
Caribbean Journal of Science, Vol. 41, No. 1, 1-13, 2005 Copyright 2005 College of Arts and Sciences University of Puerto Rico, Mayagu¨ez

Late Megafaunal Deposits on the Isthmus of Panama and Their Paleoenvironmental Implications


Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas, 622 Fraser Hall, 1415 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence, KS 66045-7556, USA [email protected]

ABSTRACT.—Two megafaunal deposits were discovered next to the villages of La Trinidaíta and Llano Hato during an archaeological survey on the Azuero Peninsula of Panama. The fossil sites were found near other localities first reported in 1957 by Smithsonian paleontologist Lewis Gazin. Bones at La Trinidaíta and Llano Hato rested in tight horizontal clusters at the bottom of ancient creeks and ponds. The remains appear to have been buried rapidly by thick deposits of fine clay when environmental conditions were wetter and cooler than today. identified at La Trinidaíta and Llano Hato include Cuvieronius tropicus, Eremo- therium sp., and some turtles. Radiocarbon-dated charcoal fragments associated with the bones gave con- temporaneous dates of 44,840 ± 700 and 47,040 ± 900 14C yr B.P. These dates indicate that carcasses accumu- lated during the Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3) interstadial. Because other fossils were not found above or below these principal deposits, it is argued that the MIS3 environment was especially favorable for sup- porting large browsers and mixed-feeders and preserving their bones on the landscape. These environmental and taphonomical characteristics likely disappeared as the climate of the lowland Neotropics became drier in response to the following arid glacial advance. During this time, C4 plants dominated the landscape and may have forced gomphotheres and giant ground to abandon the dry Pacific lowlands and follow the rising tree-lines. Such large-scale range re-organization may have caused animals to abandon some regions of lower Central America during the Last Glacial Maximum.

KEYWORDS.—Panama, , MIS3, Cuvieronius, Eremotherium, Rancholabrean, Pleistocene.

