Characterization of Δ-Small Submodule

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Characterization of Δ-Small Submodule View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE): E-Journals Mathematical Theory and Modeling ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online) Vol.5, No.7, 2015 Characterization of δ-small submodule R. S. Wadbude, M.R.Aloney & Shubhanka Tiwari 1.Mahatma Fule Arts, Commerce and Sitaramji Chaudhari Science Mahavidyalaya, Warud. SGB Amaravati University Amravati [M.S.] 2.Technocrats Institute of Technology (excellence) Barkttulla University Bhopal. [M.P.] Abstract Pseudo Projectivity and M- Pseudo Projectivity is a generalization of Projevtevity. [2], [8] studied M-Pseudo Projective module and small M-Pseudo Projective module. In this paper we consider some generalization of small M-Pseudo Projective module, that is δ-small M-Pseudo Projective module with the help of δ-small and δ- cover. Key words: Singular module, S.F. small M-Pseudo Projective module, δ-small and projective δ- cover. Introduction: Throughout this paper R is an associative ring with unity module and all modules are unitary left R- modules. A sub module K of a module M. K ≤ M. Let M be a module, K ≤ M is said to be small in M if for every L ≤ M, the equality K + L = M implies L = M, ( denoted by 퐾 ≪ 푀 ). The concept of δ-small sub modules was introduced by Zhon [10]. A sub module K of M is said to be δ-small sub module of M (denoted by 퐾 ≪훿 푀 ) if whenever M = K+ L, with M/K is singular, then M = L. The sum of all δ-small sub module of M is denoted by δ(M). δ(M) is the reject in M of class of all singular simple modules. 훿(푀) = 푅푒푗푀(℘) =∩ 푀 {푁 ≤ 푀: ∈ ℘}, where ℘ be the class of all singular modules. (푅푒푗 (ℚ) is the intersection of all K ≤ M, with 푁 푀 M/K torsion free). An R-module M is said to be hollow (δ-hollow) if all proper sub modules of M are small (δ- small) in M. An R-module M is S.F. if zero is only small sub module in M. G. Azumay introduced projective cover. W.xue [12] generalized projective cover. A module epimorphism f : P M is a cover in case ker f Rad(P), 퐾푒푟푓 ≪ 푀. A cover f : P M is called a protective cover in case P is projective module. An epimorphism f : P M is called a δ-projective cover of module M in case 퐾푒푟푓 ≪훿 훿(푃) and P is projective. A δ-cover f : P M of a module M, is said to be a self projective δ-cover in case p is self projective module. Projective cover is denoted by P(M), if there is an epimorphism with P(M) is projective and 푘푒푟푓 ≪ 푃(푀). fM : P(M) M 푀 In last section we introducing a new characterization of small M-pseudo projective module. We prove that N is hollow, then N is δ-small M-pseudo projective module if and only if N is M-pseudo projective module, and let M be a δ-small pseudo projective module then M is S.F. if and only if M/A is isomorphic to direct summand of M, A ≤ M. 1.δ-Small Definition:1.1. The sub module Z(M) {xM : rR (x)is essential in R}is called singular sub module of M. The module M is Called a singular module if Z(M) = M. The module M is Called a non- singular module if Z(M) = 0. Definition:1.2. An R-module N is called small M- pseudo projective module if for every sub module A of M, M any epimorphism f : N with 퐾푒푟푓 ≪ 푁, Can be lifted to a homomorphism h: N M A N h f M M 0 g A 0 i.e. g h f . 