students and faculty are Pacific students are listed on the J The first year of teaching must In for a special treat at Convo­ dean's list for the fall semester Returning victorious from Linfield, and showing the trophies |


NEW, imaginative photography NEW, color production - over 40 pages NEW, strong attractive cover NEW, creative layout design NEW, low price ONLY $600 CIIIC one FRIDAY. MARCH 21st PACIFIC WEEKLY — MARCH 14, 1958 EPSILON'S DANCE WAC Representative COP STUDENT 23 COP Women Enter Home Ec Club Leaves On Frisco Field Trip SET FOR TONIGHT At COP On March CSTA OFFICER Miss Stockton Contest The Home Economics Club of Tonight, March 14, Epsilon The College of the Pacific is Captain Mildred G. Qualit College of the Pacific has plan­ Lambda Sigma presents its an­ from Headquarters Sixth Betty Blakley was recently ap­ well represented in the Miss pointed state chairman of the ned a field trip to San Francisco nual Kiddie Dance from 9 to 12 Army, Presidio of San Francisco Stockton contest of 1958. The California Student Teachers As­ today. at Micke's Grove. The attire is will be at COP on March 17 sociation Program Evaluation contest is sponsored by the Stock­ The trip will include a tour of that of one's favorite nursery talk with women students inter- I. Magnin's to observe new de­ Committee. ton Junior Chamber of Com­ rhyme personality, comic strip ested in work opportunities as sign in fashion, lunch, a tour of merce and is to be held at the character, cowboy, etc. officers of the Women's Army The purpose of this committee the Pacific Gas and Electric Com­ Corps. is to study the purposes and pro­ Stockton Hotel on April 30, 1958. pany to observe the new elec­ Attendance is by invitation grams of the state chapters of The Women's Army Corps ij The girls representing COP tronic oven, and finally a tour of only. the CSTA in the fields of pro­ now offering direct commissions are from Tau Kappa Kappa— Sunset Kitchens. as second and first lieutenants to gram and structure of the asso­ The group will leave at 7 a.m., Elvera Steiner, Donna Farber, college graduates between the ciation. and they will return to the col­ This committee is composed of Betty Blakley, Carol Blackham, Attention Faculty Wives ages of 20 and 33 who have the lege at 6 p.m. mental, physical, and moral quail- members from all over the state. and Chris Fee; from West Hall— As you may have already fications required of officers in They recently met in Los An­ Laura Woodard, Joann Smothers, "Shamrock Shuffle" heard, the Home Economics the Corps. geles and will soon meet at Asilo- Elsa Madsen, Andy Chetaud; department i s compiling a A newly instituted program is mar. from Epsilon Lambda Sigma — Planned By Zeta Phi booklet of fayorite recipes. If directed towards college juniors, The COP chapter of CSTA is Myrna McWilliams, Annette Tomorrow night, March 15, Ze­ you have a favorite recipe who now can become acquainted now sponsoring a membership Vanier, K a t h y Tenant, Marion ta Phi will hold a dance, "The which you would like to have with military life during the sum­ drive. Those interested in ioinin,joining Johnson, Dottie Busher, Donna Shamrock Shuffle," featuring a included in this booklet, please mer by spending a month with can see Betty, who is membership Hudson, and Carolyn Martin; St. Patrick's Day motif. A pre- mail it to Miss Anne Nelson, pay at the WAC Center. chairman, or Ed Leonard, presi­ from Zeta Phi—Jean Avery. rush function, it will take place c/o Home Economics Depart­ Women wishing t o inform Alpha Theta Tau's entrants are from 9 o'clock to 12 midnight at dent. ment, College of the Pacific. themselves about opportunities in During the first weekend of Pat Pagel and Linda Pyle, while the house, and the dress will be This will be the last an­ the military establishment avail­ Easter vacation, CSTA members from South Hall, Susie Stienko, sport. nouncement. able to them upon graduation are may attend a Problems Confer­ Gail Miller, Sherrie Heakin, and Attendance is by invitation invited to talk with Capt. Quails, ence at Fresno State. Jean Hopkin are entered. only.