INTRODUCTION types of armadillos (Holmesina, Glyptothe- rium, Chlamydotherium), ground sloths During the late and the Pleis- (, Eremotherium, ), tocene, Central America acted as a connect- toxodonts (Mixotoxodon), porcupines, opos- ing corridor that allowed North and South sums, , and monkeys. Initially, the American to intermingle. dispersal of animals across the Isthmus was This process, called the Great American facilitated by the presence of a continuous Faunal Interchange (Marshall et al. 1982; savanna corridor spanning both continents Stehli and Webb 1985; Marshall 1988; Webb (Webb 1978, 1991). By the end of the Pleis- 1991, 1997), began approximately 3 MYA tocene, however, a more humid environ- with the final emergence of the Panama- ment began to prevail in lower Central nian land bridge and closure of the last ma- America, which culminated in the modern rine corridor between the Pacific and At- Neotropics. With time, the increasingly hot lantic oceans (Coates 1997). Among the and wet expanse between and northern animals that crossed the Isthmus Panama became less of a conduit and more into South America were gomphotheriids of a filter, gradually preventing animal and (Cuvieronius), , llamas, deer, peccar- plants from traversing to and from the con- ies, tapirs, and rabbits (Webb 1991). Immi- tinents. Although the emergence of the grants from the south included several Isthmus of Panama was responsible for the terrestrial swapping of animals, very few fossils have been recovered on the land ms. received August 16, 2004; accepted December bridge itself. The first discoveries were re- 21, 2004 ported by Gazin in 1957 who excavated two 1 2 GEORGES A. PEARSON megafaunal localities on the Azuero Penin- Museum of Natural History in sula. The first site, La Coca, near the town Gainesville where the author conducted of Ocú, contained the remains of Eremothe- preliminary identification. Fossils were rium and Mixotoxodon (originally described eventually returned to the Smithsonian as Toxodon, Gazin 1957:346). At the second Tropical Research Institute in Panama locality, El Hatillo, Gazin (1957:347) identi- where they are presently stored. fied the bones of Eremotherium, , Cu- vieronius, Glyptodon, Pseudemys (Trachemys), RESULTS and Glossotherium among others. Here I re- port the discovery of two additional fossil de- La Trinidaíta posits found near Gazin’s original sites. Setting.—La Trinidaíta (98 m a.s.l.) is lo- cated approximately 9 km west of the town METHODS of Pesé (UTM: 17NNU533942873738, NAD 27) (Figure 1). The site was discovered in a In 2001, I conducted an archaeological small topographic depression that drains survey whose main objective was to locate into a small creek and becomes boggy dur- late Pleistocene-early oc- ing the rainy season (Figure 2). The bowl is cupations on the Azuero Peninsula (Pear- delineated by a gentle northern slope and son 2002; Pearson and Cooke 2002). Be- eroding sidewalls to the south. Although cause Paleoindian sites sometimes contain the land was in a fallow state at the time of the remains of megamammals (Grayson our study, it had previously served to grow and Meltzer 2002), ancient bone deposits tubers. Prior planting and harvesting ac- were also sought to determine if a human tivities had exposed bones along the shal- presence might be associated with some of low edges of the depression. them. During the reconnaissance, bones of Excavations at La Trinidaíta were ori- extinct megafauna were discovered next to ented perpendicular to the draining axis of the small villages of Llano Hato and La the basin in order to sample a cross-section Trinidaíta. of the sloping deposits.A2m2 test pit (TP1) Both the Llano Hato and La Trinidaíta was placed near the bottom of the bowl localities were excavated following ar- aligned with a narrow trench (TR1) and a chaeological protocols. Using a theodolite, second test pit (TP2, 1 m2) along its slope. horizontal grids of 1 m2 excavation units In addition, several test pits were dug at a were established over the extent of the distance from the main excavation area to work area. These grids were oriented along determine the extent of the fossil-bearing magnetic north or an arbitrary site north. deposit. All bones recovered during the Excavations proceeded by shovels and study were found in TP1, TP2, TR1, and trowels to remove sterile overburden fol- unit N80E122. lowed by wooden shish kebab sticks to ex- Stratigraphy and dating.—Bones at La pose the bone beds. Because fossils were Trinidaíta were first observed on the sur- embedded in a moist and sticky clay ma- face of the northern incline. These fossils trix, sieves were not used in the field. Most were protruding from a 10 cm-thick plow- bones were in a very poor state of preser- zone observed in the stratigraphic profile of vation and had to be treated in the field the trench. Specimens recovered in situ in with a solution of diluted white glue and in TR1 were resting on an ancient creek bed the laboratory with an acetone-based con- composed of rounded cobbles and sand ly- solidant (Acryloid B-72). The absence of hu- ing immediately above the bedrock (Figure man-made artifacts coupled with a suite of 3). Fossils were encased and overlaid by early radiocarbon dates later confirmed fine clay which thickened progressively to- that the deposits represented non-cultural wards the bottom of the basin (from 25 cm paleontological accumulations. Following in TR1 to over a meter in TP1). Although the excavations, bone elements with visible our excavations did not reach the rocky identifying features were shipped to the substrate in TP1, megafaunal remains were LATE PLEISTOCEN MEGAFAUNAL DEPOSITS 3

FIG. 1. Map of Panama and Azuero Peninsula (above) and inset map (below) showing towns (solid squares) and fossil localities (open circles) described in text. found at 85 cm below surface within the consisted of Eremotherium vertebrae. De- fine clay deposit (Figure 4). A charcoal pending on the taxonomic scheme one sample collected approximately 15 cm be- wishes to adopt, late Pleistocene ground low an isolated Eremotherium vertebra in species from Panama belong to either TP1 gave a date of 44,840 ± 700 14C yr B.P. E. laurillardi (Cartelle and De Iuliis 1995) or (Beta-158916, Table 1). This date is consid- to E. rusconi (Guérin and Faure 2000). Cu- ered an average age because the charcoal vieronius tropicus was represented by a sample was recovered under some of the tooth fragment (Figure 6), a complete tibia, fossils in clay that buried the main bone some vertebrae, and a proximal rib. Finally, bed. Several remains were also collected a small section of carapace was ascribed to from TP2 but excavations in this test unit an unidentified terrestrial turtle. Regretta- were incomplete due to in-filling of water bly, it was not possible to classify many during heavy rains. The bone-rich clay was fragmentary specimens (n < 80) and the not observed in units N100E128 and MNI count for this collection must tenta- N115E88-89. tively remain at one individual for each Fossil remains.—At least three genera species. were identified at La Trinidaíta (Table 2, Bones did not show obvious signs of sur- Figure 5). The majority of bone elements face weathering such as root etching, insect 4 GEORGES A. PEARSON

