
PERSPECTIVE PERSPECTIVE Stochastic games Eilon Solana,1 and Nicolas Vieilleb,1 aDepartment of and , School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 6997800, Israel; and bDepartment of and Decision Sciences, HEC Paris, 78 351 Jouy-en-Josas, France

Edited by Jose A. Scheinkman, Columbia University, New York, NY, and approved September 22, 2015 (received for review July 9, 2015)

In 1953, contributed his paper “Stochastic games” to PNAS. In this paper, he defined the model of stochastic games, which were the first general dynamic model of a game to be defined, and proved that it admits a stationary equilibrium. In this Perspective, we summarize the historical context and the impact of Shapley’s contribution.

| stochastic games

The 1950s were the decade in which game available actions. The collection of actions the first t stages, as well as the actions that the theory was shaped. After von Neumann and that the players choose, together with the players played in the first t − 1stages.A Morgenstern’s Theory of Games and Economic current state, determine the stage payoff that of a player is a prescription how Behavior (1) was published in 1944, a group of each player receives, as well as a probability to play the game; that is, a function that assigns young and bright researchers started working distribution according to which the new state to every finite history an action to play should on game theory, each of whom published pa- that the play will visit. that history occur. A behavior strategy of a pers that opened new areas. In 1950, John Stochastic games extend the model of stra- player is a function that assigns to every finite Nash published two papers, one on the con- tegic-form games, which is attributable to von history a lottery over the of available actions. cept of (2) and the other on Neumann (8), to dynamic situations in which A zero-sum game is defined to have a the bargaining problem (3). In 1953, Lloyd the environment changes in response to the “value” v if (i) player 1 has a strategy (which Shapley published two papers, one on stochas- players’ choices. They also extend the model is then said to be “optimal”), which ensures tic games (4) and the other on the Shapley of Markov decision problems, which was de- that his expected overall payoff over time value for coalitional games (5). In 1957, veloped by several researchers at the RAND does not fall below v,nomatterwhatisthe Harold Kuhn (6) provided a formulation Corporation in 1949–1952, to competitive sit- strategy followed by player 2, and (ii)ifthe for extensive-form games, and Duncan Luce uations with more than one decision maker. symmetric property holds when exchanging and Howard Raiffa published their book The complexity of stochastic games stems Games and Decisions: Introduction and Critical the roles of the two players. Shapley proved fromthefactthatthechoicesmadebythe the existence of a value. Because the param- Survey (7). These researchers and others, like players have two, sometimes contradictory, eters that define the game are independent , Richard Bellman, and David effects. First, together with the current state, of time, the situation that the players face if Blackwell, interacted, worked and played to- ’ the players actions determine the immediate today the play is in a certain state is the same gether, exchanged ideas, and developed the payoff that each player receives. Second, the situation they would face tomorrow if to- theory of dynamic games as we know it today. current state and the players’ actions influence While in graduate school at Princeton, morrow the play is in that state. In particular, the choice of the new state, which determines one expects to have optimal strategies that Shapley befriended and John the potential of future payoffs. In particular, Nash. The former became a well-known are stationary Markov, that is, they depend when choosing his actions, each player has to only on the current state of the game. Shapley , and the latter defined the concept balance these forces, a decision that may often of Nash equilibrium, the most prevalent proved that indeed such optimal strategies be difficult. Although this dichotomy is also in game theory and eco- exist, and characterized the value as the present in one-player sequential decision nomictheorytodate.In2013,Shapleywas unique fixed point of a nonlinear functional problems, the presence of additional players awarded the in economics, 8 y operator—a two-player version of the dynamic who maximize their own goals adds com- after Nash was awarded the prize. programming principle. plexity to the analysis of the situation. The existence of stationary Markov opti- ’ 1. Stochastic Games Shapley s paper in PNAS introduced the mal strategies implies that, to play well, a Stochastic games model dynamic interactions model of stochastic games with positive player needs to know only the current state. in which the environment changes in response stopping probabilities, assuming a In particular, the value of the game does not ’ ’ “ to players behavior. In Shapley swords, In a of states, and a finite set of possible actions change if players receive partial information the play proceeds by steps for each player in each state. In this model, ’ from position to position, according to tran- thecurrentstateandtheplayers actions Author contributions: E.S. and N.V. wrote the paper. sition probabilities controlled jointly by the determine the probability that the game will The authors declare no conflict of interest. two players” (4). terminate once the current stage is over. His This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. A stochastic game is played by a set of paper deals with two-player zero-sum games, This article is part of the special series of PNAS 100th Anniversary players. In each stage of the game, the play is so that the gain of player 1 is always equal to articles to commemorate exceptional research published in PNAS ’ over the last century. See the companion article, “Stochastic in a given state (or position, in Shapley slan- the loss of player 2. ” t Games on page 1095 in issue 10 of volume 39. guage), taken from a set of states, and every A history of length in a stochastic game is 1To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: eilons@post. player chooses an action from a set of the sequence of states that the game visited in tau.ac.il or [email protected].

