Digital Commons @ George Fox University Men's Basketball George Fox University Athletics 1973 1973 Statistics George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "1973 Statistics" (1973). Men's Basketball. 20. This Statistics is brought to you for free and open access by the George Fox University Athletics at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Men's Basketball by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. •• 16 National Championships 1973-74 ."r C R O SS COUNT R Y Marymount College, Sa lina, Kansas, November 17, 1973 SOCCE R, Florissam1 , M issou r i, Novem ber 21-24, 1973 F O O T BALL, Division II, Site of Part icip ant, December 1, 1973 D iv ision I, Site and dat e t o be named INDOOR TRA CK, Municip al A u d itorium, K ansas Cit y, M issouri, January 18-19, 1974 ICE HOC KEY B em idj i State College, Bem idji, Min nesota, M arch 1-3, 1974 SWIMMING'-George Williams Co l lege~-. Dow ners Grove, lllmois, M arc h 7-9.~. 1974 ·. WRESTL.:IN"', W isconsi n-River Falls, Hiver Fal ls W isconsin, M arch 7-9, 1 ~ 7 4 BASKETBALL, Mun icipal A uditoriu m , Kansas C it y , Missour i, March 11-16, 1974 G Y MNASTICS, F ort Hays State, Hays K ansas, M arch 22-23 1974 STATISTICS BOWLING, K ing Louie Plaz a, Kansas C it y , Missouri, M ay 3 -4 , 1974 V O LLEYBALL, George Wil liams College, D o wners Grove, l ll mois, May 3-4, 1974 OUTDOOR TRAC K , H enderson St ate, A r k ad elp hia, A r kansas, M ay 2 3-25, 1974 BASE BALL, Missou ri West ern State, St_ Joseph, M i ssouri, M ay 30-Ju ne 5 (6), 1974 T E NNIS, Rockhill C o u n t ry Club, K ansas C ity, Missouri, June 4 -7 (8), 1974 G OLF, N orth ern State, Aberdeen, Sou th Dakota, J une 3 -7, 1974 1205 Baltim ore, Kansas Ci ty, Mi ssouri 64105 ..