FIG. 2. Topographic map of the La Trinidaíta fossil locality, Panama. Test pits and trenches are indicated by solid squares and rectangles respectively. burrows, rodent gnawing, or desiccation Pesé (UTM: 17NNU533587881887, NAD 27). cracks and exfoliation. This evidence sug- The site was discovered in a cow pasture gests that the animals died at the watering on the edge of a small, seasonal stream hole and carcasses were deposited in the (Quebrada El Jobo).A2m2 test pit (TP1) aqueous environment of the creek. Many of was excavated near the eastern bank where the bones were stained by ferrous oxide bones were eroding out of the downcut giving them a brick-colored hue. The fossils channel (Figure 7). Five shovel tests (50 were trapped in a humid matrix and had to cm2) were also dug along the creek in an be treated in the field and allowed to dry effort to follow the fossil-bearing clay en- gradually before they could be removed. countered in TP1. Megafaunal bones were not, however, discovered in these shal- Llano Hato lower test units. Setting.—The Llano Hato site (105 m a.s.l.) Stratigraphy and dating.—TP1 was exca- is situated approximately 14 km northwest of vated to a depth of two meters. With the LATE PLEISTOCEN MEGAFAUNAL DEPOSITS 5

shovel tests along the eastern edge of El Jobo Creek. However, clay was not ob- served in our test unit on the other side of the furrow. Sediments on the western bank were shallow and extremely rocky. Three AMS radiocarbon dates were se- cured from TP1 (Table 1). The first came from a collagen sample extracted from an untreated Eremotherium rib head. It pro- vided a date of 2770 ± 90 14C yr B.P. (CAMS-77491) (Figure 9). This improbable age may have been caused by a major al- teration of the specimen’s geochemistry (T. Stafford, pers. comm. 2001). A second date of 47,040 ± 900 14C yr B.P. (CAMS-78192) was obtained from a piece of charcoal found within the bone bed. Lastly, a piece of hardened clay and tephra containing charcoal fragments, collected approxi- mately 50 cm above the fossils, was dated at 21,490 ± 120 14C yr B.P. (Beta-158915). Fossil remains.—Bones recovered from TP1 were in a very poor state of preserva- tion compared to specimens from La Trini- daíta. Although fossils did not show evi- dence of damage produced by prolonged exposure in open environments, the major- ity exhibited mosaic patterns of cracks and flaking (Behrensmeyer 1978:153). This type of weathering may result from repeated cycles of bone swelling and shrinking caused by a seasonally-fluctuating water table. In this manner, fossils appear to mimic the physical responses of the clay in which they were deposited. Although bones were treated in the field with diluted white glue, many crumbled upon drying. Animals represented at Llano Hato in- cluded Eremotherium sp. and at least one of turtle (Table 3, Figure 5). Many of the identifiable sloth elements were small and unfused, suggesting that at least one juvenile was present. However, because the bones were so badly preserved, it was im- possible to determine if all the remains be- longed to one or more individual sloths.

FIG. 3. La Trinidaíta fossil locality, test trench No.1. DISCUSSION exception of some discontinuous tephra lenses, the deposits seen in the stratigraphic The bone assemblages from La Trinidaíta profile were composed entirely of fine clay and Llano Hato appear to have accumu- (Figure 8). This clay was present in all lated between c. 47,000 and 45,000 14C 6 GEORGES A. PEARSON

FIG. 4. Stratigraphic profile of La Trinidaíta deposits (north wall, TP1).

TABLE 1. Radiocarbon dates from Panamanian magafaunal localities.

