www.mefmag.com April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4

The Multihead Weighing Technology: Mixes it Up for Profit

Middle East Food April 2017 Serving the Food Processing, Ingredients, Packaging & Catering Sectors in MENA - Since 1985 www.mefmag.com April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4

INTRODUCTION DEPARTMENTS Issue Content & CPH Team...... 01 Corporate Happenings...... 51 Opening Letter & HCC...... 02 Products & Services...... 52 MENA Food Digest...... 04 Events Preview...... 55


Emulsifiers & Stabilizers Coming Events...... 58 09 The Unrivalled Potential of Gelatin...... 07 Buyers’ Guide...... 59 Advertisers’ Index...... 60


Group Packaging General Information...... 61 The Multihead Weighing Technology: Closing Letter...... 62 Mixes it Up for Profit...... 10

15 CATERING & HOSPITALITY CPH Team Restaurants (Email domain is @cph.world) Food Services Sector in GCC: A Promising Industry...... 16 Founders • Mr. Fathi Chatila • Mrs. Mona Chatila (1944 - 2006)

Management FEATURE • President & Publisher Fathi Chatila / f.chatila@ • General Manager Mohamad Rabih Chatila / Fish & Seafood mr.chatila@ Sustainable Management • Administrative Manager Abdul Rahman Hallak / 21 of Fisheries & Aquaculture in MENA...... 20 ar.hallak@ • Administrative Officer Ali Zaraket / a.zaraket@

INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHTS Business Development • Business Development & Project Management Beverages & Drinks Elie H. Geagea /e.geagea@ The Dairy Alternative Beverages: Content & Research Gain Momentum...... 23 • Editor-in-Chief Fathi Chatila / f.chatila@ • Content Editor & Researcher Ready to Eat Meals Fatima Saab / f.saab@ Demand on Ready Meals 24 Stepping Up Business in MENA...... 27 Circulation & Marketing • Circulation & Marketing Manager Water Treatment Jad L. Aboulhosn / j.aboulhosn@ How Waste Water Solutions Can Lower • Circulation & Marketing Officer Food Manufacturers’ Costs...... 28 Ibrahim Rihan / i.rihan@ Information Technology COUNTRY / REGIONAL REPORTS • IT Operation & Support Officers Mazen Bou Diab / m.boudiab@ Australia & New Zealand Mostafa Mohtadi / m.mohtadi@ Challenges & Opportunities in MENA Accounting & Finance 30 for Australian Sheep Meat...... 35 • Accountant Hala Nizam / h.nizam@ Lebanon Mail & Services The Lebanese Dairy Industry: • Mail & Service Manager Abdul Rahman Hallak / A Wide Spectrum for Bourgeoning...... 39 ar.hallak@ • Mail & Service Officer Ali Zaraket / a.zaraket@ Saudi Arabia Identifying Important Market Drivers Graphic & Web Design for Long Drinking Yogurt Success....44 • Graphic & Web Designer Shatha Yahfoufi / s.yahfoufi@ United Kingdom A New Comprehensive Categorization 38 of Food Scares...... 47 Cover Photo Courtesy of Ishida Published by CPH World Media s.a.r.l. - Beirut, Lebanon Helping Advance MENA & Beyond! Since 1977 www.cph.world نساعد بتطوير الرشق األوسط وشامل أفريقيا وأبعد! منذ 1977 تصدر عن يس يب أتش ورلد ميديا ش.م.م. - بريوت، لبنان 02 OPENING LETTER الرسالة اإلفتتاحية

الحبوب ورقائق الحبوب Grains & Cereal to تتصدران قائمة الواردات الغذائية Dominate GCC’s لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي Food Import List

ِّتشكل الحبوب ورقائق الحبوب مصدرا أساسيا للطاقة اليوم تستخدمها معظم األرس. Today, grains & cereals constitute a major source of energy in most ً ً households. Consumers are increasingly seeking ingredients that ومع ارتفاع طلب املستهلكني عىل ّاملكونات الغذائية الصحية، أصبح الكثري من منتجي support healthy eating. Health awareness has pushed many food املواد الغذائية يهتمون بتنويع منتجاتهم لتشمل الحبوب الرائجة مثل حبوب الكينوا ,producers to diversify their ranges to include trendy pseudo grains والقطيفة والحنطة السوداء والبقوليات. ويشري تقرير ’الصناعة الغذائية يف دول مجلس such as quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat, and pulses. The ‘GCC Food التعاون الخليجي‘ الصادر عن آلنب كابيتال، إىل أن الحبوب والبقوليات سوف ُت ّشكل Industry’ report by Alpen Capital, forecasts that grains and cereals will remain the Gulf’s largest food consumption category, responsible الفئة االستهالكية األكرب يف منطقة الخليج بنسبة يف 46.5املئة من إجاميل الواردات for 46.5 percent of the region’s total food import bill. However, with الغذائية يف املنطقة. وعىل الرغم من ذلك، يلجأ املستهلكون بشكل متزايد إىل بدائل ’consumers increasingly turning to ‘healthy’ alternatives, ‘trendy grains "صحية" ومن املرجح أن تحقق "الحبوب الرائجة" والبقول رواجا ًكبريا ًيف هذا املجال. .and pulses are likely to make strong headway

ووفقا ًلتقرير يورومونيتور انرتناشيونال، فقد سجلت البقول أفضل ٍأداء يف قطاع Within fresh food, pulses were the best performer following a 7 percent increase in volume over the past year, according to Euromonitor املأكوالت الطازجة بعد زيادتها بنسبة يف 7املئة عن العام املايض. ويعزى الفضل يف International. The global success of pulses is largely attributed to الرواج الكبري الذي تلقاه البقول إىل منو استهالكها بنسبة يف 4املئة يف الهند حيث percent growth in India, where some 360 million vegetarians rely 4 يعتمد ما يقارب 360 مليونامن ًاألشخاص النباتيني عليها كمصدر رئييس للربوتني. ويأيت heavily on pulses for dietary protein. The growth of pulses in the Middle النمو يف استهالك البقوليات يف الرشق األوسط وأفريقيا مدعوما ًبشعبيتها هناك ًفضال East and Africa region is supported by the popularity of pulses within عن التدفق املستمر للمغرتبني من جنوب آسيا. ّتشكل البقول، بصفتها ًبديال رخيصاً the region as well as a steady influx of South Asian expatriates. As ً ً ً a cheaper alternative to meat among low-income workers, pulses عن اللحوم لدى ذوي الدخل املنخفض، مصدرا رئيسيا للربوتني وبسعر مقبول فضال عن provide an affordable source of protein and are particularly important أهميتها يف البلدان النامية واألسواق الناشئة. .across developing and emerging markets

يغطي عدد نيسان / أبريل من مجلة مأكوالت الرشق األوسط آخر أخبار قطاع الصناعة The April’s issue of the Middle East Food (MEF) magazine covers the الغذائية يف منطقة الرشق األوسط وشامل أفريقيا مبا فيها االبتكارات واملشاريع واألحداث latest in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) , including new innovations, projects and events. On page 10, the continuing الجديدة. فيتناول مقال الصفحة 10التطور املستمر والتحسينات يف تكنولوجيا الوزن development and enhancements of multihead weighing technology and املتعدد الرؤوس، األمر الذي عاد بالفائدة الكبرية عىل املنتجات املخلوطة. ُوي ّركز مقال how this has made a huge contribution to mixed products. The article الصفحة عىل16 قطاع الخدمات الغذائية يف دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، فقد on page 16 focuses on the food services sector in GCC, a sector that تب َّني َّأن هذا القطاع هو من أهم القطاعات الواعدة يف هذه املنطقة. ويرشح مقال ,has surfaced as one of the most promising in this region. Moreover الصفحة 28كيف ميكن أن ِّيوفر الرتشيح البيولوجي طريقة منخفضة الطاقة يف عملية the article on page 28 explains how bio-filters can offer a low energy method of reducing the Biological Oxygen Demand load in effluents الحد من عبء الحاجة إىل األكسجني الحيوي مبستويات مقبولة يف مياه الرصف، مام to acceptable levels, which dramatically reduces any trade effluent ِّيقلل وبشكل كبري نفقات أي نفايات صناعية، ويحسن البصمة البيئية لرشكات املواد charges and improves the environmental footprint of responsible food الغذائية. باإلضافة إىل هذه املواضيع، يزخر هذا العدد باملزيد من األخبار التي تغطي companies. Additional stories are also available, covering the latest أحدث األنشطة الخاصة ّباملصنعني اإلقليميني واملستوردين واملصدرين، فاستمتعوا activities of regional manufacturers, importers and exporters, so enjoy بقراءته وأرسلوا لنا مالحظاتكم عىل reading and send us your feedback at [email protected] [email protected] فتحي شاتيال Fathi Chatila رئيس التحرير Editor-in-Chief

Honorary Content Consultants (HCC)

Dr. Abdullah Ahmad Abdulla - Chief - Food Control Kingdom of Bahrain M. Karim Hammoud - Managing director, Vitech consulting J. Peter Clark Ph.D - Consultant to the Process Industries Illinois - USA Youssef H. Habbal - M.Sc. CFSA, Hospitality Management Dept. AUST - Lebanon Sharaf Dabbagh - President Ta’aheel FZ. L.L.C. Dr. Beate Hubber - International Cooperation Division - Research Institute of David Edwards - Managing Director, IMES International - Ireland Organic Agriculture (FIBL) Dr. Omid Gilanpour - Assistant Professor & Director of Foreign Trade & Jane Stamiforth - Head of Food Business Development - Reading Scientiific Marketing Research Department - APERI- Iran Services Limited (RSSL) P3RF3C7 3NR0B1N6


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Enromat_gb_215x285.indd 1 21.02.17 12:07 04 MENA Food Digest

in North Africa and a pillar of the company’s Exova, Bureau Veritas, City Seasons Bahrain USD1.39 billion investment strategy in Hotel Muscat, Al Bustan Palace, Egypt. With the unveiling of the country’s A Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Al Jarwani first super-regional mall, Majid Al Futtaim Hospitality, Renaissance Services is bringing its world-renowned leisure and SAOG and GWR Food Safety were BTEA Launched its entertainment brand portfolio that includes part of the advisory committee meeting UK & France Offices Ski Egypt, which brings snow for the first organized by Omanexpo at the National time to the city and the African continent; Hospitality Institute in Wadi Kabir. The Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions and VOX Cinemas, with a total of 21 Seeking to implement a rigorous food Authority launched its representative theatres housing one 4DX screen, four Gold safety culture among the wide spectrum offices in the United Kingdom and screens, one MAX screen, two screens for of food industry professionals in the France in the presence of its CEO Shaikh kids and 13 regular screens with a total of Sultanate, an advisory committee was Khaled bin Humood AlKhalifa and the 2,473 seats. Customers will also enjoy the formed to discuss the challenges accompanying delegation, including latest version of the family entertainment and issues faced by the food safety the Director of Marketing and Tourism center, Magic Planet, and Little Explorers. professionals in the country. Promotion, Yousef AlKhan. The launch of the representative offices comes in line with the Authority's strategic outreach and recently launched brand 'Ours Yours' aimed at promoting the Kingdom of Bahrain as the ideal tourism destination to the regional and international markets further positioning the Tourism industry as a main contributor to the overall economic growth synonymous to the Economic Vision 2030. During the launch of the representative offices, BTEA took the opportunity to meet the trade tourism press and trade professionals to introduce the strategy of the Kingdom. The main trade media and trade tourism professionals attended the events to further discover Bahrain as a destination. During the events, they also met BTEA’s representatives and the team from the representative offices.

Egypt Oman Qatar

Al Futtaim Celebrates Experts Discuss Tourism to Generate Regional Expansion Food Safety Practices USD17.8 Billion By 2030

Majid Al Futtaim, the well-known Food safety and quality have become Experiential travel, the main theme of shopping mall, communities, retail and essential components for the protection this year’s Arabian Travel Market (ATM), leisure pioneer across the Middle East, of public health, economic development. is driving tourism growth in Qatar, as Africa and Asia, has opened the doors of The Sultanate has taken effective and the country works towards its 2030 its eagerly-anticipated Mall of Egypt. With efficient measures to safeguard public ambitions to welcome 10 million visitors an investment of USD0.71 billion, the mall health and strengthen consumer safety. a year and generate USD17.8 billion in is expected to attract large crowds eager Senior food safety experts from Muscat tourism receipts. According to research to be the first to experience Egypt’s premier Municipality, Ministry of Regional released ahead of ATM 2017, Qatar will shopping and entertainment hub. Mall of Municipalities & Water Resources, look to generate 5.2 percent of its GDP Egypt is Majid Al Futtaim’s flagship project Khimji Ramdas, NSF International, through tourism over the coming years,

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 05 ص ّملخاملأكوالت يف الرشق األوسط وشامل أفريقيا creating 98,000 jobs and managing new initiatives.” Euromonitor International an inventory of 63,000 hotel rooms. A Saudi Arabia identifies Makkah as the “main attraction” perfect example of experiential travel is of the Kingdom due to religious tourism, Souq Waqif in Doha, which offers several alongside Madinah, with Al Riyadh small shops lined along paths with an Surge in Province and the Eastern Province array of Middle Eastern merchandise, Domestic Tourism popular with business travelers. April is from spices and seasonal delicacies set to be a busy month for business travel to perfumes, jewelry, clothing and The Euromonitor International as the many members of the Kingdom’s handicrafts. While the country’s culture Tourism Forecast report, prepared growing hospitality industry descend on exclusively for The Hotel Show Saudi Jeddah for the fifth edition of The Hotel Show Saudi Arabia.


Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture

Under the patronage of Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister of the UAE, Minister of Presidential Affairs and Chairman of ADFCA, the Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture (GFIA) opened on Monday 20 March at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre. Held in strategic partnership with the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority and supported by the Ministry of Presidential Affairs and Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, the GFIA conference featured speakers from around the world tackling five key challenges: climate- resilient crops; growing the aquaculture Arabia 2017, has revealed record levels industry; future-proofing animal health; of domestic travel within the Kingdom. smallholder farmer development; and Following the announcement of Saudi sustainable animal production. Thamer Al Vision 2030 vast initiatives have been Qasemi, Director of the Communication launched aiming at encouraging Saudis and Community Service Division at to explore all the Kingdom has to offer. ADFCA, said: “The Abu Dhabi Food That has led to an almost instant spike in Control Authority has supported the the number of people travelling internally development of GFIA since its inception – and one forecasters now predict will and this year, we are hosting two unique and heritage remains of paramount see 40 percent more domestic vacations programs – one for farmers flying into Abu importance, Qatar is also set to invest up taken in 2020 than were made just five Dhabi from around the world and another to USD45 billion in new developments years earlier. Nikola Kosutic, Research for the very best scientists working in under the National Tourism Sector Manager at Euromonitor International, sustainable agriculture. These programs Strategy 2030. These include USD2.3 said: “The Saudi Commission for will have a great impact on the success billion earmarked for 2022 World Cup Tourism and National Heritage (SCTH) of the event as we tackle the overarching facilities and USD6.9 billion for transport is investing generously in boosting aim of achieving environmentally infrastructure and associated projects. domestic tourism, launching a number of responsible farming practices.”

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ Ingredients & Additives Emulsifiers & Stabilizers 07 The Unrivalled Potential of Gelatin 08 100 Years with the Modern Emulsifier 08 Premium Ingredients Presents New Stabilizer for Greek Style Yogurt 09 Ease out the Eggs Packaging Group Packaging

10 The Multihead Weighing Technology: Mixes it Up for Profit 12 tna Brings Production Line to Life with Virtual Experience 12 Cama Group Marks a New Milestone in R&D 13 Large Scale Bulk Handling Project Boosts Gluten-Free Food Production 13 Top Performance and System Sophistication 14 Interpack Showcases RPC Skills & Diversity 14 Quality Is Not a Vision 15 GEA Packaging Equipment Helps Turn Ideas into Realities 15 KHS Presents New Flexible & Compact Innodry Block

Catering & Hospitality Restaurants 16 Food Services Sector in GCC: A Promising Industry 17 Big Names Sign Up for First Avenue 18 Food Lovers to Enjoy New Recipes at Saraydan Café 18 Tawasy Group Ventures into Fine Dining Segment

Photo Courtesy of Flexicon 07 ّاملكونات واملضافات املستحلبات واملثبتات The Unrivalled Potential of Gelatin hen you hear the word “gelatin”, what do you think? You may think “setting agent”, you may think “stabilizer”, or you may even think “gummy bears”. But there is a whole lot more to this multi-talented ingredient than you might immediately realize. Gelatin W is a natural product and a pure protein. Extracted from collagen via a process of hydrolysis, it is a dry white powder that is free from any additives or preservatives. Classed as foodstuff, gelatin is free from E-numbers making it ideal for use in clean products.

A valuable tool for food developers In terms of its composition, gelatin contains 84 to 90 percent protein, 1 to 2 percent mineral salts and 8 to 15 percent water. This means that as well as improving stability and texture, when it is included in a product’s recipe, gelatin boosts its nutritional value. And because it is neutral in taste and odor, it has no impact in the flavor or smell of the finished product. Additionally, gelatin has no allergenic potential – an important consideration in today’s market, where “free from” is now seen as an increasingly important plus-point, even among consumers who do not have diagnosed Jelly cubes food allergies. Having said all this, it is crucial for food manufacturers to be of quality, but also in terms of physical applications than others. And there are aware that not all gelatins are equal. properties. Any changes in these additional considerations too. Gelatin parameters will mean a change in the can also differ in terms of viscosity, color, Natural variations characteristics of the end product and clarity, foaming ability, setting and melting The word gelatin is derived from the the need for complicated and time- times, particle size and pH value. So Latin “gelatum”, meaning “frozen” – intensive adjustments in the production when a manufacturer sets out to source and it is so-called because it swells process. gelatin for a particular application, the rapidly in water then dissolves to final selection must be carefully a viscous solution when heated. “When it comes to making a choice, considered. If a poor choice is After cooling, this solution an important basic characteristic made, not only could there be then forms a gel reminiscent of problems during the production of every type of gelatin is its gelling Cover Photo Courtesy of Ishida Europe ice. These actions mean that process, but the quality and the gelatin has excellent gelling and power, or bloom value” shelf life of the end product may also thickening properties. The hydrocolloid A constant property profile suffer. Additionally, food manufacturers is able to build thermo reversible gels When it comes to making a choice, an need to be able to depend on the fact with different gelling powers in aqueous important basic characteristic of every that their gelatin supplier always delivers systems. Being a natural ingredient, type of gelatin is its gelling power, or exactly what they expect: gelatin with the however, gelatin is subject to variation. “bloom” value. The bloom value defines same properties in terms of bloom value, So when picking gelatin as an ingredient, the gel-strength of gelatin and thus the viscosity, molecular structure, gelling food manufacturers need to reassure firmness and chewiness of the final time and setting/melting temperature. themselves that their chosen gelatin product. This is the reason why some Gelita not only delivers consistency in terms gelatins are more suitable for some E-mail: www.gelita.com

ماذا تعني كلمة "الجيالتين"؟ قد تظن أنَّها "عوامل التَشْ كيل"، وقد تظنُّ أنَّها من "المثبتات"، أو حتى أنَّها من "الدببة المطاطية". ولكن الخصائص التي تخفى لهذا المكوِّن المتعدِّدالمواهب أعظم بكثير مما قد تدركه. يعتبر الجيالتين منتجًا طبيعيًا وبروتينًا نقيًا. إنَّه مسحوق أبيض جاف خال من المضافات والمواد الحافظة. يُستخرجالجيالتين من الكوالجين عبر عملية تحلُّل.إنَّ الجيالتين خال من أرقام إي مما يجعله مثاليًا لالستخدام في المنتجات الطبيعية. ويحتوي من ناحية تركيبته على 84 إلى 90 في المئة من البروتين، و1 إلى 2في المئة من األمالح المعدنية، و8 إلى 15 في المئة من المياه. وهذا يعني أنَّ الجيالتين يعزِّز القيمة الغذائية في وصفة المنتج باإلضافة إلى تحسين ثباته وتركيبه. كما ال يؤثِّر على طعم ورائحة المنتج ألنَّهال طعم وال رائحة له.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ INGREDIENTS & ADDITIVES 08 EMULSIFIERS & STABILIZERS

100 Years with the Modern Emulsifier

2017 marks 100 years since the Dane by the name of Einar Schou, industry. In 1917, Schou became the invention of one of the most important who later founded emulsifier and inventor of the first of a new breed of production ‘tools’ in the food industry, stabilizer manufacturer Palsgaard emulsifiers, an ingredient he called the predecessor of today’s highly A/S. In the early 1900s, he returned to Palsgaard Emulsion Oil (PEO). effective, vegetable-based emulsifiers. his homeland after a highly successful Schou’s emulsifier was particularly Few people know that the food career in the UK margarine business. welcome because it dramatically processing industry owes the invention But his inventive mind had yet to make changed the process of producing not of the modern emulsifier to a visionary its most important contribution to the only margarine, but a variety of other foods, too. Virtually from one day to the next, manufacturers could achieve good, strong emulsions. They could win control over their production, ensuring more consistent results. And CELEBRATING they could achieve success even if they didn’t have the most up-to-date production equipment. With PEO and its successors, manufacturers had obtained an entirely new understanding of what was going on Years of the invention at both a chemistry and functional Palsgaard Emulsion Oil level, enabling different raw materials and emulsion types to be brought into 1917 · 2017 recipe development, and ushering in exciting new possibilities for innovation across the board. Premium Ingredients Presents New Stabilizer for Greek Style Yogurt

Premilac® XLY-15049 uses stabilizer based on dairy protein for carried out by DMS Global Insights recombination technology which the production of Greek style yogurt Series Yogurt, entitled How health allows Greek yogurt and Petit-suisse and Petit-suisse. This stabilizer has drives yogurt consumption, "one out of manufacturers to make products been developed by the Premium three consumers say that a 'clean label' without generating by-products or Ingredients Formulation team with the would be a reason enough to consume increasing viscosity during the process. goal of optimizing the final product in more yogurt." They would even be willing This way, 100 percent of yield can be terms of cost, texture, level of protein to pay more for this kind of products. obtained in the usual production lines. and syneresis control. Furthermore, Consumers increasingly demand more Premium Ingredients has recently this is a 'clean label' product without dairy products such as yogurt made with launched Premilac® XLY-15049, a new E numbers. According to the study organic ingredients without E numbers, seeking a balance between taste and ingredients without additives. In this regard, Premilac® XLY-15049 is an ideal solution for those Greek style yogurt and Petit-suisse manufacturers that decide to join this trend towards marketing products with clean and pure flavors. The new stabilizer is a mixture of a dairy protein especially selected by the company. In addition, its unique composition allows its use in a wide Greek yogurt and Petit-suisse stabilizers range of fermented dairy products.