1700 Pacific Ave

the chemise Our Spring Capezio Collection just for the fashion fun of it NOW COMPLETE \ be young at heart CaPe*i*«< by Capezio let the chemise bring you THE DANCER'S COBBLER SINCE 1887 fashion with a young feel—let down your hair— loosen up—gals—and have the time of your life the chemise way—designed to fit where it should— blousing where it would Peak pump with red-white-blue daisies. Capezio red and grey tweed cornflower blue kid 11.95 sizes 10-14 17.98


Black patent LOOK EXCITING T Strap FOR RUSHING Sanda! 15 different styles 15.95 some extreme, some moderate some dressy, some casual from 11.98

V Shell—wide bar pump . . . white kid patent and 15:95 black kid . . . brass center bow 11.95

PARK FREE SPACIOUS— CONVENIENT — OPEN MONDAYS TILL 9 Page Five jjDALlNE'S WISDOM Orchesis To Sponsor Pan-Hell Rushing To Begin Monday Modern Dancer Here 1 Beginning Monday afternoon, Tau Kappa Kappa; and Wednes­ On Thursday, March 20, at 8:15 March 17, the girls on campus day—Epsilon Lambda Sigma. for SOPHISTICATES p.m., Orchesis, modern dance so­ will find themselves following a Dress for the functions varies ciety at College of the Pacific, semi annual pattern which is the to some extent. Rushees are ex­ result of Pan-Hellenic rushing. pected to wear suits or dresses will present the nationally-known , „ Readers, raining. She said it was snowing. That afternoon, those who are with hats and heels for the V** now that man's re- k Do you know who was right? creative dance artist, Jean Erd­ interested in rushing will at­ "black tea." The coke date is more 00 chiD with the opposite sex man. tend a meeting where members 01 t~. Riddled casual with sporty dress. Sunday h" ^ Yjvided roughly into six Dear Riddled, of the Pan-Hell Council will ex­ C'-v Already recognized as one of afternoon at the dessert, dresses, plain the procedure for the fol­ hats, and heels should be worn. Rudolph, the Red, knows rain the finest of contemporary chore­ tt'haaa! I want my mama! dear! lowing two weeks. For the dinner, the girls wear ographers and soloists. Miss Erd­ 1\ rti'sn.G'wan,_ beat it. We don't Immediately after the meeting dressy dresses and heels. -rtly Old girl playing with us. man has won many important Dear Readers, awards. Her amazing range ex­ "silence" begins, a time during Hushing activities wind up on i Gee, Myrtle, you're beauti- Thursday, which is Preference mail I don't think I ever saw a story tends from satire and humor to which girls affiliated with a so­ Day. After the girls have picked sweep across the nation as quick­ the deeply serious and tragic. rority and those unaffiliated may "4' If you don't marry me, I'll up their bids In the dean's office, ly as the one about the man who With a sensitive lyric and poetic not converse except to say "hel­ •hoot myself- they go to their respective interrupted a match-deciding putt lo" on campus. A sign-up sheet 5 Go home to your mother. See quality, she combines her dynamic houses for an open house. Each on the eighteenth green to stand is posted in Dean Davis' office ve a arn modern and original works into sorority has an open house where i( I ri d ' respectfully, hat In hand, while a special blend of freedom and for girls who must talk because 6 Kitchy-kitchy-koo! Did you of a class, meeting, or something refreshments are served, and the that, Alice? She said a funeral procession rumbled by subtlety. Her development o f new pledges are Introduced to on the road behind him. Then he dance has included almost every similar. •Grandpa!" The rushing functions begin other guests. sank his putt. "Congratulations," form of traditional movement as That night all the sorority said his opponent grudgingly. "It well the arts, music, poetry, and with (he "black tea" on Wednes­ Dear Addy, day night. Saturday and Sunday girls and their new pledges are took iron nerve not to let that visual design. One of my friends told me a are the coke date and dessert, guests at Archania's Belle Func­ riddle, and I can't figure it out. funeral procession fluster you Tickets for the performance are tion. At this event a girl from into missing your putt!" respectively. The dinners are A high Soviet commissar named priced at 50 cents for students scheduled as follows: Monday — one of the pledge classes is se­ Rudolph Mozoltoff was walking "It wasn't easy," admitted the and one dollar for adults. Alpha Thela Tau; Tuesday — lected to be Archania's Belle. d0VVn the street with his wife victor. "On Saturday we would |when a drop of moisture settled have been married 25 years." his shirt. He said that it was Ad-libs: It's really something when someone can steal the show from Darla Zunino, but that's just what happened at the Omega Phi Fashion Show. Ed Sowash really was quite impressive In his ruffles and formal bermudas! The Epsilon Kiddie Dance is tonight at Micke's Grove . . . The word for the week has been "Give to WUS" . . . Everyone had a