AGENDA FINANCE COMMITTEE Village of Hoffman Estates April 25, 2011

Immediately following Public Works and Utilities

Members: Karen Mills, Chairperson Jacquelyn Green, Vice Chairperson Anna Newell, Trustee Ray Kincaid, Trustee Gary Pilafas, Trustee Gary Stanton, Trustee William McLeod, Mayor

I. Roll Call

II. Approval of Minutes - March 28,2011


1. Review the Capital Improvements Program Quarterly status update for the 1st quarter of 2011.

2. Request authorization to enter into a contract with AmAudit to perform an audit of the Village's telephone, electric and natural gas utility bills.

3. Request authorization for the Sears Centre Arena to upgrade the Headliners concession stand with a new theme in an amount not to exceed $19,000.

4. Request acceptance ofthe Finance Department Monthly Report. (February and March).

5. Request acceptance ofInformation Systems Department Monthly Report.

6. Request acceptance ofSears Centre Monthly Report.

III. President's Report

IV. Other V. Items in Review VI. Adjournment

The Village ofHoffman Estates complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For handicapped assistance, call the ADA Coordinator at 847-882-9100. Village of Hoffman Estates DRAFT


I. Roll Call

Members in Attendance: Karen Mills, Chairperson Jacquelyn Green, Vice Chairperson Trustee Anna Newell

Other Corporate Authorities Gary Pilafas (via telephonic attendance) in Attendance: Trustee Gary Stanton Village President William McLeod

Management Team Members Jim Norris, Village Manager in Attendance: Art Janura, Corporation Counsel Mark Koplin, Asst. Vlg. Mgr., Dev. Services Robert Gorvett, Fire Chief Mike Hish, Police Chief Monica Saavedra, Asst. Director of H&HS Joe Nebel, Acting Director of Public Works Michael DuCharme, Finance Director Bruce Anderson, Cable TV Coordinator Ben Gibbs, GM - Sears Centre Arena Bev Romanoff, Village Clerk Doug Schultz, Community Relations Coord. Sarah Kuechler, Administrative Intern

Others in Attendance Reporter from the Daily Herald & Tribune

The Finance Committee meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. Chairperson Mills reported that Trustee Gary Pilafas is attending this meeting via telephonic attendance. All motions shall be by roll call vote.

II. Approval of Minutes

Motion by Mayor McLeod, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to approve the Finance Committee meeting minutes ofFebruary 28,2011. Roll call vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.


1. Request approval of the addition of the Sears Centre to the scope of the annual financial audit by Crowe, Horwath, LLP, the Village's auditors at an amount not to exceed $25,000.

An item summary sheet from Michael DuCharme was presented to the Committee.

Motion by Mayor McLeod, seconded by Trustee Green, to approve addition ofthe Sears Centre to the scope of the annual financial audit by Crowe, Horwath, LLP, the Village's auditors at an amount not to exceed $25,000. Roll call vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried. Finance Committee -2- March 28,2011

2. Request approval of an ordinance reserving the Village's private activity bond (IRB) volume cap.

An item summary sheet from Art Janura was presented to the Committee.

Motion by Mayor McLeod, seconded by Trustee Newell, to approve an ordinance reserving the Village's private activity bond (IRB) volume cap. Roll call vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.

3. Request authorization to waive all inspection fees and selected license fees for the 2011 Fourth of July festival.

An item summary sheet from Dan Callender was presented to the Committee.

Motion by Trustee Stanton, seconded by Trustee Green, to waive all inspection fees and selected license fees for the 2011 Fourth ofJuly festival. Roll call vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.

4. Request authorization to award contract for the 2011 Holiday Tree Lighting Event fireworks display to Melrose Pyrotechnics, Kingsbury, IN, in an amount not to exceed $3,800.

An item summary sheet from Bev Romanoff and Ken Gomoll was presented to the Committee.

There was a question regarding the contract and if it could be cancelled at any time. Corporation Counsel will check and will report to the Village Board at its meeting next week.

5. Request acceptance of Information Systems Department Monthly Report.

The Information Systems Department Monthly Report was presented to Committee,

Motion by Trustee Stanton, seconded by Trustee Newell, to accept the Information Systems Department Monthly Report. Roll call vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.

6. Request acceptance of Sears Centre Arena Monthly Report.

The Sears Centre Arena Monthly Report was presented to Committee.

Motion by Mayor McLeod, seconded by Trustee Newell to accept the Sears Centre Arena Monthly Report. Roll call vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.

III. President's Report

Mayor McLeod reported that on Tuesday, March 22, Don Gradowski was Mayor for a Day; March 23, the Mayor was interviewed with Comcast Newsmakers and attended the Commission for Senior Citizens bunco and ice cream social, as well as the NWMC Executive Committee meeting; on March 24, he attended the NWMC Transportation Committee; on March 25, Mayor McLeod and Trustee Stanton attended an Indo/Pakistani meeting; on March 26, Mayor McLeod Finance Committee -3- March 28, 2011

attended Jerry Newell's 70th birthday; and on March 27, he attended Ian Thompson's Eagle Court of Honor event. On Monday, March 28, Trustee Mills, Jim Norris and Mayor McLeod attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting.

IV. Other

V. Items in Review

VI. Adjournment

Motion by Trustee Green, seconded by Trustee Newell, to adjourn the meeting at 7:41 p.m. Roll call vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.

Minutes submitted by:

Debbie Schoop, Executive Assistant Date NBI


SUBJECT: 2011 Capital Improvements Program Quarterly Status Update _1st Quarter

MEETING DATE: April 25, 2011


FROM: Michael DuCharme, Director ofFinance

PURPOSE: To provide the Village Board and members of the Management Team a quarterly report that tracks the status ofall projects approved in the Capital Improvements Program for calendar year 2011.

BACKGROUND: These Quarterly Updates are intended to provide information to the Finance Committee on each Capital Improvement Item showing actual costs by quarter.

DISCUSSION: The completed sheets for the first quarter of 2011 are attached for your review. All approved 2011 Capital Improvements Projects have been summarized by department

RECOMMENDATION: Informational.

ATTACHMENT Village of Hoffman Estates, 2011 Capital Improvements Program Quarterly Status Update Summary by Department

'}f ". ,..:~tl~4:,n~:~~:·~~;\~ .FourttiQtr)'·i.. ,o,

389,320 13,607 76,237 34,134 513~$ TOTAL COSTS - 1$ - 1$ - h

4/20/2011 Page 1 Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois 2011 Capital Improvements Program Quarterly Status Update Department: Police

Patrol Vehicles, EDA Administrative Vehicles In-Car Digital Video Cameras Traffic Section Vehicle


4/20/2011 Page 2 Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois 2011 Capital Improvements Program Quarterly Status Update Department: Fire

/(':c:"f~1~ rl;eroJe' Protective Clothing

Apparatus Refurbishment Program '!._i). Engine 22 General & EDA Funds Out for bid Truck 22 General & EDA Funds Gathering quotes Cardiac Monitors Grant &EDA Funds 389,320 Purchase made - Finalizing payout Reserve Ambulance 23 (RA23) Capital Replacement Gathering information

TOTAL COSTS 389,320 I $ $ $ $

4/20/2011 Page 3 Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois 2011 Capital Improvements Program Quarterly Status Update Department: Public Works - Facilities


4/20/2011 Page 4

------Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois 2011 Capital Improvements Program Quarterly Status Update Department: Public Works - Streets


4/20/2011 Page 5 Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois 2011 Capital Improvements Program Quarterly Status Update

Department: Public Works - Water & Sewer

Construction target for September Construction target for September PO #10626 out for $103,500 including Purchased as needed Pending transfer Je>_OIM budget PO #10698 out for $19,200 Purchase in 2nd & 3rd Qtr ii1±fi~"

~:~~:~ y ~~:,~~,~l~: 1lF4'J';ji; 1;~i ';;,

~l0It(::~:! ,~;;;:::;n; :lIW:'! Water & Sewer Fund Improvement Water & Sewer Fund EDA Bond Proceeds Water & Sewer Fund Water & Sewer Fund Water & Sewer Fund Water & Sewer Fund

TOTAL COSTS 13,607 I $ $ $ $

4/20/2011 Page 6 Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois 2011 Capital Improvements Program Quarterly Status Update

Department: Development Services - Administration & EDA

CDBG Grant CDBG Grant EDA Bonds, Grant, Taxing Districts ~,~~. ';{>·Cl t>;-"o EDA Bond Proceeds EDA Bond Proceeds EDA Bond Proceeds EDA Bond Proceeds

TOTAL COSTS 4,125 I $ $ $ $

4/20/2011 Page 7 Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois 2011 Capital Improvements Program Quarterly Status Update

Department: Development Services - Engineering & Transportation






RTA Flexible Route Stud General Drainaqe Improvements Hoffman Blvd Bridqe Maintenance

TOTAL COSTS 72,112 I $ $ $

4/20/2011 Page 8 Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois 2011 Capital Improvements Program Quarterly Status Update Department: Information Systems Fund

Svstem Software In Implementation SunGard PS Software Conversion In Implementation Personal Computer Replacements: PC Replacements IS User Charges Planned for Qtrs 2 & 3 Police Laptops IS User Charges 20,634 Completed Network File Server Replacements IS User Charges Planned for Qtrs 2 &3 Disaster Recovery Project (NIU Net) IS User Charges 12,000 Upgrade to 40MB Connection Geographical Information System: -~; Hardware Quarter 3 Planned ArcGIS Server Customization Quarter 3 Planned

TOTAL COSTS 34,134 I $ $ $ $

4/20/2011 Page 9 NB2


SUBJECT: Request Authorization to enter into a contract with AmAudit to perform an audit of the Village's telephone, electric and natural gas utility bills.

MEETING DATE: April 25, 2011

COMMITTEE: Finance Committee

FROM: Michael DuCharme, Director of Finance Gordon Eaken, Director of Information Systems

PURPOSE: With the changes that continue to occur in the market related to the regulation of gas, electricity and telecommunications, a utility audit is recommended to verify accuracy of current accounts and services and identify opportunities where the Village could obtain savings from its current carriers.

BACKGROUND: In the fall of 2008 the Village entered into a contract with the American Association of Utility Auditors, currently known as AmAudit, for a telephone service audit. This was shortly after the Village moved to a new VoIP telephone system. During the course of that audit, they identified savings to the Village in excess of $112,075.00 over a thirty-six month period. These savings continue to be realized today.

DISCUSSION: Recently, staff contacted representatives of AmAudit to discuss conducting another audit of all our utility bills and services which they recommend every 2-3 years.

AmAudit has agreed to accept the same terms ofthe initial contract we entered into in 2004. A copy ofthat agreement is attached. In the audit process AmAudit will attempt to provide recommendations to the Village in areas that could yield savings. This contract provides for payment to ArilAudit, a fee of 50% of any savings or refunds identified and realized by the.auditor for twenty-four months. This fee is then billed and paid each month for twenty-four months following the month in which the charges have been fully implemented. FISCAL IMPACT: Since the AmAudit fees are based on 50% of any realized savings over the first 24 months, the impact is expected to be positive to the Village.

RECOMMENDATION: Request authorization to enter into a contract with AmAudit to perform an audit of the Village's telephone, electric and natural gas utility bills. e- ......


Agreement entered into this 1st day of November' 2004 • between American Association ofUtility Auditors, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "Auditor", and Tbe Village of Hoffman Estates hereinafter referred to as "'Client".

The Parties hereto agree as follows:

1) AUDIT SERVICES - Auditor agrees to review and analyze current utility service bills as set forth in the "Scope of Audit'tsupplied herewith.. Such review shall be for the purpose of reducing the.ongoing utility operating costs to the lowest possible level consistent with Client's desired quality ofservice, current average usage and usage. patterns and to correct arty billing errors that may result in a refund or credit. The audit services shall be for the following selected utilities:

A) Telecom Services: CHECK BQX TOINClUDE

. a) Local b) Long Distance c) Data d) Internet

B) Elect~c Services:

C) Gas Services:


2) FINDINGS - Auditor shall prepare a detailed written report of all "'o~ Auditor's findings with spreadsheet· attachment clearly demonstrating. current utility costs and, where necessary, comparing current costs with required contract and/or tariff costs to demonstrate variances and errors or proposed savings. All credits and refunds shall be processed When discovered and without .priorwritten 8p]I'OVal of Client.

3). RECOMMENDATIONS- Auditor shall make recommendations as it deems appropriate' based on Auditor's findings for the purpose ofcorrecting billing error and reducing forward utility costs. All such recommendations shall be submitted in writing as part of the audit report and subject to approval by' 'Client Auditor's. recommendations are only suggested solutions and Client may prefer other solutions that they seek and obtain on their own after presentation. of the Auditor'so findings. Audit fees shall be

AAUA fonn 10-10 (08122004) Page 1of] deemed earned based on forward savings regardless if they are obtained through Auditor's recommendations orClient's preferred solution.

4) IMPLEMENTATION - Auditor will implement"any or all of the agreed upon recommendations on behalf of client after written authorization is given. Client may.choose to. implement .any or ail of the recommendations presented by Auditor subsequent to receipt oftheir written audit report. Auditorwill act as Client's agent in the collection of any credits and refunds except that such agency shall not-include representation in litigation or before the Public Service Commission without specific written agreement between·the parties to that effect.

5) CLIENT OBLIGATIONS- Client hereby agrees to provide copies ofthe current billing for telecom and other utility services as described in paragraph I. above either In paper form or electronic format including copies of all contracts for such services between Client and any and aU: utility .carriers providing such services. Client shall-also provide a Letter of Authority copied onto Client's letterhead inform as set forth hereto as Exhibit B to permit Auditor to obtain customer service records or copies of service agreements as necessary. Client also agrees to provide reasonable access to Client staff for purpose of identifying circuits,clarifying services, tracking usage and function of circuits and equipment and such other information as may be necessary from time to time. Auditor agrees that access to staff shall be at reasonable times and shall be at the .convenience of Client. Client agrees that during the process of the audit, Client will not make any changes to services other than normal additions and deletions made in the ordinary course of business, nor will Client change contract·terms or conditions with utility carriers until auditor findings are complete. Client hereby represents that there are no pending negotiations with.current or ..other carriers to modify, change, reduce or otherwise affect.current utility services and that Client will not engage in those activities during· the audit process in order to permit AAUA to complete it's findings without changes requiring a re-start to the audit process or raising issues as to the value of AAUA's findings.

6) CONFIDENTIALITY· For purposes of this Agreement, "Confidential Information" means proprietary and confidential data or information of Client in whatever form transmitted, .relating to business plans, operation, systems and/or the purchase and use .of telecommunications or utility services, which (i) is disclosed by Client to Auditor, indicating its confidentialorproprietary nature or is obviously confidential or proprietary by its nature, or ( developed during the relationship between' the parties and set forth in the Auditor's report or work product. The term "affiliate" shall mean any person or entity controlling, controlled by or under common control with a party. Auditor shall not disclose any Confidential Information to any person. or affiliate outside the employ ofClient without the express written consent of Client. The restrictions herein shall not extend to discussions ordisclosures to telecom or utility carriers as may be.required to conduct the audit services herei,n. -,

7) FEES - Auditor shall be compensated by Client for services rendered under.this agreement by payment of a fee equal to one half (50%) of the first 24 month's savings that arise from any changes to Service or pricing identified and verified in the findings ofP0UA presented by Auditor that are implemented within 24 months by either Auditor or Client, and 50% ofany refunds or credits identified and realizeddue to the findings ofAAUA presented byAuditor. Client shall not use directly or indirectly, or authorize the use of by any third party.rthroughout the 24.-month period, any information obtained by Auditor to acquire· credits, refunds or future savings unless Auditorhas first been paid its fee

8) PAYMENT SCHEDULE - The fee earned for authorized forward going savings shall be paid each month for 24 consecutive months beginning with the month following the month in which the authorized

AAUA PORn 10-10 (08122004) Page20f3 · .'

changes have been fully implemented.. It is understood that several invoices may issue in any single month, each covering a separate utility service, due to different implementation dates ofchanges for each utility service. The entire fee for refunds or credits generated will be due upon receipt ofsuch refund or credit by the Client.

9) DEFAULT-If Client should default on any payment not being contested for a greater period than 30 days from the billing date, Auditor, at its discretion, may accelerate all payments due under this agreement and seek recovery of the entire estimated audit fee. All late payments shall incur a 1.5% per month late payment penalty. Ifcollection proceedings are required to recover audit fees earned herein, Client shall be responsible for collection costs including reasonable attorney's fees.


Norris ,Print Print

Title: Village~ Ma~ager.::.... __,__- , Title:



SUBJECT: Request authorization for the Sears Centre Arena to upgrade the Headliners concession stand with a new theme in an amount not to exceed $19,000

MEETING DATE: April 25, 2011


FROM: fY\I'--1\- "' Mark Koplin/Ben Gibbs~0

REQUEST: Request authorization for the Sears Centre Arena to upgrade the Headliners concession stand with a new theme in an amount not to exceed $19,000.

BACKGROUND: The Village Board approved a three year contract with Levy Foodservice in September 2010. As part ofthat agreement, Levy's Innovations Group undertook a review of all food and beverage operations at the Sears Centre Arena (SCA).

DISCUSSION: The Innovations Group met with Village representatives and Ben Gibbs in January to present concepts for improving food and beverage sales and service. After discussion and further development of the concepts, the Innovations Group prioritized implementation projects into three categories:

• First, items that can be implemented in 2011 prior to the start ofthe Express hockey season in October. • Second, projects scheduled in 2012, learning and building upon the initial hockey season. • Third, longer term projects that will require substantial funding resources.

These projects and initiatives would range from no cost to a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars. Since that discussion, Ben Gibbs and Yousuf Ahmed have worked together to further refine the concepts and initiatives.

Short term projects for consideration on the main concourse include a new theme, menu, signage, and adding a curtain at the Headliners concession stand, website enhancements for food and beverage, and wayfinding signage. Ben has already added some internal "you are here" signage, as well as signage directing patrons to the new Prairie Pub (main concourse, to the right from the main entrance, in the open space adjacent to the suite entrance, stairs, and elevator) that was activated for the first Slaughter game. Ben and Yousuf have implemented, and will continue to implement, other "no cost" recommendations over 2011. Finance Committee - 2 - April 25, 2011

DISCUSSION: (Continued) Yousuf and Ben discussed the various initiatives and came to the agreement that the concession stands need the most work. Introducing new food items will only work ifthe concession stands are structured to help push these items. Therefore, investing money in converting one-half of Headliners as an experiment might make the most sense. If we notice a significant increase in per caps from that particular stand, we will know the improvements are worthwhile for the remainder of the stands. Therefore, the SCA and Levy would obtain an estimate for doing various improvements, including the following:

• Wall graphics to give the concessions stand the Italian theme. • Improved magnet graphics related to the Italian food. • New branded curtain that ties in the theme and blocks the equipment. • Different uniforms to push the Italian menu. • Dimensional signage above the stand to promote the Italian theme.

An estimate of $19,000 would be a good budget number and Ben and Yousuf would need to get solid quotes on all items.

Following the installation, we would then monitor the sales and determine if we notice an increase in per caps as more people should be opting for the higher price Italian food rather than the fan favorites (hot dog, popcorn, pretzel). If this works, we will know doing the same upgrades at each concession stand will have a similar effect in pushing the new higher priced themed menu. Once completed, we will then move on to create signage to attract people to different places on the concourse. With luck, the experiment will work and we will have enough data to convert the other concession stands prior to hockey season.

Yousuf and Ben will continue to evaluate those other items requiring funding and bring back recommendations to this Committee in the future.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: The 2011 SCA budget did not include funding for any capital improvements for food and beverage improvements. Global Spectrum is developing a five year capital program which will prioritize food and beverage upgrades and projects, along with other SCA projects. The SCA Levy Foodservice Agreement calls for splitting of gross receipts, with 30% to the SCA (included in the 2011 budget as ancillary revenue), 2% going into a capital fund for food service projects (such as equipment replacement, new equipment, or food service related furnishings), and the balance to Levy to cover all operating costs and provide a profit. The 2% capital fund has about $16,000 (as of the end of March) and, based on anticipated 2011 food and beverage sales, will have about $40,000 by the end ofthe year. The Levy agreement requires approval by the Village to expend those funds and we can use the Food Service Capital Fund for these purchases, with the balance advanced from the SCA budget and repaid when the Capital Fund is replenished.

RECOMMENDATION: Request authorization for the Sears Centre Arena to upgrade the Headliners concession stand with a new theme in an amount not to exceed $19,000. cc: Ben Gibbs (Global Spectrum) YousufAhmed (Levy) Craig Grimes (Levy) March 25, 2011


Water Billing

A total of 14,576 residential water bills were mailed on March 1 for January's water consumption. Average consumption was 5,850 gallons, resulting in an average residential water bill of $37.73. Total consumption for all customers was 134 million gallons, with 85 million gallons attributable to residential consumption. When compared to the March 2010 billing, residential consumption increased by 21.4%.

Total Water Consumption Total Water Consumption Year-To-Date Comparison Month of January Month ofJanuary

275 150 250 225 125 200 175 100 150 75 125 100 50 75 50 25 25 0*--==--r---==--r---==-,-""';;;;=-.,...--""';;;;=--1" 0-iL----r----,---.,...----.,...-----r 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

• Residential fi'l Commercial • Residential i'3J Commercial

1900 Hassell Road, Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169 • Phone: 847-882-9100 • Fax: 847-843-4822 Web: Investments - Village

As of February 28, 2011, the Village's investment portfolio totaled $34.4 million. Of this amount, $14.4 million pertained to the various operating funds. As can be seen in the following graphs, the remaining $20.0 million is related to debt service, capital projects and trust funds.

Investment Portfolio by Fund Type Investment Portfolio by Type As of February 28, 2011 As of February 28, 2011

1% 10% 7%



42% 48%

• Debt Service • Operating • Capital Projects • Trust .IL Funds .IMET • Money Market • Agency Notes • CD's

General Fund Investments




7.0 ~ ..!!! "0 6.0 c o 5.0 ­III C ~ 4.0 ~ 3.0



0.0 -¥--==--r----==-.---==-..-=-r--=::...,--==--r--==-.---.;::.;;;;.;--.-....:;.::"'-r--==,,--=-"-.----==--r----'-~ o o o o o o o o .-i .-i .-i .-i '";"' .-i .-i '";"' '";"' ~ 1 .n bo 0­ u .0 ClJ 0­ ~ ::l ClJ t >o ClJ ClJ u.. « « Vl o z o u.. I

2 Operating Funds

General Fund

For the month of February, General Fund revenues totaled $2,668,039 and expenditures totaled $3,724,551 resulting in a deficit of $1,056,512.

Revenues: February year-to-date figures are detailed in the table below.

YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR-TO-DATE REVENUES BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE Taxes $ 1,147,611 $ 1,797,047 56.6% Licenses & Permits 87,083 116,755 34.1% Intergovernmental 960,477 2,546 -99.7% Charges for Services 395,633 598,901 51.4% Fines & Forfeits 107,250 65,195 -39.2% Investments 3,333 693 -79.2% Miscellaneous 217,900 27,735 -87.3% TOTAL $ 2,919,287 $ 2,608,872 -10.6%

VTO Budget and Actual Comparison



$1,400,000 • Budget







Taxes Lie. & Permits Intergov't Servo Chgs. Fines Investments Misc.