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 09 ّاملكونات واملضافات املستحلبات واملثبتات Ease out the Eggs

long shelf life and it can be stored at highest quality and with documented ambient temperature. It allows you provenance - to food industry clients to make salad dressing that is of throughout the world. The company’s vegetable origin, non-allergenic and products are designed to help free from protein and cholesterol. The customers match their products to neutral taste makes sure the flavor changing commercial requirements, sensation is not masked. MC supplies so they can boost their profit margins potato-basedPET Line , ingredientsMiddle East - of Food, the 132 x and202 pleasemm, CCen31-AZ108 their customers 03/17 more.

Creamy mayonnaise

Consumers around the world like mayonnaise as a versatile dressing for sandwiches. They also like to dip their fries or veggies in a creamy mayonnaise or use it in salads. Mayonnaise and dressing manufacturers face different challenges. Some consumers require solutions that are affordable and still have a delicious and smooth mouthfeel. The same applies for the food service segment that is looking for more cost-effective solutions. Food allergies and veganism continue to challenge food manufacturers to discover new ingredients. Egg is one of the traditional ingredients that consumers often want to avoid and search for on the label as part of the “free from” trend. In addition, safety issues such as bird’s flu and salmonella deriving from birds make eggs a problematic ingredient in food. PET Line Replace eggs or egg yolks with EmulsiForm specialty starches from KMC to obtain a cost- #GermanBlingBling effective solution. The price #PETLine development and supply situation is much more stable than it is with eggs and there is no compromise made on product quality as EmulsiForm specialty starches have excellent emulsification properties providing a rich and We do more. creamy texture. EmulsiForm is an easy to use ingredient with

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤

CC-en31-AZ108_0317.indd 1 20.03.17 11:02 PACKAGING 10 GROUP PACKAGING The Multihead Weighing Technology: Mixes it Up for Profit

he enhanced versatility of mix weighing offers many opportunities for manufacturers supplying the retail sector, explains Ian Atkinson of Ishida Europe. Convenience has become a dominating factor in many areas of the retail food market. One T result of this is the growth in popularity of pre-mixed packs for everything from snacks and confectionery to salads and ready meals. For manufacturers, mixing throws up a number of challenges. Products need to be mixed in the correct ratios, to keep the customer satisfied, maintain brand consistency and control the more expensive items in the mix so that profits are not compromised. Legal requirements mean that stated percentages in the mix must be adhered to. All this has to be achieved while maintaining highly competitive speeds and efficiency on the packing line.

Multihead weighing approach Cover Photo Courtesy of Ishida The continuing development and enhancements of multihead weighing technology has made a huge contribution to mixed products. Today there are weighers with 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, and even 32 heads, mixing up to eight different products simultaneously for discharge into the same pack. Machines can even be linked together to handle a virtually limitless number of mixed products within one line. There are numerous benefits of the mixed weighing approach. One machine can effectively do the work of two or more, saving on operator and maintenance costs as well as significantly reducing space requirements in the factory. Each section of the weigher is dedicated to a different product type and these Mixed packs are common in the confectionery sector can be set precisely at different target weights, ensuring that the right mix of technique called consecutive topping this, precise designs and software items is consistently included in each allows the proportion of the cheaper are available to feed very controlled pack and that the more expensive ingredients in the total weight to be piece counts and, if necessary, reject items in particular, for example higher varied, to both improve accuracy and over weights mid-cycle to ensure that value cashew nuts in a fruit and save money. Consecutive topping exceptional accuracy and efficiency is nut mix, are tightly controlled. The works by making the target weight for maintained at the machine outlet. multihead mixed weighing approach each product take account of the actual typically offers increases in Accuracy and efficiency speed, accuracy and efficiency “The multihead mixed weighing High head machines can be compared to pre-mixing. approach typically offers increases configured to feed multiple Keeping products separate until lines. And as well as its ability they are packed can also help in speed, accuracy and efficiency to handle different mixes, the to minimize damage compared compared to pre-mixing” same weigher can be configured to more mechanical pre-mixing to handle a single product for processes. Mixed weighing technology weight of the previous component in discharge simultaneously in up to eight also continues to evolve, and the faster the mix instantly and without delay. different packs – delivering extremely processing technology and very precise This compensation approach greatly fast speeds of up to 440 packs every product transfer now available mean helps improve overall accuracy by minute. It is also possible to combine new levels of competitive advantage preventing allowable errors from smaller mixes and discharge these can be achieved. While products adding together. Some customers also into multiple outlets. When choosing can be weighed and discharged require guaranteed low piece counts a mix or multiple outlet weighing simultaneously, an alternative in mixes down to single pieces. For solution, there are a number of factors

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 11 التوضيب التوضيب الجامعي

to consider. Clearly accuracy and carefully considered. This will influence on the pieces size, bulk density and The Multihead Weighing Technology: efficiency are essential but these need the angles, shapes and materials target weight of products being to be taken into account alongside the used in contact parts design, which handled. It is worth therefore taking required speed of the line. It is very will be critical to ensure effective the time to assess your requirements Mixes it Up for Profit important that sufficient weigh heads product transfer through the weigher. in detail – including both current needs are allowed per item in the mix to and potential future requirements ensure a stable combination can “... the overall speed of the – and then discussing these with be achieved for weigh calculations weigher will be dependent on your professional multihead weigher each time. At the same time, the the section using the fewest supplier to ensure that you have a overall speed of the weigher will solution that delivers the right mix of be dependent on the section using number of heads” product and profit. the fewest number of heads – so the Similarly, a compatible interface with more heads available (combined with the maker or distribution system Ian Atkinson enhanced weighing technology), the is necessary to ensure that fast and Business Manager EMEA - Multihead Weighers faster the potential speed. Of course, efficient throughput is maintained. Size Ishida Europe Email: [email protected] the nature of the product needs to be of the hoppers will also be dependent Web: www.ishidaeurope.co يرىإيان أتكنسون من شركة إيشيدا أوروبا، أنَّ تحسين إمكانيات وزن الخليط توفِّر فرصً ا متعدِّدة للمصنِّعين الذين يزوِّدون قطاع تجارة التجزئة. لقد أصبحت الراحة عامل مهيمن على عدَّة جوانب في سوق المواد الغذائية بالتجزئة. ويعود ذلك إلى نمو شعبية المعلبات المخلوطة مسبقًا في كل فئة من فئات األطعمة، من الوجبات الخفيفة والحلويات والسلطات، وحتى الوجبات الجاهزة. وتطرح عملية المزج عددًا من التحديات أمام المصنعين. إذ يجب أن تُخلط المنتجات وفقًا للنسب الصحيحة، وذلك للحفاظ على رضا العمالء، واإلبقاء على قوة العالمة التجارية، وضبط العناصر األكثر تكلفة في المزيج حتى ال تنقص األرباح. وتحتِّم المتطلبات القانونية االلتزام بالنسب المئوية المعلنة في هذا الخليط. ويجب اإليفاء بكل هذه الشروط إلى جانب المحافظة على سرعات تنافسية عالية وكفاءة في خط التغليف. وفي هذا اإلطار، أفاد التطور المستمر والتحسينات في تكنولوجيا الوزن المتعدد الرؤوس إفادة كبيرة المنتجات المخلوطة. وتتوفر اليوم آالت وزن تحمل 16، 18، 20، 24، 28، وحتى 32 رأس، وتخلط حتى ثمانية أنواع مختلفة من المنتجات في نفس الوقت وتفرغها في نفس الحزمة.

Emulsifiers and know-how in margarine put to work

Licence no.: RSPO-1106336

Aeration, crystallization, fat reduction and plastification: Control these four basic properties and you can craft your margarine products to meet almost any requirement. With application centers on three continents Palsgaard’s specialists can help you throughout the entire process of preparing a new product for production or adjusting an existing recipe.

we are experts in emulsifiers and stabilizers for bakery, confectionery, dairy, ice cream, margarine and fine foods - and we • Bakery margarines are happy to share our expertise. our company values can be defined in just three words: loyalty, responsibility and • Spreads commitment. we aim to be the preferred partner and supplier of quality products, application service and know- how to regional and multi- national food companies. to Palsgaard • Frying margarines loyalty means that we act as a reliable and honourable business partner for our customers. we treat information confidentially and know • Table margarines how to keep a business secret. to Palsgaard responsibility means caring about the environment and being aware of our corporate social responsibility; we have a goal to be CO2 neutral by 2020 and • Shortenings are members of SEDEX and RSPO. to Palsgaard commitment means we are dedicated to getting the best results for our customers’ products - to the benefit of their customers. we care about our employees and have a declared aim that Palsgaard must be a pleasant place to work. Palsgaard we know that our most important resource is the know-how and dedication found in our employees. Heart we are committed to Visit www.palsgaard.com to learn more about how we can help you in your product development.getting the best results with our products in our pilot plants and in your facilities. Working at Palsgaard we don’t sell standard solutions - we start with your needs. Palsgaard - Heart Working People heart work is the best way to achieve success - let us help you get it. our products are produced according to the strictest quality criteria. we are experts in emulsifiers and stabilizers and we are happy to share our expertise with you. let our ّ مأكوالت shorten الرشقhelp you األوplants سطpilot نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / مجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ the step between idea and your new product. heart work is the best way to succeed - let us help you do so. PACKAGING 12 GROUP PACKAGING

tna Brings Production Line to Life with Virtual Experience

tna will be using a combination of virtual and augmented reality at this year’s interpack to showcase its complete range of packaging and processing solutions from 4 to 10 May, 2017. Visitors will be transported into a “real world” space, where they’ll get the chance to experience tna’s well-known equipment designs in a multi-sensual environment. This will include everything from the tna at interpack 2017 company’s cost-efficient steam peelers and high performance fryers to its gentle to life and allow visitors to interact with standards. We were the first to see what’s distribution, accurate seasoning, precise them to find out more about their specific possible in terms of packaging speeds weighing and high-speed packaging capabilities and features, creating a truly and have never let go of our dedication solutions. Using the latest, cutting-edge impactful virtual experience. “The food to innovation. At the same time, our technology, visitors will go on a virtual ride processing and packaging industry has business growth from single product to an that will give them the unique opportunity come a long way and technological entire line of solutions, means we needed to fully immerse themselves into the progress has played a huge part in an innovative, exciting way to show our production process of a complete potato this,” comments Alf Taylor, CEO and customers and prospects our full range chip line – from start to finish. At the co-founder of tna. “At tna, we pride of start-to-finish solutions. Showing off same time, augmented realty will make ourselves in providing the industry with the capabilities of our advanced solutions it possible to bring individual systems cutting-edge solutions that set new through state-of-the-art technology was Cama Group Marks a New Milestone in R&D

Visitors to the Cama stand at Hygiene Standard; Open Profile; Robotized Monoblock Loading Unit interpack 2017 will be able to Safe «Easy Entry» and Ergonomics; is a “pitch-less” integrated platform experience in person the very last Flexible Frame and Reduced Footprint; for forming / loading /closing of technological innovations made as Energy Saving Engineering; Fool-proof food and non-food products into standard on the full range of Break- Sizeparts Recognition. CAMA GROUP or corrugated or Through Generation (BTG) systems, will exhibit in particular, on its stand, . Working with a given product which mark a milestone in R&D: Higher 2 innovative BTG systems. IF318 Fully infeed capacity, customers are free to change the number, and so the pitch, of handled at each of the 3 robotic stations, each one de-coupled from the other ones, thanks to the independent electronic movers. Moreover, the innovative variable handling device allows automatic changeover for all required carton/case size along the track, notwithstanding their shape and size, thereby making size changing useless. IG Complete Robotic Line packs flowpacks in multi-flavor and multi-layer different collations. Shown with agreement by Cama’s Customer, a global multi-national leader in its sector, the system comprises of two IF318 packaging unit robotic units in line.

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 13 التوضيب التوضيب الجامعي Large Scale Bulk Handling Project Boosts Gluten-Free Food Production

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and their crossbred varieties and derivatives. In baking, gluten is the binding agent within flour that prevents baked goods from crumbling. Gluten- free, once considered a fad, is now becoming mainstream with more than 15 percent of North American households eating gluten-free foods. As a result, the market for gluten free foods has doubled within the past five years and is now estimated to be approximately USD5.5 billion. To meet this growing demand, Flexicon’s conveying system Bakery On Main, a commercial bakery specializing in gluten-free foods, needed an open system, so ingredients were baked goods. He commissioned an to significantly increase its capacity. exposed to the atmosphere.” After independent engineering firm to handle “We were operating at 100 percent of investigating various ways to upgrade the overall design. The firm worked capacity. Our bulk handling equipment, the existing equipment, all of which closely with the Project Engineering which consisted largely of inclined proved unsatisfactory, Smulders decided Division of Flexicon Corporation to conveyor belts, was inefficient and very to build an entirely new facility with create a fully integrated system based labor intensive,” says Michael Smulders, an integrated bulk handling system on the company's FLEXI-DISC™ Tubular owner of Bakery On Main. “It was also designed specifically for gluten-free Cable Conveyor (TCC) system. Top Performance and System Sophistication

Theegarten-Pactec, specialist 2017, Theegarten-Pactec presents and non-food articles into flow packs manufacturer of customized its star trade fair attraction, a total at the rate of 1,500 products per packaging machines for practically solution for powder or granulate minute. The packaging machine any product type, can pack products, compression with subsequent primary combines an AZO powder feed with whether small-sized confectionery packaging into flow packs. The a Romaco Kilian press unit. With all items, foodstuffs such as stock system combines the proven FPC5 interfaces of the individual system cubes or non-food articles such as packaging machine with units from components configured to work dishwasher tabs. The Dresden-based AZO and Romaco Kilian. At the heart together, production and packaging company supplies complete all-in-one of the total system on display is the process efficiency is guaranteed. For system solutions - from product feed FPC5 high-performance packaging example, if the powder feed is too to primary packaging. At interpack machine, which packs confectionery low in terms of volume, both press unit and packaging machine speeds drop automatically. At the trade fair, the system will first compress powder into tablets and then pack them. As well as handling effervescent tablets or other confectionery products, the system is also ideal for packing other items, e.g. stock cubes or non-food articles like dishwasher tabs. Products made by compressing powder or granulate are extremely sensitive and so require especially careful handling during the manufacturing and The FPC5, comprising an AZO powder feed and a Romaco Kilian press packaging stages.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ PACKAGING 14 GROUP PACKAGING

interpack Showcases RPC Skills & Diversity

WaveGrip, the first genuine alternative to current beverage multi-packing solutions, and the WorldStar-winning Twist Cup with screw , the latest in a long line of award-winning packs, are just two of the highlights of the RPC Group stand at this year’s interpack. RPC will showcase its ability to create packaging solutions across a huge range of markets and applications, such as food and drink, personal care, healthcare, industrial, garden and household products, and surface . The company will also demonstrate its expertise in polythene film products through RPC bpi Group as well as its capabilities in mold design A multi-packing solution and manufacture. A major theme on the stand will be the manufacturer’s design display will highlight this use of design extended shelf life for food products. and technical expertise in the creation of combined with advanced manufacturing This ability to help minimize food waste both standard and bespoke and decoration techniques to help create will also be part of the company’s and closures, demonstrating plastic’s brand image and product differentiation. sustainability message, underlining the flexibility in producing solutions that deliver Another important focus will be the different ways that plastics can contribute both superb aesthetics and complete availability of a variety of solutions to to businesses’ environmental programs functionality. The selection of packs on provide effective product protection and and CSR commitments.

Quality Is Not a Vision

At interpack 2017, SICK will present well as individual components, the sensor allow for high productivity. However, this itself as the supplier of a wide range manufacturer offers a comprehensive can only be achieved if a comprehensive of sensors for the consumer goods portfolio of technological solutions to meet quality control system is in place. SICK industry. The products, systems and individual customers' requirements. The will present new solutions consisting services that it puts on display will include company will focus in particular on quality of its own modules and integrable compact, easily integrated devices, assurance. The fast throughput speeds functions from image processing libraries configurable stand-alone solutions and and short cycle times of production lines that offer intelligent support for the programmable high-speed cameras. As and machines in the packaging industry packaging industry in areas such as quality assurance, traceability, object data acquisition and preventive maintenance. A 3D inspection system is the ideal solution in this area. It can reliably identify faulty product features, incomplete packaging units and inadequate labeling. The data and measurements produced by the vision sensors and their integration into real- time fieldbus environments enable them to provide valuable information that can be used in today's manufacturing plants and in the smart factories of the future. The vision sensors have the necessary intelligent detection, measurement, assessment and communication functions to allow for future-proof process and quality A comprehensive range of high-tech solutions controls in the context of Industry 4.0.

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 15 التوضيب التوضيب الجامعي interpack Showcases RPC Skills & Diversity GEA Packaging Equipment Helps Turn Ideas into Realities

“Packed with inspiration” is the theme for the GEA stand at Interpack, where it will present systems for packaging of food, confectionery and baked goods, beverages, medical and technical items, and pharmaceuticals. The company has designed its processing solutions to match the trends of the times – for a highly regulated industrial sector, for highly sensitive package contents, and for highly critical consumers. These solutions GEA PowerPak with Powerguide and EasyCheck support manufacturers in realizing ever more reliable, flexible, efficient, and GEA response to the questions as to range, which makes specifying a imaginative packaging. New developments how we can prevent food waste. One thermoformer for a particular application will include an entry-level thermoformer of the headliners is a new thermoformer much easier and more cost-effective by model and an ultra-hygienic vertical configuration developed as a basic omitting functions that are not required. bagger system, as well as a and machine with restricted functionality. The PowerPak presentation will also feature wrapping line designed to revive the entry-level GEA DeltaPak provides access an integrated slicing/packaging line for lollipop market. One highlight at the fair will for smaller-scale packaging operations larger-scale operations. The line includes be a revolutionary non-destructive quality to the quality and reliability of the proven an OptiScan, a pre-scanning system to control system for modified-atmosphere GEA PowerPak platform. It is part of minimize give-away and increase the packaging (MAP) – the extraordinary the recently re-defined GEA PowerPak yield of sliced portions. KHS Presents New Flexible & Compact Innodry Block

At interpack, the KHS Group with the need for adjustment during machines. “Where two or more single will have compact and flexible format changeovers. The systems machines can be compiled to form systems on display. With its supplier from Dortmund will also a compact block system, this gives integrated buffer system the newly be highlighting its new features in operators numerous advantages,” developed InnoDry Block permits secondary packaging. To this end, at says Karl-Heinz Klumpe, packaging accumulation-free, gentle pack the trade show KHS Service will be product manager for KHS in Kleve. conveying without the side guides presenting special conversions and The experts at the company have otherwise required. This does away its new service concept for packaging done just that for the secondary and tertiary packaging production stages. The InnoDry Block combines a packaging machine with a and has a handle dispenser integrated into the packer. This setup is made possible by especially flexible buffer areas and the use of a highly dynamic handling system for layer formation which is being used in the blocked machine concept for the first time. Shorter conveying segments and, as a result, a considerable reduction in maintenance effort speak for the compact block. Format changeover times are also shorter as side guides are no longer needed on the Dynamic handling system for layer formation conveying segment.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ CATERING & HOSPITALITY 16 RESTAURANTS Food Services Sector in GCC: A Promising Industry

ood services sector has surfaced as one of the most promising sectors in the GCC and has been rapidly growing over the past decade on the back of a flourishing economy, booming tourism, favorable demographics, rising urbanization and a F sturdy rise in per capita income, according to a report by Al Masah Capital Limited. The sector appeals to consumers across a broad income and cultural spectrum, including locals, expatriates and visiting tourists from all over the world. Over the past decade, this demand has been well supported by the entry of several international fast food, casual dining and health food restaurants in the region.