ball at the Alpha Thete Black and White Ball, and the whole campus knew it . . . Welcome back, Rhi- zomia! . . . It's phenomenal! Huh, Mr. Bersi? . . . Speaking of Mr. Bersi, did you know that number one in his record collection is Ricky Nelson's "Stood Up" and "Waiting in School?" . . . Con­ gratulations to all the new AWS THE WEEK officers: Marielle Tsukamoto, Pat By CAROLINE JAMIESON Mondon, Gaylene Nichols, Beth This week's personality for Akers, Shirley Daulton Corrine Woman of the Week is Sandy Connolly, Thais Kishi, and Joan blnson. She has been selected Wemple . . . What can we say her sorority sisters of Epsilon about Gary Brink? Once again, ' la Sigma. it's phenomenal!! . . . Everyone had a wonderful time at TK's Sandy is a native of the city dance last Friday night ... So­ °' Eureka. She is now a junior rority rushing begins with Si­ is majoring in elementary lence on this coming Monday . cation. After she receives her Alpha Thete's card party is this PHYLLIS HERBERT teaching credential, she wants to ea Saturday afternoon . . . Ask Noel ch a second, third or fourth Manoukian about the latest hate Senior fade class. joke. It's a winner! Epsilon Lambda Sigma Very much interested in young Y ren> she was a leader of a group for three years. She .. Social Scene.. as also taught Sunday School ^ses in the past. Reading, Friday 8:30 Pacific Theatre: ayng the piano, and swimming she looks ahead in fashion "The Chalk Garden" 'west include<1 'n her many in- 9-12 Epsilon Lambda She buys tomorrow's clothes to wear today—with Sigma's Kiddie Dance "The Look Ahead." Her "Sidellner" top, multi- France, and Italy, Wednesday % on the , sej Was most impressed and Studio Theatre: Avenue "The Cretan Woman Sand by her stay in Italy- Alpha Kappa Lambda glri wif & sweet and charming 138 at COp° I bad an active career Rush Dinner the rv,is WelTqualified to hold Thursday w^Positi°n of Woman of the Omega Phi Rush Dinner 8:00 Jane Erdman Page Six PACIFIC WEEKLY — MARCH 14, 1958

A-1 Cleaners' Mystery The Pacific Sport Scrapbook Tiger Of The Week By SAL CORTES / The 1947-1949 years in football were the most notable years in Pacific sports history; although some former COP students may By DAVE DAVIS debate that AMOS ALONZO STAGG'S 1943 squad was just as good. In writing a story of this sort, one must consider it strictly - But the years from 1947-49 proved to be the years that COP matter of opinion. "grew up" from "small time" college football tradition, to establish When the question comes up on: "Who do you think is t)» itself as one of the strongest independent college football teams best college basketball player of all times?" There are many things in the coast. During these to be considered. Whether he is playing now — How strong ^ years, Pacific was put on the the competition he played against sports map of the nation. — If you have seen him play — What is he better on, defense or CAMPORA, LE BARON, offense and numerous other AND RHODE BIG GUNS things. Led by All-American quar­ Sometime tomorrow, BILL VON HOORBECK, A-l's cam­ In stating my opinion on who terback EDDIE LE BARON, pus representative, will tele­ I think is the best basketball the Tigers, during this three- phone one of the COP living player of all times, I would have groups; whoever answers the to draw my conclusion upon two year period, defeated some o f call will have one chance to the strongest major college identify correctly the Mys­ players. One for defense and one teams in the nation; they won tery Athlete. Other living for offense. groups will be telephoned if In choosing the best defensive all but two games in this three- the previous contestants an­ year span. Teamed along with swer incorrectly. player of all times I would have LeBaron were JOHN RHODE, The wining prize will be to say , former Uni­ JOHN RHODE versity of San Francisco star, who became an All-Coast end, the contestant's purchases of DAVE DAVIS and DON "TINY" CAMPORA, All-Coast Tackle. Both are now as­ the preceding week — free of now with the . charge! sistant coaches to the Tigers' MOOSE MYERS. During Russell's college career, he developed tremendous timing Can YOU Identify our COP Former COP students will also remember former Tiger stars tiger? in order to block many opponents' shots. His rebounding was su- such as DON BROWN, "CORKY" ORTIZ, HARRY KANE and BOB perior in college and is still going strong in the pros. FRANCESCHINI, who teamed up along with Le Baron, Rhode, DRIVE-IIV In choosing the greatest offensive player of all times, I would and Campora, to produce one of the strongest and toughest teams have no other choice than to say Elgin Bayler, who is now playing on the coast. CLEANERS with the University of Seattle. He is a junior in college and is Every big name sports writer, as well as many professional currently leading the nation in scoring thus far this season. scouts, were present at not a few of the Tigers games to observe 