3 Hotel Tax




• 2010 Actual

$150,000 • 2011 Budget

II 2011 Actual



$0 Jan-Mar (4th Qtr) Apr-fun (1st Qtr) Jul-Sep (2nd Qtr) Oct-Dec (3rd Qtr)

Cumulative Variance Quarter Received 2010 Actual (Liability Period) 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual V5. Budget Jan-Mar (4th Qtr) $ 202,619 $ 237,500 $ 206,551 $ (30,949) Apr-Jun (1st Qtr) 216,529 237,500 Jul-Sep (2nd Qtr) 281,062 237,500 Oct-Dec (3rd Qtr) 289,474 237,500

YTD Totals $ 989,684 $ 950,000 $ 206,551

4 Real Estate Transfer Tax

$70,000 ,------



$40,000 II 2010 Actual II 2011 Budget

$30,000 II 2011 Actual



$0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Cumulative Variance 2010 Actual Month Received 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan $ 18,784 $ 39,583 $ 16,278 $ (23,305) Feb 63,825 39,583 11,439 (28,144) Mar 26,289 39,583 Apr 45,896 39,583 May 29,151 39,583 Jun 46,786 39,583 Jul 31,687 39,583 Aug 34,315 39,583 Sep 27,417 39,583 Oct 21,732 39,583 Nov 17,993 39,583 Dec 42,458 39,583

YTD Totals $ 406,331 $ 475,000 $ 27,717

5 Home Rule Sales Tax

$400,000 ,...------

$350,000 +------1._------

$300,000 +------=_,---1._------


.2010 Actual $200,000 • 2011 Budget .2011 Actual




$0 Jan (Nov) Feb (Dec) Mar (Jan) Apr (Feb) May (Mar) Jun (Apr) Jul (May) Aug (Jun) Sep (Jul) Oct (Aug) Nov (Sep) Dec(Oct)

Cumulative Variance Month Received 2010 Actual (Liability Period) 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan (Nov) $ 285,698 $ 287,500 $ 277,562 $ (9,938) Feb (Dec) 297,208 287,500 301,088 13,588 Mar (Jan) 361,813 287,500 Apr (Feb) 231,066 287,500 May (Mar) 268,550 287,500 Jun (Apr) 273,585 287,500 Jul (May) 274,366 287,500 Aug (Jun) 277,551 287,500 Sep (Jul) 287,434 287,500 Oct (Aug) 291,181 287,500 Nov (Sep) 269,544 287,500 Dec (Oct) 292,375 287,500

YTD Totals $ 3,410,371 $ 3,450,000 $ 578,651

6 Telecommunications Tax





.2010 Actual $200,000 .2011 Budget .2011 Actual




$0 Jan (Oct) Feb (Nov) Mar (Dec) Apr (Jan) May (Feb)Jun (Mar) Jul (Apr) Aug (May) Sep (Jun) Oct (Jul) Nov (Aug) Dec (Sep)

Cumulative Variance Month Received 2010 Actual (Liability Period) 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan (Oct) $ 251,911 $ 258,333 $ 219,161 $ (39,172) Feb (Nov) 230,336 258,333 183,690 (74,644) Mar (Dec) 233,040 258,333 Apr (Jan) 286,682 258,333 May (Feb) 327,075 258,333 Jun (Mar) 246,691 258,333 Jul (Apr) 220,581 258,333 Aug (May) 242,165 258,333 Sep (Jun) 242,650 258,333 Oct (Jul) 244,282 258,333 Nov (Aug) 195,890 258,333 Dec (Sep) 277,741 258,333

YTD Totals $ 2,999,043 $ 3,100,000 $ 402,851

7 Building Permits

$125,000 .------

$100,000 -1------11------

$75,000 +------1__------__----_1------.2010 Actual .2011 Budget .2011 Actual $50,000 -1----1__----11------.--__----11--- 1------


$0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Cumulative Variance 2010 Actual Month Received 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan $ 15,406 $ 45,833 $ 56,205 $ 10,371 Feb 14,188 45,833 109,506 63,673 Mar 42,179 45,833 Apr 22,809 45,833 May 44,223 45,833 Jun 44,927 45,833 Jul 56,305 45,833 Aug 92,601 45,833 Sep 64,232 45,833 Oct 80,353 45,833 Nov 38,217 45,833 Dec 16,877 45,833

YTD Totals $ 532,318 $ 550,000 $ 165,710

8 State Sales Tax

$700,000 ,------

$600,000 +------


$400,000 • 2010 ActuaI • 2011 Budget

$300,000 • 2011 Actual



$0 Jan (Nov) Feb (Dec) Mar (Jan) Apr (Feb) May (Mar) Jun (Apr) Jul (May) Aug (Jun) Sep (Jul) Oct (Aug) Nov (Sep) Dec (Oct)

Cumulative Variance Month Received 2010 Actual (Liability Period) 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan (Nov) $ 499,781 $ 512,500 $ 477,448 $ (35,052) Feb (Dec) 493,847 512,500 533,111 20,611 Mar (Jan) 576,980 512,500 Apr (Feb) 417,113 512,500 May (Mar) 475,153 512,500 Jun (Apr) 484,646 512,500 Jul (May) 460,765 512,500 Aug (Jun) 498,893 512,500 Sep (Jul) 570,797 512,500 Oct (Aug) 508,110 512,500 Nov (Sep) 494,384 512,500 Dec (Oct) 529,219 512,500

YTD Totals $ 6,009,685 $ 6,150,000 $ 1,010,559

9 Local Use Tax


$70,000 +--__---__------



.2010 Actual $40,000 • 2011 Budget • 2011 Actual




$0 Jan (Nov) Feb (Dec) Mar (Jan) Apr (Feb) May (Mar) Jun (Apr) Jul (May) Aug (Jun) Sep(Jul) Oct (Aug) Dec (Sep) Dec (Oct)

Cumulative Variance Month Received 2010 Actual (Liability Period) 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan (Nov) $ 46,116 $ 46,667 $ 73,288 $ 26,621 Feb (Dec) 41,192 46,667 56,972 10,305 Mar (Jan) 70,808 46,667 Apr (Feb) 42,136 46,667 May (Mar) 33,512 46,667 Jun (Apr) 66,878 46,667 Jul (May) 50,896 46,667 Aug (Jun) 48,246 46,667 Sep (Jul) 62,248 46,667 Oct (Aug) 51,747 46,667 Dec (Sep) 50,139 46,667 Dec (Oct) 58,254 46,667

YTD Totals $ 622,169 $ 560,000 $ 130,259

10 Income Tax

$600,000 ,------


$400,000 +------::=------__------

• 2010 Actual $300,000 --__---1__- .2011 Budget • 2011 Actual



$0 Jan (Jul) Jan (Aug) Feb (Sep) Feb (Oct) Apr (Nov) May (Dec) Jun (Jan) Jul (Feb) Aug (Mar) Sep (Apr) Oct (May) Nov (Jun)

Cumulative Variance Month Received 2010 Actual (Liability Period) 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan (Jul) $ 358,614 $ 325,000 $ 245,519 $ (79,481) Jan (Aug) 270,194 325,000 251,788 (152,693) Feb (Sep) 212,389 325,000 365,945 (111,748) Feb (Oct) 373,335 325,000 275,406 (161,342) Apr (Nov) 395,672 325,000 May (Dec) 244,829 325,000 Jun (Jan) 381,955 325,000 Jul (Feb) 499,739 325,000 Aug (Mar) 266,468 325,000 Sep (Apr) 374,493 325,000 Oct (May) 245,519 325,000 Nov (Jun) 251,788 325,000

YTD Totals $ 3,874,993 $ 3,900,000 $ 1,138,658

11 $120,000





$70,000 .2010 Actual $60,000 • 2011 Budget .2011 Actual $50,000





$0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug 5ep Oct Nov Dec

Cumulative Variance 2010 Actual Month Received 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan $ 71,434 $ 107,250 $ 73,863 $ (33,387) Feb 73,024 107,250 65,195 (42,055) Mar 70,786 107,250 Apr 87,580 107,250 May 67,207 107,250 Jun 73,521 107,250 Jul 62,100 107,250 Aug 60,563 107,250 Sep 71,454 107,250 Oct 64,530 107,250 Nov 52,066 107,250 Dec 73,422 107,250

YTD Totals $ 827,687 $ 1,287,000 $ 139,058

12 Interest Income




$2,000 .2010 Actual • 2011 Budget • 2011 Actual $1,500



$0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Cumulative Variance 2010 Actual Month Received 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual V5. Budget Jan $ 812 $ 3,333 $ 531 $ (2,802) Feb 594 3,333 693 (2,640) Mar 987 3,333 Apr 956 3,333 May 1,524 3,333 Jun 1,016 3,333 Jul 895 3,333 Aug 954 3,333 Sep 772 3,333 Oct 647 3,333 Nov 339 3,333 Dec 555 3,333

YTD Totals $ 10,049 $ 40,000 $ 1,225

13 Expenditures: General Fund expenditures in February were $159,511 below the budgeted figure of $3,884,062. The summary of year-to-date actuals versus budgeted expenditures shown below reflect mostly positive variances for the Village departments for the year.

YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR-TO-DATE EXPENDITURES BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE Legislative $ 29,358 $ 21,642 26.3% Administration 48,168 42,334 12.1% Legal 39,586 24,247 38.7% Finance 68,321 57,611 15.7% Village Clerk 14,558 12,912 11.3% HRM 36,884 33,277 9.8% Communications 14,173 9,886 30.2% Cable TV 11,456 9,056 20.9% Emergency Operations 13,354 9,037 32.3% Police 1,330,144 1,467,363 -10.3% Fire 1,035,896 1,212,985 -17.1 % Public Works 532,376 518,181 2.7% Development Services 323,630 223,307 31.0% H&HS 53,185 45,899 13.7% Miscellaneous 332,974 36,814 88.9% TOTAL $ 3,884,062 $ 3,724,551 4.1%

YTO Budget and Actual Comparison









$0 ¥-----.,.-----,.------,-----..------,------r" General Admin. Police Fire Public Works Devel. Services Misc. Services


There is no department news for the month of February.

Respectfullv Submitted.

r::1 00~lO - Michael DuCharme Director of Finance


% Inc I Oec Feb-11 YTO Feb-11 Feb-10 YTO Feb-10 Month Year Credit Card Transactions Finance and Code Front Counter Number 252 494 191 362 31.9% 36.5% Amount $ 28,955 $ 49,008 $ 18,759 $ 31,959 54.4% 53.3% Internet Sales Number 1,379 2,854 1,124 2,286 22.7% 24.8% Amount $ 96,869 $ 190,632 $ 53,797 $ 108,344 80.1% 76.0% Total Number 1,631 3,348 1,315 2,648 24.0% 26.4% Amount $ 125,825 $ 239,640 $ 72,556 $ 140,303 73.4% 70.8%

Credit Card Company Fees General Fund $ 875.21 $ 1,691 $ 457.72 $ 821.49 91.2% 105.9% Municipal Waste Fund 1 N/A N/A Water Fund 2,147.52 4,108 896.48 1,783 139.6% 130.4% Total Fees $ 3,022.73 $ 5,800.01 $ 1,354.20 $ 2,604.51 123.2% 122.7%

Passport Applications Number 45 97 47 99 -4.3% -2.0% Revenue $ 1,100 $ 2,345 $ 1,175 $ 2,475 -6.4% -5.3%

Accounts Receivable Invoices Mailed Number 72 211 58 128 24.1% 64.8% Amount $ 132,335 $ 271,387 $ 47,264 $ 103,899 180.0% 161.2% Invoices Paid Number 129 251 126 190 2.4% 32.1% Amount $ 94,248 $ 186,881 $ 71,305 $ 157,640 32.2% 18.5% Reminders Sent Number 36 13 31 -100.0% 16.1% Amount $ $ 43,320 $ 15,703 $ 61,535 -100.0% -29.6%

Accounts Payable Checks Issued Number 491 923 599 1,418 -18.0% -34.9% Amount $ 2,106,214 $ 7,914,937 $ 6,539,841 $ 14,821,579 -67.8% -46.6% Manual Checks Issued Number 47 109 33 115 42.4% -5.2% As % of Total Checks 9.57% 9.57% 5.51% 8.11% 73.8% 18.0% Amount $ 49,492 $ 4,961,651 $ 278,733 $ 3,880,607 -82.2% 27.9% As % of Total Checks 2.35% 62.69% 4.26% 26.18% -44.9% 139.4%

Utility Billing New Utility Accounts 71 143 78 146 -9.0% -2.1% Bills Mailed I Active Accounts 15,471 30,048 15,442 30,888 0.2% -2.7% Final Bills Mailed 71 142 75 141 -5.3% 0.7% Shut-Off Notices 1,275 2,550 1,432 2,658 -11.0% -4.1% Actual Shut-Ofts 104 208 146 N/A 42.5% Total Billings $ 947,026 1,923,984 $ 803,313 1,680,800 17.9% 14.5%

Direct Debit (ACH) Program New Accounts 16 29 14 29 14.3% 0.0% Closed Accounts 12 25 15 19 -20.0% 31.6% Total Accounts 2,087 1,942 7.5% As % of Active Accounts 13.49% 12.58% 7.2%

Water Payments Received in Current Month Total Bills Mailed 15,472 30,944 15,442 30,888 ACH Payments 2,086 4,172 1,942 3,873 ACH Payments-% of Total Bills 13.48% 13.48% 12.58% 12.54% On-line Payments (Internet Sales) 1,239 2,478 880 1,814 On-line Payments-% of Total Bills 8.01% 8.01% 5.70% 5.87% Mail-in Payments 12,134 24,268 11,963 23,985 Mail-in Payments-% of Total Bills 78.43% 78.43% 77.47% 77.65% ~ I - c - ,- - I r- c -, ,

Residential Billings Average Monthly Consumption/Customer

Month Billed 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011

September 6,816 6,170 5,767 October 6,485 5,609 5,685 November 5,006 5,260 4,752 December 4,928 4,695 4,898 January 5,447 5,851 5,719 February 5,486 4,782 5,850

Six Month Average - 5,695 5,395 5,445 % Change- -1.5% -5.3% 0.9%

Total Water Customers Average Bill

Customer Type Customer Type % Change % Change

Residential 14,573 14,576 0.0% Residential $ 30.28 $ 37.73 24.6% Commercial 893 895 0.2%

Total 15,466 15,471 0.0%

Total Consumption - All Customers (OOO,OOO's)

Month-To-Date Year-To-Date

Feb-10 Feb-11 % Change Feb-10 Feb-11 % Change

Residential 70 85 21.4% Residential 155 168 8.4% Commercial 43 49 14.0% Commercial 92 98 6.5%

113 134 18.6% 247 266 7.7% STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-VILLAGE As of February 28th 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Fund Date Date Value Value Value Interest

General Fund

Illinois Funds - General 09/30/86 2,821,806.75 0.094 Illinois Funds - Veterans Memorial 05/01/92 293.90 0.094 IMET 05/12/97 500,000.00 1,332,373.57 HE Community Bank-Municipal Now 07/13/04 165,594.18 0.236 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 11/07/08 1,800,261.76 0.250 5,287,956.59 830,751.65

"Interest-bearing Sweepaccountat Charterwith endingbalanceof $1,127,426.66 earned$175.11 for Februarywith an averagedailyinterestrale of 0.13%.

Motor Fuel Tax

Illinois Funds 09/30/86 315,061.00 0.094

EDA Administration

Illinois Funds 01/02/91 1,707,614.92 0.094 1,707,614.92

Illinois Funds 07/01/00 16,171.37 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 01/07/09 302,209.11 318,380.48

Asset Seizure· Federal

Illinois Funds 06/09/99 39,500.74 0.094

Asset Seizure· State

Illinois Funds 11/30/98 85,830.76 0.094

Asset Seizure· KCAT

Illinois Funds 07/10/08 61,288.29 0.094

Municipal Waste System

Illinois Funds 08/31/98 46,382.88 0.094 46,382.88

2001 G.O. Debt Servo

Illinois Funds 07/31/01 16,794.60 0.094

1997A&B G.O. Debt Servo

Illinois Funds 01/01/98 5,477.69 0.094

2003 G.O. Debt Servo

Illinois Funds 09/04/03 25,421.76 0.094

2004 G.O. Debt Servo

Illinois Funds 11/30/04 31,943.94 0.094

200SA G.O. Debt Servo

Wells Fargo 11/01/06 16.09 Illinois Funds 11130/04 1,013,289.91 0.094 1,013,306.00

2008 G.O. Debt Serv,

Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 03/20/08 13,234.83 0.250 13,234.83

2009 G.O. Debt Servo

Illinois Funds 04/01/09 625,120.63 0.094 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-VILLAGE As of February 28th 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Fund Date Date Value Value Value Interest Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 04/01/09 2,316.79 0.250 Keybank - C 04/01/09 05/31/11 730,000.00 757,966.00 1.770 Keybank - C 04/01/09 11/30/11 719,000.00 757,007.70 1.983 Keybank - C 04/01/09 05/31/12 356,000.00 379,959.29 2.125 2,432,437.42

Central Road Corridor Improv.

Illinois Funds 12/15/88 211,885.74 0.094

Hoffman Blvd Bridge Maintenance

Illinois Funds 07/01/98 145,786.10 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 02/10/11 200,018.77 0.200 345,804.87

Western Corridor

Illinois Funds 06/30/01 189,734.12 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 01/07/09 300,086.91 489,821.03

Traffic Improvement

Illinois Funds 03/24/89 110,263.48 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 11/07/08 505,055.60 615,319.08

EDA Series 1991 Project

Illinois Funds 08/22/91 2,454,714.09 0.094 Bank of New York Money Market 12/11/06 1,759,603.72 4,214,317.81

Central Area Road Improvement

Illinois Funds 03/29/91 177,831.89 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 02/10/11 OS/25/05 300,028.16 0.200 477,860.05

2008 Capital Project

Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 03/20/08 34,708.96 0.250

2009 Capital Project

Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 04/01/09 3,056,504.07 0.250 Village Bank & Trust 04/14/10 06/30/11 248,300.00 249,931.20 0.543 Crystal Lake B&TC 04/14/10 06/30/11 248,300.00 249,931.20 0.543 Northbrook B&TC 04/14/10 06/30/11 248,300.00 249,931.20 0.543 3,801,404.07

Western Area Traffic Improvement

Illinois Funds 11/01/92 28,717.41 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 01/07/09 302,209.11 330,926.52

Western Area Rd Impr Impact Fees

Illinois Funds 08/01/98 233,336.81 0.094 Citibank Savings Deposit Account 01/07/09 1,913,321.48 2,146,658.29

Capital Improvements

Illinois Funds 12/31/96 171,509.73 0.094

Capital Vehicle & Equipment

Illinois Funds 12/31/96 64,859.65 0.094 HE Community Bank-Municipal Now 07/13/04 5.21 0.236 64,864.86

Capital Replacement STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-VILLAGE As of February 28th 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Fund Date Date Value Value Value Interest Illinois Funds 02/01/98 457,588.00 0.094 HE Community Bank-Municipal Now 07/13/04 379,963.98 0.236 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 11/07/08 1,373,139.89 2,210,691.87

Water and Sewer

Illinois Funds 09/30/86 443,865.61 0.094 HE Community Bank-Municipal Now 04/02/04 592,258.72 0.236 JP Morgan Chase 11/07/08 926,123.00 IMET Convenience Fund 10/20/05 1,140,703.18 1,140,703.18 3.750 3,102,950.51

'Interest-bearing Sweep account at Charter with ending balance of $1,092,438.53 eamed $169.53 for February wilh an average daily interest rate of 0.13%.

Water and Sewer·Debt Service

Citibank Savings Deposit Account 03/20/08

Water and Sewer·Capital Projects

Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 03/20/08 878,230.33

Sears Centre

Illinois Funds 328,188.67


Illinois Funds 11/10/87 612,707.79 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 11/07/08 708,330.02 1,321,037.81

Information Svstems

Illinois Funds 02/01198 394,859.65 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 01/07/09 0.00 394,859.65

EDA Special Tax Alloc.

Illinois Funds 05/15/92 11,342.16 0.094

Roselle Road TIF

Illinois Funds 09/30/03 408,221.47 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 11/07/08 1,004,081.76 1,412,303.23

Barr.lHigglns TIF

Illinois Funds 08/26/91 387,707.04 0.094 HE Community Bank-Municipal Now 07/13/04 0.00 387,707.04

2005 EDA TIF Bond & Int. Illinois Funds 11/07/02 39,768.84 0.094 Bank of New York Money Market 12/11/06 0.00 39,768.84

Total Investments $ 34,392,793.02 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-VILLAGE As of February 28th, 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Fund Date Date Value Value Value Interest

Percent Total Invested Per Institution Invested

Illinois Funds 13,684,887.39 39.79 IMET 500,000.00 1.45 IMET Convenience Fund 1,140,703.18 3.32 Crystal Lake B&TC 248,300.00 0.72 Keybank - C 1,805,000.00 5.25 Hoffman Estates Community Bank 1,137,822.09 3.31 Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A. 1,759,603.72 5.12 JP Morgan Chase 926,123.00 2.69 Citibank 12,693,737.55 36.91 Village Bank & Trust 248,300.00 0.72 Northbrook B&TC 248,300.00 0.72 Wells Fargo 16.09 0.00 $34,392,793.02 100.00

Total Invested Per Institution Excluding Percent all Trust Funds, EDA Series 91 Funds & 05 Funds Invested

Illinois Funds 10,791,355.26 36.29 IMET 1,640,703.18 5.52 Keybank- C 1,805,000.00 6.07 Hoffman Estates Community Bank 1,137,822.09 3.83 JP Morgan Chase 926,123.00 3.11 Citibank 12,693,737.55 42.68 Village Bank & Trust 248,300.00 0.83 Crystal Lake B&TC 248,300.00 0.83 Northbrook B&TC 248,300.00 0.83 Wells Fargo 16.09 0.00 $29,739,657.16 100.00

Total Invested Per Fund Total Investments - Operating Funds $14,421,355.53

Total Investments - Debt Service Funds $3,578,385.08

Total Investments - Trust Funds $399,049.20

Total Investments - Capital Projects Funds $15,994,003.21

Total Investments - All Funds $34,392,793.02 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-POLICE PENSION FUND As of February 28th, 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Investment Date Date Value Value Value Interest

Illinois Funds 09/30/86 2,393,617.31 2,393,617.31 0.012

Fidelity Investments Spartan Inti Index FlO Advantage Class 06/05/09 1,968,352.07 2,459,249.30 OFA Emerging Markets Portfolio 06/05/09 528,929.57 702,778.54 Vanguard Institutional Index Fund 06/15/05 10,158,974.50 11,193,208.12 Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Fund Signal Share! 10/05/07 4,935,502.05 5,308,865.84 Vanguard Small-Cap Index Fund Signal Shar 10/05/07 4,831,331.21 5,214,559.01 Fidelity Cash Reserve 06/30/09 12.18 12.18 22,423,101.58

