Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2005 RESEARCH, DISCOVERY AND INNOVATION AT MCGILL UNIVERSITY Vicky Kaspi Reaches Starsfor the SHINING A LIGHT ON KIDS’ DEPRESSION A PRESCRIPTION FOR SAFE DRUG USE IN PURSUIT OF PEACE Volume 1, Number 1 headway Fall 2005 Research, discovery and innovation at McGill University NEW WAVE Headway is published twice a 2 Shining a Light on Kids’ Depression year by the Office of the Vice-Principal (Research) and A psychology professor shows that children as young as the Office of the Associate six become depressed — and investigates why Vice-Principal (Communications). NETWORKS EDITORS 4 Back to the Future Susan Murley Jennifer Towell Today’s devotees of Internet chat rooms and theatre fans in the Renaissance are more similar than you might think SPECIAL THANKS TO Christine Zeindler IN FOCUS Mark Reynolds DESIGN 6 Making Babies Instructional Multimedia Services First-in-Canada treatments give women more options McGill University to improve fertility CORRESPONDENCE Headway IN DEPTH 805 Sherbrooke St. West Burnside Hall, Room 110 8 Montreal, Quebec Taking thePulse of the Universe H3A 2K6 Collapsed stars teach us about the laws of physics and inspire us to look beyond our earthly world
[email protected] Telephone: 514-398-5633 INDUSTRIAL IMPACT Fax: 514-398-7364 Pour recevoir un exemplaire 12 A Prescription for Safe Drug Use de cette publication en français, A new company launched from McGill research puts drug veuillez communiquer avec safety information directly into the hands of doctors nous à l’adresse ci-dessus.