Site . no. 14C yr BP Material 13C/12C Method Llano Hato Beta-158915 21,490 ± 120 soil organics −23.1% AMS Llano Hato CAMS-78192 47,040 ± 900 charcoal not given AMS Llano Hato CAMS-77491 2770 ± 90 bone collagen not given AMS La Trinidaı´ta Beta-158916 44,840 ± 700 charcoal −27.3% AMS ago during the interstadial of Marine Iso- the 1950s discoveries, Gazin’s descriptions tope Stage 3 (MIS3, c. 60,000-30,000 years of the El Hatillo and La Coca sites recall BP). The remains were found clustered both La Trinidaíta and Llano Hato respec- horizontally, indicating relatively rapid ac- tively: cretion and burial. Significantly, no other fossil concentrations appear to have formed [at El Hatillo] The bones were found to occur before or after the main beds described in at the bottom of the mud near contact with this report. The geomorphological contexts the underlying bedrock, close to the surface of both localities were similar, supporting at the periphery but increasing in depth to- the idea that the bone accumulations are of wards the spring. (Gazin 1957:343) the same time period and formed under comparable paleoenvironmental condi- At La Coca the remains were preserved on tions. Both assemblages were found buried the upper surface of a low terrace (pl. 3). The in fine clay matrices that were apparently materials were here found weathering out of built up by low-energy water systems. A the thin superficial remnant of mud and third fossil site not described here—Cerro gravel, and the spring associated with the oc- currence and possibly related to the entrap- Gordo near Llano Hato—was also located ment is now flowing out from the steeper in a similar geomorphological context. This slopes below the terrace top. This suggests site was found in a clay-filled depression that the shallow ravine below the terrace had where a farmer discovered a Cuvieronius t. been cut since the fossil accumulation was molar. As for the stratigraphic contexts of formed. (Gazin 1957:348) LATE PLEISTOCEN MEGAFAUNAL DEPOSITS 7

TABLE 2. List of fossil remains from La Trinida´ıta locality, Azuero Peninsula, Panama.

Cat. no. Element Genus, species LT00 Right clavicle Eremotherium sp. LT01a Vertebra fragment Eremotherium sp. LT01b Caudal vertebra, chevron Eremotherium sp. bone LT16 Vertebra fragment Eremotherium sp. LT29 Vertebra fragment (axis?) Eremotherium sp. LT30 Caudal vertebra Eremotherium sp. LT36 Vertebra fragment Eremotherium sp. LT39 Tooth fragment Eremotherium sp. LT51 Tooth fragment Cuvieronius t. LT55 Vertebra fragment Eremotherium sp. LT62 Caudal vertebra Eremotherium sp. LT64 Caudal vertebra Eremotherium sp. LT75 Right pes bone Eremotherium sp. LT85 Turtle carapace fragment Trachemys sp.? LT87 Rib fragment Cuvieronius t. LT92 Rib fragment Eremotherium sp. LT93 Left fibula Cuvieronius t. LT94 Left distal femur Cuvieronius t. LT95 Right distal fibula Cuvieronius t. LT96 Sternal bone Cuvieronius t. LT97 Sesamoid Eremotherium sp. LT100 Left tibia Cuvieronius t. LT101 Thoracic vertebra Cuvieronius t. LT102 Thoracic vertebra Cuvieronius t. LT103 Thoracic vertebra Cuvieronius t. FIG. 5. Fossil remains from La Trinidaíta and Llano Hato sites: a) thoracic vertebra Cuvieronius t. (#LT- 101); b, c, d) caudal vertebrae Eremotherium sp. (#LT- 62, 30, 64); e) sternal bone Cuvieronius t. (#LT-96); f) Taking all of these sites into consider- right clavicle Eremotherium sp. (#LT-00); g) right distal ation, one might ask if these megafaunal tibia Eremotherium sp. (#LH-00); h) vertebra Eremothe- deposits might not represent a time when rium sp. (#LH-16), (see Tables 2 and 3). bone accumulation and/or preservation were taphonomically favorable on the Azu- on the peninsula face yearly starvation and ero Peninsula. To answer this questions we dehydration if owners do not supplement must first try and reconstruct the environ- their diet and dig wells or artificial catch- ment that prevailed on the Isthmus during ments to provide them with fresh water. this time. Current levels of deforestation resulting If we examine the modern environmental from modern ranching and subsequent soil conditions on the Azuero Peninsula, it be- denudation have exacerbated this situation. comes quite obvious that the hydrographic In view that there are now very few pe- systems during MIS3 were radically differ- rennial water sources anywhere on the ent. Then, as is now, the Isthmus received Azuero and the accumulation of thick clay most of its annual precipitation when the deposits is no longer a common geological Intercontinental Convergence Zone (ITCZ) process, can we speak of a higher annual moved above the Equator between the rainfall in Panama during MIS3? Data from months of May and November. Today, the the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) annual rainfall (c. 1500-2500 mm) and (Grootes et al. 1993; Dansgaard et al. 1993) evapotranspiration rates in north central indicate that MIS3 was itself marked by fre- Azuero cannot maintain natural standing quent short, wetter interstadials (Dans- bodies of water during the dry season and gaard/Oeschger or D/O events) inter- most creeks disappear. Cattle introduced spaced by dry, cooler periods (Heinrich 8 GEORGES A. PEARSON

