Geography 3100/6100 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems and Online

Instructor: Corey Unger Email: [email protected]

Course description and goals

A recent increase in the use of digital geographic information in many fields has created a need for experts with the knowledge to use this information to society's benefit. Geographers, engineers, environmental scientists, planners, social scientists, computer scientists and many other professionals will encounter digital geographic information in some form in their future careers. This course introduces students to issues that arise in using this information in scientific and decision-making arenas. Topics include: applications of geographic information; modeling geographic reality; spatial data collection; geographic analysis; accuracy and uncertainty; ; and legal, economic, and ethical issues associated with the use of geographic information. The course also includes fundamental principles of cartography including perception, visualization, topographic and thematic interpretation, field mapping techniques (including GPS), and creating computer-based . Principles include direction, scale, grids, projections, and spatial transformations, spatial data analysis, data manipulation decisions, color theory and application, and principles of cartographic design and critical evaluation.

This class fulfills a quantitative intensive (QI) requirement, which means the course content will develop analytic reasoning skills and deepen knowledge of quantitative methods. You will build upon and expand previous knowledge of quantitative method concepts by learning about, and practicing, the underlying quantitative theory behind core GIS concepts. The goal is that you will understand not just the software but also the theory when applying quantitative methods to practical issues and real world problems via .

Credit Hours

GEOG 3100/5100 is a 5 credit hour course. This is an online course, so there is no obligation to spend any time on campus. Expect to spend around 3 hours per credit per week or 15 hours total per week on this course!

Learning Outcomes

 Demonstrate understanding of the fundamental concepts and methods in geographic  Understand the concept of ‘thinking spatially’ and determine when spatial analysis is appropriate and needed  Understand common approaches to spatial analysis and their applications  Ability to effectively display and visualize spatial data and implement cartographic principles

Helpful Details

Don’t be shy! Please feel free to email me with any questions you have as you work through the modules. I will respond to emails within 24 hours, with the exception of holidays and weekends, over which I will still do my best to respond in a timely fashion- do not be afraid to email me twice if you think your email may have been overlooked!

Assignments will be distributed and turned in via Canvas.

If you are going to miss an assignment or test you need to let me know ahead of time!

Late assignments lose ten percent per day, no late tests are allowed.

Work must be original. Cheating, copying, and plagiarism will automatically result in a zero on the test or assignment.

Instructor Availability

Since this is an online course, I will not be holding regular office hours. I realize that this is a difficult topic, and learning in an online format provides an extra difficulty. As such I try to make myself available as possible. If you have questions or need help you may message me through Canvas. If it is urgent, I have provided my personal email so you may reach me any time. I am at a computer Monday through Friday, 9-5 so I am usually pretty quick at responding. On weekends or holidays I may be a bit slower. If your question can not be answered through email we will work through screen share on Google Hangouts. If there is still issue we can set up a time to meet on Campus.

Canvas use

The instructor will broadcast all announcements via Canvas and only via Canvas. It is your responsibility to log in to the Canvas course website frequently and you are encouraged to set up email forwarding to ensure you receive important messages timely. Not having read an announcement that was issued through the course website is never an acceptable excuse for anything.

Required Textbooks

A Primer of GIS, Fundamental Geographic and Cartographic Concepts, by Francis Harvey (2nd edition) ISBN: 978-1-4625-2217-0

Designing Better Maps: A guide for GIS Users, by Cynthia Brewer (2nd edition) ISBN: 978-1-5894-8440-5

Student Assessment Activities and Grading

10% Map assessment Maps are effective ways to relay all sorts of information. You will select a map, from print, popular media, social media, or other source, and write a critical analysis of the maps design and functionality and use of cartographic principles. Examples will be given.

30% Tests (2) These will be composed of multiple choice, matching, and short answer questions.

20% Final Project The design and implementation of a project solving a problem or answering a question using spatial data and analysis. Details on the format for the different components of the final project will be provided in lecture and lab. 10% Final project map/poster and presentation 10% Final project report

40% Labs

Grading Scale

A 94% - 100% A- 90% - 94% B+ 87% - 90% B 84% - 87% B- 80% - 84% C+ 77% - 80% C 74% - 77% C- 70% - 74% D+ 67% - 70% D 64% - 67% D- 60% - 64% E < 60%

Class Schedule (subject to change, with notice)

Module Readings Lecture Topic Lab Exercise Topics Chapter 1 – 2 Course , Motivation 1 Overview of the ArcGIS Goals of Introduction to GIS, GIS Software Suite GIS/Representation examples 2 Nature of geographic Chapter 3– 4 Interacting with Data, information/Types of GIS Issues/History of GIS Symbology data/Uncertainty

3 Chapter 5 & 6 – Map Projections Projections, Location Creating a Map, Map Geodesy and Datums and Coordinate Types Coordinate Systems Systems

Data 4 Chapter 7– Representation/Types/Modeling Projections, Coordinate Databases Databases and Tables Systems Surveying and GPS Querying data, 5 Chapter 8– Digitizing, Creating, Editing features, joining and GPS and digitization Data, Metadata relating data

Creating/Editing 6 Chapter 10 – Topology, Features, Building Data Types Buffering, and Overlays Geodatabases,

Metadata Ch. 14- 7 Vector analysis: Online Mapping and Online GIS, Geocoding Overlays, Proximity, Geocoding Exam #1 and Extraction

Chapters 9- Introduction to Remote Sensing 8 Geocoding, Reverse Remote Sensing and Data Sets geocoding Brewer: Ch. 1-2 Terrain Analysis 9 Chapter 11/12 Cartographic Cartography and Online mapping Representation/Misuse Brewer: Ch. 3-4 Advance cartography 10 Chapter 15 Map Algebra, Local, (labeling, GIS Analysis Neighborhood, Zonal and Global representations, map Brewer: Ch. 5-6 Functions element editing, etc.) Chapter 16 11 Spatial Estimations, Spatial Geostatistics Surface Analysis Modeling Brewer: Ch. 7-8 12 Chapter 17 Special topics in GIS/ Future of Past and Future GIS GIS Brewer: Ch. 9 13 Exam #2 Term Project Due

July 29 – Aug 3 Written Reports Due

The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services and activities for people with disabilities. If you will need accommodations in the class, reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the Center for Disability & Access, 162 Olpin Union Building, 801-581-5020. CDA will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations.

All written information in this course can be made available in alternative format with prior notification to the Center for Disability & Access.