
WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS VOU.62NO.40-SPRINQF1ELD, N.J., WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1091-2* TWO SECTIONS — SO CENTS Democrats Basic skills lessons call for set pupils on track By David Brown sections of an even shorter duration. Managing Editor "Even the time of day each section is alteration held works on a rotating basis," Ruf- While most kids are out for the By David Brown summer and won't see their red brick fley said. "Some students are better in Managing Editor school building for two months, a different subjects at different times of Democratic ToWnship .Committee small group of incoming students are the. day." . members Lee Eisen and Marcla For- brushing up on a variety of skills to The special project section is indi- man are prepared to introduce a prop- get a head start in their high school cative of the variety and dynamics of osal which would eliminate what they careers. the program. This summer, the special have, called an "exclusive member- Each morning now for several project is the production of a news- ship" by the Republican party on most weeks, about 35 students from the paper.'"Right now the kids are. inves- of the township's committees. Regional School District voluntarily tigating and writing about tho origin "By forcing the Republicans to gather in the quiet library of Jonathan of their families," said Mary Ellen appoint us to an equal number of com- Dayton Regional- High School to Verschuren, the special project super-, mittees, we can insure that the two- begin an individualized tutoring prog- visor who teaches freshman English party system is working," Forrnan and ram focusing on the basic skills of tho at during the school Eisen said In a recent statement. "As it subjects they will encounter in the year. "They're also putting together a is now, the controlling party is able to fall. student bill of rights which will be proceed without checks and "One of the primary purposes of tho included in the newspaper,"'she said. balances." program is to pinpoint specific areas " If all goes Well, Verschuren said, the Of the five .committees of the gov- where these students may be having bill will be combined with the erning body, the three Republicans s*it - trouble," said program Director B.L. parents' and teachers' version of a bill . on four, while the two Democrats sit Ruffley, explaining the structure of of rights and printed in the paper. • ; ... , ' ' . • Photo By Jeiry Greenwald on one committee' each. Though the the Summer Basic Skills Improve- "This particular section teaches these Democrats, out of traditional cour- SWORN IN —Newly appointed Union County Prosecutor Andrew Routolo Jr. takes the jnent.Program, now in its 15th year. > students to work together, to combine tesy, chair one committee each; they oath of office with the assistance of his wife, Mary, and children, from left, Jayne, Lindsey The program covers the general distri- each of their parts to make a whole," are a minority on those sommittees by and Andrew. Administering the oath Is Superior Court Assignment Judge Edward w. bution areas of math, reading, writing she said. virtue of the Township Committee's Beglln Jr. and industrial arts, and a special pro- The variety offered in the program Republican majority. ject section. "Every program is extends beyond the academic curricu- "We're not quarreling with specific unique," Ruffley said. "Each student lum. "In addition to the instruction, committee assignments," Forman . is helped on an individual basis the students participate In sports aci- said. "We just think it would servo the depending on his or her need in each tivities outside," Ruffley said. "Not ' town better if we were all familiar survey results subject." only does it break up the day, but it with the details of each committee's re-enforces the concept of teamwork, According to Ruffley, the summer business." , and the kids get to know the program session, which is the offspring of the' teachers and one another outside of • "I think they're trying to deal with to decide airplane proposal federal program called Chapter I, the academic environment," she one issue of a multifaceted situation," though now funded through federal, By Dennis Schaal " .County Manager Harold Gibson, and ceming the airplane cjub or a zoning explained. The teachers are required • said Republican Mayor Marc Mar- state and local governments, has been Staff Writer" about 15 to 20 residents. matter," Eisen said, • to participate m the day's spotting shall, who made the committee evolving over the years into the effec- l- the proposal fly? Marshall said Monday that 22 The three committee members event, which may be Softball, kick- assignments. "I find it. particularly ' tive program it is today. , Three members of the Springfield survey cards were mailed June 27 to observed that the residents who ball, soccer, or track and field events, interesting that this is being brpught witnessed the club's demonstration _=At 8:30 a.m. Monday to Friday, the Township Committee indicated this the property owners on Tree Top among others: The program also last week appeared to react negative- students, dressed ~in . comfortable, week that they will go along with the Drive, ML View Road, Skylark-Road include* class trips. ; •- ly. Eisen offered that some of the resi- summer attire, file of f their bus and results of a neighborhood survey and Green Hill Road Who would be Like the entire session, the athletic "My forcing the when the governing body, makes, a - dents expressed, /safety., concerns into the library, where they get organ- : ized for the four-hour session. The section, was designed in part to create recommendation Tuesday "on a prop-" plans; The responses are due back regarding-plines that might fly" off Rep $frlir&ems to general direction and the specifics of interaction among the kids, and make osal bj> I model airplane club to oper- Monday, the day before the commit- ' course and''others speculated that appoint us to an equal trie day's program, has, however, for a smoother transition into a reg- ate in a northern section of the county- tee is set to make a recommendation. allowing the club to use the quarry s already been ironed out by tho nine- ional high school, where many stu- number of commit- owned Houdallle Quarry. ' Marshall, a Republican who lives might open the area, to wider member teaching staff, consisting of dents will know only a small number The Union Model Airplane Club activities! tees, we can insure on Tree Top Drive, said he will vote instructors from the four high schools of their classmates. proposed several months ago to Club officials staled this week that in accordance with the . survey's in the Regional District, which meets "The program is great for the that the two-party sys- Union County and Springfield Town- they are making every effort to results. before the students arrive to discuss incoming freshman," said Daniel ship that its members be allowed to accommodate residents' concerns tem is working." Kumos, also a Republican, said changes or problems they may have Gomula, the industrial arts instructor operate gliders and electrically pow- regarding npiso, safety and access to Monday that ho will likewise use the encountered. for the program and Governor — Marcia Forman the quarry." ered model airplanes on tho property. results as a guideline and abide by Livingston Regional High School in Lee Eisen. The club maintains that those type of neighborhood sentiments. "It looks "We're in a situation where we're "This program is monitored on a Berkeley Heights, of the orientation- Township Committee hobby craft, as opposed to the gas- harmless to mo as long as it doesn't trying to save our club," said club . day-to-day basis," Ruffley said. "We like aspect of the program. "It's not powered variety, make no noise. make noise," Kumos said. "It looks Vico Prcsidont Michael Berardesco, discuss any - problems individuals always easy going into a such a large Since the quarry is located in liko a good sport that can't hurt who grew up in Springfield. "We can might bo having, or talk about school without knowing many people. • up at this time of year," he said, refer- Springfieldrtho Union County free- anyone." fly gas-powered planes at other fields, changes we might like to make on any This way they have friends and teach- ring to the campaign.season already in holder board directed the 40-yoar-old Eisen, a Democrat, concurred with but we're looking for.a home field." given day," she said. "We watch ers they can ask questions of or just progress. club to solicit the permission of (he Marshall and Kumos that the-Town-—' In a joint interview, Berardesco and everyone very closely." say hello to," said Gomula, whose "These were traditions that were municipality under the home-rule pro- ship Committee's recommendation to club President^Pau[ Rizkalla of Union • Variety might best be used to class helps develop eye/hand quite OK when the Democrats were in vision The county appears ready to tho county should be in harmony With. notc3 that the type of planes the group describe a day in the life of the prog- coordination. 1 control,' Marshall said. "Now that the accept tho recommendation of the tho adjacent community's wishes. wants to fly in tho quarry do not make ram. Each student begins the day in The academic transition of these Republicans have the majority, township. "It's very important as a communi- any noise and that members in the one of five different sections lasting students is also expected to be cased they're not happy, but nothing has Tho 80-membcr club, which is ty to respect tho integrity of each of family-oriented organization have a about 45 minutes. There is, within through the summer instruction. changed. They're just grandstanding." based in Union, is seeking to use tho tho neighborhoods whether it be con- See RESULTS, Pago 2 eac1r~section, a number of sub- See STUDENTS, Pago 2 The Democrats' proposal would quarry to operate the 4-to 6-foot require the immediate redistribution radio-controlled planes on Thursdays of the membership of the five respec- from 3 p.m. until dark and on Sundays tive Working committees "so that each from 10 a.m. until sunset. Hartman voted top teacher What's Inside member of the Township Committee After notifying residents, tho • Fireworks.^ Page 2 serves upon an equal number of the Township Committee conducted a By David Brown multiple parts, Hartman selected two O Student Update Page 3 Working committees as every other public meeting attended by some 30 Managing Editor to top a rank order. "I think the philo- • LibraryNotes.„.•. Page 4 • Retirement.... ; Page 5 member." It would also require, the people at the quarcy June 26. The Tho Union County Regional sophy of teaching really says it all," Hartman said, referring to one of the • Editorial Page 6 minutes of each of. the committee gatheringJincluded several club mem- School District No. 1 and Jonathan bers, who demonstrated model airp- Dayton English teacher Donald Hart- questions. "First, I feel teachers • Religion J...Page 9 meetings "to be distributed to each of • Obituaries Page 9 lane operation, Mayor Marc Marshall, man appear to bo in acc6rd with Hart- .should be well prepared," he said, the Township" Committee members • Lifestyle Page 10 Township Committee members Lee man's decision to undertake a career beginning his short but effective list within two weeks of that meeting." • Sports Page Bl In teaching. • of teaching tools. "They should pro- See DEMS Page 2 Eisen and Philip Kumos, Deputy O Entertainment ,7.7T...... Page B2 vide students with high self esteem; They agree so much, in fact, that a • Classified Pages B5-B8 panel representing a wide cross, sec- instill an interest in learning beyond • What's Going On.. Page B3 tion of tho district's education com-' tho classroom, for the sake of learning Two rabies cases add munity has named Hartman the 1991 Itself; teachers should learn to relate District Teacher of the.Year. to students on a common ground; and The offices^ of "I am very honored," Hartman said, finally, teachers, should encourage a Worrall Community to spread of disease still fit and trim from his Air Force sense of values and responsibility in their students which .will result in Newspapers will be • Two more cases of rabies were discovered in Springfield last week, days. "There are many other teachers confidence." according to local Health Department officials. deserving of such an honor, so I was closed July 4 and According to regional health director Dr.' Henry Bime, two raccoons very pleased to have been selected." A sense of values and self- will reopen Friday infected with the rabies virus, were found on Salter AvenUe Sunday. Hartman was.chosen from .a group confidence highlighted Hartman's "The two cases found so close indicate a greater concentration of the of 11 nominees from'the district's No. 2 fociis in the educational.arena. at 9 a.m. disease, than we thought," said Bime, the regional health director in schools, which Include Jonathan Day- Donald Hartman "There are a number of unmotivated charge of Springfleld, Summit, Westfleld, New Providence and Berkeley ton, Arthur L. Johnson in Clark, kids — under-achievers who work up Heights. "Two cases recently found in Summit indicate the underground. Jfevid Brearley in Kenilworth and terstlcs required to be eligible for the to someone else's expectations only ;r Infection is wider spread than we realized," he said. . | Governor Livingston lp *Berkeleii award. , and not to their own standards," ho According to Bime, about one in every four raccoons Is infected with, Heights.^ According to Matfleld, the nomi- said. "These students need to be Iden- the rabies virus. "But (hit figure fluctuates," he said, "because they die According to Kenneth Matfleld, nees must have at least 10 years class- tified, and their expectations raised. every few days from this disease that's spreading like fire," he said. director of curriculum, and a member room experience; they must demons- Sometimes that means going to the trate an excellence in, and a commit- Aid although It's moving quickly, according to Bime and other exper- of-the-selectlon committee, the com- parents to make sura they're playing a ment to, .teaohing; they must ts, It's not going anywhere. 'This thing Is going to be with us for a long mittee consisted of supervisors, teach- supportive role in the learning pro- demonstrate the ability to communi- time to come," Bime said. "As far as the human population 1» concerned, ers, a principal, assistant supervisors cess. This is a trend in education I cate effectively orally and in writing; its under control because the animals they're moKln contact with — and a Board of Education member. have always felt needed ' to, be and lastly, the candidate*. must dogi'and cats — are being Immunized." "It was not easy to meet all the addressed." demonstrate community involvement The following precautions against contracting the rabies virus are criteria," Matfleld said. "I think Don and recent participation In profession- If the county panel agrees, Harunan recommended by health officials: ... Hartman li recognized throughout the a_ al activity. could be on. his way to the national O Stay clear of wild animals. . . district as an outstanding teacher. John Alcamo, formerly of teachers competition. "Don li a Union, ha* written a book about 0 Have all dogi and cats Immunized, People who nominated him pointed "These criteria ^rre certainly young, up-and-coming professional In Atlantic City called • Screen chimneys to. keep out wild animals. . out his active, role In his own com- demanding," HartmaA admitted, flip teacher of English," said Superinten- "Atlantic City Behind tba O Keep all refuse in a tealed container. . munity. He.li very involved In his ping through a recently completed dent of Schools Donald Merachnik. Tablt*." 8M itory on Jap B2 of • Keep jarage doore cloaed. • , , \ ' . . , town, and he's been described by his application for the county's teacher of iupervUon and itudenti as outstand- tht tntortalnment section. ' • Report Immediately any .human or dometUo. anlmtl contact with the year competition, the next step. "He li extremely concerned about ing In every way," Matfleld slid, •WomU Community NMrtaapera, Ine. wild wlmali, upeclilly If bitten. Of the thick application's even high standards in Bngllah, and It the 1M1 ANRlflMa Mtirvia alluding 16 just a few of the charac- thicker questions, some with subtler—->. See HARTMAN, Page 2

V '•I 2 — WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1801 — WPRRALL NEWSPAPERS - 2*- Dems call for more committee assignments Students review the basics 2,3*.- WORRALL NEWSPAPERS— WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1081 — 3 The n«rtlmBTheMicfclrs»Tl»|r~- (Continued from Ptge 1) :J frey Katz said. "If they did, they administrative code," he said, adding ,•. . • ,._..• • KgeT) encompassing change, although he "Many of these students will be in our. respective regional high school build- "Frankly, I don't know if we're get- would .have known you can't just he would favor such action.. would favor such t change. , this'fall," Verschuren said. ing, they'll know much more thin the ting, complete information," Forman make administrative changes like that - ' "I've been looking for • mechan- dasge student update According to Jay Johnston, spoke- «)y JII be aware of the «rea in basics of reading, writing and arith- said. "Without that complete informa- without adopting an entire administra- ism by which we might re-examine e >W man for the Department of Communl- which they do well, and^the areas in metic, an educational goal the entire . tion, we can't be expected to make a tive code for the municipality." the entire structure of this government. ty Affairs, the process take, "my— ft^ re^ ^^ attention," nation is struggling to meet. They will Beltran Inducted ' balanced decision. How can we be body," Marshall said. "Bull don'tbuy which "Rom the language_o£jhe resolu- where from nine months to. oneye»r__ghe-said. —— .— ' know each-other^ They wUl know _ sure local government is working as this band-aid approach. To examine Susan Beltrsn of Mountainside has" tion that I saw, they're Dying to even of research before any move is made, Although no homework is many of their teachers. And they will efficiently as it could be? My personal just one part doesn't do it It's time to been inducted into the LOCK Honor- out committee assignments," Katz though changing forms of govern- assigned, parental • participation know they have the ability to develop V philosophy has been — the more peo- take a long, hard look at the type of ary Service Society at Boston said. "I was a member of the minority mentis quite a common occurrence in. welcomed and encouraged. "The and succeed, whether in math or com- ple who know about what's going on, government in Springfield, other than University. for two years, and, I got all the infer-' ." " parents are invited, to observe these puters, English or athletics, library the better they are able to make intelli- the committee (system)," he said, sug- Beltran, a junior majoring in busi- mation I wanted. Nobody withheld Forman and Eisen, however, haye classes at any time," Ruffley said'. skills or general teamwork. gent decisions." . gesting a bi-partisan committee be ness management and finance,.is the information from me. All the informa- not commented beyond their percep- "Support and encouragement from the "I think it's critical for good gov- formed to examine the current gov- daughter of Fabian and Barbara- Bel- ' tion is available to (the Democrats). tion of the workings of the govern- home is an important part of the prog-' ernment to keep the process as open ernment structure. tran of Summit Road. A 1989 gradu- They have telephones, just like me," ment now in place. ' ram's success," she said, adding that as possible," Eisen said. "The com-. v ate of Mother Seton Regional High he said. . Katz suggested too. much time The Democrats, are expected to an absent student's home.is called Hartman wins 'Vnittees themselves should be the School in Clark, she will serve as vice Accompanying'discussions of the would be taken away from the run- introduce their proposal at Tuesday's every time to inquire about the reason. focus of legislative initiatives or poli- (Continued from Page 1) president of student affairs for the stu- legality of such a move is the question ning of the township to begin such an committee session. "And it works both ways. The teach- cy directives for the township. In kind of teacher who has the best dent union in the upcoming school concerning Springfield's form of ers here can act as a sounding board order to have better, more 'efficient interact of all his students at heart. He year.. • '. ' . . ' ' gvoemment. for parents who just need someone to government, there should be a wider produces some of the finest students Both Republican Katz and Demo- Results to tailor decision talk to about, aspects of their child's Founded in 1924, the School of range of opinions," he said. crat Forman .called the Township in the district and is a very worthwhile Management's LOCK society is.the- (Continued from Page 1) because youngsters would be less education," she said. "My reaction to this proposal is the Committee form of local government candidate who would be a credit to oldest student organization at Boston Michelle Welnberg, above, track record of IS years' experience likely to operato planes without super- According to Ruffley, some of the Democrats don't have a clue as to antiquated. Marshall was not far Union County if he were selected," he University. Its members tutor students vision in areas such as school yards, students enrolled this summer will was Incorrectly Identified in .how municipal government works," behind. "In order to make this change without causing injuries. They added said. _ and assist in the orientation and advis- last week's edition of the that (hey would be willing to follow, for instance. - continue witn.one or more-aspects of Republican committee member Jef- by law, they have to adopt an entire ing of freshmen. To be eligible for Tara McGrath Sofia Fernandez - Springfield Leader. . • .-• whatever plan the county drafts-con- The aviation club operated most basic skills instruction in the coming membership, students must have a recently at a county site in Berkeley school year. "Analysis of each stu- We want your news cerning physical access to the site. grade point average of 3.3 or above. F.I.T. is a specialized college of the Founded by tho Society of Jesuits Heights, but it was evicted in Decem- dent's level is based on assessment by,, "We're not Hell's Angels," . Your organization should be "get-,. Located on the banks of the Charles „ State University of New York, and - in 18S2, Loyola College is tho only TWO STUDENTS HONORED—The American Legion ber 1989 following noise complaints.' the sending school and, in part, on Matta honored •quipped Rizkalla, noting that some ting the publicity it deserves and we"" River, Boston University is the fifth initiated the world's only college - Jesuit college, and the largest private Continental Post 228 of Springfield awarded scholar- Fireworks scheduled to The club representatives said, this ' their performance on the Iowa Stan- families til the club are represented by CT would like to help. We have a public- largest independent university in the program in Toy Design in 1989. undergraduate school in Maryland. ships to last year's delegates to New Jersey Boys State week that they had been unaware at dard Tests. By Girl Scouts three generations of members. ity handbook which explains how to United States, with an enrollment of McGrath was a member of the prog- Loyola has approximately 2,750 at the Jonathan Dayton Regional High School Scholar- that time that a noise problem existed: 1 Cynthia Matta of Springfield was Berardcsoo and Rizkalla contended A barbecue celebration is planned tell your story. We would like to more than 28,000 students, in its 15 ram's first graduating class . undergraduates and 3,000 graduate ships Awards Ceremony May 30. From left are Ray-_ color Springfield skies They said the noise issue has-been eli- selected as this year's recipient of the that the use of an authorized site . as a graduation celebration, to which publicize your club, church, sports, schools and colleges. NeW York City Mayor David Dink- students—The college awarded 700 mond Schramm, past Union J?ority commander; stu- By David Brown support of the event. "This is not a minated with tho advance of technolo- Emerald Award by the Washington would actually enhance safety parents will be invited and awards school news, etc. If you have an idea ins delivered the: commencement undergraduate degrees during its ' dents'Gregory Berman and Larry Conn, and Anthony Managing Editor money-making operation," Cottage gy. In the current proposal, the club Rock Girl Scout Council. presented after tho a track and field for a picture or story, please let us address. 142nd commencement exercises. . Fabrizio, commander of American Legion Post 228. Springfield is planning the biggest said. "Our goal is to collect enough has agreed to forgo the use of the old- Quandt earns degree Tho Emerald Award represents the competition, tentatively planned for know. If you'd like a handbook, call McOrath, who was among 2,445 fireworks display the town has ever from the gates and our mailing to er gas-powered planes. the last day. 686-7700. . . Lisa Jean Quandt of Mountainside council's highest recognition for vol- Matta. continues to be a Camp communitywide Girl Scout events. seen, and what is expected to be the break even. Should we fall short, we graduates to receive degrees from Fernandez graduates unteer community service. Hoover site director, a position she One of her most noteworthy pro- received an associate in science F.I.T,, graduated cum laude end most celebrated Independence Day in probably-will-not be able to continuo- Sofia Fernandez of Mountainside Nominated for the award by her co- has held since 1989, and has supcr- jects is her creation of the Blood Bud- degree from Widener University dur- received tho Matel Inc. Commence- decades. having the fireworks. Wo have been recently graduated from Oak Knoll vol^teers in Springneld, Malta has ' vised Camp Hoover's craft weekends dy Patch and the subsequent blood ing commencement ceremonies May ment Award for outstanding academic "We expect it will be a great show fortunate enough to have the. assis- School of the Holy Child. Fernandez been involved in Girl Scouting since for Springfield for tho past three drives which she helped organize. 18 and 19, on the university's main work in Toy Design. In 1989, she this year," said John Cottage, coordi- tance of the veterans," he added, was a member of the Cum Laudo Soc- 1971. Since that time, she has prog- y.cars. - Matta's commitment to Girl and Delaware campuses. . earned an associate's degree iii adver- nator of Springfield's Emergency referring to the Jewish War Veterans' iety and the Spanish Honor Society, ressively become more active in lead- Scouts, school andtommuniiy is evi- attracts Widener University, is a • private, tising design, also from the college. Sho has been known to lead four Management Committee, which has Elin Unger Post 273 and the Ameri- and received the Harold Moi'timcr ership on many levels. dent throughout Springfield, where comprehensive university offering She is a 1987 graduate of Jonathan Girl Scout troops at ono time when served as the Fourth of July Commit- can Legion Post 228. The two groups Award in history. she has organized and directed Help- Fresh Meats associate, baccalaureate,.master's and Dayton Regional High School. Last In addition to serving as a troop other leaders could not be found for tee for the last 12 years. The reputa- have been integral in collecting funds ing Hand, and is active in Spring- doctoral degrees through its schools summer, she interned at Breslow, Fernandez will attend Now York leader, she also held the position of tho girls. . tion of the annual Springfield fire- at tho gate to pay for the annual protest field's Crime Watch, and with the and colleges. Widencr's three cam- Morrison & Terzlan, a toy inventing University on a scholarship. Community Association chairperson Matta has also been instrumental in works display has drawn spectators display. Sandmcier School Parent-Teacher By Alec Schwartz Cut And THmmed Just puses are located in Chester and Har- company in Chicago, 111., where sho for tho Springfield Girl Scouts from assisting leaders and Girl Scouts in from across the state. Association. . Once again, the world renowned Staff Writer risburg, Pa., and Wilmington,'Del. designed games and toys for girls and Crabtree is on list 1984-89. Springfield and in organizing "Wo typically get a crowd of about Santori family of Garden State Fire- Chanting "Bradley is a bum" and preschoolers. Scott H. Crabtreo of Mountaiasidc 3,000 to 4.000," Cqttage said, works has been employed to choreo- "Bradley doesn't care about our was named to the Faculty Honors List The Way You Want She is the daughter of Marie explaining that staging such large graph and execute the display, which, POWS," around 40 members, of the . McGrath graduates for tho spring semester at the College At Our Service Butcher Counter McGrath of Mountainside. show's is getting more difficult every a spokesperson for the company said, National Forget-Mo-Not Association, Tara A McGrath, a 22-year-old stu- of Charleston, in Charleston, S.C. • year for many towns. "Meiscl field is will bo a little different this year. of varying ages, held a demonstration dent at the Fashion Institute of Tech- Faculty honors arc awarded to slu- one of the few areas left that is big "In addition to the aerial show, we at U:S. Sen. Bill Bradley's office on nology in New York City, received a Ryan earns degree . dents enrolled in 14 credit hours or enough to hold a display like this," will be putting on a ground display Vauxhall Road in Union on Monday. bachelor of fine arts degree in Toy Carolyn Ryan of Mountainside •. more who have maintained a grade Cottage said. "Tighter safety rcgula- this year," said Fran Dcsmylik, a Cars passing by as rush hour Design on May 31, at the college's, recently received a bachelor of arts point-ratio of between 3.8 and 4.0 for .- lions, make it increasingly difficult." SEAGRAM'S^ member of the Santori family, which approached Monday afternoon sound- commencement at Radio City Music. degree from Loyola College in the highly' distinguished list and 3.6 As safety precautions, the Spring- owns Garden State Fireworks. "It will ed their horns In response to signs on Hall. Maryland. and .3.79, for tho distinguished list. field Volunteer Fire Department and bo a patriotic theme of two big Ameri- either side of tho roadway which read, First Aid Squad, and the Communica- can flags with a yellow ribbon in the "Honk if you support our POWs." tions and Auxiliary Police units will .middle," she said. The NFMNA is a national organi- be in attendance. j. According to Dcsmylik, the entire zation which lobbies for investigating "Our safety record, knock on wood, show will last from 20 to 30 minutes. the-whercabouts of military service^' COORSorBUD has been great," Cottage said. "In 30 The company; which holds-world^- men who are believed to be missing in MILLER years of fireworks, we've had no seri- action or prisoners of war. The New Genuine Draft • Lite Regular • Light champion status in the field of pyr- IghLlle-Gen. Qrall Light ous injuries. Like ovcry year, the otechnic displays, plans to use domes- Jersey chapter is 700 members strong. 99 • According to state chairman Dan . spectators will be kept well away, tic fireworks.' "We will include some COORS + Dep. from what is called the 'hot-zone,' Wood, Bradley is the only New Jersey 5 Silver Bullet Light of the imported shells," she said, Vbut- .prlglnal- Extra Gold gg where any danger might exist." the shells wo make here in our Mil- elected official on tho national level not in favor of creating a Senate ShopRite OF FIELD 24-12 oz. .Trie cost is, apparently, also dam- lington shop tend to be more active .R. Bottle: pening fireworks displays for indivi- than the foreign shells, which are typi- Select Committee on POW 'affairs. . ~ • 727 Morris Turnpike ""Fourteen of our 15 elected offi- CORONA dual, municipalities. The'cost of the cally just one large burst." Regular • Light Springfield show, about $8,500, will cials are in favor of helping our be borne, for the most port, through Although tho display will not begin effort," Wood said. "We have tried to UNTRIMMED, CUT INTO STEAKS OR ROAST NATURAL LICHT SAMUEL ADAMS donations. "We're asking for a $2 until approximately 9 p.m., or after call Senator Bradloy and meet with Anheuser/Busch Regular • LI sunset, the gates will open at 7 p.m. Boston Ale d6nation at the gate which, in my. h*im, but ho has been unresponsive to 99 view, is a pretty.good-prico-for-what— IrLadditiQtLtO-thtdisplayJn-Springr. our attempts." 24-12'oz. you'll get," Cottage said. field, tho Santori family will produce GORDON'S 7R. Bottles According to Wood, there have Whole Beef MICHELOB In addition to the fireworks diplay, aorial displays across tho state and been around 1,000 live sightings of HONOR SOCIETY TAPS JONATHAN DAYTON — Eight students were recently Gin Regular • Light country. inducted Into, the National Honor Society's local chapter. From left are Michelle Weln- Dry 24-12 oz. there will be live entertainment, by Americans believed to be. dead. Ho «, ..vv| O99 N.R. Bottles "Wildcolor," a local band, and hot and "You want to know where else said that according to a report from berg, Marcle Gornsteln, Sean McGrath, Kimberly Polndexter, Jon Schiano, Jeannie HEINEKENor cold food and beverages. we'll be?" Desmylik asked. "On tho tho Senate Foreign Relations Com- Tenderloin Spagnolo, Fanny Lee and Roger Ayres. Students are chosen to membership In the soci- SCHMIDTS AMSTEL LIGHT A mailing also has been sent to loc- evening of July 4, just look up where- mittee, the government, instead of try- ety based on their record of outstanding scholarship, character, leadership and service. Regular • Light al residents asking for donations in ver you are.'. We'll bo there." ing to find those people.-tries to prove MOLSON PIELS thatthey-arcncniHlIjrTieBd: GOLDEN Draft Style- Light "We think that is the wrong way to ' Swimming pool badges processed go about things," Wood said. "I can't NOtFAtCOHOUC&COOLERS In the June 27, 1991 Issue of the say if any of tho sightings are actually JOHNNIE SHARPS O SEAGRAMS COOLERS To accommodate first-time pool members who recently paid their member- alive, but I wouldn't try to show they Springfield /Mountainside Grad Non-Alcoholic .. 