Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, London, UK *Correspondence to [email protected]

Disclosure: The author has declared no conflicts of interest. Received: 14.03.17 Accepted: 23.05.17 Citation: EMJ Hematol. 2017;5[1]:80-86.


The actin plays many important roles in the lifecycle of platelets, from biogenesis from megakaryocytes, to activation and clearance from the circulation. It is therefore unsurprising that in regulating the dynamics of this cytoskeleton lead to numerous inherited thrombocytopenias. A diverse array of are affected, including actin nucleators, structural proteins, motors, and transcriptional regulators. This review summarises the current understanding of how genetic dysregulation of the actin cytoskeleton can contribute to the pathogenesis of thrombocytopenia.

Keywords: Actin cytoskeleton (AC), thrombocytopenia, platelets, megakaryocytes (MK), Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome (WAS).


Thrombocytopenia is diagnosed when a patient’s Platelets are produced by megakaryocytes platelet levels fall below the normal range of (MK) in bone marrow and in the lung,2 a process 150,000–450,000 platelets/µL of blood leading which is highly dependent on both the actin and to defective blood clotting. A low platelet number cytoskeletal systems.3,4 MK develop from may be caused by decreased platelet production, haematopoietic stem cells through endomitosis, increased destruction, or sequestration from the giving them polyploid nuclei and an accumulation circulating blood.1 This can be aggravated if the of . This facilitates the mass production platelet function is further impaired. Many of of platelet components, including the generation these activities rely on the flexible and rapidly of α and dense granules. MK have an extensive responsive nature of the actin cytoskeleton (AC), internal demarcation membrane which supplies where filamentous actin (F-actin) can be rapidly an outer-membrane for the platelets. These form assembled and disassembled from globular actin from tubular invaginations of the cell membrane (G actin) monomers. This dynamic is regulated by organised by the AC, and then supplemented a number of interacting molecules with various with golgi vesicular membranes.5 Within the bone functions. These include those which potentiate the marrow, mature MK migrate to the blood vessels nucleation or branching of actin filaments, those of the basement membrane, an actin mediated which bind monomeric actin sequestering it from process, and degrade the basement membrane with the F/G-actin equilibrium, and those which bind actin-rich podosomes; this permits the extrusion filaments cross-linking and stabilising, or capping of proplatelet processes into the sinusoids. Whilst and inhibiting further polymerisation. Furthermore, the extrusion of the proplatelets is dependent myosin motors can move along actin filaments, upon , their bifurcation and, hence, shuttling ‘cargo’ or generating contractile force. increase in platelet producing area is dependent The importance of these mechanisms is discussed upon actin dynamics. The tip of these proplatelets within this review in the context of genetic then bud off as preplatelets under actin contractile 3 4 mutations which affect these activities leading to forces. See Italiano and Poulter and Thomas thrombocytopenia (Table 1). for comprehensive reviews. The structure of the platelets themselves is dependent on the actin and tubulin .

80 HEMATOLOGY • August 2017 • Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 EMJ EUROPEAN MEDICAL JOURNAL HEMATOLOGY • August 2017 • Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 EMJ EUROPEAN MEDICAL JOURNAL 81 Table 1: Summary of AC-regulating genes associated with thrombocytopenia.58

Gene Disease Implications of for platelet lifecycle/ Discovered thrombocytopenia WAS WAS (MIM 301000), WASp activates ARP2/3 complex. MK exhibit decreased 199412 XLT (MIM 313900) migration and podosome formation, platelets shed into bone marrow interstitium and increased platelet clearance. MYH9 MYH9 disorders Platelets released from proplatelets into bone marrow 199941-43 (MIM 153640, 153650, interstitium. Activated platelets fail to contract and round 15500, 600208, 605249) normally. signalling and stress fibre formation is impaired. Decreased thrombus and stability. ACTB β-Actin related Decreased G-actin- binding, affecting 199957 thrombocytopenia cytoskeletal regulation. FLNA Filaminopathies spectrum Disorganised MK which form proplatelets less efficiently. 201135 (MIM 300017) Large platelets with enlarged and often absent granules. These showed decreased abilities to aggregate, decreased granule secretion and, decreased signalling under GPVI collagen receptor but increased platelet spreading. WIPF1 WAS2 (MIM 614493) Loss of stabilised WASp expression, similar phenotype to WAS. 201218 ACTN1 Bleeding disorder, platelet- Macrothrombocytopenia, although platelet functioning 201339,40 type, 15 (MIM 615193) does not seem impaired. Disorganised F-actin within MK. Reduced proplatelet tips of a larger size. PRKACG Bleeding disorder, platelet- Macrothrombocytopenia due to degradation of the FLNa 201438 type, 19 (MIM 616176) . Fewer MK produced proplatelets. MKL1 MKL1 deficiency MKL1 is a transcriptional co-activator sequestered by G-actin. 201553 It regulates the expression of cytoskeletal genes. Disordered megakaryocyte structure. DIAPH1 Deafness, autosomal Reported mutations lead to constitutive protein activation 201627 dominant 1 (MIM 124900) and thus increased F-actin in platelets, and abnormal cortical F-actin in MK. WDR1 PFIT Dysmorphic MK with large peripheral zone lacking granules 201729 and demarcating membranes.