GCC foodservice market The GCC foodservice market was valued at USD18.8 billion in 2014 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.8 percent to reach USD24.5 billion in 2018, according to Al Masah Capital. Saudi Arabia led the region, with total foodservice sales of USD8.9 billion, accounting for nearly half of the GCC market. The UAE was the second largest contributor, with total sales of USD5.3 billion generating 28 percent share in the region, followed by Kuwait (USD1.9 billion), Qatar (USD1.3 billion), Oman (USD1.1 billion) and Bahrain (USD0.4 billion). Fast food segment or Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) has emerged as the largest, accounting for were willing to try new cuisines and past 5 years, according to Al Masah 58.2 percent (USD10.9 billion) of the concepts. As a result, several multi- Capital, driven by factors such as busy GCC food services market in 2014, cuisine restaurants have been opening lifestyle, young and growing population followed by Full Service Restaurant throughout the region. According to base and tendency to order deliveries (FSR) at 31.5 percent all year round. In a KPMG – (USD5.9 billion) and Café “The GCC foodservice market […] is 2015 UAE Food & Beverage & Bakery segment at 10.3 Survey Report, nearly 60 percent (USD1.9 billion). expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.8 percent percent of the respondents The foodservice sector can to reach USD24.5 billion in 2018” in the UAE order takeaway broadly be categorized in at least once a week. to following segments: Full Service the aforementioned survey, Indian Similarly, delivery/take-away subsector Restaurants (fine and casual dining); cuisine was the most preferred in the contributes 23 percent of the total food Quick Service Restaurants (fast food); UAE, followed by Italian, Lebanese and service market in Saudi Arabia. One of Café & Bakery; and Lounges & Bars. Chinese. Among the multiple culinary the key factors supporting the growth of options available, the Japanese cuisine home delivery or takeaway services in Growing markets for is also gaining popularity. The cuisine is the region is the rise of online ordering international cuisines popular in Saudi Arabia as well, where platforms. According to PwC, the Presence of people from various the Japanese Embassy in collaboration online food ordering market is expected nationalities has carved a large with Dubai-based food traders held to reach USD218 million by 2020 owing market for international foods in the a small food exhibition recently to to the well urbanized regions, changing region, more specifically in the UAE, showcase Japanese cuisine to Saudi lifestyles, and emerging online culture according to a recent report by Alpen Arabian businessmen, officers and of the young, tech savvy population. Capital. Moreover, a high spending media. power enables consumers to try new Increasing competition dishes. According to a recent survey Takeaway services The GCC foodservice market is highly conducted among the UAE residents, The demand for takeaway and home competitive across all segments and 88 percent of the respondents delivery services has swelled over the companies need to continuously re-

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 17 التموين والضيافة املطاعم invent themselves (by developing new operators must pay attention to service, of growth without losing profitability. products, adjusting pricing strategies on outlet appeal, and on quality to The total number of outlets in the UAE and expanding geographically) to drive match the up-market service models foodservice sector stood at over 5,818 footfall and attract consumers to gain of the major players. Adopting a clear, and is expected to rise to around 6,933 market share, according outlets by 2018, growing to Al Masah Capital. The “The GCC foodservice market is highly at a CAGR of 3.6 percent. current market growth The Cafes & Bars segment model is primarily focused competitive across all segments” is expected to witness the on geographic expansion fastest growth (5.1 percent of outlets but as the market matures, differentiated strategy and implementing CAGR) in terms of presence in the UAE regional players will require more global best-practices to achieve with around 2,088 outlets by 2018. sophisticated strategies to remain sustainable competitiveness and growth competitive in the near term. To stand is critical to overcome impending threats Fatima Saab out, regional and small foodservice in the market, and capture a share Content Editor & Researcher

وفقًا لتقرير صادر عن شركة الماسة كابيتال ليمتد، ظهر قطاع الخدمات الغذائية باعتباره واحدًا من القطاعات الواعدة في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي. ويشهد هذا القطاع نموًا سريعًا منذ العقد الماضي، بفضل االزدهار االقتصادي واالنتعاش السياحي، وتناسب التركيبة السكانية، وارتفاع نسبة التحضُّ ر، وارتفاع قوي في دخل الفرد. ويجذب هذا القطاع مجموعة متنوعة من المستهلكين متفاوتي الدخل والثقافة. بما في ذلك السكان المحليين والمغتربين والسياح من جميع أنحاء العالم. ودعم دخول عدد من مطاعم الوجبات السريعة الدولية، ومطاعم الخدمة على الطاولة، ومطاعم األكل الصحي دعمًا جيِّدًا في المنطقة على مدى العقد الماضي. وقُدِّرت قيمة سوق الخدمات الغذائية في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي 18.8مليار دوالر في عام 2014، ومن المتوقع أن تنمو بمعدل سنوي مركب نسبته 6.8 في المئة لتصل إلى 24.5 مليار دوالر في العام 2018. وتقود المملكة العربية السعودية المنطقة، ويبلغ إجمالي مبيعات الخدمات الغذائية فيها 8.9 مليار دوالر أمريكي، أي حوالى نصف سوق دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي. وتليها اإلمارات العربية المتحدة التي تعتبر ثاني أكبر مساهم في السوق، وبلغ إجمالي مبيعاتها 5.3 مليار دوالر، وهي تساهم بنسبة 28 في المئة من حصة السوق.

Big Names Sign Up for First Avenue

First Avenue, the new mall and hotel Avenue in Motor City. The motoring- will launch in the coming months. project, has signed up some of the themed mall, co-located with a four- Kababji, a Lebanese restaurant, biggest names in casual dining as plans star 150-room Park Inn by Radisson will open a smaller express format gather pace to open in Dubai’s Motor hotel, will overlook the race track at outlet, ideal for quick and convenient City in the coming months. The latest Dubai Autodrome. The USD136.13 delivery and dine-in service. Kababji’s restaurants - KRIS KROS, BurgerFuel, million project, owned and operated Lebanese customers requested the Kababji and SushiArt - will be among by Saudi Arabia’s Al Tawfeeq for location in the Motor City area, though 15 food and beverage outlets at First Development and Investment (ATDI), the menu appeals to a broad range of nationalities. The New Zealand- originated gourmet burger restaurant BurgerFuel, which uses grass-fed halal meat, will offer shoppers a great- tasting casual dining menu, including vegetarian options. SushiArt will target young professionals and families in a Japanese-themed, contemporary-styled concept restaurant, with eat-in and online delivery options for home and office. Employing more than 100 staff in the UAE, SushiArt will serve high-quality sushi, sashimi and maki. Meanwhile, KRIS KROS is a modern restaurant with a broad menu, best known for drawing on the Americas, Mediterranean and First Avenue Mall & Hotel rendering Asia for high-quality cuisine.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ CATERING & HOSPITALITY 18 RESTAURANTS Food Lovers to Enjoy New Recipes at Saraydan Café

Saraydan, an authentic Turkish café, is kick-starting 2017 with new programs and services, tailored exclusively to meet the ever-evolving needs of their loyal customers. Loyalty treats and new food offerings, are among the few new things which will be awaiting Turkish food lovers to indulge in. Ladies in particular will be treated to special Wednesday mornings, where they can enjoy 50 percent off their dine-in meal bills, every Wednesday between 9 am- 12 noon. “We believe our success is due to consistently offering our customers A dish of chicken Tavuk Shish tasty and affordable Turkish food, and want to give back to them this year, by relationships with our existing and new hand-minced Adana kebab, traditional introducing a new loyalty program and diners,” he added. Since its launch in Cig Kofte meatballs, a rich mushroom exciting deals,” said Banu Tas, Vice 2015, Saraydan Café has become one Mantar Guvec casserole, a crunchy lamb President, Asset Management & Retail, of the favorites in the Abu Dhabi gourmet Hunkar Begendi dish, spinach roasted at MBI. “Saraydan has been building its scene. Starting March this year, the café Spinakli Yumurta, Kulbasti, classic brand over the past year, and our focus has extended its Ottoman-inspired menu, signature-cinnamon, infused chicken today is to improve our current offering by carefully handpicking several new Tavuk Shish, Kemiksiz Tavuk, and the and service, whilst building long-lasting Turkish dishes. These include the long, famous Turkish pizza, Pide.

Tawasy Group Ventures into Fine Dining Segment

Tawasy Group, a well-known UAE- authentic Arabic and Mediterranean 10 more restaurants in the UAE in the based dining, catering and restaurant cuisines which will offer a unique eating next four years and expand across the management firm, has revealed the out experience to diners, bringing a GCC through franchising programs. The opening of it’s first-ever restaurant fresh dining concept to Dubai’s robust launch of the restaurant comes amid ‘Tawasy Restaurant and Grill’, in Dubai food and beverage (F&B) sector. In healthy growth in F&B outlets in the UAE Festival City. The restaurant will serve addition, the company plans to open in general and Dubai with consumers spending more on F&B. The move comes at an opportune time when the UAE’s F&B industry is forecasted to grow by around 4 percent annually to USD13.2 billion in 2018, according to a recent report by Orient Planet Research. As Dubai gears up to host Expo 2020, which is expected to host over 25 million tourists covering a period of six months, the new dining outlet by the Group will cater to the expanding population’s dining requirements. Rami Wardeh, CEO, Tawasy Group, said: “The UAE’s urban population is forecasted to grow to 7.9 million by 2020 at an average annual growth of 2.3 per cent in a decade with city dwellers, who eats out more often than others, accounting for 86.7 percent Tawasy restaurant of the country’s population.”

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 Feature Fish & Seafood

20 Sustainable Management of Fisheries & Aquaculture in MENA 21 Maximum Freshness for Fish and Seafood 21 Large Tuna Fish Meat-Bone Separation FEATURE 20 FISH & SEAFOOD Sustainable Management of Fisheries & Aquaculture in MENA

ENA region is abundantly surrounded by water, including the Mediterranean, the Arabian Gulf, the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and the Arabian Sea. However, fisheries and aquaculture production in the Middle M East is relatively small and remains under developed. The total production in the region amounts to only 2.17 percent of the total worldwide production, according to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Capture fisheries are characterized by a large number of small-scale fishers, with it estimated that the small-scale sector provides about 80 to 90 percent of the total landings.

Since 1961, fish production has been gradually increasing at a growth rate of 16 percent. Egypt is the biggest producer in both capture fisheries and aquaculture, supplying 40 percent of the total production in the Middle East. This is followed by Iran (21 percent), Turkey (19 percent), Yemen (6 percent), and Oman (5 percent), according to FAO. Despite being low on water, the GCC is rich in terms of fisheries resources; in two years’ time Oman will become home to one of the biggest aquaculture facilities in the GCC, according to a recent report projected to grow at around eight percent Arabia and there are not many rules and by Mordor Intelligence. A USD80 million a year up to 2030, reaching 900,000 regulations governing the sector. The project will involve inland aquaculture, tons by that year in the UAE. The GCC Saudi Arabian Ministry of Agriculture farming, and Mari culture. The has rapidly emerged as a powerhouse announced that it would inject USD10.6 farm is to produce 3,000 tons of fish in in the culinary scene, and the UAE is billion into aquaculture projects to produce 2016; 8,000 tons in 2017 and 13,000 one of the top destinations for premium one million tons of fish in the next 16 years. tons in 2018, this includes 10,000 tons seafood products, according to a report Population growth and rising affluence of shrimp and 3,000 tons of tuna, cobia by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. means increasing demand for fish, and and sea bream. This aquaculture project The booming foreign population, tourism it is projected to grow at around eight is expected to be supported by percent a year up to 2030, all GCC countries and reflects “… Oman will become home to one of the reaching 900,000 tons by that continuous effort to produce year in the UAE alone. Fish more food locally because of biggest aquaculture facilities in the GCC” supply in GCC countries must sharp decline of fish stock, due increase 20 percent to meet to overfishing and pollution, the region is industry and economic progress in the the region’s current levels of consumption. turning to fish farming to meet the demand region have fuelled an increasing demand The problems in production include for protein. Moreover, fish consumption for high-end seafood products such as unsustainable capture fishing practices, in the GCC is estimated at 10 kg per lobsters, scallops, and other high-quality overfishing over common fishing waters, person per year, with UAE on top in the fish. On the other hand, fish supply in GCC insufficient consolidation and systemizing regional rankings in the consumption of countries must increase 20 percent to meet in the informal fisheries sector, and more. seafood with 33 kilograms per person. the region’s current levels of consumption, Population growth and rising affluence according to Mordor Intelligence’s report. Fatima Saab means increasing demand for fish, and it is Aquaculture is relatively new in Saudi Content Editor & Researcher

تحيط المياه بمنطقة الشرق األوسط بوفرة، ويشمل ذلك منطقة البحر األبيض المتوسط والخليج العربي، وخليج عدن، والبحر األحمر، والبحر األسود، وبحر قزوين وبحر العرب. ومع ذلك، يعدُّ إنتاج مصائد األسماك وتربية األحياء المائية محدودًا نسبيًا في الشرق األوسط، وال يزال متخلِّفًا عن غيره من المناطق األخرى في العالم. ووفقًالمنظمة األغذية والزراعة )الفاو(، يبلغ اإلنتاج الكلي في المنطقة 2.17 في المئة فقط من إجمالي اإلنتاج العالمي. وتتميز مصائد األسماك البحرية بعدد كبير من صغار الصيادين، ومع ذلك تشير التقديرات إلى توفير هذا القطاع ضيق النطاق حوالى 80 إلى 90 في المئة من إجمالي كمية اإلنزال. ومنذ عام 1961 وحتى اليوم يتزايد إنتاج األسماك تدريجيًا بمعدل نمو 16في المئة. وتعدُّ مصر أكبر منتج في مصائد األسماك وفي تربية األحياء المائية، إذ توفِّر 40 في المئة من إجمالي اإلنتاج في منطقة الشرق األوسط.

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 21 موضوع خاص األسامك واملأكوالت البحرية Maximum Freshness for Fish and Seafood

At the coming Seafood Processing Global trade fair, MULTIVAC will be putting the focus on the extended shelf life of fish and seafood and on its attractive presentation at the point of sale. The machine manufacturer from the Allgäu region of Germany will be presenting information about its products, particularly the benefits of vacuum skin packs. MultiFreshTM is a process from MULTIVAC for packing delicate food products on packaging machines and traysealers. The upper web is tightly draped around the product R 105 MF thermoforming packaging machine and is sealed to the entire surface of the lower web. This means that even efficient method of operation. The R sever sealing ensures that a clean- food products with sharp or hard 105 MF thermoforming packaging looking and visually attractive pack is parts, such as bones or shells, are machine is ideal for producing vacuum produced. The machine control, which enclosed securely and fixed in place skin packs on a thermoforming is operated intuitively, makes it easy in the pack cavity. In the traysealer packaging machine. The model is even for inexperienced personnel to sector, the company will be presenting similarly designed for small to medium- operate the machine, and it ensures in Brussels the fully automatic T 300 sized batches, and it is equipped that the evacuation, gas flushing and H, a high-output entry-level model with integrated upper web chain sealing processes can be reproduced for skin packing a wide range of guidance, which ensures that the consistently. All the machine models products in small to medium-sized upper web is firmly guided right into on display are characterized by their batches. The T 300 H is designed for the sealing station. With its BASELINE simple operation, excellent pack a broad spectrum of tray shapes and P 605 double chamber machine, quality and groundbreaking MULTIVAC applications due to its die construction, the manufacturer will be presenting Hygienic DesignTM. The company which enables die changes to be at Seafood an economic model for is one of the well-known providers carried out in a very short period of packing products in film pouches. The worldwide of packaging solutions for time. Electric drive systems for the P 605 offers a chamber volume of 600 food products of all types, life science tray transport, lifting unit and film trim x 745 x 200 mm and a pump output and healthcare products as well as winder ensure that it has an energy- of up to 300 m3/h. The double-seam industrial items. Large Tuna Fish Meat-Bone Separation

LIMA are specialists in the manufacture of meat-bone separators, for fish industries. Tuna fish species- such as Yellow finn or Albacore - require robust meat bone separator to tackle large loin bones, tail and heads to recover at high yield a nice and fibrous textured meat. Different models are available from 100 to 20 000 kg/hr continuous A complete range of machines operation, hygienic, no pre-breaker needed, very low temperature rise, very The company is specialized in the with the vision of becoming the world easy to operate and quick to clean. design, manufacturing, and sales of specialist in this field. Thanks to The Lima separators can also operate meat-bone separators, deboners, dynamism in innovation, a complete on salmon, tuna, catfish, tilapia, blue and desinewers, corresponding to the range of machines, internationally whiting, cod, surimi production etc. highest EU-USA Quality Standards, patented has been developed.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ Industry Spotlights Beverages & Drinks 23 The Dairy Alternative Beverages: Gain Momentum 24 Flexible Packaging Virtuosity in the “House of Krones” 24 Sidel PET Complete Solutions for Aseptic Applications 25 Nutriluxe Paris Brings Bubbles to the UAE 26 Breathing Life into Water Sustainability

Ready to Eat Meals 27 Demand on Ready Meals Stepping Up Business in MENA

Water Treatment 28 How Waste Water Solutions Can Lower Food Manufacturers’ Costs 30 JBT Corporation Acquires Avure Technologies, Inc. 30 Extensive Water Treatment Program HYDROLINE by HOBART 31 Save Water with a New Tank Cleaning Machine 31 First KRONEN GEWA Washing Machine with Self-Cleaning Water Filter

Photo courtesy of Sidel 23 أخبار صناعية املرطبات واملرشوبات The Dairy Alternative Beverages: Gain Momentum

airy alternative beverages are the plant-based milk processed through nuts, cereals and seeds. Consumers having lactose intolerance and vegans mostly consume dairy alternative beverages. These beverages are plant-based, thus contain low D cholesterol levels. The global dairy alternative beverages market is segmented into various divisions such as soya milk, almond milk, oat milk, coconut milk, hemp milk, hazelnut milk and rice milk, according to a recent research by Persistence Market Research. These are some of the major substitutes for milk, which are widely consumed by many individual across the globe. These dairy alternative beverages products are widely distributed through supermarkets, health food stores, pharmacy, convenience stores and e-retailers. Dairy alternative beverages are available in various formulations including flavored, plain, fortified sweetened and unsweetened.