18 Mathematical Theory and Modeling ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online) Vol.5, No.7, 2015 Definition:1.3 An R-module N is called δ-small M- pseudo projective module if for every sub module A of M, any small epimorphism with 퐾푒푟푓 ≪훿 푁, Can be lifted to a homomorphism N h f epic with krf in N M M 0 g smallepic. A 0 i.e. g h f . Examples:1 i) Every small sub module of M is δ-small in M. ii) Every non singular semisimple sub module of M is δ-small in M. iii) Every simple module M is hollow. iv) Z6 as Z-module is not δ-small. Example:2. Consider the Z-modules Z4 and Z2 . An epimorphism f : Z4 Z2 define by f (1) f (3) 1 and f (0) f (2) 0 Then f is small epimorphism . Every small sub module of M is δ-small in M. Example:3. Let R M Z6 . Then two non-trivial sub modules of M, M1 0,3and M 2 0,2,4 are δ-small in M, but neither M 1 and M 2 is small in M, Moreover 푀 ≪훿 푀 Proposition:1.1 Let M, L and N be R-Modules. If : M N and : N L are two epimorphisms. Then is small if and only if both α, β are small. Proof: [8] Lemma:1.1. Let N be a submodule of M. The following are equivalent: i) 푁 ≪훿 푀 ii) If X + N = M, then M = X Y for a projective semi simple sub module Y with Y N. iii) If X + N = M, with M/X Goldie torsion, then X = M. Proof: [10]. Lemma:1.2. Let M be a module, then i) For sub module N, K, L with K ≤ N, We have a) 푁 ≪훿 푀 if and only if 퐾 ≪훿 푀 and 푁/퐾 ≪훿 푀/퐾 b) 푁 + 퐿 ≪훿 푀 if and only if 푁 ≪훿 푀 and 퐿 ≪훿 푀. ii) If 퐾 ≪훿 푀 and f : M N is an homomorphism, then 푓(퐾) ≪훿 푁, In particular, if 퐾 ≪훿 푀 ≤ 푁 and 퐾 ≪훿 푁. iii) Let K1 M1 M, K2 M2 M and M M1 M 2 , then 퐾1 ⊕ 퐾2 ≪훿 푀1 ⊕ 푀1 푖푓 푎푛푑 표푛푙푦 푖푓 퐾1 ≪훿 푀1 푎푛푑 퐾2 ≪훿 푀2. Proof: [4]. Lemma:1.3. Let M be a module. Then 푀 i) 훿(푀) = ∑{퐿 ≤ 푀: 퐿 ≪ 푀} =∩ {퐾 ≤ 푀 ∶ 푖푠 푠푖푛푔푢푙푎푟 푚표푑푢푙푒} . M 훿 퐾 ii) If f: M→Nf is: Nan R-homomorphism, then 푓(훿(푀)) ≤ 훿(푁). Therefore δ(M) ish :fullyN M invariant sub moduleA of M. In particular if K ≤ M, then δ(K) ≤ δ(M). iii) 퐼푓 푀 =⊕푖∈퐼 (푀푖), 푡ℎ푒푛 훿(푀) ≤⊕푖∈퐼 훿(푀푖). iv) If every proper sub module of M is contained in a maximal sub module of m, then δ(M) is the unique largest δ-small sub module of M. In particular if M is finitely generated, then δ(M) is δ- small in M. Proof: [4] Lemma:1.4. If K ≤ N ≤ M, 퐾 ≪훿 푀 and N is a direct summand of M, Then 퐾 ≪훿 푁. Proof: [10] Proposition: Given a module M, each of the following sets is equal δ(M). i) 훿(푀) = ∑{퐴: 퐴 ≪ 훿 푀}. ii) 훿(푀) = ∩ {퐵: 퐵 ≤ 푀 푤푖푡ℎ 푀/퐵 푖푠 푠푖푛푔푢푙푎푟}. iii) 훿(푀) = ∩ {푘푒푟훷 ∶ 훷 ∈ 퐻표푚(푀, 푁) 푠푢푐ℎ 푡ℎ푎푡 푁 푖푠 푠푖푛푔푢푙푎푟 푠푖푚푝푙푒} 19 Mathematical Theory and Modeling ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online) Vol.5, No.7, 2015 iv) 훿(푀) = ∩ {푘푒푟훷 ∶ 훷 ∈ 퐻표푚( 푀, 푁) 푠푢푐ℎ 푡ℎ푎푡 푁 푖푠 푠푖푛푔푢푙푎푟 푠푒푚푖 푠푖푛푔푢푙푎푟} Proposition:1.2. If f: M→N is an epimorphism with 푘푒푟푓 ≤ 훿(푀), 푡ℎ푒푛 훿(푁) = 푓(훿(푀)). Proof: [4]. Lemma:1.5. Let P be a small projective module, then 훿(푀) ≪훿 P. Proof: Let P be a small-projective module and 푃 = 훿(푃) + 푌, where P/Y is singular, by hypothesis P= A ⊕ B such that P M M f 0 A A ≤ Y and B∩Y ≤ δ(P), Then Y = A ⊕ (B∩Y) and so P = δ(P) ⊕A. since A is summand of P, there exists a sub module X ≤ δ(P) such that P = = X ⊕ A. Since 훿(푋) = 푋 ∩ 훿(푃) = 푋, X is semi simple projective and P/Y is epimorphic image of 푃/퐴 ≅ 푋 => 푃/푌 is projective and singular, we have P = Y. Hence δ(P) ≪δ P. Proposition:1.3. Let M and N be any R-modules. Then Following are equivalent: i) 푁 ≪훿 푀. ii) If X + N =M, then M = X⊕Y for projective semi simple sub module Y, with Y ≤ N. Proof: [4] Proposition:1.4. For Hollow module N the following conditions are equivalent: i) N is δ-small M-pseudo projective module. ii) N is M-pseudo projective module. Proof: (i) => (ii) is obvious. (ii)=> (i) Let R-module N be a M- pseudo projective module. A ≤ M, any small epimorphism M M f : N and natural epimorphism : M . For a sub module A of M, 퐴 ≪ 푀, then A A A 훿 is direct summand of M, there exists a decomposition M A B such that A N F and B N F ≪훿 푀, there exists a homomorphism h: N M such that the diagram N h f M M 0 A i.e. g.h f . Hence N is M-pseudo projective module.// Proposition:1.5.
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