Bold indicates dominant inheritance. MK: megakaryocyte; G-actin: globular actin monomers; F-actin: filamentous actin; WAS: Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome.

Actin is the most abundant protein in the platelets DEFECTIVE FILAMENT BRANCHING (constituting 20%) and forms an internal network IN WISKOTT–ALDRICH SYNDROME of ~2,000 actin filaments, cross-linked by A (FLNa).3 FLNa is another extremely abundant Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is characterised protein in platelets, and links actin filaments to by microthrombocytopenia (low counts of small surface receptors, such as the von Willebrand factor platelets) recurring bloody diarrhoea, eczema, receptor, the Glycoprotein Ib/IX/V complex, immunodeficiency, and often autoimmune disease. and αIIbβ3. The activation of these receptors It is caused by recessive mutations in the WAS leads to intracellular signalling and cytoskeletal on the X- and is thus more prevalent reorganisation, enabling platelet aggregation, in males.12 X-linked thrombocytopenia is caused contraction, and degranulation.6,7 Unactivated by mutations in the same gene but manifests as platelets have a lifespan of ~10 days in the microthrombocytopenia alone.13 The encoded systemic circulation. As platelets age, they become protein, WASp, is restricted to the haematopoietic desialyated and are recognised by the Ashwell– cell lineage. WASp integrates intracellular Morell receptor and cleared in the liver.8 In immune signalling with activation of the ARP2/3 complex; thrombocytopenia, autoantibodies to platelets this complex then initiates the branching of new also trigger platelet clearance in the spleen and actin filaments from existing filaments, reviewed by stimulating desialyation (Figure 1).9-11 in Moulding et al.14 WASp is stabilised by WASp

80 HEMATOLOGY • August 2017 • Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 EMJ EUROPEAN MEDICAL JOURNAL HEMATOLOGY • August 2017 • Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 EMJ EUROPEAN MEDICAL JOURNAL 81 interacting protein (WIP); loss of WIP by mutation migrate efficiently to the bone marrow sinusoids in the WIPF1 gene leads to absent WASp and a WAS and they do not extrude the actin podosomes to disease phenotype.15 The loss of WASp function break through the basement membrane, and in fact has multiple consequences in the platelet lifecycle, release platelets aberrantly into the bone marrow resulting in decreased platelet production and interstitium.19,20 Platelets that do make it into the increased clearance.16 Whilst WASp-deficient MK blood circulation are cleared more rapidly. This can produce proplatelets and platelets normally is proposed to be due to increased phagocytosis in vitro,17 in vivo defects in the platelet production or antibody-mediated clearance.21-24 This can highlight the role of the AC in mediating be mitigated in some patients or mice through the interaction between the MK and the cell splenectomy, although thrombocytopenia can microenvironment.18 MKs from WAS patients do not reoccur if antiplatelet antibodies develop.25,26



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Figure 1: The platelet lifecycle. Processes particularly dependent on the AC are highlighted in red. 1) The AC is involved in organising intracellular structure in promegakaryocytes. Endomitosis accumulates genetic material (blue) and formation of the actomyosin ring leading to cytokinesis is inhibited. PACSIN2 nucleates the formation of demarcation membrane system from the cell membrane and the golgi (green); 2) Megakaryocytes migrate to the basement membrane. Here they produce actin rich podosomes to degrade it, allowing; 3) the extension of proplatelet processes into the bone marrow circulation; 4) The AC stimulates branching of the proplatelet processes, and also the budding of preplatelets, which mature to become platelets; 5) When a mature platelet becomes activated, reorganisation of the AC leads to spreading and the extension of lamellipodia and filopodia precipitating clot formation; 6) As un-activated platelets age, they become desialyated and are cleared by Ashwell–Morell receptors in the liver; 7) In ITP, antiplatelet antibodies can trigger desialyation or stimulate clearance in the spleen. AC: actin cytoskeleton.