6-PK N.R. Bottles or CantC All Flavon Case 12oz. Bottles uatlon Page, an Incorrect area WALKER RED CLAUSTHALER TBOPICANA OHANGE JUICE, ship fees and to provide one last chanco for renewal members to obtain photo- are (load." " Ib Non-Alcoholic 6PK-12OZ. Bottles . 32 oz. Bottle identification badges at the pool, the management of the Springfield Communi- The proposed select committee, ode was listed for HAAKEBECK SCHWEPPES Tonic • Club ty Pool has scheduled badge processing for the following days and times: _which Bradloy has not, officially THE VIDEO CAPTAIN Non-Alcoholic 6PK-12or. Boltlea Ginger Ale • Seltzer 1 liter Thursday, between 8 and 11 a.m.; Friday, between 6 and 8 p.m.; Saturday, of Springfield. It should have backed, would investigate those SUPER SPECIALS between 8 and 11 a.m.; and Sunday, between 8 and 11 a.m. sightings. 90% SUPERLEAN ead Patrons who need photo-identification badges must enter through the rear "We want Bradley to openly sup- 201-376-5010 CHIVAS RE6AL DRAKES We regret any Inconvenience this 750 ml ....'. Gin 1.76 liter gate located behind the filter house and have a form of photo identification to port pur effort," Wood said. BACARDI RUM MacGREGOR Scotch 1.75 liter prove their identity and address. After these dates, these badges can only bo The NFMNA has been active in may have caused. Silver or Amber 1 liter obtained at the Recreation Department office, located at tho Sarah Bally Civic MARTIN'S W0 • CUERVO ihvestigating tho whereabouts of 1.7S liter 750 ml Center, 30 Church Mall, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Quarter Pound BUKOFF SIR FRANCIS DRAKE RUM missing servicemen from World War STUDENTS OF THE 'MONTH — Judith Wlckllne, prin- Vodka B0'1.75 liter Light or Dark 1.75 liter II, the Korean War, Vietnam, and now cipal of Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, center, JACK DANIEL'S SAMBUCA ROMANA tho Persian Oulf war. presents plaques to Mary Hrywna, left, of Springfield, Sour Maah 1 Liter 750 ml KAHLUA Letter writers • According to Wood, the govom- and Karen Kaminskl, of Mountainside, designating DRAKES Hamburger Patties CAR WASH Blended 1.76 liter 760 ml Readers are encouraged to writo letters to the editor expressing views on top- ment tloes not always disclose infor- them as the Jonathan Dayton "Students of the Month TANQUERAY HENNESSEY VS ics of interest. Letters should be typed, doubled spaced or legibly handwritten mation about servicemen believed to for June. Both students distinguished, themselves with din 1.76 liter Cognac 760 ml BACARDI RUM BRANDY 1.75 liter and no longer than 2V4 pages. When necessary, letters will be edited for length,' be missing. Ho cited a'recent article in their outstanding accomplishments In academics, ath- Amber J.75 liter clarity and fairness. Newsweek which reported that 11 letics and co-currlcular activities during their four years For purposes of verification, all letters must include a name, address and day- Green Berets were missing in the Per- 89 at the high school. - time telephone number. Unsigned letters will not bo published. Names may be sian Oulf. Once the news was out, tho withheld from print in certain circumstances upon tho request of tho writer and names were added to the government UMBEL Brut ROM with approval of the editor. Address letters for consideration to: Letters to tho list, according to Wood. I ...••.•• • . • BOLLA Soave • Bardollno t.tr. DrV- Brut 750 Vajpollcalla • Chard. 1.5 liter coDonin editor, 1291 Stuyvesant Avo., P.O. Box 3109jUpSon, 07083. The deadline for Bradley did not make an appear-" SEBASTUNI Brut ClaMco 750 ml letters is 9 a.m. Monday. •..'•• anco at' the rally. 2 WhlttZlnf. 1.6 liter . J. noon GALLO Spumante 760 ml FOR GOURMET COOKINTG Wh'ltej Oranaoha 1,5 liter "irirs Sauv, Blanc 1.5 liter Springfield Leader >• AUTOMOTIVE BKsiltar 1 - MOST UKUY The SPRINGFIELD SUITER HOME CARLO ROSSI «\ W( HAVi IT" The Car Spa Whit* Zlnl. 750 ml LEADER (USPS 512-720) Is IUY-WISI . Fresh Pork BENNBER .All Types published weekly by Worrall We Carry V WHOLESALE JWOLFSCHMI White Zlnl. 7S0 ml , \ SPRINGFIELD AVE. Community Newspapers, Inc., The J TO THE PUBLIC BLEN ELLEN STUYVESANT IBTOMI AUTO PARTS Chardpnnay 760 ml 1291 Stuyvesant Avenue, UNION CMV0 laveateiy WaCarrvollthe PAUL MASS Union, N.J., 07083. Mall^ub- HAIRCUTTING Back Ribs (In the Union Market Parking Lot) LlghtChiblli-Light Rou • la N.J. f,< hard le get Itenu BOEUF scriptlons $18.00 per year In Baaulolala Villages 760 ml ' All Yew ONN SUNDAY 1 A.M.-7 TM FRANZIA Union County, 50 cents per Quality Hair Cuts Aulewetlve MM HRKOUffl SATURDAYS M0A.M. Bwttt • Dry t liter . WM.ZInl, •Osbarnal copyjion-refundable. Second at Affordable Prices! NeeaUat Si4ir.M. \ Surrmertirneisftatirrttanaagooaarnero • class postage paid at Union, WUtule WtlKDAVS MO A.M.-7 P.M. schcKdyto.Justacoudebfhc^a N.J. and additional mailing .CtOSIDWID. IVIJ.4JMK. Learning Center* can help your child do better this tall ip subjects office. POSTMASTER: Send 25%ofF i address changes -to the 8pMlala JOtl SrRINOHHD AVI. jiT}* ifidbdri f^ Sylvan Learning Canter. SPRINGFIELD LEADER, Mon. thru Frl. VAUXHAU (UNION) N.J. Tty^bL P.O. Box 3109, Union, N.J.. Call IU-]I4I rV^?J 07083. OPEN MON. UVb .3" 917 Mountain Av«. (908) 964-5050 SHOPPER'S LIQUORS, Rt. 22 West 1MM StuyvMMt A* SAT. BUY-WISE SKX pi im BonnlrOoM, M.A. AUTO PARTS "•5*V "Birry Qold, PhD Mountalntld*. N.J. 08055 SSS8 — 233-80B5 READING • MATH • WRITING • STUDY SKILLS • SCHOOL READINESS COLLEgE PRBP • SAT/ACT PREPN- ALGMRA • BBdINNTNOREADING r 4 — WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 10B1 — WORRALL NEWSPAPERS • 2,3* 2,3* • WORRALL NEW8PAPEHS— WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1001 — ountain Early retirement packages available 4/lountaifiside^ Chief Chisolm Sheehy Inducted rotary thanks Springfield Police Chief William The Saint Peter's College chapter, for New Jersey's public employees Chisolm was among the 248 law of the national mathematics honor Public employees at the county and in the, private sector and we are mov- offer this option to potentially thou- contributors enforcement officers who. graduated society Pi Mu Epsllon held its annual municipal government levels would ing to make it a jute policy." sands of employees, early retirement The Rotary Club of Mountainside from the Federal Bureau of Investiga- induction ceremony and dinner recen- become eligible for an early retire- Ford added, "The next most logical programs, could result in millions of would like to thank all the residents tion's National Academy at Quantico, tly on the Jesuit college's Jersey City ment-program under terms of legisla- step is to make early retirement incen- dollars in savings. These savings in and friends of Mountainside who par- Va. June 21. campus. . tion approved by. the Senate State tives an option to local government, turn could be'applied to budgets for ticipated in their $4,000 50/50 Inter- The 165th sessiun uf the National The new student members are Tho- Government and Federal and Inter- • where municipalities and counties are stabilizing or lowering property tax- national Exchange Student fund- Academy consisted of men and mas M. Donnelly of South Plainfield, state Relations Committee. also feeling the effects of the reces- es," Cohen said. raising program. The club has been women frbm 47 states, tho District of Richard J. Orieshaber-of Jcrscy-City,- The legislation, a committee substi-. sion and are faced with difficult Under another provision of the hosting an exchange student, Ursula Columbia, Guam, the Virgin Islands, James G. Kardell of Englewood, and. tute for A-4732/A-4772, is sponsored budgetary decisions," ° legislation, the effective date of an Palma-, from Piura, Peru, for.ai school 13 foreign countries, five military Eva B. Posluszny of Bayonne. The by Assembly members Anthony J. Cohen added that the legislation, employee's retirement could be year.. •"•" organizations, and three federal civi- new faculty members are Rev. Cimino (D-Mercer/Middlesex/ which makes the early retirement delayed for up to a year, provided the. 7 The Rotary Club of Mountair$ide lian organizations!* Edward Brande, moderator of, the Somerset), Marlene Lynch Ford CD- program an option, no* a requirement, Division of State Police determines it STUDENT Or THE YEAR — Mattijs Gunther of Deer- held a 50/50 raffle during the club's Chisolm, a Springfield resident, honor society, Michael B. Sheehy of Ocean) and Neil Cohen (D-Union). would also be extended to county col- reqUires the services of that "worker. .fleld School In Mountainside received congratulatfons installation , dinner at Wyckoffs graduated from Jonathan Dayton Reg-, Mountainside and Reza Yazdekhasti • "Early retirement has proveiwo be lege employees. . A co-sponsor of the legislation, on his Class of 2000.Student of the Year award from Restaurant in Wcstfield. Rotary's dis- ional Hiogh School in 1968 and _ William (Jhisolm of West New York. a prudent, cost-saving step in budget- "In light of the fact that hundreds of Assemblyman Louis Gill (D-Bergen/ Bank Branch Manager/Assistant Vice trict governor, Michael Vieira, drew attended, the University of Tennessee Pi Mu Epsilon was founded 75 ing," Cimino said. "It is used widely different governmental entities could Passaic), called the measure "a fair President Lorraine Walczak, the three lucky winning names: First from 1968-72,, where he received a William S. Sessions, director of the years ago to encourage and recognize proposal which extends benefits to the Prize ($1,000) — Thomas'Gunn, bachelor of science and. a master's FBI, was the principal speaker at the undergraduate mathematics achieve- state And members of the State Police Mountainsido;cSccond Prize '($500) degree7 '•'•'. ceremony. ment. Tho Saint Peter's College chap- force."' •••••. Nathanson named commander — Bob Ryan, Westfield; Third; Prize Internationally famous for its Training is provided by FBI ter was established in 1968, and to "Early retirement is not only a com- ($500) -r- Robert Tansey, academic excellence, tho National Academy instructional staff, special date, 204 students have been honored Yeshiva graduates 16 passionate alternative to layoffs, it Murray Nathartson of Springfield Mountainside. Academy, a program hold at the FBI agents holding advanced degrees, for their scholastic excellence. Each also, makes fiscal sense," he said, was elected N.J. state comnruid'jr of The incoming officers arc: — John •Academy! offers 11 weeks of marfy of whom arc recognized inter- year tho chapter sponsors a series of adding that early retirement programs the"Jewish War Veterans' or ihe Schnakenberg, president; Thomas advanced investigative, management nationally in their field of expertise., talks by students, faculty and outside Union County residents are common in the private sector/and United States, the oldest active veter- Sanford, first vice president: Robert' and fitness training within a student's Since 1972, National Academy stu- speakers on mathematical topics of Rev. Edward Brande, left, moderator of the Honor Society; Michael B. Sheehy of Moun- are being implemented as a budget ans organization in the country, at the Tansey, treasurer. Chick Miller, secj agency. On tho average, these officers dents havo been able to cam undergra- professional and general interest. tainside, center, and Reza Yazdekhasti of West New York. Sixteen Union County residents psychologists from the Fcrkauf Gra- option in other states. 60th annual state J.W.V. Convention rctary; Joy Davis Sanford and Tho- havo 16 yoars of law enforcement duate and graduate credits from the Saint Peter's College is New received degrees at the 60th annual duate School of Psychology; teachers held at the Pines Hotel in New York. mas Gunn, program chairmen; and experience; and usually return to their. University of Virginia duo to the Jersey's only Jesuit college and one of commencement exercises of Yeshiva ' and administrators from the David J. Azrieli Graduate Institute of Jewish Nathanson was bom in. Brooklyn agencies to serve"in executive level- accreditation by the university of 28 Jesuit colleges and universities in University in New York City. Joy Davis Sanford will turn over Education and Administration; and YMHC installs and moved to Springfield from Cali- positions. many of tho courses offered. the country. Pannullo The May 29 exercises were held at fornia. In his position, Nathanson will the gavel to Schnakenberg on Mon- Jewish scholars from tho Bernard Lincoln Center's Avcry Fisher Hall in day. Sanford had been appointed as Revel Graduate School. represent more thaTh 100,000 Jewish. Manhattan. 1991 officers War Veterans residing iji Now Jersey one of the district's 12 area represen- On June 2, lawyers received •v • Recipients include Karen O. Fiszer at the Allied Council of N.J. Veterans tatives and is the first woman in this completes degrees from the university's Benja- The Young Mens HcbreSv Club, of Springfield, who received her law Organizations. . district to hold fihis., position. min N. Cardozo School of Law. organized in 1923 in Newark, had its degree. Nathanson is a member of the Elin On June 5, doctors from the univer- 69th Shnual installation of officers Unger J.W.V. Post 273,'Springfield, Students awarded degrees on May sity's Albert Einstein College of and trustees on June 2 at the YMHA, and served as its post commander for Murrav Nathanson 29 included graduates of Yeshiva Medicine received degrees; scientists Green Lane. Navy Seaman Recruit Michael A. three consecutive yoarsr Ho has been Wilf elected Collcgo and Stem College for from tho Sue Golding Graduate divi- Officers Installed included: Presi- Armored Infantry Regiment. Ho was Pannullo, son of Larry and Trisha F. Iho recipient of the Essex County Zygment Wilf of Springfield was Women, the men's and women's sion of Medical Sciences received dent, Bernard Walsh; Vice Presidents, with Ihe 2nd Armoro'd Division dur- Fabrizlo of 17 Springbrobk Road has J.W.V. "Man of the Year" and, while elected vice president of the Jowish undergraduate divisions of liberal arts doctorates and scientists from tho Bel- Irving Oelbnum and Harold Faye; ing tho Battlo of the Bulge and completed recruit' training at Recruit serving as the post commander, ho Federation of Central New Jersey at and sciences; and Sy Syms School of fer Institute for Advanced Biomedlcal Financial Secretary, Bon Perkel; Trea- received tho Bronze Star and tho Training Center In San Diogo. was awarded the Essex County Coun- Its recent annual meeting. Business, which offers undergraduate Studies received post-doctoral surer; Abe Guritzky; Recording Sec- European Theater of Operations Rib- _ retary, Normart Krasner; Sergeant at cil "Commander of tho Year"" for Tho federation, which services During Pannullo's oight-weck business programs. certificates. bon with three Battle Stars, the Com- HONORED — Superintendent^ Schools Leonard J. Arms, Nick Brod; Board of Trustees, thoso three terms; Union and Somerset counties, is the training cycle, ho studied general mil- Also receiving degrees that day Some 1,700 degrees and diplomas bat Infantry "Badgo, a Presidential Baccaro, right, and school board President James Abo "Six" Cohen, Harold Faye, Mack Other awards he received Include central agency for fund raising, com- itary subjects designed to prepare him were graduate social workers from tho wore awarded during tho University's Union Citation and the Belgium Car- Pasultl, honor Alice Ortolf, who is retiring from teaching Friedman, Mickey Glassman, Leo tho 1987 State J.W;V. "Commander munity planning and community rela- for further academic and on-the-job Wurzeller School of Social Work; commencement season. rdegueire. Nathanson was discharged at Deerfield School In Mountainside. Ortolf was the Goldberg, Arthur Herberg, Al Hyatt, of tho Year." His post also received tions for the. Central Now Jersey Jew- training in one of tho Navy's 85 basic as a staff scrgearit. 1991 recipient of the Governor's Teacher Recognition Leo Kohn, Nat Lustlg, Henry Mahrer, the Now Jersey J.W.V. "Post of the ish community, fields. Award. . Nathanson is a member of tho Lous Mlchaelson, Frank Ochs, Jack Year" award. He was the recipient of VFW, the American Legion, the His studies Included seamanship, AAUW scholarships awarded Oelbaum, Dave Rappaport, Sam the Albert Wasserman Humanitarian National Association of Forget-Me- Dp you have a story close order drill, Naval history'and Shapiro, Harry Welner, Max Weln- Award from Post 273 and its auxiliary Nots for POW/MIAs, B'nal B'rlth first aid. Personnol~wtlo complete this to five Union County women traub, Pat Wurtzel arid Meyer in 1986. In addition, he received the and the Knights of Pythias. or picture worth see- Barlow named course df Instruction are eligible for at the library Yanowltz. atato J.W.V. "County Commander of. The now J.W.V. commander is ing that we should three hours of college credit in physl-' School, Sandra Ramos of Elizabeth Walsh was installed for his third tho Year" during his two terms as tho retired, and was a former employee of ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT—Mary Shanahan, at the cal education and hygiene. Five county senior students havo Essex County Council commander. know about?~Call us*~ podium* department supervisor of mathematics and PR director been selected to receive the 12th' High School and Priscilla Steward of consecutive term as presldbnt. He is a Rickel and Associates, Investment A 1988 graduate of Jonathan Day- Mural Painting — Be sure to visit Friends of the Library are seeking Linden High School. member of Temple Beth A.hm of Nathanson was in the Air Corps Bankers. He is widowed with two- at 686-7700. science at Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, Springfield resident Ann M. Bar- annual AAUW Scholarship Awards ton Roglonal High School, ho joined 'the library between July 8 and 19 and support for the project Those who The five award recipients were Springfield. before being transferred to the 41st grown children residing in California. presents Dayton senior Nancy Bolton, with the school's low recently joined Overlook Hospi- given by the American Association of 'ho Navy in January. ._ see the walls In the Children's Room donate $5 may choose a clnderblock selected from a large group of Union The YMHC has quarters at tho honor medal for having the highest academic averaoe tal as director of public relations. University Women, Elizabeth branch. "transformed Into a fantasyland of and have their names displayed on a County applicants on the basis of their YMHA, on Green Lane in Union, In the field of mathematics.- "Before joining Overlook, Barlow was A subscription to your newspaper favorite characters from classic child- permanent scroll In tho library." The 1991 scholarship award win- qualities of scholarship, character and Meetings are hold tho first and third a freelance public relations consul- keeps your college student close to ren's books. ners, who will receive certificates and leadership, and their demonstration of Wednesday of each month at noon. • . • . . • *. • tant. She previously serye-d as an hometown activities. Call 686-7753 r Artists Marilyn White and Donna Summer Reading Club participants grants of $ 100 each, are Kelly Bennett service to their schools and communi- Refreshments are served. account sxecutive at Berry Associates .for a special college rate. Grcenborg will paint a fabulous mural are invited jto^a party to honor their of the A.L. Johnson Regional High ties. .These scholarships have been Jaeger Public Relations and at GreyCom in FENCE INSTALLATION AVAILABLE ARC looking for volunteers to brighten the Children's Room. The ?adlng efforts" School, Kathleen Gulnee of Union presented annually since 1980 to out- Canada. Sec Your Jnoqor Salesperson For Details High School, Kathleen McCabo of standing young women graduating . Attention churches for one-to-one relationships Barlow graduated from the Univer- Jonathan Dayton Regional High from Union County high schools. and social clubs Lumber sity of Illinois, Champaign, with a The Citizen Advocacy Program of mental retardation is not necessary to bachelor of arts degree. This newspaper encourages con- Building Material Centers gregations, temples, social and civic the Association for Retarded Citizens bo an advocate. . She resides In Springfield with her of Union County is recruiting volun- An advocate will help tho individu- Pulaski Bank to open soon organizations to inform tho editors husband, Robert, • and daughter, about scheduled events and activities. teers to'form one-to-one friendships al bo more self sufficient and will gain Ave., Irvington, and has branches in Vivienno. Puiaskl Savings Bank will open Its Releases should bo typed, double- with individuals with mental personal satisfaction as tho relation- Toms,River, Spotswood, Lakewood newest branch office at 130 Mountain ' spaced, and include a phono number 9 Foot Cedar retardation. ship- develops. and Harrison. The bank is an equal Ave. in Springfield- in October, where a representative may bo reach- Each volunteer, known as an advp- All volunteer's receive an' oriental housing lender and is a member of the according to the bank's president and ed during tho day. Send information stern Red Cedar Fencing Fence Posts cate, is asked to spend time on a regu- lion and aro provided with support Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- -chief executive officer, Thomas to: Lifestyle Editor, P.O. Box 3109, lar basis with his or her "protege" by from tho program's coordinator, Lois Readers are encouraged to write tion, which insured deposits to Doweled Post Bentkowski. Union, N.J. 07083. whatever arrangement the two can Oolberg. Anyono interested in volun- letters to the editor expressing views $100,000. work out. Many people with develop- teering to bo an advocate, or wishing on topics of interest. Letters should bo Located directly across from mental disabilities have never had a to learn more about the piugiurnrmay typed, ejoublcd spaced or legibly Jonathan Dayton Regional High friend who was able to offer guidance^ contact Golberg at tho ARC office^ handwritten and no longer than. 2'/4 School, the two-story, 10,000-square- foot brick'building was the former JOIN US FOR OUR Solid Post in areas such as shopping, recreation 1225 South Ave., Plainfield, "or call pages. When necessary, letters will be home of the local.Carpenter's Union. and personal care. A knowledge of (908) 754-5910. edited for length, clarity and fairness. 1ft QQ For purposes of verification, all let- The new building was designed by COMPLETE ters must Include a name, address and The Balsamel Longo Partnership. IVaVw 'C daytime telephone number. Unsigned Architects of New Providence, and Is DINNER 'Crime Watch' seeks to letters will not be published. Names being, renovated by Paley Construc- may be withheld from print in certain tion Co. of Springfield. Tho renova-. circumstances upon the request of tho tlon will preserve the colonial charac- SPECIALS net fugitives from law writer and with approval of the editbr. ter of tho existing building, as woll as the character of the surrounding Arch Top 6' x 8' Sect address is 124 West Third Avo., Address letters for consideration to: The next edition of "Suburban neighborhood. ON SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS Crimewatch" features seven suspects Roselle. Police describe him as a Letters to the editor, 1291 Stuyvesant wanted in connection with murder, black malo7 19 years old, 5 feet 9 Ave., P.O. Box 3109, Union, 07083. When complete, this newest branch 8 oz. Super Sirloin Steak ° inches tall; weighing 160 pounds, The deadline for letters is 9 a.m. Mon- of Pulaski Savings Bank will feature armed robbery, fraud, possession Of Doubl* Bruited Breast Of CnlCken(Barb»qu« Style) arms and possession of dangerous with black hair and brown eyes. day.' five toller stations, a full-service leria- ing department, a drive-up window, Twin Stuffed Filet of Sole substances. "Suburban Crimewatch," For Only modeled after broadcast television's an automated toller machine,-safe 10 oz. Broiled Swordflsh "America's Most Wanted" program, deposit boxes, three coupon booths,' looks to identify and capture tho sus- and Jiondlcapped-accosslble features Fried Shrimp 3/8"xi00' pects with the help of cable television such as an elevator. Steel Tape viewers. - Marion S. Mogielnicki Bentkowski oxpressed pride in the All Served with Soup or Salad Cholpe of Potato, Coffeei& Dessert "Crimewatch" airs on Suburban Attorney at Law fact that the bank "will be able to offer 99 Cablevlsion's TV-3 on Moriday even- the residents of Springfield a comfort- Ground Round - 380 At. 22 E. Springfield Member: Fumily Luw Suction, New Jersey Slulu Bur Auuociutlon, 12 Ihgs-at 9 p.m. through July 15. able, modem facility in which to avail oped Top 6'x 8'Section EMV rtwlnd WIUIB uuu Union County Bur A»nociuiion • themselves of the very latest banking 467-4004 Sea Odouiltoni Sheriff Ralph Froelich of the Union •Contemporary *Dlvorce and Separation products." QQ Priced Right! County Sheriff's Department profiles *Dlitrlbution of Properly design In a privacy fence tho following cases: *Chiltl Support *Cuuodyand Viiitution . Founded in 1943, Pulaski Savings ' * Alimony Bank is headquartered at 860 ISth Swollen pottg not Included * On Juno 9 at approximately 1:30 A&A SERVICENTER 55 *C8I" jj a.m., three males shot and killed a gas 232-1103 . Faltoute & Michigan Ave,, Kenllworth, N.J. station attendant during «(robbery In 560 Springfield Avenue, Wo.lflold, N.J. 07092' Gulf vets cited (908)298-1345 Hillside. The suspects fled In a mar- Weekend! and Evening! by Appointment OPEN SATURDAYS FOR REPAIRS AND GAS oon car, possibly a Buick Century. DURABLE WELDED Persian Gulf veterans will be hon- SPECIALIZING IN REPAIRS OF Suspects are described as: . — ored for their victory In accord with a - ALL FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARS SASH WINDOWS resolution passed in the Assembly TRANSMISSION TUNE UP AND 1. Black male, age~22-23, 5 feet 9 •1 W«lh.r Slripi •WMtktr kwlitMt that declares July 4 Desert Storm Vet- FLUID CHANGE ONLY $29.95 Inches tall, between 135 and 140 •No Ugly SMIM •Vinyl C.mlnKll.n erans Appreciation Day. 5UMMIR SPICIALS WITH THISI COUPONS poulnds, thin build, black hair and a Introduced by Assemblymen Nell light complexion. He was wearing a M. Cohen, (D-Unlon) and Thomas J; LUBE, OIL CHANGE * NITER "I WE SPECIALIZE IN Aluminum white T-shirt, jeans, orange and white Duch, (D-Bergen and Passalc), the Up to 3 Quirti of oil COMPUTER CONTROLLED Shadow Box 6' x 8' Sect on Line Level plastic sunglasses. TUNE-UPS 'Two sided beauty resolution AR-299, notes that the AND 2. Black mile, age 25-30, 6 feet 500,000-person fighting force FUEL -Design permits air flow tall, between 185 and 195 pounds, Kids In DteoMry Sanmir-sMsiom •13< ?! 949 included thousands of New Jerseyans INJECTION Iwtlon Po»t» not Included muscular build, black hair, dark both Injhe standing forces and In the 55 & #s4Vi«r brown eyes and a dark complexion. Clausal) vl» ReservisparUctpated In the liberation • AIR I He was wearing a white baseball hat, of Kuwait. CONDITIONING 10% OFF black sweatshirt and matching black BEHBF Mentioned specially In the one- IFICIAL ANYMMIRS Ncta t Ukw $4».W* sweatpants with shorts/orange •DUCATIONAL * NI0MAT0NAL RMT PUMU Iraki M» page document proposing declaration ONLY lettering. IXCLUDINO COLONIA of Desert.Storm Veterans Apprecia- CHECK•39 AN"D j Anyone with information should •JiVINtTQN SPICIAL OPFIRH 2M Midland Av*.,lldg. I 1)13 St. Otergt Ave. Spriiwfltli Avi. tion Day la New Jersey native Nor- RECHARGE call Uu Hillside Police Department at SYSTEM M-W-P10 H »,T.Th 101* l,let. MM.taPrU04,SiMM man Schwarzkopf, commander of the luuut, UMti, num. n«i, itimui, (908) W6-38OO. largest military operation ilnoe World I... Mm BKtiKii WPM, TWMWiinin > HMWII. DeJuani Last known 374-11M Warn. 6 — WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1991 —SPRINGFIELD LEADER 1,2,4,5* - WORRALL NEWSPAPERS— WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1991 — 7 on the recarchwith; Monroe^tustbaclBr

In on effort to familiarize voters with the candidates rep- being good. This Answer "I had legislation passed about political exposure; there resenting the new 21st District, we intend to conduct and was not good, have to get an was a wedge between Republicans and Democrats. Every reproduce interviews with each of the six candidates yun~ . sales taxes fell approval from vendor has to disclose political contributions in Essex ' rangfor the stateSenate and Assembly. The five other can- off, so now he's Downs to pursue County. That's an unusual provision because no politician TV teaching didates will follow in this space over the next five weeks. looking for it. He has within wants the public to know that the reason he's supporting Managing Editors David Brown, Alec Schwartz and Mark another billion his own depart- something is because xyz gave $5,000 to his corporation. If Emerging from the 1980s was a generation on the Yablonsky conducted this interview with Assembly candl-' dollars, arid now ment the ability they come to the board and say they're looking for a con- go. Health clubs, fast-walking and jogging weresym- date Monroe Jay Lustbader. they're" jockey- to move this and tract, they have to state every political contribution they've bols 6f a more fitness-conscious society. v~" ing around to he can put all his made to Essex County. In my opinion, if you have a prob- \£uestlon: "What do you think the big issues facing take it from the people into lem, you have to solve a problem. If you have to give up a As people were becoming accustomed to a more the state -will be?" •'»•.'. QEA. Wherever motion, but if he client, you have to give up a client. There are enough good ° fast-paced lifestyle, the time they took to sit back and Answer: "I think that tax packaging and QEA problems it's at, they want says, 'Look, put people out there, and by and large good people will dis- read newspapers, books and periodicals became less will be issues statewide that people want to focus in on.. to get it. Obvi- that on the back close. I don't have any problem with that at all." frequent. ^ They're talking about them all the time." ously, they know burner,' we're they can't get done with that. anothor tax They relied on television for current events — the uestlon: "What do you think can bo done about the ''. "So, I" think V^uestlon: "Are there any other alternatives you can QEA7" increase through it's priorities, voice on the state's unemployment problcm?^What would ,6 p.m. news and the quick bits of information doled Answer: "Well, Tor-one thing, I don't think transferring — unless they that's all. You you do to help the unemployment?" out on Cable News Network. the problem from the state to the local municipalities was want an all- have to somehow Answer: "I think we have 10 restore busincss's confi- The younger set of that generation found comfort the solution. The pension fund has to remain where it is. Republic an put enough pres- dence in the state. Kean got a lot of heat because he left a That's no improvement, because what that does is counter- legislature, no sure on him — deficit, but one thing ho did do Is ho created a friendly cli- in television,. Statistics show that young Americans effective. On the one hand, they're talking about reducing Democrats. Let now I believe we mate for business. And I think the perception of the gover- rely more on the small screen than they do on the real-estate property taxes and then on the other hand, the them pass can. What I'm nor's office as to how they see him is important. We're in a small print. .' • school tax is as great as real estate. So how are you going to another tax. ' hoping for is that deep recession and probably will.be for another year or so, . lighten the real estato tax burden by stepping on the local "I just can't see him even, considering any more taxes, in the fall, wo'll have enough people to get some action.'