Collaborative Provision Register 29 September 2015

Faculty Programme Title Partner Nature of partnership Business, Law BA (Hons) Fashion Design or BA Dalian Polytechnic University, China University of Southampton programme, jointly delivered with staff at and Art (Hons) Graphic Arts DPU Business, Law BA Design Elisava School of Design, Spain Validated programme and Art Business, Law BSc Marketing Singapore Institute of Management Flying Faculty and Art Business, Law MSc Digital Marketing Singapore Institute of Management Flying Faculty and Art Business, Law PhD Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan Split‐site PhD programme and Art (AWKUM), Pakistan Business, Law PhD Institute for Management Science, Split‐site PhD programme and Art University of Peshawar, Pakistan Business, Law PhD University of Ibadan, Nigeria Split‐site PhD programme and Art Business, Law PhD Institute of Business, Karachi, Split‐site PhD programme and Art Pakistan and CDT in Sustainable Infrastructure Multiple Partners in Industry ‐ EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training the Environment Systems http://www.cdt‐‐partners/ Engineering and EngD Degree in Transport and the Multiple partners in industry Industry Doctoral Training Centre the Environment Environment /sponsors/ Engineering and MSc Coastal and Marine NTNU, Trondheim, Norway; Delft Erasmus Mundus Masters programme the Environment Engineering and Management Technical University, Delft, The Netherlands; UPC Barcelona, Spain; City University, London;

Collaborative Provision Register 29 September 2015 Page 1 of 6 Faculty Programme Title Partner Nature of partnership Engineering and MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert In Marine University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Masters programme with award from the institution at which the the Environment Technology (Naval project is taken Architecture)or (Marine University College London, Engineering)or (Offshore Engineering) or (Small Craft University of Strathclyde Rolls‐ Design) or (Classification And Royce plc Survey) or (Conversion And Repair) or (Defence) or (Offshore Marine Renewable Energy) Engineering and EPSRC CDT in Energy Storage and University of (lead Centre for Doctoral Training the its Applications institution) Environment, Natural and Environmental Sciences Health Sciences MSc Health Sciences (Neonatal European Society for Paediatric Online module offered by the ESPR Studies) Research Humanities PGCert/MA in English Language British Council (Mexico) ODLU University of Southampton programme, jointly delivered online with Teaching British Council Humanities PhD The University of Hamburg, Agreement for cooperative international doctoral programme. Germany University of Southampton (single student). Humanities South, West and Wales Doctoral Universities of Aberystwyth, Bath, AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership Training Partnership Bath Spa, Bristol, Cardiff, Exeter and Reading Medicine Church of South India Holdworth Split‐Site PhD Memorial Hospital, Mysore, India Medicine PhD Wellcome Trust Capacity Building Split‐Site PhD Programme, Public Health Foundation of India Natural and MRes Wildlife Conservation Marwell Wildlife University of Southampton programme, jointly delivered with Marwell Environmental Wildlife Science

Collaborative Provision Register 29 September 2015 Page 2 of 6 Faculty Programme Title Partner Nature of partnership Natural and CDT in Theory and Modelling in (Lead), Centre for Doctoral Training Environmental Chemical Sciences Sciences Natural and CDT Integrated Magnetic (Lead); Centre for Doctoral Training Environmental Resonance ; University Sciences of Aberdeen; Natural and DTP in Food Security (lead), Doctoral Training Partnership Environmental , Lancaster Sciences University, Rothamsted Research Natural and MSc Marine Environment and University of Bordeaux ‐1, Erasmus Mundus Masters programme Environmental Resources University of the Basque Country, Sciences University of Liege Natural and NERC Oil and Gas Centre for Heriot Watt University (Lead), Centre for Doctoral Training (Associate Partner) Environmental Doctoral Training Imperial College, Aberdeen, Sciences Durham, Manchester, Oxford, British Geological Survey Natural and The Southampton Partnership for National Oceanography Centre, Doctoral Training Partnership Environmental Innovative Training of Future British Antarctic Survey, Plymouth Sciences Investigators Researching the Marine Laboratory, Marine Environment (SPITFIRE) Biological Association, Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science.

Physical Sciences CDT in New and Sustainable , (Lead), Centre for Doctoral Training and Engineering Photovoltaics , University of , University of Loughborough, University of Oxford, University of Sheffield

Collaborative Provision Register 29 September 2015 Page 3 of 6 Faculty Programme Title Partner Nature of partnership Physical Sciences Centre for Doctoral Training in Multiple partners in industry ‐ EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training and Engineering Institute for Complex Systems Simulation html Physical Sciences Joint PhD Nanyang Technological University, Joint PhD programme and Engineering Singapore

Physical Sciences MSc Embedded Computing University of Kaiserslautern, Erasmus Mundus Masters programme and Engineering Systems Norwegian University of Science and Technology Physical Sciences PhD Dublin City University, King's Erasmus Mundus joint PhD programme and Engineering College London, Military University of Technology, RWTH Aachen University, University College Dublin, University of Padova, Czech Technical University in Prague Physical Sciences PhD Queen Mary Joint PhD (SepNet consortium) and Engineering

Physical Sciences PhD University of Bristol Joint PhD (SepNet consortium) and Engineering

Physical Sciences PhD King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Split‐site PhD and Engineering Arabia

Physical Sciences Web Science Centre for Doctoral Multiple partners in industry ‐ EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training and Engineering Training uk/industry‐partners/

Collaborative Provision Register 29 September 2015 Page 4 of 6 Faculty Programme Title Partner Nature of partnership Science and PhD Agency for Science, Technology and Split‐site PhD Technology Research, Singapore (Biological Sciences, , Medicine, ECS, ORC and Engineering). Social, Human BSc (SocSci) Economics and Jiangxi University of Finance and Articulation agreement and Finance Economics, China Mathematical BSc (SocSci) Economics & Sciences Management Science BSc (SocSci) Accounting & Economics Social, Human BSc (SocSci) Economics and of Finance and Articulation agreement and Finance Economics, China Mathematical BSc (SocSci) Economics & Sciences Management Science BSc (SocSci) Accounting & Economics Social, Human MSc Geographical Information University of Southampton programme, jointly delivered with the and Systems University of Leeds Mathematical Sciences Social, Human MSc Geo‐information Science and International Institute for Geo‐ Erasmus Mundus Masters programme and Earth Observation for Information Science and Earth Mathematical Environmental Modelling and Observation ITC, Lund University, Sciences Management. The , The University of Warsaw, The University of Iceland. Social, Human MSc Programme and Office of National Statistics University of Southampton programme, jointly delivered programme and Postgraduate Course in Official with ONS Mathematical Statistics Sciences

Collaborative Provision Register 29 September 2015 Page 5 of 6 Faculty Programme Title Partner Nature of partnership Social, Human PGCE Directorate of Education and Off site delivery and Training Service (Army) Mathematical Sciences University wide EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Multiple partners in industry EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training Training in Next Generation Computational Modelling ers.html University wide MEng Mechanical Engineering, University of Southampton Malaysia Branch campus. Students complete Parts 1 and 2 of their programme MEng Electrical and Electronic Campus at the Malaysia campus and transfer to Highfield campus at the end of Engineering (EEE) Part 2. University wide MPhil and PhD The Validated PhD accreditation agreement (but students admitted are undertaking research in Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines)

Collaborative Provision Register 29 September 2015 Page 6 of 6