www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1513508112 PNAS | November 10, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 45 | 13743–13746 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 on each other’s actions, and/or if they forget initial wealth, repeatedly play a zero-sum game on algebraic properties of the value of the previously visited states. that affects their wealth, until one player is discounted game, as a function of the dis- Inthefollowingparagraphs,webriefly ruined and declared loser. Everett (18) studied count factor, proven by Bewley and Kohlberg describe some of the directions in which the the so-called “recursive games,” in which ter- (22). One can view the monetary policy of theory has developed following Shapley’s mination probabilities are endogenous, and a the central bank, that of changing the interest groundbreaking paper. payoff is only received upon termination of the rate from time to time, as an implementation game, as a function of the terminating state. of this type of strategy. 2. Discounted Stochastic Games Gillette (19) introduced a deceptively simple- The theory of the non–zero-sum case has ’ Shapley s model is equivalent to one in which looking game, inspired by playground prac- flourished in the last two decades but has not players discount their future payoffs accord- tice, whose analysis resisted all attempts until been settled yet. A collection of strategies, one ing to a discount factor that depends on the Blackwell and Ferguson (20) provided its for each player, is a uniform «-equilibrium if current state and on the players’ actions. The solution. bydeviatingnoplayercanprofitmorethan«, game is called “discounted” if all stopping In a different but related framework, provided the game is sufficiently long or the probabilities equal the same constant, and one Aumann, Maschler, and Stearns (ref. 21, discount factor sufficiently close to 1, and if minusthisconstantiscalledthe“discount reprinted in 1995; see pp. 130–139) conceptu- the payoff vector is almost independent of the factor.” Models of discounted stochastic games alized a notion of a uniform solution to duration of the game. Existence of uniform are prevalent in economics, where the discount infinite-horizon games, in which payoffs are «-equilibria has been established in few cases: factor has a clear economic interpretation. received in each round. This approach views Vieille (25, 26) for two-player games, Solan A large literature followed, relaxing both the the infinite-horizon game as an idealized (27) for three-player games in which the state zero-sum and the finiteness assumptions of model for long-run interactions, in which the of the game changes at most once, and Solan Shapley’spaper.Innon–zero-sum games, a duration of the game is sufficiently long and/or and Vieille (28), Flesch et al. (29), and Simon collection of strategies, one for each player, is a the discount factor is sufficiently close to 1, and (30) in other classes of stochastic games. The “(Nash) equilibrium” if no player can profit by both are not perfectly known. It aims at pro- question in its most generality remains open. deviating from his strategy, assuming all other viding solutions whose optimality properties A weaker concept than Nash equilibrium players follow their prescribed strategies. are not too sensitive to the exact specification is that of “,” introduced The stationary structure leads one to expect of duration/discount factors. Such a (zero-sum) by Aumann (31, 32). A collection of strate- that equilibria in stationary Markov strategies game is said to have a “uniform value v” if gies, one for each player, is a correlated do exist. This is indeed the case when there are (i)thevaluesvT of the T-round game converge equilibrium if it is a Nash equilibrium in an finitely many states [Fink (9) and Takahashi to v as the duration T ofthegameincreasesto extended game that contains a correlation (10)] or in the model with infinitely many states infinity and (ii)givenany« > 0, each player device, which sends signals to the players under some restrictions on the transitions [see, has a strategy which is «-optimal in all along the play. The correlation device may e.g., Parthasarathy and Sinha (11) and Nowak T-round games, as soon as T is large enough. send public or private signals, at the outset of (12)]. However, in general, stationary Markov The latter property implies that this strategy the game or at the beginning of every stage, equilibria might not exist [Simon (13), Levy is also approximately optimal in discounted and the signals can be independent or cor- (14), and Levy and McLennan (15)]. games, provided players are patient enough, related. Each of these variations gives rise to Thefactthatastationaryequilibriumexists that is, the discount factor is sufficiently close another concept of correlated equilibrium. has several implications. Stationary Markov to 1. This notion of uniform «-optimality, al- Nowak and Raghavan (33) proved the exis- strategies are conceptually straightforward: past though giving up on exact optimality, captures tence of a correlated equilibrium in discounted play affects the players’ future behavior only robust optimality requirements. stochastic games, in which the strategies of the through the current state, that is, bygones are Bewley and Kohlberg (22) proved that, in players are stationary Markov and the signals bygones. Moreover, although a player may any stochastic game, the values vT converge as of the correlation device are public. Building have deviated from equilibrium behavior in the the duration T increases. Mertens and upon Mertens and Neyman (23), Solan and past, thereby affecting past play, the deviation Neyman (23, 24) proved that stochastic games Vieille (34) proved the existence of a corre- does not affect the way players play in the (with a finite set of states and finite action lated uniform «-equilibrium in which the future. In fact, irrespective of past play, the sets) have a uniform value. The «-optimal correlation device sends a private message to strategies induced in the continuation game strategy that Mertens and Neyman con- each player at every round, which is correlated form an equilibrium of this continuation game; structed is complex yet allows for a simple with the messages sent in the previous round. that is, equilibrium behavior does not involve intuition. At each round, the strategy updates Another strand of literature studies sto- noncredible threats, a property that is stronger a fictitious discount factor and plays an op- chastic games in continuous time, and their than equilibrium property, and viewed as timal strategy for that fictitious parameter. relation to discrete-time approximations of the highly desirable [see Selten (16)]. This parameter summarizes past play, and its game.Itturnsoutthatthecorrelateduniform updating is based on past payoffs. If payoffs «-equilibrium of Solan and Vieille (34) can be 3. Nonterminating Stochastic Games received so far are high, the player puts higher transformed into a Nash equilibrium in the and Robust Solutions weight on the future and increases his pa- continuous-timegame[seeNeyman(35)]. Shapley assumed exogenously given positive tience; that is, lets the fictitious discount factor In the zero-sum case, other evaluations have terminating probabilities. Shortly afterward, get closer to 1. When the total payoff that he attracted interest. Rather than viewing the in the series on game theory published by the received so far is low, he should focus more infinite-horizon game as a stylized model of Press in the 1950s, a about short-term payoffs, and therefore de- long-run interactions, one may instead assign number of papers started investigating what crease this fictitious discount factor. The to each infinite play of the game a payoff, happenswhenthisassumptionisdropped. complexity of such a policy lies in the fine- which summarizes payoffs received along the Milnor and Shapley (17) studied “ruin games,” tuning of the updating rule, to avoid long- play. Player 1 (respectively, player 2) maxi- in which two players, each endowed with some term fluctuations. This construction hinges mizes (respectively, minimizes) the expectation