Fifth Third Bank Money Market 12/02/03 888,650.31 888,650.31 Freddie Mac, 5.875% 05/13/08 03/21/11 317,829.00 300,798.00 300,000.00 Treasury Note, 1.0% 09/02/09 08/31/11 501,516.40 502,010.00 500,000.00 Treasury Note, 4.875% 12/23/05 02/15/12 409,812.50 417,532.00 400,000.00 Treasury Note, 0.625% 06/30/10 06/30/12 200,039.73 200,656.00 200,000.00 Treasury Note, 0.375% 08/31/10 08/31/12 598,645.54 599,346.00 600,000.00 Treasury Note, 4.0% 12/23/05 11/15/12 298,127.12 317,613.00 300,000.00 Treasury Note, 1.375% 02/24/10 02/15/13 805,041.74 810,968.00 800,000.00 Treasury Note, 1.75% 04/29/10 04/15/13 121,023.84 122,540.40 120,000.00 Treasury Note, 4.25% 10/27/04 08/15/13 409,968.75 432,876.00 400,000.00 Treasury Infl IX NIB, 2.0% 09/18/08 01/15/14 243,554.65 257,905.82 200,000.00 Treasury Note, 1.75% 02/26/09 01/31/14 69,507.82 71,269.10 70,000.00 Treasury Note, 4.0% 03/26/04 02/15/14 306,468.75 325,407.00 300,000.00 FHLB,5.25% 06/01/05 06/18/14 345,556.90 365,004.25 325,000.00 Treasury InfllX N/B, 2.0% 12/24/07 07/15/14 284,960.73 318,512.68 250,000.00 Treasury Note, 2.125% 12/30/09 11/30/14 195,867.86 204,234.00 200,000.00 Treasury Note, 2.250% 02/24/10 01131/15 398,001.34 409,500.00 400,000.00 FHLB,4.75% 09/19/05 02113/15 251,817.75 276,365.00 250,000.00 Treasury Note, 4.0% 03/04/05 02/15/15 496,314.82 551,515.55 505,000.00 Freddie Mac, 4.75% 11/21/05 11/17/15 460,412.38 528,974.25 475,000.00 Treasury Note, 4.0% 02/14/11 11/30/15 143,759.77 145,546.50 150,000.00 GNMA #142495 07/22/87 12/15/15 4,159.98 5,066.76 4,544.91 Treasury Note, 3.0% 09/02/09 08/31/16 300,375.00 310,407.00 300,000.00 FHR 2630KS, 4.0% 04/19/05 01/15/17 168,551.88 185,292.20 180,739.38 GNMA #197505 06/23/87 03/15/17 3,354.61 3,943.32 3,463.70 Treasury Note, 4.75% 08/29/07 08/15/17 908,356.25 1,002,638.:40 890,000.00 GNMA #223913 10/29/87 09/15/17 273.72 311.16 276.62 Treasury Note, 4.25% 08/28/08 11/15/17 453,234.35 476,190.15 435,000.00 FN 257329, 5.0% 02/15/11 08/01/18 87,240.40 86,954.38 81,807.84 Treasury Note, 4.0% 11/24/09 08/15/18 105,582.43 107,508.00 100,000.00 FN 257492 4.5& 02/15/11 11/01/18 97,116.80 96,598.30 91,972.10 Treasury Note, 2.75% 04/17/09 02/15/19 296,574.04 294,093.00 300,000.00 FG B13808, 4.50% 02/15/11 04/01/19 188,014.00 190,116.89 179,675.91 Treasury Note, 3.125% 07/30/09 05/15/19 190,700.00 200,640.00 200,000.00 Treasury Note, 3.625% 03/31/10 02/15/20 146,942.01 154,476.00 150,000.00 Treasury Note, 3.5% 06/30/10 05/15/20 104,383.21 101,633.00 100,000.00 Treasury Note, 2.625% 08/30/10 08/15/20 350,052.17 329,000.00 350,000.00 FN MA0548, 3.5% 01/20/11 09/01/20 91,900.49 91,564.95 88,872.13 FG J13917, 3.5% 01/20/11 12/01/20 96,691.89 95,927.15 93,375.21 GNR 2005-90A 05/03/07 09/16/28 2,940.72 3,200.86 3,099.93 GNR 2003-43 B 06/05/09 04/16/33 86,772.10 88,654.62 84,923.91 GNR 2007-27 CL A 04/30/09 02/16/35 97,216.58 100,678.46 97,216.58 GNR 2003-720 OS/25/07 12/16/36 482,996.09 530,805.00 500,000.00 12,010,306.42 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-POLICE PENSION FUND As ofFebruary 28th 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Investment Date Date Value Value Value Interest Bank One Money Market 12/08/03 395,877.01 395,877.01 Treasury Note, 5.125% 02/18/10 06/30/11 212,469.42 203,312.00 200,000.00 FNMA 254031, 5.5% 01/20/04 09/01/11 3,361.02 702.14 658.12 Treasury Note, 4.5% 11/22/06 09/30/11 755,046.38 768,720.00 750,000.00 FNMA 254186,5.5% 01/20/04 01/01/12 4,050.62 1,355.40 1,264.39 Fannie Mae, 2.0% 02/18/10 01/09/12 203,844.00 202,786.00 200,000.00 Treasury Note, 1.875% 09/24/09 06/15/12 432,538.09 433,236.50 425,000.00 Fed Natl Mtg Assn Pool 254455, 5.5% 01/20/04 08/01/12 6,262.28 2,971.67 2,910.98 FNMA 254470, 5.5% 01/20/04 09/01/12 4,259.52 2,125.88 1,979.92 FNMA 254488, 6% 02/18/04 09/01/12 9,988.55 4,655.08 4,540.83 FNMA 254640, 5.5% 03/16/06 01/01/13 6,489.15 6,983.37 6,515.07 FNMA 254659, 4.5% 10/30/07 02/01/13 5,768.35 6,483.49 6,138.16 FG E95562, 4.5% 08/18/08 04/01/13 25,427.61 26,082.37 25,427.61 GNMA 780769,7.5% 01/20/04 04/15/13 5,408.18 315.31 294.67 FG E96436, 4.5% 04/30/07 05/01/13 9,033.96 10,543.08 10,277.91 FNMA 254757,5% 01/20/04 05/01/13 18,625.98 13,450.15 12,660.28 Freddie Mac Note, 4.0% 07/08/03 06/12/13 69,633.00 80,167.50 75,000.00 Federal Farm Cr, 3.88% 11/15/06 07/08/13 47,033.50 53,319.00 50,000.00 FNMA 254882, 5.0% 10118/05 08/01/13 21,163.08 21,426.40 20,161.85 FHL8,5.125% 11/15/06 08/14/13 126,916.68 137,450.00 125,000.00 FG E99429, 4.0% 10/26/07 09/01/13 21,405.51 24,350.85 23,748.82 FNMA 254958, 4.5% 11/30/06 09/01/13 7,536.36 8,883.88 8,426.97 FG G10839, 5.5% 10/16/07 10/01113 21,651.97 23,200.99 21,530.84 FNMA 254959, 5.0% 03/18/08 10/01/13 23,168.80 23,113.74 21,730.18 FNMA 254971, 5.5% 01120/04 10/01/13 9,272.14 6,278.37 5,855.16 FG G11470, 4.5% 12/18/06 11/01/13 14,020.10 16,326.46 15,451.44 FNMA 01/24/03 11/15/13 301,515.00 478,090.00 500,000.00 Treasury Note, 2.0% 02/27/09 11/30/13 300,231.44 307,782.00 300,000.00 FNMA 255040, 4.5% 10/30/07 12/01/13 13,480.07 14,623.13 14,186.06 FNMA 255041, 5% 02/23/04 12/01/13 9,260.31 7,463.19 7,004.27 FHLMC Pool E00617, 5.5% 03/18/04 01/01/14 6,761.59 4,733.42 4,385.44 FNMA 255117, 5% 02/18/04 02/01/14 11,199.39 9,232.24 8,650.25 FNMA 255148,5.5% 02/18/04 02/01/14 12,109.20 9,274.49 8,568.21 Treasury Note, 1.875% OS/21/09 02/28/14 746,015.63 765,765.00 750,000.00 FNMA 340901, 6% 01/15/04 03/01/14 19,674.51 15,252.79 13,966.48 FG 814039, 4.0% 10/19/07 05/01/14 5,830.09 6,761.52 6,562.67 Zero Coupon Strips 01/12/09 05/15/14 446,714.50 478,910.00 500,000.00 Treasury Note, 2.25% 08/11/09 05/31/14 195,253.76 206,110.00 200,000.00 FG E00678, 6.5% 11119/07 06/01/14 23,132.61 22,639.12 21,368.95 FN 255290, 4.0% 11/18/08 06/01/14 21,259.78 22,635.10 21,811.29 FN 255431, 4.5% 03/14/07 09/01/14 11,694.36 13,188.40 12,716.12 FN 535170, 5.50% 03/16/06 09/01/14 13,060.90 14,098.46 13,060.90 FNMA 735023, 4.50% 10/28/05 11/01/14 5,836.45 6,822.25 6,425.60 Federal Farm Cr, 4.625% 10/20/05 11/03/14 49,177.50 55,116.00 50,000.00 Treasury Note, 4.25% 08/18/09 11/15/14 161,051.38 165,199.50 150,000.00 FG 817493,4.0% 05/31/06 12/01/14 9,475.66 12,403.73 12,001.56 FN 255574, 4.50% 03/09/06 12/01/14 15,021.75 17,352.76 16,542.82 FG 818639, 4.0% 10/19/07 01/01/15 8,751.06 10,128.56 9,795.61 Federal Farm Cr, 4.450% 02/22/06 06/01/15 95,736.00 109,825.00 100,000.00 Federal Farm cr, 5.08% 01/09/08 10/05/15 79,292.25 84,360.75 75,000.00 Fannie Mae, 4.375% 12/16/10 10/15/15 164,587.50 163,918.00 150,000.00 Treasury Note, 9.875% 05/01/09 11/15/15 144,234.38 135,820.00 100,000.00 FNMA 255938, 4.50% 11/17/05 11/01/15 11,092.96 12,908.13 12,361.03 FG E82733, 5.5% 07/17/07 03/01/16 20,571.52 22,921.76 21,271.71 FNMA 303771, 6.5% 10/29/04 03/01/16 17,179.36 15,148.46 13,843.31 FN 745444, 5.5% 10/28/08 04/01/16 23,908.76 24,809.46 22,987.26 Treasury Note, 2.625% 06/16/09 04/30;16 804,013.28 862,364.75 845,000.00 FG G11187, 5.5% 02/19/08 09/01/16 44,823.41 45,297.66 42,036.86 GNMA 781407,7% 01/21104 11/15/16 7,746.57 2,126.46 2,072.35 FN 995656, 7.0% 04/13/09 11/15/16 56,772.51 59,143.42 51,288.13 FN 615017, 5.0% 06/19/06 12/01116 23,043.71 27,157.89 25,430.88 GNMA 781403, 6% 03/18/04 02/15/17 12,366.02 9,798.61 8,996.07 Fed Home Ln Mig Corp Pool E01411, 7% 04/17/07 03/01/17 29,833.48 29,359.67 26,849.51 Fed Home Ln Mtg Corp Pool E01156, 6.5% 11/19/07 05/01/17 33,829.79 34,355.34 31,648.74 FG E89857, 5.5% 07/24/08 05/01117 40,300.86 43,441.86 40,244.81 FN 254342, 6.0% 01/29/08 06/01/17 53,399.94 53,929.60 49,198.65 FN 725510, 6.5% 11/19/07 07/01/17 28,340.38 26,912.73 25,660.25 FN 658867, 6.0% 07/17/07 08/01/17 15,324.61 16,591.98 15,136.46 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-POLICE PENSION FUND As of February 28th 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Investment Date Date Value Value Value Interest Treasury Nole, 8.875% 11/15/07 08/15/17 973,177.93 963,158.00 700,000.00 FG E01250, 5.5% 09/29/09 11/01/17 17,553.55 17,264.23 16,130.72 FHL8,5.00% 09/20/10 11/17117 164,025.68 157,843.00 140,000.00 Fed Nail MigAssn Pool 676674, 5% 11/19/07 12/01/17 16,835.39 18,416.87 17,175.43 FG E01307, 5% 03/19/07 02/01/18 26,310.05 28,864.73 26,965.55 FN 254631, 5.0% 11119/07 02/01/18 12,448.09 13,590.22 12,674.13 Fed Nail MigAssn Pool 681347, 5% 11/19/07 02/01/18 24,526.43 26,797.63 24,976.59 GNMA 781567,5% 02/18/04 02/15/18 9,938.28 9,245.77 8,630.74 FG E01345, 5.5% 02/15/07 04/01/18 18,150.38 19,703.98 18,173.25 FN 254719, 4.5% 09/22/09 04/01/18 24,201.85 24,095.90 22,752.37 FNMA 695871, 4.5% 10/31/07 04/01/18 21,246.66 23,903.78 22,570.96 FNCI Pool 704460, 6% 01/20104 05/01/18 11,259.16 8,426.97 7,689.89 FG G11606, 4.5% 03/16/06 05/01/18 15,386.98 18,495.68 17,479.93 FG E96458, 5% 09/28/09 05/01/18 23,877.84 23,572.11 21,989.52 Treasury Nole, 3.875% 12/15/10 05/15/18 267,763.67 267,032.50 250,000.00 FG E01385, 5% 09/22/09 06/01/18 28,950.57 28,811.35 27,239.11 FNMA 708760, 4.5% 03/16/04 06/01/18 18,225.80 18,412.96 17,386.30 FNMA 251818,6% 09/30104 06/01/18 36,519.18 32,849.78 29,976.53 FNMA 555545, 5% 08/18/09 06/01/18 42,092.60 42,204.49 39,336.47 FNMA 709028, 5.0% 03/16/06 06/01/18 21,659.09 24,849.10 23,160.47 FNMA 254802, 4.5% 10/31/05 07101/18 21,920.72 25,468.37 24,048.32 FNMA 709122, 4.5% 08/20107 07101/18 22,836.95 26,412.62 24,939.92 FNMA 721608, 4.0% 05/29/07 07101/18 18,351.23 22,181.57 21,191.50 FNMA 729347, 4.0% 03/13/06 07101/18 17,936.84 22,397.61 21,397.90 FG E01424, 4.0% 10/20108 08/01/18 50,553.18 56,081.21 53,830.55 FG E01426, 5.0% 03/16/06 08/01/18 24,685.15 27,464.25 25,636.62 FNMA 731190, 4.5% 08/20107 08/01/18 18,521.04 21,878.01 20,658.15 FNMA 736541, 4% 02/16/05 08/01/18 8,519.26 9,412.98 8,950.09 FHLMC Pool C90230, 6.5% 06/14/04 09/01/18 12,321.05 11,050.17 10,010.58 FG E98992, 4.5% 06/18/07 09/01/18 32,919.93 37,573.38 35,509.90 FNMA 744316, 5% 02/18/09 09/01/18 46,288.16 47,271.44 44,059.09 FG E01488, 5% 05/19/08 10101/18 29,976.42 31,723.30 29,605.89 FNMA 734741,4% 08/17104 10101/18 3,028.68 3,543.45 3,385.29 FN 748682, 4.5% 03/19/07 10101/18 17,528.20 19,983.82 18,869.58 FG E01490, 5% 02/18/04 11/01/18 18,798.53 18,254.84 17,034.81 FN 725045, 4.5% 11/30106 11/01/18 25,345.83 28,799.05 27,193.29 FG 811231,4.5% 04/20104 12/01/18 17,084.05 17,118.19 16,178.08 FG 811429,4.5% 03/16/06 12/01/18 27,054.24 31,730.12 29,987.54 FN 254987,5.0% 02/18/09 12/01/18 17,960.37 18,397.17 17,146.98 FN 555969, 4.0% 04/18/06 12/01/18 10,577.83 12,766.76 12,196.92 FN 735522, 4.0% 05/17/05 12/01/18 24,697.14 27,997.55 26,747.89 FN 888889, 4.5% 12/17/07 12/01/18 42,960.72 47,712.25 45,051.93 FG E01544, 4.5% 03/18/04 01/01/19 15,044.24 15,049.03 14,225.78 FG C90247, 6.5% 06/25/04 01/01/19 17,245.46 15,685.15 14,209.50 FG E01590, 5.0% 07/17108 02/01/19 30,538.91 33,018.16 30,803.68 Fed Home Ln Mig Corp., 3.75% 05/12/10 03/27/19 118,151.78 118,596.05 115,000.00 FN 725352, 4.5% 09/18/07 04/01/19 19,811.70 22,778.31 21,546.29 FG E01642, 5% 09/17/09 05/01/19 17,290.98 17,113.84 15,970.51 FG E01647 4% 08/17/04 05/01/19 4,543.10 5,352.96 5,143.76 FG G12111, 5% 09/17/09 10101/19 16,278.16 15,965.41 14,893.52 FN 725876, 5% 05/26/06 10101/19 24,277.96 28,366.88 26,485.61 Treasury Note, 3.375% 03/18/10 11/15119 244,990.24 253,495.00 250,000.00 FN 735727, 6% 04/17/08 01/01120 45,943.54 46,043.54 42,160.55 FG G11707, 6.0% 06/18/07 03/01/20 18,824.70 19,893.99 18,221.61 FN 745017, 4.5% 05/19/09 07101/20 32,407.71 32,384.88 30,633.26 FNMA 888250, 5.5% 09/16/08 01/01/21 ~2,646.36 34,392.71 31,788.00 Treasury Nole, 7.875% 12/04/08 02/15/21 429,803.93 415,359.00 300,000.00 FG C90438, 6.5% 06/14/04 04/01/21 11,823.91 10,233.49 9,237.25 Fed Nail Mig Assn Pool 253946, 7% 07/15/04 08/01/21 16,656.68 14,186.48 12,315.19 Treasury Nole, 8.125% 07/31/09 08/15/21 345,887.12 353,165.00 250,000.00 FG C90481, 6% 02/24/04 09/01/21 8,484.08 7,206.50 6,522.25 FN 545696, 6.0% 05/19/09 06/01/22 33,691.27 34,103.61 30,860.20 FN 254471, 6.0% 06/11/09 09/01/22 7,573.06 7,651.63 6,930.20 FHLMC POOL C90584, 5.5% 09/29/09 10101/22 19,656.92 19,297.23 17,908.10 FN 254513, 6.0% 06111/09 10101/22 7,443.24 7,518.49 6,809.61 FHLMC POOL C90588, 5.5% 09/29/09 11/01/22 21,639.64 21,181.78 19,656.99 FHLMC POOL C90589, 6.0% 06/11/09 11/01/22 8,212.77 8,247.27 7,474.35 FN 254544, 6.0% 06/11/09 11/01/22 14,731.75 14,886.59 13,483.01 FN 254634, 5.5% 09/29/09 02/01/23 22,510.61 24,332.79 20,480.76 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-POLICEPENSION FUND As of February 28th, 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Investment Date Date Value Value Value Interest FN 889634, 6.0% 07/19/10 02/01/23 88,946.50 86,388.17 80,703.59 FG C90686, 4.5% 04/13/05 06/01/23 18,468.84 21,722.38 20,641.58 FG C90698, 4.5% 08/20/07 08/01/23 24,574.63 29,362.78 27,901.84 FNMA 254908, 5% 04/15/04 09/01/23 21,590.06 21,477.79 20,159.18 FG C90808, 6.5% 11/15/04 01/01/24 7,699.68 7,148.91 6,435.53 FN 255271, 5% 04/12/06 06/01/24 17,153.77 20,023.45 18,792.37 FN 779774, 5% 03/16/06 07/01/24 27,985.71 32,461.03 30,468.11 FG J-12371, 4.50% 09/20/10 06/01/25 113,073.67 111,238.18 106,132.16 FG G30290, 6.5% 05/14/07 03/01/26 33,039.68 33,743.83 30,458.84 FG C80398, 6.5% 01/13/05 05/01/26 30,421.22 28,010.95 24,803.15 FN 256923, 5.5% 01/13/11 07/01/26 205,497.17 205,329.27 190,218.32 FG C91093, 6% 09/14/09 09/01/27 29,588.28 28,886.78 26,557.18 FG C91149, 6% 09/14/09 01/01/28 33,741.48 33,505.54 30,803.46 Fed Natl Mtg Assn Pool 545639, 6.5% 03/13/06 04/01/32 24,286.32 26,091.19 23,040.21 FHLMC Pool C01371, 7.0% 02/12/04 06/01/32 18,296.78 14,534.00 12,664.14 FG A11312, 6.0% 12/12/06 07/01/33 49,783.48 53,912.50 48,904.22 FNMA 555591, 5.5% 02/12/04 07/01/33 21,328.59 21,708.65 20,140.14 FNMA 730675, 4.5% 12/13/05 08/01/33 19,518.98 23,106.49 22,435.01 FNMA 759424, 5.5% 01/14/04 01/01/34 19,097.96 19,727.95 18,176.08 FN 763860, 4.0% 03/13/06 03/01/34 17,722.86 21,001.66 21,107.62 FN 725704, 6% 09/14/09 08/01/34 36,083.09 36,758.96 33,339.35 FN 745575, 6.5% 10/13/10 02/01/36 95,318.48 97,006.62 86,399.37 FN 976871, 6.5% 05/12/09 08/01/36 45,061.08 46,244.67 41,050.91 Ginnie Mae, 6.0% 02/17/11 09/20/36 107,500.00 110,015.00 100,000.00 FH KO-0034, 5.50% 12/13/10 05/01/37 88,901.69 88,765.57 83,391.80 FN 923790, 6.50% 09/14/10 05/01/37 107,492.44 107,111.72 98,942.98 GN 004211 M, 6.5% 07/21/10 08/20/38 89,018.70 90,988.03 81,544.37 FG A9-1904, 5.50% 06/14/10 04/01/40 52,774.26 52,989.82 49,347.02 FN AD7139, 5.50% 11/10/10 07/01/40 99,549.58 98,012.83 91,142.50 11,867,245.41

Total Investments $ 48,793,820.30 0.00

Book Market Percent Total Invested Per Institution Value Value Invested

Illinois Funds 2,393,617.31 2,393,617.31 4.91 Money Market 1,284,527.32 1,284,527.32 2.63 Mutual Funds 22,423,101.58 24,878,672.99 45.95 GNMA 820,672.85 864,161.33 1.68 Treasury Notes 14,351,287.47 14,764,536.85 29.41 FNMA 5,407,454.33 5,738,117.81 11.08 FHLMC Bonds 338,336.80 341,522.43 0.69 FHLB Agency Bonds 1,056,868.89 1,121,954.45 2.17 Federal Farm Cr Bonds 271,239.25 302,620.75 0.56 Zero Coupon Bonds 446,714.50 478,910.00 0.92

$48,793,820.30 $52,168,641.24 100.00


Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Investment Date Date Value Value Value Interest FNMA #534998 06/21/01 06/01/14 4,613.35 4,287.00 3,925.08 5.510 FNMA #598032 08/16/01 08/01/14 2,850.64 1,818.00 1,726.82 5.720 FNMA #633688 04/16/02 09/01/14 40,764.38 46,007.00 42,621.28 5.090 FNMA #735023 08/17/05 11/01/14 42,790.18 49,120.00 46,264.21 4.240 Treasury Security 12/23/05 11/15/14 502,185.00 707,070.00 750,000.00 FHLMC GO P60089, 7% 07/20/04 12/01/14 6,352.62 4,235.00 4,010.23 6.640 FNMA #535219 08/20/04 03/01/15 34,720.65 23,176.00 21,100.95 6.830 FNMA MTN, 4.375% 12/15/10 10/15/15 384,037.50 382,477.00 350,000.00 4.000 Zero Coupon Bond Stripped 05/29/03 11/15/15 350,086.75 531,092.00 585,000.00 GNMA #142495 07/22/87 12/15/15 4,160.01 5,067.00 4,544.89 7.150 FHLMC Pool GO C90124, 7% 04/15/04 01/01/16 31,212.18 23,999.00 21,826.80 6.370 FNMA #725382 07/20/04 01/01/16 19,410.42 5,787.00 5,664.12 7.830 Treasury Note, 2.0% 09/11/08 01115116 284,028.83 304,591.00 276,057.50 1.810 FHLMC Pool GO P60090, 7% 07/20/04 03/01/16 4,389.29 2,632.00 2,465.87 6.570 Treasury Note, 2.625% 06/16/09 04/30/16 285,448.50 306,165.00 300,000.00 2.570 Zero Coupon Bond 01/19/06 05/15/16 50,564.80 70,966.00 80,000.00 FNMA #253846 04/23/04 06/01116 10,224.27 8,091.00 7,385.78 5.930 Zero Coupon Bond 10/04/02 07115/16 246,197.14 440,170.00 520,000.00 Treasury Bond, 7.5% Coupon 04/23/93 11115116 785,627.89 955,785.00 750,000.00 5.890 GNMA #197505 06/23/87 03/15/17 3,354.60 3,943.00 3,463.72 7.030 FNMA #254308 04/17/07 05/01/17 159,936.52 163,890.00 149,173.02 5.920 FNMA #645917 07/19/10 06/01/17 359,508.16 356,200.00 324,213.36 5.920 FHLMC Pool GO G11426, 7% 04/28/04 07/01/17 13,713.32 7,728.00 7,224.08 6.550 Treasury Bond, 8.875% Coupon 07/02/09 08/15/17 706,987.50 701,729.00 510,000.00 6.450 FNMA #251342 04/15/04 11/01/17 39,124.23 30,004.00 26,571.90 6.200 FHLMC Pool GO E93732, 5% 11/17/05 01/01/18 54,684.79 62,087.00 57,918.49 4.660 FNMA #681270 11/20/07 01/01/18 18,890.57 20,535.00 19,150.91 4.670 FNMA #695812 03/18/03 03/01/18 51,429.66 46,294.00 43,148.41 4.660 FHLMC Pool GO E96427, 5% 02119/08 04/01/18 68,818.27 71,311.00 66,523.52 4.660 FNMA #251692 03/15/04 04/01/18 22,664.11 18,010.00 16,366.68 5.910 FNMA #625609 11/18/04 04/01/18 17,029.85 16,883.00 15,744.92 4.660 FNMA #695910 11/18/04 05/01/18 18,756.38 18,914.00 17,456.12 4.620 FNMA #251787 01/20/04 06/01/18 21,590.56 18,220.00 16,559.34 5.910 FNMA #682424 03/17/05 07/01/18 17,484.15 20,169.00 19,268.90 3.820 FNMA #713804 03/27/06 07/01/18 31,145.53 38,433.00 36,717.28 3.820 FNMA #720393 10/19/04 07/01/18 44,674.66 46,712.00 44,107.71 4.250 FNMA #721545 04/18/05 07/01/18 29,166.15 34,730.00 33,179.76 3.820 FNMA #721608 03/17/05 07/01/18 32,513.98 39,144.00 37,396.73 3.820 FNMA #722477 04/18/05 07/01/18 33,233.02 39,322.00 37,566.90 3.820 FNMA #726128 03/17/05 07/01/18 29,821.02 36,481.00 34,852.44 3.820 FNMA #729347 03/17105 07/01/18 40,428.15 49,165.00 . 46,970.92 3.820 FNMA #682450 03/17/05 09/01/18 3,850.71 4,439.00 4,240.79 3.830 FNMA #252104 08/20/04 11/01/18 17,135.32 15,145.00 13,739.31 5.900 FNMA #735522 05/17/05 12/01/18 65,859.00 74,660.00 71,327.66 3.820 FHLMC GO C90250, 6.5% 05116/06 02/01/19 60,175.96 63,352.00 57,391.70 5.890 FNMA #545970 07/29/05 02/01119 43,148.74 41,069.00 37,326.30 5.910 FNMA #323603 08/20/04 03/01/19 35,857.63 31,350.00 28,440.74 5.900 FHLMC GO E01647, 4.0% 08/17/04 05/01/19 18,172.52 21,412.00 20,575.15 3.840 Zero Coupon Bond 03/11/94 05/15/19 609,920.80 1,149,480.00 1,500,000.00 FHLMC Pool C90265, 6.5 % 03/11/04 06/01/19 77,784.30 60,743.00 54,928.41 5.880 FNMA #252499 03/18/04 06/01/19 25,134.75 20,253.00 18,373.67 5.900 FNMA #252573 08/22/03 06/01/19 38,442.58 36,562.00 33,354.65 5.470 Zero Coupon Bond 01/29/03 05/15/20 426,995.00 361,685.00 500,000.00 Zero Coupon Bond 06/27/03 05/15/20 223,540.00 726,910.00 1,000,000.00 Treasury Bond, 7.875% 05/22/07 02/15/21 2,029,907.50 2,076,795.00 1,500,000.00 5.690 FNMA #253708 08/20/04 03/01/21 24,584.59 21,880.00 19,795.57 5.880 FNMA #745406 OS/20/08 03/01/21 61,218.86 62,974.00 57,449.92 5.470 FHLMC GO 095476, 6.0% 09/20/04 02/01/22 8,712.69 6,170.00 5,617.41 5.460 FNMA #254193 06/13/05 02/01/22 93,034.35 96,537.00 87,355.46 5.430 FNMA #254231 09/13/06 03/01/22 52,660.53 56,691.00 51,299.80 5.430 FNMA #254305 09/14/05 05/01/22 18,278.43 17,921.00 16,133.91 5.850 FNMA #889634 07/19/10 02/01/23 87,030.45 86,388.00 78,787.54 5.470 FNMA #254764 02/11/10 06/01/23 40,772.50 40,639.00 37,405.30 5.060 FHLMC GO 096094, 4.5% 11/14/05 07/01/23 64,574.08 72,940.00 69,310.53 4.280 FHLMC GO J12371, 4.50% 09/20/10 06/01/25 180,917.88 177,981.00 169,811.47 4.290 FHLMC GO G30290, 6.5% 08/14/07 03/01/26 35,366.28 37,493.00 33,843.13 5.870 GNMA #2629, 6.00% 12/20/10 08/20/28 120,973.65 120,090.00 108,888.84 5.440 FNMA #450847 01/14/02 12/01/28 0.00 0.01 FNMA #481427 05/18/01 01/01/29 (0.00) 15,854.00 14,378.76 5.440 FNMA #483802 12/12/02 02/01/29 48,485.40 50,846.00 47,090.82 5.090 GNMA#2783 07/22/99 07/20/29 26,725.87 31,444.00 27,350.89 6.090 Treasury Bond, 5.375% 05/19/09 02/15/31 587,150.44 574,690.00 500,000.00 4.680 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-FIRE PENSION FUND As of Februarv 28th 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Investment Date Date Value Value Value Interest FHLMC Pool C01292F, 6.0% 02/13/02 02/01/32 13,479.21 30,535.00 27,697.96 5.440 FNMA #685962 09115/03 02/01/32 41,200.96 49,622.00 46,934.74 4.730 FHLMC C66034, 6.5% 05/13/02 04/01/32 41,113.23 38,082.00 33,608.92 5.740 FNMA#254310 03/14/05 05/01/32 70,927.46 71,176.00 64,554.45 5.440 FNMA #545782 12/31/04 07/01/32 19,538.81 18,991.00 16,506.38 6.080 FNMA#813818 05/12/05 07/01/32 13,772.77 9,426.00 8,169.61 6.070 FNMA #685952, 6.50 % 05/12/05 09/01/32 143,726.76 147,263.00 130,002.84 5.740 FNMA #725350 10/30/06 01/01/33 34,898.48 38,635.00 35,040.97 5.440 FNMA #702435 05/14/03 05/01/33 176,692.35 175,211.00 162,551.72 5.100 FNMA #702901 09/14/05 05/01/33 41,245.15 42,948.00 38,952.39 5.440 FNMA #711215 08/14/07 06/01/33 102,929.30 118,204.00 109,050.09 5.070 FHLMC GO A11312, 6.0% 12/12/06 07/01/33 49,783.45 53,912.00 48,904.19 5.440 FNMA #726912 05/13/04 08/01/33 42,251.55 51,642.00 51,723.89 4.010 FNMA #729379 09/14/05 08/01/33 5,928.91 6,101.00 5,533.83 5.440 FNMA #738348 03/15/04 09/01/33 10,455.66 10,374.00 9,408.72 5.450 FNMA #725017 02/12/04 12/01/33 36,682.92 37,831.00 34,675.47 5.040 FHLMC GO G01864, 5.0% 08/14/07 01/01/34 35,997.38 42,581.00 40,343.97 4.740 FNMA #755617 04/13/10 01/01/34 58,727.39 58,695.00 54,069.49 5.090 FNMA #759893 03115/04 01/01/34 3,887.65 3,539.00 3,441.68 5.430 FNMA #751182 03/15/04 03/01/34 37,027.44 38,183.00 35,179.64 5.070 FNMA #767378 04/15/04 03/01/34 86,479.45 87,115.00 80,262.10 5.070 FNMA #801357 07/14/05 08/01/34 21,662.12 22,181.00 20,578.55 5.100 FNMA #796295 11/14/05 12/01/34 58,132.26 70,608.00 68,680.73 4.380 FNMA #888568 08/14/07 12/01/34 46,885.62 55,466.00 52,466.88 4.730 FNMA #809159 02/10/05 01/01/35 114,554.02 122,199.00 115,471.43 4.730 FNMA #815426 11/14/05 02/01/35 45,440.25 57,548.00 55,977.26 4.380 FHLMC GO A46987, 5.5% 12/13/05 07/01/35 64,913.60 72,536.00 67,275.74 5.100 FNMA #872912 02/11/10 06/01/36 99,457.99 97,639.00 87,156.59 5.800 GNMA #737975 02117/11 161,250.00 165,023.00 160,500.00 5.450 FNMA #831806, 6.5% 06114110 10101136 126,120.60 127,299.00 113,632.79 5.800 FHLMC GO C02660, 6.5% 12112106 11/01/36 34,768.09 36,586.00 32,667.13 5.800 FHLMC GO P50531, 6.5% 08112110 01/01/37 120,092.53 123,781.00 110,646.08 5.810 FNMA #906350. 6.0% 01118111 01/01/37 152,008.76 153,942.00 141,546.82 5.520 FNMA #923790 09114/10 05/01/37 128,990.93 128,534.00 118,731.58 6.000 FNMA #995504 08/13109 11101138 52,194.93 50,296.00 43,858.34 6.540 FHLMC GO A 91904, 5.50% 06/12110 04101140 211,097.05 211,959.00 197,388.10 5.120 FHLMC GO C03475, 6.00% 08/12110 04101/40 102,776.22 100,597.00 92,483.92 5.520

