Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel

world-ending heresies treating your spouse The Treasury of Merits the scum of Satan the priesthood like a drunk, mad brute of all believers The Keys Against the Roman (everyone gets an extra Gospel Against Hanswurst Papacy, an Institution of ('s Works, Vol. 40, p. 344) Card for this round) the Devil

(Luther's Works, Vol. 41, p. 239) (Luther's Works, Vol. 41, p. 279)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel

the most shameless the Luther seal the large catechism the kingdom of sin, the gentle caress of all brothels death, and hell of syphilis (the Roman church) (the Roman church) Against the Roman The Freedom of a Christian The Freedom of a Christian Papacy, an Institution of (1520) (1520) the Devil

(Janz, p. 106) (Janz, p. 106) (Luther's Works, Vol. 41, p. 288)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel

the foul odor the devil the Book of Concord the Antichrist taking 6 hours to of your name confess all your faults *cough*

Concerning the Ministry The (Robinson, p. 9) (Luther's Works, Vol. 40, p. 17) *cough*

(Robinson, p. 43)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel

suggesting bigamy for striking down peasants sinners who sinners and saints your adulterous friends like mad dogs smell worse than a dirty diaper Against the Robbing and (Robinson, p. 85) Murdering Hordes of From Luther's Peasants (Janz, p. 85) (Janz, p. 177)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel selling secretly flinging your relying on the relics: the best leftovers purgatory to pay back a own dung phrase "sin boldly" of the saints greedy Fugger a little too much Against the Heavenly Prophets (Robinson, p. 24) (Robinson, p. 85) (Luther's Works, Vol. 40, p. 222)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel

praying for a pooping your pants poop covered bread pig farts perverted desires for breakthrough and hanging it the melons of Egypt on the toilet around your neck Against Latomus From Luther's Table Talk Against Latomus (Luther's Works, Vol. 32, p. 223) (Janz, p. 86) Against the Roman (Luther's Works, Vol. 32, p. 223) (Robinson, p. 33) Papacy, an Institution of the Devil

(Luther's Works, Vol. 41, p. 280)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel people more stupid than papal authority offering the pope a needing more make-up nailing it... a block of wood tongue-lashing as a gift to cover the devil inside 95 times in a row

Against Latomus The Freedom of a Christian Against the Heavenly (1520) Prophets (Luther's Works, Vol. 32, p. 242) (Janz, p. 107) (Luther's Works, Vol. 40, p. 189)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel

mouse-droppings mad asses Luther's drunken, Luther's biretta in the pepper murderous barber, Pete Against the Roman (this card automatically wins the Papacy, an Institution of On the Councils and the round) Church the Devil (Robinson, p. 79)

(Luther's Works, Vol. 41, p. 56) (Luther's Works, Vol. 41, p. 360)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel looking to the saints Katharine von Bora Karl von Miltitz justification by grace John Calvin for deliverance

(Robinson, p. 1)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel

insomnia and infant baptism going undercover with God-ordained getting drunk enough to constipation the completely sufficient asphyxiation preach about Noah by and inconspicuous experience Against the Heavenly (Robinson, p. 47) name, Knight George Prophets From Luther's Table Talk

(Luther's Works, Vol. 40, p. 111) (Robinson, p. 54) (Janz, p. 86)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel

Germany: a land of excommunication escaping in a drunk, sleepy belches diligent study and hogs and filthy people herring barrel between snores fervent prayer

The Bondage of the Will (Robinson, p. 77) (Robinson, p. 71) (Luther's Works, Vol. 33, p. 113)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel

diligent study and death: the ultimate Cranach painting butt licking burning the Scriptures fervent prayer freedom from Luther like one of Catholic guilt his French girls Against the Roman To the Christian Nobility of Papacy, an Institution of the German Nation Ninety-five Theses or the Devil Concerning the Reform of Disputation on the Power (Robinson, p. 19) the Christian Estate (1520) (Luther's Works, Vol. 41, p. 334) and Efficacy of (Janz, p. 100) Indulgences (1517)

(Janz, p. 88)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel

burning down blockheads, boors, blasphemous, being released from being possessed by a Jewish synagogues and dunderheads abominable rascals purgatory by the Pope legion of devils (for the sake of Against Hanswurst Against the Roman money not love) Against Hanswurst (Robinson, p. 88) Papacy, an Institution of (Luther's Works, Vol. 41, p. 187) (Luther's Works, Vol. 41, p. 185) the Devil Ninety-five Theses or Disputation on the Power and (Luther's Works, Vol. 41, p. 279) Efficacy of Indulgences (1517)

(Robinson, p. 26 & Janz, p. 92)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel begging your ass not beating your child Anathema! an : get out to dance for fear of a bloody for taking a nut of purgatory free card fart escaping without permission Ninety-five Theses or Against the Roman Disputation on the Power Papacy, an Institution of (Robinson, p. 1) and Efficacy of the Devil Indulgences (1517)

(Luther's Works, Vol. 41, p. 280) (Janz, p. 89)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel a wife that brews a tonsure: the world's a thunderous fart a sermon so good to a revival preacher with her own beer worst haircut keep a German from vivid portrayals of the Against the Roman getting drunk suffering of the damned Papacy, an Institution of (Robinson, p. 78) in never-ending fires the Devil

(Robinson, p. 77) under the torment of (Luther's Works, Vol. 41, p. 344) innumerable demons

(Robinson, p. 5)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel

a papist a papal bull a monk's cowl a magician who a little pious prancer conjures horse poop in the mouths of fools Against the Roman Papacy, an Institution of Against the Roman the Devil

Papacy, an Institution of (Luther's Works, Vol. 41, p. 310) the Devil

(Luther's Works, Vol. 41, p. 264)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel a literal a lawyer (either a a homicidal, love-drunk, a gross, ungrateful clod a good joke about good-for-nothing mancrush on the Pope tricking then beating or a know-nothing) A Sermon on Keeping your dog Preface to the Complete Children in School

Edition of Luther's Latin From Luther's Table Talk (Luther's Works, Vol. 46, p. 241) Writings (1545) (Robinson, p. 84) (Janz, p. 86) (Robinson, p. 14 & Janz, p. 78)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel

a God more a fart-ass a donkey's fart a copper smelter 3 1/2 sacraments disapproving and condemning Against the Roman Against the Roman Papacy, an Institution of Papacy, an Institution of (Robinson, p. 1) than your father the Devil the Devil

(Luther's Works, Vol. 41, p. 344) (Luther's Works, Vol. 41, p. 300) (Robinson, p. 13)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel

(create your own) (create your own) (create your own) (create your own) (create your own)

Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel

(create your own) (create your own) (create your own) (create your own) (create your own)