Globally, the rise in preference for vegan diet and growing health concerns has led to the large-scale adoption of dairy alternatives for various applications, according to a report by Markets and Markets. The global market is projected to reach about USD19.5 Billion by 2020, at a CAGR of 15.5 percent from 2015 to 2020. The market for dairy alternatives is projected to grow as a result of the increasing use of dairy alternatives in different applications and, high disposable cross-contamination of raw materials is as a potential opportunity to the dairy income, and rising health consciousness one of the major factors restraining the alternative market globally. Manufacturers among consumers. The dairy alternative growth of the global dairy alternatives are also taking in consideration and market is widely distributed through a market. Cross contamination is a process providing dairy alternatives in various series of distribution channels such as by which bacteria or any other kind of forms of food & beverage products, supermarkets, online stores, convenience microorganisms is transferred from one according to the Markets and Markets stores, pharmacies and health food substance to another and the resultant report. Plain-unsweetened segment stores according to a report by being extremely harmful. In addition, by formulation in dairy alternatives Transparency Markets Research. acquired largest market share in Consumers, who are extremely “The market for dairy alternatives is 2014. Manufacturers are introducing conscious about their health, prefer new products with different flavors, dairy alternatives as their choice projected to grow as a result of the packaging, and fortified products of beverage. Shift in the consumer increasing use of dairy alternatives with DHA, calcium, and vitamin D to base towards vegan diet and vegan enhance its nutritional value. The dairy lifestyle due to several factors such in different applications” alternatives market is fragmented as environment protection and and competitive, with a large number animal rights is also driving the demand high price of dairy alternative beverages of players operating at regional level. The for dairy alternative products globally. In is another factor restraining the global key players in the market adopted new addition, increasing disposable income of dairy alternative market as consumers product launches and expansions as their the consumers is another factor driving might not resort to such products due preferred strategies. the dairy alternatives market globally. On to pricing issues. Lactose intolerance Fatima Saab the other hand, the report shows that and dairy allergies is expected to serve Content & Research Officer

تعدُّ المشروبات البديلة لأللبان مشروبات حليب نباتي يتم تصنيعه من المكسرات والحبوب والبذور. يتناول أغلب المستهلكين الذين يعانون عوز الالكتاز والنباتيين المشروبات البديلة لأللبان. وبما أنَّهذه المشروبات نباتية فهي تتميَّز باحتوائها على نسب منخفضة من الكوليسترول. ووفقًا لتقرير صادر عن شركة أبحاث السوق بيرسيستنس )Persistence Market Research(، تعتبر السوق العالمية للمشروبات البديلة لأللبان مجزأة إلى أقسام مختلفة مثل حليب الصويا، حليب اللوز، حليب الشوفان، حليب جوز الهند، حليب القنب، حليب البندق وحليب األرز. هذه بعض البدائل الرئيسية للحليب تُستهلك على نطاق واسع من قبل الكثير من األفراد في جميع أنحاء العالم. كما تُوزَّع هذه المنتجات على نطاق واسع في محالت السوبر ماركت، محالت األغذية الصحية، وفي الصيدليات. وعلى الصعيد العالمي، لقد أدت زيادة االتجاه نحو تفضيل نظام غذائي نباتي، وتنامي المخاوف الصحية إلى اعتماد بدائل األلبان في مختلف االستخدمات.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHTS 24 BEVERAGES & DRINKS

Flexible Packaging Virtuosity in the “House of Krones” The “House of Krones” will also be built at the interpack, virtually at least. It will constitute the five core sections of Krones AG: digitization as the roof and superstructure, process, filling and packaging technologies, plus intralogistics, as the functional premises, and Lifecycle Service as the base, the solid foundation. In terms of machinery, the principal focus at the interpack will be the Varioline packaging system, which has proved highly successful in gaining widespread acceptance among bottling and companies. The firms are frequently tasked with first placing individual containers in Krones Varioline multipacks, and then packing these in suitable sales or secondary packaging. with conveyors. With the Varioline, up three units: cartoning module, feed This necessitates maximized flexibility. to three-stage packaging processes module, and basic module, which can So by developing the Varioline as a can be implemented with just a single be combined to form a customized responsively flexible solution, Krones has machine. Space savings in the layout, packaging system. This modularized found the right answer for this job profile: reduced maintenance outlay and fewer construction also offers flexibility for here, a single machine replaces up to operators are the logical consequences. the future. The machine handles up to six conventional individual machines The modular Varioline kit consists of 52,000 containers per hour. Sidel PET Complete Solutions for Aseptic Applications Beverage producers are currently facing nectars, soft drinks, isotonics and teas percent and 5 percent on a yearly basis - multiple challenges. Their packaging (JNSDIT) producers for over 50 years provides significant business development solutions need to be innovative and able - developing extensive experience and opportunities for producers. The use of to offer great consumer experiences. expertise in aseptic packaging. This PET in these market segments continues Also, they have to ensure product means that the company can offer all the to increase, with an annual growth of integrity to meet food safety standards. proven benefits of reliable PET aseptic 3 percent expected for the JNSDIT All of this, without compromising on cost complete line solutions. The increasing sector and 8 percent for LDP by 2020. effectiveness. Sidel has worked with consumption rates of JNSDIT and LDP Producers can enlarge their bottling liquid dairy products (LDP) and juices, products – growing respectively by 6 capacity or diversify their production with more value-added products in PET to maximize this market potential. Whatever the industry business goals, one concern stands above all others: food safety. PET offer great physical protection and food barrier benefits that maintain the product’s safety and integrity across the supply chain. Using PET in aseptic packaging solutions offers great business opportunities through bottling sensitive products to be distributed at ambient temperature, preserving organoleptic properties and keeping Sidel Aseptic complete lines them free from bacteria.

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 25 أخبار صناعية املرطبات واملرشوبات Nutriluxe Paris Brings Bubbles to the UAE

The new French brand of luxury “fruits-to-drink” continues to grow internationally and has recently launched a line of sparkling juices in Dubai, opening up the UAE market. After the launch of its revolutionary pure organic pomegranate juice in 2015 (3.5 kg of fruit pressed with the peel), Nutriluxe Paris is back in Dubai once more for the launch of its new range of luxury fruit drinks. Particular features of the new products include a new label design and 100 percent tricolor production coming from Poitou- Charentes orchards. The star of this delicious collection is La Reinette Clochard Deux-Sèvres, a pure juice Pomegranate juice squeezed from rare French apples, made famous by their hypnotizing very successful in Dubai, especially in bubbles" technology, result in a subtly natural flavor. It is made according to an the hospitality sector. A bubbly version effervescent drink, rich in natural fruit old recipe for this specific type of apple, of this unique apple juice is available flavors. The new range of beverages then slowly matured and delicately in 750 ml and 200 ml for sparkling. by Nutriluxe Paris includes: Sparkling refined in the cellar. The result is an Three new specialties complete the Apple, Sparkling Apple and Lemon, exceptional apple juice which is already range which, thanks to their "fine Sparkling Apple & Blackcurrant. Sidel PET Complete Solutions for Aseptic Applications

KAHL GROUP Dieselstrasse – Reinbek Hamburg, Germany COMPLETE  ()     PLANTS AND [email protected]akahl.de MACHINES • Extrusion and Pelleting Plants • Oilseeds and Grain Processing Plants FOR THE FOOD • Parboiling Plants • Green Coff ee Center INDUSTRY • Coffee Roasting Plants • Continuous/Batch Fluidized Bed See us: Processes INTERPACK • Extraction Processes: Hall , Stand A Solid - Liquid - Gas  –  May  • Steam Distillation • Vacuum Stripping

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHTS 26 BEVERAGES & DRINKS

Breathing Life into Water Sustainability One of the UAE’s well-known banks has signed up with a Dubai SME to provide four-year, interest-free payments for buyers of revolutionary machines which literally convert air into water. The deal between Emirates NBD and Dubai-based Sky River was signed at Gulfood 2017. Emirates NBD said the buyer-plan backing is aimed at supporting the UAE’s SME community, particularly those engaged with socially-conscious concerns. “As a business bank, when someone in the local community has a venture such as this, we feel it is our duty to support them and help them grow their business,” said Hussam Visitors at Sky River stand Al Hashimi, Executive Vice President and Head of Priority Banking and believes her company has the as a hotbed of global f&b industry Business Banking. At Gulfood 2017, technology, the will and the way to innovation. “Gulfood is now a Sky River has launched its futuristic, tackle the issue. “We have been laboratory window to the food and game-changing water coolers that looking at all kinds of alternatives to beverage industry of the future, and capture the air around it before tackling the issue of water shortages. the here and now. Visitors come to filtering and cooling it into the purest This technology has been around the show to do business and discover form of drinking water. With global in some form for 5,000 years so it where emerging opportunities lie,” he water shortages well-documented, got us thinking ‘let’s bring it to this said. Sky River’s exhibited in a Gulfood Sky River CEO, Faheema Mohamed, region’,” Mohammed said. “In simple pavilion sponsored by Dubai SME – terms, we are harvesting the purest an initiative of Dubai’s Department drinking water from thin air. No need of Economic Development. The for bottles, no plastic, no chemicals. pavilion, which houses 11 Dubai SME This is water in its purest form. The members, was designed and built units designed for homes produce up by DXB Live, an off-shoot of DWTC. to 20 liters of water per day, while our Saeed Matar Al Marri, Deputy of the biggest units, designed for industrial CEO at Dubai SME, said: “Whatever use, can make up to 10,000 liters of events we are involved in we look for drinking water in 24 hours. And the great opportunities for our members, best part is, the water stays fresh,” he that is our mandate. This is our fourth continues. With seawater containing consecutive year participating at about 80,000 parts per million (ppm) Gulfood and it remains one of the most of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and important exhibitions for us.” Gulfood bottled water roughly 100-200 ppm, is a strict trade-only event and is open the company claims its air-turned- to business and trade visitors. The water contains just 10-20 ppm, exhibition has established a position making it the “best” drinking water. as the world’s well-known annual food “The filtering system even clears out and hospitality show. The trade-only the ‘bad’ air, so there is no issue show is professionally managed and with airborne germs – even if people hosted by the Dubai World Trade are coughing and sneezing around Centre (DWTC), which provides more the machine. You could even have than three decades of experience in a car engine running next to it and delivering world-class events in the not have to worry,” adds Mohamed. Middle East, featuring local, regional Mark Napier, Gulfood Show Director, and international exhibitors with said Sky River’s launch characterized unmatched expertise and in-depth ‘Water from Air’ machine an event rapidly becoming known market knowledge.

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 27 أخبار صناعية وجبات الطعام الجاهزة لألكل Demand on Ready Meals Stepping Up Business in MENA

eady meals are packaged precooked meals that can be consumed with minimum preparation. Consumers prefer ready-to- eat meals due to their busy lifestyles. These meals also can be a healthier alternative to junk food. The GCC packaged foods R market is dynamic, as sales continue to rise amidst the busy lifestyles of working-class people, who account for nearly half of the region‘s population, according to a recent report by Alpen Capital. Demand is also supported by growing tourist arrivals in the region. Convenience foods including canned and frozen products, ready-to-eat snacks / meals and chilled foods are in demand due to their longer shelf life and easy to use attributes.

The Packaged Food market in GCC is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.38 percent and 4.02 percent in terms of revenue and volume, respectively, during the period 2014-2019, according to a report by Technavio. Packaging plays a major role in ready meals sales in terms of retaining the vitamin content, color, product quality, texture, taste, and shelf life. Vendors are collaborating with packaging manufacturers to develop advanced packaging technology for their products to capture consumer base. Biodegradable barrier tray is one such In Turkey, growing urbanization was the meals, particularly frozen pizza, current latest technology that is expected to drive main factor that affected value and volume value growth in 2016 was higher than the the market as it provides a better alternative growth in ready meals in 2016 due to the review period CAGR of 15 percent. On the to the retailers in the form of a low carbon growing working and student population. other hand, the report adds that current footprint than the aluminum, PP, and CPET Additionally, the rising number of single- value growth in ready meals in Morocco packaging. Ready meals registered current person households in the country, another witnessed a considerable slowdown in retail value growth of 8 percent in 2016, in consequence of urbanization, increased 2016 at 5 percent, compared to 17 percent UAE, in line with the CAGR of the review demand for practical meal solutions. value growth in 2015 and a 14 percent value period (2011-2016), according to a CAGR over the review period. The main report by Euromonitor International. “In Turkey, growing urbanization reason behind this slowdown is the Ready meals continued to benefit from was the main factor that affected rising awareness amongst Moroccans increasing demand from consumers of healthy and organic food, a concept for convenience and the introduction of value and volume growth in ready that has been highly supported by several players’ ranges of chilled ready meals in 2016” the growing emergence of "Express meals. Dr Oetker led ready meals in Delivery" fast food. This is especially 2016 with 39 percent of retail value sales. The Furthermore, the launch of new products growing with the widespread use of mobile company continued to benefit from strong with different flavors, such as Kerevitas’ internet, allowing consumers to easily order brand equity, especially among Western new frozen pizza Superfresh Aman Adali by a simple click from their mobile phones expatriates. Manufacturers are expected to Kofteli & Acili Pizza (a chilly flavor pizza with and pay once they receive their meal. increase their product offerings and more meal balls recipe from the Adana region) catering companies are expected to join the also stimulated growth in ready meals. As Fatima Saab trend of entering retail chilled ready meals. a result of the growing popularity of ready Content & Research Officer

تعتبر وجبات الطعام الجاهزة لألكل من الوجبات المطبوخة التي ال تتطلَّب سوى إعدادًا بسيطً ا. ويفضل المستهلكون وجبات الطعام الجاهزة لألكل نظرًا لنمط حياتهم المنشغل. ويمكن أن تعدَّ هذه الوجبات بدي ً الصحيًّا عن الوجبات السريعة. ووفقًا لتقرير حديث صادر عن شركة ألبن كابيتال )Alpen Capital(، تتَّسم سوق األطعمة الموضَّ بة في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي بالحيوية، إذ تواصل المبيعات في االرتفاع بفضل تسارع وتيرة أسلوب حياة الطبقة العاملة التي تشكِّل حوالى نصف سكان المنطقة. كما يدعم تزايد عدد السياح الوافدين إلى المنطقة الطلب على هذه السوق. ووفقًا لتقرير صادر عن شركة تكنافيو )Technavio(، من المتوقع أن تنمو سوق األطعمة الموضَّ بة في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي بمعدل سنوي مركب بنسبة 7.38 في المئة و 4.02 في المئة على التوالي من حيث اإليرادات والحجم، بين الفترة 2019-2014.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHTS 28 WATER TREATMENT How Waste Water Solutions Can Lower Food Manufacturers’ Costs

ood production processes rely heavily on good waste water bio-filtration solutions to reduce their trade effluent loads and minimize their environmental impact and reduce costs. However, complying with burgeoning environmental F legislation and finding the most efficient wastewater solutions is becoming increasingly difficult. As disposing of trade effluent into the sewer or watercourse is ever more heavily-regulated, in a bid to mitigate these growing issues in its treatment of water, one well-known UK cereal and biscuit producer has invested in a new bio-filtration plant that efficiently treats all the waste water generated by its cereal production plant. Bio-filters offer a low energy method of reducing the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) load in effluent to acceptable levels, which dramatically reduces any trade effluent charges and improves the environmental footprint of responsible food companies. Bob Hastings of ACWA explains the issues and the lessons learned.

Bio-filter systems the cereal effluent eventually caused filter, plus refurbishment of the existing Today, Trade Effluent Consents, pollution corrosion in the bio-filter’s distribution bio-filter sump and the system now prevention and control (PPC) permits arm and tank walls and called for treats the 1.2 million liters of effluent and Licenses are replacement. The entire project involved generated by the cereal facility each day all in place to protect the environment decommissioning, demolishing and and operates at a flow rate of 120m3 from pollutants. Emphasis on the disposing of the existing bio-filtration per hour. This energy efficient solution environment is driving food production solution safely and in an environmentally continues to treat liquid food effluent facilities to invest more and more efficiently by itself rather than the in on-site effluent treatment plants company paying a third party to to remove the contaminants “Bio-filtersystems are available to handle its waste. Bio-filter systems in their waste streams and handle various throughputs […] food are available to handle various produce environmentally-safe, manufacturers of any size can tap throughputs, and by investing in the treated waste water. Installed new technology, food manufacturers by ACWA in the 1980s, the into similar efficiency gains” of any size can tap into similar cereal manufacturer’s existing efficiency gains. Whether operating bio-filtration system had achieved sensitive manner, as well as designing, on a global scale or more locally, food these goals of reduced charges and supplying, installing and commissioning manufacturers can achieve a dramatic improved environmental performance; the new bio-filtration solution. The reduction in the costs of their effluent and operated seamlessly over its 30- project took ACWA just eight months treatment by installing a bio-filtration year lifespan. However, despite the from start to finish. We were responsible solution tailored to their needs. longevity of performance of the original for the turnkey design, build, testing bio-filter, the low pH of the starches in and commissioning of the new bio- Biofilm’s effectiveness Bio-filters are one of the most effective waste treatment technologies available today as they are relatively low cost, need very little operator input with only annual maintenance, and consume very little power. Suitable for use alongside or in conjunction with other technologies, bio-filters effectively process wastewater through screening, pH control, balancing, primary clarification, secondary biological treatment (bio- filtration) and secondary clarification to produce clean enough treated effluent that can go into the local watercourse. Essentially, the bio-filter is a bed of media on which a wide diversity of micro-organisms attaches and grows to form a biological layer called biofilm. This biofilm comprises different micro- Bio-filter’s distribution arm and macro-organisms that stick to

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 29 أخبار صناعية معالجة املياه

the plant. Structured media offers a far more efficient bio-filtration solution as it allows effluent to be distributed more effectively throughout the filter bed. In addition, structured media can be walked on to allow operators improved access to waste water distribution mechanisms. ACWA’s work at this cereal plant included refurbishment of the original biotower’s three stage sumps, which were in poor condition having been subjected to the constantly low pH over their 30 years of operation. To provide further mitigation for the predominantly low pH of the starchy waste water entering the bio tower, the company ensured that an effective Bio-filtration processes epoxy resin coating was applied to the concrete structure of the bio tower, the each other and to the surface of the is constantly recirculated through the lined steel tank and distributor media. Waste water to be treated is media. This ensures a minimum volume support column prior to installation of applied intermittently or continuously of waste water passes over the media, the media. All pipework was sized to give over the media, with organic matter and even at times of low influent flow. The the lowest possible pressure drop whilst other water components diffusing into new effluent treatment solution at the maintaining a fluid velocity higher than the biofilm where the treatment occurs, UK cereal producer features a new the deposit velocity of any suspended mostly by . bio-tower, with enhanced material solids. Throughout the installation, pipe construction and a distribution arm lines containing a high solids loading were Bio-filtration processes that is now made of stainless steel. In sized to encourage a fluid velocity of 2 m Bio-filtration processes are usually per second and all other lines were aerobic, which means that micro- “… structured media can be sized to give minimum fluid velocities organisms require oxygen for their walked on to allow operators of 1-2 m per second. With the metabolism, and aeration occurs increasing pressure being brought using the efficient natural flow of improved access to waste water to bear on food and beverage air through the process. To boost distribution mechanisms” manufacturers in terms of their water this, ACWA’s bio-filters have been treatment, partnering with an expert designed with a rigid structured plastic addition, the installation of an inverter is vital to ensuring the optimum water media that offers high specific surface driven distribution mechanism allows treatment solution is found for each waste area and good air/water distribution. variations in distributor speed that water challenge. Waste water is distributed over the optimizes the waste water flow across media by a rotating distribution arm the surface of the media. Critically, these positioned above the media. To keep improvements have been coupled with Bob Hastings Business Development Manager the biofilm moist and, therefore, the the use of structured media rather than ACWA bio-filter micro-organisms healthy and the random packed media employed in Email: [email protected] productive, a proportion of waste water ACWA’s original bio-filtration system at Web: www.acwa.co.uk

تعتمد عمليات اإلنتاج الغذائي بشكل كبير على حلول جيِّدة في مجال الترشيح البيولوجي لمعالجة مياه الصرف الصحي، وذلك للحد من عبء النفايات الصناعية وتخفيف أثرها البيئي وخفض التكاليف. ولكن أصبح من شبه المستحيل االلتزام بالتشريعات البيئية المتزايدة، وإيجاد الحلول األكثر فعالية لمعالجة مياه الصرف الصحي. لقد أصبحت مسألة التخلص من النفايات الصناعية في الصرف الصحي أو المجاري المائية مسألةًمعقَّدة أكثر من أي وقت مضى. وفي محاولة منها للتخفيف من هذه المشاكل المتفاقمة في معالجة المياه، استثمرت واحدة من الشركات المنتجة للحبوب والبسكويت المعروفة في المملكة المتحدة في منشأة ترشيح بيولوجي للمعالجة الفعَّالة لكل مياه الصرف الصحي الناتجة عن مصنعها. يوفِّر الترشيح البيولوجي طريقة منخفضة الطاقة في عملية الحد من عبء الحاجة إلى األكسجين الحيوي بمستويات مقبولة في مياه الصرف، مما يقلِّل وبشكل كبير نفقات أي نفايات صناعية، ويحسن البصمة البيئية لشركات المواد الغذائية. ويشرح لنا بوب هاستينغز من شركة أكوا المسائل والدروس المستقاة من هذا المشروع. لقد صُ مِّمت نظم الترشيح البيولوجي لتولي طاقات إنتاجية متعدّدة،وسيتمكَّن المصنعين باختالفهم من تحقيق مكاسب ناتجة عن زيادة الكفاءة من خالل االستثمار في التكنولوجيا الجديدة.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHTS 30 WATER TREATMENT

JBT Corporation Acquires Avure Technologies, Inc. JBT Corporation announced it has acquired Avure Technologies, Inc. (“Avure”) for USD57 million, before post close adjustments. Avure is a specialist in food processing technology and has gone on to create a range of HPP systems for worldwide tolling centers and major food manufacturers all over the globe. JBT Corporation, also a global specialist in food and beverage processing solutions, has curated customer solutions up and down the line – from cooking, frying and chilling to portioning, sorting, Avure’s High Pressure Processing machine weighing and grading in the protein market to extraction, mixing, blending, purified water to keep packaged food of HPP technology as well as broad filling, closing and sterilization in the pathogen-free to stay fresh longer. applications across both protein and liquid foods market. And now, with At very high pressures bacteria such liquid foods, the integration of Avure the addition of Avure Technologies to as Listeria, E. coli, and Salmonella solutions into the JBT portfolio means the family, JBT is expanding its clean are inactivated. HPP helps producers we can now offer comprehensive label solutions for fresh, flavorful foods increase food safety and extend shelf- thermal and non-thermal preservation and beverages with a longer shelf life while providing consumers with solutions to global food and beverage life. Avure’s High Pressure Processing nutritious, natural, flavorful food. “With producers,” explains Steve Smith, (HPP) uses ultra-high pressure the expanding marketplace adoption president, JBT FoodTech. Extensive Water Treatment Program HYDROLINE by HOBART

With the improved and powerful technology and chemicals but also HOBART, the one-stop solution for HYDROLINE program, HOBART on water quality, and the optimum warewashing concepts, offers the offers efficient water softening systems adjustment of these three factors. Water HYDROLINE series with extremely for protecting machines, along with is not always the same. Depending on powerful water treatment solutions, demineralization systems and osmosis the degree of hardness and the minerals some of them with new features. With technology. Thus, HOBART guarantees content, the water can significantly a capacity of two liters per minute - 33 constantly perfectly cleaned wash ware influence the wash result, the useful life percent more than the previous model without any spots - because good of the dishwashers and the functionality - the factory pre-mounted reverse cleaning results depend not only on of the heating rods. For this reason, osmosis systems are unparalleled in the market. They are comprised in the glasswashers PROFI GC, PROFI GXC and PREMAX GCP, available from this day through specialized dealer at an excellent price-performance ratio. The integrated reverse osmosis not only makes commissioning much easier but also reduces the running costs over the entire useful life of the glasswasher. At the same time, the communication with the machine has been optimized: Since the osmosis system is integrated in the machine, customers can now operate it HOBART’s comprehensive water treatment program via the glasswasher display.