Total US Bank 16,157,012.18

Total Investments $ 49,570,994.74

Book Market Percent Total Invested Per Institution Value Value Invested

Illinois Funds 1,844,358.62 1,844,358.62 3.72 Equities 8,464,650.82 10,178,347.00 17.08 Money Market 1,395,748.14 782,281.76 2.82 Mutual Funds 11,064,740.40 12,206,911.75 22.32 GNMA 316,464.13 325,567.00 0.64 Treasury Bonds 3,390,186.71 3,592,813.00 6.84 Treasury Notes 7,073,258.38 7,162,445.00 14.27 FNMA 8,188,456.94 8,374,470.00 16.52 FHLMC Bonds 1,823,078.11 1,868,728.00 3.68 FHLB Agency Bonds 686,864.44 710,518.00 1.39 Zero Coupon Bonds 3,688,282.89 5,618,324.00 7.44 Real Estate 1,634,905.16 1,959,208.26 3.30

$49,570,994.74 $54,623,972.39 100.00

------.------_.. --


CURRENT MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE ANNUAL BENCH- BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET % MARK Water & Sewer Fund Water Sales 908,333 897,823 1,816,667 1,787,636 10,900,000 16.4% Connection Fees 4,167 1,163 8,333 1,163 50,000 2.3% Cross Connection Fees 3,083 3,154 6,167 6,297 37,000 17.0% Penalties 4,167 6,213 8,333 6,213 50,000 12.4% Investment Earnings 1,250 707 2,500 1,304 15,000 8.7% Other Revenue Sources 38,393 26,899 76,787 59,010 460,720 12.8% Total Water Fund 959,393 935,958 1,918,787 1,861,622 11,512,720 16.2%1 16.7%

Motor Fuel Tax Fund 113,233 117,844 226,467 117,861 1,358,800 8.7% Community Dev. Block Grant Fund 27,917 55,833 335,000 0.0% EDA Administration Fund 337,223 64 674,447 11,055 4,046,680 0.3% E-911 Surcharge 2,229 2,007 4,458 3,985 26,750 14.9% Asset Seizure Fund 108,211 13,321 216,422 22,676 1,298,530 1.7% Municipal Waste System Fund 95,912 136,747 191,823 144,562 1,150,940 12.6% Sears Centre Operating Fund 389,263 216,440 778,525 366,224 4,671,150 7.8% Insurance Fund 159,483 158,950 318,967 317,928 1,913,800 16.6% Information Systems 92,228 91,842 184,457 184,016 1,106,740 16.6% Roselle Road TIF 8,900 8,944 17,800 17,875 1,171,580 1.5% Total Spec Rev. & Int. Svc. Fund 1,334,599 746,159 2,669,198 1,186,181 17,079,970 6.9%

TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS 5,244,947 4,350,157 10,577,326 6,593,780 74,420,358 8.9%1 16.7%

Sears EDA Gen Account 15,988,968 15,988,968 N/A 2001 G.O. Debt Service 460 464 460 472 643,600 0.1% 1997 A & B G.O. Debt Service 0 1 553,480 0.0% 2003 G.O. Debt Service 4,530 4,534 4,530 4,549 711,280 0.6% 2004 G.O. Debt Service 5,000 5,004 5,000 5,014 974,040 0.5% 200SA G.O. Debt Service 90 90 90 180 3,905,500 0.0% 2005 EDA TIF Bond Fund 4 14 21,000 0.1% 2008 G.O.D.S. Fund 1 2 1,352,260 0.0% 2009 G.O.D.S. Fund 21,200 21,211 47,700 47,718 550,000 8.7%

TOTAL DEBT SERVo FUNDS 31,280 16,020,276 57,780 16,046,917 8,711,160 184.2%1 16.7%

Central Rd. Corridor Fund 25 17 50 41 300 13.7% Hoffman Blvd Bridge Maintenance 39 34 78 68 470 14.4% Western Corridor Fund 925 49 1,850 99 11,100 0.9% Traffic Improvement Fund 113 59 225 125 1,350 9.3% EDA Series 1991 Project 39,167 267 78,333 3,293 470,000 0.7% Central Area Rd. Impr. Imp. Fee 42 10,647 83 10,694 500 2138.9% 2008 Capital Project Fund 3 6 N/A Western Area Traffic Impr. 60 30 120 61 720 8.5% 2009 Capital Project Fund 83,333 568 166,667 1,197 1,000,000 0.1% Western Area Traffic Impr. Impact Fee 425 208 850 42,417 5,100 831.7% Capital Improvements Fund 777,886 121,186 1,555,772 242,740 9,334,630 2.6% Capital Vehicle & Equipment Fund 46,213 18,211 92,425 36,426 554,550 6.6% Capital Replacement Fund 500 260 1,000 487 6,000 8.1%

TOTAL CAP. PROJECT FUNDS 948,727 151,540 1,897,453 337,656 11,384,720 3.0%1 16.7%

Police Pension Fund 211,120 211,123 361,590 361,596 4,405,184 8.2% Fire Pension Fund 298,520 298,528 554,520 554,566 4,186,294 13.2%

TOTAL TRUST FUNDS 509,640 509,650 916,110 916,161 8,591,478 10.7%1 16.7%

TOTAL ALL FUNDS 6,734,593 21,031,623 13,448,670 23,894,514 103,107,716 23.2%1 16.7% OPERATING REPORT SUMMARY EXPENDITURES Februarv 28, 2011

CURRENT MONTH YEAR- TO-DATE ANNUAL BENCH- BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET % MARK General Fund General Admin. Legislative 29,358 21,642 58,715 43,224 352,290 12.3% Administration 48,168 42,334 96,337 84,260 578,020 14.6% Legal 39,586 24,247 79,172 32,428 475,030 6.8% Finance 68,321 57,611 136,642 129,889 819,850 15.8% Village Clerk 14,558 12,912 29,115 25,185 174,690 14.4% Human Resource Mgmt. 36,884 33,277 73,768 69,577 442,610 15.7% Communications 14,173 9,886 28,345 35,769 170,070 21.0% Cable TV 11,456 9,056 22,912 19,004 137,470 13.8% Emergency Operations 13,354 9,037 26,708 18,268 160,250 11.4%

Total General Admin. 275,857 220,001 551,713 457,603 3,310,280 13.8%1 16.7%1

Police Department Administration 106,132 99,656 212,263 227,219 1,273,580 17.8% Juvenile Investigations 57,586 67,660 115,172 109,690 691,030 15.9% Problem Orient. Police 108 217 42 1,300 3.2% Tactical 61,737 73,956 123,473 122,658 740,840 16.6% Patrol and Response 781,504 895,825 1,563,007 1,472,103 9,378,044 15.7% Traffic 75,623 82,963 151,245 139,826 907,470 15.4% Investigations 90,186 93,072 180,372 157,967 1,082,230 14.6% Community Relations 843 1,687 10,120 0.0% Communications 47,258 46,222 94,517 92,445 567,100 16.3% Canine 12,672 14,580 25,343 23,822 152,060 15.7% Special Services 9,976 21,022 19,952 26,627 119,710 22.2% Records 27,541 20,084 55,082 41,740 330,490 12.6% Administrative Services 58,979 52,323 117,958 103,601 707,750 14.6%

Total Police 1,330,144 1,467,363 2,660,287 2,517,740 15,961,724 15.8%1 16.7%1

Fire Department Administration 49,008 51,544 98,017 105,538 588,100 17.9% Public Education 2,365 1,700 4,730 4,815 28,380 17.0% Suppression 498,615 609,538 997,229 1,010,554 5,983,374 16.9% Emer. Med. Servo 452,031 542,388 904,062 918,673 5,424,370 16.9% Prevention 31,879 7,709 63,758 26,670 382,550 7.0% Fire Stations 1,998 106 3,997 1,133 23,980 4.7%

Total Fire 1,035,896 1,212,985 2,071,792 2,067,383 12,430,754 16.6%1 16.7%1

Public Works Department Administration 19,913 13,693 39,827 27,720 238,960 11.6% Snow/Ice Control 149,615 238,908 299,230 591,218 1,795,380 32.9% Pavement Maintenance 27,531 26,392 55,062 54,040 330,370 16.4% Forestry 68,266 45,314 136,532 92,027 819,190 11.2% Facilities 81,157 51,897 162,313 97,855 973,880 10.0% Fleet Services 100,654 81,2,93 201,308 170,484 1,207,850 14.1% F.A.S.T. 17,808 7,320 35,617 14,395 213,700 6.7% Storm Sewers 17,495 12,763 34,990 27,570 209,940 13.1% Traffic Control 49,937 40,601 99,873 63,737 599,240 10.6%

Total Public Works 532,376 518,181 1,064,752 1,139,047 6,388,510 17.8%1 16.7%1 OPERATING REPORT SUMMARY EXPENDITURES February 28, 2011

CURRENT MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE ANNUAL BENCH- BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET % MARK Development Services Administration 16,596 15,376 33,192 30,807 199,150 15.5% Planning 36,831 38,576 73,662 79,112 441,970 17.9% Code Enforcement 86,805 78,907 173,610 158,632 1,041,660 15.2% Transportation & Engineering 85,062 73,104 170,123 160,864 1,020,740 15.8% Economic Development 98,337 17,344 196,673 41,137 1,180,040 3.5%

Total Development Services 323,630 223,307 647,260 470,553 3,883,560 12.1%1 16.7%1

Health & Human Services 53,185 45,899 106,370 91,962 638,220 14.4%1 16.7%1

Miscellaneous 4th of July 93,800 0.0% Police & Fire Comm. 7,191 14,382 365 86,290 0.4% Misc. Boards & Comm. 12,191 5,179 24,382 13,774 146,290 9.4% Misc. Public Improvements 313,593 31,635 627,185 63,594 3,763,110 1.7%

Total Miscellaneous 332,974 36,814 665,948 77,733 4,089,490 1.9%1 16.7%1

Total General Fund 3,884,062 3,724,551 7,768,123 6,822,021 46,702,538 14.6%1 16.7%1

Water & Sewer Fund Water Department 934,122 731,034 1,868,243 1,040,694 11,209,460 9.3% Sewer Department 264,106 148,545 528,212 268,818 3,169,270 8.5% Billing Division 49,692 42,629 99,383 101,962 596,300 17.1% Debt Service Division 4,630 0.0% Capital Projects Division 100,000 0.0%

Total Water & Sewer 1,247,919 922,209 2,495,838 1,411,475 15,079,660 9.4%1 16.7%1

Motor Fuel Tax 2,150 2,156 4,300 4,310 306,630 1.4% Community Dev. Block Grant Fund 335,000 0.0% EDA Administration Fund 394,650 358,736 789,300 715,236 4,735,800 15.1% E-911 Fund 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 16.7% Asset Seizure Fund 109,523 12,890 219,047 22,702 1,314,280 1.7% Municipal Waste System 101,127 85,237 202,253 209,154 1,213,520 17.2% Sears Centre Operating Fund 349,225 150 698,450 150 4,190,700 0.0% Insurance 158,817 47,088 317,633 498,160 1,905,800 26.1% Information Systems 92,228 63,424 184,457 142,708 1,106,740 12.9% Roselle Road TIF 23,420 5,834 46,840 11,660 281,040 4.1%

TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS 6,388,121 5,247,274 12,776,241 9,887,577 77,471,708 12.8%1 16.7%1

Sears EDA General Account 15,988,968 15,988,968 N/A 2001 G.O. Debt Service 300 600 300 544,000 0.1% 1997 A & B G.O. Debt Service 553,400 0.0% 2003 G.O. Debt Service 300 -. 600 300 703,380 0.0% 2004 G.O. Debt Service 972,240 0.0% 2005A G.O. Debt Service 3,904,700 0.0% 2005 EDA TIF Bond Fund 21,000 0.0% 2008 G.O.D.S. Fund 1,332,750 N/A 2009 G.O.D.S. Fund 1,514,360 0.0%

TOTAL DEBT SERVo FUNDS 600 15,988,968 1,200 15,989,568 9,545,830 167.5%1 16.7%1 OPERATING REPORT SUMMARY EXPENDITURES February 28, 2011


Central Road Corridor Improvement 20,833 20,833 41,667 41,670 250,000 16.7% Hoffman Blvd Bridge Maintenance 250 500 3,000 0.0% Traffic Improvement Fund 51,333 46,667 102,667 93,330 616,000 15.2% EDA Series 1991 Project 132,585 23,310 265,170 23,310 1,591,020 1.5% Central Area Rd. Impr. Imp. Fee 8,333 8,333 16,667 16,670 100,000 16.7% 2009 Capital Project 1,100 489,602 2,200 490,707 1,805,000 27.2% Western Area Rd Improve Imp. Fee 25,000 44,259 50,000 69,259 300,000 23.1% Capital Improvements Fund 9,334,120 0.0% Capital Vehicle & Equipment Fund 46,208 92,417 554,500 0.0% Capital Replacement Fund 291,520 0.0%

TOTAL CAP. PROJECT FUNDS 285,643 633,004 571,287 734,946 14,845,160 5.0%1 16.7%1

Police Pension Fund 236,575 235,284 473,150 468,278 2,838,901 16.5% Fire Pension Fund 263,755 259,049 527,511 494,009 3,165,063 15.6%

TOTAL TRUST FUNDS 500,330 494,333 1,000,661 962,287 6,003,964 16.0%1 16.7%1

TOTAL ALL FUNDS 7,174,694 22,363,579 14,349,389 27,574,378 107,866,662 25.6%1 16.7%1 HOFFMAN ESTATES


March 25, 2011


Water Billing

A total of 14,576 residential water bills were mailed on April 4 for February's water consumption. Average consumption was 3,577 gallons, resulting in an average residential water bill of $24.95. Total consumption for all customers was 84 million gallons, with 52 million gallons attributable to residential consumption. When compared to the April 2010 billing, residential consumption decreased by 22.4%.

Total Water Consumption Total Water Consumption Year-To-Date Comparison Month of February Month of February

400 150 350 125 300 100 250

200 75 150 50 100 25 50 0-1"---.,----.,----,...---,...----( 0-1"--==-.,---==-,...--==-,...--==-,...--=-=-( 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

III Residential III Commercial III Residential III Commercial

1900 Hassell Road, Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169 • Phone: 847-882-9100 • Fax: 847-843-4822 Web: Investments - Village

As of March 31, 2011, the Village's investment portfolio totaled $37.0 million. Of this amount, $15.6 million pertained to the various operating funds. As can be seen in the following graphs, the remaining $21.4 million is related to debt service, capital projects and trust funds.

Investment Portfolio by Fund Type Investment Portfolio by Type As of March 31, 2011 As of March 31, 2011

2% 10% 7%

46% 46% 43% 42%


_ Debt Service _ Operating _ Capital Projects _ Trust _IL Funds _ IMET _ Money Market _ Agency Notes _ CD's

General Fund Investments










1.0 0.0 -¥--=:.....,...--==-,.----==-,--=-.--=::.,---==-,---==-,--=--.---=::....,--==-,---==-.----='-,-- o o o o o o .-l .-l, .-l .-l '( .!.. 1 0­ u 0­ ~ o>

2 Operating Funds

General Fund

For the month of March, General Fund revenues totaled $4,821,319 and expenditures totaled $3,770,803, resulting in a profit of $1,050,516.

Revenues: March year-to-date figures are detailed in the table below.

YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR-TO-DATE REVENUES BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE Taxes $ 3,169,811 $ 3,482,895 9.9% Licenses & Permits 87,083 91,630 5.2% Intergovernmental 960,477 749,414 -22.0% Charges for Services 395,633 386,232 -2.4% Fines & Forfeits 107,250 76,885 -28.3% Investments 3,333 793 -76.2% Miscellaneous 217,900 13,304 -93.9% TOTAL $ 4,941,487 $ 4,801,152 -2.8%

YTO Budget and Actual Comparison



$2,500,000 • Budget • Actual





Taxes Lie. & Permits Intergov't Servo Chgs. Fines Investments Misc.

3 Hotel Tax




• 2010 Actual $150,000 • 2011 Budget

• 2011 Actual



$0 Jan-Mar (4th Qtr) Apr-Jun (1st Qtr) Jul-Sep (2nd Qtr) Oct-Dec (3rd Qtr)

Cumulative Variance Quarter Received 2010 Actual (Liability Period) 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual V5. Budget Jan-Mar (4th Qtr) $ 202,619 $ 237,500 $ . 222,583 $ (14,917) Apr-Jun (1st Qtr) 216,529 237,500 Jul-Sep (2nd Qtr) 281,062 237,500 Oct-Dec (3rd Qtr) 289,474 237,500

YTD Totals $ 989,684 $ 950,000 $ 222,583

4 Real Estate Transfer Tax

$70,000 ..------

$60,000 +---__------

$50,000 +---__------

$40,000 +--=-- .2010 Actual .2011 Budget

$30,000 .2011 Actual



$0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Cumulative Variance 2010 Actual Month Received 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan $ 18,784 $ 39,583 $ 16,278 $ (23,305) Feb 63,825 39,583 11,439 (28,144) Mar 26,289 39,583 30,502 (9,082) Apr 45,896 39,583 May 29,151 39,583 Jun 46,786 39,583 Jul 31,687 39,583 Aug 34,315 39,583 Sep 27,417 39,583 Oct 21,732 39,583 Nov 17,993 39,583 Dec 42,458 39,583

YTD Totals $ 406,331 $ 475,000 $ 58,219

5 Home Rule Sales Tax

$400,000 -,------

$350,000 +------1__------

$300,000 +-----= ...---1 ------


.2010 Actual $200,000 • 2011 Budget .2011 Actual




$0 Jan (Nov) Feb (Dec) Mar (Jan) Apr (Feb) May (Mar) Jun (Apr) Jul (May) Aug (Jun) Sep (lui) Oct (Aug) Nov (Sep) Dec(Oct)

Cumulative Variance Month Received 2010 Actual (Liability Period) 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan (Nov) $ 285,698 $ 287,500 $ 277,562 $ (9,938) Feb (Dec) 297,208 287,500 301,088 13,588 Mar (Jan) 361,813 287,500 344,625 57,125 Apr (Feb) 231,066 287,500 May (Mar) 268,550 287,500 Jun (Apr) 273,585 287,500 Jul (May) 274,366 287,500 Aug (Jun) 277,551 287,500 Sep (Jul) 287,434 287,500 Oct (Aug) 291,181 287,500 Nov (Sep) 269,544 287,500 Dec (Oct) 292,375 287,500

YTD Totals $ 3,410,371 $ 3,450,000 $ 923,275

6 Telecommunications Tax

$400,000 ,..------

$350,000 +------

$300,000 +------.------


.2010 Actual $200,000 .2011 Budget .2011 Actual




$0 Jan (Oct) Feb (Nov) Mar (Dec) Apr (Jan) May (Feb)Jun (Mar) Jul (Apr) Aug (May) Sep (Jun) Oct (Jul) Nov (Aug) Dec (Sep)

Cumulative Variance Month Received 2010 Actual (Liability Period) 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan (Oct) $ 251,911 $ 258,333 $ 219,161 $ (39,172) Feb (Nov) 230,336 258,333 183,690 (74,644) Mar (Dec) 233,040 258,333 161,923 (96,410) Apr (Jan) 286,682 258,333 May (Feb) 327,075 258,333 Jun (Mar) 246,691 258,333 Jul (Apr) 220,581 258,333 Aug (May) 242,165 258,333 Sep (Jun) 242,650 258,333 Oct (Jul) 244,282 258,333 Nov (Aug) 195,890 258,333 Dec (Sep) 277,741 258,333

YTD Totals $ 2,999,043 $ 3,100,000 $ 564,774

7 Building Permits



$75,000 +---- 1------1------.2010 Actual • 2011 Budget .2011 Actual $50,000 +--1._- 1------1--__----1._- 1------


$0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Cumulative Variance 2010 Actual Month Received 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan $ 15,406 $ 45,833 $ 56,205 $ 10,371 Feb 14,188 45,833 109,506 63,673 Mar 42,179 45,833 23,056 (22,777) Apr 22,809 45,833 May 44,223 45,833 Jun 44,927 45,833 Jul 56,305 45,833 Aug 92,601 45,833 Sep 64,232 45,833 Oct 80,353 45,833 Nov 38,217 45,833 Dec 16,877 45,833

YTD Totals $ 532,318 $ 550,000 $ 188,766

8 State Sales Tax

$700,000 -r------

$600,000 -1------


$400,000 .2010 Actual .2011 Budget .2011 Actual $300,000



$0 Jan (Nov) Feb (Dec) Mar (Jan) Apr (Feb) May (Mar) Jun (Apr) Jul (May) Aug (Jun) Sep (Jul) Oct (Aug) Nov (Sep) Dec (Oct)

Cumulative Variance Month Received 2010 Actual (Liability Period) 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan (Nov) $ 499,781 $ 512,500 $ 477,448 $ (35,052) Feb (Dec) 493,847 512,500 533,111 20,611 Mar (Jan) 576,980 512,500 567,696 55,196 Apr (Feb) 417,113 512,500 May (Mar) 475,153 512,500 Jun (Apr) 484,646 512,500 Jul (May) 460,765 512,500 Aug (Jun) 498,893 512,500 Sep (Jul) 570,797 512,500 Oct (Aug) 508,110 512,500 Nov (Sep) 494,384 512,500 Dec (Oct) 529,219 512,500

