“Against Shameless and Systematic Calumny”:Strategies of Domination and Resistance and Their Impact on the Bodies of the Poor in Nineteenth-Century Ireland

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“Against Shameless and Systematic Calumny”:Strategies of Domination and Resistance and Their Impact on the Bodies of the Poor in Nineteenth-Century Ireland Edinburgh Research Explorer "Against shameless and systematic calumny" Citation for published version: Geber, J & O'Donnabhain, B 2020, '"Against shameless and systematic calumny": Strategies of domination and resistance and their impact on the bodies of the poor in 19th century Ireland', Historical Archaeology, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 160–183. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41636-019-00219-2 Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1007/s41636-019-00219-2 Link: Link to publication record in Edinburgh Research Explorer Document Version: Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Published In: Historical Archaeology General rights Copyright for the publications made accessible via the Edinburgh Research Explorer is retained by the author(s) and / or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing these publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. Take down policy The University of Edinburgh has made every reasonable effort to ensure that Edinburgh Research Explorer content complies with UK legislation. If you believe that the public display of this file breaches copyright please contact [email protected] providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Download date: 07. Oct. 2021 Hist Arch https://doi.org/10.1007/s41636-019-00219-2 ORIGINAL ARTICLE “Against Shameless and Systematic Calumny”:Strategies of Domination and Resistance and Their Impact on the Bodies of the Poor in Nineteenth-Century Ireland Jonny Geber & Barra O’Donnabhain Accepted: 10 January 2018 # The Author(s) 2020 Abstract Mid-Victorian British characterizations of población echaban la culpa a su raza y “carácter moral” Ireland and much of its population blamed race and por la pobreza generalizada en la isla. Los pobres “moral character” for the widespread poverty on the irlandeses fueron retratados como una “raza aparte”, island. The Irish poor were portrayed as a “race apart” cuyas fallas inherentes fueron al menos en parte culpa- whose inherent failings were at least partly to blame for bles de la mortalidad que sufrieron durante la Gran the mortality they suffered during the Great Famine of Hambruna de 1845–1852. Las excavaciones recientes 1845–1852. Recent excavations at Kilkenny workhouse en la casa de trabajo de Kilkenny y la prisión de and Spike Island convict prison have produced skeletal convictos de Spike Island han producido ensamblajes assemblages from this critical period. These collections esqueléticos de este período crítico. Estas colecciones have enabled bioarchaeological analysis of parameters han permitido el análisis bioarqueológico de los mentioned by the Victorians as indicative of the distinc- parámetros mencionados por los victorianos como tiveness of the Irish poor: stature, interpersonal violence, indicativos del carácter distintivo de los pobres and tobacco use. Bioarchaeological data indicate that irlandeses: estatura, violencia interpersonal y consumo the differences between Irish and British populations in de tabaco. Los datos bioarqueológicos indican que las stature and risk of violence were exaggerated. Such diferencias entre las poblaciones irlandesas y británicas characterizations, we argue, were part of a strategy of en áreas de estatura y riesgo de violencia fueron “Othering” that served to legitimize colonial domina- exageradas. Tales caracterizaciones, argumentamos, tion. This exertion of power did not go uncontested, as fueron parte de una estrategia de “Otredad” que sirvió the pattern of tobacco use may be indicative of forms of para legitimar la dominación colonial. Este ejercicio de passive resistance. poder no se realizaba sin oposición, ya que el patrón de consumo de tabaco puede ser indicativo de formas de Extracto Las caracterizaciones británicas a mediados resistencia pasiva. de la época victoriana de Irlanda y gran parte de su Résumé Les descriptions de l’Irlande et de la plupart de sa population par la société Britannique du milieu de l’ère * J. Geber ( ) victorienne, blâmaient la race et le « caractère moral » pour School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of ’ Edinburgh, William Robertson Wing, Old Medical School, Teviot expliquer la pauvreté généralisée sur l île. Les Irlandais Place, Edinburgh EH8 9AG, UK pauvres étaient décrits comme une « race à part », dont les e-mail: [email protected] faiblesses inhérentes étaient à tout le moins et en partie la ’ raison de la mortalité les ayant frappés durant la Grande B. O Donnabhain – Department of Archaeology, University College Cork, Cork T12 famine de 1845 1852. Les récentes