The Migrant 54:3
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SEPTEMBER, 1983 VOL. 54, NO. 3 THE MIGRANT Published by the Tennessee Ornithological Society, to Record and Encourage the Study of Birds in Tennessee. Issued in March, June. September, and December. .- - VOL. 54 SEPTEMBER, 1483 NO. 3 -- THE 1983 SPRING FIELD DAYS This year 225 species were recorded on 13 counts across Tennessee. The species total is a record high, exceeding considerably the 217 species reported in 1977 and 198 1. This accomplishment was greatly enhanced by having the TOS Spring Meeting at Reelfoot Lake, as 13 species were found exclusively in that area. Thirteen counts is about the average of the past decade. Nashville and Reelfoot Lake lead all counts with an impressive 180 species each. The most unusual species reported were Black Rail, Black-necked Stilt, Hudsonian Godwit, Laughing Gull, and Western Meadowlark. Other notables include American White Pelican, Common Moorhen, 24 species of shorebirds. 5 species of terns. and all 36 species of regularly rjccurring warblers. Compilers are requested to submit the following information: area covered, unless recently published (examples - Lake and Ohion Counties or 30 mile radius from Nashville courthouse), weather summary, number of observers and parties, party hours, and details for unusual species. The inclusion of this data with the counts will make possible mtlrc accurate and meaningful comparisons. As is customary, the counts are tabulated as they occur from west tocast across the state. INFORMATION ON THE COUNTS MEMPHIS - 1 May; overcast: tcmp. 68-75°F; wind NW, 15-35 mphi Meeman-Shelby Forest S.P. in AM; Ben 3. Coffey, Jr. (compiler - 672 N. Belvedere, Mcrnphis 38 107); group leaders: Willia~nBean. Lula Coffey, Helen Dinkelspiel, Rob Peeples, and Martha Waldmn: PM uovcrage - Penal Farm, south along Miss. River to Robco Lake, and Enslcy Bottoms by Jeff Wilson. The Black-necked Stilt was seen in thc area where a pair nested last year. REELFOOT LAKE -6-8 May; Lake and Ohion Counties: Ben B. Coffey, Jr. (uompilcr); trip leaders: James Ferguson, Bill and Rob Pccples, and David Pitts; also separately or with smalt groups: Helen Dinkelspicl, Rick Knight (part 5 May also, boat 6 May), James Tannur. and Jcff Wilson (canoe 7 May). This count was in conjunction with the Spring Meeting of TOS. The Hooded Mergansers were a flock of young. Most shorebirds were in Lake County. Sanderlings 5 May only; Golden and Btack-bellied Plovers, Ruddy Turnstone 7 May only; White-rumped Sandpiper and Hudsonian Godwits 8 May only (J.W., George Paync, Claude 50 THE MIGRANT SEPTEMBER Brown). Connecticut Warbler in Obion County 7 May (no details). Western Meadowlark 5-8 May (R. K., m.ob.); another 8 May (G.P.), 5 miles south of first (both identified by song). LAWRENCEBURG - 30 April-1 May; Lawrence County; Sat. - 0540 to 2030, overcast, rain began 1600, temp. 64-81°F; Sun. - 0800 to 2030, mostly cloudy, temp. 60-75OF; wind light and variable both days; 12 observers in 5 parties -Andy Augustin, David Beckman, Lloyd M. & Lloyd W. & Helen Clayton, Bilt & Jane Egly, Lee Mann, Royce Neidert, Damien J. Simbeck (compiler - Rt. 2, Box 3A, Loretto 38469), Don K. Simbeck, Wylie Willis. Excellent details submitted for unusual species. CLARKSVILLE -7-8 May; Montgomery County; average temp. 69F; wind 20 rnph; 6 observers - Joe Allen, Annie Heilman, Bill Hudson, Nancy Hughes, John Quick (compiler - Rt. I, Box 114B, Cunningham 37052), Ellen Walkcr. COLUMBIA - 30 April; ovcruast; average temp. 600F: windy; 15 observers - George Mayfield (compiler - 999 Sunshinc Dr.. Columbia 38401 ). Also reported: Empidonux sp .