Diploma Programme subject outline—Group 2: language acquisition La Costa Canyon 924174 School name School code

Name of the DP subject French (indicate the language)

Level x Higher Standard completed in two years Standard completed in one year * (indicate with X) (not applicable for languages ab initio) (not applicable for languages ab initio)

Melanie Emr March 12-14, 2017 Name of the teacher who Date of IB training completed this outline

Date when outline was March 15, 2017 Name of workshop French category 1 completed Revised 12.1.17 (indicate name of subject and workshop category)

* All Diploma Programme courses are designed as two-year learning experiences. However, up to two standard level subjects, excluding languages ab initio and pilot subjects, can be completed in one year, according to conditions established in the Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme.

1. If you will be teaching language B higher level, identify the two works of literature to be studied.

Le Petit Prince Huis Clos (« Le Malade Imaginaire » possible option) ( « Barbe bleue » possible option)

2. Course outline

– Use the following table to organize the topics to be taught in the course. If you need to include topics that cover other requirements you have to teach (for example, national syllabus), make sure that you do so in an integrated way, but also differentiate them using italics. Add as many rows as you need.

– This document should not be a day-by-day accounting of each unit. It is an outline showing how you will distribute the topics and the time to ensure that students are prepared to comply with the requirements of the subject.

– This outline should show how you will develop the teaching of the subject. It should reflect the individual nature of the course in your classroom and should not just be a “copy and paste” from the subject guide.

– If you will teach both higher and standard level, make sure that this is clearly identified in your outline.

Topic Contents Alloc Assessment Resources ated instruments to be List the main (as identified in the used IB subject guide) resources to be used, including information State the topics in the order you technology if are planning to teach them. applicable. 60- minutes. 90 2-3 classes.

Year 1 Social relationships -Divorce rates in French speaking countries . -taste testing varying foods -French natives What is the definition of an ideal nuclear from Francophone coming to speak to

family and how has that ideal evolved in countries and identifying my class about their HL and ? significance of food to the experiences in the SL -Educational system in French-speaking culture observed educational system countries as compared to US

-Making a Vogue “lookbook” using varying dress from cultures studied Articles, pie charts, rates quantified

-conversational activity/imaginary scenario- -les medecins sans make Mardi Gras masks frontieres (doctors and have simulated without borders conversations as you video resources and “circulate” through the official website) crowd of students wearing

Health -Le tabagisme- tobacco use In France masks -fashion magazines, -diet and nutrition international fashion -health services -conversational activity: shows on youtube -the health care/social security systems In Play the game of petanque French speaking nations as compared to the outside and explain the -fashion week , U.S. rules of the game in French Vogue France to a partner (imagine you magazines are teaching them how to Customs and traditions - La mode senegalaise (senegalese fashion) play) -TV 5 Monde en - Traditional dress in varying Francophone countries direct-live news -Teach students how to broadcasts in French - The roles of women in varying nations as defined by their dress analyze a comic strip in French and have them - Food: regional dishes in France and their historical significance develop their own comic strip following literary rules -le cle junior.com: - International Francophone dishes and their cultural/historical significance authentic news articles directed -Students will complete a towards French semester-long Twitter teens project where they will “follow” a politician, athlete, or any significant -reading surveys and Francophone figure and political polls in comment on their posts, as French well as define the progression or regression -Twitter of this figure

Leisure -Sports: introducing la petanque /handball/le Tour de France -the and Alpine activities -Quebec winter - Mardi gras in Nice, New Orleans -Les Bandes dessinees (Comic strips)

Year 2 Cultural diversity - Influence of immigrants on France -French politics- discuss “Le after wwII and modern-day views of Front National” and the

immigrants varying poltiical parties in - France. Have students take SL and a poltician’s side and HL debate their positions (imaginary scenario)

-discussion (socratic seminar) on the continued use of nuclear power in France and other methods of renewable energies Science and technology -Texting and “les d’jeuns” : how texting applied in francophone culture has influenced slang speech, dialects, nations. and “standard” French

-cultural comparisons- venn

diagrams on how modern-

day America views/treats

immigrants to modern-day

Global issues - Syrian refugees France - Immigration -renewable energies -students will create a survey and conduct a survey on cell phone use and influences of the media on other students in French. Communication and media -students will interview a - L’argot (French slang) and it’s Syrian refugee or influence on the media immigrant to the US and - How does France represent African report their findings and nations in its news reports? reactions in French -

3. IB Internal and external assessment requirements to be completed during the course

Briefly explain how and when you will work on them. Include the date when you will first introduce the internal and external assessment requirements, when they will be due and how students will be prepared to complete them.

Internal- Students will do a minimum of one oral activity per class External – Students will complete one current event per week on current events in the francophone world

Internal- Students will do a minimum of one oral activity per class. Students will be required to present a dilaogue with a partner regarding an authentic situation, such as between a receptionist and a Client in a hotel in a Francophone country. About once a month, Students will present small excerpts of Francophone plays to the class. Students will participate in debates in which all students will contribute an argument with evidence.