.' and peoplo are suspicious of Florio, of him and of his The 1990s haven't swayed pur students back to new stockholders' tremendous expenses, you know? certainly between now stad November, it's just not feasi- motives. Does he" really want to help Us? Is he saying books. Young people are watching the same amount "What I think isf, it has to go back to the state. That's part . bib. After what he's done and gone through, how would ho 'uestlon: "Why did you decide to run for things to get re-elected or docs he really want to help busi- of it, but We're talking about a very limited approach here. sell another.tax?" • Assembly?" ness? It dovetails with tho question, how do you get jobs? of television as they Were several years ago. . - ' Photo Dy Barbari Kokkilli I think we'have.to go back to look at tho wholejbing. I Builders create work. WHAT IS IT? WHERE IS IT? — Here's our latest photo featurefor you to ponder. Do you know what It Is? Or where It is? We'll Answer: "Well, timing's everything. There was an So why not take advantage of our youth's fascina- don't think you can start looking back on it in bits and \£uestlon: ."What are the alternatives? Cutting opening. I thought I had a very strong record of accom- "You don't get more jobs by tho government of New let you know next week. Irt the meantime, If you know of a site or landmark that would make an. Interesting photo feature, let us pieces. You have to take^our QEA and re-examine it in its 1 tion with television — especially with networks such know. If we use the Idea for publication, we'll give you credit for ltjn the Springfield Leader. • * services?" plishment in Essex County, and I think I have the ability td Jersey creating 500 new jobs. What you have to do is, you entirety." , . , Answer: "The alternatives havo tb-bo what we did in do the jpb well — and I also think I balance oUt our ticket have to have the capital in the hands of people who are as MTV and €NN? Why not offer a menu of televi- Essex County —•• downside as muchas possible. I think, in very well because in Essex County, where I am known, I sion programs, that benefits our students going to do something with the money and create jobs. 0.Question: "Somo peoplo say that tho QEA does good times, you expand a base — that's too easy. There are can help my colleaguc_(C. Louis Bassano), and conversely, Thai's the strongest and the best longrterm solution for the educationally? exactly what Abbott vs. Burke said not to do — it just so many merit' programs. When you've got the money ho can help me here in Union County. I think wo comple- free market. Even Yeltsin knows that.. Childish political rhetoric turns off America throws money where money {3 needed. What other •coming in, you can justify it. But the problem is how you ment each other in terms of our experience. He's been the "Essex County at ono time in my career had about 7,500 I am reading a fascinating book consolidate your government when things get tough, how senator for 18 years, and I've been a county freeholder for=- Suburban Cablevision has been doing just that. The'president, who dearly prefers party. Why are all tho Democrats employeesofcwhich 2,000 were surplus. Sure, 2,000 wore Suburban Cablevision, which services 42 com- titled "Why Americans Halo Poli- tho symbolic world of war against a picking on President Bush?" you shake it down. It's so easy to hire, so tough to fire. 10 years." working. And 2,000 were feeding their families. But it vns tics," by Washington Post reporter universally-hated enemy liko Saddam Toucho, There are a lot of things you can do, but I don't sec taxation contrived. They were not really working. What they were munities in Essex, Union, Hudson and Middlesex E. J. Dionno. So far, it has proven to bo Screening Hussein was right on ono count. Ho As you can see, wo can expect as an option'right now." doing was parceling out work. Now we're in a. vice counties, is New Jersey's largest cable operator and is •an intriguing look at why so many, said "Americans don't understand the another "issuo-oriented," tHought- V^uestlon: "Where would you place yourself on iho becauso people have to work in government. They have to using its stature for the education of our youth. average citizens are turned off to the ' New Jersey complications, tho inaction, tho bick- • provoking campaign this fall without political spectrum?" ' . put in a full day, and I think we havo to get that from gov-~ political process. ering, particularly when so many do ' partisan finger-pointing. •QQuestion, : "So do you keep expanding and Answer: "I would call myself a middle-road Republican, eminent, and business can pick up some of the slack by "Cable inthe Classroom" is a program designed to moderate. If you look at my voting results, you'd sec that "Polls show that America's cultural By Steve Adubato Jr. understand what it takes to solve "The economy is horrible, the consolidating?" — getting started again." ' I've won 2 to 1. There's no way I could pick up 30.C0O match cablecasts from sources such as the education- values are a mix of liberal instincts problems in their own neighborhoods: budget is in deficit, we've had tho. Answer: "Well, if the people want expansion, lot thorn Rcpublicanvotcrs in my district. So, what I liko to believe al networks available to subscribers with the curricu- and conservative values, but the obvi- commitment, compassion and cour- largest tax increase in state history, havo it. I happen to bo of the opinion that you should resist is that Democrats and independents appreciate that I am a ous preferences of Americans don't a hjghway bill in 100 days." age I cannot explain this inaction to and now, there are one-shot deals to expansion as much as possible because when the times do lum needs of the school. middle-of-tho-road Republican. get expressed in our politics. There The president makes it sound so tho American people I'm djsap- sell roads and more revisions to the get difficult in a "technical" situation, you don't want to go Ou'uestlon, : "Do"you think tho Republicans in the . .are,. more_ ideas..JhaJLJirJllo. ju_thjui_ simple. 1 1 through this all tho time. You havo to recognizo limitations Assembly havo viable alternatives to Florio's programs?" pointed, but I'm., not-surprised .','" ~:QEA," says Haytahtnt-"Something's "I think the people in Essex County know, that and, for- divide us, but politics doesn't reflect Not to be outdone, National Demo- in government. I don't think it's any different than running Answer: "Yes, I think so. Thoy offer something more The concept is not new — "TV teaching" was wrong." , tunately for mo, I'm part of a district whore the people look that," says Dionno. cratic Party Chairman Ron Brown ' While the president attempts to our own lives. You don't, when the money comes in, go than a negative vote. They have to go back and re-think You bet, assemblyman. Something at tho issues, they look at the peoplo. They don't say, 'Is he introduced two years ago by Whittle Communica- said that Bush "followed up the portray himself as abovo such petty crazy so when things are tough you havo to suffer for it. I somo, of these programs. In my mind they can't do any Dionne is not the only astute is terribly wrong. a Republican? I'm not voting for him.' So, I think I get tions, but the project sponsored by Suburban Cablevi- 100-hour ground war in the Gulf with partisan bickering, his actions, begin- think it's important to havo a nice, oven line, you know." more harm. Anything they do is going to be an improve- observer concerned about the schism Florio's political artillery is ready elected becauso Democrats and independents identify with 100 days of ignoring the economic ning with the 1988 presidential cam- ment because the harm has been so manifest. Any thinking sion certainly outweighs what Whittle has to offer. between the elected and the governed for this war of words. His communi- what I do — and you've got to remember, I am in a Demo- problems of America's middle class. paign, have contributed greatly to Republican majority or minority should be able to improve in our country. The Kcttering Founda- cations director, .Jon Shuro, says the cratic district over there. People forget that, you know. Whittle's "Channel One" offers 12 minutes of cur- President Bush continues to block turning off average citizens to poli- QQuestion. : "Roselle Park and other area towns hr.vo on this. I would be very disappointed if this were just a tion, in a scries of reports titled "Citi- GOP attacks will seem like SCUD West Orange is 4 to 1 Democratic and Livingston is 2 to 1 rent events supplemented by two minutes of commer- Democratic responses to tho Republi- tics. "Read my lips, no now taxes," beenbattling air traffic noises for about five years. Wnt negative vote. It's very easy to criticize, and I think people zens and Politics: A View From Main missiles shot down by lower auto Democratic, but the "independents control it." can recession with empty veto may havo won him short-term voter can-bo done to make the process move faster so that a know that, but you havo to have some alternatives." cial advertising. The current events segments gener- Street," concludes that "the legitima- insurance rates and lower property resolution is "reached? cy of our political institutions is rporo threats." . approval, but has become just one ally air at 8:30 a.m. while students are in homeroom taxes. Answer: "We've had the same problem here in Short at i^suo than our leaders .jmagine." more great example of the increasing- — leaving little opportunity for the students to raise Funny, I thought it was ovcryone's ly irrelevant rhetoric wo get from our Why do so many Americans hate approach can be taken to improve the educational Hills, where I live. Wo'vo had the FAA trying to juggle he - questions and enter into dialogue about the world Both of theso thoughtful works pro- recession. _ political leaders on pressing problems politics? Just listen to the childish system?" problem. They're very difficult to move. I think we're jjst V^ucstlon: "Some people are screaming that tho niw vide extensive insight into the prob- • Houso Majority Leader Richard 4 and issues. interplay between our top political Answer: "Well, I think wo have to go back and tako a going to have to stay on it. I hear there is somo movement Local Government Ethics Law is much too broad and around us. lem of an- increasingly disen- Gophardl chimed in Fy saying, "This more limited approach. Tho Abbott decision talks about 30 therefore it's'much more detrimental than positive. Others leadenv If this irrovolant rhetoric were • V there. It's a tremendous problem. It secerns like when they franchised electorate. However, oven is a leader who prefers rhetoric to When it comes to potty politics, limited to just a few months during school districts. Y.ou'vo got to tako Care of that; Wo can't move a problem from ono, place to another, "you solve it ore saying it's still not strong enough. Where do you the most superficial examination of action, symbols to substance, vetoes New Jersoy politicians are no slouch- the campaign season, it might-be more ignore this court, but on tho other hand, wo don't have to horo and you create it thoro. I hoar tho noise at about 2 in stand?" . . "Cable in the Classroom," on the other hand, tQ-progrcss and campaigning to gov- go way beyond — and that's what wo're doing here. Wliat the current partisan, devisive rhetoric es. Our Democratic governor and palatable. Howovcr, it has become a tho morning — although I think thoy did something. I Answer: "As a matter of fact, Joe (Parlavccchio), the Florio tried to do, in the euphoria of a great victory, was fix allows teachers to set their videocassette recorders in Washington and Tronton graphical- erning." He added that Bush's speech Republican leadership havo been year-round, nevor-ending game of think, obviously, we locally havo to help our congressman. president oftho Essex freeholders and a Democratic adver- everything tho way ho saw it. And because ho had no during the middle of the night to tape programs ly demonstrates how distant, childish was just "the next photo opportunity locked in a name-calling war since posturing, pandering and blaming — Wo need Rinaldo and tho guys in Congress to get it done." sary, gave me the highest compliment. Ho said the board and irrelevant our leaders have in Mr. Bush's Polaroid presidency." Jim Florio took office last January. irresponsible actions that only insure opposition from anybody, and had what I like to call a legi- will lose its conscience if I leave. . offered by Suburban and then air them' during the become. Great ^one-liners, congressman. Republicans see thoir chance of tak- that crcalivo and bipartisan solutions slative group of foaming sycophants, you know he was appropriate time of the day, at the convenience of the Consider the current battle of sound They're sure to get you a lot of play ing control of the Legislature this fall to such problems, such as crime, successful. Whatever ho said, ho got "in his first few ^n: "Struggles with tho Department of Trans- "I don't havo-any problem with tho ethics at all. As a teacher and his or her curriculum needs. Discussion bites und finger-pointing between "on the evening news and front page and they're convinced that the way to health care, educational inferiority, months. Thoy didn't see him as having any shortcomings. portation often arise in Union and other area towns. What matter of fact, I've always filod statements. I don't think "wartime" President Bush and the newspaper coverage. tlo it is to-attack Florio'and any Demo- raco relations, environmental pollu-. So whatever ho said, that was it, and there was no debated do you perceive to bo tho problem, and what can be dono?" that anybody who seeks public office should be concerned turns the programs into educational tools. Democratic Congress. But the White Houso isn't going to crat who doesn't disown and distance lion and our sagging economy won't So I think you have to sorap tho plan and you havo tb. start Answer: "I think Mr. (Thomas) DcSwas (commissioner) nbout what shows up in thoso things unless he's got a rea- - from scratch and you've got to anchor it in the Abbott case. In a recent speech, Bush blamed the take those words lying down. Remem- himself from the governor. No talk of ,. bo found. has his own agenda, and I get the feeling that's dictated by son to, and then he shouldn't be running. If he's worried Democrats for blocking solutions to ber, this is the party of "Willie possible remedies or solutions. That's You've got to talk about meeting this group of guys, but Governor Florio and where ho thinks tho goyemmont func- about a conflict or if he's worried about being exposed in a Networks that meet the needs of the curriculum are Our representative democracy has you don't havo to go all the way out on this — and I think the nation's domestic problems, while Horton." ""s—, risky. no greater enemy, tions go. I would like to believe that a Union delegation conflict, he should be out. Ho is not a good candidate for Arts and Entertainment, for literary and drama clas- using the popular metaphor of our that's ono of tho big mistakes." public office in my opinion." ses; the Weather Channel; the Learning Channel, "We're going on tho offensive," Republican Assembly leader will havo a shot to effect chango and push things. 100-day "success" of Operation said White Houso Press Secretary Chuck Haytaian says his parly's Steve Adubato Jr. Is a political "I think that problems such as tho situation with Eisen- which offers SAT-type courses; CNBC, for financial Desert Storm: "It is hard for the Marlon Fitzwatcr. I think we arc in the Florio-bashing is a "normal course of analyst tor WWOR-TV, a former V^uestlon: "What do you think about Florio's $2.8 hower Parkway are all part of a" political agenda! It's up to American people to understand why a billion tax reform?" hews; CNN, for all current events; The Discovery throes of the kind of debate lhat~will politics." state legislator and an Instructor of the DOT, but what is the DOT's agenda? I hoard that .ho V^uestlon: "But, for cxamplo, in Springfield, two bill to fight crime cannot be enacted in Answer: "Tho tax package is being extromoly difficult. define tho 1992 campaign," "Let's face it, ho is the governor public administration and mass DOT killed tho project for what they claimed were envir- members of tho Planning Board recently resigned becauso Channel, and C-SPAN, which airs hearings from 100 days qr why Congress can't pass It's very severe. I think it's cqntribulivc to probably half of What a sobering thought. and ho is the leader of the Democratic modla at . onmental reasons. I don't buy that because there is a cer- of tho Ethics Law just becauso they had clients in tho same Congress. .'...- Now Jersey's problems — not that tho recession wasn't tain flexibility. I think what itrcallywas was a decision not town. They had folt it was sufficient to disqualify them- V^uestlon: "You arc moving to the state level and arc there. to commit resources, not to commit somo of the money for 9 selves from thoso particular cases. Is that too rigid " going to havo to deal with the abortion issue. Where do you "Cable in the Classroom" also offers free reference "I think it was, again, too much too soon, and It scared crime on a priority that Trenton may not havo considered tho business community, tho debt, and it undid a lot of Answer: "That's tho price you pay. For every person stand?" . guides and enrichment materials, and does not force letters to the editor important enough. Thoy havo their own political baso, and who has to resign becauso he is worried about conflicts, Answer: "I am clearly, unequivocally pro-choice. I have good feelings that businesses had for New Jersoy. Now I just havo to bcliovo that that was part of tho plan. In other advertising upon the students. Jersey tends to be, by It's very nature, fairly suspicious.of there are nine good people. Tho guy who says,'OK, where been for years. I havo supported planned parenthood in words, wo have x number of dollars, and we are going to should I sign?' is the- guy wo should have confidence in. Essex. I will not wafflo on tho issue. There is no sense in it. . Suburban Cablevision will wire the districts that stato government anyway and peoplo immediately think, Egos play big role in Springfield Support for "reserves is appreciated do with it what is bost for our constituency — tho peoplo Not tho guy who says, 'I havo a problem and I can't mrke I would bo disingenuous if I spoke any other way, because are interested in the program and will not charge the To tho Editor: 'Hoy, this is not the climate for me. I'm going someplace that put us in, Now, that may sound a little too cynical, but this choice.' You havo to make choices in life. Life is lull my record is clearly pro-choice. I still feel it's the right To tho Editor: ...... •• monthly fee ' normally charged to residential A couple of years ago, I moved from Springfield to Bozcman, Mont., but I pise.'" . . I have to bollovo it." of choices. I chose government service and that's why I'm thing.' I feel any erosion of Roo vs. Wado is a big mistake I still keep in touch with friends in Springfield and I rcccivo the Springfield Lead- Operation Desert Storm will-probably go down in history as one of our mbst so dangerous to them becausejhaj's what I liko. It's not think we are going to make it worse. I know^peoplo arc subscribers. successful military efforts ever. That was duo in a large part to the participation uestlon: "What do you think about tho recent report er each week. 'uestlon: "Do you think thero is a situation here that that I liko tho power; it's not that I like hearing people say, going todiffcron this.— Lou Bassano for one. BuH'm not \ / of tho U.S. Army Reserve. , putting the state on a credit watch?" Ou _ Suburban Cablevision is simply using what It's amazing that Springfield is still a divided town as it was when I first Is maybe bigger than oven just tho Department of Trans- 'Hello, freeholder.' That's nice, but that's not what's his Clone. Wo are both in tho same party and wo agree on a moved to Springfield 10 years ago. When I got tho Leader each week, the first Beginning in August 1990, thousands of Army reservists were called Upon to Answer: "The tax package was Florio's big claim to portation? Is there any way to commit peoplo to statements important to mo. I'd rather bo associated with some good lot of things. That's an issue on which wo differ. I respect already exists so teachers have the ability to zero in thing Ho is open to the editorial pago to sco who is fighting whom. This is both perform tho missions for which thoy had been trained. By now the wholo coun- fame. When he passed it, ho stripped the credit rating. and ensure productivity?" legislation. his opinion and ho respects mine." on the kinds of programs they want their students to- entertaining and sad because the only losers are tho residents, and ospccially tho try is aware of tho tremendous contributions thoy made to tho U.S.' Operation However, tho tax, package was again predicated on this watch. children of Springfield. Desert Storm effort. " • If all tho energy put into the bickering and fighting among tho residents and Their success was, In turn, made possible by tho genorous support of tho We've grown up in an age of television. We're polr'icians in Springfield was channiled for the good of tho town, can you ima- - American people. First, and perhaps most important, was tho wide-ranging sup- Washington Rock behind Suburban Cablevision, which is using its gino how groat Springfield would be? But unfortunately, people's egos seem to port by tho communities oftho Army reservists who wore activated. Local com- county notes take precedence over the welfare of tho people of Springfield. munities wore particularly supportive of hometown units as they deployed. influence in a positive way to contribute to the educa- Without that, tho aotlvatlort Would havo beon much harder to accomplish, But tional experience. I live in a small town where neighbors help neighbors and people work distributes awards together for tho good of tho (own, not to satisfy their egos. There afo no big egos our Army reservists went with tho blessings and good wishes of the American out here. Peoplo ne&d each other to survive. • people. We all realize just how Importantothat is. Without a doubt, one of tho most significant factors in informing the.public Last month at Washington Rock's annual awards and recognition dinner, 27 Isn't it about tlmo the people of Springfield started running their town and not Contact We Care seeks volunteers senior Girl Scouts received the Gold Award, which is the highest award in Girl was tho news modla coverage of reserve activations. Overall, both tho print and letting a bunch of egotistical people on both sides of the fenco, satisfy their egos Scouting. . . . Raymond Worrall tho electronic media presented a fair picture, of the Issues and activities sur- Springfield Leader and keep Springfield a divided town. Tho question is, is the dog wagging the tail Contact Wo Care, a telephone- days a week. All calls are anonymous but is also a personally rewarding It is not- too early to start thinking This Girl' Scout of tho United States of America Award symbolizes outstand- Publisher or is tho tail wagging tho dog? R j rounding tho mobilization. As a result, tho public saw how well prepared Army about fall commitments and to sche- 1291 Stuyvssant Avenue iclc K oln reservists were and learned how Important thoy wore to Iho total Army effort. based listening and relay sorvlco and free of charge. experience. ing accomplishments in tho areas of loadorship, community service, career ' . Bozeman, Mont". dule somo timo to become a Contact planning and personal development. Tho Gold Award recipients must complete Union, N.J..07083 Don Veleber JTio understanding that our Army reservists havo recolved from their employ- staffed by trained volunteers, is seek- Tho next evening training class for, To enable prospective volunteers to volunteer. For more information on four Interest badges, 30 hours of leadership work in student, church or other Published Weekly Since 19iO Exeoutlv* Editor ers has boon most oncouraglng. No one likes to lose a valuablo employee sud- ing now volunteers to answer Contact now volunteers begins Sept. 14 and respond to all types of calls, they do becoming a Contact We Care, volun- organization, and 40 hours of career exploration. Thanks Springfield Women's Club denly for an extended and indefinite poriod of timo, especially In times of eco- Holplino and Deaf Contact. All poten- runs to Doc. 12, The required training Tom Canavan tial volunteers are required to attend not go on tho telephone lines until teer or to request a registration form Some of tho Gold Award projects ranged from a town event for first- and Phone Area Cod* (908) To the Editor! . nomic uncertainty, but the response of the great majority of employers has been is scheduled for Thursday evenings Editor thoy have completed a comprehensive for either of those classes or upcoming second-grade Brownies, a fashion show and workshops for Cadette and Senior Fax 686-4169 • Subscriptions 686-7700 very positive, And many employers went beyond the requirements of the law ono of tho two training cycles sche- from 7 to 10 p.m. and will also include • Recently, I had the opportunity to attend this year's Girl Career Institute. Tho duled for tho fall.1 training class and a 20-hour Internship classes, call 232-3017. Girl Scouts to raise funds to send needy girls to canip, a drive to organizo medi- Public Notice* '686-7700 • Display Ads 686-7700 and generously extended additional benefits to their reservists. As a result, two Saturday scssionsduring the day. • Ann Delker Institute wai held at Douglass College from June 10 to 13. This year was the in the telephone room with specially cal services to vaccinate homeless children at a Newark agency, writing and Army reservists were able to deploy without worrying about their job security. . \ • It will be held at Osceola Presbyterian Newsroom 688-7700-* Business Office 888-7700 Aasoelat* Editor 45th annual Oirl'i Career Institute and 280 girls from across New Jersey were designated training assistants. They directing an Earth Day play at Washington Rock's Earth Day celebration and an Classified* (800) 564-8911 selected by their schools and local women's clubi to attend, At the Institute, a Now, as they are returning, we are seelngvthat support continue as employers Contact Helpline is a listening ser- Church In Clark. • are welcoming them back Into the work force. vice tn which callers may need to talk also must feel comfortable dealing Call the editors event (Junior Jamboree) for Junior Girls Scouts and leaders at Camp Hoover, Jbhrt B. O'Rourke variety of successful women spoke to us about their college experiences and with callers on tho telephone before Washington Rock's Girl Scout Camp. Junior Jamboree Included workshops on And finally, the families of our reservists deserve special recognition. They to someone about various issues The weekday trianing class this fall Thursday Edition Deadline* General Manager their careers. \ ~\ " answering any calls. Ever want to talk about something sowing Girl Scout patches, leader training, jazzercize and career exploration. • bore the emotional, financial and physical burdens of the soldiers' absence. including loneliness, depression, Is planned for Oct. 21 to Nov; l.,The you think should be in the paper? All New* noon Friday I would like to thank the Springfield's Women's Club for allowing me the domestic violence or loss of a loved Some of the responses from leaders at Junior Jamboree included, "Our girls Peter Worrall opportunity to attend O.C.I. The Women's Club'generously paid for my stay at They supported their soldiers and that made a real difference. required training will take place from Know somothing that might make a Letters to the Editor 9 a.m. Monday Advertising Director ono. Deaf Contact Is a relay service - Volunteers are asked td donate don't want to leave, the weekend was very well run, I give a lot of credit to the Douglass and provided me with spending money. My visit to Douglau not only Once again, Army reservists have shown themselves to be dedicated to serv- k 9:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. during the good story? Do you-know someone Classified Advertising q^p.m. Tuesday 4 for the deaf that enables the deaf per- eight to 12 hours on the lines each Senior Girl Scouts for running an event for other girls." gave me the chance to meet a variety of girls from our state, but also gave me ing their country. They sacrificed their time, they were separated from their 10-day period at Weslfield Presbyte^ who might be tho subject of in inter- Display Advertising, noon Monday Paula Cohan son-to communicate with all others month In four- or eight-hour blocks of The following Senior Girl Scouts were Washington Rock Girl Scout Coun- the chance to experience college life. My short stay at Douglass was truly a families, and many lost Income when they were activated. They needed your nan Church In Westfield: Each ses- esting feature? Do you know of a Publlo Note* Advertising..,. noon Tuesday •ale* Manager over tho tolephono and also serves as a time, once they havo successfully - cil's 1991 Gold Awards-recipients: pleasure and I am very thankful that I was selected to represent Springfleid.' support and they got It. _ . , sion of the evening and weekday clas- sports story we don't? helpline for the doaf. Contact We completed, the training and Intornship. Clark/Winficld — Melissa Barto, Eeilecn Curvalho, Melissa Dobbin. Once agiln, I would like to thank Springfield's Women's Club for a wonderful On behalf of ourilne Army reserve soldiers, I am privileged to thank all of ses Is designated to include a lecture In*., Care provides theso services to resi- Many Contact volunteers feel that the by a profeslspnal on the scheduled If the answer to any or all of the Konllworth — Theresa Colalillo. • experience. • 4 .. . —-. *ou whose support mad. U all possible. William F. WaTd dents of Union County and the sur- time they' spend on the telephone Is topic followed by an experiential abovo Is yes, call the editors' at Roselle Park — Margaret Leustek, Kathleen Nelman, Suzanne Norrish. • . Samanlhi H. Young Major Oeneral, U.S. Army rounding area 24 hours a day, seven not just a chance to help other peoplo, learning component. 686-7700. Union rr Sharon Brenna, Kathleen Guince, Katy Poson. ' ' Springfield 1 • ' * Chief, Army Reserve 1,2,3,4,5* - WORRALL NEtWSPARsjHS^ WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1991.— 9 8 — WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1991 — WORRALL NEWSPAPERS - 2,3* Lena Benko Incinerator economic racism religion WHHanH^Ostrander died June 27 in Union Hospital. obituaries Born in Czechoslovakia, the lived By Sharon Catc* . Mazzocchi explained tint the Essex room of the center lo (he rear of the put this in the northeast comer of incentive, a little push to the people of the Passaic County incinerator. c William V. Ostrander, 73, of Roselle Park, orchestra leader and retired in Newark before moving to Kenil- ' Staff Writer County incinerator was targeted and building. Union County," Rahway resident Lori • Rahway. We have been fighting the "We were able to defeat it," Salem music teacher Jn the Linden school system, died June 25 in Union worth in 1970. She had been the own- Anti-incinerator activists from built in the mostly black and Hispanic From there, peering through ftfenc e Caughman said. "It is no accident that proposed project in Passaic for the said. "I know you can do it, because Children's awards place in the world" at a special event Marie Kondler Hospital. er of M. Benlco Fuel & Coal Co., across the state joined together Thurs- city of Newark. She noted that the across the Rahway River, those in they want to put this in a predominate- past five years." we did it." recently at Congregation Anshe Children recently were awarded for Marie Kondler, 79. of Union, died A lifelong resident of Roselle Park, Mr. Ostrander had been a music .Newark, for 50 yean and retired 21 day night to show support and unity Trenton incinerator was targeted in ' attendance were able to view the gras- ly blaskxommunity. It ts no accident "They want you to give ug/' Sierra Camden County. Chesed, Linden. A local rabbi's report achieving 70 percent attendance or June 27 in her home.. teacher for the Linden Board of Education from 1952 until his retirement years ago.' for protesters of the proposed Rah- the mostly bltsk and Hispanic area of sy site where the proposed facility is that they want to put this in Rahway. warned. Caughman read a release from Jose about his trip to Israel during the Gulf better at Sunday SchodTof Grace in 1977. He attended Oberlin College Conservatory of Music in OnloTHe Surviving are two sons, Michael A. way-based incinerator. that city. And, she pointed out that the expected to be built "You won't see this in Berkeley Del Gador* representative of Cam- War and an Israeli journalist's views Bom in Newark, she lived in Union "They say the incinerator is safe Lutheran Church, Vauxhall Road,; was graduated from New York University where he received a bachelor and George M, five grandchildren ' Representatives from" Passaic, who Union County incinerator is being "This is directly across the river Heights where they have the room," den's Hspanic'Cdmmunlty, who was of geo-politics highlighted the for many yean. Mrs. Kondler had because it is modem technology," Union. been a medical receptionist with Dr,. of science degree. In 1969KMr. Ostrander received a master's degree and two great-grandchildren. were successful in fighting the; proposed | in. the mostly black 4th from the community center," Brown the 4th Ward resident added. "They a former member ofthe Board of Edu- program. * ' Sierra said. "But it is not safe. It is They are Daniel Milkewicz, Kristin Stephen Repta in Union for many from Montchur State Teachers College. incinerator that was expected'to be Ward section of Rahway. said. "We have students come here of took no consideration for this com- cation and a 1990 mayoral candidate. Co-sponsored by Congregation affecting people. Tavares, Jaclyn Rinaldi, Andrea years before retiring. He played in the Don Gibson Dance Band for 30 years. Mr. Ostrander Leslie Rosenberg built in their city, and members of the all ages. We are.concerned with the munity. They thought we would lie In his statement, DeLGado Anshe Chesed, Lin3en, Temple Beth "This translates into economic rac- Brand, Danielle Burkhardt, Kevin Surviving are a son, Frank P., and a was a member of the United Federation of Musalcians Local 151, Eli- State Coalition Against Incinerators lead and mercury that will come out down and die. But we will not lie •"You won't see this thing being explained that the Camden incinerator Torah, Rahway, and Temple Mekor Leslie Rosenberg, 79, of Spring- ism," Mazzocchi said. "Can you ima- Tavares, Richard Riedlinger, Kirk sister, Anna Farmer. zabeth. After his retirement, he led his own dance band. In 1962, Mr. ' joined Union County anti-incinerator of the stacks of the facility. We are down and die." built next to the white House and you is sited in a community consisting of Chayim, Linden, the program field died June 24 in Overlook Hospi- gine Cranfoxd or Summit hosting a Rahusen, Philip Brand, Garry Lorenz, Ostrander was the scholastic all-state band director. He was a member of . residents for a short press conference also concerned with why someone » Passaic County visitors Won't see it being built in Summit, 85 percent minorities, within one mile attracted about 100 people from Lin- tal, Summit. regional facility?" Leslie Gaschler, Paul GaschlerrKelly the New Jersey Choral Arts Society, the New Jersey Education Associa- to address the question of economic would Want this here." Carlos Salem and Israel Sierra of because they have money," Sierra of five elementary schools. den, Rahway, Rosellc and" Roselle Bom in Newark, Mr. Rosenberg McClure, Michelle Burkhardt, Buddy Helen Schemer tion and served as director of the Union County Band and Orchestra racism.. The conference was held in the Brown added that residents should .Passaic were on hand at the confer- added. '.'Minority communities are slow to Park on behalf of the'United Jewish lived in West Orange before moving 1 Helen Schertzer of West. Orange, Summer School. He directed the summer program thai provided extra- ' Susan Mazzocchi, coordinator of meeting room in the JFK Community: contact city officials lo express their ence to express their support for the - Salem explained that the'Passaic respond to threats to their comrriuni- Mazsarachio, 'Philip Rinaldi, Scott Campaign. . • to Springfield last year. He owned formerly of Union, died June 25 in curricular training for band and orchestra students from Union County. It Krowl Jewelers, East Orange, before the State Coalition, explained that, Center on East Hazelwood Avenue in concerns and considerations with the Concerned Citizens group. facility was expected'to be built in ' ties, due to a variety of reasons, eco- Tavares, Tim Brand, Jaclyn Langows- Steven Weinberg, division chair- Daughters of Israel Geriatric Center, also reportedly served as a training ground for musicians and band his retirement 10 years.ago. He had nationally, incinerators are built in Rahway. That center is approximately garbage-burnings facility. "I am glad to be here today," Salem . close proximity to a hospital and nomic and educational," Del Gado Ici and Barbara Mazzarachio. man, opened the program by mention- West Orange. leaders. —- .