1603 PACIFIC AVE. Through his college career he has managed to be in the top the great and masterful playing of Le Baron and his Tiger team­ five scorers or leading the scorers. mates. One way in which Russell has an edge over Bayler is the fact At the end of the 1949 football season COP was ranked 10th that Russell has had the chance to prove himself in the pros, nationally in the major college polls. I would like to quote the whereas Bayler has not as yet. PACIFIC WEEKLY of December 2, 1949 which states: "These past KAMPUS KIDS three years have pulled us right out of the small college level and By OLA LEE MURCHISON immediately. I forced my finger had his car stolen the other night. has given COP more publicity than the school ever dreamed of through the dirt in the box and Gary loaned his car to a friend before. The valley people, the Bay Area people, and in general, Yes!!! I was bitten by a gopher. moments later I yelled, jerked who went to San Francisco and all up and down the coast and throughout the nation, many people You know, one of those things out my hand, and attached to my returned without his '57 Oldsmo- tried to help our college because they were 'taken in' by the big that lives underground and is finger was this gopher. bile convertible. Gary was wait­ time playing and spirit shown by a small college. The climb of about the size of a large rat. This I didn't know whether to run ing at another friend's house here Eddie Le Baron and Pacific to national notice upon a great combina­ gopher had small eyes and short or faint. Luckily, I didn't do in Stockton, for his car, which tion of students, team, and supporters, has become a saga of human ears, strong claws on the fore- either one. Instead, I did every­ was to be returned at 2:9 endeavor in the annals of Pacific sports." limbs, and very large cheek thing that came to my mind in o'clock. After his friend failed to pouches. I believe it was a pocket order to get rid of the gopher. return, Gary came back to the CAMPORA AND RHODE TOGETHER AGAIN gopher. The time, day, and place After a short frightful struggle, campus and went to bed. Hh These are the years that former Pacific students and even was 12 o'clock, Wednesday the I went to the infirmary and got a friend came in about 4:00 o'clock present students will remember as Pacific's football dynasty. I would 5th, in front of Quonset F. Let tetanus shot. The doctor in­ in the morning, awakened Gary just like to add that with both Campora and Rhode now as assistants me tell you the whole story: formed me that if the gopher and told him that his car was to Myers, perhaps some of their glorious feats and endeavors of A couple of the freshmen foot­ died within four days, it had stolen. Gary thanked his friend their 4749 years as Tigers will be stimulated and rubbed off on this ball players caught a gopher last rabies. I was really scared and for telling him and rolled over year's Bengal squad . . . Too bad Le Baron isn't available. and went back to sleep. It wasnt Tuesday night and put him in a every day for the next four days? box filled with dirt. They kept it I took food and water over to until the next morning that Gary inside Quonset F that night, and the gopher to make sure he would was fully aware of what has the next day took it outside. stay alive. I even started to buy happened. Also stolen were PARDON About 11:30 Wednesday, I was some oxygen tanks and attached firearms which were in his ca- on my way to the radio station them to his back. at the time. when I passed by Quonset F and I would like to congratulate OUR DUST! saw 6 or 7 students standing in If you have ever seen me walk­ Miss Patricia Allen for the article a circle and observing what ap­ ing out of the cafeteria carrying she wrote in last week's papej we're GROWIN' peared to me to be just a plain, vegetables, it was food for Fred­ on, ARE FOOTBALL PLAYER2 dy the gopher. As long as with the cardboard box. My curiosity was PAMPERED. There were quickly aroused, so I went up to Freddy was alive, I was not wor­ a few fallacies in the articles, bu Miracle Mile see what was going on. ried, but the moment he appeared she did a fine job expressing h# TAKE IT EASY! They saw me coming so I guess as though he wanted to "kick the self. I must admit, she really h* bucket," I just wouldn't let him. a e RENT A TYPEWRITER they had planned to trick me. I most of the football pl Y am easily tricked and they knew Now that the 4-day period is over, stirred up. OR ADDING MACHINE shop GLUSKIN's for it. I walked up and asked, "Hey! Freddy can die or do whatever BY THE WEEK, MONTH, What's goi]ng on, fellows?!' he desires. The only thing I have OR QUARTER . .. Hallmark Cards "Nothing," was the reply. One left to say is that "I have learned of the guys said, "Ola, stick your my gopher lesson." . All Makes and Models . . For EASTER hand in the box." Without think­ GARY KAUFMAN, COP bas- If you decide to purchase