82 HEMATOLOGY • August 2017 • Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 EMJ EUROPEAN MEDICAL JOURNAL HEMATOLOGY • August 2017 • Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 EMJ EUROPEAN MEDICAL JOURNAL 83 CONSTITUTIVE DIAPH1 ACTIVATION: THE FILAMINOPATHIES DEAFNESS, AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT 1 FLNa is a fundamental component of the AC Formins are proteins which potentiate actin in most cell types, therefore mutation of this polymerisation from the barbed end of the gene has severe consequences in development 31 filament, as well as regulate the throughout multiple tissues. The FLNA gene cytoskeleton. DIAPH1 encodes the Rho-effector occurs on the X-chromosome; therefore, mutations diaphanous-related formin 1. This protein is 1,272 are usually heterozygous in females and lethal in amino acids long; heterozygous truncating males. Mutation results in a spectrum of diseases, 32 mutations near the C terminus of this protein at including periventricular nodular heterotopia and 33 amino acids 1,210 and 1,213 have been reported to otopalatodigital syndromes. Thrombocytopenia 34,35 lead to hearing loss and macrothrombocytopenia. is often described in these patients, and These mutations result in the loss of the regulatory furthermore, the FLNA mutation has recently been diaphanous autoregulatory domain (DAD) and linked to a macrothrombocytopenia in the absence of congenital comorbidities.35,36 Platelets were of a hence constitutive activation.27,28 Other mutations large size, with enlarged and often absent granules. in this gene have been associated with hearing loss They showed a decreased ability to aggregate, but not necessarily thrombocytopenia. Cultured decreased dense granule secretion, and decreased patient MK had abnormal cortical F-actin and platelet signalling under glycoprotein VI (GPVI) platelet count had also increased levels of F-actin, collagen receptor, but not for G-protein coupled indicating that late truncation does indeed have receptors. Platelets showed an increased propensity consequences for actin turnover; however, there for spreading, suggesting increased ability of were also demonstrable effects on microtubule the AC to reorganise without restriction from turnover, and it is likely that both contribute to the crosslinking FLNa.35 full phenotype.27 A murine model with FLNa knockdown restricted PERIODIC FEVERS, IMMUNODEFICIENCY, to MKs showed that those MK release enlarged AND THROMBOCYTOPENIA unstable platelets.37 X-inactivation in female patients generates platelet production from either WDR1 is a protein that facilitates cofilin mediated wild-type (WT) MK or from those possessing disassembly of actin filaments. Two siblings with mutation. Platelets lacking WT FLNa represent a recessive missense WDR1 mutation have been a minority of those circulating in the blood reported to have thrombocytopenia in conjunction but it is unclear if this represents a decrease in with immunodeficiency and autoinflammatoryproduction or an increased clearance. Whilst the MK disease. It is probable that the thrombocytopenia compartment was expanded in the bone marrow represents defective platelet biogenesis, MK are (as also observed in the murine MK model), small and often lacking a nucleus or demarcating MKs lacking WT FLNa formed proplatelets less membranes. They have enlarged peripheral efficiently, and showed abnormal intracellular 26,28 zones lacking in granules and organelles.29 organisation. Soluble FLNa regulates the Mice with hypomorphic mutations in WDR1 formation of the membrane invaginations exhibit macrothrombocytopenia and the same MK that initiate the generation of the demarcation 5 phenotype. There were increased MKs in both the membranes, FlnA-null MK have defective 35,37 bone marrow and especially in the spleen. Granules demarcation membrane organisation. were abnormally distributed within platelets and The regulation of FLNa levels is important in the microtubules coils were irregular. The authors platelet production. PRKACG is a gene which demonstrated, however, that clearance of these encodes the γ isoform of a subunit of a cAMP- abnormal platelets was at the normal rate, and dependant protein kinase which phosphorylates there was no autoimmune involvement dependent FLNa. This protects FLNa from proteolysis. on B or T cells, and no splenic sequestration, Homozygous missense mutations in this gene demonstrating that decreased production was the lead to macrothrombocytopenia and increased primary cause of thrombocytopenia.30 bleeding scores in two siblings. FLNa levels were depleted in mature MK cultured from patient CD34+ cells. The MK differentiated normally, but a smaller proportion had formed proplatelets.38