-.•••• been a volunteer at the St. Bamabas economically deprived areas. 1,000 feet away from the proposed "It is no accident that they want to said.' "I would like to give a little schools and in an area consisting of 60 noted. "Any person, minority or not, Those presented with Bibles at the ing the "challenges the campaign has Bom in Newark, she lived in Union , Mr. bstrander was a member of tho First Presbyterian Church of Medical Center, Livingston. "The target is those communities silo of the incinerator. percent Hispanic residents. He noted should be outraged at the siting of same lime were Christopher Bartosh, to face in the light of Isarel's absorp- before moving to West Orange .eight Roselle. He had served on the board of deacons and the board of trustees identified as the least likely to pro- David Brown of Rahway, chairman that the other area residents are mostly these facilities, because we arc deal- Robyn Ford, BiJIy Kitzman, Christo- tion of Soviet and Ethiopian Jews and Surviving is his sister, Sylvia. years ago. Mrs. Schertzer and her late and was a director of the Senior Choir for two years. He also-was an test," Mazzocchi said. "That means of tho Union County-based Con- immigrants or blacks. ing with human life and the pollutants pher Plcsnik, Kelly Kitzman, Krystcn other social needs." Lobisch, Danielle Minetti, Richard husband, Harry, owned Harry's Bar, ordained ruling elder and was a member of the interpretation and ste- George W.T. Clark the poor, minority or immigrant cerned Citizens for the Environment, However, in~.February Governor will find their way to everybody's Rabbi Steven Dworkcn of Anshe Riedlinger, Kimbcrly Bush, Natasha Newark, for 15 years before retiring wardship committee. Mr. Ostrander was a member of Boy Scouts Troop George W.T. Clark, 82, of Spring- communities." moved the.'group from tho meeting canceled the plans for home." • • • " —- Chewed and Rabbi Robert Rubin of Chater, Vicki Stieglitz.JAdam DcFal- 25 years ago. Earlier, she had been a 51, where he advanced to Eagle Scout. Ho was a World War II veteran field died Juno 26 in Overlook Hospi- Tcmplo MekorXhayim also lectured co, Kirk Rahusen, Stephen Silecchia, keypunch operator with Globe Insur- and had served with the Army's 188th Engineer Combat Battalion, tal, Summit. and endorsed the campaign. Eddi Busch, Garry Lorenz, Rick ance, New York City. Mrs. Schertzer Surviving are his wife, Murrill; two sons; W. Brooke and Bruce N.; a Bom in Newark, he lived in Irvihg- Fisher brings magic and Rabbi Howard Morrison of Con- Fund-raising schemes Lorenz, Ahmed Chater, Buddy Maz; was a member of tho Felix Fund Soci- daughter, Catherine L. Swanson, and six grandchildren. ton before moving to Springfield 42 gregation Beth Shalom, Union, dis- zarachio, Philip Rinaldi and Tammy ety and the Nathan Straus Society,' years ago. He worked for the National illusion to Union County cussed his trip to Israel "at iho time Burkhardt. _ both of Newark, and the Sisterhood of Newark and Essex Bonk, Newark, Children's entertainer Joe Fischer 17 — Nomahcgan Park, next lo picnic the country was attacked by Iraqi targeted by Cohen bill the -Daughters of ,J(srael._ Bom in Newark sho moved to Park Union Tavcm Association. now the Midlanlic Bank, for 48 years . will astound, baffle, delight, thrill and area, rain silo Union Public Library; Sunday School teachers this year Scud missiles." He told about tho Surviving are a daughter, Shirley Union 15 years ago. Surviving are his wife, Mary; a son, before retiring 17 years ago as mana- Dubious fund-raising schemes, print on the back of the check," Cohen entertain audiences this summer in July 24 — Rahway River Park, included Wanda Burhardt, Frieda damages the missiles caused to Israeli Fischbach; two sons, Leonard ' and Surviving are two sons, Samuel and Joseph; a daughter, Dolores Manfria; ger of the trust department. Mr. Clark similar to those used earlier this year said. "If a private agency or corpora- "Magic in the Parks." Audience parti- behind old bath house, rain sito Rah- Lewis, Karen Rinaldi, Dcbbi Tavarcs, cities and condemned American Paul, six grandchildren and five great- Philip; three daughters, Mildred He!- two brothers, Joseph Jr. and Steven; served in the Army Air Force during by tho National Republican Senatorial tion had used such questionable tech-,, cipation, excitement and comedy can way Public Library; and Aug. 7 — Annclies Baum, Anita Brand and Inge Jewry's decrease in tourism to Israel.. grandchildren. chinski, Ann DiModica and Lucille two sisters, Kay Martinangclo and Committee, would no longer be legal, niqucs to extract money from the Cedar Brook Park, spray pool area, Lewis. World War II. . bo expected as Joe Fischer presents He said" that "in times of crisis, tour- Longo; a sister, Mary Milani, nine Jennie Italiano, seven grandchildren under terms of legislation introduced public, they probably would be facing rain site Plainfield Public Library. Surviving arc his wjfe, Mary C; a DAYTON-STUDENTS RECOGNIZED - Valedictorian his show on'fantasy, illusion and mag- '•' The Sunday School has adjourned ism to Israel should increase." grandchildren, 11 greatgrandchildren and five great-grandchildren./ by Assemblyman Noil M. Cohen and stiff penalties. There is no reason why sister, Mildred W. Wagner, and a. Nancy Bolton, second from right, and Salutatorian Lar- ic in parks in Union County during Each of these free family-oriented for Ihe summer but will resume again Yaron Svoray, ihe keynote speaker, and one great-great granchild. Thomas J. Duch. groups such as this OOP fund-raising Mrs. Buonarota brother, Roy E. ^^ ry Conn, second from left, were honored for their July and August ' ' • '. . programs is.sponsored and funded by on Scpt>-8, it was announced. spoke about the issue of Arab terror- organization should be given a license ' Philomcna Buonarota, 69, of Union The bill, known as tho Deceptive academic achievements at the sixth annual recognition The following one-hour- programs the libraries of the Union County Grace Lutheran Church will hold a ism and the recruitment and training to defraud and rip off the public." . died Juno 25 in her home. Saul Price > Frank Signorello Campaign Fund-Raising Reform Act breakfast for Outstanding Scholars of Union County. will be offered on Wednesdays at 10 Consortium. Vacation Bible School for all children of young Palestinian terrorist, and Duch noted that, although New Bom in Brooklyn, N.Y., sho lived Ida Gilbert Saul Price, 82, of Roslyn Heights, .,. of 1991, would prohibit the use of Also pictured are Burton Zitomer, president of the a.m.: July 3 — Warinanco Park, track For further information about these of the community from age 4, frec-of- stressed that "the real-issue of Entebbe Frank Signorello, 80, of Roselle Jersey Attorney General Robert Del In Hobokcn before moving to Union Ida Gilbert of Union died Sunday in N.Y., formerly of Springfield, died deceptive practices and tactics " in Union County-Regional Board of Education, and Judith area, rain site Hillside Public Library; five special presentations, one can chargo, Monday through Friday, 9 was Jewish safety in the world. Park died June 27 in Union Hospital. Tufo sued tho NRSC over the scheme, - Wickllne, principal of Jonathan Dayton. a.m. to noon, July 22 to Aug. 2. To. 36 years age-. Beth Israel Medical Center, Newark. Sunday in St. Frances Hospital, Bom in Italy, Mr. Signorello lived political fund-raising campaigns. July 10 — Watchung Reservation, contact Iho children's departments of At tho conclusion,,Pearl Rakin of the New Jersey Superior Court Surviving are a son, Mauro M.; two Bom in Brooklyn, she lived in Roslyn Heights. . in Rosc'llo Park since 1912. Mr. Sig- back of trailside area, rain site Berke- the respective local Union County • enroll one can call 686-3965 or Linden made an appeal to pledge to "All of us who are committed to rejected tho suit on the grounds that sisters, Mary Esposito and Helen Newark before moving to Union 30 Born in Newark, he lived in Spring- norello had been Iho owner of ley Heights Community Center, July libraries. '• 686-4269. the 1991 United Jewish Campaign, honesty and integrity in government the state's Consumer Fraud Act was Pate, and two grandchildren. years ago. Mrs. Gilbert was a bookk- field before moving to Roslyn Hcight- Frenchy's Bar and Grill, Rosollc Park, Ex-Union County resident mentioning "tho needs of ahe local were appalled when the NRSC not intended to cover politics. PUBUC NOTICE eeper for American Chewing Pro- s more that three years ago. Mr. Price for 30 years before his retirement in Free coffee house Jewish agencies which deal with iho resorted" to such shocking, deceptive "Our bill will close that loophole by ducts, Newark, for 20 years and and his late wife, Lcnore, owned 19.71. He was a communicant of .the considered for high court I PUBLIC NOTICE educational, social and recreational fund-raising techniques," said Cohen supplementing the Now Jersey Con- NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FOR NON-PAYMENT OF TAXES, The Clinton Hill Baptist Church, Herbert C. Otto retired 12 years ago. Sho received an Lcriore's High Fashion Shop, New- Church of the Assumption, Roselle By Alec Schwartz Tho Kcarso homo on Hilton Avenue ASSESSMENTS AND OTHER MUNICIPAL LIENS . needs of the community." Rakin (D-Union). "And it was even more sumer Fraud Act to include deceptive rwot-iPUBLICu ,-,,-NOTICM IUCIE IBs uuiuujherebyr yivwgiven thammi iI,, vsufiiuiCorlnnen cciunannEckmann,. k^ouecioCollector ofi TaxeI axes Oof thme 2815 Morris Ave., Union, has Herbert C. Otto, 80, of Union died associate's degree in accounting from ark, for 30 years and retired 11 years ,. Park. He was a member of the Rosellc wnohlp ol Springfield In the County of Union, will sell al public sale on MONDAY. THE called upon the participants to support alarming to lcam that New Jersey can- political fund-raising practices," Staff Writer was faeorigina l silo of the Family, Township ol Springfield In the County of Union, will sell al public sate on MONDAY. THE announced that a free monthly June 25 in his home. Brooklyn College in 1927. Mrs. Gil- ago. He was a member of the Lions Park Union Taycm_Association. : 29TH DAY OF JULY, 1091, al Ibe Collecor's Office, Municipal Building, 100 MouMountaii 'n _thc_campaign.l 1_ With Supremo Court Justice Thur- Henlth Center. Avonuo. Springfield, N.J., at 9:30 A.M.-or-al such olhor lime and place to which said Club~6rNowark: andTl'nai B'ritliTin" ^ribt use its existing Consumer Fraud- -Duch-said.— • -—: —union-ooffoo house-will be open for- — Bom- in Belleville, ho lived in bert was a secretary andtreasufct of Surviving are his wife, Mary; a son, good Marshall announcing his retire Kcarsc's father, Robert Kcarsc, may then be adjourned al the Bald Collectors Offlco_9nch and all of the several lots and Rafabi "''Jacob Rubcnstein of Beth Act to stop this shameful practice." Under tho legislation, A-4937, it parcels of land .assessed lo Iho respective persons whose names are sel opposlle each fellowship, live music and refresh- Union for two years. He worked for the Hadassah, Irvington, and was a East Orange. Joseph; a daughter, Dolores Manfria; ment on Thursday, former Union resi- was named the first black postmaster respective parcel as the owner thereof for |he lolal amount of municipal Hens chargeable Torah concluded the event by giving" Cohen noted that the NRSC scnl would be illegal for a political com- against said lands respectively, as computed to the 29th day of July, 1991, all described ments July 13 at 7 o'clock. Engelhard Industries, Union; for 15 member of the Senior Citizens of the Surviving are a daughter, Judy two brothers, Joseph Jr. and Steven; fund-raising letters to about 1 million dent Amalya Lylc Kcarsc, now a of tho Vauxhall branch of tho Union and particularly set out In a list of the lands subject to sale, bound In book form and now a tho benediction. years before retiring 15 years ago as YM-YMHA in Union. mittee, to employ misleading or permanent record In my said office, all as required under the provisions of Article 4, Chapter Umonsky; a sister, Frieda Herling; two sisters, Kay Martinangclo and Republicans nationwide, including judge with the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court post office during tho Franklin Delano deceptive tactics, uso false pretenses 9, Title 54 of the Revised Statutes of New Jersey, 1937, entitled "Sale of Real Property lo Children's program supervisor of security guards. Earlicrfc Surviving are five sons, Leonard, three brothers, Dr., Samuel J., Louis Jennie Italiano, seven grandchildren ' 68,000 Now Jerscyans. Enclosed with of Appeals in New York, was Roosevelt era. Kcarsc Memorial Field Enforce Liens," Section 54:5-19 lo 64:5-111, and amendments thereto. or promises, or knowingly conceal, TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, thai said lands will be sold at 16% Interest or less lo make the Summer's services ho had been a dispatcher for tho Marty, Larry, Murray and Stanley,. 13---. and Benjamin, and two grandchildren. and five great-grandchildrcnv rumored to be among the candidates Congregation Beth Shalom of each letter was a $25 check which, suppress or omit any significant infor- on Valley Street is named in his amount of municipal Hens chargeable against redemption at the lowest rate of Interest. The Lehigh Warehouse, Newark, for 25 payment for the sale shall be made before the conclusion of the sale by CASH, CERTIFIED Union has announced the opening of a During the months of July and grandchildren . and two great- when cashed, authorized the Republi- mation when soliciting funds. being considered lo fill the scat being honor. _ CHECK or MONEY ORDER, or the properly shall be resold. Properties for which there are years. Mr. Otto served in tho merchant not other purchasers shall be struck off and. sold .to the Township of Sptlngfleld In accor- kindergarten through second grado August, it was announced by tho First grandchildren. » can Party to withdraw $12.50 from vacated by" one of tho mpst in flucnti al According to: Terrell, who also marine during World War II. He wasa Violators would be subject to fines dance with said act of the Legislature. Inlere&roh subsequent liens snail DO allowed as program for unaffiliatcd Jewish child- Presbyterian Church of Rosollo, that tho recipient's bank account overy voices of the 20th century. However, baby-sat for Kcarso and her brother, provided by Law. — — : member of the Belleville Historical death notices of up to $25,000 for each offense. Tho ~"~ Al any lime before Ihe sale, said Collector will receive payment of the amount due on any ren in Union County and tho local Union services will be held In tho month until ho or she cancels the auto- just before press time Monday, Presi- Robert;; who now lives in Orange, tho property with Interest and'costs Incurred, by CASH, CERTIFIED CHECK or MONEY legislation also givesnhe state attor- > sanctuary, and tho congregation and Society and was a volunteer for tho Gaetano Pollno dent George Bush announced that his ORDER. - area. matic deductions. ney general the authority to bring an ,parcnts were both black activists and Ml. Carmcl Guild of Alcoholics CLARK - Georoe W.T., ot Springfield, New Lauren Klem. Funeral was Thursday, con- The land and premises to be sold are described as follows: Second grado will meet on a week- that of the First Baptist Church of. Gaetano Polino, 94, of Union died "The details of this bogus fund- action in Superior Court for damages nomination would go to Clarence^ yery invbjyed with tho Vauxhall Dated: July 3, 1891 Corlnne Eckmann Anonymous,.-. Jersey, on. Wednesday, JOne 26, 1891, hus- ducted by The MC CRACKEN FUNERAL Collector ol Taxes day and Sunday morning. Children Roselle will toko part. Tho services Friday in his home.' band of Mary C. Zlhala Clark, brother of Mrs. HOME, 1500 Mortis Avenue, Union, New raising scheme were buried in fine against those who violate the law. Thomas, a judge appointed by Bush to community! Total Mildred W. Wognor and Roy E. Clark. Funeral Jersey. Interment Hollywood Memorial Park, will loam Hebrew, holidays, Bible will bo held at tho regular worship. Surviving are his wife, Viola E.; Bom in Italy, he lived in Newark tho U.S. Court of Appeals in 1990. As for Kearse, Terrell said she was Location Owner Block/Lot Ami. Due was Saturday, conducted by. SMITH AND Union.." _^ 1. 34 Lewis Drive Elaine McConkey 21/20 4,825.43 and value concepts. First grado will hour at 10 a.m. A social hour will fol- two daughters, Beverly J. Borelli and before moving to Union 21 years ago. SMITH (SUBURBAN), 416 Morris Avenue, Kcarsc, a graduate of Columbia always "a very bright child," who 2. 89 Battle HIM Ave. Louis J Sri Joan A Melkowlts 26/4 1,949.89 NORWICKE - Theodore S.. on June 28,1991, 51.01/34 3,383.58 low each service in tho fellowship Linda Mario Magliaro, a son, Steven Mr. Polino was a tool maker for the Springfield, Now Jersey. Funeral Mass was High School, lived in Vauxhall and 3. 60 Keeler Street Jerry R a Jean P meet on Sunday mornings. Children offered at St. James Church, Springfield. Inter- beloved husband ol Carmen L. Berenguer, took piano lessons and excelled in 4. 3a Woodcresl Circle Karoly t, Elizabeth Pledl 64/14 . 4,093.55 hall. H., and seven grandchildren. Pavia Metal Works, Newark, for 52 loving unde of several nieces and nephews. attended grammar school in Union. 5. 20 Elmwood Road Joanne Tedesco 72.02/16 4,148.43 will loam beginner's Hebrew, holi- menl Gate of Heaven Cemetery, East Hanover. Class of 2000 gears school. 6. 38 Oakland Avenue Robert Burns 81/14 3,278,25 The Rev. George Harkless will Funeral service was Tuesday, conducted by days through arts and crafts and mus- years before retiring 17 years ago. From there she went on to Wellcsloy Recently, Kcarso was named to 7. 26 Henshaw Avenue Anthony A Anita Zappulla 85/30 2,088,44 COLLINS - Muriel B. Kelly, of Culver Lake, New The MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, 1600 8. 117 Warwick Circle 'Joseph A Mary Ann Damlaho 88/14 5.691.20 ic, and Biblical stories. Kindergarten preach during this month and the Rev. Surviving are a son, Carl; two Jersey, formerly of Green Brook, New Jersey, . Morris Avenue, Union, New Jersey. Funeral College, where she received a bache- Columbia High School's Hall of 0. 185 Hawthorn Ave. 92/4 1,046.28 Helen Spinner on Friday, June 26, 1991', wife of George R. Mass was olfered at St. Paul the Apostle liana Maroollus 97.01/1 1,779.68 will meet during arts and crafts hour Max Crcswcll will occupy tho pulpit daughters, Antoinette Raffa and for an early start lor of arts degree in philosophy. Fame for her outstanding accomplish- East Coasl Condo Tech, CCO4A -Collins, mother of Mrs. Kathloen Ferruggla, Church. Irvington. Interment Gate ol Heaven , 10, 4-A Troy Dr. Helen E. Spinner, 74, of Fredon 97.01/1 on Sunday mornings. " next month. Dolores Licbl; two brothers, Carlo Richard, Daniel and Stephen Collins, sister of Cemetery. Kearse earned her law degree from ments. Judy Levy, Columbia's com- East Coast Condp Tech, 2,016.27 .Township, formerly of Union, died Fifty-two members of the Class of their school work, their future in tho 11,_ 4-D Troy Dr.* C004D - The full academic year will run Tho Sacrament of tho Lord's Sup- and Ottino, and three grandchildren. Mrs. Madeline Tlerney, Mrs. Mary Snelllng, the University of Michigan in 1962. munications coordinator, said sho 1 East Coasl Condo Tech, 97.01/1 1,779.58 Saturday in Forest Manor, Frcling- Thomas and John Kelly, also survived by 12 2000 from Middlesex, Somerset and next century will be bright," says 12. B-C Troy Dr. C006C from September, 1991 through Juno, per will bo eelobrated this Sunday and grandchildren. Funeral Mass was olfered Tues- 8CHULTEN - Thomas H., on June 26, 1991, She graduated cum laudo and was an 97/01/1 "had her fingers crossed" for tho East Coast Condo Tech, Inc. 2,076.25 huysen Township. day, at St. James Church, 45 South Springfield, beloved husband ol Either of Wolff), devoted Union counties took an imaginary Elsie Sokol. "As a member of this 13. 12-D Troy Dr. C012D 1991. on Aug. 4. father of Mr.. Muriel Lackl, Mr.. Helen While, editor for the Law Review. graduate. 97.01/1 Marie Falluca Avenue, Springfield, New Jersey. Interment spaceship ride through a smoke-filled community, Central Jersey Bank is East Coasl Condo Tech, Inc. 2,016.27 On Sept. 1, tho church is planning Bom in Newark, Mrs. Spinner Mrs. Vera Paye.ko, Mrs. Grace Rlcardy and 14. 14-c Troy Dr. C014C For further information, one can Gale ol Heaven Cemetery, East Hanover. But Kearse at that point faced a "Wo wish her the best of luck with 97.01/1 lived in Union and Rosollo before Mario Falluca, 54, of Union, died Funeral erragements were made by SMITH Harold L. Schulten, dear brother ol Betsy and room into tho future to tho year 2000 committed to contributing to the edu- East-Coast Condo Tech, Inc.. 2,078.25 to have a community Union service Josephine Schulten, loving grandfather ol 16 seemingly insurmountuDle" double "IS. 16-D Troy Dr. C016D call tho synagoguo office at 686-6773. AND SMITH (SUBURBAN), 415 Morris Av~. with tKeir parents and teachers on cation of our youth. Our investment in tho nomination," Terrell said on Fri-' 97.01/1 with tho congregations of Roselle moving to Fredon Township five June 19 in her home. grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren: East Coasl Tech, Inc. 1,779.56 Tho Both Shalom Religious School enue, Springfield, New Jersey. In lieu of Juno 12 at the Rutgers University- barrier. At tho time there wore no day. "Even if sho doesn't got it, we are 16-18-B Troy Dr. C016B years ago. Sho was a personnel super- Bom In Newark, sho lived in Funeral was Saturday, conducted by The MC their education is an investment in 97.01/1 is subsidized by tho Jewish Federation United Methodist, Second Baptist, flowers, contributions may be made to Karen CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Morris Livingston Campus Student Center, black lawyers on Wall Street, and the very proud of her." East Coasl Tech, Ino. C020B 1,779.56 visor, with Sears and Roebuck, New- Irvington before moving to Union 30 Ann Qulnlan Center of Hope Hospice, 19 Avenue, Union, New Jersey. Interment In their future, which in turn is an invest- 17.' 2O-B Troy Dr, 97.01/1 of Central Now Jcrsoy. ' Heard AME and St. Luke's Episcopal Church Street, Newton, New Jersey 07860. prevailing attitude was that women Township"" Committcoman Greg East Coast Condo Tech, Inc. C021A 1,779.56 ark, from 1954 to 1975. She was affil- years ago. Miss Falluca at Prudential Rosedale Memorial Park, Linden. Contribu- : Now Brunswick. ment in this community." ' 18. 21-A Troy Dr. joining the First Presbyterian in tions In his memory to your favorite charity would disrupt the work force. Kearse 97.01/1 iated with Scars and Roebuck until Insurance Co., Parsippany, for 28 FLEMING - Frank, of Mlllburn, New Jersey, on This special occasion celebrated The Class of 2000 Annual Muller added that it would have been East Coast Condos Tech, Inc. C036A 1,779.66 worship. would be.appreciated, • did more than overcome those 19. 36-A Troy Dr. 97.01/1 she retired from the New Brunswick years before retiring in 1983, Wednesday, June 26,18S1,husband of the late tho students who wcro all being hon- Achievement Event is part of tho "great for Union" to have a Supremo East Coast Condo Tech,-Inc. C038A •1,779.56 Federation program Mary Leonard Fleming, father of John F. and ored as the 1990-91 third-grade "Stu- barriers. Court justice with roots in tho '20. 38-A Troy Dr. 97.01/1 Couples' weekend store in 1977. Mrs. Spinner belonged / Surviving arft a brother, John, and a Peter J. Fleming, and Mm. Mary Roman, also TELYMONDE • Jamsi V., ol 76 of Elizabeth, on Class' of 2000 Program initiated by East Coast Condo Tech, Inc. C038D 1,779.56 "Wo live in an age of miracles, but She joined tho Manhattan-based township. 21. 38-D Troy Dr. to the Rosary Altar Society of St. sister, Josephino Boohmlor. survived by six grandchildren and three great June 27,1991, beloved husband of Marie (nee dent of the Year" for their school. The Central Jersey Bank in February 97.01/1 we don't recognize them;" was keyn- Tho Archidloceso of Newark will grandchildren. Funeral sen/Ice was Saturday, Slsto), dear lather ol Loul. and Jame. Tely- firm of Hughes Hubbord & Reed, East Coasl Condo Tech, Inc'. CO48A 1,779.58 Joseph the Carpenter Church, Rosollo. , event was the culmination of this 1991. Tho program will evolve over Kcarsc's legal publications, 22JJ48-A Troy Dr. 97,0171 oto speaker Malcolm Hoonleln's offor "Marriage Encounter conducted by SMITH AND SMITH (SUBUR- mondo, brother ol Andrew Telymonde,. also where she Was made a partner in East Coast Condo Tech, Inc. CO48D 1,779.68 1 BAN), 416 Morris Avenue, Springfield,.New survived by five grandchildren. Funeral was . year's Class of 2000 educational the course of the next nine years to according to her biography, include 23. 48-D Troy Dr\ 97.01/1 opening statement at tho recent annual Weekends" to "couples of all faiths Surviving ore two daughters, Kath- Jersey. Funeral Mass was olfered at St. Rose ol Saturday, conducted by The MC CRACKEN enrichment programs, which were ini- 1969. And then in 1979 she was nomi- East Coast Condo Tech, Inc. CO49A 2,016.27 leen and Patricia Day; three brothers, Frank Signorello Lima Church, Short Hills. Interment SI. Theresa FUNERAL HOME, 1500 MorrlB Avenue, Union, encompass-a variety of educational several financial pieces. In 1973 four 24. 40-A Troy Dr. mooting of tho Jewish Federation of who want to enrich their marriage," nated by President Jimmy Carter to 97.01/1 • Frank Signorello, 80, of Roselle Comolery,Summit. New Jersey. Funeral Mass was ollered ai~ tiated in Fobruary by Central Jersey enrichment activities. articles were published in Black East Coasl Condo Tech, Inc. C050B 1.779.58 Central Now Jersey. "The rebirth of Sept. 6 to 8 and Nov. 1 to 3, Harold, Samuel and Peter Mihalak; - 25. 50-B Troy Dr. 97.01/1 Blessed Sacrament, Elizabeth. Interment Mt. Bank. Tho Student of the Year honor tho second highest court in the Enterprise, dealing with lax consider- Israel, the redemption of iho exiles — three sisters, Mildred Thiery, Ann Park died June 27 in Union-Hospital. KLEM • Waller, 60, ol Hillside, on June 24, Olivet Cemetery. In lieu ol flower., donations In In addition to tho annual achieve- 'East Coast Condo Tech, Inc. C0538 2,076.25 "Marriage Encounter" is a Catholic 1001, beloved husband of Malalda (verder- is awarded to one child per school -country. . ' ation in corporate mergers, pensions 26. 53-B Troy Dr, 97.01/1 -more Jews have' como out of the Koolblo and Mary Furiness, and two Bom in Italy, Mr. Signorello lived his name to the Visiting Nurse and Health ment events, inaugural year activities" CO54A expression that offers couples a tech- osa), devoted father ol Richard Mem and Sen/Ice Hospice, 354 Union Avenue, Elizabeth; East Coasl Condo Tech, Inc. 2,499.11 in Rosollc Park since 1912. Mr. Sig- Barbara Boor, grandfather ol Barbara Ann within each county. Students have included a Student of the Month moli-" At.the lime Kcarso, who is always and deferred profit sharing, minimum 27. 54-A Troy Dr. 97.01/1 USSR than Egypt." nique of loving communication. Tho grandchildren. would be appredolod.- ____ East Coast Condo Tech, Inc. C055A 1,779,56 . norello had been the owner of Rocklckl, Michael Rocklckl, Christina, Jill ond been selected by their touchers and vational program and the SuperSav- modest, suid that she never planned wage, and Social Security, 28. 65-A Troy-Dr. 97.01/1 Sharon Borenstoin of Springfield weekend is a positive and common on becoming a judge when she began C055C 1,779.56 Frenchy's Bar and Grill, Roselle Park, principals based on thoirprogress dur- cr's Program. Tho Bank also has Her professional affiliations 29. 8&C Troy Dr. East CoaBt Condo Tech, Inc. 97.01/1 and Diane Foreman served as co- sense oxperienco for husband' and ing the year and consistency of effort. to practice law, but "it became a purt C057C 1,779.56 Lucy Santaniello for 30 years before his retirement in established an independent non-profit include serving on tho President's 30. 57-C Troy Dr. East Coast Condo Tech, Inc. 97.01/1 chairmen. wife, that revitalizes marriage by A student of the year has worked of my thinking." Kearse declined to C059A . Lucy Santaniello, 93, of Union died 1971. He was a communicant of the Mora than 80,000 raadara In Union, Sprlngllild, Llndan, corporation, Class of 2000, Inc., Committee for Solcction of Federal East Coast Condo Tech, Inc.* 2,078.25 The ovent also included the instal- helping couples seo what their rela- hard in school and has been a commit- bo interviewed until "possibly the 31. 59-A Troy Dr, 97.01/1 Church of tho Assumption, Roscllo MounUln.ld*. Kanllworth, Rosalia Park, ROMIIO, Hlllalda, which is charged with the administra- Judicial Officers from 1977-78, bojng C061A lation of new officers and awards pre- tionship could and should bc."v Sunday in Overlook Hospital, "Easrcoast Condo Tech, Inc. 97.01/1 2,078.25 Park. He was a member of tho Rosollo"" Rahway « Clark ara reading our Bualnaaa Card right now... ted and integral member of tho class- tion and dovolopmcnt of a scholarship Jail." . • a member on tho board of directors for 32. 61 -A Troy Dr sentations. Tho now officers arc Mur- Summit. 3O64A 1,779.56 An atmosphere is created on the room community throughout tho year. Kcarso's success is, if not expected, 33. 64-A Troy Dr. East Coast Conoo Tech, Inc., 97.01/1 fundThat will provide financial assis- tho National Association for the C065A ray Pantirer of Hillside, president; weekend in which tho couple can con- 1,779.66 Awards arc not based on grades but tance for higher ccducation to high at least anticipated by many. Accord- Advancement of Colored People from 34. 65-A Troy Dr. East Coast Condo Tech, Inc. 97.01/1 Gerald Cantor, Marilyn Flanzbaum, C066B centrate exclusively on one another. A .. .Thay could ba raiding youral rather on the student's effort. ing to Orissa Terrell, tho executive 1,779.66 school graduates of the year 2000 1977-79, and serving on the executive 35. 66-B .Troy Dr. Easl Coast Condo Tech,-Inc. 97.01/1 Richard Samuel and Zygmunt Wilf of scrios of talks are given by a team of • C060C Tho event was designed to convoy from Mercer, Middlesex, Ocean, director olttho Union Township Com- committee for tho Lawyers Commit- 2,016.27 Springfield, vice-presidents; Alfred 36. 60-C Troy Dr. East Coasl Condo Tech, Inc. 97.01/1 trained.couples and a Catholic priest. excitomont about the children's Somerset and Union Counties. munity Action Organization, "both of tee for Civil, Rights .Under.the Law. C071A Qclfond, campaign chairman; Jill In the Heart of Manhattan East Coast Condo Tech, Inc. 97.01/1 1,779,58 More information can bo obtained- Kearse's parents were influential fig- 37. 7i-A Troy Dr. . C071D Kopclman, Women's Division presi- achievements as well as their future In Fobruary when the Class of ?000' In addition to her pursuit of justice, 1,779.56 by calling Lynn . John at ures in the community. 38. 71-D Troy Dr. East Coast Condo Tech, Inc. 97.01/1 when they graduate from high school • Program was launched, Central Jersey Kearse has devoted time lo studying C072B dent; Eslelle Edelson of Mountain- 1-201,-744-7549. Her mother, Dr. Myra Smith East Coast Condo Tech, Inc: 97.01/1 2,078,25 in the year 2000; ted by a tenfoot tall Bank made an initial contribution to one of tho most challenging card 39. 72-B Troy Dr. C076C side, treasurer; Joseph Bier, assistant BONANZA DAYS wise wizard with the help of dramatic Kciirso, for whom two facilities are 97.01/1 .1,779.58 treasurer, Edward Leibowitz, secret-, this fund of $200,000. "We are look- games — bridge 40. 76-C Troy Dr. East Coast Condo Tech, Ino. C083B Church Schootset • Located in mid-town • staging, noon lighting, futuristic char- ing to the community to help us build named in Union, was one of tho only In 1971 and 1972 she. won the 97.01/1 1,779.58 ary, and David Kopolman, assistant 41. 83-B Troy Dr. Easl Coast .Condo Tech, Ino. C084D Vacation Church School is planned Manhattan acters in sparkling space-age cos- this fund over the-next nine years," black physicians in Iho community. National Women's Pairs bridge 97.01/1 2,047.05 secretary, Terrell said that she would make 42. 84-D Troy Dr. East Coasl Condo Tech, Inc. C086A In Calvary Lutheran Church, 108 • Minutes from Fifth .tumes, break dancing on roller skates says James Killough, president of the championship,, and in. 1986 was iho 97.01/1 2,016.27 Awards wore presented to Sandy to tho tune of Neil Diamond's Headed house calls and delivered hundreds of 43. 88-A Troy Dr. East COABI Condo Tech, Inc. C087A Eastman St. Cranford. Sessions will Avenue. Broadway, . Class of 2000, Inc. and executive vice World Women's Pairs champion. 97.01/1 Gelfond, .president's award; Judy babies. " Eaat Coasl Condo Tech, Inc 2,016.27 be held July 22 through July 26 from for the Future, the children, their president ,-of_Central Jersey Bank. Sho has several bridge publications 44. 87-A Troy Dr. C089A Gottlieb of Clark, young leadership Lincoln Center, 97.01/1 2,016.27 9:15 a.m. to noon. parents and their teachers were trans- "Our goal is to build this fund lo The Dr. Myra Smith Kearse Center, to her credit. In 1976 she edited "Offi- 48. 80A Troy Dr. Easl Coast Condo.Tech, Inc. C093A Carnegie Hall, the award; Rabbi Mordcchai Kanelslcy, Package Includes: ported through time to the year 2000. which is the home for tho Community 97.01/1 1,779.56 The school is open to all children between 10 and 20 million'dollars by cial Encyclopedia of Bridge." Sho C083B Brls Avrohom and Congregation Ohel javits Convention Center, 1 46. B3-A Troy Dr. East Coast Condo Tech, Inc. from 3-years-oId through sixth grade • FREE American Breakfast for two There, the students received their the year 2000 when it will be distri- Action Organization, andlfie" Family wroto and translated several books on 97.01/1 —1,779.56 Yltzchok, Community award; Sol Rockefeller Center and 47. 93-B Troy Dr. East Coast Condo Tech, Inc. C093D students at a cost of $10 a child to a . • FREE Beverages for two certificate? and commemorative silver buted to-students from Central New Health Center both bear her name., Iho subject in the mid- lo late 1970s. 97.01/1 1,779.58 koved, volunteer award; and Ocri and Central Park Send your card Nowl 48. 03-D Troy Dr. Easl Coast Condo Tech, Ino. OOO5A maximum of $25 a family. dollars. Not a stray voice could be Jersey who need financial assistance 97.01/1 Richard Samuel, the Joseph Weins- • FREE Dinners for two Advertise your builnew o»rd In the "Card" 2,016.27 • Cable TV & HBO For only hoard as the children listened to the for higher education." PUBLIC NOTICE 49. 0S-A Troy Dr. Easl Coasl Condo Tech, Ino. C095B teln Campaign award. This year's themo Is "Come Share • FREE Parking Board, appearing tha leoond Thursday ••on 97.01/1 .2,016.27 God's Blessings." month. Deadline Thuridiy prior to publication. wizard's words ,of wiz-dom about TOWNSHIP OP SPRINOPIELD 50. BSB Troy Dr. East Coast Condo Tech, Inc. C • FREE Newspaper • Restaurant/lounge The Class of 2000 Program is open Klach for a deck which Is In violation to the Hoenleln is executive director of ' 500 business cards colt between $28 to $80 to 30 their future in the year 2000 and Notice Is hereby'given trial the Board of Zonlna Ordinance, 703,3 concerning Block 1,770.56 Each day's session will include • Per night, per person /double occ, Tax« and to all members of the Class of 2000 Ad|ualmenl of the Township of Springfield, 156, Lot 13 located al 25 Remer Avenue, 51. 3-B Stone Hill Rd. East Coast Condo Tech, Inc. Ihe Conference of Presidents of Major print, and to mill 500 poitcirdt costs over music, crafts, lessons, games and gratuities not Included. Rates are subject to • KIDS STAY & EAT FREEI You can raaoh watched a congratulatory video mes- County of Union, Stale ol New Jersey, will Sprlnodold, N.J: 1,770,58 175.00 \ ' and their schools in the Central New hold a public hearing oni July 16, 1991 at 52. 3-0 Stone Hill Rd. Easl Coasl Teoh.Jno. American Jewish Organizations. He , availability and change without notice. Not (17 & under stay free, 15,000 houMholds. sage from Gov. Jim Florlo. d - 8:00 P.M. prevailing lime In ihe Municipal ' Becrelary snacks. A family picnic and program Jersey six-county area of Mercer, GS03O 2,076.25 reminded Ihe group thatH991 was Iho valid with other discounts, shows, conventions Attach your BUUIVMI uicUwrt Building, Mountain Avenue, Springfield, N TOyC East Coast Condo' Tech, Ino. 12 fr under eat free) They also received accolades and U800 Spring Leader, " "^ S3! 5-0 Stone Hill Rd. 87,01/1 will conclude events on July 26 at 6 or group stays. Additional ptrson(s) 110 each,'' And null to: > Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, N.J: lo consider the application of MIckl a. July 3, lotri. (Fee: ie.oo) CSOSC 2,076:28 24th anniversary of" tho reunification Nam«'.__ Jay Doras (of • variance lo the Zoning Ordi- Bf B-D stone Hill Rd. East Ooast Condo Tech, Inc. 97.01/1 p.m. • Rooftop swimming pool Tfta "Card" Board . ' advice from representatives of Central Somerset and Union Counties. The nance, concerning Block 134.01, Col 22 of Jerusalem, and much of the speak- Worrell Community OS0BD 1,770.56 "Because of limited classroom AddreMI- Jersey Bank, Elsie Sokol, president' program was initiated by and is spon- located *l 52 Kew Drive, Springfield, N.J. . 58, 7-A Stone Hill Rd, Eaat Coast Condo Tech, Ino. 87.01/1 er's theme revolved around the • Newapepera Secretary Adjustment of lh»VTpwnshlp*o! S O8O7A 2,018.27 space, all children must be pre- P.O. Box Us sored by Central Jersey Bank, Partici- Be.'103-D Troy Dr. Eaat Ooasl Oondo Tech, Ino. 87.01/1 City: and chair of the board; James Kil- U0S8 Springfield Leader, July a, 1081 County ofubl1 Union0 ne , Stalln e of New JJenn "imporTance, legitimacy and centrall- Miplawood, NJ 07040 • (Fee: $8.88) hold S PP.ubl10 ne,«'«'ln0 on July iiee. i C103D reglstered," it was announced, Tho lough, executive vice president; and pation in the Program la not tied in t ,108/3 ty of Jerusalem tG