- I. NASHVILLE - 30 April- 1 May; 30 mitc radius from Nashvilte courthouse; cloudy to heavy rain on 30 April; c tearing. windy on 1 May; 69 observers -Jan & David Alexander, Mildred Ansley, John Bates. Sue Bell, Michael Bierly. Polly Clark, Jcan Cobb, Bonnie Copeland, Dot & Paul Crawford, Annella Creech, Jerry Drewrey, Milbrey Dugger, Evelyn & John Ellis, Adele Elom, Bob English, Charles Farrell , Dick Farver. Martha Fenker, Clara Fentress, John & Karen Filley , Lucy Finch, Ray Fleischer, Ann Fort. Ann Foster, Katherine Goodpasture, Mary Ann & Tom Guschke, Bessie Hagan, Tom Harston, Ann Houk, Louise Jackson, Ed Jolly, Carol Knauth, Hazel & Lee Kramer, Pete Lefferts, Gahlen & Sarah Lenhert, Adiene Lyon, Margaret Mann, Jane Maynard, Tom McCall. Rocky Milburn, PoIly Miller, Anne Nichols, Marge & Oscar Patrick, Audrey & Don Perry, Mary Porter, Virginia Price, Sharon & Steve Rannels (compiler - 1900 Rosewood Ave., A-9, Nashville 372 121, Larry Raye, Bctty Richards, Jim Snap- per, Helen Sterling, Carol Stewart, Ellen Stringer, Ann Tarbell, Lawrence Trabue, Evelyn Tretter, Kenneth & Sara Walkup, Virginia Workman. Also reported: peep sp. - 2, Ernpidonu sp. - 3. MURFREESBORO - 30 April- 1 May; Rutherford County; mostly cloudy both days; temp. 65-7pF;16 observers - Lou Erwin, C.E. Greever, Edith Haynes, Anne Hettish (compiler - 10 18 Lawndale Dr., Murfreesboro 37 130), Richard Hunter, Wilma J . Hunter, Wren Jones, Jenny Justice, Larry McFarlin, Gene & Ruth Odom, John Patten, Ernest Smith, Alberta Spence, Frances Vau- ghan , Terry Witt . LEBANON - 30 April-1 May; Wilson County; Sat. - overcast, Sun. - clearing; temp. 60-73°F; 10 observers - Earline C. & Vernon C. Berry, Fred Detlefsen, Tony Halterlein, M.R.McMillan, Ruth V. McMillan (compiler- Rt. 2, Box 141, Lascassas 370851, Ray Pope, Jeff Reed, Billy See, Grace Speck. HIGHLAND RIM - 29-30 April; partly cloudy. No other details submitted. CHATTANOOGA - 30 April-1 May; 14 observers - Dale Bloom, Katherine Boyles, Ken & Lit Dubke, Paul Harris. Pam Iiinckley, Frank Hixson, Daniel Jacobson, Starr Klein. Johnny Parks, Peter Robinson, Robin Rudd , Jo 1983 THE MIGRANT 5 1 1983 SPRING FIELD DAYS Hemp Reel mr Clar Colu Mash Wmf kba High Chat box Cree Qiz C- I.. 1 -- - - -- 24 - 1 -- 1 -- -- 8 Pied-billed Grebe 1 ---- 4 h 2-- 1 1 -- -- 1 her. White Pelican - 25 - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - Ibual+cr. Cormorant - L -- - -- 32 - 11- 2 1--- hrican Bittern 2 1 -- -- -- 1 - -- -- kast Bittern 2 -- -- -- 1 -- -- -- Great Blue Herm - 120---- 15- 2- 7233 Gmat Egret -- 36 -- - - - -- -- I 1 -- -- -- Snwy &ret -- 6 -- -- -- - -- -- I - -- -- I Little Blue Heron 1 41 -- - -- 11 Cattle Bgret Crtan-backed Heron Black-cr. Right-Hem YEllm+cr. Bight-Hem C&% Cooae Wood Duck her. Black mk Mallard Blue-ulnged Wl Uorthern Shoveler GaM - 3 -- -- - 1 41---- Greeter Sea~ - -- - -- -- -- - -- - 3 - -- -- Leaaer Bcaw - 8 - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 -- -- Burrlehead - -- - -- - 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 21 Hooded Uerganser - a - -- - -- -- 1 - - - -- Cormoon Herganeer -- -- - -- -- 4 -- - -- 3 -- -- 4 Red-breasted Htrwscr - -- -- -- -- 3 -- -- -- 3 -- -- k Ruddy Duck 5 5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Black Vulture L 12 