General 1. The Governors of School are committed to broadening access by offering to eligible parents/guardians means-tested financial support towards the payment of school fees. Such support is known as a bursary and bursaries may be awarded in the form of a discount of up to 100% on tuition fees payable, depending on financial or other pertinent circumstances of applicants. All Bursaries are awards made by the Trust.

2. Bursary awards are subject to annual testing of parental means by the and may be varied upwards or downwards, depending on parental circumstances and the financial information provided.

3. The granting of any financial bursary assistance is at the discretion of the Trustees of the Harpur Trust subject to eligibility criteria. This may be delegated to sub-committees of each school, which must be constituted and conducted in accordance with the terms of reference agreed by the Trustees. In the case of , this committee is the BS Awards Committee (AC).

4. Whilst Trustees are not bound to explain the exercising of their discretionary powers, this paper provides a set of working principles to the members of the AC in order to ensure that the annual allocation of Bursary funds is equitable and objective.

Two Trustees are required to make an award and will be present at the meeting. In attendance, ex-officio, are:

• Head Master • Headmaster (Prep) • Bursar • Harpur Trust Finance Director • Director of Admissions • Harpur Trust Fees Manager • Vice Master • Assistant Head (External Affairs)

5. This Policy will be reviewed annually by the School.

Requests for financial support

6. These usually fall into the following categories: • New applicants to the School • Existing pupils applying for awards at years 7, 9 and 12 • Existing pupils where a change in parents’/guardians’ circumstances has resulted in difficulty in meeting tuition fees and may result in the child being withdrawn part way through a stage of education.

7. Information provided by the school alerting the parents/guardians of potential pupils to the possibility of gaining means-tested financial support with the payment of school fees is included in: • The School prospectus. • The School website. • Details provided at open mornings.

The Application Process 8. Bursaries may be made available to parents/guardians of children entering the school at Year 7, 9 and 12 or reaching that school year if an existing pupil. They are awarded at the discretion of the Governors, and the Head Master and Bursar are responsible for the management and coordination of the process, together with a committee which includes Trustees of the Harpur Trust.

a. Parents/guardians seeking a bursary are required to complete a Harpur Trust form (MT1) which seeks to establish the financial circumstances of the household. The form, which requests details of income and capital must be submitted to the Harpur Trust by the date stipulated, which will always be prior to the date of the entrance exams. Applications made after this time are unlikely to be considered other than in exceptional circumstances.

b. The Harpur Trust assesses all applications in order to establish the likely level of support which will be required in order to allow the child to attend the school. This may involve the Fees Manager or the Financial Director of the Harpur Trust visiting the parents’/guardians’ home to ensure the information has been correctly interpreted and the basis of the financial assessment has been fair.

c. The Harpur Trust prepares an assessment of financial need which is then forwarded to Bedford School. The principles of Bursary Awards and more details about the scales used when assessing a family’s means are contained in the Harpur Trust Bursary Policy Booklet. It should be noted that the concept of assessable income includes both earned income and notional income based on assets- so for example a cash‐poor farmer earning £20k with 200 acres may still not be eligible for an award based on notional income on land assets.

d. Following the entrance assessments and tests (full details of which are provided to applicants on registration), the Head Master and Awards Committee discuss each application and agree on any Bursary awards. The amount of funds available will be awarded in accordance with the estimated allocation across Y7, 9 and 12 as agreed in advance between the School and the Harpur Trust.

e. The parents/guardians are advised whether their child is to be offered a place at the school and whether or not a provisional bursary offer is being made, and its proposed quantum.

f. Parents/guardians are then required to sign a letter accepting the place at the school and an acknowledgement agreeing to any conditions relating to the provisional bursary.

g. Parents will then be required to provide the Harpur Trust with full documentary evidence to support the provisional bursary award before the award can be confirmed for payment.

The Case for Assistance. 9. The Head Master and the Bursar will consider a number of factors when making the case formally to the Committee for support and the extent of such support:

a. Pupil’s Suitability. In assessing a child’s suitability, attention will be given to the academic assessment result of each applicant but potential will also be considered as well as actual achievement. Bursary funds are limited and priority will be given to those who are judged likely to gain most from the educational provision offered. Each pupil to whom support is offered must, in the opinion of the Head Master, be likely to make a sound academic progress following admission and possess the potential to develop the quality of his work and benefit from participation in the wider, extra-curricular activities on offer at the school. Each applicant should meet the school’s normal academic requirements. Previous school reports will be considered for evidence of good behaviour.