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 31 أخبار صناعية معالجة املياه Save Water with a New Tank Cleaning Machine Saving time and water are some of the KPIs which have the most attention in the hygienic industries. The new Alfa Laval TJ40G rotary tank cleaning machine uses a high- impact jet stream to effectively clean tough tank residues and minimize the risk of product contamination. This four-nozzle rotary jet head also cleans tanks 60 percent faster than static spray ball technology, which increases production uptime. And because it cleans faster, this new device uses less water and less cleaning agents thereby reducing operating costs by up to 70 percent. The Alfa Laval Alfa Laval’s tank cleaning machine TJ40G is capable of handling tough tank residues as well as solids up cleaning construction ensures that the a high product quality. The company’s to 1mm in the cleaning fluid in tank flow of the cleaning fluid reaches the rotary tank cleaning machines are sizes 50-1000 m³. Not only does the exterior surfaces of the rotary jet head, designed with numerous of features to Alfa Laval TJ40G rotary tank cleaning as well as the critical interior components ensure self-cleaning of the machine, machine provide spotless cleaning of such as all bushings, bearings and such as directional flow from small jets the tank interior, it also cleans itself inner surfaces. This minimizes the risk in the hub that cleans the exterior of – inside and out. Its hygienic self- of product contamination and ensures the machine. Extensive Water Treatment Program First KRONEN GEWA Washing Machine HYDROLINE by HOBART with Self-Cleaning Water Filter

According to individual customer development. The company has quality also promises a higher degree requirements, Kronen engineers have succeeded in modifying the GEWA of food safety, in addition to the state developed a GEWA washing machine washing machine to meet the needs requirements for food control. The with integrated water filter. The of the kosher market. The washing entire wash water is continuously challenge was to develop a filtration of iceberg lettuce, white and red pre-filtered through a slot screen system that would clean itself and not cabbage is of particular importance at each cycle to 0.5 mm and interfere or interrupt the wash water for the customer's requirements. passes completely through the special process. Furthermore, the customer The vegetables are certified by a filtration. With this innovative washing wishes of kosher food production rabbi before the sale and receive the machine, fresh cut salads, herbs and were taken into account in machine Hechscharim (certificate). This seal of vegetables are washed thoroughly and carefully in a continuous flow process (without mechanical immersion) with the kosher requirements according to purified water. The machine is equipped with a number of following modules and features: The process water runs through the self-cleaning water filter and is returned to the wash tank as "kosher" water. The Water Management System (WMS) offers an additional advantage. It enables centrally controlled filling and emptying GEWA 5000V PLUS of the washing machines.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 Serving the Food Processing, Ingredients, Packaging & Catering Sectors in MENA - Since 1985

The “House of Krones” will be built at the interpack, virtually at least. It will constitute the five core sections of Krones AG: digitization as the roof and superstructure, process, filling and packaging technologies, plus intralogistics, as the functional premises, and Lifecycle Service as the base, the solid foundation. In terms of machinery, the principal focus will be the Varioline packaging system, which has proved highly successful in gaining widespread acceptance among bottling and canning companies. The firms are frequently tasked with first placing individual containers in multipacks, and then packing these in suitable sales or secondary packaging. Country/Regional Reports Australia & New Zealand 35 Challenges & Opportunities in MENA for Australian Sheep Meat 37 The Next Generation Superfood 38 Green Pastures Mean Bright Future for NZMP 38 Safe on Farm Animal Handling

Lebanon 39 The Lebanese Dairy Industry: A Wide Spectrum for Bourgeoning 41 Technica Offers Multi-Robots Solutions 42 Step By Step 42 Tailor Made Pest Management & Public Health Solutions 43 ZA Assisting Customers at Every Phase of the Packaging Process Saudi Arabia 44 Identifying Important Market Drivers for Long Shelf Life Drinking Yogurt Success 46 Almarai Expands Capacities with IMA GASTI 46 Nearly 30,000 New Hotel Rooms to Open in 2017

United Kingdom 47 A New Comprehensive Categorization of Food Scares 48 Brits Predict Sterling Gulfood 2017 As Cheaper Pound Puts Them Quids In for Exports 49 Kalsec’s Extracts Make Products Taste Better

Photo Courtesy of Almarai 35 تقارير البلدان واملناطق أسرتاليا ونيوزيلندا Challenges & Opportunities in MENA for Australian Sheep Meat

he Middle East and North Africa is a large, complex region with varied consumer markets. Consumer confidence and spending are impacted by factors such as oil & gas prices and conflict but long-term socio-economic drivers bode well for T imported sheep meat demand in a number of countries. Sheep meat is an important protein in the region, with consumption and import demand forecast to increase in a number of markets, particularly GCC countries. Whilst imported mutton goes mostly into the lower tier foodservice sector, regional growth drivers of imported lamb demand are: increasing disposable incomes, urbanization, westernization, a young population, large expat professional populations and a developing tourism sector.

Market demand Figure 1: Per capita sheep meat consumption, 2016f The retail sector remains fragmented, even in GCC countries, but retail development growth is expected to increase, accompanied by growth in chilled red meat sales. Markets with developing tourism sectors are experiencing growth in demand for premium lamb cuts in the high-end foodservice sector. Technical barriers to trade are significant and differ between countries. Although economic growth prospects in the MENA region are strongly impacted by external factors, such as oil prices and conflict, increasing urbanization, growing disposable incomes, westernization, a young population and large expatriate population are key growth drivers for imported red meat demand. Sheep meat is an important part of MENA diets, though per capita consumption Source: GIRA, FAO-OECD in some countries is higher than others. Demand for sheep meat imports also In Qatar and Bahrain, carcases go into from butchers into the foodservice sector. varies, with greatest demand from Saudi butchers, where they are cut up for sale However, since the lifting of government Arabia and UAE, followed by Jordan and to consumers. subsidies from late 2015, mutton has Qatar. Australian lamb has a high profile replaced lamb. and is well-regarded in these markets. Food service Sheep meat is the most loved protein In some markets that are developing Trade access in the hearts and minds of Gulf States their tourism sectors, such as Dubai, For Australian sheep meat exporters, tariff consumers, although actual consumption Saudi Arabia and Qatar, demand in the barriers are generally not onerous but there is dominated in volume and frequency by high-end foodservice sector is expected are significant technical barriers to trade. chicken due to its price advantage. Along to continue to grow for chilled lamb cuts Those associated with product age and with a traditional regional preference expiry dates have the biggest impact for lean meat, some consumers “Sheep meat is an important part on Australian red meat exports. The are developing a stronger health majority of Australian sheep meat awareness, which may impact on of MENA diets, though per capita exported to MENA is to GCC countries, their meat and lamb consumption. consumption in some countries is which generally have zero tariffs on Utilization of Australian sheep meat higher than others” chilled meat and 5 percent on frozen varies somewhat by country. In UAE, and processed meat and offal. Some the Australian product goes into both such as boneless loin, rack and shank. countries (Morocco, Egypt, Jordan) have retail and foodservice, whilst in Oman The bulk of Australian frozen mutton more severe tariff barriers for some product and Saudi Arabia, a significant proportion imports, which are chiefly carcase and categories. Religious slaughter is an official (especially frozen mutton) goes into leg, is used in the lower-tier catering requirement for import of meat and meat foodservice, particularly low end catering. sector. In Bahrain, lamb carcases go products into most MENA countries.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ COUNTRY/REGIONAL REPORTS 36 AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND

Figure 2: Sheep meat exports to MENA by supplier retailers in the region where consumers purchase Australian sheep meat from include Carrefour, Lulu, Panda, and Sultan Centre. In the MENA region, home-cooking of sheep meat dishes like stews and slow cooking, grilling of cubes for kebabs and mince as a filling for pastries and kofta are widespread. Grilling of prime cuts is also popular in the region. Sheep meat import demand in MENA is expected to continue to grow as urbanization, desertification and conflict negatively impact domestic sheep rearing. Australia has traditionally been the region’s main source of sheep meat and live sheep, accounting for around two-thirds of imports in 2016 (Source: GTA). Other key suppliers: NZ: export Source: DAWR, GTA *YTD Jan-Sep (NB: includes lamb and mutton; excludes ovine offal and goat meat) significant volumes of lamb, particularly forequarter, mostly to Jordan and Saudi There are currently no protocols for sold through the retail channel, with Arabia and smaller quantities of mutton. green runners (except with Jordan, chilled lamb carcase being most in India and Pakistan: India supplies mostly Bahrain, Egypt and Lebanon), casings demand, as well as smaller but significant chilled but also some frozen mutton to (except Lebanon), edible tallow, gelatin volumes of leg and shoulder. Small carcase UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and and collagen, skins, hides or rendered volumes of premium cuts are available Kuwait. products for most MENA countries. in tier 1 retail with demand expected to grow. Apart from the few wealthier Live exports Key technical barriers to trade GCC markets, the MENA region’s mass In 2016, Australia’s key live sheep export There are regional inconsistencies for markets in MENA were Kuwait and shelf life expiry dates. The GSO sets “The majority of Australian sheep Qatar, both seeing significant growth GCC standards for shelf life which limits on 2015. Other important markets vacuum packed sheep meat to 70 days, meat exported to MENA is to were Jordan, UAE, and Oman. In 21 days for chilled, 9-12 months for GCC countries” 2016, Australia exported just over frozen meat and 4-9 months for frozen 1.85 million head of live sheep to the offal. However, UAE and Jordan recognize grocery retail sector is quite fragmented, region (Source: DAWR, ABS). Live sheep a 90 day limit for vacuum packed meat. with only a small proportion classified as imports generally increase in the second There are onerous document legalization organized. Reflecting their differing levels half of the year as an important element requirements and inconsistent labelling of development and cooking preferences, in festival celebrations. Australia’s key and packaging requirements across the consumers in Saudi Arabia are more competitors in the live export market are region. For Jordan, the net weight of likely to buy lamb from butchers and wet India, Somalia and Sudan, as well as sheep carcases must not exceed 20kg. markets, whilst more UAE consumers Romania, Georgia and Spain. use hypermarkets. They are also Retail somewhat different in their sheep meat Meat & Livestock Australia MENA lamb product imports are primarily purchase decision-making. Key food Web: www.mla.com.au

تعدُّ منطقة الشرق األوسط وشمال أفريقيا منطقة كبيرة ومعقَّدة منحيث تنوُّع األسواق االستهالكية. وتتأثَّر ثقة المستهلكين وعملية اإلنفاق بعوامل مثل أسعار النفط والغاز والصراع. ولكن تبشِّ ر العوامل االجتماعية واالقتصادية طويلة األمد بالخير في الطلب على لحوم األغنام المستوردة في عدد من البلدان. ويعدُّ لحم الغنم مصدر بروتين مهم في المنطقة، إذ من المتوقَّع أن يزيد االستهالك والطلب على الواردات في عدد من األسواق، وخصوصً ا في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي. وعلى الرغم من أنَّ معظم لحم الضأن المستورد يستهلك في قطاع الخدمات الغذائية الشعبية، تقود عوامل مثل تزايد الدخل القابل للتصرف، التحضر، التغريب، الشباب، العدد الكبير للمغتربين المحترفين، وتنامي القطاع السياحي الطلب على لحم الضأن المستورد. وال يزال قطاع البيع بالتجزئة مجزأً حتى في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، ولكن من المتوقَّع أن يزداد نمو تجارة التجزئة ومبيعات اللحوم الحمراء المبردة. وتشهد األسواق مع تنامي القطاعات السياحة زيادة في الطلب على قطع لحم الضأن الممتازة في قطاع الخدمات الغذائية الراقية. ويختلف الطلب على واردات لحوم األغنام من بلد آلخر، إذ تعتبر المملكة العربية السعودية واإلمارات العربية المتحدة من أكثر البلدان طلبًا على هذه اللحوم، تليهما األردن وقطر.

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 37 تقارير البلدان واملناطق أسرتاليا ونيوزيلندا The Next Generation Superfood

Lupin is a grain legume offering a wide range of benefits. Scientific research has put this high protein, high fiber, legume as a sure fire contender to becoming this decade’s superfood. Its potential to be a natural defense against all the common risk factors for cardiovascular disease including obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, certainly endorses this title. Recognized in Australia and beyond, winning the Gulfood Award for best environmentally sustainable in 2014, the benefits of Lupin however go right across the supply chain, from paddock to in the traits of lupin proteins – mainly Western Australia has been the largest plate. Comparable with soy and naturally its neutral taste and ability to blend producer of the lupin crop, representing healthy foods like wholegrain flour or with water and oil. What this means 85 percent of the world’s production. brown rice, it has a high nutritional value. to manufacturers and health foods Western Australian Trade Office It has 40-45 per cent protein, 25-30 producers is the flexibility to add lupin to a (WATO) is a trade and investment office percent dietary fiber, and is low in oil and variety of products without compromising of the Western Australian Government, starch. Its high-fiber and low glycemic on its texture or taste. It has already located in Dubai. The role of WATO is index makes Lupin a healthy option for been used in breads, pasta, and even to facilitate and encourage commercial, heart health and appetite control. It is ice creams. It is also more cost effective educational, investment and cultural ties also classified as a functional food. One commodity than soy and has the ability to between the Middle East and African its many functional properties is locked be its substitute in many of its products. region and Western Australia.

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Interpack_Middle East Food 195x120_ME.indd 1 21/03/2017 13:45 مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ COUNTRY/REGIONAL REPORTS 38 AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND Green Pastures Mean Bright Future for NZMP

After more than 40 years’ partnering with Middle Eastern and African (MEA) food and beverage manufacturers, NZMP, the ingredients brand of Fonterra – the world’s well-known exporter of dairy products - eyed its first standalone presence at Gulfood as the springboard to increased MEA trade opportunities. Santiago Aon, General Manager Middle East for NZMP, says Gulfood is a strategic event that offers the company’s team the chance to connect with key customers and continue identifying market trends. “Our focus for the future is helping our Middle East and African Grass-fed cows customers meet the changing demands of consumers as the region grows additives and clean labels with a clearly Virtual Reality experience, and saw for and consumer attitudes focus more stated origin. With NZMP ingredients, themselves how the company unlocks on nutrition and health awareness,” manufacturers are able to meet this the goodness of New Zealand grass- said Aon. “Consumers in the region demand,” he continued. To further fed dairy and shared it with the world. are increasingly seeking dairy products highlight the ‘New Zealand advantage’, Delegates also created products in from a trusted source and want to delegates visited the NZMP stand at the the NZMP virtual store and explored know where their food is from. They are exhibition got up close to a New Zealand ingredients and solutions that can help looking for natural ingredients, minimal dairy farm via an interactive 360° NZMP them grow their business. Safe on Farm Animal Handling Prattley industries Ltd are systems are produced from high in the yarding pen to prevent injury specialists in light weight automated tensile alloy which is a strong yet or crushing to animals. The Autodraft animal management systems, lightweight product, used to avoid systems uses sensor technology on using cutting edge technology. The physical strain to the farm user. The the back gate to prevent operator company’s prime aim is to produce yards and weighing /drafting units error. The Autodrafter incorporates quality animal handling equipment can be easily and safely set up and exact weigh readings and automatic that helps customers attain maximum operated by one person. The design draft exit for maximum efficiency. efficiency. The yarding and weighing of the yard allows some movement While the range of Prattley Cattle Managers incorporate silent safety ratchet features and fully immobilizes cattle for handling and vet inspections. Incorporating technology into Animal management systems increases accuracy, time management and labor input on farms. An animal’s life data can now be accurately recorded and stored by a weigh indicator and analyzed on a PC to give maximum returns on stock, show weight gain patterns, explore genetic/breeding dispositions and feed strategies. Technology has created the automation of manual tasks such as drafting meaning greater time management and Prattley’s drafter lower labor input in yards.

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 39 تقارير البلدان واملناطق لبنان The Lebanese Dairy Industry: A Wide Spectrum for Bourgeoning he Lebanese dairy sector has grown and diversified throughout the years, proving its economic standing as a key player in the agro-industrial sector. The dairy industry extends from small family owned businesses to sizeable well-established T firms. Foreign and institutional investors have entered the market, advertising has inflated, and competition is fierce. Several dairy farms date back centuries, showing how trade is passed on from generation to the next. Dairy has long been a part of the Bekaa Valley’s history,Dairy Products Graphs: known as Lebanon’s dairy basin. The Bekaa governorate is home to extensive dairy farming, covering 44 percent of the country’s total farming land. Nearly 75 - 80 percent of Lebanon’s cows, 45 percent of goats and 35 percent of sheep are raised in the region, which produces 188 tons of milk a day.

Dairy production Chart 1: Composition of dairy potential output per year The Bekaa region has 1,500 dairyComposition of Dairy Potential Output per Year cow farmers for over 18,000 cows, and approximately 150 creameries with a 1.25% predominance of small traditional dairy 5% operations. According to Roula Makhoul, 6.25% from the Lebanese Dairy Board, the 31.25% size of the dairy market in Lebanon is 9.37% approximately USD200 million, with a total current production estimated to be at 62,000 metric tons per year. 12.50% However, Lebanon has a much higher potential production capacity of around 160,000 metric tons per year, of which 15.63% 18.75% 31.25 percent is UHT liquid milk (Ultra high-temperature milk that has been pasteurized at a higher temperature, but UHT milk Yogurt Aayran White cheese for a shorter time, to preserve taste and Labneh Ice-cream Halloumi Flavored yogurt nutrition), 18.75 percent yogurt, 15.63 percent aayran, 12.5 percent white Source: Lebanese Dairy Board cheese, 9.37 percent Labneh,Source: Lebanese Dairy Board 6.25 percent ice-cream, 5 percent Halloumi, semi-artisanal plants which do not have ensures the collection, transportation and and 1.25 percent flavoredDairy Product Imports ($M) yogurt. good control over milk and quality andDairy Product Exports ($M) sale on behalf of a network of producers. According to Skandar Chedid, owner have a low innovation capacity in terms These collectors buy goat and sheep and general manager of Jdita Center for of cheese and dairy products. Many milk at a price that depends on the 401.95 Dairy Products, Lebanese processors dairies do not have their own herds, 5.50quality of milk (mostly fat content) and the need around 450 tons of milk daily for sourcing from local farmers. The Ministry transportation involved. On average, they 351.30 4.82 the processing of dairies, where 307.21 add a 20 percent mark-up when Lebanese milk producers supply 297.18 selling to3.99 processors. Prices are only 30 percent, and the rest is “… the size of the dairy market in generally the same for good quality imported. The Lebanese Dairy Lebanon is approximately sheep and goats’3.03 milk but falls as Board is a non-profit organization, supply increases. However, as the aimed, among other things, at USD200 million […] per year” milking season ends, prices rise as protecting dairy producers and farmers begin using supplemental launching unified marketing campaigns. of Agriculture has worked to improve feeding with semi-intensive production The board is composed of 6 dairies: sourcing via milk collection centers, of systems. Payment to producers is usually 69.26 0.89 Taanayel Les Fermes/Bonjus, Dairy which there are 40 in the Bekaa and Akkar made within 2 weeks, after the processor Khoury, Liban Lait, Dairy Day, Dainka regions, collecting 150-200 tons of milk/ who buys the milk pays collectors. Some Dairy, and Jdita. These companies day from 3,000 farmers. Milk collectors collectors have long-term relationships provide 75 percent of the local demand.2012 (known2013 as 2014“Hallab”)2015 play aQ1 very 2016 prominent 2012with 2013processors,2014 2015which Q1 guarantees2016 role in the dairy industry, linking milk supply and quality for the processors, Milk collection producers to processors. In many cases, and incentivizes the collectors to promote Source: Lebanese Customs The dairy industry is composed of many the milk collector is also a producer and high quality milk production and transport.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤

Dairy Products Graphs:

Composition of Dairy Potential Output per Year

1.25% 5% 6.25% 31.25% 9.37%


15.63% 18.75% 40 COUNTRY/REGIONAL REPORTS UHT milk Yogurt Aayran White cheese LEBANON Labneh Ice-cream Halloumi Flavored yogurt