YTD Totals $ 6,009,685 $ 6,150,000 $ 1,578,255

9 Local Use Tax

$100,000 -,------

$90,000 +------...,------

$80,000 +------f------


$60,000 .2010 Actual $50,000 .2011 Budget .2011 Actual $40,000




$0 Jan(Nov) Feb(Dec) Mar (Jan) Apr (Feb) May (Mar) Jun (Apr) Jul (May) Aug (Jun) Sep(Jul) Oct (Aug) Dec (Sep) Dec (Oct)

Cumulative Variance Month Received 2010 Actual (Liability Period) 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan (Nov) $ 46,116 $ 46,667 $ 73,288 $ 26,621 Feb (Dec) 41,192 46,667 56,972 10,305 Mar (Jan) 70,808 46,667 89,688 43,022 Apr (Feb) 42,136 46,667 May (Mar) 33,512 46,667 Jun (Apr) 66,878 46,667 Jul (May) 50,896 46,667 Aug (Jun) 48,246 46,667 Sep (Jul) 62,248 46,667 Oct (Aug) 51,747 46,667 Dec (Sep) 50,139 46,667 Dec (Oct) 58,254 46,667

YTD Totals $ 622,169 $ 560,000 $ 219,947

10 Income Tax

$600,000 ,------

$500,000 +------__------

$400,000 +------;;=------__------

.2010 Actual

$300,000 --__----1__- .2011 Budget • 2011 Actual



$0 Jan (Jul) Jan(Aug) Feb(Sep) Feb(Oct) Mar (Nov) Apr (Dec) May (Jan) Jun (Feb) Jul (Mar) Aug (Apr) Sep(May) Oct (Jun)

Cumulative Variance Month Received 2010 Actual (Liabilitv Period) 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan (Jul) $ 358,614 $ 325,000 $ 245,519 $ (79,481) Jan (Aug) 270,194 325,000 251,788 (152,693) Feb (Sep) 212,389 325,000 365,945 (111,748) Feb (Oct) 373,335 325,000 275,406 (161,342) Mar (Nov) 395,672 325,000 304,584 (181,758) Apr (Dec) 244,829 325,000 May (Jan) 381,955 325,000 Jun (Feb) 499,739 325,000 Jul (Mar) 266,468 325,000 Aug (Apr) 374,493 325,000 Sep (May) 245,519 325,000 Oct (Jun) 251,788 325,000

YTD Totals $ 3,874,993 $ 3,900,000 $ 1,443,242

11 $120,000





$70,000 .2010 Actual $60,000 • 2011 Budget .2011 Actual $50,000





$0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Cumulative Variance 2010 Actual Month Received 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan $ 71,434 $ 107,250 $ 73,863 $ (33,387) Feb 73,024 107,250 65,195 (42,055) Mar 70,786 107,250 76,885 (30,365) Apr 87,580 107,250 May 67,207 107,250 Jun 73,521 107,250 Jul 62,100 107,250 Aug 60,563 107,250 Sep 71,454 107,250 Oct 64,530 107,250 Nov 52,066 107,250 Dec 73,422 107,250

YTD Totals $ 827,687 $ 1,287,000 $ 215,943

12 Interest Income




$2,000 .2010 Actual .2011 Budget $1,500 +-__--.--1.._-----11-- .2011 Actual



$0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Cumulative Variance 2010 Actual Month Received 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2011 Actual vs. Budget Jan $ 812 $ 3,333 $ 531 $ (2,802) Feb 594 3,333 693 (2,640) Mar 987 3,333 793 (2,540) Apr 956 3,333 May 1,524 3,333 Jun 1,016 3,333 Jul 895 3,333 Aug 954 3,333 Sep 772 3,333 Oct 647 3,333 Nov 339 3,333 Dec 555 3,333

YTD Totals $ 10,049 $ 40,000 $ 2,018

13 Expenditures: General Fund expenditures in March were $113,258 below the budgeted figure of $3,884,062. The summary of year-to-date actuals versus budgeted expenditures shown below reflect mostly positive variances for the Village departments for the year.

YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR-TO-DATE EXPENDITURES BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE Legislative $ 29,358 $ 28,109 4.3% Administration 48,168 43,332 10.0% Legal 39,586 23,060 41.7% Finance 68,321 59,184 13.4% Village Clerk 14,558 12,872 11.6% HRM 36,884 33,847 8.2% Communications 14,173 9,611 32.2% Cable TV 11,456 11,969 -4.5% Emergency Operations 13,354 15,402 -15.3% Police 1,330,144 1,431,729 -7.6% Fire 1,035,896 1,124,466 -8.6% Public Works 532,376 581,815 -9.3% Development Services 323,630 310,356 4.1% H&HS 53,185 46,313 12.9% Miscellaneous 332,974 38,739 88.4% TOTAL $ 3,884,062 $ 3,770,803 2.9%

yro Budget and Actual Comparison




• Budget $1,000,000 • Actual





$0 -lL---==-----.----=--.-----=-..:::..:..:...---.,...-----==-..----===----.---.:===--..r General Admin. Police Fire Public Works Devel. Services Misc. Services


In March, another successful annual audit was completed for the Village's financials and internal controls. Final reports are being reviewed and will soon be presented for Village Board approval.

Respectfully Submitted.

r:1 00~LO

Michael DuCharme Director of Finance


%lnc/Dec Mar-11 YTD Mar-11 Mar-10 YTO Mar-10 Month Year Credit Card Transactions Finance and Code Front Counter Number 348 842 274 718 27.0% 17.3% Amount $ 31,740 $ 80,748 $ 26,089 $ 72,970 21.7% 10.7% Internet Sales Number 1,436 4,290 1,349 3,993 6.4% 7.4% Amount $ 100,338 $ 290,969 $ 63,992 $ 202,129 56.8% 44.0% Total Number 1,784 5,132 1,623 4,711 9.9% 8.9% Amount $ 132,077 $ 371,717 $ 90,081 $ 275,099 46.6% 35.1%

Credit Card Company Fees General Fund $ 1,122.17 $ 2,813 $ 576.54 $ 1,732.29 94.6% 62.4% Municipal Waste Fund 0.52 1 13.45 14 -96.1% -92.8% Water Fund 2,235.37 6,344 1,274.79 3,799 75.4% 67.0% Total Fees $ 3,358.06 $ 9,158.07 $ 1,864.78 $ 5,545.56 80.1% 65.1%

Passport Applications Number 48 145 82 186 -41.5% -22.0% Revenue $ 1,275 $ 3,620 $ 2,050 $ 4,725 -37.8% -23.4%

Accounts Receivable Invoices Mailed Number 48 259 40 121 20.0% 114.0% Amount $ 75,275 $ 346,663 $ 62,958 $ 429,269 19.6% -19.2% Invoices Paid Number 81 332 84 291 -3.6% 14.1% Amount $ 134,927 $ 321,807 $ 74,955 $ 458,950 80.0% -29.9% Reminders Sent Number 15 51 12 45 25.0% 13.3% Amount $ 11,936 $ 55,256 $ 27,606 $ 97,965 -56.8% -43.6%

Accounts Payable Checks Issued Number 257 1,180 347 1,060 -25.9% 11.3% Amount $ 770,655 $ 8,685,592 $ 2,504,474 $ 12,691,914 -69.2% -31.6% Manual Checks Issued Number 29 138 28 82 3.6% 68.3% As % of Total Checks 11.28% 11.28% 8.07% 8.07% 39.8% 39.8% Amount $ 81,346 $ 5,042,997 $ 59,295 $ 410,079 37.2% 1129.8% As % ofTotal Checks 10.56% 58.06% 2.37% 3.23% 345.8% 1697.0%

Utility Billing New Utility Accounts 121 264 88 234 37.5% 12.8% Bills Mailed I Active Accounts 15,459 45,507 15,454 46,388 0.0% -1.9% Final Bills Mailed 120 262 87 231 37.9% 13.4% Shut-Off Notices 1,840 4,390 1,255 3,901 46.6% 12.5% Actual Shut-Offs 137 345 95 356 44.2% -3.1% Total Billings $ 657,770 2,581,754 $ 739,799 2,415,611 -11.1% 6.9%

Direct Debit (ACH) Program New Accounts 20 49 61 92 -67.2% -46.7% Closed Accounts 17 42 18 38 -5.6% 10.5% Total Accounts 2,090 2,052 1.9% As % of Active Accounts 13.52% 13.28% 1.8%

Water Payments Received in Current Month Total Bills Mailed 15,472 46,416 15,454 46,381 ACH Payments 2,089 6,261 2,008 6,006 ACH Payments-% of Total Bills 13.50% 13.49% 12.99% 12.95% On-line Payments (Internet Sales) 1,171 3,649 1,117 3,262 On-line Payments-% of Total Bills 7.57% 7.86% 7.23% 7.03% Mail-in Payments 11,855 36,123 12,584 36,659 Mail-in Payments-% of Total Bills 76.62% 77.82% 81.43% 79.04% Residential Billings Average Monthly Consumption/Customer

Month Billed 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011

October 6,485 5,609 5,685 November 5,006 5,260 4,752 December 4,928 5,695 4,898 January 5,851 5,851 5,719 February 4,782 4,782 5,850 March 5,007 4,623 3,577

Six Month Average - 5,343 5,303 5,080 % Change- -1.4% -0.7% -4.2%

Total Water Customers Average Bill

Customer Type Customer Type Mar-10 Mar-11 % Change % Change

Residential 14,561 14,576 0.1% Residential $ 29.43 $ 24.95 -15.2% Commercial 893 892 -0.1%

Total 15,454 15,468 0.1%

Total Consumption - All Customers (OOO,OOO's)

Month-To-Date Year-To-Date

Mar-10 Mar-11 % Change Mar-10 Mar-11 % Change

Residential 67 52 -22.4% Residential 222 220 -0.9% Commercial 40 32 -20.0% Commercial 132 130 -1.5%

107 84 -21.5% 354 350 -1.1% STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-VILLAGE As of March 31st 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Fund Date Date Value Value Value Interest

General Fund

Illinois Funds - General 09/30/86 4,360,122.43 0.094 Illinois Funds - Veterans Memorial 05/01/92 293.92 0.094 IMET 05/12/97 500,000.00 1,331,033.72 HE Community Bank-Municipal Now 07/13/04 165,629.34 0.250 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 11/07/08 1,800,508.95 0.162 6,826,554.64

Motor Fuel Tax

Illinois Funds 09/30/86 391,956.23 0.094

EDA Administration

Illinois Funds 01/02/91 1,359,776.48 0.094 1,359,776.48

Illinois Funds 07/01/00 172.50 0.094 Citibank Savings Deposit Account 01/07/09 302,250.61 0.162 302,423.11

Asset Seizure - Federal

Illinois Funds 06/09/99 31,592.07 0.094

Asset Seizure· State

Illinois Funds 11/30/98 83,304.33 0.094

Asset Seizure - KCAT

Illinois Funds 07/10108 59,892.64 0.094

Municipal Waste System

Illinois Funds 08/31/98 48,958.80 0.094 48,958.80

2001 G.O. Debt Servo

Illinois Funds 07/31/01 3,410.07 0.094

1997A&B G.O. Debt Servo

Illinois Funds 01/01/98 5,478.08 0.094

2003 G.O. Debt Servo

Illinois Funds 09/04/03 98,895.01 0.094

2004 G.O. Debt Servo

Illinois Funds 11/30104 111,898.09 0.094

200SA G.O. Debt Servo

Wells Fargo 11/01/06 16.09 Illinois Funds 11130104 1,013,374.37 0.094 1,013,390.46

2008 G.O. Debt Servo

Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 03/20108 13,236.07 0.110 13,236.07

2009 G.O. Debt Servo

Illinois Funds 04/01/09 672,165.78 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 04/01109 2,316.79 0.110 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-VILLAGE As of March 31st 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Fund Date Date Value Value Value Interest Keybank - C 04/01/09 05/31/11 730,000.00 757,966.00 1.770 Keybank - C 04/01/09 11/30/11 719,000.00 757,007.70 1.963 Keybank - C 04/01/09 05/31/12 356,000.00 379,959.29 2.125 2,479,462.57

Central Road Corridor Improv.

Illinois Funds 12/15/66 191,067.97 0.094

Hoffman Blvd Bridqe Maintenance

Illinois Funds 07/01/96 145,796.60 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 02/10/11 200,046.24 0.162 345,642.64

Western Corridor

Illinois Funds 06/30/01 165,557.62 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 01/07/09 300,126.12 0.162 465,665.94

Traffic Improvement

Illinois Funds 03/24/69 35,041.97 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 11/07/06 505,124.95 0.162 540,166.92

EDA Series 1991 Prolect

Illinois Funds 06/22/91 2,430,113.56 0.094 Bank of New York Money Market 12/11/06 1,759,603.72 4,169,717.26

Central Area Road Improvement

Illinois Funds 03/29/91 160,109.41 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 02/10/11 OS/25/05 300,069.36 0.162 460,176.77

2006 Capital Project

Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 03/20/06 32,312.04 0.162

2009 Capital Project

Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 04/01/09 2,913,034.74 0.110 Village Bank & Trust 04/14/10 06/30/11 246,300.00 249,931.20 0.543 Crystal Lake B&TC 04/14/10 06/30/11 246,300.00 249,931.20 0.543 Northbrook B&TC 04/14/10 06/30/11 246,300.00 249,931.20 0.543 3,657,934.74

Western Area Traffic Improvement

Illinois Funds 11/01/92 27,743.69 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 01/07/09 302,250.61 0.162 329,994.50

Western Area Rd Impr Impact Fees

Illinois Funds 06/01/96 237,462.65 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 01/07/09 1,913,564.21 0.162 2,151,046.66

Capital Improvements

Illinois Funds 12/31/96 374,667.99 0.094

Capital Vehicle & Equipment

Illinois Funds 12/31/96 63,072.36 0.094 HE Community Bank-Municipal Now 07/13/04 5.21 0.250 63,077.57

Capital Replacement

Illinois Funds 02/01/96 1,524,154.56 0.094 HE Community Bank-Municipal Now 07/13/04 360,044.66 0.250 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-VILLAGE As of March 31st 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Fund Date Date Value Value Value Interest Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 11107/08 1,373,328.44 0.162 3,277 ,527.68

Water and Sewer

Illinois Funds 09/30/86 1,082,455.04 0.094 HE Community Bank-Municipal Now 04/02/04 592,384.48 0.250 JP Morgan Chase 11/07/08 461,929.01 0.162 IMET Convenience Fund 10/20/05 1,141,019.70 1,141,019.70 3.750 3,277,788.23 "Interest-bearing Sweep accountat Charterwith endingbalance of$896,935.05earned $161.11 forFebruarywith an average dailyinterest rale of 0.13%.

Water and Sewer-Debt Service

Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 03/20/08

Water and Sewer-Capital Projects

Cltibank Savings Deposit Account 03/20/08 672,906.53 0.162

Sears Centre

Illinois Funds 142,173.50 0.094


Illinois Funds 11/10/87 566,692.69 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 11/07/08 708,427.28 0.162 1,275,119.97

Information Systems

Illinois Funds 02/01/98 373,339.52 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 01107109 0.00 373,339.52

EDA Special Tax Alloc.

Illinois Funds 05/15/92 276,764.64 0.094

Roselle Road TIF

Illinois Funds 09/30/03 446,275.10 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 11/07/08 1,004,219.64 0.162 1,450,494.74

Barr.lHiggins TIF

Illinois Funds 08/26/91 512,388.43 0.094 HE Community Bank-Municipal Now 07/13/04 0.00 512,388.43

2005 EDA TIF Bond & Int. Illinois Funds 11/07/02 39,771.70 0.094 Bank of New York Money Market 12/11/06 0.00 39,771.70

Total Investments $ 36,970,237.01 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-VILLAGE As of March 31st 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Fund Date Date Value Value Value Interest

Percent Total Invested Per Institution Invested

Illinois Funds 17,075,960.22 46.19 IMET 500,000.00 1.35 IMET Convenience Fund 1,141,019.70 3.09 Crystal Lake B&TC 248,300.00 0.67 Keybank - C 1,805,000.00 4.88 Hoffman Estates Community Bank 1,138,063.69 3.08 Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A. 1,759,603.72 4.76 JP Morgan Chase 461,929.01 1.25 Cilibank 12,343,744.58 33.39 Village Bank & Trust 248,300.00 0.67 Northbrook B&TC 248,300.00 0.67 Wells Fargo 16.09 0.00 $36,970,237.01 100.00

Total Invested Per Institution Excluding Percent all Trust Funds, EDA Series 91 Funds & 05 Funds Invested

Illinois Funds 13,816,921.89 43.24 IMET 1,641,019.70 5.14 Keybank - C 1,805,000.00 5.65 Hoffman Estates Community Bank 1,138,063.69 3.56 JP Morgan Chase 461,929.01 1.45 Cilibank 12,343,744.58 38.63 Village Bank & Trust 248,300.00 0.78 Crystal Lake B&TC 248,300.00 0.78 Northbrook B&TC 248,300.00 0.78 Wells Fargo 16.09 0.00 $31,951,594.95 100.00

Total Invested Per Fund Total Investments - Operating Funds $15,623,374.26

Total Investments - Debt Service Funds $3,765,562.05

Total Investments - Trust Funds $789,153.07

Total Investments - Capital Projects Funds $16,792,147.63

Total Investments - All Funds $36,970,237.01 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-VILLAGE As of March 31st 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Fund Date Date Value Value Value Interest

General Fund

Illinois Funds - General 09/30/86 4,360,122.43 0.094 Illinois Funds - Veterans Memorial 05/01/92 293.92 0.094 IMET 05/12/97 500,000.00 1,331,033.72 HE Community Bank-Municipal Now 07/13/04 165,629.34 0.250 Citibank Savings Deposit Account 11107108 1,800,508.95 0.162 6,826,554.64

'Interest-bearing Sweep account at Charter with ending balance of $798,563.77 earned $143.48 for February with an average daily inlerest rate of 0.13%.

Motor Fuel Tax

Illinois Funds 09/30/86 391,956.23 0.094

EDA Administration

Illinois Funds 01/02/91 1,359,776.48 0.094 1,359,776.48

Illinois Funds 07/01/00 172.50 0.094 Citibank Savings Deposit Account 01/07/09 302,250.61 0.162 302,423.11

Asset Seizure - Federal

Illinois Funds 06/09/99 31,592.07 0.094

Asset Seizure· State

Illinois Funds 11/30/98 83,304.33 0.094

Asset Seizure - KCAT

Illinois Funds 07/10/08 59,892.64 0.094

Municipal Waste System

Illinois Funds 08/31/98 48,958.80 0.094 48,958.80

2001 G.O. Debt Serv:

Illinois Funds 07/31/01 3,410.07 0.094

1997A&B G.O. Debt Servo

Illinois Funds 01/01/98 5,478.08 0.094

2003 G.O. Debt Servo

Illinois Funds 09/04/03 98,895.01 0.094

2004 G.O. Debt Servo

Illinois Funds 11/30/04 111,898.09 0.094

2005A G.O. Debt Servo

Wells Fargo 11/01106 16.09 Illinois Funds 11130104 1,013,374.37 0.094 1,013,390.46

2008 G.O. Debt Servo

Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 03/20/08 13,236.07 0.110 13,236.07

2009 G.O. Debt Servo

Illinois Funds 04/01/09 672,165.78 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 04/01/09 2,316.79 0.110 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-VILLAGE As of March 31st 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Fund Date Date Value Value Value Interest Keybank - C 04/01/09 05/31/11 730,000.00 757,966.00 1.770 Keybank - C 04/01/09 11/30/11 719,000.00 757,007.70 1.983 Keybank - C 04/01/09 05/31112 356,000.00 379,959.29 2.125 2,479,482.57

Central Road Corridor Improv.

Illinois Funds 12/15/88 191,067.97 0.094

Hoffman Blvd Bridqe Maintenance

Illinois Funds 07/01/98 145,796.60 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 02/10/11 200,046.24 0.162 345,842.84

Western Corridor

Illinois Funds 06/30/01 165,557.82 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 01/07/09 300,128.12 0.162 465,685.94

Traffic Improvement

Illinois Funds 03/24/89 35,041.97 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 11/07/08 505,124.95 0.162 540,166.92

EDA Series 1991 Project

Illinois Funds 08/22/91 2,430,113.56 0.094 Bank of New York Money Market 12/11/06 1,759,603.72 4,189,717.28

Central Area Road Improvement

Illinois Funds 03/29/91 180,109.41 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 02/10/11 05/25/05 300,069.36 0.162 480,178.77

2008 Capital Prolect

Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 03/20/08 32,312.04 0.162

2009 Capital Project

Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 04/01/09 2,913,034.74 0.110 Village Bank & Trust 04/14/10 06/30/11 248,300.00 249,931.20 0.543 Crystal Lake B&TC 04/14/10 06/30/11 248,300.00 249,931.20 0.543 Northbrook B&TC 04/14/10 06/30/11 248,300.00 249,931.20 0.543 3,657,934.74

Western Area Traffic Improvement

Illinois Funds 11/01/92 27,743.89 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 01/07/09 302,250.61 0.162 329,994.50

Western Area Rd Impr Impact Fees

Illinois Funds 08/01/98 237,462.65 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 01/07/09 1,913,584.21 0.162 2,151,046.86

Capital Improvements

Illinois Funds 12/31/96 374,687.99 0.094

Capital Vehicle & Equipment

Illinois Funds 12/31/96 83,072.36 0.094 HE Community Bank-Municipal Now 07/13/04 5.21 0.250 83,077.57

Capital Replacement

Illinois Funds 02/01/98 1,524,154.58 0.094 HE Community Bank-Mimlcipal Now 07/13/04 380,044.66 0.250 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-VILLAGE As of March 31st 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Fund Date Date Value Value Value Interest Citibank Savings Deposit Account 11/07/08 1,373,328.44 0.162 3,277,527.68

Water and Sewer

Illinois Funds 09/30/86 1,082,455.04 0.094 HE Community Bank-Municipal Now 04/02/04 592,384.48 0.250 JP Morgan Chase 11/07/08 461,929.01 0.162 IMET Convenience Fund 10/20/05 1,141,019.70 1,141,019.70 3.750 3,277,788.23

"nleresl-bearing Sweep account al Charter with ending balance of $896.935.05 earned $161.11 for February with an average daily interest rale of 0.13%.

Water and Sewer-Debt Service

Citibank Savings Deposit Account 03/20/08

Water and Sewer-Capital Projects

Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 03/20/08 672,906.53 0.162

Sears Centre

Illinois Funds 142,173.50 0.094


Illinois Funds 11/10/87 566,692.69 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 11/07/08 708,427.28 0.162 1,275,119.97

Information Systems

Illinois Funds 02/01/98 373,339.52 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 01/07/09 0.00 373,339.52

EDA Special Tax Alloc.

