Science, Technology and Development ISSN : 0950-0707 Decoding the Climatic Change and Global Warming in Paolo Bacigalupi’s The Windup Girl M.AISHWARYA Mr.S.ARUNKUMAR, M.A.,M.Phil.,SET., Master of Philosophy Assistant Professor Department of English Department of English Theivanai Ammal College for Theivanai Ammal College for Women(Autonomous) Women(Autonomous) Villupuram. Villupuram.
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract Climatic change is one of the most pressing issues of the twenty-first century. However, despite the urgency of the matter, standard political narratives fail to deal with the difficulty, suggesting to constituents that climatic change is a smaller amount vital than the Economy. This research paper examines whether the public can meaningfully engage with Climatic Change through other popular mediums; namely the novel. In order to display concern about climatic change, the research decoding the dystopian novels written before and after the year when the “Global Warming” was first coined (1975), with the expectation that dystopian novels written after the widespread recognition of Global Warming would engage more deeply with Environmental concerns than their earlier counterparts. This research paper reveals that there is no clear-cut difference in Environmental representations between pre and post 1975 dystopias. Rather, the novels fall along a continuum of environmental engagement, with newer novels being additional seemingly to have interaction with Ursula Heise’s “triple allegiance” of Ecocriticism. The greatest difference between novels written before and after “Global Warming” is their treatment of technological solutions to the Climatic Crisis; newer dystopian works demonstrate how such Techno-utopian solutions ultimately fail to address the root causes of the Climatic Crisis, and will do little to mitigate the problems of Climatic Change unless accompanied by social change.