Classified Pages 5-8 JULY 3, 1981 62nd anniversaryAheld Mr. and Mrs. Charles Silverstein of : Their children are Evelyn Simpson Youngsters splash way to Springfield celebrated their 62nd of Mountain Lakes, Myma and Shel- wedding anniversary on June 30. by Friedman of Marshall's Creek, Pa., Charles and Tillie Silverstein werj and Marvin and Fran Silverstein of total of 85 personal-bests married June 30, 1929 in Newark, Lambertville. The celebrants also where they resided before moving to have five, grandchildren and three In its first Division 3 outing, the ond in the breaststroke behind team- - Springfield 25 years ago. great-grandchildren. , Springfield swimming team faced Youth Swimming mate John Catillo's personal-best some pretty' stiff competition in its _ first-place finish. meet at Livingston. Springfield was Catallp also finished first in the defeated by a 223-218 score, but had Wagner finished third in the backs- backstroke with a personal-best time. nittnyJhining moments. In all, aTo!al~ troke, while Andrea" Zawerczulc and Tom Stracey finished second in the stork club of 85 personal-best limes were posted Kristin DeAngelo finished second and backstroke and third in the 13-and- by Springfield swimmers. ' third respectively in the breaststroke. over individual medley. • • • The 8-and-undcr age group, the The 11-12-year-old girls were For the 13-14-year-old girls, Shan- Damon Rayshon DuBois majority, of whom -were first-time swam extremely well, led by the pow- non Farrell finished first in the backs- erhouse trio of Chris Stracey, Chris troke with a personal-best time and A son, Damon Rayshon, was born June 6 in Overlook Hospital, Summit, to competitors, did their share of point- Joharmsen' and Laura DiCosmb. was just touched out to take second in Mr. and Mrs. David DuBois HI of Vauxhall. gathering for the team. Newcomer Stracey placed' first in the girls the 13-and-over individual medley. Mrs. DuBois, the former Beltyann Hill, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Nathan Denner w.as outstanding in his 12-and-under individual medley and ' Theresa Quick and Angela Rogger- lace Hill. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Dubols ofRoselic. first meet, taking home first-place Lisa Marie Tulley finishes in the individual events of backstroke. Joharmsen tooklirst in the man placed first and third respectively Kristen Elizabeth Drum Antonio Cuccaro freestyle and butterfly and anchoring backstroke and butterfly. DiCosmo in -the breaststroke, while Elizabeth the winning 8-and-under coed frfees- was first in the freestyle and finished Bareford placed second in' the • .A daughter, Kristen Elizabeth, was bom May 29 in Overlook Hospital, Sum- Michael A. Qedman Stephanie Johnson tyle relay iteam with Ryann Dubiel, second behind Joharmsen in the butterfly. mit, to Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Drum of North Plainflcld. Tulley-Cuccaro froth butterfly. '•'.""• Stephanie Marie, daughter of Helono Jesuelo . and Anthony Tho 15-17-year-old events brought Mrs. Drum, the former Barbara Burnett, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Michael Anthony, son of 1 Mr. William J. Tulley of Clark and Schering-Plough Corp. Paul and Terri Johnson of Union, DeAngelo. . ' Turning their .attention to the nearly all the points from the boys, liam N. Burnett of Springfield. Her husband is the son 6f Mr. and Mrs. James B. Michael and Carol. Gedman of Mrs. Theresa Testa of Kcnilworth Her fiance, who was graduated celebrated her third birthday on The Springfield 8-and-uhders dom- relays, Stracey and Johannscn joined with tho exception of a gutsy perfor- Drum of Greenlawn, N.Y. " Rosollc Park celebrated his second have announced the engagement of from Westfield High School, is June 24. Joining in the celebration inated the breaststrokc events, with with 9 and 10-ycar-olds Dembcrger mance from Madara, who pulled out birthday on May 31. Joining in the their daughter, Lisa Marie Tulley of employed by the Westfield Board of- were grandmother, Mary LoBiondo Jfcsuele and Dubiel placing first and and DeAngelo to win the 12-and- to a. second-place finish in the celebration were his grandparents, Charge for pictures Kcnilworth, to Antonio Cuccaro, son Education. of North Arlington and grandfather, second respectively. The boys also undcr girls medley relay. DiCosmo 15-17-year-old girls backstroke. Joanne and Jose Garayalde of of Mr. and Mrs. Pasqualo Cuccaro of A May 1992 wedding is planned in William Johnson of Metuchen; delivered a one-two punch with John teamed with April Lehman and 9 and Ted Hubbard posted a personal- There is a $10 charge for wedding and engagement pictures. Glossy photos Rosello Park, Ann Peterson of Wcslfield. 10-year-olds Nicole Siitio and Wag- suggested. Black and white preferredj Story and photo must be submitted with- St. Theresa's Roman Catholic aunts, uncles, great-grandmothers Murphy first and Anthony DeAngelo best time to take-second in the frees- Toms River and Ronny and Joyce ner to win the 12-and-under girls in eight weeks of the wedding date. Photos cannot be returned by mail and must The bridc-clccl, who was graduated Church, Kenilworth, and a reception and cousins, Brian and Keith second. In tho butterfly, it was Denner tyle event and then took third in the Gedman of Linden. freestyle relay. be picked up at Union Leader office, 1291 Stuyvesint Ave., within three, from David Brearley Regional High will follow at September's on the Hill, Nichols. o- . taking first and David Filcpp finishing butterfly. Keith Babiarz posted his months of publication. School, Kenilworth, is employed by Watchung. second. Not to be daunted by their'more personal-best time to take third in the The 9-10-year-olde-were paced in experienced teammates, Several other freestyle and he also finished third in scoring by Matt'Rcheis and Ryan Far- 11-12-year-old girls turned in stellar the breaststroke. Marty Visitactjon rcll, each placing first in two ovents. performances. Melissa Nardone finished first in .the backstroke.' Rchois brought home honors with a impressed by placing second in the Springfield's relay teams were" worship calendar backstroke, giving Springfield first WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS — The Mats won the Mountainside Little League's Major first-place personal-best time in the especially impressive/winning five of and second in that event. Kim Kac- seven events. In addition to a win by League championship this year and finished the season 9-1. Sitting, from left, are Jason freestyle and a first-place finish in the Grunberg, Chris Bladis and Keith Janseh. Kneeling, from left, are James Hertan, Brian brcaststroke event. Ryan won both the zor's third-place finish gave Spring- tho girls 12-and-under medley team, ALLIANCE tation Is needed; Open to all those in need of achieve a standard of excellence In all-its prog- Fellowship - 1st Wednesdays and 3rd Thurs- THE UNITF.D METHODIST CHURCH IN Tues.) Fellowship Circle; 7 pm (List Tues.) DiVito, E.J. Mattioll and Jessie Orenczak. Standing above them, from left, dre Jonathan physical and spiritual nourishment. rams. Shabbal worship, enchanced by our vol- days; Church Council 8 p.m., AA Steps, Fri- UNION, Bcrwyn Street at Overlook Terrace - Presb. Women-Coordinating Team. Wed: 3:30 , backstroke and the butterfly. Richard field first and third in the broaststroke. the 13-17-year-old coed medley relay THE ORCHARD PARK CHURCH 1264 unteer choir, begins on Friday evenings at 8:30 days 8 p.m./AA Saturdays 8 p.m., A.A.R.P. Bruschi, Jack Orenczak, Ian Farrington and Dan Amiram. Coaches, from left, are mana- 686-2412 Invites you to share in ouriBllowshlp pm Confirmallon Class 1 pm (1 st Wed.) Garden Shanley finished second in the but- Newcomer Megan Madara fought off team of Visitacion, Quick, Farrell and Victor Ave., Union. 687-0364 Pastor Rov. PM, with monthly Family Services at 8:00 PM. Irvlngton Chapter 2919 Third Tuesdays 1 p.m. at: MORNING PRAYER on Sunday at 9:00 SI. Exxon Annuitants-Reg. Meeting; 7:30 pm Livingston competitors to take third Catallo were impressive in its victory. ger Tony Divito and John Orenczak and Pete Jensen. Not pictured is Jimmy Lopes and Hank Czcrwinikl, Jr. Service houn: Sunday - CHARISMATIC Saturday morning Torah-study class and wor- . a.m. DrVTOirWORSHIP on Sunday at 10:00 (2nd Wed.) Christian Education Committee; 1 terfly to give Springfield first and sec- Fellowship lime 10 a.m.; Morning Service ship begins at 10:30 AM. Religious School in the freestyle. coach Rich Bladis. " . GRACE & PEACE FELLOWSHIP HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH a.m. Holy Communion - first Sunday of the pm (3rd Wed.) Spiritual Life Circle; 8 pm Adult ond in that event. . The 13-17-year-old team" domi- 10:30.ajn. Please c*ll for further Information. classes meet on Saturday mornings for K-3, on (off Five Points) 301 Tucker Ave., Union month; SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL at Home Bible Studlei: Tuesday morning 10:30 in CHURCH 960 Rarltan Rd., Cranford Tuesday and Thursday ajtemoons for 4-7, and .Membership Class (beg. Feb.15) Thurs: 3:45 The 13-14-ycar-old boys, saw tough nated tho freestyle relay event. 276-8740. Pastor: Rev. Dean Knudscn. Sun- 688-0714 "The Crucified & RlsenChrist Is Pro- 10:00 a.m. with ADULT BIBLE STUDY at pm Brownies; 7 pm Cadette Girl Scouts; 7:30 Leah Dcmbcrgcr led the Koselle Park - 245-5048; Tuesday Evening 8 on Tuesday evenings for post-Har/Bat Mitzvah claimed Ilerel" The Rev. Minn A. Onlko, 11:00 a.m.; UNITED METHODIST WOMEN competition in their ago group, but Springfield's home-opening match p.m. in Union -. 686-3167. days 10 AM • Praise & Teaching Service and students. Pre-school, classes are available for pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal; 8 pm Alcoholics 9-10-year-old girls with first-place Children's M.nistry; Wednesday .7:00 PM - D.D., Pastor SUN: Slovak Worship 9:00 a.m., • Second Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Also meeting Anonymous. FRI; 8 pm (3rd Fri.) Linden Intra- met it head-on. Rchejs took first place against Maplewopd is scheduled for Springfield snaps losing streak children ages 2% through 4. The Temple has. Sunday School 10:00 a.m., Coffee hour 10:00 at the Church: A, A. - each Tuesday at 7:00 finishes in the backstroke, butterfly Intercessory P:ayer Meeting, Wednesday Even- -Ihe-support of an active Sisterhood, Brother— falth Council: 12 N (4th Fri.) AARP-Exec Bd.; Tuesday at 6 p.m. at, the Springfield : - a,m., English Worship 11:00 a.m. Confirmation — r —and as a member of the winning girls- -in-two-houy.contesleJjMflcsjnjhc Ing Service^ 8:00 PM. hood and Youth Group. A wide range of prog- -p.m^GrAr- each Sunday at 7:00 p;m~Unlon~ ~1 prn (4lh Rl:) AARP-Rtsg. Me«lngTSit. 8 am" —The-past-wcck wasnoLkind-to— FRIDAY" *— "^ASSEMBLIES OFGOD Class 12:15 p.m., Communion on first and third Hospital GRAND Center for Geriatric Assess- (3rd Sat.) Presb. Men-Breakfast Meeting freestyle and butterfly and took a sec- Pool. rams include Adult Education, Social. Action, Sunday of every month. Ladles Altar Guild 9-12-year-old medly relay team. Erin the Springfield , American Legion Legion Baseball Wcstftcld at Springfield, 5:45 CALVARY ASSEMBLY OF GOD 953 W. CONGREGATIONAL Inlerfaiih Outreach, Singles and Seniors. For ment and Counseling - weekdays, 8:30 a.m. - (Location .to be announced). Chcitnut St., Union, 964-1133 Pastor: Rev. every second Sunday of each month at 12:30 5:00 p.m. (686-3117). Hcllgrovc Montcssori baseball team. However, a four- Elizabeth at Watchung Hills, 5:45 more information, please call the Temple sec- p.m. Tucs: Lutheran Church Women every Mm W. Dechtel. Sunday School 9:30 AM, FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN Nursery School, Carol Kozyra, Director TOWNLEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH gamo losing streak was snapped retary, Rita. third Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. Wed: Adult Choir Springfield hosts Wcstfied tomor- Cubanitos at Berkeley Heights, Worship Service 10:45 AM, Evening Service CHURCH 1240-Cllnton Ave., Irvlnglon. Rev. 686-3220. The Reverend E. James Roberts, M. .Salem Road at Huguenot Avenue, Union. Com- William R. Mulford, Senior Pastor; Rev. rehearsal 7:30 lo 9:00 p.m. Thurs: Church Dlv,, M. A., Pastor) UCC adding baseball camp July 15 Sunday afternoon when Springfield 5:45 " : • 6:30 PM, Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer bined Summer Worship Services with Connec- row at 5:45 p.m. Audrey V. Lee, Associate Pastor. 373-6883 Council every second Thursday at 7:30 p.m. 7:30 PM. . • ticut Farms Presbyterian Church each Sunday ford, sponsor of tho first-place won at Roselle Park 11-4. Roselle Park at Rahway, 5:45 _ Sunday: 9:00 AM Choir Rchersal, 10:00 AM Frl: Trinity .Fellowship every fourth Friday at Union County College will add a • Terence Young and Mike Rcd- JEWISH -TRADITIONAL MORAVIAN In July at 10:00 AM. Nursery Care during all Scotch Plains at Summit, 5:45 Worship and Church School; Monday 9:00 AM 8:00 p.m. Leah Line every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. awards. Prior to that victory, Springfield dinglon each, went 2 for 3 for FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD 645 S. Broad CONSERVATIVE AA and Al-Anon every Wednesday at 8:30 services. Holy Communion tho first Sunday In baseball camp to its list of activities in Food Pantry; 7:00 PM Girl Scout Troops 587, 1IATTLE HILL COMMUNITY MORA- July and August. Worship during the month of sports scene AH race prcregistrants will receive was downed at Summit on Sunday SATURDAY St, Elizabeth, 352-5091 Pastor: Rev. Michael p.m. Twirlcrs Monday, Wednesday and Thurs- VIAN CHURCH 777 Liberty Avenue, Union, its "College for Kids" program this Springfield against Roselle Park. Hcrr. Services: Sunday School 10 AM; Sunday ~ 589, 602, 613; Tuesday: Noon Beginnings CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM Affil- August at Towntey Church. We will return to morning, 7-4; beaten at home by Cubanitos at Rosclle (DH]Zl0430 Group A.A., 1:30 PM Senior Outreach, 6:30 day 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. 686-5262. Pastor, Rev. Jeffrey D. Gchrls. Sun- a commemorative T-shirt. Runners Young had a double and single and Morning Worship Service 11 AM; Sunday iated with the United Synagogue of America, -our own sancluarys'on September 8th at 10:00 summer. PM Cub Scout Pack 216, Wednesday: 4:00 PM day School 9:15 a.m. Service of Worship, 10:30 Roselle 11-1 on Friday; blanked at SUNDAY livening Service 6 PM; Wednesday NighlBiblc Vauxhall Road and Italic Street, Unlon,- A.M. For further information please call the who register on the day of the race three RBI. Rcdditigton drove in one Youth Fellowship, 7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop a.m., Nursery provided. First Sunday every The week-long camp is designed to ies over 13, and football, ages 14-19, Study, 7 PM. 686-6773. Howard Morrison, Rabbi; Harold STTPAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH, 83 Gal- Church Office 686-1028. The Rev. Barbara F. will receive T-shirts while the supply Union 4-0 on Thursday and stopped Watchung Hills at Westfield, 10:30 216 and Adult Fellowship, Thursday: 9:00 AM Gotleitnan, Cantor, Marc Hilton, President. loping Mill Road at Park Avenue, Elizabeth, month Fellowship Hour after Worship. teach youngsters, ages 8-16, tho fun- being offered. run. Teammate Joe DiGrado went 1 Women's groups meet first Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Arpinall, Interim Pastor. lasts'.' Watches donated by Casio, a at home by Rahway 6-5 on Juno 26. Berkeley Heights at Summit, 10:30 Food Pantry. Congregation Beth Shalom is an affiliated 351-0294 and 241-8066. 'Die Rov. Frederick D. damentals of baseball. The camp will For more information, call tho for 2 with two RBI. and first Thursday 1:00 p.m. New Jersey Chrys- Miko Fronzak hurled a* seven- Scotch Plains at Elizabeth (DH), BAPTIST Traditional Conservative Synagogue. Daily Sprccn, Jr., Pastor.' (Bordering Elizabeth, CONNECTICUT FARMS, PRESBYTE- corporate sponsor of tho race, will go Services - 6:45 A.M.; civil holidays and Sunday Union, and Roselle Park.) Worihip at 10:00 anthemum second Friday of month 8:00 p.m. be conducted from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Kean College athletic office at (except Jan., Jul,, & Aug.). For more informa- RIAN CHURCH Hit. 1730 Stuyvesanl Ave. to the top three finishers in each age hitter to load Springfield past The week's sked 10:30 CLINTON HILL BAPTIST CHURCH CONSERVATIVE BAPTIST morning Services - 8:30 A.M. Adult Education a.m. every Sunday. 9:30 a.m. commencing Juno and RL 22, Union. Connecticut Farms and July 15-19. 908-527-2436. For more information "Where the Bible Comes Alive" 2815 Morris - Tuesday evening. Thursday morning, and 16. Holy Communion 1st, 3rd, 5lh and festival tion call the Church Office. group, first place teams in the partners Roselle Park. The win improved his Tito following is the Union. Railway at Kcnilworth (DH). 10:30 RARITAN ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 611 Townley Presbyterian Churches will have Joint Students Will be divided into two about tho men's soccer camps, call Ave., Union, 687-9440 Pastor/Teacher;- Tom Sunday morning. Shabbal Services - Friday - Sundays; Liturgy, of tlic Word on 2nd and 4th services during July and August. Summer wor- categories and winners in tho heavy- record to 1-1 and tho team's to 6-8. County Senior American Legion MONDAY Sigley, Associate Pastor Joseph Natlello 111. Rariton Road, Cranford, NJ (Adjacent to the 8:30 PM., Saturday, 9:15 AM; llalaklia Class Sundays. Coffee Hour 45 minultes before ser- classes, one for those ages 8-12 and diroctor Tony Ochrlmonko at Days inn), 272-7088. Pastor Steven B. Nash. NAZARENE ship services are al 10:00 a.m. with child care weight divisions. Springfield had a game sche- bascballl schedule for the week: Kcnilworth at Springfield, 5:45 WEEKLY ACTIVITIES: Sunday: 9:45 AM - followed by Mincha-Maariv, 45minutes before vice. Church School at 9:00 am. during school provided. Holy communion will be served the, the other for those ages 13-16. Stu- 527-2936 or 761-0625. ' SundaJLScrvices include Morning Prayer Time duled at Cubanitos on "Monday and Bible School for all ages - nursery care, child- sundown: Our Synagogue also provides a Sis- year. Wed., Girl Scouts at 7:00 p.m.; Thurs., SPRINGFIELD CHURCH OF THE first Sundays in July and August. Services will' Entries can be obtained locally TOMORROW Watchung Hills at Berkeley ren's department (puppet ministry twice a at 9 AM)Sunday School for All Ages and Adult terhood and Men's Club. The new creative Choir at 7:30 p.m.; Fri., Alcoholics Anonymous dents will become individually Bible Class at 9:40 AM. Morning Worship Ser- NA/.ARENE 36 Evergreen Avenue, Spring, be al Connecticut Farms Church on June 30 and from Gold Medal Fitness of Cranford at home yesterday vs. Rosello Park. Roselle at Rosello Park, 10:30 Heights, 5:45 month) adiill elective classes that change quar- Elementary Hcbrew*School meets Sundays at 9:00 p.m.; Sat, A. A. Slcp Group at 10:30 field, 379-7222. Rev. Richard A. Miller Sun- the month of July, with a continental breakfast involved in various drills for each terly on relevant life topics. 11:00 AM • Fel- vice and Children's Church at II AM. Nursery 9:30 AM- 12:00 Noon; IIRI1I SHALOM is an a.m. All are welcome in the church where "no Four-Mile Run ' or from tho Cranford Community Is available for all services, Tuesday evening day: 9:30, Sunday School for all age groups; planned for Juno 30 at 9:00 a.m. Services will position and organized games will be lowship of Worship (children's church, nursery active participant Witli the Jewish Federation of guest Is u stranger. 10:45, Morning Worship and Children's be at Townley Presbyterian Church at Salem The 12th annual Cranford Jaycccs Center on Bloomingdalc Avenue. care provided)), 4:00 PM Tree Climbers (for PIONEER CLUBS for boys and girls meets at 7 Ccnlral:NcwJcrsey; it is represented among the played daily between participants of Church (children's missions 2nd Sunday of the Road and Huguenot Ave. during the month of Firecracker Four-Mile Run will take boys ages 4 - 6 and their dads), 6:00 PM - Fami- PM. Wednesday Evening Bible Study begins at Council of Congregations in Union, and it' the same ago group. 7 PM. Call the church for information about the month). 6:00, Evening Service (Na/arcnc August and September I, with a continental ly Gospel Hour (nursery care provided). Mon- servei as tlic home for B'nai B'rith; Ilmhssiih, MESSIANIC-JEWISH World Mission Society 4th Sunday evening of breakfast on August 4 al 9:00 a.m. Regular ser- place tomorrow in Cranford. Tho race day: 6:30 AM - Prayer Meeting, 7:00 PM Boy's monthly meeting of the ladies' missionary fel- and oilier communal Jewish orcniilzulioiis. Tho camp will use the Nomahegun lowship or the date of the next men's breakfast. the month). Wednesday: 7:00, Prayer Meeting vices will resume al Connecticut Farms Church will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will start Battalion (Jr. + Sr. High), Saints and Thinner* CONGREGATION ARI YEHUDA 1251 Park fields opposite the Cranford Pastoral and family counselling is available by and.Bible Study for adulu; Teens Meeting. on Sunday, September 8 at 10:45 a.m. Tho Liv- and finish al Nomahogan Park on (ladies aerobics class); Wednesday: 9:15 AM Ten-ill Road, Scotch Plains. Shabbat services ing Room support group for those coping wltli MOPS (mother's of preschoolers and school- appointment. TEMPLE ISRAEL OF UNION 2372 Morris Saturday mornings 10:00 a.m.; Home Fellow- Campus. All campers will receive a Avenue, Union, 687-2120. Meyer Korbmim, aged persons meets 4th Thursday of each Springfield Avenue. A ono-milo "Fun ers) 2nd + 4Ui of the month, 7:30 PM Prayer ships 1st and 3rd Mondays 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.; NON-DENOMINATIONAL month at 8:00 p.m. Overeaten Anonymous T-shirt. Participants should bring and Praise Service; Thursday: various home Rabbi; Hillcl Sadowlty., Cantor; Michael Zuck- Sisterhood Meeting and Men's Fellowship 4lh Run" will prcccdo lljcjnain race at 9 Fterfect meets Mondays at 7:30 p.m. Serving- church lunch with them to camp each day. erman, President; Hadassah Cioldfischcr,' IVin- CltURCH OF CHRIST "CHRIST without a.m. Bible studies that meet during the day and at EPISCOPAL Sunday; Biblical Festival celebrations at their and community for over 260 years. Rev. R. Sid- night, call office for details; 10:00 AM (2nd of cipal. Temple Israel of Union is u traditional proper times. We are Jewish and Non-Jewish DENOMINATION" meets at Mlllbum Mall, Union County College also offers ST. LUKE EPISCOPAL CHURCH East Conservative Congregation with programs for Suite 6, 1933 Vauxhall Rd., Vauxhall, N.J. ney Pinch, Pastor, 688-3164. Registration for both ovents begins month) Women's Missionary Society; 7:30 PM believers In Messiah Ycshua (Jesus), and we summer. sports camps in basketball, Single's Fellowship; Friday: 7:00 PM, Christ- Fourth Ave. and Walnut St., Rosclle, 245-0815 all ages: Friday Services 8:30 PM. Saturday welcome you to Joinmsirrworship of the Mes- Sunday: 10 AM Bible Study, II AM Worship, at 7:30 a.m. at tho Springfield Avenue ian Service Brigade (for grammar school boys) Sunday Service: 9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist. Services 9:00 AM Minchali 5:30 PM. Sunday • siah. For more Information, call 908-561-8872 6 PM Worship. Wednesday: 7:30 PM Bible soccer and basic martial arts for boys Tallii arid Tcfillin9:00 AM. Religious School Study. We. are offering a FKBB Bible Corres- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morris entrance to Nomahogan Park, directly in every way Pioneer Girls (for grammar school and Jr. High or write to Congregation Ari Yehuda P.O. Box with a full lime Principal. Grades 'Ilircc through pondence Course with No Obligation, or pri- Ave. and Church Mall, Springfield, 379-4320. and girls. girls); Saturday: Youth Group (for all Jr. arid Sr. ST. LUKE & ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL 984 Clark, N.J. 07066. Sunday morning Worship Service 9:30 a.m. across from Union County College. High students). FOR FURTHER INFORMA- CHURCH 398 Chestnut Street, Union Seven meet Sundays 9-10:30 AMund Mondays vate Bible Study in your own home at your con- For more information coll & Wednesdays - 4-5:30 PM Primer. Clnss for venience, Free for the asking. DIAIy-A-BlBLE with the Springfield United Methodist Church More than 900 runners participated TION - PLEASE CALL 687-9440. - 688-7253. Sunday Worship Service at 9 a.m. In the Presbyterian Sanctuary, 210 Morris Ave. 709-7601, Sunday School and Nursery at 8:45 a.m. Morn- Grades One and Two, Sundays • 9-10:30 AM. MOMENT. 964-6356, Harry Porsaud, in tho 1990 edition of the Firecracker Adult Hebrew Classes including Bar and Bat METHODIST Evangelist. Children's Discovery time for K-4lh grades' ing Prayer daily at 9 a.m. during tho worship service. Rev. Jeffrey A. Four-Milcr. Lomnyaki Loiboku of FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of Mitzvah Preparation - Thursdays - R-I0 PM. BETHEL AFRICAN METHODIST EPIS- Curtis, Pastor. Newark finished first in the men's VAUXHALL 5 Hilton Ave., Vauxhall. Church Temple Israel sponsors programs and activities COPAL CHURCH .241 Hilton Avenue WORD OF GRACE FELLOWSHIP, Kean camps for Youth Groups Grades Seven llirou'gh office. 687-3414. Pastor: Dr. Marion J. Frank- FOURSQUARE Vauxhall, 964-1282. Sunday Church School GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS AT CHRIST'S Nino Kean College coaches will bo division with a time of 19:45. Mar- lin, Jr. Sunday School - All ages - 9:30 AM; . Twelve. We also liavc a very active Sisterhood HILI.SIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 9:3d a.m., Church Worship 10:45 a.m. Wednes- EXPENSE. YMCA, Maple & Broad Sis., Salem and Coe Avenues, Hillside, N.J. "A Car- running 10 different camps for child- garet Koontz of Now York City took Worship Service including Nursery room facili- LIGHTHOUSE CHRISTIAN FELLOW- and Men's Club, day: IVaycr Meeting Si Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Summit. Sunl 100% Onln Niulial Eplriu. 11091 SchklMIn 0 Somm.l Co.. hi« Voik, N.V Study and Adjll Forum; 10:30 A.M. Worship, aged children during Worship, except 4th Sun- and Meeting House Lane, Mountainside, Daytime telephone number . '. JEWISH - ORTHODOX 241-0699, All Denominations Welcomed Sun- . 232-9490. Dr. Christopher R, Belden Pastor, OLASSES STARTING SOON day of month. Christian Nursery School • Mon- day School 9:30 A.M. Worship Services 10:30 CHRIST Aerobic • Bukttball • Running day thru Friday. Adult, Youth A Children's Worship Is held on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. will celebrate his/her ' birthday bn_ EVANGEL BAPTIST CHURCH 242 Shun- CONGREGATION ISRAEL 339 Mountain A.M. Saturday Worship Service 5:30 P.M, A ST. 1 PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH OF Secretarlal/WP- Tennis • Walking Choirs. Kid's Kolnonli. 3:30 P.M. Wednes- Nursery Care during services. A A groups meet pike Rd., Springfield, 379-4351. Pastor: Rev. Avenue, Springfield 467-9666. Dally services coffee and fellowship follows each service. CHRIST 213 Center, St., Oarwood. Rov. Dou- Joining In the celebration are ' days, . Women's Bible Study, 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings, Bookkeeper/Clerk Typist SHOP-RITE LIQUORS TWIN BORO Joseph Lombard!. Wednesday: 7:15 PM Prayer 6:30, 7:15 A.M.; 7:15 P.M. or at sunset, whi- Communion U served the first Sunday and glas Lovejoy-Carter>astor (908) 789-1285. LOW PRICES - EXPERT Thursdays. Men's Breakfast, 7:30 A.M. 1st We have ample parking and our building Is Meeting, Choir, P.O.'s and Battalion. Sunday: chever Is earlier. Civil holidays. Sunday mom- Saturday of each month. Child care for children Sunday: Choir Rehearsal 9;00 AM; Worship Word Processing ADVICE (sisters/brothers) OF SOUTH ORANGE \ LIQUORS Ings, 8:00 A.M., followed by class In Malmo- Saturday of month, Holy Cross Youth Fellow- accessible to the handicapped. For Information 9:45 AM Sunday School; 11 AM Worship; 6 up to age five Is provided, Stalrchalr available. and Church School 9:30 AM; Fellowship Hour PEHS'ONALIZED SERVICE 25 Vose Ave., South Orangg \ 596 Chestnut S(s • ship, twice a month, as announced. Twenty- please call the church office 232-9490. HEALTHCARE ASSISTANT and , • of .PM Evening Service: Friday: 7; 15 PM Pioneer nldes: religious holidays, 9:00 A.M.; Saturday Parking lot on'Drake Ave. Pastor Reverend 10:30 AM; Tuesday: Noon; AA; Wednesday Rosalia Park • 248-0800 something (Bible study, fellowship group for Data Entry/ . Open 7 D«y> • 763-9802 Girls, Stockade; 7:30 PM Youth Group. evenings 20 minutes before sunset, preceded by Susan G. Hill and Congregation UivlUs every- 9:00 AM.Garwood Pro-school Mothers; Wed- Serving the N.J, Athletic (grandparents names) v young adiilu, 20-30), 7:00 P.M. Thursdays. Wa take Visa-Mastercard Open 7 Days - N.J. Lottery Center a Talmud class. Alan J. Yuter Rabbi Israel E. one to attend our services. Bible Study l\tes. THE LINDEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH nesday 8:00 PM 5th Chapter Motorcycle Pub; Microcomputer Specialist Community for II Years Special Services, Teaching Serlcl and Vespers Princeton Rd. A Orchard Terr., Linden, , and Cash Discpunts on Non-Sala Items VlM-Maatofcard GREATER MOUNT MORIAH BAPTIST Turner, Rabbi Emeritus. 7:30 P.M. Choir Practice Thurs. 7:45 P.M. Thursday 7:45 PM Choir Rehearsal; Friday will be announced. For further Information, call 486-3073. Sun: 10 am Divine Worship/Sunday rUOWOiT MtllT. MAILAkU CHURCH 24 East 14th Street, Linden, 8:00 PM AA; Saturday Noon AAV Second -1 Conveniently located at: (city) 379-4525. ChurchSchool; 11:03 am Evangelism Commlt- mUHCULMDsWiUUUU 862-7766. Pastor: Rev. Roswld A. Green, Sr. Wednesday Monthly, Women's Circle Fellow- 315 Mlllbum Avenue SPRINGFIELD EMANUEL UNITED lw; 11:05 am Adult Bible Study (beg. Feb. 19), of SHOPPERS DISCOUNT Silnday School - all ages • 9:00 AM; Worship JEWISH - REFORM METHODIST CHURCH 40 Church Mall, ship meeting, 12 noon. Third Sataurday even- Mlllbum, N.J. PARK LIQUORS REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH 134 MON: 6:30 pm Jr. Girl Scouts; 7:30 pm (1st DRAKE COLLEGI5 , Service -10:30 AM: Weekly Events: Monday - TEMPLE SHA'AREY SHALOM 78 S. Springfield. Rev. J. Paul Griffith, Pastor. Dur- 1 ing Monthly, Adult Fellowship. Fourth Wed- (201)37«.«O94 LIQUORS . 825 Chestnut St. Prospect Ave., Irvlnglon, 374-9377. Rev. Hen- Men. ) Bd. of Deacons-LPC, (2nd Mon.) Sis- nesday Monthly, Family Circle Bible Study A Bible Study Class, 7:00 PM; Wednesday - Springfield Avenue, Springfield, 379-5387. ing' the month of July, Sunday worship services OF BUSINESS B« lurt to *hclot« • itimp»d, (•lf-iddr«ti*d cnvslop* lor the 2321 Route 22 Wast . Union • 687-9400 ry 11 Dlerk, D.D. Pastor, .763-0878. Sunday wardship Commlaslon-LPC, 10 am (3rd Mon.) Diicusslon.Group. Holy Communion first SuiV Prayer Meeting, 7:30 PMl Thursday • Bible Joshua Goldstein, Rabbi; Amy Daniels,' Cantor;'' will be held at the First Presbyterian Church, Mon. • Frl. 10 • 5:30 School for all ages 9:15 - 10:15 ajs. Worship Garden SI. Bxxon Amuitanti-Uxec Bd., 7:30 day each month. Church hour nursery: Cl Ill.D- '.) CillClWL'll PI.ICP return of your chlld't photo. Union 908-964-5080 LOTTERY CLAIM CENTER , Study Class, 7:00 PM; Holy Communion, first Mark Welsholu, President. Sha'arey Shalom is Morris Avo., and Church Mall, Springfield at services 8:30 and 10:30 a.m., Choir Practice tnt (3rd Mon.) Sesslon-LPC. Tuei. 7:30 pm KliN ALWAYS WEI.COMH INI WORSHIP. Thure. 10 • ItOO OPEN 7 DAYS Sunday of each month: Call Church If transpor- a warm; friendly, Reform temple that seeks lo 9:30 a.m, thziibolh, N.J. OPEN 7 DAYS WE DELIVER 9:15 a.m,, Boy Scouts, Mondays 7 pjn,, Senior (1st Tues) Presb. Women-Reg. Meeting, (3rd Stt, 10 - 5:00 N.J. LOTTERY CENTER B2 — THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1091 — WORRALL NEWSPAPERS