External – Students will complete one current event per week on current events in the francophone world. At least once a week, Students will work with case studies. One example is regarding the Antilles and will dertermine how these nations have been devasted by the recent hurricanes. Students will think critically about how to rebuild and provide aid for the people affected by theses hurricanes. Students will write essays about once a week. Students will draw evidence from authentic articles from French news sites and/or works of literatura and music.

4. Links to TOK

You are expected to explore links between the topics of your subject and TOK. As an example of how you would do this, choose one topic from your course outline that would allow your students to make links with TOK. Describe how you would plan the lessoncours.

Topic Link with TOK (including description of lesson plan) Global issues -cultural diversity and intercultural understanding -how and why has the language of Arabic been traditionally stigmatized in French-speaking European countries ? -How can we deconstruct the discourse of the « other » and invite appreciation of linguistic diversity ? -summative assessment-interview Syrian refugee or immigrant to the US and relay information in French, what they learned from immigrant experiences

5. Approaches to learning

Every IB course should contribute to the development of students’ approaches to learning skills. As an example of how you would do this, choose one topic from your outline that would allow your students to specifically develop one or more of these skill categories (thinking, communication, social, self-management or research).

Topic Contribution to the development of students’ approaches to learning skills (including one or more skill category)

Global issues -How can we as a community, as a state, as a nation, and as a global citizen mitigate the effects of climate change ? - What are the transitions being made in Francophone nations to curb climate change ? - What is the COP and how do Francophone nations contribute ? -UN official website

The ATL skills are:

Social: Students are collaborating at many stages in the course. Students will need to work together to find solutions such as how to mitigate climate change using the appropriate structures of the target language

Communication: Students are producing written products. Students are gathering evidence from written information to prove their arguments. One example is the use of tobacco and France. Using authentic articles, students will argue whether or not tobacco useshould be restricted or controlled.

Thinking: students are constantly using their critical thinking skills. For example, students will generate novel way for the US to promote public transportation. This will be based on the examples of France’s use of the “velib” bycicle, the “autolib’” car, the Metros and the TGV high-speed train.

Research: Students will conduct research throughout the year using webquests. Students will research impressionist artists and produce a visual presentation as well as a replica of the artist’s work.

6. International mindedness

Every IB course should contribute to the development of international-mindedness in students. As an example of how you would do this, choose one topic from your outline that would allow your students to analyse it from different cultural perspectives. Briefly explain the reason for your choice and what resources you will use to achieve this goal.

Topic Contribution to the development of international mindedness (including resources you will use) Global Issues -What are GMOS and what French-speaking nations use them ? What are the benefits and negatives of using GMO’s ? -What are methods used for recycling and waste management in varying Francophone nations ? -TV Monde (ressource)

7. Development of the IB learner profile

Through the course it is also expected that students will develop the attributes of the IB learner profile. As an example of how you would do this, choose one topic from your course outline and explain how the contents and related skills would pursue the development of any attribute(s) of the IB learner profile that you will identify.

Topic Contribution to the development of the attribute(s) of the IB learner profile

Customs and traditions - How do your customs and traditions differ from those of Francophone nations ? - Why do you think it is easier to judge others rather than embrace their differences ? - What are typical stereotypes for people in Francophone nations and what are ways that we can diverge from falling into stereotypical viewpoints ? The learner profile attributes: What is the definition of an ideal nuclear family and how has that ideal evolved in France? -This question is developing inquiry and skills for research

-How can we as a community, as a state, as a nation, and as a global citizen mitigate the effects of climate change ? - What are the transitions being made in Francophone nations to curb climate change ? - What is the COP and how do Francophone nations contribute ?

-These questions drive our students to become thinkers, and demonstrate critical thinking skills. Students are also conducting research. Students are demonstrating caring since this is a problem that affects everyone around the world.

What are GMOS and what French-speaking nations use them ? What are the benefits and negatives of using GMO’s ? -What are methods used for recycling and waste management in varying Francophone nations ?

-These questions are promoting reflection. Students are discovering the positives and negatives of GMO’s arond the world and are comparing them to our own agricultural practices in the USA .

-how and why has the language of Arabic been traditionally stigmatized in French-speaking European countries ? -How can we deconstruct the discourse of the « other » and invite appreciation of linguistic diversity ?

-These questions are promoting a balanced way of thinkining. Students are reflecting on linguistic diversity and the benefits it has in Francophone nations, and comparing it to our linguistic diversity in the USA. Students are valuing and respecting diverse cultures and their unique differences.

8. Resources

Are instructional materials and other resources available in sufficient quality, quantity and variety to give effective support to the aims and methods of the courses? Briefly describe what plans are in place if changes are needed.

Would like school to order multiple student copies of the books « francais dans le monde » And One personal copy of « French B for the IB diploma »