New York City Employee Individual Retirement Account
New York City Employee Individual Retirement Account Office of Labor Relations Deferred Compensation Plan & NYCE IRA 22 Cortlandt Street, 28th Floor, New York, NY 10007 Tel: 212 306-7760 / Outside NYC: 888 DCP-3113 and 888 IRA-NYCE and Board Members Renee Campion Mayor of the City of New York Commissioner Comptroller of the City of New York Steven H. Banks Commissioner, Office of Labor Relations First Deputy Commissioner Director, Office of Management & Budget General Counsel Commissioner of Finance Commissioner, Citywide Administrative Services Georgette Gestely Police Commissioner Director, Employee Benefits Program Fire Commissioner Beth Kushner Uniformed Firefighters Association Deputy Director, Administration District Council 37, AFSCME Sang Hong Corporation Counsel, Counsel to the Board Deputy Director, Operations Dear City or Former City Employee: Thank you for your interest in the New York City Employe IRA, the NYCE IRA! Other IRAs charge individual retail rates! In the NYCE IRA, you are not a retail customer. Instead, you are able to continue investing in the Deferred Compensation Plan’s low cost investment options and portfolios, make contributions of earned income and roll over other employer plans and IRAs to consolidate your assets. The NYCE IRA is also available to the spouses of current and former City employees. Make sure your spouse opens a Spousal NYCE IRA to take advantage of this important benefit. We also encourage you to attend the Deferred Compensation Plan’s free financial planning seminars. Visit the Plan’s Web site at to view seminar dates and times, and to register for a seminar.
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