' WORRAU. NEWSPAPERS - THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1981 ~ B3 Following the barbeque. the group The Benedictine Academy Class Guide Dog Users Support Group, Union County Elizabeth Chapter will attend dy< concert in the park fea- "xneetrflrerMondayof every month at—of the American Chroriici'iuii 'Assort— turing the big band sound performed 20. The class is currently attempting the Union County Administration ation meets on second and fourth calendar by the Music Makers. The concert is. to locafe classmates.. Call Building, Elizabelhtown Plaza, Eli- Thursdays of each month at7 p.m. in sponsored by the Union County Park 908-352-0670 for information. zabeth; Christina , Brino, the Community Health Cehter of St System. ' The Roselle Park High School 201-625-9565. Elizabeth's Hospital, Elizabeth; Karen Fedorczylc at 201-912-9554, The group meets weekly for dinner Class of 1981 reunion committee has Women Against Abuse, a weekly 908-527-6050. / College bound students: scholar- at Stanley's Restaurant in Springfield begun planning for its 10-year reun- support group for women in relation- .The Union County Rape Crisis Ex-UnionM writes first book about Atlantic Ci rnalrhirig fiinrle «rn avail- t6:30pm Fnrfurther inn. A"y""B whntiM mfivnri nr knows ships with physically, verbally and Center assists, incest survivors, rape By Bea Smith blackjack card counter and player, to Press Inc., Grand Rapids, Mich. It was and when I came home I would work ab)e. For' more information, call information, call 201-467-0468. of classmates who have moved are emotionally abusive men; survivors a/id other abused Mdividu- Lifestyle Editor write the first book about gambling in . published.lcss than two months ago in~ . iintil^o'elock in the.morning Jt took'.. .201-399:3787 _.. ' Solo-Singles, for ages 40-plus, asked to contact Glenn Miller at 908-355rl995. als, 300 North Ave., East Westfleld; What is the alternative to playing Atlantic Cityr- called- "Atlantic City paperback and is selling like hot cakes me a total of 14 to IS months to finish Kean College is offering two con- offers bridge on the first and third 908-233-262,-or Nancy Cunningham Harvey-Morris AIDS Support 908-233-7273. Group, a self-help support group for blackjack in the in Atlantic Behind the.Tables." around the country. the whole book. I did a lot of research tinuing education "Traveleam" Thursdays of each month at Central' at 201-927-5240. The Resource Center for persons affected by AIDS, and their City? The young man, who now resides "It's really Very exciting," Alcamo not only in the libraries and newspap- courses — one of general interest to Presbyterian Church, Maple Street Cranford High School Class of Women, Woodland and DeForest families, partners and friends, meets avenues, Summit, will have three sup- Why, it's writing a book about in Absccon, a town just outside Atlan- said during a recent chat. "This is my • er offices, but I' would just hang Russia in May and another foteduea--^ and Morris Avenue in Summit, at 1981 is having its 10 year reunion on playing blackjack in the casinos in tic City, and whose father still resides • around the casinos every night — every Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Union; port groups for, women experiencing first book, and in between playing .Hickory Tree Chorus, Sweet tors to London in July.Vor additional" 7:15 p.m. Donation is S3; call* Nov. 29 at the Westwood in Garwood. Atlantic .City..;. in Union, has written an informative, 'looking around, witnessing a lot, lis- 908-241-1132. the crisis of a recent separation- or drums in the lounge at Harrah's in Adelin^mternanqriitlnvlies women information, call 201-527-3089. 908-464^384; 7 Anyone interested in attending should And leave it to~formcr Unlonito amusing aruTTnleresting historical tening to the pit bosses and dealers Spenders Anonymous, bakes divorce; a growth and support group; Atlantic City during the month of to a new member guest night on Wed- Planetarium show, offered by send their name and address to: CHS John'Alcamo, a drummer, songwriter, book on Atlantic City for Gollchon and players and high rollers' and talk; Solo Singles, for ages 40-plus, rap Outreach Center, 120 Morris Ave., and one for women going from full- June, I've been spending a lot of time nesday at 7:30 p.m. at Madison Pre- Union County Department of, Parks Class of'81 Reunion Committee, 856 ing to all of them. or bridge time is held on Sundays at Summit, meets Mondays at 7:30 p.m.; time career to full-time motherhood; in bookstores at book-signings. On sbyterian Church, 19 Green Ave., and Recreation, takes place on Sun- Falesky St, Rahway 07065. < "It was all pretty familiar to me, 6:30 p.m. in the recreation room of the 908-273-7108. 908-273-7253. " \ Saturday, June 15,1_was at Walden's Madison. Minimum age is 16. The days at 2 and 3:30 p.m. at the Trallslde Jonathan Dayton Regional High you know," he smiled. "I used to play Central Presby4erian..^!hurch, Maple Women Ton Women of Union at the Hamilton Mall...imagine...of all chorus sings.a variety of music in Nature and Science Center, Coles School, Springfield, Class of 1945, is Rahway Hospital has bereavement . things..,autographing my book. So a lot of blackjack in the old days. Thai Avenue and New Providence Road in Street and Morris Avenue in Summit, County; 414 East Broad St., West- group for widowed people which Alcamo reveals four-part harmony, barbershop style. Refreshments are served. There is a having a reunion On Nov. 10 at the was when they were dealing two-deck field, has singles support group" and far, the Waldcn book chain has Ability to read music is not necces- Mountainside. Hear about great scien- Basking Ridge Country Club. Stu- meets on Thursdays from 1:30 to 3_ games with a surrender option at the donation of $2. For Information, call women-who-love-tob-mudh sessions bought 1,500 copies. And business sary. Call 908-522-1954 or tific discoveries and the people dents from all - six communities p.m.; information, "enrollment" has been very good down here. The table. That was back in 1981; And behind them. Admission is $1.50 per 908464-8166 or 908-766-1839, Mondays, 7:30 p.m. and coping with 908-499-6169.- 908-647-0867 for directions and more between 6 and 9 p.m. only. attending, tho school are invited to truth about AC stores all seem interested, and it's gradually they went to four decks and person; $1 for. senior citizens. No attend. Contact Steve Schmidt, 34 separation/divorce workshops, Tues- Mended Hearts, a support group information. . really been paying off. It's just that six decks, and now most of the tables children under 6, please. For informa- days, 7:30 p,m.; 908-232-'5787. By Bea Smith Mea Drive, Berkeley Heighfei 07922; of peoplo who have had heart surgery you have to get after the distributors," - deal eight decks. Back then, I really The Suburban Community Mus- tion, call 908-789-3670. Lifestyle Editor or call 908-464-1144 for further The Westfleld Center for or any other type of heart problem, ho said. ."Tho publishers sent mo an enjoyed the game. It was a challenge, ic Center is accepting registrations " Kean College will again offer a Everything you ever wanted to on the shelf information. Counseling and Human Develop- visits patients awaiting surgery to advance, a royally percentage." especially when you can count. Now for summer music classes in both its reading clinic this spring for persons know about Atlantic City, the casi- Oak,Knoll School or tile Holy ment, 435 East Broad St., has support help them by sharing experiences. it's boring to me. Madison and Summit locations of any age who have difficulty read- nos, the gamblers, the gambling, Alcamo has written professionally Child's alumnae association will host groups covering variety of areas; Endorsed by the American Heart card," whether he was building the through July 20. Students age 8 and ing, Parents should consult the staff the managers and staff mem- before He did a column for a garn- "And as far as the slots are con- its annual Young Alumnae Winter 908-654^6500. Association, the group meets on the Trump Plaza, the Trump Castle or above can also register for private les- about children. For information on bers, you can find in John Alcamo's —Wing newsletter about Las Vegas cerned — the slots arc not for me. I Reunion on Campus in Grace Hall, 44 Parents Anonymous meets every third Tuesday of the month in Spring- the Taj Mahal casinos, borrowing sons. For those wishing to study a spe- screenings and .diagnoses, call book, "Atlantic City Behind the published by Gollchon. play craps sometimes. Thai's the only Blackburn Road, Summit, on Dec. 21 Wednesday at the Linden Methodist Held; 201-467-8850. money or gathering loans. Ho ultir cific instrument, the center offers the 908-527-2351. Tables." mutely did more for Atlantic City "By profession," he explained, game in the casino when you really following: Fiddlin' Fun (an introduc- from 7-9 p.m. Snow date is Dec. 22 Church, 321 N: Wood Ave., from 10 Association For Advancement of — The book, which was written by than, any other man has ever done "I'm a drummer and free-lance musi- havo tho best advantage." * <• .tion to Suzuki violin or viola): ages Business and Professional from 1-3 p.m. a.m. to noon. Child care is available; the Mentally ^Handicapped, The the former Unionile, and published for any other" city-in the United cian, and fof the last seven years I've Alcamo, who was bom in Newark, 4-6; Group Piano/Keyboard: ago 6-7; Women of Westfleld Inc. ho&> a Vallsburg High School, Newark, Members of the Classes of 1990, 1-800-843-5437, Concerned Families Group, for. in paperback less than two months Stales. • . ' been working in Atlantic City. I guess "moved to Union when I was in the Recorder Revels: ages 8 and up. dinner meeting on the third Tuesday Class of 1966 will have a 25th reunion 1989, 1987, 1986 and 1985 who plan Careglvers Anonymous meets parents, guardians, siblings and -of each month at Ramada Hotel, -on Nov. 29. Interested alumni should every Wednesday at 10a.m. at Manor friends of developmentally disablcd_ ago by Gollchon Press Inc. in Aleamo also discusses Bill Hur- I've played every casino there," ho seventh grade in St. Michael's The center also offers classes that on attending ihc reunion should call Clark. For information, call contact the Reunion Committee, 1016 Care, Route 22, Mountainside; adults, meets second Tuesday of each Grand Rapids, Mich., tells a fasci- rah, Steve Wynn and Merv Griffin sighed. "Playing drums and some- School. I started taking lessons in nurture the development of a child's Edie Budney, alumnae director, at 908-233-0061; Gifford Court, Union 07083. ± i : 201-645-0020. month, First Baptist Church, Eli- nating story. It covers the history of at length. times playing blackjack and. writing drums, when I was 16," he recalled. I general musical skills and enjoyment •908-273-2034. = = - David Brenrley Regional High Contact-We Care Inc., offering . zabeth, 7:30 to 9 p.m.; 908-354-3040. Atlantic City, recounting talcs of The other chapters speak for songs. was graduated from Union High- through activities. These classes Plalnfield Work Center of the jonathon Dayton Regional High 1 School In Kenllworth will.have Its 24-hour helplines for. tho troubled and the down and out and the high and themselves, "Comedy Club," "Anyway/ Alcamo said, "a friend School in 1963. The day after gradua- include: Music Making (an Orff- Union County Association for Retired School and Governor Livingston 10th reunion on Nov. 29 at Repet- tho hearing impaired; 908-232-2880, mighty of the gambling mccca. "Blackjack, Now and Then" "If I of mine gavo me a newspaper clipping tion, I put the drums in the car and bascd class): ages 5-6; Preschool Citizens seeks volunteers to work sev- Regional High School Class of 1961 ti's Restaurant in Kenllworth..Inter- Jewish Family Service Agency of Alcomo reports that "'about 35 Were a Rich Man," "The Warrior" saying that Gollehon was looking for went on the road. I was gone. But my John Aleamo walks the boards In Atlantic City as he vis- Workshops: ages 3-4;. Early Musical eral hours a week on a regular basis is looking for former, classmates for lottery family was very supportive, especial- with dovelopmentally disabled adults. ested alumni or anyone knowing of Central New Jersey, has "Well million people annually visit this and "Luckyr,Stars." He tells about someone who wanted to write about its the casinos which provided material for his book, Beginnings, a class for two-year-olds its 30th reunion. Tho reunion will be The following are tho winning Spouse" meetings second and fourth _rcsort city by the sea," and in his the high rollers, lhe..avcrage play- the blackjack playing conditions in ly my mother and father, Mary and 'Atlantic City Behind the Tables." with their parcnt/caregiver. No special skills necessary; voliin-. their wheareabouts should contact at the Holiday Inn on Route 22 in numbers for tho Tuesday of each month at 8:15 p.m. . book he explains how it all came ers, the winners, the losers, the Atlantic City. I sent him a little Victor." tcers would work on a one-to-one Susan Manclno at 908-654-4741. Sprifigfield on Pel. 22 at 7 p.m. Infor- week of June 23. For more information, call the • Domestic Violence Center, serv- about. limos and the buses. He devotes resume, and before long, he got back His first job was in Toronto. "I was and abroadj and a jazz station in Concerning "Atlantic City Behind basis with a supervisor. Call Ann ' Franklin School Class of 1952 Ynation on alumni should be sent to: Madison Area YMCA at ing Union County; talklino number; chapters to his interviews with the to me. Ho had a sample of my playing drums then. I'm still playing Rochester, N.Y., played it a lot." the Tables," Aleamo explained that "I Mario Pacclano, 908:754-0430. will-have its;40lh reunion in June Millie Scorcso, 6.Epping Dr. Kcnil- PICK-IT— AND PICK 4 In his first few chapters, "The 201-377-6599. 908-272-0304. ' Land of Oz," "Those Were the "highest roller in the world, who writing." drums." Aleamo, who has had three records tried to write a book that you can read Union County Chapter of Now 1992. Classmates or anyone knowing Worth .07033, phono: 908-276-8283; June 23 — 419, 2941' Living with Cancer offers self- Days" and "Mission Impossible," bets $100,000 to $200,000 a hand, Actually, Alcamo admitted, outside . Alcamo, who was married eight released on a popular label, said, "I at tho pool or on a boardwalk bench Jersey Association of Women Busi- of their whereabouts arc asked to or Donna Princo, 675 Springfield June 24 — 197, 4865 • help and support programs at Eli- the author discusses the history of and has won or lost millions of dol- of the newsletter "Ihad never written years ago to "a wonderful woman haven't written a song in five years. I and enjoy it whether you'ro a gambler ness Owners, NJAWBO, meets on tho writo to Dawne Lopore or Barbara Avo., Springfield 07081, phone: June 2S — 621, 7533 1 zabeth General Medical Center. Day -Atlantic City-and the fight to-legal-- lars in a few hours," and the aver-— —anything bcforerAnd~Golletiorrhad~ ~named Claro," said~that~"shcrworks~ enjoy other-kinds of writing-more.^ — or notr And I-'ll-probably-bo-the-only- - second -Tucsday_oLeach month at 6 Wolansky, P.O. Box 73, Stirling 908-379-2181 or 379-1360, ; June 26 — 884. .9511 sessionsrto~fnecTMondays af~3 p.m.; ize gambling in New Jersey by age players who come down to put published about 20 books all related for Johnson & Johnson in Raritan and ThJs month he will be playing Iho- writcr who has written a positive book p.m. with dinner and a guest speaker TT77~ Hillside High School Class of evening sessions Wednesdays at 7:30 June 27 — 305, 6864 bringing gambling to Atlantic City, $200 Into quarter, 50-ccnLand dol- to gambling." Among them were "Las lives in their homo near Sbmerville. drums in the lounge in Show Boat on about Donald Trump, outside of his or workshops at Rudolpho's Mansion West Side High School Class of 1971 is having its 20th reunion on Juno 28 — 531, 5718 T 1960 will have its reunion on Nov. 16 p.m.; 908-558-8050. He talks about how a city, 20 years lar slot machines. Ho gives play-by- Vegas Bohind tho Tables, Part One But she comes down on weekends, the B6¥ra"walk in Atlantic City. "I will own book. He's done more for Atlan- Hotel, 295 South Avo. in Fariwood. Nov. 29 at the Grand Summit Hotel in June 29 — 705, 4881 ago, that was on the verge of bank- play descriptions of a billionaire's , and Two," by Bamoy Vinson. and eventually will move down the be back at Harrah's in August, Sep- ,tic City than any person I know. Call Helen Hsiao, membership chair- at the Wostwood, 438 North^ Ave,, Summit. For additional infqrjtituioni The Oncology Department at Garwopd. For additional information, ruptcy, managed to become "one of action at the baccarat tables, and "The publisher sent me Iho two shore. I have a stepson, Paul, who tember and October." , woman, at 908-549*7575 or writo: 88A' Rivcrvale Ct., Scotch Union Hospital, 1000 Galloping Hill call George Kann at 908-687-2733 the biggest tourist attractions in the discusses the ability of players with books and said, 'Write a similar book lives down hero too." 'As a gambler, how.does Aloamo "Because of Trump," said Alcamo, 908-889-1972 for more informatidn. Pluihs 07076. •' Road, plans two support groups — June 24 — 1, 8/1-3, 16, 21, 44; after 4 p.m. ' . . country." He reveals the obstacles, photographic memories who can about Atlantic City.' Now that he's gotten his feet wot, feel about living right next door to "over $2 billion has been invested in Cranford residents, 61 years or v one for cancer patients and one for bonus.—,31689. "break tho house." Atlantic Xity. Ho has brought in A computer camp for children oldcr,"Sro invitedjo join the Cranford families of patients — to meet Tuos- political involvement, the distress- "And without thinking I said, Alcamo said, "I lovo writing so much. Atlantic City and working in tho U.S.S. Ranger CVA-61 will have June 27 — 4, 7, 20, 28, 33, 36; 1 champion fights in his casino...he's will be offered by Felician College, social dance class which meets Tues- duys from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the hospi- ing casino control commission, the There are extremely funny anec- 'Yes, and then I went out to buy a When I finish work, I just can't wait casinos? its fifth reunion of all hands, including bonus — 93720. really_dono so much for this town. 260-S?^4ain St., Lodi, this summer, days at 1 p.m. in the Cranford Com- tal; 908-687-1900.,. cxt. 7182. court decisions and the ultimate dotes about the gambling world and computer," Alcamo laughed. "And I to get homo. I'm working on a novel . "When you live here and you're air groups, Aug. 16-18 in Boston, Now that he's down, everybody is open to children entering grades four munity Center. Call 908-709-7283 or building in 1978 of the first official, the people who inhabit it. sat for two weeks trying to write my now." • . around it every night.'Mie declared, "it Moss. For information, send a Worried. But I think he's going to sur- through seven this fall. 908-276-9149 for details. stomped business envelope to: U.S.S. legalized gambling casino on the Aleamo may be a drummer, first page. It wasn't anything like my Alcamo, who has written "quite a really doesn't faze mo. I gamble about prise everybody In a" few years." Two separate sessions arc sche- Ranger Reunion, c/o Teddy Pathroff, East Coast, Resorts International. musician and songwriter by profes- 300-word column and 600-word col-' few pop songs," has narrowed his twice a month, but not very much. Youth Tor Understanding Interna- 'dulcd for Monday through July 18, 39 Carlton Ave., Jersey City 07307. In his chapters "Pass Go and Col- sion — and a blackjack counter by umn for his gambling newsletter. I favorites dovyn to 15. "One was used One dealer told mo that when you Alcamo's advico to gamblers is that tional Exchange offers oxchange stu- both running four days a week, Mon- THE BUTCHER, THE BAKER, lect $$$," "Let the Games Begirt" choice, but in this, his first book, realized that this book was a lot more on an episode in a television: scries win, it's an accident. So, you havo to "it may be fun to gamblo, but tho best* dents from Europe, Asia and Latin Clifton High School Class of .1942 day through Thursday. Cost is $125. and "Monopoly Anyone?" Aleamo which he dedicated to his parents, than I bargained for. called 'Night Heat,' with Danny Aief- avoid more accidents than get into part about gambling is knowing when America. To,. find out"- more, call is looking for graduates. Alumni and THE CANDLESTICK MAKER... Computer Camp I for grades six and anyone who knows of their whereat unveils the stories behind the new Victor and Mary, he has proven that "But once Ifcot going," ho said, "I lo singing a song which I had written them." to leave." l-8O0-872:O2O0; seven will meet from 9 a.m. to noon. casinos and hotels which climbed he has become a fine and promising was all right. The hardest part for this with Artie Schreck called 'Tonight Aware or Lire Options and Heal- outs is asked to,writo to: Effic Hcndry Computer Camp II for grades four and on this bandwagon and shot up as new writer. kind of book was tho research. I was We're Just Getting Started.' That ing Arts, Inc. offers a holistic health Brozowski, 81 Pleasant VioW Drive, five will run from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Wayno 07470. rapidly as a roulette wheel-spinning This reviewer can't wait for the going to all different libraries. I even song. has been good to me," he Lisa Batitto, Editor support group led by Susarf F. Veli- The summer enrichment program AIDS support group meets at out of control. next one, whether it is a novel, on. went to to grinned. ©Worrall Community Newspapers In;. 1091 All Rights Reserved coff, holistic health counselor, on tho The 4th Replacement Depot, focuses dh enhancing computer skills Kean College on Wednesdays from 7 Aleamo devotes a chapter to which Aleamo is currently work- research articles." "Years ago, we wrote a song called first Saturday of each month. Oriental which served in the Pacific during Organizations submitting releases to the entertainment sec- for school success, as well as recrea- to 8:30 p.m. For additional informa- Donald J. Trump, "who always ing, or a scquql to "Atlantic City Alcamo explained that it look a lot 'Life,' and a jazz rock and roll group, Health exercise classes, taught by World War II, will havo its third annu- tion can mail copy to 425 Main St., P.O. Box 849, Orange, New tional computing. For' information, tion, call Norccn or Mehalia at seemed to be playing his '.'trump Behind the Tables." of time and hard work; "I was work- Jackie and Roy Krai, popular in tho Orcst Pelcchaty, certified acupunctur- al reunion in September in Philadel- Jersey, 07051. call Iho Offico of Evening and 908-527-2608. ing six nights a week in Atlantic City, 1960s, gavo it a lot of radio play here ist and director of ALOHA, arc held phia, Pcnn. For details, contact Jack Just a few of the businesses a new homeowner needs aftor mov- Weekend Programs at 201-778-5157. every second Saturday of the month. D. Hollingsworth, 11207 Northwood Catholic , Community Services, ing in. In fact, the list is endless. So why not help the new lamilies Lake, Northport, Ala. 35476, phone 108 Aldcn St., Cranford, has a in your community find your business more quickly by sponsoring The Etz Cmiylm Married Cou- Polarity Therapy, taught by Joyce tho Qolting To Know You program in your area. Join the finest ples of B'nal B'rlth in Wcstfiold will" Johnston, a polarity acupressure ther- 205-339-1802. ' . ' ' counseling group for women every merchants, professionals ana home sen/ice companies welcom- be going to tho Tracksidp Restaurant apist, is offered on tho third Saturday Monday at 7 p.m.; 908-272-8910. ing new homeowners with our housowarmlng gift and noodod in- • formation about exclusive sponsors. Try us and soo why Golling Fine Dining in Union County in tho Moadowlonds Racetrack on of each month. For information on American Cancer Society is seek- To Know You helps both the new homeowner and YOU. GUIDE July 13 at 7 p.m. The admission is $3 any ALOHA program, call ing volunteers tb assist patients with per person, parking $2 and tho dinner 201-3764669. transportation needs; .908-354-7373. is a la carlo. There arc, limited reserva- Parents-Friends of Lesbiims and tions so R.S.V.P. by Friday to Phyllis Gays/Northern New Jersey, holds IN THE SPOTLIGHT at 908-S74-9176. Prospective mem- support group meetings the second bers arc welcome to attend. Sunday of tho month at 2 p.m. in First WELCOMING NEWCOMERS NATIONWIDE To bsKonw • iponwr, call (800) 645-6376 The Make-A-Wlsh Foundation or Presbyterian and Trinity Church, 111 In New York Slate (800) 832-MOO THE GARDEN RESTAURANT New Jersey is hosting a benefit soft- 687-7064 Irvington Avo., South Orange. Help- One of N.J.'s best at popular prices. From hamburgers to stir fries, pastas and BBQ ball game on July 20 featuring players 2022 A Morris Line is available; 201-731-8974. ribs. Reservations for private parties suggested. Open dally. All major credit Cards from The Guiding Light and Loving Union Center accepted. Your host, George Handrlnas. ' . soap operas. Tho game will bo played titobllllwd In Union 1 at Ed Weber Fiold in Union and will By Bea Smith open seven days a week, and reserva- It was a rich chocolate cake III I I II mini commence at 1 p.m. Sci-Fi fromC-rcat Shulom Singles will sponsor a bar-' No matter what time of tho day or tions ore requested, particularly on tho called Thunder, boasting generous Adventure will bo on hand to talkNto bequo at Echo Lake Park in Moun- night one visits Tho Garden Restaur- weekends, "Wo also have a big lunch pieces of chocolate chips and served attendees before the game. Tickets arc tainside on Wednesday at 6 p.m. Din- ant, 943 Maglo Ave., Union, It is crowd," said Handrinos. "Very big. with sliced fresh strawberries.—That $4 in advance and $5 at tho gate. For always crowded. Whole, families arc Wo have now specials for lunch all tho was split in half for my companion ner will bo provided: Admission is $8 j Restaurant Cuisine Directory \ additional information, call the Make- in advance and $10 at tho event. Rain seated at large tables, and small time and very tasty salads prepared in and myself. There is no way anyone A-Wish offico at 908-351-5055, or CLEAKANUb.SALE PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY crowds or couples at smaller tables, a most unusual way. Stir frios ore very can finish a whole Thundcrl date is July 17. " popular with tho lunch crowd, and . Tho Garden's monu is completely TUESDAY, THURSDAYS IN JULY AMERICAN CONTINENTAL all happily dining on the multitude of EVENT: 58lh Annual Turnover Sale fine foods offered by the owner, they are all very happy with the ham- diversified, and it should appeal to PLACE: Morrow Memorial United JOSEPH ALIBRANDO, CPA There's a razor THE ROSE L PUB SINCLAIRE'S THE COACHMAN George Handrinos. burgers and the pastas." everyone There arc steak and lamb Methodist Church, 600 Rldgewood Rd. at Professional results Rottlla's Family Rtstaurant 3« North Ave., Won THE GARDEN RESTAURANT Baker St., Maplewood. RESTAURANT .' While I waited for my order of lob- chops from $11,95 to $14,95, poultry, sharp light 6]° Wast 1st Ave. - Welllleld, N.J. AIEKII 134 G.5. Parkway The friendly, proprietor's very pro- TIME: Thursdays, July 11, 18, 25- with personal service Roulle, NJ. 789-03.U WIMagleAve. Cranlord, N.J. ster diablo and spaghetti, a special on ribs, chicken and veal'dishes. Seafood in Union SOI-MS-USO "Tho Flncil Sionroods Avnllublo" Union, N.J. 3J3-4/OO senco in his elegant dining rooms is 9:30a.m. to 12:30p.m.; Tuesdays, July 2, SMALL BUSINESS ACCOUNTING Good foal-Good Drink-Good Humor 558-0101 "The V«ry Finest In l)lnln«. tho blackboard, priced at $14.95, and entries include shrimp, fillet of sole, 16, 23- 7p.m.. to 0:30p.m. FINNAGEL'S Kino Food anil Spirits proof that everything is satisfactory. MONTHLY Gel on Ihe Beam, Ovar 100 Varieties Danclnc and KnterUlnmctit" my companion for her fillet of solo, seafood platters, and even steak and PRICE: Free admission. Mega sale In- TIFFANY GARDENS of Beer (, Wine He employs four bartenders and about cludes furniture, hoilsewares, Jewelry, •Compilation of cash receipts and disbursements Forget the knllel "Guaranteed tho 354 N. Broad SI. broiled in lemon, white wine and but- lobster, with prices from $11.75 to books, clothing for all ages, eto, Informa- (atlheArdi) •Bank Reconciliations 'Tax Deposits You can't walk away Best Rtbs" '• - Elliabtlh ITALIAN/AMERICAN ter, and a bulged potato with sour ' $18.50, There also are Louisiana tion call 201-763-7676. MM Vauxhall Rd. 389-5350 Non-profit organizations! For only $15.00, you oan advertise your event ORGANIZATION: United Methodist Wo- QUARTERLY ANNUALLY ttf..... from loot problernsi a. Rt. n " cream, priced at .SI 1.95, Michael southern cooking, house specialties, : SUNDAY: AII.You-Can THB CHESTNUT UNCLE MIKE'S' Restaurant men of Morrow Church. All proceeds go •Tax Returns •Tax Returns Union, NJ, EaU Prime Rib for brought our salads, followed by a fish, mixed grill and shrimp and lor 2 we«ks (PRE-PAID), In the Essex County B-Seotlon or Union County 68B-4444 RESTAURANT ] Morris Ave. toward mission projects. one low price W Chestnut St.- Summit, N.J. thick, hearty cream of mushroom chicken francaise, pastas from $8.75, B-'Seotlon or combination ot both ($25.00 PRE-PAID). Open 7 Days Union, N.J. 377-3343 [Laser Surgery In Office Malor Credit Cardl 944-MM The Award Winning review soup, which wo deemed the most dell- chicken in tho basket from $7.50 and '•fhoorrTeStafement • Financial Statement Italian Itestaurant OTHER 10 waiters and waitresses, who are clous soup we ever tasted, Our waiter stir fry vegetables from $8.95. NAME PHONE SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1991 Dr. limes C. Byrne, D.P.M. •XJOTSPECIALISr PULTON RESTAURANT kept vpry busy serving tho restaur- informed us that "soup is so popular . Variety salads and sandwiches are . ADDHE8S EVENT: Pet Adoption Day. Many breeds 93« Stuyvctint Avc* Union CHINESE 1353 Pulton SI. of dogs »nd oats for adoption.' Call (908) 887-6863 . ,944-tWO , Rahtlfoy, N.J. ant's constant flow of diners. here that usually aftor a busy luncheon served for lunch only, and burgers are PLACE! MJIIburn Veterinary Hospital, 3«l-7«53 crowd, tho chofs have to mako a diffe- served for lunch and dinner. There are EsMX__»__—• 1|n|"'''r!ty Combination— JADB LAKE GOURMET HUNAN SPRINO Find! eulslM In When I entered tho restaurant with 147 Mlllburn Ave., Mlllbum. CIIIIWM Restaurant Chlneie Reiteurant Featuring World Famous Chal l'.Ur rent soup by dinnertime." lovely desserts, coffees, house wines, Wrlta your ad In SPMM below and mall toi TIME: 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m, 3« W. SI. George Avo. my companion on a Thursday even- 2«) Morris Av«. plviza, quiches, soups and "tempters," PRICE: Small fee to benefit Assoolated Linden, N.J. Springfield, N.J. ing, I was personally greeted by WORRALL NBW8PAPBR8 Dr. John Milano and Dr. Vera Khrakovsky •JS-U77 or 535-1)70 Tho lobster diablo arrived in all Its with a special children's menu. , Humana Society. "Toe Finest danjai Dinlnf Handrlhos, who escorted us to a fine ' P.O. Box 1 SB, Mtpljwood, NJ 07040 ' ORGANIZATION: Assoolated Human* Siedalan * Hunan SpecUIUaa" ITALIAN __ glory, with its parts already cracked Happy and contented after a won- table in a very busy dining room. "But DAY....r.v n. • DAT! 19 Society, 124 Evergreen Ave., Newark, "SPECIALIZING in open— although the. waiter brought a derful dinner, my companion and I NJ. . AMICI RESTAURANT CORTINA it is so crowded on a Thursday night," •VINT • • Diseases and 1700 West Elisabeth Ave. RESTAURANT wo said to him while waiting for our nut cracker, just in case. Also', the left, promising Handrinos that we'd FOOT CARE Ankle an Linden, N.J. 070M 31W. North Ave. PLACI • •• Injuries of the •43-0030 Crantord, N.J. waiter, Michael, to bring our drinks plotter consisted of shrimps, scallops be back with friends and family mem- Sports TIM! • • CENTER FOOT" CONTINENTAL "Italian Cuisine" 37S-J749 fronvthe bar. and mussels in marinara sauce, and a bers. Tho food is thai good! Injuries "Northern Italian Cuisine" PRICI Athlete's thin spaghetti With- a delicately deli- A Podiatry Practice H V • "It was. twice .as crowded last ORGANIZATION Koot THE CEDARI PIZIA OOUKMIT . cious tomato sauce. .. •_„ The Garden is open seven days a "BEST °"" Calls Available Restaurant* IIOITAIH1 Roule 22, Basl night," the owner replied. "We have KM ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CALL) 783-1411 CMktaULMinfe PiRRARO'l week, from 11:30 a.m. .to.10 p.m., 687-3343 . 1020 S. Wood AV*. Union delicious special! on the blackboard, What's Going On \i • paid dlrtotory of •vtnti for non-profit organiza- 1100 North Ave. Linden, N.J. tu-wu I Elm Street While waiting for all of that Monday through Friday; 4 p.m. to 11 elliabeth •41-M55 Pull dinner menu ' Weslfleld.N.J,- and bur regular meals are listed in the' marvoloui food to digest, we selected tions. It li pra-pald and ooats |uit $18.00 (for a weeks) for ESMX County 2568 Morris Ave. rrr: m-mo Bar-RetUuraat-Calariu. D|ne In or Take Oul njiioj p.m. dh Saturday and 3 to 10 p.m. on SLUE CROSS/ "The Unjeai Salad Bar Selection,, or Union County and Juat $28,00 for both. Your notice muit b* In our (N«arBurne"UAve,l facilities For All Occasion Delivery Service "Fine Italian Cuisine" ' menu. • • very special dessert to go with the BLUE SHIELD laUnloaCbuljr" Sunday, Reservations are suggested, Mapltwood offlot (483 Vallty Street) by 4:30 P.M. on Mqnday for Union (Parking In rear) Moit IniurancM The restaurant, we discovered, li wonderful coffee served at The Oar- and can be made by calling 558-0101. publloMlbn the following Thursday. Advertisement may also be plaoed at Walk In e Street Level Entrance 17 No, Essex Ave., Orange, 288 Liberty St., Bloomlleld, 483 Valley St., Covwtd Mapl»wood or 1281 Stuyveaant Ave., Union. For more Information oall 783-9411. . '• , ' • . •' • •.' "1JV.

