DIRECTORY.] BUCKING HAM:SHIRE. BRILL. 43 ings or stations: ~tramcars run twice daily each way. Post, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., E. D., P. P., S. B. & .A. & The ehureh of .All S-aints is an ancien•t edifice ()f stone, in L Office.-Richard, i!\Iarriott, sub-postmaster. Letters the Norman, Early English and Perpendicular styles, arrive through Thame at 8 a.m. & 1.30 p.m.; dis­ ronsisting of cha'ncel, erected in r883, at a. cost of £250, patched at 9-55 a.m. & 5-45 p.m.; sundays, arrive nave, soutJh. plain western tower of Perpen­ 8 a.m. & dispatched 5·45 p.m. Telegrams through dicular date with a small lead-covered spire and contain­ ing 6 bells, a saints' beR and a. large chiming clock, placed 22 Dec. r894, at the cost of Mr. T. H. Seargeant, OOUNTY M.A.GliSTRA.TES FOR THE .ASHE).JJEN of Londo'n: at the east end olf the north aisle there is an Early English window ; and there are also two Norman PETTY SESSIO:K.A.L DIVISION. doorways: tlhe fowt consists of an octagonal basin on an .Aubrey-Fletcher The Rt. Hon. Sir Henry hart. P.C., C.B., heptagonal base: an addition was made on the nortlh side M.P. house, Thame of the chure'h. in 1838, when tJhe old Saxon wall on that Goldsmid Septimus esq. Manor house, Brill, Thame side was removed: painted figures on both sides of the Griffin James Whitehouse esq. Towe-rsey manor, Thame chancel aroo, which had been plast-ered over to preserve Dodwell Herbert esq. The Manor, , Thame them from deSitruoti(m by t!he Purirl:ans at the time of Higgins-Bernard Francis ~-ringham- esq. Hill the Civil War, have recently been exposed to view: the house, .Aylesbury church was restored in r88g ·at a cost of £2,000 : the Morgan Rev. Frederick Francis, Rectory, Ludgershall, Saxon wall on the south side has been removed and a Aylesbury new south aisle corresponding 1;o the nol'th built: all the Pigott Capt. Vincent Randolphe, Denham Hill, Aylesbury o~d features of tfu.e church have been retained: there are Pigott Capt. Wm. Harvey R.N. Doddershall ho. Aylesbury 300 sittings. The register dates from the year 15 69. The Skinner .Alfred Ernest esq. Grendon hall, Aylesbury living is a vicarage, united with , joint net yearly Clerk to the Magistrates, Edward Henry Thomas Few- value £2oo, with residence, in the gift of the Rt. Hon. son !Small M . .A. Town hall, Sir Henry .Aubrey-F1etcher bart. P.C., C.B., M.I;'. and Petty Sessions for the division are held at the Police held since 1902 by the Rev. John Riley M . .A. of Queens' court, Brill, at 1.1 a.m. on mondays monthly & special College, Cambridge. Here is a Congregational chapel, sessions for hearing indictable offences under the built in 1839, and seating 2oo persons; there is also a "Poaching Prevention Act," every monday. The fol- Wesleyan chapel, built in 184r, with sittings for 140, !owing are the places included in the Petty Sessional and a Congregational chapel at Little , built in Division: ., Boarst.all, Brill, Chilton, Dorton~ r847 and seating 150. There are four almshouses en- Grendon Underwood, , Kingswood, Long Oren- dowed by Alice Carter in 1591. A sum of £3oo a year, don, Ludgershall, Oakley, , Whitecross derived from the rental <>f a farm at Boars·tall, is dis- Green Woodham tributed yearly to the poor of Brill and Oakley; also p . ' · . ' . ' · ' eh "t f £ p , f h " h 't · f o1 1ce Statwn, .Allan Swams, mspector, & 2 const-ables L ew1s s ar1 y o 8 ; ym s ree se ooL c an y IS or ; . the education of 10 ohildren; Sir John .Aubrey's charity ,.. T • • • ~s an endowment Df £6o a year on behalf of the NatiDnal PL.ACE::i OF"" ORSHIP, Wlth bmes of ServiCes. schools; Hal't's charity is. for apprenticing poor boys. All Saints' Parish Church, Rev. John Riley M.A. vicar;. The Hampden House Sclhool for young ladies commands a 8 & 11 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; daily services, 8.30 a.m. splendid view of tche surrounding country. In the im- & 4·30 p.m mediate neighbourhood of the town, at tlhe foot of DortQn 1 Congregational, Brill, Rev. Benjamin Baxter; 10.30 a. m. hill, is a minera.l s13ring, the waters of whic-h are oha~y- 1 & 6 p.m. . bea.te, and have been successful in the cure of various Congregatwnal, L1ttle London, 2.30 & 6 p.m cmn.plaints. The ma'nor was once part of the ancient Wesleyan, 