Illinois Funds 05/15/92 276,764.64 0.094

Roselle Road TIF

Illinois Funds 09/30/03 446,275.10 0.094 Cilibank Savings Deposit Account 11/07/08 1,004,219.64 0.162 1,450,494.74

Barr.lHiggins TIF

Illinois Funds 08/26/91 512,388.43 0.094 HE Community Bank-Municipal Now 07/13/04 0.00 512,388.43

2005 EDA TIF Bond & Int. Illinois Funds 11/07/02 39,771.70 0.094 Bank of New York Money Market 12/11/06 0.00 39,771.70

Total Investments $ 36,970,237.01 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-VILLAGE As of March 31st 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Fund Date Date Value Value Value Interest

Percent Total Invested Per Institution Invested

Illinois Funds 17,075,960.22 46.19 IMET 500,000.00 1.35 IMET Convenience Fund 1,141,019.70 3.09 Crystal Lake B&TC 248,300.00 0.67 Keybank - C 1,805,000.00 4.88 Hoffman Estates Community Bank 1,138,063.69 3.08 Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A. 1,759,603.72 4.76 JP Morgan Chase 461,929.01 1.25 Citibank 12,343,744.58 33.39 Village Bank & Trust 248,300.00 0.67 Northbrook B&TC 248,300.00 0.67 Wells Fargo 16.09 0.00 $36,970,237.01 100.00

Total Invested Per Institution Excluding Percent all Trust Funds, EDA Series 91 Funds & 05 Funds Invested

Illinois Funds 13,816,921.89 43.24 IMET 1,641,019.70 5.14 Keybank - C 1,805,000.00 5.65 Hoffman Estates Community Bank 1,138,063.69 3.56 JP Morgan Chase 461,929.01 1.45 Citibank 12,343,744.58 38.63 Village Bank & Trust 248,300.00 0.78 Crystal Lake B&TC 248,300.00 0.78 Northbrook B&TC 248,300.00 0.78 Wells Fargo 16.09 0.00 $31,951,594.95 100.00

Total Invested Per Fund Total Investments - Operating Funds $15,623,374.26

Total Investments - Debt Service Funds $3,765,562.05

Total Investments - Trust Funds $789,153.07

Total Investments - Capital Projects Funds $16,792,147.63

Total Investments - All Funds $36,970,237.01


Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Investment Date Date Value Value Value Interest FNMA 254640, 5.5% 03/16/06 01/01/13 5,938.87 6,380.66 5,964.79 5.10 FNMA 254659, 4.5% 10/30/07 02/01/13 5,390.77 6,073.78 5,760.58 4.30 FG E95562, 4.5% 08/18/08 04/01/13 23,694.68 24,256.95 23,694.68 4.40 GNMA 780769, 7.5% 01/20/04 04/15/13 5,394.65 288.76 281.14 7.30 FG E96436, 4.5% 04/30/07 05/01/13 8,514.40 9,990.31 9,758.35 4.40 FNMA 254757,5% 01/20/04 05/01/13 17,880.28 12,646.37 11,914.58 4.70 Freddie Mac Nole, 4.0% 07/08/03 06/12/13 69,633.00 79,929.75 75,000.00 3.80 Federal Farm Cr, 3.88% 11/15/06 07/08/13 47,033.50 53,171.00 50,000.00 3.60 FNMA 254882, 5.0% 10/18/05 08/01/13 20,017.53 20,166.02 19,016.30 4.70 FHLB,5.125% 11/15/06 08/14/13 126,916.68 136,813.75 125,000.00 4.70 FG E99429, 4.0% 10/26/07 09/01/13 20,124.97 22,999.65 22,468.28 3.90 FNMA 254958, 4.5% 11130/06 09/01/13 7,082.61 8,390.22 7,973.22 4.30 FG G10839, 5.5% 10/16/07 10/01/13 20,777.83 22,321.01 20,656.70 5.10 FNMA 254959, 5.0% 03/18/08 10/01/13 22,104.18 21,957.36 20,665.56 4.70 FNMA 254971, 5.5% 01/20/04 10/01/13 8,887.49 5,853.34 5,470.51 5.10 FG G11470, 4.5% 12/18/06 11/01/13 13,067.99 15,290.70 14,499.33 4.30 FNMA 01/24/03 11/15/13 301,515.00 477,885.00 500,000.00 Treasury Nole, 2.0% 02/27/09 11/30/13 300,231.44 306,960.00 300,000.00 2.00 FNMA 255040, 4.5% 10/30/07 12/01/13 12,799.03 13,894.10 13,505.02 4.40 FNMA 255041, 5% 02/23/04 12/01/13 8,871.99 7,040.96 6,615.95 4.70 FHLMC Pool E00617, 5.5% 03/18/04 01/01/14 6,570.79 4,530.84 4,194.64 5.10 FNMA 255117, 5% 02/18/04 02/01/14 10,839.11 8,829.40 8,289.97 4.70 FNMA 255148,5.5% 02/18/04 02/01/14 11,843.43 8,967.05 8,302.44 5.10 Treasury Nole, 1.875% OS/21/09 02/28/14 746,015.63 763,890.00 750,000.00 1.80 FNMA 340901, 6% 01/15/04 03/01/14 19,226.87 14,722.83 13,518.84 5.50 FG B14039, 4.0% 10/19/07 05/01/14 5,569.45 6,480.25 6,302.03 3.90 Zero Coupon Sirips 01/12/09 05/15/14 446,714.50 478,720.00 500,000.00 Treasury Nole, 2.25% 08/11/09 05/31/14 195,253.76 205,610.00 200,000.00 2.20 FG E00678, 6.5% 11/19/07 06/01/14 21,881.28 21,309.19 20,117.62 6.10 FN 255290, 4.0% 11/18/08 06/01/14 20,297.72 21,594.17 20,849.23 3.90 FN 255431, 4.5% 03/14/07 09/01/14 10,968.24 12,406.41 11,990.00 4.30 FN 535170, 5.50% 03/16/06 09/01/14 12,437.10 13,466.39 12,437.10 5.10 FNMA 735023, 4.50% 10/28/05 11/01/14 5,514.74 6,468.48 6,103.89 4.20 Federal Farm Cr, 4.625% 10/20/05 11/03/14 49,177.50 54,976.50 50,000.00 4.20 Treasury Nole, 4.25% 08/18/09 11/15/14 161,051.38 164,308.50 150,000.00 1.30 FG B17493, 4.0% 05/31/06 12/01/14 8,930.36 11,813.81 11,456.26 3.90 FN 255574, 4.50% 03/09/06 12/01/14 14,431.30 16,692.72 15,952.37 4.30 FG B18639, 4.0% 10/19/07 01/01/15 8,391.52 9,734.72 9,436.07 3.90 Federal Farm Cr, 4.450% 02/22/06 06/01/15 95,736.00 109,522.00 100,000.00 4.10 Federal Farm Cr, 5.08% 01/09/08 10/05/15 79,292.25 84,151.50 75,000.00 4.50 Fannie Mae, 4.375% 12/16/10 10/15/15 164,587.50 163,647.00 150,000.00 4.00 Treasury Nole, 9.875% 05/01/09 11/15/15 144,234.38 134,875.00 100,000.00 7.30 FNMA 255938, 4.50% 11/17/05 11101/15 10,706.30 12,467.95 11,974.37 4.30 FG E82733, 5.5% 07/17/07 03/01/16 18,646.13 20,905.05 19,346.32 5.10 FNMA 303771, 6.5% 10/29/04 03/01/16 15,690.31 13,524.08 12,354.26 5.90 FN 745444, 5.5% 10/28/08 04/01/16 22,982.32 23,733.25 22,060.82 5.10 Treasury Nole, 2.625% 06/16/09 04/30/16 804,013.28 859,922.70 845,000.00 2.60 FG G11187, 5.5% 02/19/08 09/01/16 43,795.20 44,312.71 41,008.65 5.10 GNMA 781407,7% 01/21/04 11/15/16 7,703.53 2,069.61 2,029.31 6.90 FN 995656, 7.0% 04/13/09 11/15/16 56,148.99 58,569.81 50,664.61 6.10 FN 615017, 5.0% 06/19/06 12/01/16 20,588.19 24,542.28 22,975.36 4.70 GNMA 781403, 6% 03/18/04 02/15/17 12,142.40 9,514.34 8,772.45 5.50 Fed Home Ln Mig Corp Pool E01141, 7% 04/17/07 03/01/17 29,497.02 29,006.07 26,513.05 6.40 Fed Home Ln Mig Corp Pool E01156, 6.5% 11/19/07 05/01/17 33,188.69 33,607.63 31,007.64 6.00 FG E89857, 5.5% 07/24/08 05/01/17 37,628.65 40,693.76 37,572.60 5.10 FN 254342, 6.0% 01/29/08 06/01/17 52,170.67 52,436.77 47,969.38 5.50 FN 725510, 6.5% 11/19/07 07/01/17 27,215.19 25,787.82 24,535.06 6.20 FN 658867, 6.0% 07/17/07 08/01f17 14,700.98 15,864.41 14,512.83 5.50 Treasury Nole, 8.875% 11/15/07 08/15/17 973,177.93 956,375.00 700,000.00 6.50 FG E01250, 5.5% 09/29/09 11/01/17 17,069.91 16,741.59 15,647.08 4.70 FHLB,5.00% 09/20/10 11/17/17 164,025.68 157,019.80 140,000.00 4.50 Fed Nail Mig Assn Pool 676674, 5% 11/19/07 12/01/17 16,532.41 18,065.33 16,872.45 4.70 FG E01307, 5% 03/19/07 02/01/18 25,452.58 27,938.00 26,108.08 4.70 FN 254631, 5.0% 11/19/07 02/01/18 12,061.66 13,156.44 12,287.70 4.70 Fed Nail Mig Assn Pool 681347, 5% 11/19/07 02/01/18 23,333.08 25,464.72 23,783.24 4.70 GNMA 781567,5% 02/18/04 02/15/18 9,760.31 9,071.51 8,452.77 4.70 FG E01345, 5.5% 02/15/07 04/01/18 17,700.52 19,248.84 17,723.39 5.10 FN 254719, 4.5% 09/22/09 04/01/18 23,641.96 23,499.17 22,192.48 4.30 FNMA 695871 , 4.5% 10/31/07 04/01/18 20,398.70 23,002.05 21,723.00 4.30 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-POLICE PENSION FUND As of March 31. 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Investment Date Date Value Value Value Interest FNCI Pool 704460, 6% 01/20/04 05/01/18 10,737.13 7,833.11 7,167.86 5.50 FG G11606, 4.5% 03/16/06 05/01/18 14,879.64 17,979.91 16,972.59 4.20 FG E96458, 5% 09/28/09 05/01/18 23,072.92 22,672.40 21,184.60 4.70 Treasury Nole, 3.875% 12/15/10 05/15/18 267,763.67 265,820.00 250,000.00 3.60 FG E01385, 5% 09/22/09 06/01/18 28,220.59 28,072.37 26,509.13 4.20 FNMA 708760, 4.5% 03/16/04 06/01/18 17,534.28 17,677.77 16,694.78 4.30 FNMA 251818,6% 09/30/04 06/01/18 35,529.62 31,677.25 28,986.97 5.50 FNMA 555545, 5% 08/18/09 06/01/18 41,052.05 41,003.44 38,295.92 4.70 FNMA 709028, 5.0% 03/16/06 06/01/18 20,458.24 23,512.17 21,959.62 4.70 FNMA 254802, 4.5% 10/31/05 07101/18 21,315.37 24,823.29 23,442.97 4.30 FNMA 709122, 4.5% 08/20107 07101/18 22,576.20 26,132.28 24,679.17 4.30 FNMA 721608, 4.0% 05/29/07 07101/18 17,873.23 21,684.55 20,713.50 3.80 FNMA 729347, 4.0% 03/13/06 07101/18 17,327.23 21,762.85 20,788.29 3.80 FG E01424, 4.0% 10/20108 08/01/18 49,380.65 55,280.39 52,658.02 3.80 FG E01426, 5.0% 03/16/06 08/01/18 23,878.16 26,574.66 24,829.63 4.70 FNMA 731190, 4.5% 08/20/07 08/01/18 18,073.85 21,400.98 20,210.96 4.30 FNMA 736541, 4% 02/16/05 08/01/18 8,366.98 9,254.24 8,797.81 3.80 FHLMC Pool C90230, 6.5% 06/14/04 09/01/18 12,082.23 10,763.00 9,771.76 5.90 FG E98992, 4.5% 06/18/07 09/01/18 31,118.06 35,666.47 33,708.03 4.30 FNMA 744316,5% 02/18/09 09/01/18 45,604.76 46,442.35 43,375.69 4.70 FG E01488, 5% 05/19/08 10101/18 29,273.99 30,935.08 28,903.46 4.70 FNMA 734741, 4% 08/17104 10/01/18 2,942.19 3,453.45 3,298.80 3.80 FN 748682, 4.5% 03/19/07 10101118 17,297.65 19,736.49 18,639.03 4.30 FG E01490, 5% 02/18/04 11/01/18 18,325.02 17,725.23 16,561.30 4.70 FN 725045, 4.5% 11/30106 11/01/18 24,687.27 28,097.09 26,534.73 4.30 FG 811231,4.5% 04/20/04 12/01/18 16,567.74 16,571.72 15,661.77 4.30 FG 811429, 4.5% 03/16/06 12/01/18 26,422.21 31,061.07 29,355.51 4.30 FN 254987, 5.0% 02/18/09 12/01/18 17,500.07 17,866.43 16,686.68 4.70 FN 555969, 4.0% 04/18/06 12/01118 10,265.32 12,441.55 11,884.41 3.80 FN 735522, 4.0% 05/17/05 12/01/18 24,204.01 27,485.58 26,254.76 3.80 FN 888889, 4.5% 12/17/07 12/01/18 41,755.18 46,428.07 43,846.39 4.30 FG E01544, 4.5% 03118/04 01/01/19 14,714.09 14,704.63 13,895.63 4.30 FG C90247, 6.5% 06/25/04 01/01/19 17,029.52 15,413.06 13,993.56 5.90 FG E01590, 5.0% 07/17/08 02/01/19 29,735.98 32,107.40 30,000.75 4.70 Fed Home Ln Mig Corp., 3.75% 05/12/10 03/27/19 118,151.78 118,542.00 115,000.00 3.60 FN 725352, 4.5% 09/18/07 04/01/19 19,327.99 22,263.15 21,062.58 4.30 FG E01642, 5% 09/17/09 05/01/19 16,938.23 16,719.28 15,617.76 4.70 FG E01647 4% 08/17/04 05/01/19 4,437.60 5,275.41 5,038.26 3.80 FG G12111, 5% 09/17/09 10101/19 15,999.23 15,640.97 14,614.59 4.70 FN 725876, 5% 05/26/06 10101/19 23,616.03 27,633.15 25,823.68 4.70 Treasury Note, 3.375% 03/18/10 11/15/19 244,990.24 252,735.00 250,000.00 3.30 FN 735727, 6% 04/17108 01/01/20 44,918.14 44,798.65 41,135.15 5.50 FG G11707, 6.0% 06/18/07 03/01/20 18,391.63 19,345.04 17,788.54 5.50 FN 745017, 4.5% 05/19/09 07101/20 31,669.51 31,599.08 29,895.06 4.30 FNMA 888250, 5.5% 09/16/08 01/01/21 31,930.48 33,721.33 31,072.12 5.10 Treasury Nole, 7.875% 12/04/08 02/15/21 429,803.93 413,250.00 300,000.00 5.70 FG C90438, 6.5% 06/14/04 04/01/21 11,679.86 10,042.89 9,093.20 5.90 Fed Nail MigAssn Pool 253946, 7% 07/15/04 08/01/21 16,273.65 13,783.67 11,932.16 6.10 Treasury Nole, 8.125% 07/31/09 08/15/21 345,887.12 351,327.50 250,000.00 5.80 FG C90481, 6% 02/24/04 09/01/21 8,441.47 7,131.69 6,479.64 5.50 FN 545696, 6.0% 05/19/09 06/01/22 32,405.25 32,592.52 29,574.18 5.40 FN 254471, 6.0% 06/11/09 09/01122 7,397.65 7,444.18 6,754.79 5.40 FHLMC POOL C90584, 5.5% 09/29/09 10101/22 19,248.49 18,909.62 17,499.67 5.10 FN 254513, 6.0% 06/11/09 10101/22 7,295.11 7,334.69 6,661.48 1.00 FHLMC POOL C90588, 5.5% 09/29/09 11/01/22 20,893.32 20,434.30 18,910.67 5.10 FHLMC POOL C90589, 6.0% 06111/09 11101/22 8,001.00 7,982.52 7,262.58 5.50 FN 254544, 6.0% 06/11/09 11/01/22 14,399.73 14,480.03 13,150.99 5.40 FN 254634, 5.5% 09/29/09 02/01i23 23,830.63 23,757.62 23,757.62 5.00 FN 889634, 6.0% 07/19/10 02/01/23 84,798.32 83,014.77 76,555.41 5.50 FG C90686, 4.5% 04113/05 06/01/23 17,907.37 21,139.94 20,080.11 4.30 FG C90698, 4.5% 08/20107 08/01/23 23,943.83 28,710.41 27,271.04 4.30 FNMA 254908, 5% 04/15/04 09/01/23 21,087.32 20,997.00 19,656.44 4.70 FG C90808, 6.5% 11/15/04 01/01/24 7,540.10 6,956.52 6,275.95 5.90 FN 255271, 5% 04/12/06 06/01/24 16,591.05 19,440.46 18,229.65 4.70 FN 779774, 5% 03/16/06 07101/24 27,296.23 31,753.55 29,778.63 4.70 FG J-12371, 4.50% 09/20/10 06/01/25 112,438.76 110,835.41 105,497.25 4.30 FG G30290, 6.5% 05/14/07 03/01/26 32,419.37 32,984.70 29,838.53 5.90 FG C80398, 6.5% 01113/05 05/01/26 30,288.60 27,942.83 24,670.53 5.70 FN 256323, 5.5% 01/13/11 07101/26 200,340.18 200,377.02 185,061.33 5.10 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-POLICE PENSION FUND As of March 31 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Investment Date Date Value Value Value Interest FN 256556, 6.0% 03/10/11 01/01/27 94,222.38 93,884.30 86,244.74 5.50 FG C91093, 6% 09/14/09 09/01/27 28,707.77 27,919.01 25,676.67 5.50 FG C91149, 6% 09/14/09 01/01/28 32,992.36 32,678.99 30,054.34 5.50 Fed Nail Mtg Assn Pool 545639, 6.5% 03/13/06 04/01/32 24,075.59 25,825.62 22,829.48 5.70 FHLMC Pool C01371, 7.0% 02/12/04 06/01/32 18,250.04 14,533.61 12,617.40 6.10 FG A11312, 6.0% 12/12/06 07101/33 49,683.24 53,691.21 48,803.98 5.50 FNMA 555591, 5.5% 02/12/04 07101/33 20,775.41 21,091.63 19,586.96 5.10 FNMA 730675, 4.5% 12/13/05 08/01/33 19,315.43 22,899.07 22,231.46 4.40 FNMA 759424, 5.5% 01114/04 01/01/34 18,879.38 19,460.54 17,957.50 5.10 FN 763860, 4.0% 03/13/06 03/01/34 17,653.62 20,881.85 21,038.38 4.00 FN 725704, 6% 09/14/09 08/01/34 35,343.97 35,874.92 32,600.23 5.50 FN 745575, 6.5% 10/13/10 02/01/36 92,688.33 94,291.47 83,769.22 5.80 FN 976871, 6.5% 05/12/09 08/01/36 43,637.98 44,828.17 39,627.81 5.70 Ginnie Mae, 6.0% 02/17/11 09/20/36 107,348.80 109,365.39 99,848.80 5.50 FH KO-0034, 5.50% 12/13/10 05/01/37 84,094.63 83,605.52 78,584.74 5.20 FN 923790, 6.50% 09/14/10 05/01/37 107,439.16 107,627.60 98,889.70 6.00 GN 004211 M, 6.5% 07/21/10 08/20/38 86,774.75 88,444.55 79,300.42 5.80 FG A9-1904, 5.50% 06/14/10 04/01/40 50,262.16 50,266.05 46,834.92 5.10 FN AD7139, 5.50% 11/10/10 07101/40 99,439.69 97,969.30 91,032.61 5.10 12,001,427.09

Total Investments $ 49,143,208.72

Book Market Percent Total Invested Per Institution Value Value Invested

Illinois Funds 2,577,302.26 0.00 5.24 Money Market 1,154,234.61 0.00 2.35 Mutual Funds 22,475,270.60 26,044,161.78 45.73 GNMA 811,274.18 804,120.81 1.65 Treasury Notes 14,551,023.54 13,900,000.00 29.61 FNMA 5,473,748.72 5,480,137.60 11.14 FHLMC Bonds 335,516.36 338,239.34 0.68 FHLB Agency Bonds 1,046,884.70 1,107,189.62 2.13 Federal Farm Cr Bonds 271,239.25 301,821.00 0.55 Zero Coupon Bonds 446,714.50 500,000.00 0.91

$49,143,208.72 $48,475,670.15 100.00 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-FIRE PENSION FUND As of March 31st 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Investment Date Date Value Value Value Interest

Illinois Funds 09/30/86 2,056,634.05 2,056,634.05 0.016

Vanguard International Value Fund Mutual Funds 06/15/05 5,491,894.06 5,397,169.77

American Funds The Growth Fund of America 12/30109 3,705,230.87 4,312,573.48

BlackRock U.S. Opportunities-Institutional Class 12/30109 1,867,615.47 2,401,634.42

US Bank - US Real Estate JP Morgan Real Estate 12/31/07 1,646,729.22 1,934,743.60

Mesirow Financial Equities 01/18/07 8,993,001.14 10,925,459.00 Money Market 01/18/07 150,315.00 Total Mesirow Financial 9,143,316.14

Mitchell Vaught & Taylor Money Market 05101107 170,496.02 170,496.02 Treasury Note, 4.75% 03/29/07 01/31/12 606,562.50 622,362.00 600,000.00 4.580 Treasury Note, 0.875% 03/16/10 02/29/12 440,251.48 442,301.00 440,000.00 0.870 Treasury Note, 1.00% 04/30/10 04/30/12 299,860.38 302,073.00 300,000.00 0.990 FNMA MTN, 4.75% 10/18/07 11/19/12 381,897.40 383,623.00 360,000.00 4.460 FNMA MTN, 4.75% 08/29/08 02/21/13 154,719.30 160,923.00 150,000.00 4.430 Treasury Note, 2.5% 03/31/08 03/31113 405,837.62 413,752.00 400,000.00 2.420 FNMA MTN, 1.75% 03125/10 05/07/13 414,308.61 421,682.00 415,000.00 1.720 FNMA MTN, 4.375% 05/15/07 07/17/13 503,434.74 518,892.00 485,000.00 4.090 FNMA MTN, 2.875% 02/19/10 12/11/13 360,570.70 365,005.00 360,570.70 2.760 Treasury Stripped 06/25/09 02/15/14 438,937.40 472,909.00 490,000.00 FNMA MTN, 4.125% 05/10107 04/15/14 286,225.19 312,800.00 290,000.00 3.820 Treasury Note, 2.375% 09114/09 08/31114 301,829.13 308,814.00 300,000.00 2.310 FNMA MTN, 2.625% 03/18/10 11120114 452,006.55 464,144.00 450,000.00 2.550 Treasury Note, 1.875% 07116110 06/30/15 473,122.67 469,742.00 470,000.00 1.880 FHLMC MTN, 4.75% 05/14/07 11117115 440,150.82 465,310.00 420,000.00 4.290 FNMA MTN, 5.00% 03/16/10 03/15/16 442,048.40 448,108.00 400,000.00 4.460 FHLB DEB, 4.75% 05/15/07 12/16/16 176,194.44 199,352.00 180,000.00 4.290 Treasury Note, 3.25% 01/29/10 12/31/16 403,251.60 415,720.00 400,000.00 3.130 FNMA MTN, 5.375% 02/19/10 06/12/17 390,247.55 399,088.00 . 350,000.00 4.710 Treasury Note, 1.875% 11/08/10 10/31/17 262,672.13 245,557.00 260,000.00 1.990 Treasury Bond, 9.125% 05/08/07 05/15/18 286,024.54 288,810.00 205,000.00 6.480 Treasury Note, 4.0% 10/16/08 08/15/18 409,845.35 427,936.00 400,000.00 3.740 Treasury Note, 3.375% 12/18/09 11/15/19 442,055.32 454,923.00 442,055.32 3.340 Treasury Note, 2.625% 09/15/10 08/15/20 447,470.55 422,159.00 450,000.00 2.800 FNMA MTN, 3.05% 09/28/10 09/28/20 245,490.00 228,524.00 245,000.00 3.270 FNMA MTN, 6.25% 05/14/07 05/15/29 174,979.81 186,391.00 155,000.00 5.200