dicate that the ITCZ hovered long enough above the Isthmus during D/O interstadi- als to provide the land bridge with equal or higher annual precipitation than today. These conditions may have also shortened the dry seasons and lead to more humid and verdant landscapes on the Pacific side of Panama. Describing the vegetation cover that pre- vailed on the Azuero during this time is more difficult due to a scarcity of Pleis- tocene-age pollen cores. Only a few palyno- logical and phytolith studies in lower Cen- tral America and northern South America (Van der Hammen 1974; Bush and Colin- vaux 1990; Hooghiemstra et al. 1992; Behling et al. 1998) have allowed us to re- construct the plant communities that ex- isted before the Last Glacial Maximum FIG. 6. Tooth fragments from La Trinidaíta and (LGM). These studies have revealed that Llano Hato showing exterior enamel (first view) and the MIS3 climate in this part of the Ameri- interior dentine (second view): a) molar fragment of cas was cooler and perhaps even wetter Cuvieronius t. (#LT-51); b-f) Eremotherium sp. (#LH-64, than during the Holocene. Forests were de- #LT-39, #LH-01, #LH-45, #LH-19), (see Tables 2 and 3). pressed by thousands of meters in some zones and grassland/savannas were prob- events). Although the global mechanisms ably limited to a few coastal fringes. The for these climatic changes are still being in- co-occurrence of both Eremotherium and vestigated, the saw-tooth profile of the Cuvieronius in the same deposits supports GISP2 ␦18O values clearly demonstrate that the idea that these animals lived in open the transitions between D/O and Heinrich forest environments and that gompho- events were sometimes quite rapid (in theres were probably mixed C3-C4 feeders some cases only 25 years according to (Sánchez et al. 2004). It is thus safe to con- Burns et al. [2003]) and of considerable clude that lower evapotranspiration during magnitude. Information gathered from ma- the dry season coupled with equal or rine cores drilled in the Cariaco Basin (Pe- slightly higher annual precipitation on the terson et al. 2000) and off the island of Isthmus were probably sufficient to main- Grenada (Vink et al. 2001) have shown that tain flowing creeks and shallow ponds dur- deposition of organic carbon and terrig- ing most of the . If the Azuero Penin- enous sediments, originating from north- sula was indeed strewn with watering ern South America, was relatively high holes before the LGM, then these areas during the D/O interstadials due to high would have acted as natural bone traps. rainfall and river discharge. Moreover, Pe- Thus, the geomorphological characteristics terson et al. (2000:1950) suggest that that prevailed during the interstadial “higher interstadial rainfall along the coast- would explain the high paleontological vis- line of South America may have led to a ibility of MIS3 megafaunal remains on the higher net export of moisture to the Pacific” Azuero. across the Isthmus of Panama. Increased Following the MIS3 interstadial, the cli- monsoonal activity during D/O events has mate became extremely arid as lowered also been observed in terrestrial and ma- surface sea temperatures depressed the rine proxy records from Asia (Wang et al. ITCZ further south (Peterson et al. 2000). 2001; Stott et al. 2002; Yuan et al. 2004) and During this time, annual rainfall dropped the Arabian Sea (Schulz et al. 1998; Leusch- 35-50% across Central America and north- ner and Sirocko 2000). Thus, these data in- ern South America (Leyden 1985; Piperno LATE PLEISTOCEN MEGAFAUNAL DEPOSITS 9