82 HEMATOLOGY • August 2017 • Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 EMJ EUROPEAN MEDICAL JOURNAL HEMATOLOGY • August 2017 • Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 EMJ EUROPEAN MEDICAL JOURNAL 83 α--1 RELATED MLK1 DEFICIENCY BLEEDING DISORDER The megakaryoblastic leukaemia (translocation) Another protein which crosslinks actin filaments 1 (MKL1) gene encodes a -related in bundles is α-actinin-1. A number of dominant transcription factor cofactor of serum response missense mutations have been linked to factor (SRF). It is sequestered by G-actin macrothrombocytopenia and anisotropy. Platelets monomers and released upon polymerisation to seemed to function normally in spreading, F-actin, where it translocates to the nucleus, binds aggregation, and clot retraction.39,40 However, SRF, and induces the expression of a number MK appeared abnormal with reduced numbers of of regulatory genes and β-actin itself.51,52 This proplatelet tips which were of a larger size, perhaps includes MYL9, another component of NMM-II that indicating a defect in their bifurcation.40 Patient MK, associates with MYH9 encoded heavy chain.46 as well as murine MK, transduced with a mutant A female patient presented with immunodeficiency 39,40 protein, exhibited disorganised F-actin filaments. and mild thrombocytopenia, caused by homozygous nonsense mutation in MKL1.53 THE MYH9 DISORDERS Whilst the patient’s MK were not studied directly, their neutrophils showed impaired migration and Mutations in MHY9 are linked to a spectrum of podosome formation was impaired in monocyte syndromes with macrothrombocytopenia derived dendritic cells. It is possible that MK would (May–Hegglin anomaly, Fechtner syndrome, acquire similar impairments. Knockdown of MLK1 Sebastian syndrome, and Epstein syndrome).41-43 expression in human megakaryocyte progenitors Universal symptoms are thrombocytopenia, large produced MK with disordered demarcation platelets, and leukocyte inclusions composed of ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, and abnormal membranes and α granules. Migration was impaired myosin aggregates.44 Other symptoms can include with decreased formation of proplatelets, filopodia, 54 cataracts, nephritis, and sensorineural hearing lamellipodia, and stress fibres. MKL1 knockout loss.41-43 The disease phenotype is influenced by mice exhibit thrombocytopenia and defective 55,56 53 the position of the mutation within the encoded megakaryopoiesis. Record et al. hypothesised protein non-muscle myosin heavy chain IIA. Non- that the thrombocytopenia in MKL1 deficiency may muscle myosin II (NMM-II) is a complex of two have been relatively mild because MKL2 may be heavy chains and four light chains. The N-terminal able to partially compensate for lost MKL1 activity, of the heavy chain binds to actin filaments revealing as observed in mice.56 the adenosine triphosphate binding site. Myosin light chains bind the neck region of the heavy chains, β-ACTIN RELATED and when the light chains are phosphorylated, THROMBOCYTOPENIA the complex is activated and can bind actin filaments and initiate the contractile response. Intriguingly, a missense mutation in the β-actin The C-terminal assists actin polymerisation and protein itself has been linked to thrombocytopenia, cargo-loading; reviewed in Althaus and Greinacher45 immunodeficiency, and mental retardation.57 The and Balduini et al.46 Heterozygous mutations have a glutamic acid residue at position 364 is substituted dominant negative affect because the WT protein with lysine (E364K). Given the fundamental becomes sequestered in intracellular aggregations importance of this protein, it is perhaps unsurprising 47,48 with mutant protein. that this mutation did not effectin vitro actin MK numbers in the marrow may be slightly polymerisation itself but rather may influence elevated. They appear to develop normally, but, cytoskeletal regulation by affecting the binding similar to WAS, platelets are released into the bone of regulatory proteins. The authors demonstrated marrow interstitium rather than in the sinusoids. a clear negative effect of this mutation on profilin This is likely to be due in part to a defective binding to G-actin; this depletes actin monomers Rho-associated kinase phosphorylation of the from equilibrium with F-actin. They did not study myosin light chains.49 Platelets aggregate and platelet biogenesis or function directly, other than secrete granules normally, but they fail to contract. to note that the bone marrow MK population was They can extend lamellipodia, although without increased, perhaps to compensate for depleted stress fibres integrin signalling is impaired, circulating platelets. They did demonstrate which hinders thrombus growth and stability.50 impaired migratory capacity in other cell types.57

84 HEMATOLOGY • August 2017 • Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 EMJ EUROPEAN MEDICAL JOURNAL HEMATOLOGY • August 2017 • Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 EMJ EUROPEAN MEDICAL JOURNAL 85 CONCLUDING REMARKS genes discussed above, as they permit the screening of large volumes of patients’ genetic Numerous factors control the regulation of the material at once, including entire exomes and dynamic AC throughout the platelet lifecycle. genomes. Another promising avenue is the This is reflected in the number of actin-related development of multiplex sequencing panels, genes which when mutated give rise to clinical which can be designed to screen multiple known thrombocytopenias. As we understand more about genes at lower costs. This will widen access to the molecular mechanisms controlling the AC and molecular screening for many patients, and may the pathogenesis of the thrombocytopenias, we lead us to redefine and broaden the described are bound to continue to expand this list over the phenotypes as there will be increased chances of next few years. The capabilities of next-generation identifying mutations in known thrombocytopenia sequencing technologies have already facilitated genes manifesting with unusual presentations. the identification of several of the actin-related


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