b. Financial Limitations. Once the principle of an award has been established for a pupil then the amount of the bursary award is not influenced by the level of the academic ability of the child but by the extent of need, but also as impacted by available funds. Each case is assessed on its own merits and awards are made accordingly, subject to the school’s ability to fund these within the context of what is viable within the context of its overall budget. It is recognised that judgements about what sacrifices a family should make to pay school fees will be personal. However, the school has a duty to ensure that all bursary grants are well focused and so, as well as current earnings, other factors which will be considered in determining the necessary level of grant will include:

• The ability to improve the financial position or earning power of the family. For example, where there are two partners, both would be expected to be employed unless one is prevented from doing so through incapacity, the need to care for children under school age or other dependents, or the requirements of their partner’s work.

• Opportunities to release any capital. Significant capital savings and investments would be expected to be used for the payment of school fees as would large equity values in houses.

• In cases of separation, the contribution made by the absent parent. Please note that both parents will usually be assessed unless there is evidence that it would not be reasonable to do so.

• Contribution to household costs by other, wider, family members, any adults unrelated to the child or by outside sources.

• Where fees are being paid for other children at Bedford School or other Harpur Trust schools, the school’s bursary provision will take into account these fee commitments.

In addition, whilst acknowledging that others might have a different view, the School considers that the following would not normally be consistent with the receipt of a bursary: frequent or expensive holidays, new or luxury cars, investments in significant home improvements or a second property/land holdings.

c. Other Factors. It is recognised that, in addition to academic ability and financial constraints, there may be other circumstances which should be considered exceptionally. These may include:

• Where the social needs of the child are relevant (e.g.: may be suffering from bullying at their present school).

• Where a parent/guardian is terminally ill or is unable to secure permanent employment due to poor health.

Existing Pupils – Change in Family Circumstances 10. Parents/guardians with a child at the school whose financial circumstances suddenly change may apply for a bursary to the Bursar, explaining their situation and completing the required Harpur Trust form MT1. Such awards are subject to the availability of funding and will usually be for short term support only. Hardship assistance will rarely be considered for students below year 10.

Annual Review 11. All bursary awards are subject to the repeat testing of parental means each year and may be varied upwards or downwards depending on parental circumstances. Current bursary holders will be issued with repeat means-tested forms at the beginning of March each year for return by a stated date.

12. Please note that bursary funding may not continue if the review forms are not completed and returned, with the necessary documentation, by the requested date.

Uniform, Lunches and School trips 13. Lunch is included in the fees and so any Bursary award includes a pro rata payment for lunch.

14. Students on a full (100%) Bursary will be eligible for an initial award of £400 in the form of a discount to be applied against core (branded) uniform items. An additional award of up to £200 (50%) may be available, again on core uniform items only, in subsequent years. Recipients of Bursaries of 50% or below will not receive a discount on items of uniform. Those in receipt of bursaries of more than 50% will receive the discount on a pro rata basis. These discounts are only applied to core (branded) items of uniform purchased through the school shop.

15. No assistance is available for school trips that are charged as extras to the core fee. Parents in need of support for core curriculum trips can apply to Bedford School Trust where limited funds may be available (to a maximum of 50% of the cost of a trip other than in exceptional cases.)

Confidentiality 16. The school respects the confidentiality of bursary awards made to families and recipients are expected to do likewise.

Other Sources of Bursary Assistance 17. In addition to the school’s bursary fund, there are a number of educational and charitable trusts which may provide assistance with tuition fees. In the majority of cases, these are to assist children who are already attending a fee-paying school and due to a change of circumstances may be unable to remain. The school encourages parents or guardians to apply for support where it is felt a good case can be made for assistance. Details are included at Appendix B.


1. Grant of Bursary. A bursary is granted at the sole discretion of Bedford School, on behalf of the Harpur Trust.

2. Obligations of the Pupil. The Pupil who is subject of a bursary is required to work hard, to continue to contribute positively to the life of the school, to be a credit to the school, and set a good example to other pupils. The pupil must adhere to the School’s required standards of conduct and progress.

3. Obligations of the Parent(s). The parents(s) are required to support and encourage the pupil, treat members of the school community reasonably, and comply with the School’s standard terms and conditions.

4. Obligations of the School. The School will treat Bursary holders in exactly the same way as full fee-paying pupils, and will maintain confidentiality as appropriate regarding the holding of a bursary award.