FIG. 7. Topographic map of the Llano Hato fossil locality, Panama. Test pits and trenches are indicated by solid squares and rectangles, respectively. and Jones 2003). The Pacific lowland of could have forced gomphotheres and Panama, for example, became a savanna- sloths to abandon the Pacific lowlands of like expanse after mixed C3-C4 ecosystems Panama and follow the rising tree-lines were replaced by C4 dominated plant com- along the Continental Divide or the south- munities during the last glacial (Piperno western highlands on the Azuero. Another and Jones 2003:85). This major reorganiza- possibility is that these animals began to tion of the vegetation may have forced concentrate along larger river systems that some browsers and mixed-feeders in parts flowed throughout the year. Xeric condi- of Central America to shift their ranges to- tions may have also accelerated surface ero- wards wetter areas. Increasing aridity sion and prevented megafaunal remains 10 GEORGES A. PEARSON

FIG. 8. Stratigraphic profile of Llano Hato deposits (west wall, TP1). from being buried in more open land- approximately 3 MYA with the final clo- scapes. Therefore, the apparent absence sure of the Panamanian land bridge. Al- post-LGM fossils in this part of the Azuero though the Isthmus of Panama was respon- could be a reflection of unfavorable tapho- sible for this large scale intermingling of nomic conditions during this dry period. biota, very few fossils have actually been Sampling strategies for future paleonto- found here. For over forty years, the only logical research on the Azuero should con- available descriptions of Panamanian centrate on river terraces, caves, and natu- megafauna were those provided by Gazin ral springs as these may be the only areas (1957) from the La Coca and El Hatillo sites. where late megafaunal remains were pre- Recent work at La Trinidaíta and Llano served. Hato has not only identified additional sources of fossils on the Azuero, but also CONCLUSION provided secure radiocarbon dates for ex- tinct megafauna in lower Central America. The Great American Faunal Interchange Charcoal associated with the remains gave between North and South America began contemporaneous dates of 44,840 ± 700 and LATE PLEISTOCEN MEGAFAUNAL DEPOSITS 11

FIG. 9. Bone bed and radiocarbon dates, TP1, Llano Hato, Panama.

47,040 ± 900 14C yr B.P. indicating that the the LGM, may have shifted some megafau- bone beds formed during the MIS3 inter- nal feeding ranges on the Pacific watershed stadial. Significantly, fossils were discov- lowlands of Panama. Thus, the Pleistocene ered buried under thick fine clay deposits biogeographic distributions on this narrow at the bottoms of paleo-creek beds and land bridge were likely quite dynamic due ponds. The geomorphological contexts at to its role as a passageway between the con- these localities suggest that bones accumu- tinents and the frequency of stadial- lated at a time when the Azuero Peninsula interstadial climatic oscillations. was cooler and wetter than today. Gradual replacement of mixed C3-C4 plant commu- Acknowledgments.—I am eternally grate- nities by C4 dominated ecosystems, during ful to my good friend Robert A. Beckwith 12 GEORGES A. PEARSON