13744 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1513508112 Solan and Vieille Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 of this payoff. When the payoff of a play is have special features. Because applications are sequence of papers, Karatzas et al. (46, 47) PERSPECTIVE defined to be the upper limit of the averages of usually motivated by the search for clear-cut and Geanakoplos et al. (48) studied the origin the stage payoffs received along the play, a conclusions, only highly structured models of of inflation in a market game with continuum value was shown to exist when the state stochastic games have been studied. of agents and a central bank. At every stage, space is general by Maitra and Sudderth The significance of stochastic games is each player receives a random endowment of (36). Martin (37) proved a far-reaching re- threefold. First, by modeling a dynamic sit- a perishable commodity, decides how much to sult, establishing the existence of the value as uation as a stochastic game, researchers must lend to or to borrow from the central bank, soon as the payoff function satisfies minimal understand the structure of the problem they and consumes the amount that he has after (measurability) requirements. face. Second, to simplify the model, they this transaction. The conclusion of the analysis have to realize which aspects of the model do 4. A General Model of Repeated Games is that the mere presence of in the not affect the and can be dispensed endowments leads to inflation. In the 1960s, commissioned by the United with. Third, the qualitative predictions of the States, Aumann, Maschler, and Stearns ini- model sometimes provide useful conclu- 6. Shapley’s Contribution in Perspective tiated and developed the theory of (two- sions. We provide here two applications of Shapley’s work on stochastic games, which was player, zero-sum) repeated games with in- stochastic games. published 60 y ago, paved the way to a variety . In such games, the One area that was extensively studied as a of dynamic models of games that proved state is chosen at the outset of the game, kept stochastic game is the overexploitation of a fruitful in many areas and have been the fixed throughout the play, and the two common resource, which goes back to Lloyd subject of an extremely rich and diverse re- players have imperfect and possibly asym- (42). Levhari and Mirman (43) studied a search in the last 50 y [see, e.g., Neyman and metric knowledge of it. The main goal of the fishery war between two countries. The state Sorin (49) and Mertens, Sorin, and Zamir analysis is to understand to what extent pri- variable is the quantity of fish in a given area, (50)]. A hoard of new tools has been developed vately held information is valuable in the which grows exponentially in the absence of to handle questions that were impenetrable in long run, and how to make optimal use of it. unnatural intervention. Each one of two Shapley’s time, new connections between game Although different from stochastic games in countries has to determine the quantity of some important dimensions, the two theories fish it allows its fishermen to catch, so as to theory and various topics in have were shown to share common features. After maximize its long-run . The authors been established, and new areas of application some developments, not surveyed here [see concluded that, in equilibrium, the fish have developed, mostly in economics, com- Zamir (38)], a general model of repeated/ population will be smaller than the pop- puter science, and operations research [see, e.g., stochastic games with signals was introduced ulation that would have resulted if the two Altman and Hordijk (51)]. by Mertens (39). Such games have a finite countries cooperated and maximized their Although our understanding of dynamic number of possible states, and the two play- joint utility. The phenomenon of over- situations has improved, the questions that ers have a finite set of actions available in exploitation of a common resource is known we can answer are still limited, and the each state. In addition, there are two finite in economics as the “tragedy of the com- models that are analyzed are still very sty- sets of “private signals” for the two players. In mons.” A complete characterization of the set listic. New tools must be developed so that each round, the current state and the actions of equilibria in this model has been provided we can treat models that are closer to real- being played determine the probability dis- by Chiarella et al. (44) and Dutta and Sun- life situations and provide better predic- tribution according to which the next state daram (45), who found out that there may be tions. This is the challenge that faces us in of the game and the signals to be privately equilibria in which the common resource is the coming 60 y. provided to the two players are chosen. These underexploited, so that the tragedy of the signals are all that the players get to know commons need not occur. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We appreciate the comments of an anonymous referee. E.S. acknowledges the support of along the play. This unified model is flexible A second application of stochastic games is Israel Science Foundation Grant 323/13. N.V. acknowledges enough to include stochastic games; repeated that of market games with money. In a the support of the Fondation HEC. games with incomplete information, imper- fect monitoring, or information lags [Scarf 1 von Neumann J, Morgenstern O (1944) Theory of Games and 10 Takahashi M (1964) Equilibrium points of stochastic non- and Shapley (40)]; and many other models, Economic Behavior (Princeton Univ Press, Princeton). cooperative n-person games. J Sci Hiroshima Univ Ser A-I Math such as game-theoretic versions of partially 2 Nash JF (1950) Equilibrium points in n-person games. Proc Natl 28(1):95–99. observed Markov decision processes. It is Acad Sci USA 36(1):48–49. 11 Parthasarathy T, Sinha S (1989) Existence of stationary 3 equilibrium strategies in non-zero sum discounted stochastic games worth noting that the general model of re- Nash J (1950) The bargaining problem. Econometrica 18(2): 155–162. with uncountable state space and state-independent transitions. Int J peated games is a stochastic game with im- 4 Shapley LS (1953) Stochastic games. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA Game Theory 18(2):189–194. 12 perfect monitoring of the state and actions. 39(10):1095–1100. Nowak A (2003) On a new of non-zero-sum discounted 5 Shapley LS (1953) A value for n-person games. Contributions to the stochastic games having stationary nash equilibrium points. Int J The mathematical study of this general – Theory of Games, II, Annals of Mathematical Studies, eds Kuhn WH, Game Theory 32(1):121 132. 13 Simon RS (2003) Games of incomplete information, ergodic model is currently very active [see Laraki and Tucker AW (Princeton Univ Press, Princeton), Vol 28, pp 307–317. theory, and the measurability of equilibria. Israel J Math 138(1): Sorin (41) for a recent review of the topic]. 6 Kuhn HW (1957) Extensive games and the problem and 73–92. information. Contributions to the Theory of Games, II, Annals of 14 Levy J (2013) A discounted stochastic game with no stationary 5. Applications Mathematical Studies, eds Kuhn HW, Tucker AW (Princeton Univ Nash equilibrium: Two examples. Econometrica 81(5):1973–2007. – Stochastic games provide a model for a large Press, Princeton), Vol 28, pp 193 216. 15 Levy J, McLennan A (2015) Corrigendum to “A discounted 7 Luce RD, Raiffa H (1957) Games and Decisions: Introduction and variety of dynamic interactions and are there- stochastic game with no stationary Nash equilibrium: Two examples.” Critical Survey (Wiley, New York). Econometrica 83(3):1237–1252. 8 fore useful in modeling real-life situations that von Neumann J (1928) Zur Theorie der Gesellschaftsspiele. 16 Selten R (1975) Reexamination of the perfectness concept for – arise in, e.g., economics, political science, and Mathematische Annalen 100(1):295 320; trans Tucker AW, Luce RD, equilibrium points in extensive games. Int J Game Theory 4(1):25–55. operations research. So that the analysis of the eds (1959) [Contribution to the Theory of Games,IV,Annalsof 17 Milnor J, Shapley LS (1991) On games of survival. Stochastic Mathematical Studies] (Princeton Univ Press, Princeton), Vol 40. German. Games and Related Topics, eds Raghavan TES, Ferguson TS, game provides decisive predictions and rec- 9 Fink AM (1964) Equilibrium in a stochastic n-person game. JSci Parthasarathy T, Vrieze OJ (Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands), ommendations, the data that define it must Hiroshima Univ 28(1):89–93. pp 207–233.

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