Chart 2: Dairy products imports & exports from France, and 6.89 percent from Source: Lebanese Dairy Board Hungary. Most dairies claimed that the cutthroat competition is the result of Dairy Product Imports ($M) Dairy Product Exports ($M) illegal Syrian dairy products flooding the Lebanese market, with their low quality and cheap produce. As for 401.95 5.50 the presence of dairy products in the 351.30 4.82 global market, exports from Lebanon 307.21 have been following a decreasing trend 297.18 3.99 exporting only USD894,000, in the first quarter of 2016. The volume of dairy 3.03 exports declined 16.46 percent yearly to 7,421 tons and their value decreased 24.05 percent to USD3.03 million, in 2015. Iraq is the main destination of Lebanese dairy product exports with 69.26 0.89 a share of 47.24 percent, followed by Qatar (8.45 percent), Ivory Coast (6.33 percent), UAE (6.29 percent) and 2012 2013 2014 2015 Q1 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 Q1 2016 Kuwait (4.11 percent). Catering to a vast client base, the Lebanese dairy Source: Lebanese Customs Source: Lebanese Customs sector is facing several challenges on the internal and external fronts, Milk processors consists of 14 liters of fresh and starting with the loss of demand due to Processors vary in size. Some are powdered milk, 24 kg of cheese, and the ongoing Syrian war and extending large, having their own farms and 20 kg of Labneh, annually. This is to the set of tight regulations imposed buy additional milk to supplement equivalent to a high demand of almost by the Ministry of Health. According production. They have their own 189 liters of equivalent milk per capita. to the Lebanese Dairy Board, the distribution channels, or make deals According to Rabih Helou (Liban Lait), dairy production has decreased by 20 with distributors for specific percent during the past 5 years. geographical areas. Their “Lebanon imported USD69.26 million In the local market, this was the products are innovative and are result of dairy product trafficking always branded in high quality of dairy products in the first quarter from Syria as borders’ control packaging. Due to their quality of 2016” is deficient, in addition to the requirements, large processors smuggling and opening of poor are less price-sensitive and are willing demand is rising annually. Two main production Syrian dairies in Lebanon. to pay high prices for good quality milk. reasons are behind the yearly growth On the external front, decline in These processors also have good cash in demand: the increase in the number exports was due to increased shipping flow and maintain good relationships of Lebanese nationals and the influx of costs, after the closing of the Nassib with collectors, paying within 15 days. Syrian refugees. Local production is border, aggressive competition from In contrast, small processors purchase more than sufficient to cover demand; Iran, Turkey and Egypt, and very low milk from collectors or directly from however, Lebanese producers face worldwide prices of milk, compared local producers. These processors high foreign competition internally and to the expensive local milk. According usually struggle with working capital internationally, as Lebanese products to Skandar Chedid, the cost of milk and have trouble meeting their bank are more expensive. in Lebanon is USD0.60-0.70/liter, loan requirements, which constraints compared to global prices ranging their ability to invest in improved storage Imports & exports from USD0.30-0.40/liter. and production. They are extremely Lebanon imported USD69.26 million price-sensitive, and are more likely to of dairy products in the first quarter Challenges purchase lower quality milk in order to of 2016. In 2015, the volume of According to Rabih Helou, the main compete with larger producers. These dairy imports dropped annually by threats facing Lebanese dairies are dairies do not typically brand or market 12.84 percent to 74,146 tons, with the high costs of raw material and their products. a 23.57 percent decrease in value to custom duties, in addition to the USD307.21 million, of which 14.51 electricity problem in Lebanon. In an Market demand percent came from Netherlands, attempt to regulate the market and Looking at the demand side, Lebanese 12.21 percent from Morocco, 11.53 protect consumers, the Ministry of consumption of dairy per capita percent from Denmark, 10.43 percent Health imposed tight regulations on

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 41 تقارير البلدان واملناطق لبنان dairies, and shut down non-compliant Labneh and Double-Crème cheese. and helping dairies in marketing their processors. However, according to Nevertheless, it lacks aid and products internationally. This will give Chedid, there are many small dairy products, the Lebanese dairies that had gone unnoticed, “Lebanon has a competitive cultural heritage, a chance to operating without licenses and flourish internationally. contrary to regulation, using advantage in the production of many powdered milk or even starch in distinctive dairy products” Marwan Mikhael their products. In the face of the Head of Research mentioned challenges, the dairy industry regulation from the government. The Email: [email protected] has a wide spectrum for bourgeoning. Lebanese government should enforce Lana Saadeh Lebanon has a competitive advantage its control on the whole sector, by Research Analyst in the production of many distinctive closing unauthorized producers, Email: [email protected] BLOMINVEST Bank dairy products, such as yogurt, halting the entrance of illegal imports, Web: www.blominvestbank.com

نما قطاع األلبان في لبنان وتنوَّع على مرِّ السنين، وأثبت مكانته االقتصادية كالعب رئيس في قطاع الزراعة الصناعية. وتشمل صناعة األلبان في لبنان الشركات الصغيرة التي تملكها األُسَر والشركات الكبيرة العريقة. ومع دخول المستثمرين والمؤسسات األجنبية إلى السوق، زاد عدد اإلعالنات وأصبحت المنافسة شرسة. يعود تاريخ تأسيس عدد من مزارع األلبان إلى قرون مضت، ويشير هذا األمر إلى تسلم جيل بعد آخر هذه التجارة. ولطالما كانت األلبان جزءًا اليتجزَّء من تاريخ وادي البقاع. وتعدُّ محافظة البقاع موطنًالعدد كبير من مزارع إنتاج األلبان، إذ تمثِّل 44 في المئة من إجمالي مساحة األراضي الزراعية في البالد. وتربَّى حوالى 75 – 80 في المئة من األبقار في هذه المنطقة، باإلضافة إلى 45 في المئة من الماعز، و 35 في المئة من األغنام، وتنتج هذه الماشية 188طن من الحليب يوميًا. ويتألَّف قطاع األلبان من عدد من المصانع شبه الحرفية التي ال تضبط عملية صناعة الحليب وجودته، وال تتمتَّع بالقدرة على االبتكار في مجال منتجات األجبان واأللبان. لقد عملت وزارة الزراعة على تحسين مصادر التزوُّد من خالل مراكز جمع الحليب حيث يتوفر 40 منها في مناطق البقاع وعكار. ويُجمع 150-200 طن من الحليب في اليوم من 3000 مُزارِع أمَّا من حيث الطلب، يبلغ االستهالك اللبناني من األلبان 14 لترًا للفرد الواحد من الحليب الطازج والمجفف سنويًا، و24 كغ من الجبن، و20 كغ من اللبنة.

Technica Offers Multi-Robots Solutions Technica has developed a high-speed after signing an AVP (Authorized Value Water, Nestle, Pepsi, Petromin robotic de-palletizer which is installed Provider) agreement with ABB. Over and Al Rabie. To service the installed in Petromin plant, in Jeddah. This this period, the company designed robots, the company has created a de-palletizer combines all the features and installed a total of 50 robotic service center for ABB in Bickfaya, of handling, layer de-palletizing solutions and for major Lebanon that provides various service and interlayer removal at a speed of 5 companies in the Middle East and partner programs: remote service and layers per minute. The robotics division Africa region, among which: Almarai, continuous monitoring 24/7, robot in Technica was established in 2011, Sadafco, Nada Dairy, Ouyoun care and preventive maintenance, access to customer portal (eBusiness), training and certification for customers engineers, spare parts stock program. With the acquired know how, the company now offers multi-robots solutions, to palletize multiple products from all the production lines, without operator interventions. These solutions have been already installed at major dairies in the area. Founded in 1982 by Tony Haddad, the company is a shares company (SAL) with 100,000 shares and paid up capital of USD2 million. The company network includes 7 branches with sales and customer service support: Jeddah, Riyadh, Cairo, Robotic de-palletizer Dubai, Lagos, Accra and Baghdad.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ COUNTRY/REGIONAL REPORTS 42 LEBANON

Step By Step

BACHIR ICE CREAM is a Lebanese ice cream specialist. Its products are rich in flavor and smooth in texture. In 2016 the company celebrated 80 years in the ice cream business. What started out as a family business in the mountain village Bikfaïya is now a nationally well-known establishment, run by the second and third generation of the family. Back in 1936 there were no freezers or electricity in the village. “My grandfather and his brother got ice blocks from the mountains and put them in an insulator,” says Maurice Bachir, Ice cream cups Operations Manager and Business Developer. For the past 25 years In 2016 Maurice and his brother says Pierre Bachir. “In four days we Bachir Ice Cream has been a partner Pierre Bachir, the company’s R&D have acquired years of ice cream with Tetra Pak. The relationship Manager, went to Tetra Pak’s Product experience and a sea of knowledge is close and collaborative. To Development Centre in Aarhus, in a wonderful learning environment,” continue to be successful the Bachir Denmark, which is a specialized center notes Pierre Bachir. By learning more family continuously invests in new for ice cream. The center is managed about how to optimize the processing processing technology and acquires by passionate ice cream professionals technology and new recipes, the knowledge about new market trends. with wide experience and expertise, company future proofs its business.” Tailor Made Pest Management & Public Health Solutions

Entotox Public Health is a pest market and opened its first branch in of pests. The company’s services management services company that Saudi Arabia in 2007 and in Qatar in include the control of crawling and deals with the management of all 2012. The company is ISO certified flying insects, rodents, reptiles, kinds of pests and the public health and is member of the NPMA – USA. termites and cats. In addition, it offers risks related to them. Entotox is Its technicians are continuously and all services related to bird control. servicing since 1969 the Lebanese extensively trained to control all kinds As bird problems have become a real threat in the Arab countries, especially in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the company is expanding in this field of pest management and offering all the services related to it. From bird repellents, to nets and spikes installation, the company offers a full program for the control of Birds and the decrease of their population and their nesting on the roofs of buildings, balconies, inside warehouses, plants and any open or closed hall. It applies in all its treatments the IPM which is a comprehensive method to control pests that starts with non-chemical means together with the prudent use A trained technician controlling pests of pesticides.

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 43 تقارير البلدان واملناطق لبنان ZA Assisting Customers at Every Phase of the Packaging Process

Diana. “We do not only commit our expertise supporting them at every operations to assist our current and phase of the packaging process and potential customers to the best of our beyond,” she concluded. The company competencies, we impart our accrued has operations in 32 countries.

ZA packaging, a well-known metal and cover manufacturer in Turkey, CIS and Europe, has expanded further its presence in the Middle East with the opening of its warehouse in Lebanon 1 ½ years ago as ZA Package supply co. Besides its factory in Jordan, ZA Modern Turkish Cans, the company covers the needs of the Lebanese food fillers with metal cans and covers providing them with cost effective and high quality products. By launching its warehouse in Choueifat, Lebanon, the company contributed in providing a solution to the storage dilemma most food companies face. “Ordering cans from Turkey has never been easier” said the Country Sales Manager Diana Abu Zulof. “Our new facility looked forward to serve our clients at its best. The client sets his cans’ requirements and receives them from our warehouse always on time and at his convenience,” she added. The metal food can remains one of the safest, most environmentally-friendly, and economical packaging form. Today, more than 1,500 different varieties of food are packed in metal cans, making seasonal foods available globally year- round locking in flavor, freshness and nutrients. The company’s complete range of assists diverse markets including fruit, vegetables, dairy, fish, meat, ready meals, nuts coffee, infant milk powder and other dry products. “We offer a nonpareil support to our clients,” continued

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ COUNTRY/REGIONAL REPORTS 44 SAUDI ARABIA Identifying Important Market Drivers for Long Shelf Life Drinking Yogurt Success ew consumer research, conducted by market research company, Ipsos MORI, has allowed DuPont Nutrition & Health to identify the essential market drivers to produce successful long shelf life drinking yogurts for the rapidly growing dairy N market in Saudi Arabia. Fresh yogurt-based beverages, such as “Laban”, have a long tradition in the Gulf Cooperation Council region, including Saudi Arabia. In this region, drinking yogurt is an experience that is common to children and adults alike and is enjoyed throughout the day, fulfilling many different needs. Most commonly, drinking yogurt is consumed as a cooling, hydrating beverage and consumers are very familiar with this style of product. Traditionally, these products have been homemade with a very short shelf life. However, new consumer research in Saudi Arabia has shown that consumers are welcoming a more convenient, healthy product experience from drinking yogurt.

Consumer research consumers to purchase and consume focus groups was carefully considered Hot climates present unique challenges drinking yogurt products and to discuss for the market and was based on for food production, distribution, the benefits, taste and functionalities, married females with at least one child. and storage. The development of they prefer. Focus group methods The females were aged between 20 - shelf stable, long shelf life drinking were qualitative and consumers were 49 years and all focus group members yogurts deliver several advantages presented with a number of long were purchasers and consumers of over chilled products with benefit shelf life yogurt prototypes to taste packaged dairy products. Participants for the manufacturer, distributor and and evaluate. These prototypes were from Jeddah and Tabuk discussed their consumer. For the dairy producer, buying, purchasing and eating long shelf life yogurt enables habits as well as their preferences larger production batches, “For the consumer, it is now possible to for drinking yogurt. storage, and transportation over consume your yogurt drink out of the long distances without a costly home without it becoming acidic” New concepts and prototypes cold chain distribution system Consumers were first presented - all delivering significant cost with the prototypes without being savings. For the consumer, it is now developed using DuPont™ Danisco® informed that they were stable at possible to consume your yogurt drink cultures and stabilizers with the aim ambient temperature. Assuming they out of the home without it becoming of getting as close to fresh Laban and were presented with fresh laban and acidic; convenient on-the-go, suitable Lassi as possible, in terms of taste and lassi type products, consumers were for picnics and your children’s lunch texture. However, due to its properties, asked to assess the taste, texture and pack, the possibilities are endless. they were in fact shelf stable when flavor. Following this first assessment, The research used focus groups to being kept at ambient temperature for a the focus groups were then informed understand what factors influence longer time. Recruitment criteria for the that the products were shelf stable at ambient temperature and were asked to provide their feedback on the benefits, this would present to them, such as the ability to consume a drinking yogurt after transportation in high temperature without wheying off.

Market research outcomes Some of the questions that have been answered by the consumer research include: •What are the current unmet consumer needs in terms of fresh dairy products? •What preferences Saudi consumers have for drinking yogurt? •What are the current consumer habits when it comes to drinking yogurt? •What are the perceived benefits of long life drinking yogurts? Yoghurt drink •How do Saudi consumers respond to

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 45 تقارير البلدان واملناطق اململكة العربية السعودية

Figure 1: Expected growth of drinking yogurt market in Saudi Arabia 2015-2020 This figure represents around a 9 percent increase in value and 6 percent in volume from 2015-2020 (Euromonitor, 2015), see Figure 1. This market presents considerable challenges for food production, distribution and storage. These challenges can be overcome, however, with the benefits of long shelf life yogurt in terms of easy storage and distribution.

Successful long shelf life drinking yogurt The results of the consumer research are now available to be shared with the industry and contain a number of important market drivers to be considered in drinking yogurt development in Saudi Arabia. New concepts and prototypes have been presented to focus groups in Saudi Arabia and their feedback is presented Source: Euromonitor retail value and volume 2015 alongside the market drivers. The research DuPont concepts and prototypes in terms healthy lifestyle. The cultured dairy sector outcomes have been presented using of flavor, taste, texture and benefits? and drinking yogurt in particular is well- an approach that highlights the benefits of long shelf life drinking yogurts for Following the global dairy trends “The market for dairy products in the whole of the food supply chain Food shopping habits are developing in including the manufacturer, distributor Saudi Arabia and are mimicking those Saudi Arabia is growing fast” and consumer. It is clear that drinking in Western countries. This is reflected yogurts are an important part of the in a demand for a wide range of food placed to take advantage of this growing diet in Saudi Arabia and finding a place products following the global trends in trend, not least because yogurt is already in the daily consumption of food is just health and convenience. It is the growing considered naturally safe and healthy but one of the keys to market success. Other numbers of young people in the country also because fermented milk products important factors have surfaced from who are particularly interested in the latest have been consumed in the country for the recent targeted consumer research. global consumption developments as thousands of years. DuPont Nutrition & Health offers technical they are influenced by the proliferation of expertise and market insights to help social media. A rapid rise in population, Expected growth deliver successful drinking yogurt products along with increased urbanization and The market for dairy products in Saudi into this challenging market place. changes in lifestyle and dietary patterns Arabia is growing fast and the drinking are providing the catalyst for a growing yogurt market alone is expected to reach awareness about healthy eating and the a value of USD789 million by 2020 making DuPont Nutrition & Health positive contribution of dairy products to a this a very lucrative business opportunity. Web: www.danisco.com سمح بحث جديد حول المستهلك أجرته شركة أبحاث السوق ايبسوس موري )Ipsos MORI( لشركة دوبونت للتغذية والصحة )DuPont Nutrition & Health(، بالتعرف على العوامل األساسية المحركة للسوق لضمان النجاح في إنتاج مشروب اللبن الزبادي ذات مدَّة صالحية طويلة، لسوق األلبان المتنامية بسرعة في المملكة العربية السعودية. إنَّ المشروبات الطازجة التي تحتوي في تكوينها األساسي على اللبن الزبادي، مثل »اللبن«، لديها تقليد طويل األمد في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، بما في ذلك المملكة العربية السعودية. ويعدُّ شرب اللبن الزبادي في هذه المنطقة تجربة مشتركة بين األطفال والبالغين على حد سواء، ويمكن االستمتاع بشربه في خالل النهار، فهو يفي بعدد من االحتياجات المختلفة. كما يشيع استهالكه باعتباره مشروبًا مبرِّدًا ومرطبًا يألفه جميع المستهلكين. وتتم بالعادة صناعة هذه المنتجات في المنزل وتكون مدَّة صالحيتها قصيرة جدًا. ومع ذلك، أظهر بحث جديد حول المستهلك في المملكة العربية السعودية أنَّالمستهلكين يرحِّ بون بفكرةإنتاج مشروب اللبن الزبادي سهل االستخدام والصحي. وتسبِّب المناخات الحارة تحدِّيات فريدة من نوعها إلنتاج األغذية، وتوزيعها، وتخزينها. لذا يوفِّر تطوير مشروب اللبن الزبادي الذي يمكن تخزينه لفترات طويلة عددًا من المزايا تفوق المنتجات المبردة، وتعود بالفائدة هلى المنتج والموزع والمستهلك على حدٍّ سواء.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ COUNTRY/REGIONAL REPORTS 46 SAUDI ARABIA

Almarai Expands Capacities with IMA GASTI

The dairy product business continues to flourish in the Gulf region. This has prompted the Saudi Arabian food producer Almarai to expand capacities in its dairy division by purchasing two CONTITHERM 162 high-performance cup filling and sealing machines manufactured by IMA GASTI. The company already has machines from the CONTITHERM 123 series in operation. With an output of 40,320 cups per hour, the CONTITHERM 162 ranks among the most productive machines in the world when it comes to filling liquid to pasty products. The Contitherm 162 cup filling and sealing machine machines fill pre-formed cups with yoghurt products for Almarai. The as well as being straightforward and subsidiaries Benhil, Corazza and continuous motion principle prevents efficient to operate and clean. The Hassia have supplied Almarai with the product from sloshing during the Saudi Arabian corporation has been machines for the manufacture of single transport to the sealing station with pre- working with companies in the IMA portion butter packages in the past, cut foils in spite of the extremely rapid Group for many years now. GASTI alone with Corazza supplying a large number cup transport. The CONTITHERM 162 has already supplied the company of wrapping machines and Erca also features a high level of automation with 17 cup filling machines from the supplying a form, fill and seal machine and exceptionally accurate dosing, CONTITHERM 123 series. The IMA for filling cream cheese into cups. Nearly 30,000 New Hotel Rooms to Open in 2017

Saudi Arabia will see a record 68 new the Saudi Arabia Hotel Construction (Q1 2017), TIME Qurayyat Hotel (Q2 hotels and 29,033 hotel rooms open Overview, carried out by TOP HOTEL 2017), Nobu Hotel Riyadh (Q2 2017), across its major cities in 2017, a new PROJECTS, prepared exclusively for Swiss-Belhotel Al Khobar (Q4 2017) report has revealed. Riyadh, Jeddah, The Hotel Show Saudi Arabia 2017. and the highly-anticipated Abraj Al Khobar and Makkah are set to Major new hotels forecast to open Kudai Towers, which will become the be the Kingdom’s busiest areas for throughout the Kingdom this year world’s biggest hotel when it opens hospitality development, according to include Assila Hotel Rocco Forte its 10,000 rooms in Q4, 2017. “The hospitality landscape in Saudi Arabia is developing at pace, and this is a particularly exciting year,” commented John Suzara, Event Manager of The Hotel Show Saudi Arabia 2017, taking place in Jeddah in April. “The largest hotel in the world – Abraj Kudai – is forecast to open in Makkah, whilst new brands are entering the market, harnessing the Kingdom’s potential at a time of major growth for its tourism, leisure and hospitality industries in the wake of the launch of Saudi Arabia’s National Vision 2030.” Nobu Hospitality and Rocco Forte Hotels are international brands that will enter the Saudi Arabian market for the first time The lobby at Assila Hotel this year.

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 47 تقارير البلدان واملناطق اململكة املتحدة A New Comprehensive Categorization of Food Scares ew categorization of food scares will help efficient development of strategies to prevent food chain being compromised. Researchers develop a new categorization of food scares which will aid more efficient development of strategies to tackle the N problem. Existing categorizations were found to be too simplistic, not recognizing contributing factors. The researchers propose that the term ‘food scare’ is redefined to take into account consumers’ distrust in the food supply chain. Researchers from theUniversity of Surrey have developed a new comprehensive categorization of food scares, a new study in the British Food Journal reports.