TABLE 3. List of fossil remains from Llano Hato lo- Carlos Fitzgerald of Patrimonio Histórico cality, Azuero Peninsula, Panama. was instrumental in alleviating some of the logistical headaches of fieldwork. Alberto Cat. no. Element Genus, species E. Ruíz de Leon provided the fossil draw- LH00 Right distal tibia Eremotherium sp. ings. Finally, I would like to extend a spe- LH01 Tooth fragment Eremotherium sp. cial debt of gratitude to S. David Webb of LH04 Rib fragment? Eremotherium sp. the Florida Museum of Natural History, as LH05 Rib fragment Eremotherium sp. well as C. Andrew Hemmings, and Gary S. LH06 Proximal humerus Eremotherium sp. LH13 Cranial fragment? Eremotherium sp. Morgan who made my stay in Gainesville LH16 Vertebra Eremotherium sp. all the more productive. LH17 Vertebra fragment Eremotherium sp. LH18 Vertebra Eremotherium sp. LITERATURE CITED LH19 Tooth fragment Eremotherium sp. LH21 Vertebra fragment Eremotherium sp. Behling, H., A. J. Negret, and H. Hooghiemstra. 1998. LH22 Tooth fragment Eremotherium sp. Late Quaternary vegetational and climatic change LH24 Vertebra fragment Eremotherium sp. in the Popayán region, southern Colombian LH26 Vertebra fragment Eremotherium sp. Andes. Journal of Quaternary Science 13:43-53. LH29 Vertebra Eremotherium sp. Behrensmeyer, A. K. 1978. Taphonomic and ecologic LH31 Sternum Eremotherium sp. information from bone weathering. Paleobiology 4: LH32 Rib Eremotherium sp. 150-162. LH34 Turtle carapace Trachemys sp.? Burns, S. J., D. Fleitmann, A. Matter, J. Kramers, and fragment? A. A. Al-Subbary. 2003. Indian Ocean climate and an absolute chronology over Dansgaard/Oeschger LH37 Rib fragment Eremotherium sp. events 9 to 13. Science 301:1365-1367. LH39 Turtle plastron Trachemys sp.? Bush, M. B., and P. Colinvaux. 1990. A pollen record of fragment? a complete glacial cycle from lowland Panama. Eremotherium LH43 Right femur sp. Journal of Vegetation Science 1:105-118. LH44 Rib fragment Eremotherium sp. Cartelle, C., and G. De Iuliis. 1995. Eremotherium lau- LH45 Tooth fragment Eremotherium sp. rillardi: the Panamerican late Pleistocene megath- LH49 Right clavicle Eremotherium sp. eriid sloth. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 15(4): LH51 First rib fragment Eremotherium sp. 830-841. LH54 Rib Eremotherium sp. Coates, A. G. 1997. The forging of Central America. In LH55 Carpal (?) Eremotherium sp. Central America: A Natural and Cultural History, ed. LH56 Rib Eremotherium sp. A. G. Coates, 1-37. New Haven, Yale University LH57 Unfused articular Eremotherium sp. Press. surface of centrum Dansgaard, W., et al. 1993. Evidence for general insta- LH58 Rib head Eremotherium sp. bility of past climate from a 250-kyr ice-core rec- LH59 Rib head Eremotherium sp. ord. Nature 364:218-220. LH60 Turtle caparace Trachemys sp.? Gazin, C. L. 1957. Exploration for the remains of giant LH64 Tooth fragment Eremotherium sp. ground sloths in Panama. Annual Report of the Board LHxx Claw fragment Eremotherium sp. of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1956. Publi- cation No. 4272, 341-354. Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Grayson, D. K., and D. J. Meltzer. 2002. Clovis hunting who assisted me throughout this project. A and large : A critical review of special thanks goes to Panamanian land the evidence. Journal of World Prehistory 16:313-59 owners and local workers who lent a Grootes, P. M., M. Stuiver, J. W. C. White, S. Johnsen, and J. Jouzel. 1993. Comparison of oxygen isotope during the excavations: Cesar A. Serrano records from the GISP2 and GRIP Greenland ice C., E. Alfonso Tejada Caballero, Luís Carlos cores. Nature 366:552-554. Vasquez Barba, Jesús Nieto Alvarado, Al- Guérin, C., and M. Faure. 2000. La véritable nature de berto E. RuízdeLeón, and Erasmo Fung. laurillardi Lund, 1842 (Mammalia, Funding for this research was provided by ): un nain parmi les geants. Geobios 33(4): a Pre-Doctoral fellowship from the Smith- 475-488. Hooghiemstra, H., A. M. Cleff, G. W. Noldus, and M. sonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI). Kappelle. 1992. Upper Quaternary vegetation dy- This investigation could not have been car- namics and paleoclimatology of the La Chonta Bog ried out without the support of Richard area (Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica). Journal Cooke and Dolores Piperno of the STRI. of Quaternary Science 7:205-225. LATE PLEISTOCEN MEGAFAUNAL DEPOSITS 13

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