11 a.m. 2 & 6 p.m demesne.s of the Crown; and the Pa~ace, re-mains of which are still standing, was said to have been a favourite Elementary Schools. residence of King Edward the Confessor. King John National (mixed), re-erected jn 1870, for r6o children; spent his Christmas here in 1205, and He'nry II. and average attendance, 130; .Alfred Brown, master; :Mrs_ Henry III. also held their courts here. The Rt. Hon. Brown, mistress Sir Hy. Aubrey-Fletcher bart. P.C., C. B., M.P. of Dorton, Infants', built in 1858, for 70 children; average attend­ who is lord of the manor, and Earl Temple are the ·prin­ ance, 65 ; Miss .A.nne Burnett, mistress; l\11ss Bertha cipal landowners. The soil is various; subsoil, variou5. Burnett, assistant mistress The land. is principally used for pasture. The area is Carriers. 2,994 acres; rateable value, £s,oBs; the population in rgor was 1,206. William White, to Thame, tues. ; Oxford, wed. & sat William Wlheeler, to Oxford, wed. & sat.; to Bicester, fri. 'Little London is a picturesque hamlet ha:£ a mile soutlh George Payne, to Aylesbury, wed. & sat.; & Thame. from Brill Oakley. . tues.; & Bicester, friday PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bunyan John Augustus, carpenter & Heiss George, baker & beer reiailert Alien Mrs. Sarah, Windmill street painte-r, High street Windmill street • Anstiss Thomas, High street Burnell John, farmer, Muswell hill Humphreys Ruth (Mrs.), farmer, Baxter Rev.Benjamin(Congregational), Butler .Arthur, plumber & glazier Temple farm High street Eutler JoSoeph, plumber & glazier Hunt Arth. Ernest, grocer, Temple st. Brown Alfred, The S~hool house Chowns George (Mf!s. ), frmr. Lapland Hunt Thoma.s draper, Temple street Clarke Misses (The), Hampden house Claike Misses, boarding school for Hunt William (Mrs.), grocer & genl. Cook Robert Haldane M.D. New house young ladies, Hampden house dealer, High street_ Goldsmid Septimus J.P.The Manor fro Coleman Stephen, grocer & provision Burst George, blacksmith & shop- Graham James William Francis, dealer, Church street keeper, Church street Waterloo house Cook Robert Ealdane M.D., C.M. sur. Jennings Thomas, builder, undertaker, Jones Ralph Augustine, The Grove goon, New house contractor, house decorator & dealer Lear Herbert Nelson, Brill house Cross Roads Brick & Tile Oo. (Lewis in builders' materials, Temple street Lovegrove Miss, Temple street Griffiths, manager) Jennings Thomas (Mrs.), stationer & :Mumford Mrs. A.gnes, The Square Edmands. .Toseph, farmer, Clearfields fancy goods, Temple street Parsons Mrs.. James, High street Fennemore Wm.Jarmer, Cold Harbour Jones Ralph Augustine, secretary to Parsons Wm. Ormond ho. Temple st Franklin Ja,s.. boot ma. The Common the Oxford & .Ayle.sbury Tram Road Perkins Mrs. The Green Frost John, farmer, Poletrees farm Co. The Grove Pickering Jonathan, Temple .streBt Fudge Waiter H. saddler Judd .Albert Frederick (Mrs.), draper~ Pritchard Mrs. Temple street Gibson Jas. coal merchant, High street High street Riley Rev. John M.A. The Vicarage Gibson Wm. Deeley, baker, High st King Henry, rent collector, Church st Smith Miss, Nash villa Gollings John, coal merchant & mana- Lear Herbert Nelson B..A_ land agent Welford James, sen ger to Brill Brick & T:ile works, Tern- to the Dorton & other estates, Brill COMMERCIAL. ple street house Adams Joseph, baker & confectioner, Graham Jas. William Francis L.S . .A. Marriott Richard, sub-postmaster & grocer & provision mer. High st Lond. surgeon & medical officer & decorator, Windmill street Beck Henry & John, boot makers, public vaccinator No. 7 district, Measey Geo. pig dealer, Little London Temple street Brill district, Thame union & Pid- :Mole Herbert Henry, ironmonger BoughtQn Thomas, agent to Hopcraft dington district, Bicester union & Mole John, coal dealer & apartments & NoiTis, brewers & coal merchants, cerrifying factory,Waterloo house Nixey .Andrew, miller (wind), High st Windmill street Griffiths Lewis, manager to Cross Newton Charles, Sun hotel Brill Brick & Tile Co. Lim. (W. J. W. Roads Brick & Tile Co. The Nest Oxford & .Aylesblll'y Tram Road Co. Patterson, 11ec) Guntrip James, farmer, Windmill st (Ralph A. Jones, sec.), The Grove Brooks Hy. land surveyor, Temple st Hawe.s Richard, farmer, Nap farm Payne George, shopkeeper