The food sector is now a world market with Figure 1: Intermediate re-categorization of food scares products sourced from all over the globe to meet the growing demand of consumers for diverse food stuffs regardless of seasonality. Fulfilling such demands has led to the creation of complex food supply chains which have limited traceability and accountability mechanisms, increasing the likelihood of food scares. Researchers in this study found that a single, comprehensive and useable categorization of food scares did not exist. Such categorizations are useful in developing strategies for reducing the frequency and severity of scares. However, those in existence were deemed to be too simplistic as they did not allow report Professor Angela Druckman from the researchers also found current definitions for cross categorization of factors which University of Surrey said: “With food scares of the term ‘food scare’ to be inadequate could compromise the food chain. To becoming more frequent, it is important as they fail to acknowledge consumers’ give greater clarity and consistency to the that we have a categorization system which lack of trust in the food chain. Researchers sector, researchers from the University enables efficient development of strategies pointed to the 2013 horse meat scandal, of Surrey worked with industry experts to to tackle such compromises to our food which although was not harmful for human develop a new categorization system. consumption, created a wariness Unlike previous systems, this new “… new categorization structure amongst consumers of the food and categorization structure enables a food enables a food scare to be classified supply chain. Hence a new definition of scare to be classified according to both a food scare was developed: “A food its physical manifestation (chemical/ according to both its physical scare is the response to a food incident physical or biological contamination) manifestation […] and the origins (real or perceived) that causes a sudden and the origins of the scare (wilful of the scare” disruption to the food supply chain and deception and/or transparency and to food consumption patterns.” This awareness issues). By highlighting where supply.” Dr. Elizabeth Whitworth from RSK new recommended definition takes into and how the nature of different types of ADAS, and formerly of the University of account that it is the response of consumers food scares overlap, this classification will Surrey, said: “The salient feature of the in their purchasing decisions that elevates a enable risk management teams to address new categorization is that it distinguishes food incident to a food scare. categories of potential scares in a systematic between scares caused by wilful deception, way and develop effective strategies to and those that are caused by transparency University of Surrey avoid future occurrences. Co-author of the and awareness issues.” During the study Web:www.surrey.ac.uk

سيساعد تصنيف جديد للمخاوف الغذائية على تطوير فعَّال الستراتيجيات تمنع تعرُّض السلسلة الغذائية للخطر. ويسعى الباحثون إلى تطوير تصنيف جديد للمخاوف الغذائية من شأنه المساعدة في تطوير فعَّالالستراتيجيات تعالج هذه المشكلة. إنَّالتصنيفات الحالية مبسطة جدًا وال تعترف بالعوامل المساهمة. ويقترح الباحثون إعادة التعريف بمصطلح »المخاوف الغذائية« لألخذ باإلعتبار عدم ثقة المستهلكين في سلسلة اإلمدادات الغذائية. وقام باحثون من جامعة سري )University of Surrey( بوضع تصنيف شامل جديد للمخاوف الغذائية. ويعتبر قطاع األغذية اآلن سوقًا عالمية، ويتم جمع المنتجات من جميع أنحاء العالم لتلبية الطلب المتزايد من المستهلكين على األغذية المتنوعة بغض النظر عن موسمها. إنَّ تحقيق مثل هذه المطالب قد أدَّى إلى إنشاء سالسل إمدادات غذائية معقَّدة لديها آليات تتبع ومساءلة محدودة تزيد احتماالت الخوف الغذائي.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ COUNTRY/REGIONAL REPORTS 48 UNITED KINGDOM

Brits Predict Sterling Gulfood 2017 As Cheaper Pound Puts Them Quids In for Exports

The British contingent at World Food - the show-within-a-show sector at the 22nd Gulfood exhibition, say recent fall-offs in the value of sterling leave them poised for a bumper event. Multi- national British product agency nasco, says it’s expecting the best show in its five-year participation with benefits of the cheaper pound already filtering through. “Our business in January has already shown a 30-40 percent pick up on last year,” said Ashish Vidani, Director, nasco. “The lower value of the pound is encouraging people to look to buy British and buy more - this could well be our best show yet.” Vidani’s bullish prediction is echoed by Birmingham’s Food State International, which is representing an expanded product and brands range, including its new proprietary London Flavors crisp and snack range. “The lower sterling value is definitely helping,” said Lisa Visitors at GB stand Burrows, Project & Marketing Manager. “Our business in this region is growing, related products into the market,” able to speedily navigate the show it is really successful for us and we are adds Caine. “It’s a market you can’t allows trade visitors to optimize their looking to expand into the Far East afford to stand still in but which is still time at the exhibition.” The other through a contact we made here at performing well for us, particularly focus segments featured at Gulfood Gulfood last year. So, yes, the value demand from Bahrain, Saudi Arabia 2017 are: beverages; dairy; fats & oils; of the pound is helping, but it’s not and the UAE.” Vidani believes product health, wellness & free-from; pulses, the only consideration, it’s a dynamic range expansion is key to fending grains & cereals; meat & poultry and market which constantly demands new off rising international competition Power Brands. Returning to Gulfood product,” she adds. for Middle East business. “It’s highly for a third consecutive year, Halal World dynamic. We have favorable exchange Food has further cemented its standing Lancashire’s Yearly Food Sales, which rate conditions at the moment and as the world’s biggest annual Halal represents a range of British brands we have to leverage these, along with food sourcing trade show. Previously, and is using the show for the regional new product introductions, to retain exhibitor products included in the launch of Crescent Halal Pies and and build on our market share.” World show-within-a-show concept were Pasties, says the pound’s reduced Food is the largest of eight specialized spread across the entire exhibition, but value against the dollar is sparking ‘show-within-a-show’ segments the new sectored format sees most increased interest in UK products. introduced to Gulfood this year. Halal-certified products promoted in “The interest is there, it’s up to us to the dedicated Meat & Poultry zone. take advantage of it and turn it into The change in show-floor layout has The exhibition is a strict trade-only business,” said David Caine, Export been introduced to enable visitors to event and is open to business and Manager. But the Brits are not pinning more quickly engage with the sectors trade visitors. Ahead of its 22nd edition all their hopes on exchange rate they most wish to meet. “The concept in 2017, the exhibition has established fluctuations and say the Middle East is being trailed for the first time and a position as the world’s well - known market is changing with increasing appears to be proving its worth,” said annual food and hospitality show. demand for Halal ranges and more Mark Napier, Show Director, Gulfood. The trade-only show is professionally health-related products. “We are “With some 2,353 exhibitors from 60 managed and hosted by the Dubai now looking at bringing more health- countries in World Food alone, being World Trade Centre (DWTC).

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 49 تقارير البلدان واملناطق اململكة املتحدة Kalsec’s Extracts Make Products Taste Better

The trend for more healthy products is ©Kalsec driving food and ingredient manufacturers to look to nature for new developments. Kalsec® is an expert in the natural antioxidant market with extracts designed to protect food products from oxidation. Natural antioxidants are being used in products as diverse as fresh chicken pieces, frying oil and savory snack nuts. The resultant consumer products are clean labelled and last longer without taste deterioration. Today’s consumers seek new experiences in their foods and seek authentic regional specialties. Noodles and chicken dish Customers increasingly work in parallel with Kalsec® culinary scientists to bright shades but they tend to be more and storage conditions. The company develop the special tastes required in sensitive to heat and oxidative stress. controls raw materials and processes these recipes. The company’s herb The company’s products are targeted at to give the best possible quality from and spice flavor extracts are naturally challenging applications where the heat natural culinary materials. The healthy prepared and capture the fresh herb or oxidative challenge is greatest. Using lifestyle trend demands natural ingredients and spice taste and while reinforcing the the combination of its expertise in natural but does not compromise on taste, provenance of the dishes. Natural colors antioxidants and natural extracts the appearance or shelf life. The company have superseded synthetic colors in company has produced stabilized colors range of extracts make products look many markets. Natural colors can give that perform under stressful processing better, taste better and last longer.

Integrated packaging solutions from a single source

MULTIVAC displays a complete line for packaging sliced goods at interpack. With a holistic understanding of customers‘ products and requirements, the processes for infeed, marking, quality inspection as well as cartoning and palletisation are also integrated in fully-automated solutions, in addition to packaging.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ Departments Corporate Happenings 51 Forward-Thinking Food Firms Scoop Top Honors at Gulfood Innovation Awards Products & Services

52 IPS-INGREDIS Increases its Capacity to Fulfill Demand 52 GOCMEN Serving Turnkey Production of Wafer & Chocolate Factories 53 Heavenly Urges Parents to Become ‘Sugarwise’ 54 Kerevitaş Provides Super Tasty Frozen and Canned Food 54 Vresso Distributes Food Service Equipment 54 Maelor Foods Selects Marel Poultry

Events Events Preview

55 AFM: A New Super Brand for AfroPack & AfroFoodTech Events 56 HORECA Lebanon Means Business 57 MEPTICO Introduces Healthy and High Quality Products 57 The Best Cookware Guaranteed for Life 57 DELTA M: Building visions

Photo courtesy of Givaudan Photo Courtesy of Gulfood 51 أقسام أخبار الرشكات Forward-Thinking Food Firms Scoop Top Honors at Gulfood Innovation Awards

Gulfood 2017, the 22nd edition of the world’s well-known annual food industry exhibition, has crowned its Innovation Awards winners at a glittering ceremony held at the Conrad Hotel. The Innovation Awards, sponsored by Al Dahra, recognize and honor new and improved innovations and technologies being adopted by the 5,000 local, regional and international exhibitors participating at the 1,000,000-square foot exhibition at Dubai World Trade Centre. Featuring a who’s who of the global industry, one of those rewarded was Green Isle Foods from Ireland, which was crowned as The winners Best Halal Food Company winner. “We are delighted to receive this prestigious growth in the frozen pizza category,” is premium, higher quality and based award for our Goodfellas halal frozen said Suzanne Conroy, Export Lead at on market demand as customers prefer pizza. It is a great testament to the hard Green Isle Foods. Greenyards Frozen, ready to use convenience products work and commitment of our team to from Belgium, showed it was hot on without conservatives and frozen into mini developing a pizza range which appeals consumer trends, picking up the award portions. It’s the ideal solution to avoid to consumers in the MENA region. The for Best Frozen or Chilled Food. Frankie food waste.” UAE companies also got addition of our new doner kebab variant Vandermeiren, Commercial Director in on the action on awards night, with is another example of the innovative Retail and Food Service, Greenyards Global Food Industries LLC (AL Batha new product development and we Frozen Belgium NV said: “Our winning Group) walking off with two awards for look forward to continued success and product is our convenience line which Best Fruit and Vegetable Innovation and Best Meat and Poultry Innovation. Jacek Chart 1: The full list of Gulfood Innovation Awards winners Plewa, General Manager of Global Food Industries LLC (Al Batha Group), said: CATEGORY COMPANY NAME “Being a UAE-based brand, winning not BEST SOFT BEVERAGE BIBITA one but two Gulfood Innovation Award BEST SOFT BEVERAGE COCOMOJO brings industry-wide recognition, which BEST HOT BEVERAGE AUTOMATIC BREWERS / BARISTA ESPRESSO resonates far beyond the borders of our BEST DAIRY INNOVATION GRAHAM'S THE FAMILY DAIRY operations.” Other winners included New BEST MEAT OR POULTRY INNOVATION GLOBAL FOOD INDUSTRIES LLC Zealand dairy co-operative Fonterra, BEST BAKED OR CONFECTIONERY ATLANTIC FOODS which took home the accolade for ‘Best BEST CONDIMENT OR SAUCE MAGRO BROTHERS FOODS LIMITED Trade Stand between 40 -90 square BEST FROZEN OR CHILLED FOOD PINGUIN - GREENYARD FROZEN meters’. The stand is shared by Fonterra’s BEST FRUIT AND VEGETABLE GLOBAL FOOD INDUSTRIES LLC business-to-business brands NZMP and INNOVATION Anchor Food Professionals. “Our split- BEST HALAL FOOD GREEN ISLE FOODS stand was designed to demonstrate our BEST ARTISAN OR LOCAL FOOD GHANIM INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION SDN BHD high quality dairy products and pure New BEST ORGANIC PRODUCT AUGA GROUP Zealand origins, and we are honored BEST CONVENIENCE FOOD DUMET AG that our stand was recognized. Gulfood BEST HEALTH AND WELLNESS PRODUCT KUWAIT FLOUR MILLS & BAKERIES CO. 2017 is a great opportunity for us to BEST FAIR TRADE AL-WATANIA POULTRY connect with key regional customers BEST FOOD SERVICE INNOVATION ZILA KAVEHAZ KFT. and showcase the industry-leading bulk BEST PACKAGING DESIGN BIBITA ingredients and foodservice solutions we BEST TRADE STAND (UP TO 40M²) RASTELLI BROTHERS INC can offer the Middle East food industry,” BEST TRADE STAND (BETWEEN 40-90M²) FONTERRA CO-OPERATIVE GROUP said the spokesperson of Fonterra Co- BEST TRADE STAND (OVER 100 M²) USAPEEC Operative Group.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ DEPARTMENTS 52 PRODUCTS & SERVICES

IPS-INGREDIS Increases its Capacity to Fulfill Demand

IPS-INGREDIS continue to see drinks with fruit pieces account for around foreseen. However, for the beverage sector substantial opportunities in the market twenty percent of the total non-alcoholic the pieces require a delicate handling and in Middle East & Africa, for refreshing beverages. The demand is continuously selection, since is important to maintain juice drinks & dairy products containing growing across the region, even current intact throughout the processing phases. natural fruit pieces. These juices provide processors have been increasing its IPS-INGREDIS has understood the need a similar mouthfeel to eating the natural capacity to fulfill the demand over the last of the market, and has expanded its whole fruit. Among the Middle East area, five years, and in fact, further growth is portfolio capabilities with a whole range of high quality fruit dices such as: peach, apricot, mango, apple, pear, strawberry, pineapple, etc. the company selects raw material from carefully harvested fruits for selected applications in the beverage, dairy, food & confectionary industries, ensuring consistency, quality and sustainable supply. It is likely the market will continue its demand for innovations that delight their senses. The company will continue to strive its supply solutions that meet customers’ and processors’ needs alike, while providing an advantage in a highly competitive market. The brand was founded in Dubai in 2011, focusing on the sourcing and selling of food and beverage Strawberry fillings ingredients, additives and concentrates. GOCMEN Serving Turnkey Production of Wafer & Chocolate Factories GOCMEN has been established at the quality during any stage of production producers in Turkey. Gocmen Machine end of the 1950s by Sezai Göçmen in and continues its activities via its Re-Dev presents turn-key basis solutions to order to produce machines based on department in order to increase capacity the customers regarding delivery of the foodstuff production. The company of products, maintain their smooth wafer and chocolate production lines. installs wafer and chocolate machines on and safe operation, and decrease the These solutions include installation of the turn-key basis right now. Experience and manpower as much as possible. All of machine, its operation, product formula quality are the main reasons that make the departments are collected in the information, product master provision if the manufacturer preferred by companies. 7500m2 machine factory and it ranks necessary and supporting equipment The company doesn’t compromise among the top of the foodstuff machines’ including spare parts. The company presents to its customers the most convenient formulation which has passed the laboratory tests performed within its facilities in order to present a more tasteful product. The manufacturer undertakes to test the machine lines at its facilities before their delivery to customers. It provides the customers with the most suitable formulas determined in relevant tests at its own laboratory in order to ensure offering delicious and appetizing products by food producing companies. Gocmen maintains close relations with its customers and Chocolate coating machine dedicated itself to after-sale services.

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 53 أقسام منتجات وخدمات IPS-INGREDIS Increases its Capacity to Fulfill Demand Heavenly Urges Parents to Become ‘Sugarwise’ The Stabiliser People

Hydrosol at Iran Agro Food Heavenly product range 23. - 25.05 2017, Tehran Consumer lifestyle brand Heavenly has cemented their commitment to supplying healthy low sugar products to consumers during 2017 by becoming one of the first baby & toddler snacking companies to be certified by the pioneering lower sugar movement, Sugarwise. Make more The Heavenly brand, currently supplying their Award Winning baby and toddler snacks to major retailers including Spinney’s and of your milk – LuLu in UAE have developed a range of healthy low sugar snacks which were found to meet the strict standards of the Sugarwise with Hydrosol. certification regarding quality and free sugar content, following in- depth analysis by Cambridge University and Caltech scientists. You too can enjoy fast success with From 2017 all Heavenly baby & toddler snacks including the Award delicious milk drinks. Our all-in Winning Coconut Squishies, Yummy Wafer Wisps and Crispy Veggie compound Hydrobest comes in various fl avours and contains all Waffles will bear the Sugarwise logo in ensuring consumers can essential components for a balanced easily identify the brand as a reputable, lower sugar option. Shauna texture and delicious mouth feel. From McCarney Blair, Managing Director at Heavenly said: “Sugarwise idea to initial product, our stabilisation and Heavenly are working to the same purpose – increasing the experts help you with the technical availability of lower sugar products and making sure they’re easy to implementation, right at your location. identify to parents both in the UK and worldwide. With the alarming statistics recently released by the public health agency on the sugar • Simple purchasing – content in both baby and toddler foods, not to mention the sugar- all-in compound related health issues becoming more prevalent in children, such as • Complete package for obesity and Type 2 diabetes, it is time for companies like ourselves low development costs to take action and make healthier, low sugar foods more assessable • Safe and easy production for parents and their families.” Vinicius Ferreira, Chief Scientist at Sugarwise, added: “Free sugars are the real culprit in our diabetes and obesity epidemic, as they are the ones that are associated with, simultaneously: decreased insulin sensitivity, nutritional deficiency, and over consumption. Many baby and toddler foods, often healthy sounding ones, contain too many free sugars to allow an individual to have a healthy diet complying with WHO guidelines if they are too Phone + 49 / (0) 41 02 / 202-003 high in free sugars.” Heavenly has spent significant time researching [email protected], www.hydrosol.de and developing its range of Baby and Toddler snacks to give parents more choice and quality in the area of lower sugar, healthy snacks.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ DEPARTMENTS 54 PRODUCTS & SERVICES

Kerevitaş Provides Super Tasty Frozen and Canned Food Kerevitaş A.Ş was founded in the city of Bursa in 1970, located in the middle of agricultural fertile land, and pioneer in frozen food production. Originally focusing on fresh exports to Scandinavian countries, Kerevitaş began producing frozen fruit and vegetables in 1980 in response to the national and international market demand. Later in the 90s, the company created a portfolio under the umbrella brand SuperFresh, which nowadays includes: dough products (pizza varieties and pastries); A variety of food production canned and frozen vegetables, frozen fruit and French fries, frozen meat and for its Good Manufacturing Practices products reach its consumers’ table. fish products, frozen croquettes and (GMP). With nearly 400 products in SuperFresh also meets its products snacks, as well as canned tuna and food service and retail, the company with consumers with out of home canned chicken. The company carries takes meticulous care to make sure high consumption channel. The company out its production in accordance with quality is achieved during each process, has achieved sustainable growth and International Quality Standards such from the selection of the best raw success in national and export markets as ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and Halal. materials, going through all production due to its principles of quality and Furthermore, it has been approved stages until the fresh frozen SuperFresh unconditional customer satisfaction. Vresso Distributes Food Maelor Foods Selects Service Equipment Marel Poultry Imagine a catering Maelor Foods Ltd, company or a food a related company of processor factory Salisbury Poultry without a complete (Midlands) Ltd, cleaning and has selected Marel sanitizing system. Poultry to supply Here is Vresso’s their brand new subject! It is very 13,500 bph poultry processing plant in important to have an Representatives of the two companies innovative and customer oriented solution Wrexham. It’s the for the entrance to the production area. Taking care of any first, completely new, state-of-the-art plant company’s employee’s hygiene is nowadays a principle before at this line speed in the UK. After the purchase of the getting into the work place especially in the food field. The former cheese dairy from “First Milk” near Wrexham in hygiene system can be used too in malls, clinics, restaurants, North Wales, Maelor Foods decided to transform the site hospitals, nurseries and food production factories. To sum up, into a brand new poultry processing plant. It will feature a Vresso brings to its customers’ attention the latest technology 13,500 bph broiler primary line from live bird handling on of hygiene system because it cares for their Health, Safety to distribution for whole birds to serve Salisbury Poultry and Community. With the purpose of catering to the needs (Bilston factory) for cut up and deboning portions. There of the food service industry, how the company does business will also be further deboning at the Wrexham plant itself, has evolved with the change of time and global business which has more space and more capacity for Maelor environment, however the organizations purpose remains Foods to grow their business. This is the first new, revolved around addressing customer needs while creating ultramodern plant to be built in the UK at this line speed, maximum efficiency in the kitchen. setting new standards for the industry.

