Kildonan Home Training (a.k.a. Sensei YouTube)

WARMUP Warm-up with Sensei Richard Amos


Tiny Tigers Shodan

White Belts Heian Shodan Elements of Heian Shodan with Sensei Scott Langley Training Drills for Heian Shodan with Sensei Richard Amos

Yellow Belts Heian Nidan Elements of Heian Nidan with Sensei Scott Langley

Orange Belts Heian Sandan Elements of Heian Sandan with Sensei Scott Langley

Green Belts Heian Yondan Elements of Heian Yondan with Sensei Scott Langley

Purple Belts (5th Kyu) Heian Godan Elements of Heian Godan with Sensei Scott Langley

Purple Belts (4th Kyu) Tekki Shodan Elements of Tekki Shodan with Sensei Scott Langley

Brown Belts (3rd Kyu to 1st Kyu) Bassai Dai Elements of Bassai Dai with Sensei Scott Langley Part 1 Elements of Bassai Dai with Sensei Scott Langley Part 2 Bassai Dai Themed Class with Sensei Richard Amos

Black Belts Jion Elements of Jion with Sensei Scott Langley Kanku Dai Elements of Kanku Dai with Sensei Scott Langley Enpi Elements of Enpi with Sensei Scott Langley

KIHON (Fundamentals) For All Grades 15 Minute Beginner Class with Sensei Richard Amos Choku-zuki (Straight ) with Sensei Richard Amos Oi-zuki (Lunge Punch) with Sensei Richard Amos Gyaku-zuki (Reverse Punch) with Sensei Richard Amos Age-uke (Rising Block) Tips with Sensei Richard Amos Age-uke (Rising Block) with Sensei Richard Amos - Howcast Soto-uke (Outside Block) Tips with Sensei Richard Amos Uchi-uke (Inside Block) Tips with Sensei Richard Amos Shuto-uke (Knife Hand Block) with Sensei Richard Amos - Howcast Shuto-uke (Knife Hand Block) Tips with Sensei Richard Amos Mae Geri (Front Snap ) with Sensei Richard Amos Mae Geri (Front Snap Kick) with Sensei Scott Langley Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse Kick) with Sensei Richard Amos Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse Kick) - Team KI Yoko Geri Kekomi (Side Thrust Kick) Mobility Drills (turn on subtitles) Ushiro Geri (Back Thrust Kick) Mobility Drills (turn on subtitles)

STRENGTH AND FLEXIBILITY The Perfect Home Workout (no equipment needed) - Athlean-X 15 Minute Beginner Flexibility Routine - Tom Merrick 20 Minute Full Body Flexibility Routine - Tom Merrick Middle Splits for Beginners - Tykato Fitness 20 Minute Front Splits Routine - Tom Merrick