a ing of the consequences, I acted ketball player from New York, new or used machine the rental for everyone on your list will be applied on the purchase and for ALL your Band Frolic Record5 price. Photo Needs FOR SLICK, SHARP, SHORT SNACKS — AVAILABLE — Order your records as soon * AND SNAPPY SERVICE possible — any 2 groups °n 10" LP — $3.12 Inc. Tax Sanflouquin —TRY — Quality BUSINESS MACHINES CAMERA GORNER Recording Service 114 N. California St. THE END ZONE 1217 N. WILSON WAY Phone HO 5-5881 2034 PACIFIC YOUR ON-CAMPUS REFRESHMENT CENTER — HO 4-7464 Open Thursday 'til 9 P.M. Page Seven PACIFIC WEEKLY — MARCH 14, 1958 Wright All-WCAC Pick you can remember all the rain during February.) THE PACER On March 7, COP dropped a with Jack Marden close one to USF, 10-11 in 11 innings. The following day the WILL RUSSIA DOMINATE TRACK AND FIELD Tiger batsmen dropped a double ,N xHE I960 OLYMPICS? header (6-1 and 64)) to Sacra­ The answer to this question can be none other than "no." The mento State. US. will continue to predominate in track and field for many years Last Tuesday the diamond to come. Our men took most of the gold medals for a good reason. Pacific Nine Gets boys showed signs of life by out- It was a magnificent example of free enterprise. There is no super- Off Te Slow Start hitting the University of Califor­ race or super-men. Our men were better prepared for the tests, nia, 10 hits to 6. CHUCK CHAT- and we had the extra lift that brought victory ht times when the By DAVID TOWELL FIELD pitched a good 6-hit ball finish was nip and tuck. It's sure we will get better in the next game and DICK BASS came four years while using the same methods we always have, and Coach SID HALL'S COP base- through with 3 hits. The entire other nations surely realize this fact. ballers have, unfortunately, got­ team looked very good, but, un­ You may also notice that other nations are copying our methods, ten off to a rather slow start. In fortunately, all COP's 10 hits and even training boys in our country. There were four or five fact they have lost their first didn't come in the same inning, medal winners in the last Olympics who won the prizes for other four ball games, but in all fair­ thus causing the Tigers to have countries although they went to school in the U.S. The U.S. may ness to the team, it should be many men left on base; and this even give the longer distances more attention, and we may sweep realized that they actually had cost them the game. (UC won 4-3.) even more of the short events. little practice before playing their The Bengals of baseball fame first few games. (If you will will open their home season to­ •I'M LEARNING COACH!" think back just a bit no doubt day against Santa Clara at Billy The COP gymnastics program has been going strong for over Hebert field; game time — 2 a month now. The group, which consists of JIM KLIENSCHMITT, acif/, o'clock. They will continue their LEROY WRIGHT, rated as one NURHAN AGHAZARIAN, TOM HOWARD, JOHN HUMPHREYS, home stand with a twin bill on of the best sophomore players in LLOYD BACON and PHRA BLAKELEY, has progressed in the 1 5 Saturday (that's tomorrow in the nation, was named to the various stunts until it is now working on the rings. (If you fall case you didn't know) against 1958 West Coast Athletic Con­ from up there even the mats feel like concrete!) the Cal. Aggies. These two ference all-star team. The bal­ Nurhan Aghazarian and Phra Blakeley seem to be the most games with the Aggies will be at loting was extremely close in the versatile so far. Nurhan has had experience in Europe, while Phra Stockton College field, but after selection of Wright (COP) over has had a great deal of training in his high school program in that all home ball games will be Los Angeles. Art Day (USF) for the pivot spot. Others selected on the first at Billy Hebert Field. P.S.—Dick Bass has been hit­ SPORTS NEWS? team were: (USF), ting the "old ball" quite a bit This may not be exactly sports news, but it's a first! KIRK Sterling Forbes (Pep.), Gene this year, for a change. He is SCHEUFELE, a member of Coach Moretti's tennis team, was mar­ Brown (USF), and Dick Sigaty currently batting .333. ried to Margaret Hardwig of West Chester on March 1 at the First (SMC). Methodist Church in Sacramento. Congratulations, Kirk! For the first time in the his­ "DOES IT DEPEND ON ME?" tory of the West Coast Athletic To the many fans who root for their home team in swimming i, Conference, a dead heat developed DRY GLEANED and track, there is nothing more exciting than cheering for the in the race for individual scoring anchor man on the final relay, the man who can either win or lose honors as two sophomores, Le- AND PRESSED a meet. It all depends on his performance, so let's say he has a slight SLACKS lead or is slightly behind—it makes no difference, as long as it's roy Wright of the College of the SWEATERS within reason. Now, what do you think is going through the Pacific, and Sterling Forbes of JACKETS anchor man's mind as his time approaches? All of this "you can George Pepperdine College, SKIRTS do it" and "rah, rah" is all right, but it does no good because it's wound up the league season with SHIRTS obvious that he will give his all. What does go through his mind 191 points and an average of 49c (Sports Type) is one of three things: 1—"It's a cinch." 