5. Annual Review. All means-tested awards will be subject to annual review and parents shall each year be required to complete a financial means questionnaire. After any annual review, the school reserves the right to vary the value of the bursary with immediate effect and will confirm the new value in writing to the parents.

6. Withdrawal of the Bursary. The bursary may be withdrawn by written notice sent to a parent if, in the opinion of the Governors acting in good faith, the pupil or a parent has not complied with the obligations set out in paragraphs 2, 3 or 4 above or otherwise the pupil has fallen below the required standard of conduct and progress and in the further opinion of the Governors there has been no significant improvement following consultation with a parent and/or the pupil and a written warning. Withdrawal of the bursary shall take effect from the start of the following term.

Furthermore the bursary may be withdrawn by written notice if the balance of the account remains unpaid 28 days after a written reminder has been sent to the parents.

7. Repayment of the Bursary. The parent(s) will be required to repay all or part of the bursary if it is terminated in the following circumstances:

a. If parents have knowingly or recklessly provided false or inaccurate information about their financial position.

b. If the pupil has been found to have committed a serious breach, or series of persistent minor breaches, of discipline for which the sanction would normally be expulsion or required removal.

8. Fees in Lieu of Notice. For the avoidance of doubt, the benefits payable under the bursary do not apply to any term for which the school has required payment of fees in lieu of notice.

9. Conditions of the Bursary. These conditions take precedence over any of the School’s standard terms and conditions which are inconsistent with them but in all other respects the School’s terms and conditions as amended from time to time shall apply and these bursary conditions shall be interpreted with them.

Head Master January 2016 APPENDIX B

Other Trusts and Charities

Whilst this is not a comprehensive list in any sense, the following Trusts and Charities may consider helping towards school fees in certain situations. If your situation meets their criteria for support you are advised to write to the charities with a brief resume of your circumstances, including details of any grants already offered. The charities may then provide you with their own application form for completion and submission for assessment. In some cases, it may be possible to download an application form from their website. Please note that the School is unable to assist with applications, other than in supplying references for current pupils, and please also note that some of the Charities below may no longer be offering grants.

The Independent Schools Educational Grants Advice helpline number is 01932 865619.

The website is a useful tool where you can search using a variety of criteria for charitable support.

Royal National Children’s Foundation

Royal National Children’s Foundation helps vulnerable children and young people in Britain whose circumstances are seriously prejudicial to their normal development and where no other care is available. It may consider helping towards school fees in children aged 7-18 who have suffered trauma, tragedy or neglect in their young lives. These are young people who usually have one or no active parents, whose normal development is compromised or threatened by adverse home, school or family circumstances

Apply to: The Director Sandy Lane, Cobham Surrey, KT11 2ES Tel: 01932 868622 Email [email protected]

Lloyd Foundation

Help for any child of a father or mother who is a British Citizen and is in need of financial assistance to obtain British-type education whilst the parent is overseas.

Apply to: Trust Administrator 1 Churchill Close Breaston Derbyshire DE72 3UD Tel: 01332 873772 Email: [email protected]

Buttle UK

The School Fees Programme transforms the lives of very vulnerable children. The young people we help have significant health, emotional, social or family difficulties. By meeting their needs through a supportive and stable secondary education, we aim to give them the best possible opportunity to thrive. By funding places within a UK boarding or independent day school we offer these children a potentially life changing experience.

Applications for support with boarding fees are considered where there is a strong case as to why a young person cannot, or should not, stay in the home with a parent/carer.

Applications for support with day fees are considered where the state education system has been unable to meet the young person’s needs, and there is no alternative state school.

We can help children and young people who are aged between 11 and 18, who are either: • Adopted; • Cared for by grandparents, relatives or friends; • From single parent families; • With two carers, where one is very severely incapacitated through illness or disability.

Apply to: The Director Audley House 13 Palace Street London SW13 5HX Email: [email protected]

School Fees Charitable Trust

The aim of the Trust is to assist those parents who, having selected private education for their child with reasonable expectations of being able to meet the considerable costs from their own resources, are unable to pay the fees as a result of genuine hardship, arising from an unforeseen change of circumstances. Grants are normally made to cover the final year of the GCSE course (year 11) and the final year of the A Level course (A2, Year 13) or years of equivalent examinations (e.g. the International Baccalaureate)

Apply to: The Trust Secretary Spring Court Station Road Dorking RH4 1EB Tel: 01306 746 309 Email: [email protected]

Mitchell City of London Educational Foundation

The Foundation offers two types of grants for those of secondary education age who qualify for our help. The first is a grant for children of single parent families when the child is over the age of 11 years, is already within independent education and has been at the school of choice for one year. The second is a bursary for students with one or both parents, where the student is already attending an and is going into the 6th form for A level or IB studies.