fouilles CY82, Ireland archéologiques à l’hospice des pauvres de Kilkenny et Hist Arch dans la prison de Spike Island ont mis au jour des poverty has been a feature of European colonialism in assemblages ostéologiques de cette période critique. the modern era. While most definitions of colonial Ces collections ont permis une analyse bioarchéologique enterprises place an emphasis on economic and des paramètres mentionnés par les Victoriens comme political relationships, usually in the context of the indicatifs du caractère distinctif de l’Irlandais pauvre: settlement of a group of people in a new location, stature, violence interpersonnelle et consommation de Orser also noted how the operation of colonialism can tabac. Les données bioarchéologiques indiquent que les be considered at multiple levels. In the 1950s, for différences entre les populations irlandaise et britannique example, Fanon (1952) wrote about the psychological étaient exagérées quant aux traits liés à la stature et au impact of colonialism on subjugated populations, while, risque de violence. Ces caractérisations faisaient partie more recently, Stoler (2002) has considered the role of selon nous d’une stratégie d’« Altérisation » servant à the intimate in the negotiation and maintenance of co- légitimer la domination coloniale. L’exercice de ce lonial relationships. These perspectives place bodies, pouvoir n’a pas manqué d’être contesté, comme both settler and indigenous, at the center of colonial l’indiquent les usages de consommation du tabac qui discourse. This study uses bodies, in the form of archae- ont pu représenter une forme de résistance passive. ological skeletal remains, to explore expressions of lower-class identity in 19th-century Ireland in light of Keywords bioarchaeology. colonialism . identity. common perceptions of the “Irish race” and “national prison . workhouse character” held by middle- and upper-class Victorian society in Britain that played an important role in the relationship between the two islands. When the great lord passes the wise peasant bows Modern Ireland has been shaped by its relationship deeply and silently farts. with Britain. The experience of imperial control has —Ethiopian proverb (Scott 1990) been a dominant factor in the production of culture in the former, including contemporary identities and nar- ratives of the past. In political, social, and demographic terms, modern Ireland has been shaped by the drastic Introduction changes that took place in the 19th century. Perhaps the greatest of these was the loss of nearly 50% of the Whether or not Ireland can be viewed as a colony has population of the island in the 70 years between 1841 been the matter of debate among historians and 1911. Today, Ireland is the only country in Europe (McDonough 2005;Howe2008). The question defies in which the modern population is significantly lower a simple answer, in part, because of the fact that colo- than it was in the early 1800s. The 19th century had nialism has taken many different forms over time and begun with the integration of the island into the United provoked diverse reactions around the world. The form Kingdom, which reached the apogee of its imperial and of colonialism that developed with the rise of capitalism economic power later in the century. After the Act of resulted from the ideology of imperialism, which has Union of 1801, there was ongoing resistance to the new been defined as “the extension and expansion of trade constitutional arrangements as well as to other sociopo- and commerce under the protection of political, legal litical realities, and the relationship between the two and military controls” (Childs and Williams 1997:227). islands was often fraught. At a political level, the West- In the attempt to control the indigenous inhabitants of an minster government’s responses were dominated by the occupied area, unequal relations of power were usually use of force, along with the suspension of rights enjoyed constructed between colonizer and colonized. This in- by those living elsewhere in the United Kingdom, equality was often legitimized by narratives of racial through the passing of legislation known as the Coer- distinction that emphasized the supposed inherent fail- cion Acts. Farrell (1986) calculated that 105 such pieces ings of the colonized and a “natural order” that was of legislation were passed in Westminster between 1801 hierarchical. This, in turn, resulted in an elision of race and 1921. The unequal relationship between Britain and and poverty that was understood as justifying colonial Ireland and the repressive approach to the governance of enterprises rather than being their product. Orser (2011) the latter was legitimized through the use of racialized has argued that this connection between race and narratives of difference that implied that the native Irish Hist Arch were incapable of ruling themselves. This is well illus- they
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