2—"It's almost impossible." 15.92 points per game. 3—"It's a toss-up." It wouldn't be so bad except number three Wright was also the DRESSES seldom arises. As an example of what I mean I'd like to take champion, hauling down just O'COATS last week's swim meet in which COP competed against Arden Hills. over 19% of all opportunities in LADIES' Arden Hills had a strong team, but COP held on until the final & COP games to lead the pack by MEN'S relay on which the meet depended. ROGER MOREAU swam anchor a wide margin. He took 219 re­ SUITS 89c for COP and Ted Baker was the anchor for Arden Hills. As the bounds in 12 games for a 19.06 final race progressed, it was evident that Roger would have about average per game. a yard lead. Now, what was Roger thinking? (You must also re­ These Our Our member that when ydu're in a sport you usually know the ability Another player from the Col­ of your opponent.) I'll bet 10 to 1 it was number two — "almost lege of the Pacific squad who Regular Prices impossible." Roger's best in the 100 was around 55, while Ted's received WCAC honors was was 51—quite a difference! KEN FLAIG who made honor­ As it turned out, Roger swam an early season swifty in 55, able mention. Flaig finished Week-end Special while Ted edged him with approximately a 54. You see, Roger ninth in the scoring race and didn't give up! fifth in the rebound competition. He scored 161 points in 12 games SPORT GOATS for a 13.42 average per game, and collected 134 rebounds in 12 0 STRIEGEL IN LeROY WRIGHT games for a 11.69 average per 33 1st Team All-League . . game. Bring COUPON with you 'STAR LINEUP By DAVID DAVIS, Jr. Expires March 24 BILL STRIEGEL, star lineman on last year's football team, has FINEST WORKMANSHIP been selected to play in the 25th UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED annual College-Pro All-Star foot­ SPRING SPORT SUPPLIES ball game! This game will be TENNIS "The Biggest Name played this coming August a t In Dry Cleaning!" Soldiers Field in Chicago, Illinois. GOLF BADMINTON The all-star squad will have the PAYLESS best senior football players of SWIMMING last year, and will be coached by GLEANERS Otto Graham, former quarter­ back great with the Cleveland 7503 Browns. In July, Striegel will re­ PACIFIC AVE. port to Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. NEXT DOOR TO The all-stars will b e pitted — ON THE CAMPUS FOR YOU — HOPPES PIZZA PARLOR against the Detroit Lions, the champs of professional football. Page Eight PACIFIC WEEKLY — MARCH 14, 1958 June Grads "THE CHALK GARDEN" SCORES (Continued from page 1) AWS Elects Officers For '58-'59; AS PACIFIC THEATRE OPENER sara, Robert; Asami, Kanju Rich­ By TOM CLOUD ard; Auld, Julie; Avila, Henry; Marielle Tsukomato Is President Axe, Sharon; Baldwin, Donald; Last Friday evening, March 7, Pacific Theatre presented Batchelor, Rex Charles; Baum opening night performance of "The Chalk Garden, a three-act pijv gartner, Jay; Bentley, Floyd; Ber- by Enid Bagnold under the direction of DeMarcus Brown. bano, Graesanto; Bersi, Robert; Unfortunately, somes o m e rumors-f- Bossert, Donald; Boston, John; have spread around campus that I felt her acting was more like a Bowdish, Mark; Brant, Nancy; the play is not worth seeing and beautiful poetry recitation and Breene, Rita; Bristow, William; that Melvin Bennett of the Stock­ must admit it was the first tii^ Brockhoff, Stanley; Brooks, Lee; ton Record has given it a "thumbs I was ever disappointed with one Brown, Hazel; Brown, John W.; down" review. It is true that of Pacific's most talented ani Buffum, Weston; Burbank, Alice Bennett has "blasted" just about "top-notch" stars . . . Mary; Bush, Maxine H.; and By- everyone and everything — from The scenery is ingenious and bee, Jack. the actors to the play itself. There ties in superbly with the theme Cain, Clark G.; Carpenter, Kit; is no doubt about it, some of his Chatfield, Charles; Cheang, Ger­ of the play. The grayness of the criticisms are valid; but, how scenery and the overtone o! ald; Chong, Jacquelyn; Chrisly, constructive they ai*e I don't hon­ Jean; Cline, Clifford; Cogorne, "grayness" of the lives of the estly know. As usual, he seems, characters fit in nicely with one Lois; Coleman, Arthur; Cornell, in my opinion, to be generally a another. Kenneth; Crockett, James; Crowe, very one-sided critic with a pure­ Sharon; Cummings, Willard; ly subjective outlook. GOOD START Curtis, Charles; Davidson, Glen; All in all, I think Pacific Thea Davies, Rhys; Davis, David, Jr.; PLAY