B4 - THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1981 - WORRALL NEW8PAPER8 UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED - WEDNE8DAY, JULY 3, 1091 -«5 tivahwiHeelebraieJewishheritage The IirteU Festival of Union, In conjunction with the School' Auditorium due to rain, where the crowd of 500 horoscope • UNION COUNTY EDITION • SERVING THE COMMUNITIES OF: recreation department of the township of Union, will be people heard music from the big. band sound, which WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS sponsoring their annual. "Jewish Music Under the Stars" included the Chattanooga Choo-Choo, the A-Train, Jewish

program on Aug. 1., beginning at 7:30 p.m. in Friberger favorites, through the music of today's contemporary For week of July 7-July 13 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) Dou- PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Stresi • Union • Linden Park, located behind the municipal building, 1976 Morris sound. . ble your wok efforts. Jump a financial ii what you make it Get extra rest Oet ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Strive hurdle. Count change along the way. ready to reap what you sow. An argument • Springfield , • Roselle Ave., Union. Music will be provided by the Richard Ellis The Israeli Festival of Union is an independent, non- for inner calm. Make thlngi-to-do lilt Achievements lead to personal freedom, clears the air. ' rVW. nf riiflnn, f-.tyring P^hnn< R.y^ .^ EIIJH RffT- _prnfii organization, composed-pf-ictidents of-Union who .Save money for long trip~5ex appeal is a lotmtalnstde- "•"Rahway ger. This event is free arvd open to the Jewish community. wish to unite the Jewish community a few times each year •mile away. • Kenilworth • Clark Participants are requested to bring lawn chairs or blankets. by offering cultural and entertaining programs. The organi- TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your • Roselle Park • Hillside In case of rain,'call 908-687-4124 for the indoor location. zation has announced that the 7th Annual Hanukkah Con- CROSSWORD PUZZLE wordi heal loved onei. Spread special For other information, call the Israeli Festival of Union at cert will be Dec. 7 at 8 p.m. in the Union High School gift. Stress social function! over solo ven- Edited by Tr.ude Michel Jaffa 908-687-4124. Auditorium and will star singer/entertainer Yoel Sharabi tures. Keep a lid on spending. , 56 Paris green Tho Richard Ellis Orchestra is well known for perform- and ventriloquist Stan Bums. Tickets for the Hanukkah ACROSS 3 Memorable 35 Sullen Visa and Mastercard Hours: 9 am - 5 pm GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Natural 1 Hair treatment, ' singer Columbo 39 Talking bird spot ing at bar and bat mitzvots, weddings and throughout the Concert will go on sale at the "Jewish Music Under the —Monday to - Frlday- shyness wins you admirers. Act on lor short T (Modes 41 Gaming 57 Chinese , ,, -—-—accepted——— New Jersey/New York metropolitan area. Ellis Berger, tho Stars" event. The Israeli Festival 6f Union is a tax-exempt CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-564-8911 instincts. Tap into hidden strength. Com- 5 Arm bone :5 Present establishment gelatin' percussionist, has appeared throughout the country With organization and all donations are therefore, tax deducti-' munication breakdowns can bo mended. 9 Yet . ij."— Be Good" 44 Its-airport code 58 Wine valley In such performers as Yoel Sharabi and Paul Zim. The ble. For .further information about the group, call '14 Veritable r Blue Eagle org. Is TLV California AUTO TOWING PERSON TO PERSON PERSON IP PERSON Richard Ellis Orchestra performed for last year's "Jewish 908-687-4124 or write to the Israeli Festival* of Union, CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Double- 15 Drug dick A Tops 46 Pounds, (or 59 MacMillan, $$$WE PAY TOP DOLLAR$$$ check details of .business venture. Stress short lor one WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS Music Under the Stars," which was held in the Union High P.O. Box 274, Union 07083-0274. 16. Discourse: ') Carves mental resourcefulness. Try adventurous Comb, (orm 10 Its airport code 48 Take up and 60 Notable times new sport Be emotionally.open. 17 Its airport code Is YYZ support 61 Use shears UNION CLASSIFIED AD RATES for your junk car Is AMS 11 Operatic prince 50 Ebb 64 Upon: Prellx 24 hour service. Call: LEO (July 23 lOrAug. 22) There's a 19 Presses 1;> Fonlanne's 52 Not qualified 65 English Appearing In all Union Count/ Newipaperi and alu> available In combination The Paper Mill hosts move afoot, either at work or home. 20 Scarlett's true spouse 54 Devil . cathedral city with Einx County N«wipap»n (or a total ruaderihlp of over 199,000 (908)688-7420 Money brings liberation. Put yourself in love 13 Minus . loved one's shoes. Write old friends. 21 Ushers 11) Firstborn Call Toll Free 1-800-564-8911 children's theater ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: AUTO WANTED 23 Pindar opus 21! Opera super's VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) Give 24 Quaking tree prop TRANSIENT RATES MEETING The Paper Mill Playhouse presents TOP $$$ IN CASH stress/worry a holiday. The past is a 20 wordi or Uu., ,*„.,', $8.00 Summer Festival '91 Children's The- 25 Its airport code 2.1 Tune For ALL Cars & Trucks cancelled check. Wax philosophical with Is DEL 2!i Boise's Each additional 10 wordi or l.ii,...... ta.00 vt th* i.gl.1 lo CQltQO'ilt, fdil C"id ater, opening with "Three Cheers For', pals. Sign papers after reading fine print. Claiilfl.d Dliplay Rale Visa and MC 29 Bans legally neighbor u. Ivltphon* numb*' or photo oi Looking to America," on July 10. Performed by 33 Collect 211 Poet Lazarus Per Inch (Commlnlonable) '.,..,.' $18.00 ar* accepted CALL DAYS - 589-8400 LIBRA (Sept 23 to Oct. 11) Commu- tiiittj only lo tndicol* tact, Qf>df, mon'oi the Pushcart Players, "Three Cheers 34 Major or Minor and namesakes Contract Ratei ForAdi That nicate with co-workers. Become a go- Ltdlu_ oi\ii C]#n__Ur prtf#.•_.£•, Thf blind box ftt meet your match? for America" is a musical tribute to 36 City on the Oka 27 Place lor Run on Contecullve Weeki ' or EVES. - (908) 688-2044 • between In family dramas. Focus on per- . ndud«l »>• lor wording poilogt (Uplift will bf America's heritage. Suitable for ages 37 2001 a belt 13 llmei or more ,„ $13,00 i*nr toth W*dn*tdoy lo bov holdtrt Boa sonal decisions. It's your life. (Same day Pick-ups) iu'"b|(.J moy not b« ulid tor lending goodl O' 6 to 10, the play-follows a family of 38 Antiknock 211 Island dance Try Essex/Union • . agent: Abbr. 311 Storm, to WE PAY CASH for your lunk car or truck. J.P. immigrants from the tum-of-the- SCORPIO (Oct 23 to Nov. 21) Invest- bulk n 40 Grampus Slmone . TVanilant ratei apply to odi appearing fewer than 13 tlmei. Payment for tramiant' CUNNINGHAM 8, SONST201-376-12S3. MEETING PLACE classifieds! century to the 1960s. Tho journey ment hunch could pay off. Let imagina- adi should be received before the publication date, I.e. no later than the Wedneiday before 42 Indonesian 3'i Danger tion run wild. Plan Impromptu gatherings. the Thursday of publication..W« will not b« responsible for errors unleis they are detected MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE Ih«re(o'», w« Mill nol takis the,audience through the Roar- Islands 3i! Insults Hit your favorite bookstore. before the 2nd Insertion. Worrall Community Newspapers Inc. reserves the right to classify, 1981 YAMAHA SECA-750. Cherry red. $600/ Tho MEETING PLACE Is! the spot to search out that ing '20s, the Depression, the rocki 43 Ago 3r l^olt which involva Q but<"ting iHol hat o 45 River between receipt of copy will be appreciated. "'" •* roll era of the '50s, and the civil right* SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec.il) p^rj'y _

1979 CHEVY CORVETTE, Automatic trans- mission, air conditioning, alarm systems, new ADVERTISING SALES CLERICAL/ - Career opportunity for male/female lo Join tires, T-tops. Excellent condition. $7,000 or 'BOOKKEEPER • best olfer. 90B-6B7-B385, newspaper advertising stall. Must en|oy people and have some soles background. (1) AUTOMOTIVE Full time position. Qualified applicant must type 1678 CHEVY BLAZER, with plow. Good condi- Salaried position with benefits. Car required lov.rvi, 59, wishes to meet classy, attrao- PETITIE SWF graduate student. Something and should have previous A/P, A/R experience. tion. $860. Call 822-1608. for local selling. To.arrange Interview call AUTO ACCESSORIES Itlve lady about 5'3". Must be comfortable apedal It mlaslng In life. Enjoys movies, Any computer knowledge a plus.. comedy, muslo, sunsets, rainbows and more. 874-8000. or 888-7700. 1987 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Grand Fury, In silk or jeans and seeking a quality SeekB SWM, 27-35 to share quality time. Not BUY-WISE loaded, decent gas mileage. 54,000 mlloB. relationship. Photo and phone please. Excellent fully paid company benefits. To Interested In one-sided relationship, bar flys or $2996/ best oiler. Just reduced, Must sell I Reply box WX-63, Worrall Newspapers, arrange an Interview please call: AUTO PARTS (608)353-1595, (608)355-8033, ._ smokers. Reply Bon WX-81, Worrall Newspap- P.O. Box 158, Maplewood, NJ 07040. ers, P.O. Box 158, Maplewood, NJ 07040. WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC Salute 1688 CUTLASS CIE'RA, 4 door, 8 cylinder, ADVERTISING 687-1313, Ext 280 Open 9 Deye, Cloud Sundays automatic, 88K miles. Full power? tilt cruise, Wedne»dey end Saturday 3ALES PERSON am/fm cassette, $3500 (Irm, 984-1514, CHAPLIN. Long term care, facility Is seeking 7:30AM to 5:45PM ordained minister to servo as part-time Chaplin. FEMALE, 60, wishes to meet gentleman ATTRACTIVE, SINGLE. wh(te, fomale Worrall Community Newspapers has "an Weekdoye 7:30AM to 7PM. 1687 DODGE DIPLOMAT: 4 door, V-8, power College and seminary required. C.P.E. pre- for companionship, fun, lasting relation- would like to moot fun loving guy between opening for a first class advertising sales 688-5848 brakes/ steering, power locks/ windows, cruise ferred. Send resume to: Reverend Lynn Wen- ship, partners. Photo, phono. Clost to 45-55 years of ago. Please send photo; person. Experience would be great, but If you control. Good condition. $2600/negotlable. Call doll, Chaplin Supervisor, Manor Care Moun- VAUXHALL SECTION Bloomllold. Reply WX-67, Worrall News- Roply WX-58, Worrall Newspapers, P.O. have the right slulf, we'll train you. Sand 687-4637. tainside, 1180 Route 22 West, Mountainside, papers.'P.O. Box 158, Maplewood, NJ Box 158, Maplowood, NJ 07040. resume lo: 2091 Springfield Avenue NJ 07002. 608-654-0020, 1686 DODQE COLT, low mileage. Clean, 07040, WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS Union automatic, air condition, AM/FM radio, 4 door, Attn: Jack O'Rourke COLLEGE STUDENTS AUTO DEALERS new brakes. $3600. 888-8383 Bam-Spm, P.O. Box 849 HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS Springfield Taxi serves town 376-6076, 9am-11anv Orange, New Jersey 07051 ELIZABETH MOTORS, INC. 1689 FORD ESCORT 2 door hatchback, AUSTRIAN, WOMAN, 70, no family, HI, I am a 51 year young man, trim 145 SUMMER WORK OLDSMOBILE essentially new. Florida car, only 8,000 miles, would like to meet really educated, clever lbs., who Is looking for a woman between International company has positions which will QtdfiBLi Largest Call 201-584-9224, man, about same age, for sincere com- the ages of 38-46, who enjoys fine dining, ATTENTION: LOCAL men/ women. $425/ be filled Immediately. $10.45 corporate rate, Excluik/e art, plays and a meaningful relationship. weekly. Factory assembly al home. No exporl- panionship. Reply WX-60. Worrall News- lodal lor students. Fun work. Resume experi- Oldi Dealer In 1084 FORD MUSTANG LX, black, red Interior, RepFy WX-62, Worrall Newspapers, PO once. 1-900-788-7020. 7 days/evenings. pppapers, , P.O. Booxx 151588 , MlwMaplewoodd , NJ ence. No door to door telemarketing. Interview Union County am/lm stereo cassette, air, clean. $1900. Call $5/mlnu!e. 0704007040. Box 158, Maplewood, NJ 07040. now. Value Rated Uied Cari alter 5pm, 887-9324. E82 Morris Avenuo AVON SALES • AH Areas. Call Toll Free: 908-688-9393 1680 FORD GRANADA. Power steering, (1-800) 682-2292. Elizabeth DENTAL ASSISTANT, Part-time lor practice In brakes, air conditioning, silver, Excellent condi- Looking to matt your match? 908-354-1050 tion. 65,000 miles. $1400. Call 1-90B-277-1005 Roselle Park. Some, experienced, preferred. Try EtMX/Unlon MEETING WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT? alter 6P.M. • DWF, 30, Italian- American, seeking STAND OUT Good salary. 245-7500, Ortho Department. SMYTHE VOLVO male 30- 40. I will answer all replies, PLACE classlfledsl , OUR SENSE OF STYLEI EARN $300.00 CASH dally buying merchan- SPECIAL ON 1685 HONDA ACCORD LX; 4 door, 67,000 Roply WX-59, Worrall Newspapers, P.O. Does your ad need a little more attention? You EXCLUSIVE dise. No experience necessary. Call 6am to WE ARE THE HOME FANTASY SHOP. VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS miles, good condition, asking $3600, Call Box 158, Maplewood, NJ 67040. For More Information Call can Croat Ad-Impact by using larger type. VOLVO DEALER 851-2662, leave message. This Type BIZO IS... 11pm, Monday- Sunday, 803-3088. LET US MAKE YOUR HOME BEAUTIFUL WITH COMPLETELY INSTALLED 326 Morrlt Avenue Summll OUR 50% OFF WINDOW TREATMENT SALE. 1989 HYUNDAI EXCEL GL. 2-door, hatchback, 1-800-564-8911 EARN MONEY rehdlng books, $100.00 per title $ (908) 273-4200 alr-condlilon, 6-speed, AM/FM^ oassette, 12 Point possible Write or call today 215-440-8457 Ext. OUR BRIDAL GIFT DEPARTMENT AND AUTHORIZED 40,000 highway miles, Like new. Steve, 12,. Homeworker Rondlnn, Dox 610, Depl. DECORATIVE ACCESSORIES 165* 761-6207, Anytime, $4500. ' ' ADOPTION: SECURE, happily married couple R-NJ, Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734. (fee). FACTORY SERVICE would love to welcome awhile newborn Into our GET RAVE REVIEWS. *(Up to 70 United Inches) 1686 JEEP WRANGLER Islander 4x4. White, family. We guaran.ee hugi, kliaha and all the EARN UP to $1,000 per week processing HUD, LONG TERM LEASING • hard/ soil tops, air, all options, 6-cyllnder, 14 Point FHA government refunds. No experience SEE OUR LINE OF CUSTOM COLOR love • child Wanti. Legal/medical expemei One FREE Aluminum Storm Door 5-speed, 6/60 miles warranty,38,000,$11,600. paid; call collect by dialing O for live operator nocasBory. Call 1-315-738-7376 Ext. M-NJ-U1 LAMPS, SCULPTURES, CONTEMPORARY tor every 10 Windows ' AUTO FOR SALE 201-450-1338, ^__ aaabtance, 516-624-6847 Andrea/Sandy 24 hours. ; & TRADITIONAL ART WORK. • AUTO LOAN8I No credit chock/ no down (R657). ; 1684 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL. Doctor's car.' 18 Point FRIENDLY HOME partleB has openings tor We also sell: payment. Guaranteed approval. 1088-91 Mod- ALSO, OUR WICKER FURNITURE, 3B.000 miles, fully loaded. Roadster rool, wire ATTENTION: LOCALSI Meet by phone. Christ- demonstrators. No cash Investment. No service all. 1-800-274-8M1 24 hourl. recent emphasis on devor along the way he stopped to lend Aluminum & Vinyl Siding • Storm Windows wheels, garage kept, $8500/ oiler, 379-7040. Ian 24 hour romance llnel It workal $3/mlnule, charge. Highest commission and hostess AND OUR CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT snow or rain and are welcome to a cup 1.800-788-7710. (3) EMPLOYMENT awards. Three catalogs, over BOO Items. Call lopment and the upcropplng of strip assistance at an accident scene. Financing Avtllabl* 1978 BMW 6301,4 door, aulomallo, air condi- ARE CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION, of coffee she said, even if they aren't 1083 MAZDA RX7. 6 speed, sunroof, air,' 1-800-48B-487S. tion, 116K mlloi. Original owner,, Good condl- AM/FM cassette, silver. Mint condition. 70,000 majls, local businesses more than ever "There was a big accident at South CHILD CARE 908-686-9661 in need of a cab. 686-9661-2-3-6 Hon. $2700/be»l oiler. 90B 864-78111. miles, ;1 owner. Garaged. $3,800. Call 'FULL-TIME DRIVER- sweeper truck. Night have to be supported. Jean Pessltore Orange Avenue and Old Short," Pes-. 608-686-3036 alter 6p.m. CEMETERY PLOTS FAMILY DAY care In my Maplewood/ Union 24 Point work. Clean license required. Call Cab service Is provided primarily 1987 BUICK Eleotra Park Avenue. Fully 2064 Morris Ave. Union of Springfield Taxi, located at 243 2064 Morris Ave., Union location (to months- 5 yean), Fenced yard, 906-064-3773. shore said. "My driver was a medic loaded. 41,850 miles. White with blut Interior. Add Impact by using larger' type • ask our In Springfield, but Pessltore said that Members of Better Bus. Bureau 1687 MERCURY SABLE GS. 60,000 miles, HOLLYWOOD lunch, snack. 8 years experience, Licensed Morris Ave., takes being a local busi- for many years and stopped to help Excellent condition. $8500. Call 684-4473. fully loaded. Excellent condition In and out. State of NJ #FR070121, Call 781-1022. Classified Representative for the type /ou GENERAL HELP SERVICES PROVIDED business also comes from surrounding $5,500 or best oiler. Call (608) 064-5128. would like for your ad. ness very seriously and prides herself • Machine Parts "" 1983 QUICK LA SABRE! 4 door, am/ Im stereo, . MEMORIAL PARK. ' . out. But then he went on to pick up his EMPLOYMENT WANTED For lowcost people-to-people advertising get •1MULTIHI LISTING JIUVICHI . towns including Mountainside, Sum- Elizabeth • Trado-Ins • alr-condltloned. QouJ condition. $1500. Call NOW HIRING and her company In supporting passonger." . 1966 MUSTANG CLASSIC Coupe. Lady Qetheimane Gardens, Mauaoleuma, Otfloe: Into the Classified Paaes. Call 1-600-564-8911. •.MICOMrmTIVIMAIIklTAIUlVS.-l . mit, Union, Short Hills and Mllbum. Accepted (908) 888-7888, alter 4PM. owner. Clean and original, 6 cylinder, automat CLEANING LADY. Very experienced. Excel- International firm has 18 positions open In businesses around town and tho peo- Sewing Machine Outlet Store 1500 Stuyveaant Av«;, Union. . lent references. Own transportation, Available' Management, Marketing and Office. Start train- •NKONAiniD UIVICIS MSIONID TO . UAJI YOU Another time a driver helped rush a Springfield Taxi also provides an eco- • Machines tlo. $2700. Call 686-1566, alter 5pm. ple In the community.' 1985 BUICK, PARK Avenue, Excellent condi- 908-888-4300 weekdays and weekends. Oall anytime Ing up to $2,000.montn with rapid advance- •0NN N0UM SMViaiU passenger, who was suffering from a 1 Bought & Sold nomical alternative to expensive Singer. Machines for Less" tion, 50,000 miles, air conditioning, power 1087 SENTRA, Sport Edition, sunroof, new .201^24-4118. ment. Car required. 18 and over. "Businesses have to remember heart attack, to tho hospital. Pessltore •Tfoo windows, AM/FM casaetla, (4,900. 201 aluminum wheels, alrcondlllonlng, stereo. Mr. Victor 887-7080 (908J6M-3J11 FAX.(WB) 418-9212 limousine service to the airports, |30%-60% OFF List Prices 744-8383 or 201 367-3044, FAMILY DAY care provided haa Immediate ' • First Come, First Served their townspeople," said Pessltoro, In Ilon.o Service 48,000 miles, great MPQ. Original owner. Mint. DIAL-A-BiBLE said that drivers have also helped pre- according to Pessltoro. All Brands Asking $4800. (908)984-8926. openlnga for 2-4 year olda. Call evenings WHEN REPLYING CALL Susan Plcctuto •Vacuums- 1985 BUICK REQAL LTD; 40,000 miles, V-8 JOBS IN Australia. Exciting employment op- who has owned and operated Spring- gnant women in labor get to the hospi- of 008-888-2834. Springfield Taxi is open from 7 Sales Si Sorvlco engine, power windows/ locks, alr-condltloning, 1688 OLDSMOBILE TORANATO. Excellent TO A portunities, Earn 40% to 60K. higher salaries. field .Taxi for 18 years. "We are here Machines •V Paid travel and housing. Call 1-5.6-281-8160 tal, and have voluntarily helped child- •10%Sr.C|t. tllt-steerlng, power-seats, $4800. (60S) condition, 48,000 miles, sunraol, leather Inter- MOMENT HOUSEKEEPERS, NANNIES, nurse's aides a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday UNION COUNTY PICCIUTO 1EAITY INC. 887-3265. "» available. Women ol all nationalities. Applic- Extension 101. SALES • RENTALS • MOKTOAO_ J for the town." ren without money get home. Repaired _____^^^^ Discount on ior, $9600 or best offer, Call 744-2382 964-6356 ants screened. Reasonable fees. Call Aurora CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER and 7 a.m. to 8 p,m. on Saturday. Pes- Elizabeth Sewing Machine Outlet" evenings. . . • ' LEGAL SECRETARY for MHIUum law (Urn. Pessltoro and her drivers are dedi- In addition', Pessltore helps people Machines Agency, Long Branch, NJ, 008-222-3369. sltore said that service is also avail- 1164 E. Jersey St. 1984 OLDSMO8ILE CUTLASS Slera IS, 4 please address envelope to: Experience preferred. Pleasant working condi- cated to helping poeple. One driver. 66 Years at — •—— -— -.—.|-...Q ('"•'I'lVI wuw v» • -r V*. *•in • neeIIVMdU CT1IV11when UICtheVy SI1UshowW uUpU Batl heilOTr IRISH STUDENT (10) kwklng (or babysitting or tions. Good benefits. Call 201-487-8080. MIS UNION, N.J. O able upon request by calling Elizabeth Same Location 1978 BUICK REQAL. Power steering, power door, 4 cylinder, auto, all power, air condition- THE CHURCH OF CHRIST houaecleanlng Job for the eummer. Call PlAhi In n» Was late to a pickup one day bocausax,. front door. People come In out of the 3S3-9S4O brakes, air conditioning, AM/FM, V8, good Ing, AMffM, 80,400 miles. $2100. 763-6034. Meeta at: $2,000 MONTHLY'POSSIBLE assembling tires, exoellenl condition, Call 325-8801. . BOX NUMBER - 1687 PONTIAC GRAND AM SE coupe. 4-cylln- MILLBURN MALL SUITE B toys, crafts, electronics and more. Write or call' 201 •962-5821. 2633 VauVhall Road, Vauxhall, NJ. '800-253-0848 EM. 16: Homeworker, P.O. Box Participate H«r« der, automatic, air, cruise, buckets, MAIFM mnMATURi uncE WOMAif^vniN. aeekmwwnmi houaekeepln iiuua_ g or _ Worrall Newspapers Sunday 10:am Bible Study 11 810 Dept. -NJP, Lanoka Harbof, NJ 08734 MM/ITO AVINti. INC. SPRINGFIELD TAXI INC. stereo/ tape, white. 68,000 miles. Must sell. days work'"•. Monday-Friday' ' - . .Wel.Wellexpel experiencedr . 11:00 Wonhlp Service P.O. Box 158 (fee). _. • for th« 8UCCE88* of your WE CM! • CALL Your HOMETOWN TAXI 201-373-3062. Good references. Call 201-872•872-4535- . INTRODUCING: 1984 QUICK CENTURY, 4 door, automatic fl:_0pm Evening Service Maplewood, NJ 07040 BU8INE88 and COMMERCIAL INTERLOCKING power windows/locks, tk Only 46,000 miles, 1987 PONTIAC QRAND-AM. Alroondltlonlng. Wedrmday..,7:30pm Bible Study HELP WANTED NO EXPERIENCE necessary. Earn $300 cash $3000 or best oHer, 241 -2805, leave message. tilt-wheel, all power steering, locks, windows, We are ottering • FREE Bible Correspondence -dally buying merchandise. Call earn to 11pm, 3£B£ ProfARRlonalDrlylnci School A DAILY salary ol WOO for. buying merchan- Monday- Sunday, 883-3908, DECORATIVE brakes. Chjlse, AM/FM stereo cassette, sun- Course vtdlh No Obligation, or private Bible dlae. No experience necessary. Call Concern 1982 CADILLAO COUPE deVILLE, while- blue rool, $6,000/ best olfer, (201)878-75861 Study In your'home al your oonvenleno*. velour Interior. Excellent condition. 80K, extra 6am-11pm Monday-Sunday, 683-3088, STONHtorBlWIWAVS, snows and rims. $3,498. Gall Barbara, 1983 RENAULT Fuego, 8 speed, 70,000 miles, .. 964-6396 Art you looking for axpoior* In th« Journalism field? ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, Diversified. -CALL TODAY TO BE PATIOS, ilo. . 373-7100. • , , runs well, New exhaust, $900,00, Call Worrall Community Newspapers can offer that exposure to • Petmll Velldellon • Duel (quipped C.n • Fully Imuied Telephone, general omoe, CRT, bookkeeping, Call lor Free Ejtlmato & Brochura NV Airports 763-8381 6pm-10pm. . 1 • School Triniportitlon • rnil Ooor lo Dow Pick Up 1978 CLASSIC CADILLAO Eldorado converti- payable !, part time/ lull time, Qreia. you by bfferlng you a norvpaldLlnternshlp with one of bur 20 IN THI8 DIRECTORY •DRIVEWAYS • Sporting Evinti Avallabli (up to 6 ttiHtonto) < • «>enlmieHome Cluaai evelleble ble. HBOO or best olltr. Runs well, new top. 1017 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA QL. 4 door, 8 00i-«8fl-2700, Union. •PARKING LOTS newspapers In Union and E8sex'£ountie8. •EnwrginoyStrv... ANNIVIMAI.V •MOIAl OIIOU. RATH Moving'must ••II.*-Call 672-3111 leave speed, great oondltlon, 78,000 miles, $4,000 or best offer. Call 781-8469, LOST & FOUND 686-7700 6Xt>« •EXCAVATING 1 aiudanl • IM p«r hour menage. L_ YOUR AD could appear here for as little as Inierested? • OorporM* Aocountt Wdoomad HM MM, wdi nwattr JOHN DAMATO, PRBS. Mlludanli.tllp., FOUND HU8KEV- whit* wd blMh, ApproxJ- •SIDEWALKS'CURBS 4 u moit lludinli. 19*1 OAMARO, automatic, stereo cassette, .1112 VOLKtWAQON, Silver, lulomallo. MOO per week. Call for more details. Our Call Executive Editor Don Veleber at 674-8000 Monday • 14 V««ri ol sarvlevto Iht Oommunlty rHthm.print* UIMM. •Bvtoatured In a nvl§w. COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL M00,1N0 Qdimoblle Delta $$. Oood oondl- 44oon, AMfM oauene. 7$,0M miles, Oood maltly 1 yttr old. Female vdih p*le blue eyes. friendly classified deparmum would be happy Can Chris, (_O»)8»7-0»-1. to help you. Call i-B00-M4-Bgn. throoqh Friday, B a.m. • 3 p.m. tor additional Information. 243MQfrHAv..tpflnflfWd ' >»pn« Now ti.»t 801-378-6116 - a08-5»7-009» don. Best oily. $1100. Alter 4p.m. 872-61M. condition. $1800. New brakes. Call 9IJ-023B. .-•••-a UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED — WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1991 — B7 " B6 — WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1901 — UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED .CLEANING SERVteE- -QtnTEBgfcEXOERg MOVINQ/STOBAGE REFINISHINQ ~8WWHINQ POOLS HELPWANTED HELP WANTED-- HEUHfVANTEO- —HEtP-WANTCD- HEUMrVANTE PERT CLEANING SERVICE GUTTERS ' LEADERS APPLMNCE REFINtSHtNQ- .REFlRIOERATOR8»DI8HWASWASHERt —S DAVIE8 POOL SERVICE PART TIME RECEPTIONIST UNDERGROUND DRAINS SOUTHSIDE •KIICHtN CAUINbIB Inground/Above ground OFFICE Suburban Cablavislon currently ha* parrdme FuU time eam-5:16pm. Must have excellent FAMILY OWNED Thonxjohiy. otMnftd pnd fttuhsd ANY COLOR AVAILABLE telemarketing tales positions available be- telephone vole* and manners and the ability to MOVING & TRANSPORT, INC. Repalrs'Servlce'lnstallations WORKER AND AVERAGE HOUSE $35.00 > Work.done In your home tween 12 noon and 4 p.m. and between Sp.m. handle customers tactfully. Typing a mutt. LOW; LOW RATES OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Weekly Maintenance Benefits, offered. Cal Rose: FAMILY .OPERATED ALL DEBRIS BACKED Join our SO-yMr-old, 100 employe* growing and flom, Monday thru Friday. You wiH receive All work I* hand* en by us! •Fra* Estimate . R, Rossi 201-7434606 an hourly wag* and commission with the MARK MBSE 201-228-4965 company. Excellent entry level opportunity with 908-964-4533. •QraatServloa 908-687-0360 opportunity to Increase your Income through Hit New Jersey! /£ Repair*' Replacements (Formerly Rlfl Reflnlshlnol growth potential for reoenl HS >arad. (5) SERVICES OFFERED 908-686-5913 Large or amal fobs monthly bonuses. Great opportunity lor home- HEATING RESUMES v Dutlu Indudt: switchboard, reoeptlon, typing, makers, senior citizens and students. If you RECEPTIONIST ACCOUNTING CONTRACTOR T 903-686-7262 filing, dwica), general help-to;o)ltoe staffr have exoellem communjcajloaskljli and some SPRINGFIELD License •003M Resumes tales experience please call MrTKbpeckTaF GEORGEANA CONTRACTING For friendly newspaper office In Btoomtleld. ACCOUNTING 8ERVCES- Smal businesses. HEATING & AIR CONDmONING Fast profeulonal TILE 201-872-4180 between 1p.m. and Sp.m. Equal •Additionp s Bum Up nr Out Requirements: energetic, mature', reliable per- Answer phones, greet customers, take mes- Tji»nwpatl*ft -T Monthly .c<-quan»ny aawlcei CopBrete, part- ; *^iiTr r*i . opportunity Employer M/F Custom Kitchens and Bath* —«Oentral Air Oondlllonlng'AlrrCieaner*- •—••— TypeienlngTSTvioM son with professional-appearance and articu- sages, typing required. Full time Monday nershlp and IrWMduajTvxmetaMsToewg. P. •Custom Kitchen* and Bath* •Gas Furnace Repbosmenta ahowstheoounty Porcefil, Jr. CPX. 761-1858. ' Interested In starting a new career? Want to late phttw pertonallty. Mutt work well under PART TIME through Friday, 0 A.M. to S P.M. Call •All types ol Siding and Masonry Work •S-O» ConvtralonsiHumldinera YOUR AD could appear hwe for as Site as CARDINALE preuunVand be willing to learn. distribution of Fuuy Insured and "Guaranteed-! .Deluxe » HtEffidenw Units change Jobs? See us for typesetting your Circulation Service Representatives 201-874-8000 for Interview/appointment. 18.00 per week.. Call for more details. Our resume, . dallies and weeklies AIR CONDITIONING Free Estimates . •Over 10,000 Home Systems friendlyL&uirjed department would be happy We oiler competitive talaiy and full benefit*, The Star-Ledger has early Morning Part-Time •One Call Doe* It Alii TILE CO., INC/ work. Starting salary $100.00, plus car ex- RETAIL SALESPERSON, experienced. Fine IntheNJPA 201-376-5000 to help you. Call 1.800-664-8911. , Maple Composition Including profit sharing and 401K. 1 A-1 ECONOMY Complete Bathroom Remodeling penses and route profits. Fringe benefits In- (hop requires take charge salesperson for SCAN program (908)964-3774 463 Valley Street ' dude: Vision, dental, Hie Insurance and vaca- table settings, gift* and linens. Call before RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Please apply In person or call Annie COOLING & HEATING WOME IMPROVEMENTS Maplewood tions. Rapid Increases In salary. 8 day* per 10am. 201-370-5866. M. GONCHAR IneUllatlone Include: -MANNING-&-tEWIf :weeHWT800-242-0850. ~ ~~ Central air systems' Installed.-High efficiency RcTNeWHecorag SECRETARY. Smoke-free Mlllbum office. Ex- Mon., Tues., Wed. & Fri. 9AM-6PM ENGINEERING COMPANY Part Time Early Morning Advertiser*! Your 25-word classified ad ($8 per Then we send lt.Jo.89j condensing units. High efficiency furnace*. CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS PUT YOUR HOME 675 Rahway Avenue, Union cellent typing, communication, organizational! Humidifier*. Electric a> cleaner*. . Thursday and other times •CUSTOM MARBLE^ Newspaper Routes (5:00 to 6:30) 7 days are telephone skills. Interaction with volunteers, additional word) (or only $199, reaches over a participating dalllM and . 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE 'by appointment 908487-2400 " available In your area. Earn $400.00 to $500.00 j_ . • • Free Estimates IN THE BEST Of HANDS - *CERAMIC TILE Computer • plus. 36 hour week. Excellent million households through 8CAN, the Hew WMkllt* from-Suaaax to equal opportunity employer m/f per month; plus cash Incentives. A reliable car benefit*. Call 201-376-3838. •Custom Deck* v FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES Is a must. Call toll free 1-800-242-0850. Jersey Press Association's Statewide Classified Cap* May and Salom to 908-851-9598 •Replacement Door* and-WlndoWe FOR ALL YOUR REMODELING 762-0303 SECRETARY, FULL-TIME, professional office, Advertising Network. Call us. We'll help you •Rooling and Siding PART/FULL time. Process mall at home. No POSTAL JOBS avallablel Many posllldns. Mlllbum Avenue. Excellent communications Bergen. Blngol You Just •Kitchens and Bathrooms Remodeled AND REPAIR NEEDS 908-964-5045 Great benefits. Call 1-BoB=B82-755S Ext. write your ad to get the most for your money. AIR CONDITIONING. Central units cleaned ROOFING experience. Also telemarketers needed. SASE •kills, word perfect 5.0 essential. Non-smoking discovered a whole new market. and charged. Window units Installed. Charge •Basements Finished Ctvponlry • PiunNNn0 to Sunrise, 55V Valley Road, Departmerit K., P-2421. (Call 7 days a week). __^ CALL MIKE OR JOHN 1 Bill Cardinals Union. N J office. Good salary, working condition!, auto air conditioners. Call John 736-7845, Rich • HWIMMI* Tiling .DOTSY LOU' Monlclalr, NJ 07043. (Directory offer). 201-487-5118. Day* Evening* REAL ESTATE 8ales person. Full time/ part Call nowl You won't regret It. 1 -800-564-8911 672-7482.' MS-686-3073 908-687-1238 • Door** Windows ROOFING AND 9IDINQ time. Experience preferred; Flexible hours. JOHN BOURANEL SECRETARY/TYPIST • D*okt*AIUes . Complete Roof Stripping Specialists PART TIME demonstrators needed for Decor Bonuses. Call Susan lor Interview, New Roofe, Re-Roofing CERAMIC TILE INSTALLER and More. No Investment. Own hours. Fun job, OOB-888-3311, Plcduto Realty. For Mountainside CPA firm. To type financial ""'" TELEMARKETING . 908-241-1431 and much moral statements and correspondence. Experience TELEMARKETING Siding and ReDlacemanl Windows great payl Come-on, take-a-chance. 272-8986. Suburban Cablevlslon currently ha* part time Come join our team In the lucrative world of FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED New and Repairs on Word Processor and knowlege of Word telemarketing. Our Bloomfleld office seeks a Regroudng/Remoaellng TEACHER. Co-op Nurseiy School In Maplew- Perfect a plus. Work In pleasant surrounding! telemarketing sales positions available be- CARPENTRY-MASONRY. No Job too small. COMPETITIVE-PRICES tween 12 noon and 4 p.m. and between Sp.m. few aggressive people with a positive attitude. Call 908-862-3235 anytime or after 6 p.m. PAINTING No Job too Big or Small ood needs a certified Early Childhood Nursery with company paid benefits.. Call: A clear speaking voice Is a must. Hourly rate I do It all Teacher for a one year leave replacement, RECEPTIONIST 908-789-0011. and 9p.m., Monday thru Friday. You will receive 908-688-2188 plut lucrative Incentive program. Flexible hour* GLENN'S HOME IMPROVEMENT. Additions. BORIS RASKIN teaching 2'A and 3 year olds, S mornings a an hourly, wage and commission with •the For friendly Maplewood newspaper office, opportunity to Increase your Income through available. Decks. Kitchens. Baths. Roofs. Tile. Etc. dual- JOE MEGNA week. Must be child centered, creative, enthu- To greet customers, take messages, light CALL: JO ANN ity work. Reasonable prices. Pictures, refer- PAINTING J.D. siastic, enjoy singing and energetic. Send monthly bonuses. Great opportunity for home- EXTERIOR & INTERIOR 201-429-2987 typing and answer telephones. Full time TELEMARKETER makers, senior citizens and students. If you e WASHERS • DRYERS • ences available. 