US Bank - Fixed Income Money Market 07131/99 682,043.45 682,043.45 Treasury Note, 1.125% 11117109 12/15/11 1,005,511.16 1,006,210.00 1,000,000.00 1.120 FHLB DEB, 2.00% 06/17/10 09/14/12 510,670.00 509,975.00 500,000.00 1.960 FNMA #535710 01/18/02 11/01/12 15,382.47 1,515.00 1,460.53 7.720 FNMA #251338 03/18/04 12/01/12 5,745.40 2,337.00 2,253.00 6.250 FNMA #254584 11/19/02 12/01/12 35,111.15 18,878.00 17,767.40 4.700 FNMA #254646 01121/03 01/01/13 15,657.39 11,567.00 11,077.02 4.310 FNMA Deb 07/30103 03/15/13 191,554.40 213,638.00 200,000.00 4.100 FNMA #424335 06/22/01 05/01113 4,854.21 1,925.00 1,758.03 5.920 FHLMC GD E00567, 7.0% 05/23/06 08/01/13 30,793.78 29,238.00 27,753.32 6.650 FNMA #254863 09/19/05 08/01/13 12,070.42 14,163.00 13,589.24 3.840 FNMA #768005 03/17/05 09/01/13 49,598.17 61,993.00 60,632.62 3.910 FHLMC Pool 90036, 6% 06/18/01 10/01/13 2,167.18 2,525.00 2,325.47 5.540 FNMA #254958 04/18/06 10/01/13 28,227.06 36,707.00 34,882.91 4.280 FHLMC Pool 90037, 6% 03/15/04 11/01/13 28,965.77 21,749.00 20,033.55 5.530 FNMA #255013 12/31/03 11/01/13 56,194.21 46,456.00 43,789.09 4.710 FNMA #445355 04/23/04 12/01/13 9,941.82 6,315.00 5,768.96 5.940 Zero Coupon Bond 01/05/06 02/15/14 839,856.00 1,158,144.00 1,200,000.00 FHLMC GD B14730, 4% 09/19105 05/01114 21,120.13 23,525.00 22,878.33 3.890 FNMA #491365 04/23/04 06/01/14 10,852.87 7,126.00 6,509.38 5.940 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-FIRE PENSION FUND As of March 31st 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Investment Date Date Value Value Value Interest FNMA #534998 06/21/01 06/01/14 4,380.65 4,021.00 3,692.38 5.520 FNMA #598032 08/16/01 08/01/14 2,625.19 1,577.00 1,501.37 5.710 FNMA #633688 04/16/02 09/01/14 39,847.56 45,156.00 41,704.46 5.080 FNMA #735023 08/17/05 11/01/14 40,473.89 46,573.00 43,947.92 4.250 Treasury Security 12/23/05 11/15/14 502,185.00 706,433.00 750,000.00 FHLMC GO P60089, 7% 07/20/04 12/01114 6,244.30 4,119.00 3,901.91 6.630 FNMA #535219 08/20/04 03/01/15 33,818.97 22,173.00 20,199.27 6.830 FNMA MTN, 4.375% 12/15/10 10115/15 384,037.50 381,843.00 350,000.00 4.010 Zero Coupon Bond Stripped OS/29/03 11115/15 350,086.75 530,595.00 585,000.00 GNMA #142495 07/22/87 12/15/15 4,095.47 5,001.00 4,480.35 7.160 FHLMC Pool GO C90124, 7% 04/15/04 01/01/16 30,738.08 23,510.00 21,352.70 6.360 FNMA #725382 07/20/04 01/01/16 19,103.01 5,476.00 5,356.71 7.830 Treasury Note, 2.0% 09/11/08 01/15/16 284,028.83 306,208.00 276,057.50 1.810 FHLMC Pool GO P60090, 7% 07/20/04 03/01/16 4,328.42 2,567.00 2,405.00 6.540 Treasury Note, 2.625% 06/16/09 04/30/16 285,448.50 305,298.00 300,000.00 2.580 Zero Coupon Bond 01/19/06 05/15/16 50,564.80 70,841.00 80,000.00 FNMA #253846 04/23/04 06/01/16 10,081.73 7,938.00 7,243.24 5.930 Zero Coupon Bond 10/04/02 07/15/16 246,197.14 439,852.00 520,000.00 Treasury Bond, 7.5% Coupon 04/23/93 11/15/16 785,627.89 950,213.00 750,000.00 5.920 GNMA #197505 06/23/87 03/15/17 3.317.46 3,80(i.(J{) 3.426.58 7.010 FNMA #254308 04/17/07 05/01/17 155,233.09 158,781.00 144,469.59 5.910 FNMA #645917 07/19/10 06/01/17 351,951.52 348,025.00 316,656.72 5.910 FHLMC Pool GO G11426, 7% 04/28/04 07/01117 13,521.63 7,429.00 7,032.39 6.620 Treasury Bond, 8.875% Coupon 07/02/09 08/15/17 706,987.50 696,788.00 510,000.00 6.500 FNMA #251342 04/15/04 11/01/17 38,248.50 29,029.00 25,696.17 6.200 FHLMC Pool GO E93732, 5% 11/17/05 01/01/18 53,485.69 60,703.00 56,719.39 4.670 FNMA #681270 11/20/07 01101118 18,343.76 19,919.00 18,604.10 4.670 FNMA #695812 03/18/03 03/01/18 49,912.42 44,574.00 41,631.17 4.670 FHLMC Pool GO E96427, 5% 02/19/08 04/01/18 67,507.23 69,792.00 65,212.48 4.670 FNMA #251692 03/15/04 04/01/18 21,940.09 17,219.00 15,642.66 5.910 FNMA #625609 11/18/04 04/01/18 16,673.19 16,476.00 15,388.26 4.670 FNMA #695910 11/18/04 05/01/18 18,380.67 18,477.00 17,080.41 4.620 FNMA #251787 01/20/04 06/01/18 21,113.21 17,701.00 16,081.99 5.900 FNMA #682424 03/17/05 07/01/18 17,259.00 19,937.00 19,043.75 3.820 FNMA #713804 03/27/06 07/01/18 30,646.95 37,917.00 36,218.70 3.820 FNMA #720393 10/19/04 07/01/18 43,991.47 45,981.00 43,424.52 4.250 FNMA #721545 04/18/05 07/01/18 28,099.56 33,619.00 32,113.17 3.820 FNMA #721608 03/17/05 07/01/18 31,670.45 38,267.00 36,553.20 3.820 FNMA #722477 04/18/05 07/01118 30,254.00 36,209.00 34,587.88 3.820 FNMA #726128 03/17/05 07/01/18 29,379.50 36,024.00 34,410.92 3.820 FNMA #729347 03/17/05 07/01/18 39,089.98 47,772.00 45,632.75 3.820 FNMA #682450 03/17/05 09/01/18 3,799.91 4,386.00 4,189.99 3.830 FNMA #252104 08/20/04 11/01/18 16,984.62 14,984.00 13,588.61 5.890 FNMA #735522 05/17/05 12/01/18 64,543.99 73,295.00 70,012.65 3.820 FHLMC GO C90250, 6.5% 05/16/06 02/01/19 57,665.24 60,448.00 54,880.98 5.900 FNMA #545970 07/29/05 02/01/19 41,642.16 39,426.00 35,819.72 5.900 FNMA #323603 08/20/04 03/01/19 35,281.57 30,726.00 27,864.68 5.890 FHLMC GO E01647, 4.0% 08/17/04 05/01/19 17,750.53 21,102.00 20,153.16 3.820 Zero Coupon Bond 03/11/94 05/15/19 609,920.80 1,148,820.00 1,500,000.00 FHLMC Pool C90265, 6.5 % 03/11/04 06/01/19 76,450.36 59,138.00 53,594.47 5.890 FNMA #252499 03/18/04 06/01/19 24,946.43 20,053.00 18,185.35 5.890 FNMA #252573 08/22/03 06/01/19 37,834.06 35,796.00 32,746.13 5.490 Zero Coupon Bond 01/29/03 05/15/20 426,995.00 727,570.00 1,000,000.00 Zero Coupon Bond 06/27/03 05/15/20 223,540.00 361,545.00 500,000.00 Treasury Bond, 7.875% OS/22/07 02/15/21 2,029,907.50 2,066,250.00 1,500,000.00 5.720 FNMA #253708 08/20/04 03/01/21 24,459.05 21,749.00 19,670.03 5.880 FNMA #745406 OS/20/08 03/01/21 59,869.04 61,325.00 56,100.10 5.490 FHLMC GO 095476, 6.0% 09/20/04 02/01/22 8,651.83 6,080.00 5,556.55 5.480 FNMA #254193 06/13/05 02/01/22 91,207.09 94,257.00 85,528.20 5.440 FNMA #254231 09/13/06 03/01/22 51,839.93 55,631.00 50,479.20 5.440 FNMA #254305 09/14/05 05/01/22 17,975.24 17,591.00 15,830.72 5.850 FNMA #889634 07/19/10 02/01/23 84,798.32 83,709.00 76,555.41 5.490 FNMA #254764 02/11/10 06/01/23 40,033.67 39,958.00 36,666.47 5.050 FHLMC GO 096094, 4.5% 11/14/05 07/01/23 60,661.56 68,850.00 65,398.01 4.270 FHLMC GO J12371, 4.50% 09/20/10 06/01/25 179,902.02 177,337.00 168,795.61 4.280 FHLMC GO G30290, 6.5% 08/14/07 03/01/26 34,677.05 36,650.00 33,153.90 5.880 FNMA #256556, 6.00% 03/10/11 01/01127 96,145.29 95,800.00 88,004.84 5.510 GNMA #2629, 6.00% 12/20/10 08/20/28 119,385.25 117,732.00 107,300.44 5.470 FNMA #450847,5.500% 01/14/02 12/01/28 0.00 121.29 FNMA #481427 05/18/01 01/01/29 (0.00) 15,769.00 14,320.94 5.450 FNMA #483802 12/12/02 02/01/29 47,524.43 49,847.00 46,129.85 5.090 GNMA#2783 07/22/99 07/20/29 26,373.31 31,128.00 26,998.33 6.070 STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS-FIRE PENSION FUND As of March 31st 2011

Investment Maturity Book Market Maturity Rate of Investment Date Date Value Value Value Interest Treasury Bond, 5.375% 05/19/09 02/15/31 587,150.44 571,795.00 500,000.00 4.700 FHLMC Pool C01292F, 6.0% 02/13/02 02/01/32 12,674.77 29,587.00 26,893.52 5.460 FNMA #685962 09/15/03 02/01/32 41,028.29 49,400.00 46,762.07 4.730 FHLMC C66034, 6.5% 05/13/02 04/01/32 41,009.44 37,865.00 33,505.13 5.750 FNMA #254310 03/14/05 05/01/32 70,127.31 70,199.00 63,754.30 5.450 FNMA #545782 12/31/04 07/01/32 19,225.40 18,676.00 16,192.97 6.070 FNMA#813818 05/12/05 07/01/32 13,751.23 9,424.00 8,148.07 6.050 FNMA #685952, 6.50 % 05/12/05 09/01/32 143,406.31 146,701.00 129,688.39 5.750 FNMA #725350 10/30/06 01/01/33 34,793.17 38,467.00 34,935.66 5.450 FNMA #702435 05/14/03 05/01/33 172,876.43 170,930.00 158,735.80 5.110 FNMA #702901 09/14/05 05/01/33 40,858.26 42,439.00 38,565.50 5.450 FNMA #711215 08/14/07 06/01/33 101,606.71 116,852.00 107,727.50 5.070 FHLMC GOA11312, 6.0% 12/12/06 07/01/33 49,683.21 53,691.00 48,803.95 5.450 FNMA #726912 05/13/04 08/01/33 42,120.48 51,386.00 51,592.82 4.020 FNMA #729379 09/14/05 08/01/33 5,917.01 6,077.00 5,521.93 5.450 FNMA #738348 03/15/04 09/01/33 10,206.33 10,079.00 9,159.39 5.460 FNMA #725017 02/12/04 12/01/33 36,356.29 37,498.00 34,348.84 5.040 FHLMC GO G01864, 5.0% 08/14/07 01/01/34 34,819.24 41,162.00 39,165.83 4.760 FNMA #755617 04/13/10 01/01/34 58,284.37 58,176.00 53,626.47 5.090 FNMA #759893 03/15/04 01/01/34 3,764.16 3,391.00 3,318.19 5.460 FNMA #751182 03/15/04 03/01/34 36,940.70 38,030.00 35,092.90 5.070 FNMA #767378 04/15/04 03/01/34 86,308.68 86,795.00 80,091.33 5.080 FNMA #801357 07/14/05 08/01/34 21,614.83 22,121.00 20,531.26 5.100 FNMA #796295 11/14/05 12/01/34 54,457.77 66,796.00 65,006.24 4.380 FNMA #888568 08/14/07 12/01/34 45,922.65 54,292.00 51,503.91 4.740 FNMA #809159 02/10/05 01/01/35 114,268.99 121,655.00 115,186.40 4.730 FNMA #815426 11/14/05 02/01/35 43,246.15 55,264.00 53,783.16 4.380 FHLMC GO A46987, 5.5% 12/13/05 07/01135 63,389.93 70,631.00 65,752.07 5.120 FNMA #872912 02/11/10 06/01/36 94,329.69 92,229.00 82,028.29 5.780 GNMA #737975 02/17/11 161,023.20 164,048.00 149,773.20 5.480 FNMA #831806,6.5% 06/14/10 10/01/36 123,724.50 125,070.00 111,236.69 5.780 FHLMC GO C02660, 6.5% 12/12/06 11/01/36 33,910.12 35,730.00 31,809.16 5.790 FHLMC GO P50531, 6.5% 08/12/10 01/01/37 119,969.25 123,593.00 110,522.80 5.810 FNMA #906350. 6.0% 01118/11 01/01/37 151,315.70 153,331.00 140,853.76 5.510 FNMA #923790 09/14/10 05/01/37 128,927.00 129,153.00 118,667.65 5.970 FNMA #995504 08/13/09 11/01/38 51,810.35 49,998.00 43,473.76 6.520 FHLMC GO A 91904, 5.50% 06/12/10 04/01/40 201,048.65 201,064.00 187,339.70 5.120 FHLMC GO C03475, 6.00% 08/12/10 04/01/40 100,675.45 98,304.00 90,383.15 5.520

Total US Bank 16,190,545.30

Total Investments $ 49,912,455.31

Book Market Percent Total Invested Per Institution Value Value Invested

Illinois Funds 2,056,634.05 2,056,634.05 4.12 Equities 8,993,001.14 10,925,459.00 18.02 Money Market 1,002,854.47 852,539.47 2.01 Mutual Funds 11,064,740.40 12,111,377.67 22.17 GNMA 314,194.69 321,815.00 0.63 Treasury Bonds 3,390,186.71 3,567,646.00 6.79 Treasury Notes 7,073,258.38 7,149,265.00 14.17 FNMA 8,205,914.42 8,373,740.00 16.44 FHLMC Bonds 1,789,794.50 1,829,174.00 3.59 FHLB Agency Bonds 686,864.44 709,327.00 1.38 Zero Coupon Bonds 3,688,282.89 5,616,709.00 7.39 Real Estate 1,646,729.22 1,934,743.60 3.30

$49,912,455.31 $55,448,429.79 100.00

~------..-~- - - - .


CURRENT MONTH YEAR- TO-DATE ANNUAL BENCH- BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET % MARK Water & Sewer Fund Water Sales 908,333 609,303 2,725,000 2,396,938 10,900,000 22.0% Connection Fees 4,167 12,500 1,163 50,000 2.3% Cross Connection Fees 3,083 3,157 9,250 9,454 37,000 25.6% Penalties 4,167 5,046 12,500 11,259 50,000 22.5% Investment Earnings 1,250 723 3,750 2,027 15,000 13.5% Other Revenue Sources 38,393 32,910 115,180 91,920 460,720 20.0% Total Water Fund 959,393 651,139 2,878,180 2,512,761 11,512,720 21.8%1 25.0%

Motor Fuel Tax Fund 113,233 94,910 339,700 212,771 1,358,800 15.7% Community Dev. Block Grant Fund 27,917 83,750 335,000 0.0% EDA Administration Fund 337,223 43 1,011,670 11,098 4,046,680 0.3% E-911 Surcharge 2,229 1,937 6,688 5,923 26,750 22.1% Asset Seizure Fund 108,211 10,612 324,633 33,288 1,298,530 2.6% Municipal Waste System Fund 95,912 42,506 287,735 187,068 1,150,940 16.3% Sears Centre Operating Fund 389,263 693,135 1,167,788 1,059,359 4,671,150 22.7% Insurance Fund 159,483 158,997 478,450 476,924 1,913,800 24.9% Information Systems 92,228 91,931 276,685 275,946 1,106,740 24.9% Roselle Road TIF 35,230 35,231 53,030 53,106 1,171,580 4.5% Total Spec Rev. & Int. Svc. Fund 1,360,929 1,129,301 4,030,128 2,315,483 17,079,970 13.6%

TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS 7,293,477 6,601,759 17,870,803 13,195,540 74,420,358 17.7%1 25.0%

Sears EDA Gen Account 15,988,968 N/A 2001 G.O. Debt Service 13,400 13,405 13,860 13,876 643,600 2.2% 1997 A & B G.O. Debt Service 0 1 553,480 0.0% 2003 G.O. Debt Service 134,600 134,599 139,130 139,148 711,280 19.6% 2004 G.O. Debt Service 14,700 147,072 19,700 152,085 974,040 15.6% 2005A G.O. Debt Service 80 84 170 264 3,905,500 0.0% 2005 EDA TIF Bond Fund 3 17 21,000 0.1% 2008 G.O.D.S. Fund 1 4 1,352,260 0.0% 2009 G.O.D.S. Fund 31,700 31,710 79,400 79,428 550,000 14.4%

TOTAL DEBT SERVo FUNDS 194,480 326,874 252,260 16,373,791 8,711,160 188.0%1 25.0%

Central Rd. Corridor Fund 25 15 75 56 300 18.8% Hoffman Blvd Bridge Maintenance 39 38 118 106 470 22.5% Western Corridor Fund 925 55 2,775 154 11,100 1.4% Traffic Improvement Fund 113 77 338 202 1,350 15.0% EDA Series 1991 Project 39,167 178 117,500 3,471 470,000 0.7% Central Area Rd. Impr. Imp. Fee 42 54 125 10,749 500 2149.7% 2008 Capital Project Fund 3 9 N/A Western Area Traffic Impr. 60 44 180 105 720 14.6% 2009 Capital Project Fund 83,333 583 250,000 1,780 1,000,000 0.2% Western Area Traffic Impr. Impact Fee 425 39,004' 1,275 81,421 5,100 1596.5% Capital Improvements Fund 777,886 131,609 2,333,658 374,349 9,334,630 4.0% Capital Vehicle & Equipment Fund 46,213 18,213 138,638 54,639 554,550 9.9% Capital Replacement Fund 500 304 1,500 792 6,000 13.2%

TOTAL CAP. PROJECT FUNDS 948,727 190,177 2,846,180 527,833 11,384,720 4.6%1 25.0%

Police Pension Fund 698,100 698,195 1,059,690 1,059,790 4,405,184 24.1% Fire Pension Fund 639,300 639,350 1,193,820 1,193,916 4,186,294 28.5%

TOTAL TRUST FUNDS 1,337,400 1,337,545 2,253,510 2,253,706 8,591,478 26.2%1 25.0%

TOTAL ALL FUNDS 9,774,083 8,456,356 23,222,753 32,350,870 103,107,716 31.4%1 25.0% OPERATING REPORT SUMMARY EXPENDITURES March 31, 2011

CURRENT MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE ANNUAL BENCH- BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET % MARK General Fund General Admin. Legislative 29,358 28,109 88,073 71,332 352,290 20.2% Administration 48,168 43,332 144,505 127,592 578,020 22.1% Legal 39,586 23,060 118,758 55,488 475,030 11.7% Finance 68,321 59,184 204,963 189,073 819,850 23.1% Village Clerk 14,558 12,872 43,673 38,057 174,690 21.8% Human Resource Mgmt. 36,884 33,847 110,653 103,423 442,610 23.4% Communications 14,173 9,611 42,518 45,380 170,070 26.7% Cable TV 11,456 11,969 34,368 30,973 137,470 22.5% Emergency Operations 13,354 15,402 40,063 33,670 160,250 21.0%

Total General Admin. 275,857 237,386 827,570 694,989 3,310,280 21.0%1 25.0%1

Police Department Administration 106,132 81,169 318,395 308,388 1,273,580 24.2% Juvenile Investigations 57,586 66,114 172,758 175,804 691,030 25.4% Problem Orient. Police 108 89 325 131 1,300 10.1% Tactical 61,737 75,442 185,210 198,099 740,840 26.7% Patrol and Response 781,504 879,792 2,344,511 2,351,895 9,378,044 25.1% Traffic 75,623 89,790 226,868 229,616 907,470 25.3% Investigations 90,186 96,736 270,558 254,704 1,082,230 23.5% Community Relations 843 2,530 10,120 0.0% Communications 47,258 46,222 141,775 138,667 567,100 24.5% Canine 12,672 14,084 38,015 37,906 152,060 24.9% Special Services 9,976 8,593 29,928 35,220 119,710 29.4% Records 27,541 23,775 82,623 65,515 330,490 19.8% Administrative Services 58,979 49,924 176,938 153,525 707,750 21.7%

Total Police 1,330,144 1,431,729 3,990,431 3,949,469 15,961,724 24.7%1 25.0%1

Fire Department Administration 49,008 52,304 147,025 157,842 588,100 26.8% Public Education 2,365 1,869 7,095 6,684 28,380 23.6% Suppression 498,615 529,324 1,495,844 1,539,878 5,983,374 25.7% Emer. Med. Servo 452,031 496,248 1,356,093 1,414,921 5,424,370 26.1% Prevention 31,879 40,156 95,638 66,826 382,550 17.5% Fire Stations 1,998 4,564 5,995 5,697 23,980 23.8%

Total Fire 1,035,896 1,124,466 3,107,689 3,191,849 12,430,754 25.7%1 25.0%1

Public Works Department Administration 19,913 13,686 59,740 41,407 238,960 17.3% Snow/Ice Control 149,615 244,018 448,845 835,236 1,795,380 46.5% Pavement Maintenance 27,531 28,467 . 82,593 82,507 330,370 25.0% Forestry 68,266 46,405 204,798 138,433 819,190 16.9% Facilities 81,157 80,111 243,470 177,966 973,880 18.3% Fleet Services 100,654 119,488 301,963 289,972 1,207,850 24.0% FAS.T. 17,808 8,494 53,425 22,890 213,700 10.7% Storm Sewers 17,495 12,362 52,485 39,932 209,940 19.0% Traffic Control 49,937 28,783 149,810 92,520 599,240 15.4%

Total Public Works 532,376 581,815 1,597,128 1,720,862 6,388,510 26.9%1 25.0%1 OPERATING REPORT SUMMARY EXPENDITURES March 31, 2011

CURRENT MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE ANNUAL BENCH- BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET % MARK Development Services Administration 16,596 15,377 49,788 46,184 199,150 23.2% Planning 36,831 38,290 110,493 117,402 441,970 26.6% Code Enforcement 86,805 78,085 260,415 236,718 1,041,660 22.7% Transportation & Engineering 85,062 76,620 255,185 237,485 1,020,740 23.3% Economic Development 98,337 101,983 295,010 143,121 1,180,040 12.1%

Total Development Services 323,630 310,356 970,890 780,908 3,883,560 20.1%1 25.0%1

Health & Human Services 53,185 46,313 159,555 138,275 638,220 21.7%1 25.0%1

Miscellaneous 4th of July 93,800 0.0% Police & Fire Comm. 7,191 21,573 365 86,290 0.4% Misc. Boards & Comm. 12,191 7,024 36,573 20,799 146,290 14.2% Misc. Public Improvements 313,593 31,715 940,778 95,308 3,763,110 2.5%

Total Miscellaneous 332,974 38,739 998,923 116,472 4,089,490 2.8%1 25.0%1

Total General Fund 3,884,062 3,770,803 11,652,185 10,592,825 46,702,538 22.7%1 25.0%1

Water & Sewer Fund Water Department 934,122 729,415 2,802,365 1,770,109 11,209,460 15.8% Sewer Department 264,106 184,890 792,318 453,708 3,169,270 14.3% Billing Division 49,692 43,741 149,075 145,704 596,300 24.4% Debt Service Division 4,630 0.0% Capital Projects Division 100,000 0.0%

Total Water & Sewer 1,247,919 958,046 3,743,758 2,369,521 15,079,660 15.7%1 25.0%1

Motor Fuel Tax 25,553 14,556 29,853 18,866 306,630 6.2% Community Dev. Block Grant Fund 335,000 0.0% EDA Administration Fund 394,650 347,895 1,183,950 1,063,131 4,735,800 22.4% E-911 Fund 25,000 16,000 75,000 66,000 300,000 22.0% Asset Seizure Fund 109,523 14,505 328,570 37,207 1,314,280 2.8% Municipal Waste System 101,127 82,722 303,380 291,876 1,213,520 24.1% Sears Centre Operating Fund 349,225 334,304 1,047,675 334,454 4,190,700 8.0% Insurance 158,817 182,660 476,450 680,820 1,905,800 35.7% Information Systems 92,228 60,096 276,685 202,804 1,106,740 18.3% Roselle Road TIF 23,420 5,834 70,260 17,494 281,040 6.2%

TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS 6,411,523 5,787,421 19,187,765 15,674,998 77,471,708 20.2%1 25.0%1

Sears EDA General Account 15,988,968 N/A 2001 G.O. Debt Service 600 300 544,000 0.1% 1997 A & B G.O. Debt Service 553,400 0.0% 2003 G.O. Debt Service 600 300 703,380 0.0% 2004 G.O. Debt Service 972,240 0.0% 2005A G.O. Debt Service 3,904,700 0.0% 2005 EDA TIF Bond Fund 21,000 0.0% 2008 G.O.D.S. Fund 1,332,750 N/A 2009 G.O.D.S. Fund 1,514,360 0.0%

TOTAL DEBT SERVo FUNDS 1,200 15,989,568 9,545,830 167.5%1 25.0%1 OPERATING REPORT SUMMARY EXPENDITURES March 31, 2011


Central Road Corridor Improvement 20,833 20,833 62,500 62,503 250,000 25.0% Hoffman Blvd Bridge Maintenance 250 750 3,000 0.0% Traffic Improvement Fund 51,333 46,667 154,000 139,997 616,000 22.7% EDA Series 1991 Project 132,585 23,310 397,755 46,620 1,591,020 2.9% Central Area Rd. Impr. Imp. Fee 8,333 8,333 25,000 25,003 100,000 25.0% 2009 Capital Project 3,900 3,989 6,100 494,696 1,805,000 27.4% Western Area Rd Improve Imp. Fee 25,000 5,741 75,000 75,000 300,000 25.0% Capital Improvements Fund 9,334,120 0.0% Capital Vehicle & Equipment Fund 46,208 138,625 554,500 0.0% Capital Replacement Fund 291,520 0.0%

TOTAL CAP. PROJECT FUNDS 288,443 108,873 859,730 843,819 14,845,160 5.7%1 25.0%1

Police Pension Fund 236,575 332,310 709,725 800,588 2,838,901 28.2% Fire Pension Fund 263,755 268,900 791,266 762,909 3,165,063 24.1%

TOTAL TRUST FUNDS 500,330 601,210 1,500,991 1,563,497 6,003,964 26.0%1 25.0%1

TOTAL ALL FUNDS 7,200,297 6,497,504 21,549,686 34,071,882 107,866,662 31.6%1 25.0%1 2011 MARCH MONTHLY REPORT


Geographic Information System Monthly Review 2

SPS Monthly Review 3

Technical Support Hardware & SoftwareActivities 6

Total Work Orders by Priority by Month 8

Toner Usage by Department. 10

System and Data Functions 11

Virus and Spam Report 12

InternetTrafficAnalysis for Hoffman Estates 13 Geographic Information System Monthly Review

Clerk's Office Visited the Sears Holdings Corporation campus in the Prairie Stone Industrial Park to identify the retail tenants and their locations. Created a map of the campus layout with the various retail locations identified and then created a companion document identifying the current retail tenants in those locations. These documents will be updated as necessaryto reflect any changes in tenants occupying the individual locations and will assist in tracking business licenses, inspections, and permitting for individual retail businesses at the Sears Holdings campus.

Development Services Updated the GIS database with the foreclosure notifications for March 2011 and updated the three area maps. PDF documents of the three maps were forwarded to Development Services.

Fire Department Completed updates to several Fire Map Book pages. Exported a complete set of map book pages to PDF files and made them available on the network for review by Fire personnel.

