TIMELINE OF EVENTS 2007 Petition was filed by Nandini Sundar and ors in the Supreme Court to direct the Chhattusgarh government to stop any kind of association, support or promotion of the activities of armed vigilante group . 2008 On directions of the Supreme Court, NHRC investigated incidents of human rights violations what were reported by Nandini and ors in the petition. On investigation NHRC reported back to the court various cases of rape and killings by Salwa Judum. Between It was brought to the attention of the Supreme Court that 300 houses were burnt 14.3.11and down in the villages of Morpalli, Tadmetla and Timmapuram, women were 16.3.11 raped and three men were killed by the security forces and SPOs. Aditionally, Swami and some others were attacked by the SPO’s who were en route to these 3 villages to distribute relief materials after prior permission from the collector. 05.07.2011 Supreme Court directed the CBI to investigate the allegations of crimes that took place in the 3 villages as well as the attack on Swami Agnivesh. In the same order, it also banned Salwa Judum. 06.03.2012 The CBI mentioned to the court , instances of police resisting to investigation in this matter, it further asked for protection from Cg Police. 01.10.2015 CBI told the court that one of the reasons for the delay in completion of the investigation is the access that SRP kalluri has to the investigation. May 2016 Nandini Sundar, Archana Prasad,Vineet Tiwari, Sanjay Parate, Mangla and Manju Kawasi visited Bastar for a fact finding where they documented how villagers were caught between the police and the Maoists - some being forced into police and CRPF camps on the pretext of being “surrendered Maoists”, while others were fleeing their homes fearing a backlash from Maoists. 17.10.2016 CBI filed chargesheets before the Special CBI Court, Raipur. In two cases i.e burning of 160 homes and attack on swami agnivesh , it filed closure reports and in respect of some offences, it submitted that investigation is still on going. The same report was submitted in the Supreme Court on 21.10.2016. 22.10.2016 National and local newspapers carried reports of the filing of chargesheets by the CBI against SPOs and Salwa Judum leaders for the burning of villages and attack on Swami Agnivesh. Various social and political organisations in the state/country demanded that the current IG, SRP Kalluri take moral responsibility for these offences, which occurred during combing operations ordered by him as the SSP Dantewada. 23.10.2016 Mr SRP Kalluri, held a press conference stating that the burnings happened during crossfire between police and Maoists and that because weather was hot huts in the villages caught fire. He also suggested that Nandini Sundar had bribed the villagers to give statements against the SPOs. 24.10.2016 SPOs and local police staged rallies in all 7 districts of Bastar Division and burnt effigies of Nandini Sundar, Himanshu Kumar, Bela Bhatia, Malini Subramaniam, Manish Kunjam, Soni Sori. It was also reported that the police and armed auxiliary forces marched through various towns in a show of strength. 25.10.2016 An urgent application was filed, by Nandini against S.R.P. Kalluri for the lawlessness instigated by him. 04.11.2016 SRP Kalluri manufactured a false case against the Nandini and others from the fact finding team by showing them as accused in a case of murder without any basis. He also told the press that outside interference in Bastar is not appreciated.