2 -- 5 106 16 76 -- 1 3 2 - Turkey Vulture -- 14 15 L 23 70 8 82 8 b8 21 10 a kpre). Mississippi Kite Bala mle Northern Harrier Shapwhinned Hawk Cooper's Hwk Red-shouldered Hawk Broadlringed Hawk Red-tdled Hawk limerican Kestrel Ruffed Muse - - - - -- - -- - -- -- 2- 3 Wild Turkey 67---- 2 1 Morthern Bobwhite 15 6 26 2 b5 124 28 2I 10 13 33 10 14 Black Rail -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- - -- 1 -- -- Virginia Rail -- - -- - 2 2 -- - -- 1 -- -- -- L 2 1- 15 11 -- -- -- 1 3 -- 3 ommn hrhen -- 3 -- icm Coot L1 9 -- - 4 lo 5 6 -- 210 1 3 2 k-bellied nwer -- 2 -- - -- - -- -- -- - -- - -- er Golden Plover -- 3 ------ 1 Sdgallaated Plover 2 55 -- -- 2 10 -- - -- 15 -- - 4 filldeer 25 55 8 2 lo 49 19 12 9 16 75 15 35 Black-necked Stilt 1 - -- -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- Greater Yelhlega hn 6--- 3 -- - It 31-2 Zesser rellowle@ 36 BO 4 -- -- 10 -- P -- 2 2 -- 8 erling --2 ...................... -tedSendpiper 8 73 -- - -- - -- 8 1 1 -- -- tern Sandpiper p - -- -- -- 1 -- - - 1 - -- -- at Sanbiwr 47 99 -- - 17 21 -- -- 3 25 3 -- 2 52 THE MIGRANT SEPTEMBER Reel Clar Aaah High Chat Eli e Pectoral Sandpiper 337 -- 1 6 2 3 Dunlin -- - 1 -- -- -- Stilt Sandpiper 3 - -- - -- -- Short-billed WYitcher 3 -- -- - -- -- Cconmon Snipe 2 - 11 - 1 29 hrlcm woodcock -- a 1 -- 1 -- Wilson's Phalnrope -- -- -- -- -- -- Laughing Cull -- - A -- -- -- Rin+ybilled Cull 37 -- b? -- 7 XJ Herring Cull -- - -- -- -- 1 Ckspian Tern -- -- 5 -- -- -- Co-n Tern L -- 10 -- -- - Porster 'e-Tern 5 -- 2 -- - -- Least mrn 4 -- -- -- -- - Black Tern 5 -- -- -- - -- Rcck hue 1 11 B5 -- 35 120 rn~ni- ~YC 13 12 31 L6 60 13g Black-bill4 Cuckoo 7 -- 1 - -- -- Yellm-billed Cuckoo 15 3 11 1 4 -a Cmmn Barn Owl - 2 -- - 1 -- Eaetem Screech-Ckl -- - 2 - 1 6 Great Horned Owl 1 - 3 1 1 2 Barred Owl 8 2 19 -- 5 - &mmm Ilighthaul; 2L 6 9 2 13 6 chuck-nills-uldou -- -- 3 1 1 3 Whip-poor-vill -- 2 5 -- 1 b mimnw Swift L1 27 6h1 26 .!a PO RW-thr . Humdngblrd 23 4 55 1 13 9 Bclted I(1ngflaher 1 1 27 -- 7 21 Red-headed Voodpecker 41 1 7 5 11 L Red-bellied Uoodpecker Yellw-beL. Sapsucker 00- Uoodntcker Hniri ~ood&cker U&Mm Flicker Pileated Uwdpcker Olive-sided. Flycatcher Faatem Umd-Pewee Acadian Flycatcher Uillov Plycatcher Least Flycatcher Eastern Phoebe Great Cr. Flycatcher Faatern Kingbird Horned krh F¶Irple Elartin Tree Gvsllw U. Rough-winged Swuallw Bank -OW Cliff Srallov Barn SWallOV Blue Jay mican Crow Fish Crow COeww Ram Camlina Chiehdee WedTitmouse Red-brumted Nutbtch mite-br. Wuthetoh Brm-headed Huthatch Brm Creeger Carolina Wren Wick's Yrm muse Wren Winter Wren Sedge Wren Xwah Wren Widen-cmed Kinglet Buby-crmed Kinglet Blueg. Cwtcrntcher 1983 THE MIGRANT 53 Reel hvr Car Colu Rssh Hmf kba High Chat Knox Oree Eliz Hermit Thrush 4 -- -- - 11-- -- - -- p -- -- wood. Thrush 28 'I 1l1 B -.2 60 R. -7 7 --711 o ?I American Robin 97 31 42 33 59 4% 350 132 55 5% 15; 429 Gray Catbird 10 17 31 5 23 IGB 9 18 v 10 41 14 27 MorthernMocklngbird 23 17 51 12 28 159 176 L8 Lb 33 204 43 124 3rom Washer 4 13 L2 h 32 126 56 62 17 11 63 17 37 Water Pipit -- Cednr Wmng LOO hggerhead Shrike 4 Buropean Starling 900 White-eyed Vireo 18 %litary Vireo -- Ytllw-throated Vireo 2 War3ling Vireo -- Phildelphia Vireo -- Red-eyed Vireo 12 Hue-vineed Wa~bler 5 Golden-ulnged Warbler -- Tennessee Warbler 9 Prangeeromed Warbler -- Whshuille Warbler b Worthern parula - Yellow Warbler 17 Chestnut-sided Warbler 5 WliaWarbler 12 Cape W Warbler 3 Blecll-thr.