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 55 معارض ومؤمترات عرض مسبق ملعارض ومؤمترات AFM: A New Super Brand for AfroPack & AfroFoodTech Events The launch edition of Africa Food Manufacturing (AFM), the region’s well- known cumulative exhibition dedicated to the food manufacturing industry, is set to take place on 22-24 April 2017, at the Cairo International Convention & Exhibition Centre (CICC) in Cairo, and with it promises to bring innovation to the food manufacturing sector under the theme ‘Smart Manufacturing’.

The 2017 theme The 2017 theme of Smart Manufacturing sets the stage for innovation. Africa’s increased demand on the food and beverage industry, Last year’s event fuelled by its growing population, calls for a focus on smart processes in Zambia, Uganda and The Democratic one of the well-known suppliers of manufacturing to improve and optimize Republic of the Congo amongst other process and packaging technology, production whilst reducing waste and influential countries,” said Cole. will be taking part in the upcoming downtime. Another key show focus edition of AFM. According to the will be discussing ways to tap in to the Participants company, they will be showcasing a global smart factory market, which was Eng. Mohamed Abdelhamid, CEO of new innovative vertical form, fill and valued at nearly USD52 billion in 2014 International Pack for Packaging seal machine called SVE 2520 DZ – the and is expected to expand at over 13 Systems company, remarked: “We fastest vertical bagger with Doy Zip percent annually in the next ten years are always happy to participate in functionality currently on the market. according to Future Market Insights. Africa Food Manufacturing on a regular It has a footprint of only six square Emerging markets, especially in the basis, we have been exhibiting for meters, produces up to 100 high-quality Middle East and Africa, are pegged as five years to present our latest high Doy Zip per minute and offers all ‘up and coming’ territories for smart quality products with suitable prices of the most popular bag styles on one factory investment with the MEA to meet the customers’ satisfaction machine. Döhler, a global producer, region anticipated to see the fastest and approach potential clients. The marketer and provider of technology- growth expansion in the coming years. exhibition shows great progress every driven natural ingredients, ingredient According to Simon Cole, Managing edition in terms of organization and systems and integrated solutions for the Director for Informa Exhibitions – number of participants.” Taking place food and beverage industry will also be Egypt, organizers of the event, the over three days, AFM offers visitors the present this year. With a motto of “Think 2017 edition of AFM will be a perfect chance to source the latest equipment global – act local”, Döhler analyses the opportunity for the industry, both locally and technologies designed to help global food trends and adapt them to and internationally, to capitalize on the optimize processes, manage costs products and concepts that are tailored predicted up-turn in the market: “This and improve quality. As the well- to the specific needs of the different 2017 edition will prove that it is the known industry trade fair in Egypt countries. They will be presenting go-to event for food processing and and North Africa, AFM gathers over inspirations for new beverages and packaging professionals in Africa who 250 world leading brands including food products to the visitors at AFM, are seeking innovation. This year we are Bosch, Döhler, and Orana – who which include innovative ingredient set to attract the fast growing Food & will all be bringing their latest range of solutions that are customizable to Beverage industry from all over Africa, machinery, technology and ingredients any business and enable safer and with a special focus on the Tripartite to support the entire lifecycle of the more efficient production processes. Free Trade Area, which was signed in food manufacturing process. Covering Informa Egypt are also organizing, Egypt and wrapped together 26 African 17,500 m2 of exhibition space, there for the first time ever, a hosted buyer nations with a population north of 600 are also a host of country pavilions program which is set to bring over million. Main markets to participate in including Italy, Turkey, China and India. 60 decision makers to the event from AFM include Egypt, Kenya, Rwanda, Bosch Packaging Technology, countries such as Algeria, Ghana,

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ EVENTS 56 EVENTS PREVIEW

ingredients sector will be 50 percent of the show’s profile within 2 years” added Hawkes. Informa Exhibitions delivers over 150 trade and consumer exhibitions annually across the globe. More than 800 talented individuals collaborate to present market leading events for sectors including Beauty, Construction, Design, Life Sciences, Maritime, Nutraceuticals, Pop Culture and Real Estate. Through face to face Visitors from last year’s event and digital channels, the exhibition enables communities to engage, Jordon, Kenya, Lebanon, Malawi, players that have factories in Egypt experience and do business. It first Madagascar, Mauritius, Morocco, are exhibiting this year. Major brands entered the Egyptian market in 2011 Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, Ukraine, that are participating this year include with the acquisition of the well-known Uzbekistan, Tanzania, Tunisia and Döhler (Global HQ - Germany), Dupont real estate exhibition Next Move, now Zambia. According to Exhibition (Global HQ – USA), Orana (global HQ – rebranded as Cityscape Egypt. In Manager Alexander Hawkes, the growth Denmark), Lactelis (HQ France), and 2015, the exhibition opened an office of the ingredients sector within AFM Palsgaard (global HQ). All of these are in Cairo and through a number of is very significant; “In essence, there global market leaders and all of them are acquisitions and joint ventures, quickly were only one or two companies in the new to AFM … Some companies within grew to become the largest organizer 2016 edition of the event dedicated the ingredients sector in Egypt have of trade shows in Egypt. Informa has to promoting the latest ingredients reported substantial year-on-year growth an ambitious five-year growth strategy technology and innovation. This for the last three years, and we envision, in place for the country, underpinned year we virtually have an entire hall based on current growth projections by a rapid expansion of existing and dedicated to it, and most of the major by our exhibiting ingredient clients, the future events. HORECA Lebanon Means Business

HORECA Lebanon, the country’s premier new business opportunities and stay one across the Middle East and beyond. B2B hospitality and foodservice event, step ahead of the latest innovations and More than 350 local and international returns to Beirut for its 24th edition from trends. The four-day exhibition is nothing exhibitors from Belgium, Italy, France, the the 4th till the 7th of April 2017. As the key short of a who’s who in the industry, Netherlands, UAE, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, meeting place for trade professionals gathering owners of the leading hotels, Korea and Turkey will showcase over from across the region, the event has the top food and beverage companies, 2,000 of the most well-known brands, become an essential destination for firms senior management, key decision makers providing visitors with a rare opportunity looking to explore fresh markets, pursue and 15,000 trade professionals from to discover the newest and soon to be released products, from food and kitchen equipment to , and all kinds of services related to the sector. It is clear that the fair provides a vital avenue for organizations of all sizes to reach targeted audiences. Georges Nasraoui, CEO of Sonaco Al Rabih sarl and prominent figure in the Lebanese food industry, says: “HORECA is considered a unique exhibition for food and supplements in Lebanon, through which Lebanese food industries are marketing their products.” HORECA further hosts a rich program of over 10 daily events in the form of cooking demonstrations, forums, roundtables, culinary and beverage HORECA Lebanon 2016 contests and much more.

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 57 معارض ومؤمترات عرض مسبق ملعارض ومؤمترات MEPTICO Introduces Healthy and High Quality Products

MEPTICO is well-known in the Lebanese market for more than 45 years. The company is a specialist in many product categories such as powder drinks, powdered desserts, pizza and pasta sauces. Its main brands are Domo, Darina, and Puidor. The company exports its products to more than 35 countries, covering worldwide regions in Africa, Europe and the GCC countries, boasting the highest quality control standards such as the European CODEX Alimentarius and the Saudi SASO. The company is Hot chocolate light pack keen on using exclusively FDA approved ingredients. As part of its quest to always they love. Domo’s smooth chocolate renowned inside the Lebanese borders introduce its consumers to innovative, drink is a delightful and comforting treat and in many parts of the world. Meptico healthy and high quality products, available in 4 different flavors (Chocolate, is participating in Horeca Lebanon Meptico proudly launched the new Domo Mint, Orange and Caramel) to satisfy 2017, the country’s well-known B2B Hot Choco Light. With only 38 calories every taste whether on cold mornings or hospitality and foodservice event. Visitors per , Domo Hot Choco Light allows stormy nights. The company is always will be able to meet a wide range of the consumers to indulge their sweet tooth proud to be a Lebanese manufacturer company’s products and taste its latest without giving up the rich chocolaty flavor whose products are exported & creations at Stand number C29 – C31. The Best Cookware DELTA M: Guaranteed for Life Building visions

Cuisine Santé DELTA M’s trading International is department is participating in mainly involved Horeca Lebanon in import and 2017, the country’s export of electronic well-known B2B scales and is the hospitality and exclusive agent foodservice event. of the Japanese The company brand “DIGI” in started in Montreal, Lebanon. DELTA Canada in 2003 M Contracting with few products and one vision. That vision was to Department is responsible for all kinds of civil and offer its customers the highest quality products at the architectural works execution with the supervision lowest possible price point. Its unique way of customer of highly qualified engineers hiring the finest advertising combined with its direct relationship with skilled manpower. The Consulting Department is its manufacturers allows Cuisine Santé International to a multidisciplinary architectural and engineering deliver incredible value to each and every customer. consulting firm. The company has earned a reputation Today, the company operates in over 5 countries with for the diverse skills of its engineers, architects, urban distribution of over 23 products in every showroom. The designers, and planners and for building teams that company’s goal is to be in every country around the cross traditional barriers to create innovative solutions. globe and to continue importing the best and highest The company is participating in Horeca Lebanon quality products from around the world to its customers 2017, the country’s well-known B2B hospitality and without high consumer mark-ups. foodservice event.

مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ SERVICES 58 COMING EVENTS

2017 Egypt October Africa Food Manufacturing Solutions and Machinery in Food Oman Manufacturing & Packaging Industry April 22 – 24 Food and Hospitality Oman Cairo International Convention and 12th International Exhibition of Food & Exhibition Center Beverage, Food Processing Technology, Qatar Cairo – Egypt Kitchen & Catering Equipment, Packaging Systems, HORECA Furniture Foodex Qatar 2017 and Related Services 1st International Exhibition for Food, Info: 16 – 18 Beverage & Process Technology Mohamed Abdelhamid Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre 02 – 04 Tel: + 20 (0)10 288 88671 Muscat – Oman Doha Exhibition and Convention Center Fax: +971 (0)2 401 1949 Info: Doha – Qatar E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.africa-foodmanufacturing.com Food and Hospitality Oman Ammar Ahmad Info: Exhibition Manager Rupashree Singh Tel: +968-92597610 Exhibition Manager May Email: [email protected] Tel: +971 4 3407743 Web: www.foodandhospitalityoman.com Fax: +9714 340 3608 Iran E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.foodexqatar.com Iran Food + Hospitality 2017 Turkey 24th International Food, Beverages & Hospitality Trade Fair EURASIA PACKAGING 2017 Lebanon 22 – 25 The 23rd International Packaging Tehran International Fairgrounds Industry Fair HORECA 2017 Tehran – Iran 25 – 28 The Annual Meeting Place for the Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center Hospitality and Foodservice Industries Info: Istanbul – Turkey 04 – 07 Palar Samaneh Co. Info: BIEL exhibition center Ladan Maleki Harun Sarıkurt Beirut – Lebanon Tel: +98-21- 88 20 57 35 Project Marketing Specialist Fax: +98-21- 88 78 66 89 Tel: +90 212 867 11 93 Info: E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +90 (212) 886 67 37 Hospitality Services s.a.r.l Web: www.palar-samaneh.com E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +961 1 480081 Web: www.reedtuyap.com.tr Fax: +961 1 482876 E-mail: [email protected] September Web: www.horecashow.com November Turkey Egypt Saudi Arabia WorldFood Istanbul Food Africa 2017 International Food Products and Foodex Saudi Africa’s Largest Agrifood Exhibition Processing Technologies Exhibition The International Trade Exhibition 100 22 – 24 07– 10 Percent Dedicated To the Food & Drink Cairo International Convention Center Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Industry Cairo - Egypt Center 13 – 16 Istanbul – Turkey Jeddah Centre for Forums and Events Info: Info: Jeddah - Saudi Arabia ifp Group Seda Kalkavan Info: Leyla Tay International Marketing Specialist Roa Alhazmi Tel: +961 5 959 111 Ext. 172 Tel: +90 212 233 97 54 Marketing Manager Fax: +961 5 955 361 Fax: +90 212 231 48 15 Tel: +966 503681138 Email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.foodafrica-expo.com Web: www.worldfood-istanbul.com Web: www.foodexsaudi.com

If you would like to run your event in this space, kindly send all necessary details to [email protected]

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 59 خدمات دليل املشرتين

potato chip processing Technology & Innovation Since 1950 systems

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Visit www.palsgaard.com to find out how we can help you in your product development within:

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مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ INFO 60 ADVERTISERS’ INDEX

Advertiser Website Page #

Amandus Kahl www.akahl.de 25

Auger Enterprise Co Ltd. www.auger.com.tw 59

Chung Shan Machinery Works Co. Ltd. www.chung-shan.com 59

Glory Foods Processing Machinery Ltd. www.syy.com.tw 59

GÖÇMEN MAKİNA SANAYİ LTD. ŞTİ. www.gocmen.com.tr 43

Heat & Control Pty Ltd www.heatandcontrol.com OBC/59

Integrated Packaging Systems www.ipsingredis.com IBC

KALSEC www.kalsec.com 59

Kangrade Ltd. www.kanegrade.com 59

KRONES AG www.krones.com 09

MULTIVAC www.multivac.ae 49

Palsgaard AS www.palsgaard.com 11/59

Sollich www.sollich.com 03

Stern-Wywiol Group (Hydrosol) www.hydrosol.de 53

TNA www.tnasolutions.com 37

Wu-Hsing Electronics Co. Ltd. www.wuhsing.com 59

Yamato Scales Co., Ltd. www.yamatoscale.de IFC

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 61 خدمات معلومات عامة

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مأكوالت الرشق األوسط نيسان )أبريل( ٢٠١٧ / ّمجلد ٣٣ - عدد ٤ 62 CLOSING LETTER الكلمة الختامية

امللونات الطبيعية هي الحل The Natural Color Solution األمثل للمنتجات يف املستقبل for Future-Proof Products

يلقي مدير املبيعات يف رشكة جي أن يت الرشق األوسط سانثوش ثانكبان، يف حديث In a special report to the Middle East Food magazine, Santhosh َّ Thankappan, Sales Director at GNT Middle East FZ LLC. sheds خاص ملجلة مأكوالت الرشق األوسط الضوء عىل اإلتجاهات الرئيسة يف مجال حلول light on the natural color solutions’ major trends in the Middle األلوان الطبيعية املستخدمة يف األطعمة يف منطقة الرشق األوسط وشامل أفريقيا. Eastern and Northern African countries (MENA). Two major trends ويسود اتجاهني رئيسني ًحالياقطاع األغذية واملرشوبات يف املنطقة، ويتمثالن يف :are currently shaping the food and beverage industry in MENA تزايد طلب املستهلكني عىل األطعمة الطبيعية، ورغبتهم يف اختبار التجارب َّالحسية. a growing consumer demand for greater naturalness as well as consumers’ wish for sensory experiences. Being linked closely, they وبفضل االرتباط الوثيق لهذين العاملني فهام يتطلبان ًطرقا جديدة لتطوير املنتجات. require new ways of product development. After focus has been on يعطي املجتمع اليوم وبشكل متزايد قيمة أكرب للتجربة البرصية يف األطعمة، بعد أن flavor for many years, society is increasingly setting high value on كان الرتكيز ُّيصب يف اتجاه النكهة وحدها يف السنوات املاضية. ُّويعد اللون املؤرش visual experience, especially when it comes to food. As color is the الرئيس للجودة والذوق، لذا فهو ِّيشكل يف 75املئة من االنطباع األول عن املنتج لدى primary indicator of quality and taste, it sets 75 percent of the first impression of a product and the purchase decision. Depending on املستهلك ويدعم قرار رشائه. ِّر يطواملصنعني اليوم إبتكارات مثرية يف األلوان بحسب the product, manufacturers are already developing exciting color نوع املنتج، ووصل بهم األمر إىل خلط نكهات بدرجات غري َّمتوقعة. ًووفقا ملسح أجرته creations, even mixing flavors with unexpected shades. At the same رشكة جي أن يت، تكتسب الطبيعية ًموقعا ًمركزيا، إذ يرغب املستهلكني َّبشدة بخلو time, naturalness is gaining center stage, according to a global GNT survey, with consumers strongly wish for products that are free from منتجاتهم من اإلضافات االصطناعية مثل أرقام "إي". .artificial additives, such as “E” numbers

تعالج الترشيعات الحديثة )GSO 2500/2015( التي َّتبناها مجلس التعاون الخليجي A recent legislation (GSO 2500/2015) adapted by the Gulf يف نهاية عام 2015بعض هذه املضافات االصطناعية. َّإن املواد الغذائية واملرشوبات Cooperation Council at the end of 2015 explicitly addresses some of these artificial additives. Food and beverages containing the synthetic التي تحتوي عىل األلوان االصطناعية مثل حمرة اليورا )إي 129(، أصفر الغروب )إي (colors Allura Red AC (E129), Sunset Yellow (E110), Azorubine (E122 110(، أزوربني )إي 122(، وتارترازين )إي 102( يجب أن تحمل البيان التحذيري التايل and Tartrazine (E102) have to carry the warning statement: “this "قد ِّتسبب هذه املواد ًتأثريا ًسلبيا عىل نشاط األطفال وتركيزهم". َّإن امللونات التي material may be having a negative effect on activity and concentration َّتأثرت بالالئحة الجديدة معروفة، فهي تنتمي إىل ما يسمى بـ "ساوثامبتون ستة"، in children”. The colors affected by the new regulation are not unknown, they belong to the so called ‘Southampton Six’ – which وهو خرب َّتصدر عناوين الصحف عندما ربطت دراسة أجرتها جامعة ساوثامبتون سنة hit the headlines when a 2007 Southampton University study 2007استخدام األلوان اإلصطناعية بفرط النشاط لدى األطفال. فمثل هذا التحذير linked their usage with hyperactivity of children. For instance, a similar أصبح ًإلزاميا يف االتحاد األورويب منذ عام warning has been mandatory in the European Union since 2010. .2010 In order to avoid placing warning statements, a change of thinking ومن أجل تجنب وضع بيانات تحذيرية، َّيتوجب إحداث تغيري يف التفكري والوصفات .and recipes – so as to stay successful in the long term- is required إلبقائها ناجحة عىل املدى الطويل. يتزايد عدد الرشكات ِّاملصنعة التي َّتتطلع اليوم إىل More and more manufacturers are therefore looking to substitute استبدال املضافات الغذائية امللونة. ولكنها ال تستطيع املساومة عىل شكل منتجاتها. additive colorants. But, they cannot compromise on the appearance ونتيجة لذلك، فإننا نرى زيادة قوية يف الطلب عىل ملونات األطعمة. ُّوتعد ِّاملركزات of their products. As a consequence, we see a strong rise in the demand for coloring foods. Obtained solely from edible raw كثيفة اللون بدي ًال ًمثاليا للمضافات الغذائية امللونة، ويتم الحصول عليها من املواد materials, the color intensive concentrates are a perfect alternative to الخام الصالحة لألكل. وعند استخدام ملونات األطعمة َّيتوجب اعتامد البيانات additive colorants. By using coloring foods, warning statements and التحذيرية وأرقام "إي". .E” numbers become obsolete“

سانثوش ثانكبان Santhosh Thankappan مدير المبيعات Sales Director شركة جي أن تي الشرق األوسط .GNT Middle East FZ LLC

Middle East Food (MEF) April 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 4 Middle East Food (MEF) فوائد اإلشرتاك www.mefmag.com March 2017 / Vol. XXXIII Issue 3 الكلمة الختاميةSubscription Benefits يف مجلة “مأكوالت الرشق األوسط” ُتعرف مجلة “مأكوالت الرشق األوسط” حول العامل بكونها ّاملجلة ّاملتخصصة Renowned the world over as the premier B2B magazine in the MENA region to serve the Food, األوىل يف مجال األعامل يف منطقة الرشق األوسط وشامل أفريقيا لخدمة Beverage, Ingredients, and Packaging sectors The Global Palletizing Equipment Market: قطاعات املأكوالت واملرشوبات الخفيفة ّواملكونات والتوضيب. ّيتم نرش ّاملجلة Middle East Food (MEF) has been published by On Track of Growth من قبليس يب اتش ورلد ميديا منذ العام CPH World Media since 1985. .1985

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3. عامل الصحة للرشق األوسط وشامل أفريقيا: تصدر منذ -MENA Health World (MHW)*: Covers Hospi .3 العام 1986 وتغطي قطاعات املستشفيات واآلالت الطبية -tal, Medical Equipment, Pharmaceuticals & Nutri واألدوية والغذاء. .tion Sectors, published since 1986 *إن مجلة عامل الصحة للرشق األوسط وشامل أفريقيا ّمعلق العمل بها حالياً ;MHW magazine is currently suspended due to restructuring * بسبب إعادة هيكلتها وسنستأنف إصدارها يف وقت الحق من هذا العام. .we will resume publishing it later this year ملزيد من املعلومات الرجاء ّاإلتصال بالسيد جاد ابو الحسن ,For further information please contact Jad Aboulhosn مدير قسم التسويق والتوزيع بواسطة: :Circulation & Marketing Manager, by Tel: +961-1-748333 ext. 111 | Fax: +961-1-352419 الهاتف: 748333-1-961+ املقسم 111 | فاكس: +961-1-352419 Email: [email protected] عنوان الربيد اإللكرتوين: [email protected]

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