HAS CHARM tre can "chalk" this play up a; Day, Dennis; Dearing, Louis How­ Granted, the play is not par­ being a promising and successful ard; DeCarli, Joan; Doud, Gene Pictured above is the new AWS board. They are (2nd row, ticularly an exciting one; neither start of its theatrical season. ] Doyle, Constance; Driscoll, Don­ 1 to r) Corrinne Connolly, Joan Wemple, Beth Akers, Shirley Daulton, is its story anything sensational. urge everyone who can possiblj ald; Duns, Donald. and Thais Kishi. Seated (1 to r) are Gaylene Nichols, Marielle Tsuka- Yet, it has a certain charm all its attend to take advantage of this Earley, Marilyn; Eisenbrey, moto, and Pat Mondon. own; and I'm sure, if given the cultural aspect. It promises ; Maureen; Embry, William; Fair­ proper audience attention, the well-spent evening of good efi banks, Willemina; Ferreira, Dean; year. Also a Spur, Gaylene has subtleties of the play will be well Marielle Tsukamoto was tertainment. Remember that to Flaig, Kenneth; Flentge, Patrick; been active in WRA and Orchesis. received and appreciated. Perhaps elected AWS president for 1958-59 night and tomorrow night are Fukumoto, Earl; Gasser, Gary; Beth Akers and Shirley Daul­ it is well to keep in mind that last Thursday. She will accom­ the last performances of "The Gayaldo, Virginia; Geisler, Jane; ton take over the jobs of record­ this is not a drama with "slap pany present AWS president, Chalk Garden." Tickets are fro Gilderman, Deanne Fish; Gior­ ing and corresponding secre­ stick" elements of comedy. It Judy McMillin, to the annual with student body cards. Curtair dano, Rita; Golenor, Robert; taries. Both Spurs, the girls plan has a definite story to be told; AWS convention on April 19, in and, although it is amusing and time is at 8:30 p.m. Green, Thomas; Greene, Christo­ Pullman, Washington. Marielle, to continue their active partici­ pher; Guezec, Priscilla. pation in school activities in AWS "light" drama, it still has enough a junior elementary education ma­ suspense and surprise in it to Hamilton, Barbara; Harrison, jor, has served as treasurer of the next year. Handling the money Roberta; Hench, Marvin David; will be Corrinne Connolly. Thais make it for the most part a suc­ organization this year and has cessfully intriguing play . Hench, Sharon Black; Hench, been active in other campus ac­ Kishi, president of Manor Hall, Thomas; Hendry, Lois; Henry, tivities. will serve as historian; and Joan NYLA REIGNS Steven; Herbert, Phyllis; Ho, Wemple will be publicity mana­ I don't think there is any doubt & John; Hoburg, Mason; Holway, First vice-president is Pat Mon­ ger. that this is Nyla Marchese's play! James; Hubler, Barbara; John­ don. Pat served on the AWS The official installation cere­ No one steals the show away from son, Arlyce; Johnson, Howard; Board this semester as WRA rep­ mony will be held on May 1 after her. Her excellent dialogue por­ AMERICAN Johnson, James; Johnson, M. resentative. A former Spur, Pat the AWS Banquet. This formal trayal of Miss Madrigal, a Scot­ has been active in WRA, serving Elisa; Johnston, Mary; John­ installation will take place in tish governess who has a curious as president this year. She is ma­ ston, Norman; Jordan, Ted; Jo- Morris Chapel. and unknown past, is well beyond mum sephian, Robert. joring in physical education and An AWS Leadership Confer­ any stage of mediocrity. Nyla has plans to teach after graduation. Keast, Juliane; Kepford, Jean; ence for both old and new officers a "strong" role. She is the giver Kimble, Terry; King, Sally; Koth, Sophomore Gaylene Nichols will be held in April. The purpose of wisdom, and she is effectively Arthur R.; Kotez, Louis; Kra- was elected to the very import­ of this conference is to discuss stern, composed, and prudent henbuhl, Charles; Krein, Robert; ant job of 2nd vice-president and possible programs, evaluate the whenever her role calls for it. Kurata, Edwin; Lake, Virginia; social chairman. She will be in present program, and orientate Yet, she is also able to project Lemonica, Carol Ann; Larsen, charge of all social activities next the new officers with their jobs. convincingly the gentleness o f George; Leonard, Edward; Little, this woman whenever the situa­ Stanley; Littlejohn, Rae; Lom- tion demands it of her. mel, Estelle; Lust, Esther. McGinley, Charles; McGrouth- FRATERNITY NEWS ELAINE EXCELLENT er, Martha; McGuire, D. Pat; INTRA-FRATERNITY OMEGA PHI ALPHA Elaine Garbolino was excellent McMillin, Judith; McMullin, Mar- COUNCIL Omega Phi has moved into in-her role of Laura, a little girl, cia; Maguire, Patricia; Malloch, Rushing will come to a close their "Brothers' Only" TV and who, because of unrelenting cir­ Judith; Martin, Donald; Meyer, during the next week (March game room, which was recently cumstances, becomes a child of Victor; Miller, Annalee; Morey, 17-21) with the fraternity dinners completed in the basement, re­ lost identity. Her flopping