687-7767._. cover letter and resume to the Director, Betsy 201-743-7667 Free Eatlmstee Insured ROOFING CONTRACTOR Monday through Friday, 0 A.M. to 5 P.M. Call have excellent communication skills and some We'll fix it...even Gelger, 11 Lowell Avenue, West Orange, New Love to talk on the telephone? Well, we have WORK GUARANTEED 201-874-8000 for Interview appointment. sales experience please call Mr. Kopeckl at . REFRIGERATORS •. FREEZERS R. TAVARES Jersey 07052, the Job for you. We have a straight commis- TELEMARKETING REASONABLE RATES Specializing In 1 ply Rubber Roofing, Hot Tar, 201-672-4180 between 1p.m. and Sp.m. Equal if you didn't buy- sion telemarketing, petition available In our . RANGES • DISHWASHERS HOME IMPROVEMENTS REFERENCES and Shingles, all types of Repairs. DENICOLO TILE CONTRACTORS opportunity Employer M/F •r SUPERVISOR All work guaranteed PART-TIME TYPING at home for Court Repor- Orange office. You can work S* day* and ; 201-564-9293 earn 16% on what you sell. Interested? Call Temporary part time. Hire, train, supervise it at Sears! • MICROWAVES Fully Insured Free Estimates ters. Experience and own equipment preferred. "RECEPTIONIST telemarketers to recruit volunteers for the (4) INSTRUCTIONS Additions - Dormers - Decks Established 1635 Audrey at Worrall Community Newspapers: D.M.C. PAINT/WALLCOVERING. Interior Spe- Please call 201-763-2879. FULL TIME American Heart Association residential cam- 908-688-2612 YOUR AD could appear here for as We at paign. Evening and weekend hours, August INSTRUCTIONS Service for AMANA • FRIGIDAIRE • GE • HOTPOINT cialist, Free Estimates. Fully Insured. Kitchene, Bathrooma, Repair*, Goutlng, PART-TIME MEDICAL Receptionist. Fm busy We are looking for someone reliable and $8.00 per week. Call for more details. Our thru December In smoke-lree Mlllbum olUce. Roofshn/Vlndows • Siding 008-486-0087, Tile Floors, Tub Encloeuree, ShowersUlls orthopedic surgeon's office In Mlllbum. Position- ^spendable with great telephone skills. If GUITAR LESSONS, Jazz, Classical, Blues, these brands KENMORE • KITCHENAID • MAYTAG • NORGE 674-8000 friendly Classified Department would be happy Experience preferred. Rock, Folk: 16 years experience. Rahway RESIDENTIAL ROOFING Free Estimates Fully Insured available Immediately..Call 201-487-1212. this Is you please call Diane 762-0243. and morel ROPER • SPEED QUEEN • WHIRLPOOL GREGORY ZALTSSHTEIN Painter: Exterior/ to help you. Call 1-800-684-8911. 376-3636 location. Call 90B-4BS-0549. Free Estimates Insured Interior. Plaster and sheetmcklng. Fully In- Re-rooflng and Tesr-ofle , No job too small or too large sured, references. All Jobs guaranteed. Free Gutter* Leaders BOB 908-964-5813 .__ "-estimate. 201-373-9438. Fully Licensed - Insured FOR SERVICE CALL All work guaranteed. 908-686-5550 , 755-6000 ' HOUSE WASHING 20 years experience Working owner GTG Pressure Cleaning Co. HOUSE PAINTING CHRIS MASTAKAS P.O. BOX 3695, Won, NJ ARCHITECTS DECKS INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Pressure Clean Vinyl/ Aluminum Siding 201-284-0203 Fully Insured Free Estimates >. ARCHITECT; Residential, cwimerclal, addi- DECKS Patios end Wood Decks Cleaned tions, Interior alterations, etc. Free Estimates. Free Estimates WE STOP LEAKSI Reasonable rales. (908) 672-7318. ADDITIONS Free Estimates CLARK BUILDERS, INC. . TREE EXPERTS ALTERATIONS .•:..•. STEVE ROZANSKI - •Roof Stripping a Repairs REMODELING D •Flat Roofing & Slate WOOD STACK AUTO MARKET S 201-399-4491 BEAUTY CARPENTRY •Gutters & Leaders 908-233-2960 JERZY-PAINTING . Serving Union » Middlesex Counties TREE SERVICE Have Your Hair Cared For By a Professional CUSTOM INTERIOR/EXTERIOR For 22 Yeare LOCAL TREE COMPANY JOIN THE DECK JEWELERS •WALLPAPERING Fully Insured - Free Estimates STUDENT HAIR CLUB •SHEETROCKING NJ. Lie. No. 01076O ALL TYPES TREE WORK SPECIALISTS INC. SKI SETTING CO. •PANELING B08-391-8148 1-80O-7B4-LEAK (5328) 'FREE ESTIMATES FREE ESTIMATES NEW JERSEY DIAMOND SETTING EXTRA- Reasonable Ratos Dependable 20% off with student I.D. WE DO ONE THINO 'SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT YOLANDA CREATIVE CONCEPTS FUUY INSURED ORDINAIRE. MANUFACTURING, SPECIAL Fully Insured Free Estimates 326 Chestnut Street, Union ORDERS, Q.IA GRADUATE, IMPORTER, BEST REFERENCES ROOFING "IMMEDIATE SERVICE During thesufnmer,^check (201)763-0561 APPRAISER. , - 5 Polmi Shopping Center 1 201-379-5366 „ _...___ 'INSURED'FREE WOOD CHIPS 905 Mountain Avenue _:_ AND How long has it been -since you've Another hazard: the fluids in an air cause loss of refrigerant. blower, compressor clutch, air flow 908-686-5880 Open 7 days GUTTERS looks like a radiator, mounted just for- refrigerant/oil through the system. • " DECKS Springfield, New Jersey JOE'S INTERIOR PAINTING, INC. - Fully "But we do It rlghtl" 908-276-5752 had your car's air conditioning system conditioning-system, being under Insured. Free estimates. Hlgheiit quality work- • Belts, hoses and connections. doors and just about everything else in ward of the big radiator. If it has This helps prevent damage to the 201-376-8881 or 201-376-8880 checked out? If your're guessing BUSINESS CARDS "IMPROVE YOUR HOME WITH manship. Union, 008-664-4187. BALESTRO ROOFING pressure, can be dangerous if released Periodic inspection of the drive belts, these complex systems. picked up a collection of trash, bugs compressor due to dried out seals. more than two years, pay a visit to GIL" KITCHEN MCLAUGHLIN POWER-WASHING and Paim- • ' 908-687-1864 suddenly. plumbing and connections within, the and leaves, gently brush it off or hoso On many cars the compressor is BUSINESS your mechanic, advises the Car Care Sometimes a worrisome problem We will beat any legitimate competitors price Ing. Aluminum and Vinyl Siding, Gutters and Free Estimate! 10 yesn experience TYPESETTING Q Oil leaks. Look for traces of oil system can prevent trouble. Again, an CARDS JAN'S.KITCHENS INC. Decks. Interior and Exterior Painting. Free it down. actuated when the defroster is turned Redwood, pressure treated. Basements CUSTOM KITCHENS AT Senior Citizen Discount Council. Even if it has been putting turns out to bo nothing more than a 12 years experience Estimates. Reasonable. Call (008)245-3309. COMPUTERIZED that has been slung from tho compres- experienced mechanic will know that ~A note for next fall: Onco a.week on, helping to dchumidify tho air, so PRINTED STOCK CABINET PRICES out plenty of cold air, an iaspection is vacuum leak or a blown fuso. 964-8364 sor onto nearby hoses or hood. This to look for, can locale insidious leaks during the'winter months, whenever iho winter procedure may not be' QUICK SERVICE ' European a Traditional Concepts. Featuring, PAINTING & SERVICES OFFERED TYPSETTING an inexpensive preventive measure. may be coming from a leaking seal, a and can mako necessary repairs. • Bugs and leaves. Next lime WIDE SELECTION OF JOE DOMAN the 'Dorwood Custom Cabinet Line* SEWING MACHINE repairs. All makes and No Job too big or too small the temperature, gets high enough for necessary. But when in doubt, con- • Cell Jan at M8-44745M PLASTERING Here are five main check points, potential sign of trouble. O Electrical connections. Poor_ your're under the hood, take a look at TYPE STYLES AND 908-686-3824 models, 30 years experience. Reasonable. it to "kick-in," cyclojthojiir condition- eludes Car Care Council Council, do For a Free In Home Estimate 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE 201-245-6426. ___• Camera Work several of which you may be able to Loss of too much of this special oil, .cooling or other malfunctions of the tno condensor. That's the thing that CARD STOCK er for a few minutes to circulate it anyway. . LANDSCAPING FREE ESTIMATES YOUR TOPS-NEW LOCATION Veloxes do yourself: . which lubricates the compressor, Can air conditioning system often can be MAPLE COMPOSITION DECKS CALL: LENNY TUFANO CUSTOM PRINTED Negatives • Refrigerant level. The commer- cause the pump to seize up, resulting traced to electrical or vacuum connec- 463 Valley Street ALTERATIONS/REPAIRS HOLLYWOOD cial name is Frcon (R-12). If this" in a hefty repair bill. •KITCHENS ' .ATTICS T-SHIRTS Maple Composition - tions. Newer, more sophisticated sys- Maplewood 908-273-6025 \ needs topping off, it should be done Worn or dried up seals also can tems have plenty of both operating r •BATHROOMS .BASEMENTS LANDSCAPING ALSO JACKETS -SWEATS "HATS 463 Valley St. Rear ol News-Record Bldg. REMODELED WILLIAM E. ATHLETIC WEAR professionally, says the council. It Mon., Tues., Wed & Fri. QAM^BPM ARTISTIC LANDSCAPING FOR YOUR BUSINESS Maplewood takes special techniques and equip- Thursday and other times DRIVEWAYS BAUER SCHOOL -CLUBS TEAM 'ETC. Rear of News-Record Bldg. P0NTIAC by appointment DESIGN Mon., Tues., Wed. & Fri. 9AM-EPM ment to charge the air conditioning Professional Painting TOP QUALITY NEW JERSEY^ B. HIRTH PAVING EXOTIC GARDENS & Thursday and other times system correctly, not only for the 762-0303 RESIDENTIAL ft COMMERCIAL Exterior/Interior . QUICK SERVICE by appointment proper operation of the system but ASPHALT WORK POND INSTALLATION 908-272-0011 PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION "VOIATO 'Concrete Walks 'Driveways also to prevent loss of Freon. Escaped 101 South 21st Street, Kenltworth CARPENTRY 'Parking Areas 'Sealing 'Resurfacing TREE REMOVAL 762-0303 refrigerant contributes to the wide- »Pay The Price You Want To PajT Dump Truck and Paving Miohln. 908-964-4942 CAPRI CONTRACTORS Rentala Available FREE ESTIMATES ning hole in the Earth's protective FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED PAPER HANGING WATER HEATER oxonc layer. OF UNION COUNTY 908-687-0614 908-789-9508 908-686-1838 EXPERT All types of remodeling and repairs. Specializ- PAPERHANGING AND BODY SHOP ing In custom kitchens and bathrooms. No job ELECTRICIANS AUCTION EVERY too big or too small. Free estimates. Call: LAWN CARE PAINTING AL TERRANOVA Check timing belts *'**}* (908) 353-1946 LINDEN LANDSCASPING. Low cost. SATURDAY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Reslsdenllal/ Commercial. Lawn maintenance, MIKE TUFANO and avoid trouble Open 10 AM For inspection fertilizing; new planting, pruning, R.R. ties, FREE ESTIMATES end MEASURINQ .' Electrical Repair* & Installations stone, mulch, etc Spring/ Fall dean-Up. Snow Referencee Available CALL NOW The expression "timing is every- CAPRI Residential, Commercial, Industrial dearlno. Free estimates. 608-862-5935. AUCTION Starts 12 NOON Specializing In Custom Landscape and Sec- 908-522-1829 thing" certainly applies to your car's CONSTRUCTION urity Lighting. Call for Free Estimate: MASONRY WELL PROVIDE A WATER HEATER engine* Value and pistons must coor- 908-688-3359 Beeper- 578-5656 PLUMBING 'GENERAL REPAIRS 'FRAMING AL NELSON -. • BLEIWEIS IN YOUR HOME WITHIN 24 HOURS dinato perfectly with the spark plugs AUCTION EVERY Specializing In General Repalre Full line of water heaters available *ROOFING *ADDITIONS ELECTRICAL REPAIRS and Improvements. WALLS.PATIOSiSTEPS PLUMBING & HEATING and fuel injectors. It all happens with' Free estimates. Evening/ weekend hours. • Gas and electric • Energy efficient WEDNESDAY NIGHT w®^ 'SPECIALIZING IN SIDEWALKS.WATERPROOFINQ •Gas heating conversion microsecond accuracy until some- Lighting, services, repairs. License 7417. Small FULLY INSURED . One call does It all ~ SIDING & DECKS Job specialist. Frank 608-354-4169. •Gas hot water heater thing goes-wrong, says the Car°Care Open 5:30 PM For Inspection 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE •Bathroom a kitchen remodeling Watchung Livingston Council. With today's computerized AUCTION Starts At 7 Phi *NO JOB TOO BIG RICH BLINDT JR. 908-687-9032 908-688-6638 REASONABLE RATES *NO JOB TOO SMALL Electrical Contractor Fully Insured and Bonded and solidTState speed systems, the M. DEUTSCH Stale license 787S - 769-4981 994-9350 weak link in the chain can be the Lie. No. 0006 FREE ESTIMATES . MASON CONTRACTOR 908-686-7415 'Sunday* and holiday* may b» txduded In torn* arta*. mechanical component that's sup- Inddors & Heated (Rain/Shine) APPROVE FULLY INSURED •RESIDENTIAL ASTEPS ASIDEWALKS Sexira, RocbuokftCo., 1W1 posed to control this precision tim'honeL_ 1830 Springfield Avt. Touch-up I ' " " gain visual access. Body Shop ••rvlot) D«pt PM00112 Mon.LTues.. Wed, a Fri. SAlXsPM 5il


WEDDINQ INVITATIONS APARTMENT TO RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE UN(ON,Wjpog!sffly CRESTWOQDOn LIVWG Washer/ dryer connections. Near transport*- adults (55+). Over loomi,. 2 M Mt-ln Mtchtn, rto rooni, Hon. Adults prsferad, no pets. On* months ton. 4b-styles from $26,000 to tisolooo! GOVERNMENT HOMES from 11 (U rtpalr). < Delinquent Bur. property. R*po>i*iiW Your oomvf lot» NY but, A-1 value. security. Qamge tpeco watabkt. Available Beautiful, serene, secure. Free picture bro- 201-533-0067. Enstm6Ces Immediately. Can 90S*87-80M. chure. Heartland Really Associates, Realtors; ana. (1) 805-092^8006 Ext QH-1448 for cur- rant rapo-ilat, 1\>t Xbo Cany a CompUu Lint, P.O. Box 0,480 Route BaO.WnWng; NJ 08768. NEWPORT, RHODE Wand. Bargain UNION. CHARMING 2 bedroom garden apart 1400431-6600. dealers choice. Call 01401447-688' ment, t700 month, available August 1st. Can A-1 ECONOMY Announcements Box 3891, Newport, Rll 02840. : ANTHONY VAUNT Superintendent 908-088-3333. FREE BROCHURE of Long Beach Island COOLING & HEATING REFINI8HINQ * propsrilas.Pricashavansvatoaanbattsr.Now HILLSIDE. JUST reduced. Lovely 3 bedroom RCHITECT 9^ppkpts and UNION. LARQE studio apartment Walk to PRE-QUALIFIED HOME LOAN •: Js the time to Invest In your summer home. Colonial. Uvlngroom, dlrdngroorn, kitchen/ di- .Central air lyiterni ... •Refrigerators town. $595, utilities. Included. Car ning area, dan,-vinyl skied, deck,-garage, Sounenir Matches (7) PETS "I Whether buying or ranting, oal today. Zachar- Own home at rental prices. Save thousands oT "•Dishwashers 0084644473.'--"——,' -~' lae Really.1-800433-1143, Pfcduto Realty, 908-605-3311. Initalled. High efficiency dollars aa Interest No credit check. No serious OLDSMOBILE PETS •Kitchen Cabinets Residential,* WE PAY Maple Composition UNION. Modem 1 bedroom, newly decorated, applicants rajectedl Refinances welcome. Call condeming uniti. High •AUI • MHVCf • PUtn 0 EXCLUSIVE TOP $$$ IN CASH on-site parking, convenient to buses and high- Any Color Available JJommetclal JUMRF ADOPT.A-STHAY.DAY. Saturday, July 6, ways. $600 Includes heat/ hot water. - VOtVO DEALER -Cloaad aunday : Por Alt Cars ATrucks— 463 Valley Street 11a.m.- 3p.m., Field House, Maplecreu Park, Directory. • Work Done In Your Home' $ (201)376-3798. Humldlfleri. Electric Additions M MO««IS m. SUMMIT Wed.l Sat. 7:30 to 5:45 pm. For YourJunk Car CALL DAYS Maplewood Maplewood, adjacent to Springfield Avenue RAHWAY. BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom ranch. New Over 30 Years Experience. and Hilton Branch Library. Dogs, cat), puppies, WEST ORANGE. 2 bedroom. Near New York air cleanen. Alterations • Interiors Weekdays 7:30 am to 7 pm 24 Hour Service 589-8400 Rear of the kittens galore. All shots. All wonderful! Jersey kitchen and bath. Living mom, dining room, (908) 273-4200 transportation. Off-street parking. $323 per _:-.' Which den, office, large deck. Ploduto Realty, R. RO38I or EVES News-Record Buldg. " Animal Coalition. 201-992-9383. FREE ESTIMATES AUTHORIZED (908)688-5848 month, heat Included. 1 % months security. Call (90B)6aa-3311. • (Formerly Rift Rittnlahlng) Call: (908) 688-2044 Man., Tue>., Wed. & Frl. 9am-Spm 731-2080. suburban 908-851-9598 (908) 572-7318 FACTORY SERVICE Vaiuhall Section Thursday and other times REPOSSESSED VA and Hud homes available (201)743-9806 LONG TERM LEASING 2081 Springfield Ave., Unton (Same day Pick ups) WEST ORANGE. Swalne Place (1 block from classified from government from $1 without credit check. (908) 688-7420 by appointment _. Seton Hall Prep). 4 room apartment. $700 plus You repair. Alto tax delinquent foreclosures. heat and utilities. 2ndfloor, 3 family. Children, Call 1405482-7555 Ext. H-2215 for repo list 762-0303 pets welcomed, No Smokers! 731-4762 after is bigger, your area. . • ' : . Hav« Your Hair ' • Deeka 6PM. Avallabe Immedlatelyl CAPRI CONSTRUCTION DON ANTONELLI better-organized ROSELLE PARK Carmd For • Stalra CARDINALE TILE CO., INC. CERAMIC TILE YOUR AD could appear here for as little as . By a Profttiional FERNMAR REALTY • RRTIee General Repairs ~ COMPLETE BATHROOM REMODELING INSTALLER $8.00 per week. Call for more details. Our Join The Student Hair Club ROYAL LINOLEUM friendly classified department would be happy and indexed, BUYING OR SELLING • Carpentry 20% oH with Student I.D, • FRAMING FAMOUS BRANDS RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL New and Repairs to help you. Call 1400-564-8911. and each week Realtor 908-241-5885 • Remodeling • ROOFING ' Armstrong • Mohawk YOLANDA Amtlco • Mannlngton •GRANITE • CUSTOM MARBLE noflrouling/nomodolmg OFFICE TO LET 213 E. Westfleld Ave., RP • Bathrooma • ADDITIONS features a CREATIVE CONCEPTS Congoleum • Tarkett • CERAMIC TILE . No |ob too Gig ol Small LIVINGSTON. OFFICE space. Medical/ Pro- SHIP BOTTOM, NJ. Prime commercial on • House Painting ' Specializing In Siding & Decks EXPERT INSTALLATION I do II all lesslonal. 450 and 950 square foot suites. 860 326Ctieitnut8t. " Fully Insured • Free.Estimates BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES entrance road to Long Beach Island. 280' front x No Job Too Big • No Job Too Small LOW PRICES square foot street front. Perfect for optician; more complete 200 deep. Presently marine rental. Sincere Union, N.J. I Fully Insured Prestlglqus location. Ample parking. Call FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED FREE E8TIMATE8 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Inquires only. (809)494-9811. . (S Points Shopping Center) (908)964-5045 JOE MEGNA 994-488S. selection ErlcYourlsh CARMINE 8H0P AT HOME (6) MISCELLANEOUS IF YOU have sales or managerial experience, TINTON FALLS. By owner. Price below Bill Cardinale Union, N.J. but are tired of working for others, join a fast UNION. OFFICE, elevator, reception area, 429-2987 of ads assessed value. Three year old colonial, 3 (908)686-5880 763-3132 676-2966 CAU (908) 964-4127 FLEA MARKET growing ground floor business. Be your own copier and Fax machines available. 1 or more bedrooms, 2% baths, extras. $215,000. 90S boss. Full-time or part-time. 669-0993. offices available to sublet. 687-2800. 544-9515. DEALERS WANTED: Alrcondllioned Flea for everything Market Sunday, July 21sl. St. Mary's High $ LOCAL ROUTE $ Handle nationally adver- VACATION RENTALS UNION. 3 bedroom brick/frame Cape. Living School, Elizabeth. Tables: only $12.00. Call tised fruit drinks such as Very Fine, Welch's, room', dining room, fireplace, 1H baths, fin- M.BONCHAR "Improve Your Home SPURR ELECTRIC etc. Earn up tc-$38,000 Nai per yearl Requires BEACH HAVEN West, 3 bedroom, ran* on from cars to jobs ished basement. Large lot, fenced yard. EXPERT (908I352-4350 fof Information, lagoon, 50 foot dock, bulkhead, screen porch, with Gil" cash Investment of $21,540, full company $169,000. 908-688-7850. Carpentry Lie No. 7288 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE support. Call 1-800-225-9733. Ctoeralor iT gas grill, $550, Owner, 908-68&-3920. than does Will Clean .. OFFICE 30 Vears Experience BABY CRIB (spindled), excellent condition, LONG BEACH ISLAND, Beach Haven. 1 block any other YOUR HOUSE, CLEANING Free Estimates •Recessed Lighting $150; lawn/ driveway roller, $20; seven- section from ocean, sleeps 6. Color TV, beach badges. PUBLIC NOTICE APARTMENT •Custom Decks •Smoke Detectors radiator, $40. Call 783-2578. Family preferred. Available week of June 29th Family Owned • Additions • Dormers • Decks* ilacentent Doors, & Windows •Yard & Security Lighting and July 6th. $595 per week. Call 748-5050. local newspaper? NOTICE OF MASTER'S SALE or • Roofs* Wlndows*Sldlngs •Rootlnjj, Siding CUSTOM Basements •Alterations BABY ITEMS. Swing with cradle, Infant car SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY and RESIDENTIAL t COMMEIICUl seal, back carrier (new), electric breast pumb. SEASIDE HEIGHTS. Modern 2 bedroom CONDO •SheetrocK& Painting DECK Redwood • Prceaura treated •New Developments CHANCERY DIVISION: UNION COUNTY 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE ASfHAlT WORK All $100,00.-Call 201 743-7827. condo. Pool, air conditioned, BBQ, TV, parking. DOCKET NO. F-4168-9O kly or Bl-W«.kly Operated Free Estimates •Kltchens& Baths Remodeled SPECIALISTS INC. EXCELLENT SERVICE Near ocean/ bay. Families only. Call MIDLANTIC HOME MORTGAGE, Plaintiff You're reading it! References Avollobla All work Is hands Insured •Basements Finished nEEHTIHMTII BABY ITEMS: Graco awing, $1S; playpen, $15; 908-687-8592. vs. THOMAS GARDNER, et al. Defendants (908) 964-8364 REASONABLE RATES Century Infant car-ssat, $20. Excellent condi- Execution for Sale of Mortgaged Premises Fully Insured Ask (or Bob Call Mlko or John on byusl rUUT INSURED We will beat any . No Job Too Small __ tion. Call 908-851-0899. SEASIDE-RARICOooan block. 3 bedroom BY VIRTUE OF THE ABOVE STATED Paya _ Evening*' •MISESTIMATES •Fully Inrarwl apartment. Cable TV. Yard. $585 per week. WRIT OF EXECUTION, to ma directed, I 908-686-0309 (908) 686-5913 (908) 964-5813 (908) 686-3073 (908)887-1236| (201)763-0561 legitimate competitor's price. (Ml) U7-M14 (HI) 7lf »5M (908) 563-0398 COMPUTER: SAMSUNG-XT, model Call 743-8987. leave message. shall exposefor sal e at Public Auction, al SPC3000V. 20 MB hard drive, one 5.24 floppy the office or the undersigned, Ravin, Sara- disk drive, Samsung momochrome monitor, sohn. Cook, Baumgarten, Flsch a, Balmo, ATI video card (mono and color), upgraded to (9) RENTAL UNfON COUNTY 103 Elsenhower Parkway, Roseland, New MS-DOS 5.0, WordPerfect S.1, Microsoft Jersey on Monday, July 8, 1991 al 11:00 I Lie.™ No MOO Fully luurnltBonlad I SPRINGFIELD A.M. all that certain lot, piece or parcel of • \\ FREE ESTIMATES ARMSTRONG - KENTILE Works 2.0, Qulckon. $650.00 firm. (Software APARTMENT TO RENT RICHBLINDTJR Hooting & Air Conditioning land, with the buildings and Improvements COMMERCIAL HOLLYWOOD alone Is worjh $400). 201-762-6757. CLASSIFIED thereon erected, situate, Iyln0.and being In Electrical Contractor \V ••*...• GUTTERS • LEADERS GARWOOD. ax room apartment, 2nd floor of the City of Newark, County of Essex and Lie. No 9000 ' VINYL . : DESK. COLONIAL, cherry L-shaped reception two family house. Available Jury 1st. $675 Stats of New'Jersey and In the Township of 41 Terfanova UNDERGROUND DRAINS ' No other classHltid even comes close. • Residential FLORIST '•A.? dosk, 76x79x42 high. Solid cherry. Excellent Includes heat. 1 % months security. Call Sandy: Hillside, County of union and Slate of New Electrical Contractor COMPOSITION Thoroughly clenned 3 ;rffij>rrf'' condition. Best reasonable offer. Call days: 201-233-1171; evenings, 201-322-2738. Jersey, being hereinafter described: • Commercial • Niw Conitrurtlon TILE > & lluih«d f" • fcnplacemitnU .L^rtSPitrf1 908-2735730 ask (or Scott. BEGINNING at a point In the Westerly • Industrial 60 years In BUSINESS KENILWORTH, 3% rooms, 1st floor. Supply 12x12xVi • Converjionj T.or*niiKn*' Ine^of Grumman Avenue distant two , No Job'Too Smpll . •22OVS«vlCH credit card ovar phona [ AVERAGE 5 FINE ART full color off-set lithographs 18"x21". your own utilities. Gas heat. Near stores and lundrod and thirty-three feet and three ono- 45 FT. CARTON • An Clocinerl • transportation. Available August 1st. Call Flowers for all ocasslons One each of Casals, Monet, Renlor, and Van ilindredlhs of a foot Northerly from Ihs ' iyc.. • Cuiloai Lindicau Lighting i HOUSE \ *• DflluHB 4 Hi-Etliciency Gogh. $29,00 Postpaid check/mohoy order, R. (908)245-9146. Intersection of the said line of Grumman • AddlilKuAndMlirillHii $25.00 CARTON PRICES P" THAT GARDEN CENTER and LANDSCAPE DESIGNS Unili Murray, Box 5020, Caldwell, NJ 07006. •»••>.• • • • Avenue with the Northerly line of Maple • CommirclilWklng $35.00 \ LINDEN. LARGE 2Vi room studio. Air condi- Avenue; thence .(1) along Grumman WONT SflOCK YOU HANNON'S tioned. Fully carpeted. Newly renovated. 'A Avenue North thirty-eight degrees forty-two • Induitrlil Wiring (908) 686-1838 ALL DEBRIS BAOGED - Over 10,000 Home Systems KITCHEN SET, wooden table with 4 chairs (2 minutes West thlny-lhree feel and Iwenty- NEWARK HANOVER captain's), $100; traditional sofa, (peach/ cln- month free rent. Immediate occupancy. Call (10) REAL ESTATE- (908) 688-1853 Affordable Halt. FROM ABOVE " CHARGE-IT! nlne one-hundreduiB of a fool; thence (2). 485-4343 887-6688 . 376-5000 _nampnX$30n;_ea8y:chalr,.$50-Ca)l 8510167^ _908^4B6-2200._. . • • ... J South forty-seven degrees forty minutes FUUV INSURED CALL (»08) 888-3358 Toll Free 1-800-421-5976 MARK MEISE 228-4965 BUSINESS FOR SALE" thirty seconds West one hundred feel and BEEPER 578-5658 WOLFF TANNING beds. New commercial- MAPLEWOOD: 2 bedroom and den, Irving ClassifiScJ now accepts " / twenty one-hundredths of a toot; thence (3) home units from $199.00. Lamps, lotions, room, dining room, new bath, eat-In kitchen. BEAUTY SALON. Mllburn area. Established South thlrly-elghl degreos forty-two turn- koy operation. Fully equipped. Call even- minutes East thirty-three lost and twenty- accessories. Monthly payments low as $18.00. Nowly decorated, Hardwood floors, chestnut ings, 908-687-5532. Call today Free new color catalog. mouldings. Refrigerator, washer, dryer, dis- nine one-hundredths of a fool; thence (4) JOEDOMAN PUT YOUR HOME GEORGEANA Visa, MasterCard North forty-seven degrees forty minutes - GTG JAN'S KITCHENS, INC 1-800-462-91S7, hwasher Included. Parking and Storage. 1H thirty seconds East one hundred feel and CONTRACTING CUSTOM months security and references required. twenty one-hundredlhs of a foot to lha 638 IN THE BEST of HANDS Pressure KITCHENS *1025 plus Utilities. 761-5810 or 378-9416. aforesaid line of Grumman Avenue and tha ADDITIONS IUILT UP, OR OUT CEMETERY PLOTS point or place of BEGINNING. Cleaning Co. AT STOCK MAPLEWOOD, 2nd floor, 3 bedrooms. Very 1 1 CUSTOM KITCHENS • MTH CABINET' I ]\m&*m WANTED TO BUY HOLLYWOOD MEMORIAL Park mausoleum. BEING premises known and designated ALTERATIONS/ AU TYPES OF ROOFINQ, Pressure clean Vinyl and ; dean. $925 monthly, 1 month security. No pets. MabterCatd as No. 184 Grumman Avenue, Newark, PHICES ^- ^ ANY LIONEL, Amorican Flyer, K/os and other 2 children OK. Available Immediately. True companion crypt for 2, Oral level. Sells for REPAIRS AND HP4M HOBS view Jersey, and as Tax Lol 78, Block 3708 SIDINBA MASONRY WORK Aluminum Sldlng»Patlos European & Traditional trains. Collector pays highest cash drlcos. (908)241-6225. $9,000 asking $7,000, Call 903-046-0014,. n the City of Newark and as Tax Lol 20, Call • KITCHENS AUO SMAU JOBS and Wood Decks cleaned. Featuring the . 908-232-2350, 201-635-2058. LMSS*^ Block 425 In lha Township of Hillside. •CARPENTRY • PIUMIING MAPLEWOOD. 1 BEDROOM, 4 rooms, sec- TWO GRAVES, Hollywood Memorial Park, The approximate amount'of the Judo- • Ames FULLY INSURED 'Dorwood Custom Cabinet Line' For BOOKS. We buy and tell books. 321 Park ond floor, 2 family apartment. Heat, parking, prime location, reasonably priced. Walton; 6A K menl to bs satisfied by this sals Is the sum JOHN BOURANEL •ELECTRICAL • TIUM6> DOORS l> "aUARANTEEDr FREE Alpine Road, Whiting, NJ 0B759. Phone Call Jan al /* Details Avonue, Plalnflold. 908,754-3900. carpeting, air conditioner. Good transportation. of S86.534.B7, together with Ihs Interest • BATHROOMS FREE ESTIMATES .$595.00 monthly, 763-7589. 90B-84B-0JB4. from April 9,1981. and taxed costs as pro- •WINDOWS • DICKS • ATTICS ESTIMATES (QO8)847-6556 •BASEMENTS (908) 241-1431 "ONE CALL DOES IT ALL" ' PEZ CANDY DISPENSERS- One or enllra vided In tho Wrll of Execution and the costs AND MUCH MOREI For a Fr«» In-Hom* Eatlmat* collodion. Also wanted: Advertising Dolls and RAHWAY. MODERN one bedroom. New WORRALL COMMUNITY of sale. REMODELED (908) 233-2960 dtchen. Next to park. On site parking and The Master reserves the right to adjourn (908)964-3774 Premiums.: Cash paid. Call Monday- Friday, the sale Irom time lo lime as provided by 9am-5pcn. (201)738-7717. laundry. $625 Includes heat/ hat water. Call CONDOMINIUM NEWSPAPERS sw. ; ' . - 201-376-3796. . Roseland, New Jersey PRIVATE COLLECTOR paying top dollar for UNION, THE Points. Enjoy country dub atmo- Juris 7, 1991 autographed books, letters, etc. Send doscrip- OUTH ORANGE VILLAGE. 214 rooms (sepa- sphere. Lovely ground floor 2 bedrooms, 2 JEFFREY H. FISCH, Master CALL lton:l. Bornatoln, 44 Main Streot, Mlllburn, NJ. rate bedroom). Air conditioned. Near all trans-. baths. Pool, air, washer/ dryer, dishwasher. 763-9411 (201) 228-9600 AL NELSON 07041. . . portatlon. Call after 3PM, 761-4187. $114,000. 201 763-8171 or 201 762-6059, UQ2O44 Worrall Newspapers, June 13.20, M.DEUTSCH Businessmen - WALLS, PATIOS, STEPS 27, July 3, 1891 (Fas: $130.20) FOR MASON CONTRACTOR Who Know Their Stuff - SIDEWALKS, • WATERPROOFING • Slept • Sidewalks DETAILS •ALL MASONRY Private and Commercial REPAIR SPECIALIST ADVERTISE!- Work to But , Fully Insured 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Realtors • Builders FULLY INSURED When Things Get Rough! mey Bach 25 Yaars Expprlanco FREE ESTIMATES Financing • Rentals (908) 687-9032 REAL ESTATE Vfe Cover The Town! 379-9099 (908)688-6638 1-800-564-8911 REASONABLE RATES real estate transactions RITTENHOUSE DON'S CALL FOR DETAILS ECONOMY MOVING 1-800-564-8911 N0.PM00112 The following are real estate trans- 1506 Bergen Ave. 201 Exeter Way 20 YEAR8 FAMILY OWNED $127,000 actions from May 13 to Juno 7. $275,000 AND OPERATED Seller: David Krotchko Seller: Carlos & Lucy TJioulo in Your Wallet! • Fully Insured MOVING & STORAGE Buyer: Darryle Sanders _ Buyer: Kenneth B. Winer • Slalawld* Movlna (90S) 687-0035 Space Available ' . LOCALS LONG Linden CALL US FIRST (908) 688-MOVE DISTANCE MOVING 547 Harvard Ave. , FOR FREE ESTIMATES 7SU«hlghAvonUB 1-800-564-8911 Coll (908) 688-7768 518 Miner Terrace Mountainside $151,000'., 1-800 660-9791 PC 00019 $123,000 Seller: Ramon ..& Emestina Noval Seller: Alexander & Gaylo Krupcr 170 Mill Lane Buyer: Jeffrey & Sharon Noel Buyer: Steven & Susanne Vance $162,000 ADVERTISE... MOVING SOUTHSIDE EXTERIOR PAINTING JERZY BORIS RASKIN Seller: James & Helen Rush WILLIAM E. 1530 Center St .A Moving & Transport, Inc. PAINTING 729 Maple Ave. Buyer: William & Susan Mathias Painting $123,500 o,r LIGHT Low, Low Rates Painting Interior/Exterior BAUER $115,000 Seller: Kenneth Balal TRUCKING FREE Plastering •Wallpapering Professional EXTERIOR 8. INTERIOR Seller: Elaine-Eng Buyer: Zoilo Alvurado ESTIMATES •Sheetrocklng Painting FREE ESTIMATES Buyer: Alonzo Jones & Barbara We'll move fLirniture. Appliances. Interior 4 Exterior •Paneling FULLY INSURED" Melchior Hillside Household items In carpeted van or Call GREAT 25 Years exporlonce WORK'GUARANTEED truck, courteous & carelul Reason- SERVICE Reasonable Rates 29 W. 12th St. For Free Estimates •Papethanging —RfETOONABLE RATES 388 Bloy St. able rales & fully insured Dependable' REFERENCES $117,000 INSUWEO $75,000 CALL ROB * Details Large or Small Jobs LENNY TUFANO Fully Irtiurtd-Fr— Ctllmllu Seller: Mary Lancos Bit ft«/«r«ncM Seller: Grace E. Gerber 1-800-564-8911 467-6598 (908)686-7262 (908)964-4942 CALL 564-9293 Buyer: Fernando & Maria Pcreira Lk. No. PM. 001X1 800=564-8911 (908) 273-6025 379-5366 Buyer: Carlos & Rosa Cabica Just moved Lie. No. 00368 Max Sr., & Paul Schoenwah RICHARD in? FULLY ^ FFRER E EXL_ Joseph McGadey SCHOIMWALDIR Roofing. & Siding INSUREDV'N^ESTIMATESTIMATE. S Paper Hanging BLEIWEIS 464 Chestnut St., Union. NJ COMPLETE PLUMBER hmlly riWMM «•» If l» numbing * Heating ROOF STRIPPING I can help & Painting (908)686-0749 v Plumbing • Qas haatlng eonvinlon Established since 1912 ' SPECIALISTS • flu hot water hutM Serving the homeowner, business & Industry New Roofs, Re-Roofing you out? Raildantlal MIKE TUFANO • Bathroom a Kitohan Heating Don't worry and wonder about Rarnodallng License No. 5013 tor over 79 years Siding and' House FREE ESTIMATES Got H»ai • R«Dalli , « Circulator Pump* RIGHT IN STYLE — Union Township Mayor Antrtony E. Russo, right, presents a com- iMrnlng your Way around town, Or RBBONABtE RATeS No Job Too Small Air Conditioning Replacement Windows Painting i MEASURINQ Bathrooms • Water Healen . Electric Drain FREE ESTIMATES FULLY .INSURED munity betterment award to Peter Granata In recognition of the construction of two colo- what to tee and do. Or who to ask. SUIa Llcanu 7«7< Sewer Cleaning AlteraHon* • Zone Valvei & Sewer Cleaning As your WELCOME °WAQ0N (908) 686-8883 COMPETITIVE PRICES nial; office buildings lo.cated on Stuyvesant Avenue, Union. Steva Rozantkl References Available Service SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Hoitats, I can simplify tht business (908)686-7415 Stnlor Cltlnn DlKount (908)688-2188 of getting tattled. Htlp you begin to (201) 399-4491 (908)522-1829 (908)354-8470 Matter Plumbvra Uc«nw No. 4182 •n|oy your naw town... good shop- ping, local attraction!, community opportunity. LOCATION Linden Towers auction draws 300 And my batkat Is full of uteM DENICOLO J.D. TILE CONTRACTORS ADVERTISE,. More than 300 peoplo attended the "Today, buyers voted with their gifts to pleas* your family, Roofing that they paid true market prices." Take a break from unpacking filOflNO CONTRACTOR \ UTAILI5HED l»3« recent auction of 26 contemporary checkbooks and walked away with CuiMm Prloltd r.SMrff and oall me. 1 HITCHINI • MTHH00MI with condominium homes at Linden Tow- some great deals," noted Donald C. RoMlt* Park Spi'Ciahiino "' -k>'y Alia jioketi, Sweati, Hat*, RWAIM • aROUTim Stamford-based USAuctlon, a lead- Mubbor.Rooliiio Athlatlp Wa»r lor your Buil- US! ers on Northwood Avenue, Linden, Hannah, president and CEO of . Start On Right , imwniTAUt er in the auction marketing field, has Hot Ta< ,in