A map of the Golf Center Shopping Center was requested for the Site Preplan document for that location. Most of the emergency location information (e.g. natural gas shutoffs, fire alarm control panels, etc.) is not available for this location in the GIS database, so I created a basic map of the site to be used for identifying the various emergency locations. When the information has been gathered and entered into the GIS database, the map can be completed.

Information Systems Completed the geocodlng process for the eCommunityPlus locations by referencing the location addresses to the Address Points GIS data file. This process created point locations in GIS for nearly 19,000 addresses from eCommunityPlus. There were approximately 850 addresses that required manual creation of points for the addresses. The accuracy of these points was demonstrated by adding the new point location data layer to a Google map display. Finally, geographic coordinates (latitude & longitude) were added for each address in the new point file. The newly created file was exported to an Excel spreadsheet and ultimately sent to Neptune for inclusion in software to be used by the Village's water meter readers.

Northwest Central Dispatch System The GIS Analyst at NWCDS requested our GIS data for Centerlines, Municipal Boundaries, Hydrants, and Address Points in order to update their database and for use in maps that would be used by our Fire Department vehicles. eCommunityPlus Created or updated location records and re-assigned business licenses and permits as requested.

IS Department Monthly Report Page 2 of 14 SPS Monthly Review

The custom project to include Latitude/Longitude on all locations in CommunityPLUS and to also customizing the export file from Utility Billing to Neptune's ARB 'N Sight software was finalized in March. It was used during the meter reading process for the first time this month. This process now displays reading status lights on the reading laptop for each meter location as the Public Works employee drives through the village neighborhoods, providing a simple way to tell if meters still need to be read. Due to the extensive creation and validation process for the location latitude/longitude values that the Cathy Errichiello and Bob Pugh undertook for each of the 19,000 village locations, these values are extremely accurate to the building location, making it easier for the person reading to locate the meter. The import back into Utility Billing had an issue, but Cathy was able to resolve this before the billing calculation was done at the end of March. We had no feedback from Public Works of any problems with the new reading function or the accuracy of the locations.

Entity and Citations Training was provided to an employee who will be assisting with the entry of Citations during times of backlogs, This employee had no prior experience with CommunityPLUS applications. Additional training was provided to another employee who was already assisting with the backlog. This amounted to approximately four hours of training, both in class and follow up in person and over the phone. Considerable time has been also devoted to reviewing the Citations as these newly trained employees are entering them, to catch any problems they may be having understanding the entry process.

Created an electronic listing of all village addresses, residential and commercial, as requested by Comcast and required under the provisions of Public Act 96-1422. This file was sent within one day of receiving the request.

Finalized testing and implemented the modifications necessary to our check custom to created separate signatures for any AP or Payroll checks related to Police Pension Funds.

Continued working with SunGard Support on a minor W2 printing issue.

Worked with the Village Clerk's Office staff to update entities and locations used by Business Licensing that needed changes and which came to light during the renewal process.

The testing of the in-squad ticket writing program and the printing of the tickets issued commenced in March, and several problems came to light. Some vital data is missing from the printed tickets, namely the date of birth and driver's license of the violator, and there were other issues that came to light related to the equipment in the squads. See the Technical Support section that follows for more details.

IS Department Monthly Report Page 3 of 14 eGovPLUS

By the end of March, there were 2,428 eGov users, showing a consistent increase in users each month. New Users by Month


The following two charts show the number of payments and day-to-day payment trends.

eGov UB Payments by Month








0 June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March Month Total 906 1012 1021 1062 1112 1119 1127 1232 1167 1223

IS Department Monthly Report Page 4 of 14 IS Department Monthly Report Page 5 of 14 Technical Support Hardware & Software Activities

Project EOC Inventory and Setup Documentation

The ISDEPT completed the documentation for the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at the Police Department. This comprehensive document will allow emergency personnel/first responders to initialize the EOC in the event of an actual or simulated situation without the assistance from the ISDEPT staff members. The document includes a complete mapping of the EOC showing the setup of all network equipment. Data and voice ports are marked and broken down to show which piece of equipment may be plugged in to any of the available ports. All EOC laptops are configured for use on both the "wired" and wireless networks.

In addition, as this room is being utilized on greater basis for training, the computer system located in the podium has been configured to connect and function separately from the Village's network. This system is considered an "open" system for use by instructors from outside agencies.

Technical Meeting - NWCD

ISDEPT staff attended the bi-weekly meeting at Northwest Central Dispatch Center. Topics for discussion included: -The new CAD system is almost complete and is now set to go into the testing phase.

-Specifications for the new CAD system have been sent to each agency to check for compliance. They are as follows: -ln terms of absolute Minimum Specification for "acceptable" usage/performance (per 10 Networks opinion) - we would recommend: • Windows XP or later • 1024x768 Display • 13.3"Screen Size • 1Gb ofRAM • 20Gb ofHD Space (for both with Mobile maps (4Gb without Mobile Maps)) • Pentium M lo4Ghz Processor

This would be similar to an older model CF29, and while it would be slower to load/use, we would still deem it to be usable by most officers under normal circumstances and work load. And while RMS and Mobile will technically run on hardware less than this, it is our recommendation that the above mentioned specifications be considered the minimum requirements.

As for the Recommended Specifications for "desired" usage/performance - we would recommend: • Windows 7 • 1024x768 Display • 13.3"ScreenSize or larger • 2Gb or RAM • 20Gb ofHD Space (for both with Mobile maps (4Gb without Mobile Maps)) • Any Intel Core i3 or better

For Mobile, the biggest impact on performance is the loading and display ofhigh resolution mapping files. Especially as it refreshes. For what it is worth, we have seen significant performance improvements in Mobile whenever properly configured SSD's have been used as well. So, ifthis is an option on newer laptops being purchased, we believe that it is a very noticeable performance gain

IS Department Monthly Report Page 6 of 14 when it comes to the maps.

Other desirables for Mobile and RMS on a laptop platform are: • Access to a GPS sensor • Cellularfor online FBR in RMS • WiFi for Updates/Synchronizations • 1 COM Port • USB2 • Touchscreen

As this pertains to the Village's CF units, the 2010 and 2011 models will meet or exceed the "Recommended Specifications" outlined above. The 2009 models can be brought up to meet the "Recommended Specifications" with a RAM upgrade. The 2008 models can be brought up to meet the "Minimum Specifications" with a RAM upgrade as well.

-There is a possible upgrade to Radio IP and the mobile client coming in April. The upgrade to Radio IP is long awaited since it is known to be causing issues with the operation of the units. These issues range from extremely long boot and shutdown times (if the unit shuts·down at all as the Radio IP service fails to turn off, therefore prohibiting the unit from shutting down or restarting) to keeping the unit from connecting to the Village's wireless hotspots.

-Briefly touched upon was the need for agencies to migrate from the RF network to Cell technology in order to take full advantage of the new CAD system, primarily mapping (as well as resolving the issues with Radio IP) as the maps cannot be pushed over the RF network. Agencies are being directed to move to cell technology as soon as possible (before November) if they want the complete CAD package.

Project - In Car Automatic Ticket Writers

Work continued on configuring the Automatic Ticket Writing system fully functional. ISDEPT and APSsupport personnel addressed printing issues with the test units. The issue was finally resolved and the problem determined to be a mix of software updates and driver configurations.

IS Department Monthly Report Page 7 of 14 Total Work Orders by Priority byMonth

Month 3/2011 1 - Urgent 19 2 - High 33 3 - Medium 29 4 - Normal 82 Project 11 Scheduled Event 16 Vendor intervention 3 required Total for Month 193

180 160 • Helpdesk 140 120 • CommunityPLUS 100 • G.l.S. 80 • FinancePLUS 60 SPS 40 20 ..• Cognos o


IS Department Monthly Report Page 8 of 14 240

\ • March 2010 200 In • April 2010 l- CU • May 2010 "0 I- 160 .. June 2010 0 July 2010 ~ I- • August 2010 ~ 120 • September 2010 • October 2010 "0cu November 2010 ..., 80 CU December 2010 Q. January 2011 E Iil February 2011 0 40 U • March 2011 0


IS Department Monthly Report Page 9 of 14 Toner Usage byDepartment

The following chart shows the toner usage for the month of March, 2011. The cost of toner usage totals approximately $1500 for the period. The cost associated with these replaced toner cartridges is displayed below by geographical location:

Amount spent on toner by location

IS Department Monthly Report Page 10 of 14 System and Data Functions

Disk Usage

450 400 350 300 co l!:l 250 .S :!! 200 iii 150 100 50 o User, Department and Application files SQL E-Mail Publicsafety SQL

IS Department Monthly Report Page 11 of 14 Virus and Spam Report

Email: For the month of March, our barracuda anti spam and virus filter has blocked more than 255,000 of unsolicited emails from entering our email system.

Internet Security: The Village of Hoffman Estates has 2 Sentinel Security devices that monitor all incoming and outgoing internet traffic looking for possible intruders trying to gain access on our computer network. These devices blocked over 5000 attacked for the month.

IS Department Monthly Report Page 12 of 14 Internet Traffic Analysis for Hoffman Estates System: Village-of-Hoffman-Estates Description: Village-of-Hoffman-Estates Max Speed: 40 Mbits/s The statistics were last updated Monday, 18 April 2011 at 16:45, at which time '' had been up for 36 days, 16:03:19.

'Daily' Graph (5 Minute Average)

f~~ -- ==~C~~_'~~~_~ '_-~__ - "~W~==~_~==C~~='~=_"~I_c=__ ~_===~~~=_~~~~'~=~~~~"__= __r ! 10.0 M T""""""--.---,--..,...... ,,...... ,.,...-..,...... ,.~-.----~--,-.,---.--:--..--,---.---,----,-~~~~~ ~§ o 7.5 M OJ (I) ~ 5.0 M l2. ....B 2.5 M 00 0.0 M

Max Average Current In 488.9 kb/s (0.5%) 55.1 kb/s (0.1%) 488.9 kb/s (0.5%) Out 9871.1 kb/s (9.9%) 532.9 kb/s (0.5%) 1153.6 kb/s (1.2%)

'Weekly' Graph (30 Minute Average)

!{-=",,,,,_,,-_-,==;,,,,.~-c=:-,,,,,--,=,,,~,,-,-=,,,."",=<~=,==,-,,,,,,-=-,,,::~,:;,.=-~=<,_.;,,.""'"_....,07!~~-'''''''-=-...·:=O--£..."'-'''"=LL.",,.'''':r~-==·==~=.~=""''-·.,==-;-c-~"'-==--==-Fr'_-.J=_"'--=...~.."''''-....-=~'=g===="''"".o:c''"-=:_.,,-_==~~ ..-----..------,----,-~--____,_-----~---.----~----r !-gI 5.6 M 1 8 4.2 M ,lal i ki 2.8 M l2. ....B 104M 00 Mon Sun Sat Fri Thu Wed Tue Mon Sun Max Average Current In 1216.8 kb/s (1.2%) 65.2 kb/s (0.1%) 84.8 kb/s (0.1%) Out 5258.8 kb/s (5.3%) 592.3 kb/s (0.6%) 902.4 kb/s (0.9%)

IS Department Monthly Report Page 13 of 14 'Monthly' Graph (2 Hour Average)

r"~-"""~"C.-~~._~C"=,~~,~_.~~=,c~-~---~~-~~~-~=_"=-~.=~. =~~=~~__~~~ ".__~~~C.~~=_=~~==~~~.~~==~,~=.~~_=

I <:l 3200.0 k ~ c . . i ~2400.0 k 1 ~ 1600.0 k il:2. ~~I;: f:.:.i\;~:[ :,;~;.:! o.~~~~ I n 800.0 k ...... ••.. ;. ~ ...••...... l m 0.0 k ~ Week 15 Week 14 Week 13 Week 12 Week 11 Max Average Current In 1399.2 kb/s (1.4%) 79.5 kb/s (0.1%) 148.8 kb/s (0.1%) Out 2917.1 kb/s (2.9%) 590.5 kb/s (0.6%) 1492.6 kb/s (1.5%)

'Yearly' Graph (1 Day Average)

Max Average Current In 228.1 kb/s (0.2%) 81.8 kb/s (0.1%) 22.0 kb/s (0.0%) Out 3969.8 kb/s (4.0%) 732.9 kb/s (0.7%) 211.2 kb/s (0.2%) GREEN ### Incoming Traffic in Bits per Second BLUE ### Outgoing Traffic in Bits per Second

Gordon F. Eaken, Director of Information Systems

IS Department Monthly Report Page 14 of 14 VILLAGE OF HOFFMAN ESTATES Memo TO: Finance Committee FROM: Mark Koplin, Assistant Village Manager-Development Services RE: OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE MONTHLY REPORT FOR APRIL DATE: April 22, 2011

1. Additional follow-up with Levy and Ben Gibbs regarding Innovations Group's concepts and potential changes in food and beverage menus, points of sale, signage, etc. The information was summarized in a memo to the Trustees and will appear on the April Finance Committee agenda.

2. Conducted weekly meetings with Ben Gibbs to discuss bookings, holds, and operational items.

3. Met with Krista Pulcini of Front Row Marketing to discuss sales, ads, and premium seating.

4. Follow-up with Ben Gibbs and Global Spectrum regarding contract deliverables.

5. Continued coordination with Public Works and SCA staff to activate additional ADT alarms on perimeter doors. The system hardware and software are in place and will be activated in March and after training of SCA staff, Village staff, and Trustees.

6. Facilitated discussions regarding connecting the emergency generator to the LT.lcomputer to allow continuation ofcritical systems during a power outage.

7. The SCA repackaged the suite contract with Allied Waste and received the first payment. This is significant because Allied wanted to terminate their contract (2-1/2 years remaining), but through the efforts ofthe Village, Ben, and Krista, the contract remains.

8. Ongoing tabulation ofhours expended monthly by Village staffrelated to the SCA.

9. AT&T is interested in installing an antenna for internal service at the SCA for their customers, and pay a monthly fee that will generate additional revenue. Staff will schedule a meeting with AT&T's operations group to determine how and where to install the equipment. .

10. Continued discussion with Ben Gibbs regarding the five year Capital Improvement Program (C.LP.), discussing project costs, priorities, and timing. C.LP. to be submitted in April/May. Met with Trustees Kincaid and Stanton to discuss projects, costs, and timing. - 2 -

11. Continued review of2010 Transition Costs and backup submitted by Global Spectrum.

12. Attended Monster Trucks to ensure the transition to Andy Frain for parking and security ran smoothly. Parking backed up between 7:00-7:25 p.m., but all cars were in the lot prior to the show.

13. Working with Ben Gibbs and Mike Carosielli to perform first of annual updates to the Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment (FF&E) inventory. SCA staff will update with any items purchased to replace damaged FF&E.

14. Reviewed ECHL Chicago Express proposed three year lease for their home games at the SCA.

15. Coordinate with Village Departments regarding the Piccadilly Circus, which is coming to the SCA on May 6-8. This is the first circus to visit the SCA and questions included licensing, pyrotechnics (if any), sale of novelty concessions (i.e. cotton candy, snow cones), and requirements related to circus animals.

16. The Chicago Express have an interest in building a small pro show/retail store for the sale ofjerseys, hats, pennants, etc. Ben Gibbs identified an area near the club entrance where ± 200 square feet could be carved out. Corporation Counsel advised that a lease for the space should be incorporated into the overall lease for the team to play their games at the SCA.

17. Review, coordination, and discussion of the Chicago Express lease with Ben Gibbs, Art Janura, and Chris Naveja. The lease should be finalized in the next couple of weeks and could appear on a Finance Committee (or special meeting) in May.

18. A considerable effort has gone into the pre-event planning for the X-Factor event the week of April 25. The Owner's Representative, Transportation and Engineering Division, Police Department, Fire Department, Public Works, and Emergency Management have all contributed to planning for this event. Traffic and parking, the number one concern, is addressed in a comprehensive plan to use three overflow parking lots, directing traffic with the electronic portable changeable message signs, information emailed to Prairie Stone businesses, information on both the SCA and Village websites, and a flexible approach to accommodate however many participants arrive on-site Tuesday, April 26. The details have evolved through a series of meetings with Village staff, SCA staff, Andy Frain (SCA parking and security contractor), and observations by SCA and Andy Frain personnel at an X-Factor event out ofstate.

19. The SCA purchased a half house curtain for the Yanni concert. Rather than spending $4,000-$5,000 to rent a curtain, they' were able to purchase a used curtain in that same price range. This curtain will be available for other "halfhouse" or "three-quarter house" events in the future, providing additional flexibility in advertising the purchase cost over multiple events. - 3 -

20. Event notices for several newly announced events are attached.

Mark Koplin Assistant Village Manager Department ofDevelopment Services


MAKlkr cc: J. Norris, M. DuCharme Ben Gibbs (Global Spectrum) SEATING CAPACITIES FOR VENUES

Venue Name Seating Capacity Arenas 17,300 - hockey Rosemont, IL 18,500 - concerts UIC Pavilion @ 9,000 Chicaqc.H, 20,000 - sports Chicago,lL 14,000-18,000 - concerts Theaters 4,200 Rosemont, IL Bank of America Theater (formerly LaSalle Bank Theater) 1,368 Chicago,lL House of Blues 1,300 Chicago,lL 1,400 - accommodate Chicago,IL 1,000 - seating Horseshoe Casino (The Venue) 2,500 Hammond, IN 2,300 Chicago,lL Aragon Entertainment Center 700 to 4,500 Chicaqo.It, Metro/Smart Bar 1,150 Chicago,lL 2,416 Waukegan,lL The Hemmens 1,200 EIQin,lL Skokie Theatre 140 Skokie,lL 3,335 Chicago,lL 252 downstairs theatre 4,000 Chicago,lL Arie Crown 4,249 Chicaqo.Jl, of Roosevelt Auditorium 3,929 Chicago,lL

2/4/11 ",-·y~ SearS'Centre JArena

Event Announcement


When: EVENT SPACE Date Start End Event Space Event Start Time(s) (incl. Load (incl. Load Description In) Out) 5/6/11 12:00AM Arena LOAD IN DOORS: 3:30pm, 6:30pm EVENT START:4:30pm, 7:30pm EVENT END: 6:00pm, 9:00pm

5/7/11 Arena DOORS: 12:30pm, 3:30pm, 6:30pm EVENT START:l:30pm, 4:30pm, 7:30pm EVENT END: 3pm, 6:00pm, 9:00pm 5/811 11:59PM Arena DOORS: 12:00pm, 2:30pm, 5:00pm EVENT START:l:00pm, 3:30pm, 6:00pm EVENT END: 2:30pm, 5:00pm, 7:30pm LOAD OUT

Where: Sears Centre Arena



On Sale: Public Onsale: Soft-Onsale: Friday, April 1 @ 10:00am

Marketing: Website & Marquee

Parking: $10 Levy: Concessions

SCA Event Mgr: Erin Sweeney

Event Contact: Niles Garden [email protected] (941 )552-9952

Notes: All Advance Sales ofGA tickets are Buy-One-Get-One Free using Promo code CIRCUS. Heavy walkup and free ticket distributions.

Comps: Yes "-..·Y~ Sea..slcentre I Arena

Event Announcement

What: Salt Creek Sports Car Club - Autocross When: EVENT SPACE Date Start End Event Space Description Set-up 04/17/11 7:00AM 5:30 PM WEST Parking Lot- Set-Up Group will set up a and Autocross Event course using pylons or traffic cones 07/17/11 7:00AM 5:30PM WEST Parking Lot - Set-Up Group will set up a and Autocross Event course using pylons or traffic cones 7/31/11 7:00AM 5:30PM WEST Parking Lot - Set-Up Group will set up a and Autocross Event course using pylons or traffic cones 9/18/11 7:00AM 5:30PM WEST Parking Lot - Set-Up Group will set up a and Autocross Event course using pyIons or traffic cones


Tickets: Non-Ticketed

On Sale: NA

Marketing: Website & Marquee

Parking: NA Levy: NA SCA Event Mgr: Ryan Curtis

Event Contact: Bob Humphrey' Salt Creek Sports Car Club Phone: 708-828-6368 (cell) Email: [email protected]

Notes: Comp:NA "-..·Y~ Sea..s\Centre I Arena

Event Announcement

What: Ride Chicago Motorcycle School When:

EVENT SPACE Date Start End Event Space Set-up Description 4/30/11 6:00AM 7:00PM or4 SUITE Parking Lot Group will set up a 5/1/11 hrs prior to - Set-Up and course using pylons scheduled Motorcycle Class or traffic cones event 5/7/11 6:00AM See Above See Above See Above 5/8/11 5/14/11 6:00AM See Above See Above See Above 5/15/11 6/18/11 6:00AM See Above See Above See Above 6/19/11 6/25/11 6:00AM See Above See Above See Above 6/26/11 7/16/11 6:00AM See Above See Above See Above 7/17/11 8/13/11 6:00AM See Above See Above See Above 8/14/11 8/20/11 6:00AM See Above See Above See Above 8/21/11 9/24/11 6:00AM See Above See Above See Above 9/25/11

Where: SUITE PARKING LOT Tickets: Non-Ticketed On Sale: NA Marketing: Website & Marquee Parking: NA Levy: NA SCA Event Mgr: Ryan Curtis Event Contact: Brad Boehmer Ride Chicago Phone773-878-7433 Email: [email protected] Notes: Comp: NA / Storage container on site in loading dock / State testing on pi and/or 3Td Thursdays (ifsite approved by State) Sears Centre Arena General Manager Update 4/25/2011

i i ...... Evel'lt·Highlights .: ·> ...•... 111.· .. ··· .i> ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• liplzzaner Stallions This event wasn't budgeted,.....and earned nearly $20,000 in profit Slaughter Game #1 Well attended first game, bigger crowd than Game 1 in 2010 Slaughter Game #2 Profitable game, no issues Great Lakes Cheerleading Event returned after not booking the building in 2010, very profitable Moved event to Saturday/Sunday instead of Friday/Saturday in 2010. Ticket sales were Monster Truck down compared with 2010 Slaughter Game #3 Profitable game, no issues Yanni Great event, ticket sales were strong and event was profitable Dare 2 Share Returning event, no issues Next All American Basketball Tournament First time event, profitable Slaughter Game #4 Profitable game, no issues Hispanic Bull Riding First time event, terrific response from Hispanic community, very profitable Thomas the Train Finances pending....

...... < .... Confirmed(..i< ./ ii' ...... • ...• ... • • • •• April 25 - 28 - X-Factor April 29 - Slaughter April 30 & May 1- RCCH May 6-8 - Piccadilly Circus May 13- MMA Event May 14- Slaughter May 17 - 20 - X-Factor Filming May 21 - D-300 Graduation May 28 - U-46 Graduation May 29 - D303 Graduation June2 - Stevenson Graduation June3 - Libertyville Graduation June4 - Slaughter June5 - D211 Graduation June 11- University ofPhoenixGraduation June 17& 18- USA Volleyball vs.Poland

.... LongTermProjeds . ii. Iii ii . . •••••• ii ii • ••••••••••••• • •••• Meeting with team to discuss operational needs for coming season. Planning multi- ECHL Hockey Support chamber event in October spearheaded by Chicago Express staff.

Currently working on summer festival Idea for early August. Excellent reponse thus far Outdoor Summer Event 2011 from potential media partners including Boneville Radio and Comcast. Submitting plan for concession stand upgrade to help introduce higher end food items, Levy Restaurants - Innovation Follow Up which should benefit per caps.

/ ...... 1< i( ··/i .. Finance Department ii •• • ••• • ••••

General Finance department completed March financials. Currently ahead of budget by $76,712. ... ~ i • /ii> ...... ·:i.(···.. ·.... ·...... •••• >...... / • ••••• I .. ~. _.YT[I.BIJ(JlietSl• i< .... • •••• ...... i •••• Operations Department Operations spearheading maintenance initiatives as well as event related tasks. Given x­ Factor's massive production needs the department is working diligently to prepare the General building for their arrival this week. Chief Engineer - Candidate has been selected and offer will be sent to candidate at the Positions to Fill end of April

Transition from Monterrey Security and Standard Parking to Andy Frain has been Third Party Providers completed, and the arena is beginning to ex erience the anticipated savings.

Public works has been very helpful as the arena has been experiencing some plumbing Village Support Issues.Their assistance has helped to keep costs low, and is much appreciated.

Events Departmeht General


General Comcast Update Community Events

GroupSalesDapartmant General

Box.OfficeDepartment General

Food & Baverage Departmant For Yanni, levy successfully sold 101 dinner packages, 32 Ali-Inclusive packages and 40 Prairie View lounge packages.This helped increase food sales by $7,000, which was substantial considering the Yanni audience typically doesn't consume a huge amount of General food and beverage.


General sponsorship· Department

Capital Improvements looking to purchase Plexlglassfor hockey as this should save money during every game. "-..·Y~ SeatSlCentre I Arena

Event Announcement

What: The X - Factor When: EVENT SPACE Date Start End Event Space Event Start Time(s) (incl. Load In) (incl. Load Out) Description 5/17/11 8:00AM Arena LOAD IN

5/18/11 Arena LOAD IN

5/19/11 Arena TV Recordings DOORS: 1PM and 6PM 5/20/11 4:30AM on Arena TV Recordings 5/21111 DOORS: 1PM and 6PM (into D300 LOAD OUT Complete: 4:30AM graduation) 4/21111

Where: Sears Centre Arena

Tickets: Ticketed thru the X-Factor: The URL to print free tickets is: XFactor/ See attached example of registration page

Marketing: Website & Marquee, TV

Parking: $10

Levy: NO Concessions

SCA EventMgr: Erin Sweeney

Event Contact: TBD

Notes: Comp:NA