over Pamela; Morley, Carol; Motto, (Alpha Kappa Phi, March 18; ports recorder Paul Fletcher. chairs and sitting on the floor make her a charming and de­ Marcella; Muller, Lulabelle; Mur­ AKL, March 19; and Omega Phi "Tight Suds at OK Corral," lightful figure on the stage. ray, Sylvia. Alpha, March 20) and preference Omega Phi's original cowboy sat­ Elaine has a talent for arousing Nahhas, Fuad; Neal, Howard; day on Friday, March 21. It is ire movie, produced and directed Do you like to laughter and "light-heartedness" Nelson, Anne; Nelson, Olive; hoped that all men who signed up by Roger Moreau, is being prem­ within her audience and then Norton, Eleanor; O'Rourke, Di­ for rushing will find as many iered on April 11 and 12. The turning on quite successfully the ane; Orton, Patty Doll; Osborne, opportunities as possible to meet admission fee is 50c. The movie, "sympathetic touch," which she Polly; Pagel, Patricia; Parker, the members of the three frater­ which lasts 30 minutes, will be travel? does with knowing artistry. Worth; Pearce, Gwendolyn; Por­ nities. shown several times from 8 p.m. Betty Fox has a very dominant If you are single, and betweeen ter, Margaret; Porterfield, Neil; ALPHA KAPPA LAMBDA to 12 p.m. Refreshments will AKL has recently acquired role as the over-bearing grand­ 19 % and 26, there's a splendid Pyle, Linda. also be served. opportunity waiting for you. two new chairs for their living mother of Laura. She fluctuates, Banldn, Edward; Reed, Doro­ 0 thy F.; Reilly, Carroll; Rhodes, room. The fraternity also has PHI DELTA CHI however, in her portrayal of this Along with its current expans' placed one sofa, one three-piece wealthy old woman. At times she American Airlines needs many Estelle; Rigsby, Judith; Robert­ Although making its first ap­ more attractive Stewardesses. son, Arthur; Robinson, Herbert; sectional, and one arm chair in pearance in the fraternity news is very convincing in her acting; then, at other times, she "wav­ You must be 5'2" to 5'8" in heig Ronaldson, William; Salbach, their recreation room. for the spring semester, Phi Del­ 1 President Tom McGinley states ers" about, losing what seems to 130 lbs. or less in proportion Glen; Sanford, Patricia; Scriven, ta Chi has not been inactive. The height with 20/50 eyesight or Charlotte; Smith, Joyce; Smith, that April 26 marks the 44th an­ Alpha Psi chapter at Pacific has be her identity of the role. Never­ hptfpr without onrrective 16"* niversary of Alpha Kappa Lamb­ installed their spring semester theless, on the whole she is con­ Leroy; Smith, Patricia; Stanley, Those accepted have FREE Elizabeth; Stead, Patricia; Strege, da, which was established in 1814 officers: president, Neil Honodel; sistent and good as Mrs. St. TRAINING, excellent salaries Melvin; Striegel, William; Swit- at the University of California. vice-president, Carlo Michellotti; Maugham. liberal expense accounts, and v zer, Ted. ALPHA KAPPA PHI recording secretary, Ronald Tom; Arlen Digitale proves himself privilege of free travel. Taccogna, Jacqueline; Taylor, Archania is proceeding with corresponding secretary, Jerry to be a versatile actor. His part Even though you may not Dorothy; Taylor, Robert; Taylor, plans to refurnish the living room Biagini; treasurer, Ken Zentner; of Maitland, the man-servant, and reach the minimum age William; Tchobanoglous, George; of its house. The fraternity also master-at-arms, Don Tonnemach- one-time conscientious objector, requirement, if you are is planning on planting flowers in is done with fine acting ability. interested in this as a career, Thomas, John Ralph; Thompson, er; inner guard, Don Shirachi; please feel free to discuss Carol; Thompson, George; a recently vacated area in front and prelate, Mel Finos. TRICIA NOT REAL this with us. Thompson, William; Tolboc, Jean; of their house. The Phi Delts have completed Tricia Beattie is usually able to Torchia, Thomas; Torres, Joseph; their rushing with 14 pledges: move any audience with that INTERVIEWS Turner, Barbara; Tylor, Susan; Keith; Williams, Mary Louise; Bob Jackson, Bob Gibson, Rod "indefinable" quality of hers. ON CAMPUS Rogers, Hap Vasconi, Carl Fink, But, although she appeared to be Ulep, Juan; Ulrich, Joan. Willson, Sally Ann; Witzke, Wil­ Tuesday, March 25th Nick Sparios, Len Terra, Del Al- the right person for the role of Van Konynenburg, Mary; Walk­ liam; Wohlgemuth, David; Wolfe, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. er, John; Ward, Robert; Warner, Mary; Wolsey, Jack; Wyant, berti, John Schwartz, Charlie Laura's mother — by looking Russell; Watkins, Marvel; Weast, lice; Yamamoto, Michitaro; Whittenberg, Allan Bond, Allan sophisticated, beautiful, and what Contact Placement Off"" Carol; Weaver, Peggy; Wells, Yorke, Frank; Young, Vera; Rohnow, Roger Taylor, and Gil have you — she just didn't seem for appointment Barrie; Wentz, John; Wilde, Zumwalt, Patricia. Toso. "real" enough in her portrayal.