Applicants for both types of grant must have the Foundation’s City Qualification. That is the child must be attending a City School or either parent must have lived or worked within the City of London, the square mile, for at least 5 years.

Apply to: Mrs Lucy Jordan Ash View High Street Orston Nottingham NG13 9NU Tel: 0845 600 1558 [email protected]

Royal Pinner School Foundation

Children of travelling sales representatives and manufacturer's agents, where the family has experienced adversity or hardship. Grants to help with educational expenses.

Apply to: The Trust Secretary 110 Old Brompton Road South Kensington London Tel: 020 7373 6168 Email: [email protected]

Fashion and Textile Industry Children's Trust

Grants towards school fees and other educational expenses where there is a demonstrable case of need. There must be social, welfare, educational or medical factors or a dramatic change in family financial circumstances. One parent must have worked for a minimum of five years for U K based retailers and manufacturers who principally sell clothing and household textiles (not footwear) excluding wholesalers, distributors and service providers.

Apply to: Grant Administrator Fashion and Textile Industry Children's Trust Winchester House 259-269 Old Marylebone Road London NWl SRA

Emmott Foundation

Young people aged 16 to 18 starting or completing sixth form education, whose parents have experienced unforeseen hardship from death, illness, divorce, redundancy and so on. The pupils will normally have high academic achievement (a majority of actual or predicted A*s or A’s at GCSE). In exceptional cases, where need is demonstrably great, the trustees will consider applicants from those with lower grades.

Consideration will also be given to cases where there is a major educational, social or pastoral problem.

Apply to: Mr P Spillane 136 Browns Lane Stanton-on-the-Wolds Nottinghamshire NG12 5BN Tel: 0115 937 6526 EmaiI: [email protected]

Thornton Smith & Plevins Young People's Trusts

Children of above average ability already attending fee-paying public schools and whose parents have experienced an adverse change in financial circumstances. Currently the trustees only support sixth formers studying A-levels.

Apply to: Heather Cox 298 lcknield Way, Luton, , LU3 2JS Tel: 01582 611675

Royal Navy & Royal Marines Children's Fund

Support is given to children of serving and retired RN & RM personnel who are in need of care and assistance. Grants are given towards education where a social need is proven.

Apply to: Monique Bateman MBE 311 Twyford Avenue Stamshaw, Portsmouth P02 8RN Tel: 02392 639534 Email: [email protected]

Royal Medical Foundation

The RMF exists to assist medical practitioners and their dependents who are in financial hardship. In practical terms, grants are awarded for the payment of school fees, for boys and girls aged 11-18, and for clinical year medical students.

Apply to: Helen Jones College Road, Epsom Surrey KT17 4JQ Tel: 01372 821010 Email: [email protected]

The BMTA Trust Ltd

Short-term grants are given for children already attending fee-paying schools to help them when parents/guardians find themselves in unforeseen financial difficulties or for children who have exceptional circumstances of social need. Help is available for the third, fourth and fifth years (years 9 to 11) of secondary education only. Preference is given to applicants with a motor industry connection.

Apply to: Carol Wildig 10 High Garth Esher Surrey KT10 9DN Tel: 01372 210124 Email: [email protected]

Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys

Relief of poverty and the advancement of education (primarily children of Freemasons of the English Constitution), and where a child requires boarding education they will assist with school fees.

Apply to: RMTGB Freemasons’ Hall 60 Great Queen Street London WC2B 5AZ Tel: 0207 4052644 Email: [email protected]

If you have any links with the Armed forces or Freemasons, you are advised to contact individual organisations to enquire whether an application from you would receive consideration.

Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA) Forces Help

We help and support those who serve in our Armed Forces and those who used to serve – even if it was only for a single day. We also care for the families of both. You may also like to contact your local branch.

Apply to: SSAFA Central Office 4 St Dunstan’s Hill London EC3R 8AD Tel: 0845 2417141 Email: [email protected]

Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation

Apply to: The Secretary 4 North Street Wilton Salisbury Wilts SP2 0HE

Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund

Apply to: Director of Welfard 67 Portland Place London W1B 1AR Tel: 0800 1692942 Email: [email protected]

The Association of Royal Naval Officers (ARNO)

Apply to: The Secretary 70 Porchester Terrace Bayswater London W2 3TP Tel: 0207 402 5231 Email: [email protected]