764 Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. 11, No. 03 Predicting effect of Personality Traits and Age on

Mahendra Kumar1, Gayatri Jay Mishra2, Sumanlata Saxena3, Vandana Singh4, Mahesh Kumar5, Yanjana6

1Senior Research Fellow Department of Psychiatry Pt. JNM Medical College Raipur, 2Associate Professor and 4Assistant Professor Shri Shankaracharya Mahavidyalaya, Bhilai, 3Head Department of Education Kalyan Mahavidyalaya, Bhilai, 5Student Department of Statistics, 6Research Scholar Department of Psychology, Pt. R. S.U. Raipur, C.G. India

Abstract People who have high emotional intelligence create understanding or know how to manage their own and they know how to read emotions of others. Emotional intelligence was positively connected to physical, psychosomatic and mental health. The studies on the predictors of emotional intelligence, particularly in India are limited. For this purpose focus of the present study was to investigate the predicting effect of personality traits ( & extraversion) on emotional intelligence among the student of Raipur, India. A sample of the study comprised 300 P.G. students (male=50; female=50). Mangal Emotional Intelligence Inventory and Eysenck’s Maudsley Personality inventory (M. P. I.) were used to measuring emotional intelligence (EI) and personality traits. SPSS 16th version, structure equation model (SEM) with ADANCO, jamovi. (Version 1.0) were used for analysis. Measurement model was excellent fit in the samples [CFI = .968, TLI=0.904, SRMR=.033 and RMSEA = 0.11 (RMSEA 90% CI: Lower-0.0495, Upper-0.189)]. The findings revealed that personality traits, neuroticism emerged as significant predictors of emotional intelligent, intra personal awareness, inter personal awareness and inter personal management. Age emerged as significant predictors of emotional intelligent and its dimension. The findings also revealed that gender and extraversion have no impact on emotional intelligent and its dimension. A stable personality, age and their psychological wellbeing are important in enhancing the emotional intelligence of young students as there is a possibility in improving their emotional intelligence.

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Neuroticism, Extraversion, Structure equation model.

Introduction thinking and behavior and manage emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one’s goal(1-2). There are several The ability of individuals to recognize their own models of emotional intelligence namely: ability, trait emotions and those of others determine between different and mixed emotional intelligence models. The ability and label them is emotional intelligence, model is perceives and integrate , as well as to appropriately emotional information useful to guide understand and regulate emotion to promote personal growth(3) it is proposed by Mayer and Salovey(4). Trait model as described by Petrides and Furnam(5) it encompasses behavioral dispositions and self-perceived Corresponding Author: abilities and is measured through self report(6). Mixed Yanjana model as described by Golemann, (1995)(3) it can be Research Scholar Department of Psychology, Pt. R.S.U. viewed as the set of interrelated competencies skills, Raipur, C.G. India abilities, personal qualities and personality trait. Tel.: +08435687472 e-mail: [email protected] Emotional Intelligence is the biggest predictor Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. 11, No. 03 765 of workplace performance compare to IQ. Emotional important factor leading to this problem was the low competence is another term of emotional intelligence: emotional intelligence and unstable personality. There are refers to one’s ability to express or release one’s very few studies to report the association of personality emotions. It also decides one’s ability to successfully traits with emotional intelligence in India. Therefore this and effectively lead. Emotional Intelligence (EI) study was conducted to find out the predicting effect of competency is evaluation method of interpersonal personality trait, age, gender on emotional intelligence communication skills, behaviors and patient care (7). among the Indian P.G. students. Competences of emotional intelligence and are necessary components for physician in 21th century (8). Material and Method Emotional intelligence can be contributes to, increased Sample: A sample of the present study consisted empathy, communication skills, stress management, of 300 P.G. students (male = 50%; female = 50%) organization commitment, leadership, teamwork and studying in University of Raipur, India from ninth (9-11) higher academic performance . For the reason UTD departments: Geography, Economics, History, that emotional competence can be helpful to enhanced English, Hindi, Anthropology, Master of social worker, empathy, higher stress tolerance, greater flexibility to Rural development and Sociology. The age range of change, better health and recovery from illness. People the participants was 20–25 years. Participants fulfilling with high emotional intelligence have better mental the inclusion/exclusion criteria and who gave written (12) health Spiritual well-being job performance and informed consent were included for the study. The leadership skills. sampling technique applied for drawing out the sample Both emotional intelligence and empathy associated was an incidental random sampling method. to the personality of students and their ability as Inclusion Criteria: successful physicians.Evidence for a strong association between emotional intelligence and various personality 1. Adult Men or women aged between 20-25 years. (13) traits has been established . Personality traits 2. Graduate Educated. have an impact on the development of the emotional quotient and emotional quotient has an influence on 3. Able to understand and participate independently in the application and development of the personality of survey. the individual (4). The significant relationship between Exclusion Criteria: emotional intelligence and all Big Five personality 1. Past or current history of any psychiatric illness. factors was observed (14-15). Extraversion, Openness to experience, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness have 2. Patients whose current condition limits their been found to be positively correlated with emotional participation in a prolonged interview (ex. intelligence, whereas, Neuroticism negatively correlated Debilitating physical condition, agitation, with emotional intelligence, it is a vulnerability factor intoxication or drug withdrawal, etc) for stress,(16-18). McCrae and Costa, (1987), McCrae Design: In the present piece of research, the and john, (1992) described neuroticism are regarded correlational research design was employed. Here, as and low self-esteem tendency for the criterion variable is emotional intelligence and its experiencing , tension, self-consciousness, dimension; age, gender and personality (neuroticism & , impulsiveness, timidity, illogical thinking. extraversion) acted as predictive variables in this study. Extraversion is (sociability, positive and energetic behavior).Emotional intelligence and empathy have Instruments: The Mangal emotional intelligence been found to be affected by gender and culture (13,19). inventory was used it is developed by S.K. Mangal and Females have to be more empathetic(20-21). The students, Mrs. Shubra in 1971. Items of the test relate to the four especially in Asia, are reported lower empathy scores dimension of emotional intelligence (a) intera personal compare to Western students (18, 20). awareness, (b)intera personal management (c)inter personal awareness (d)inter personal management. After the education of a P.G. degree, Most of the students while performing as leadership role in different The Eysenck’s Maudsley Personality inventorywas institutes and faced some problems that influenced used it is adapted in Hindi language by Jalota and Kapoor their performance and mental wellbeing. One foremost (1964). The test contains 48 items and 2 personality 766 Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. 11, No. 03 dimensions in Bi-polar Dimensions- Neoroticism- (advanced analysis of composites) software was used stability and Introversion-extraversion. for the estimation of variance through structure equation modeling. A demographic sheet was used it measured variables like subjects, age, gender and education. Results Procedures: The students were contacted in UTD First, a measurement model was tested for all department of University invited to participate in a samples using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with survey. Participants were assured that their involvement jamovi. (Version 1.0.)(21, 22). In this model, an emotional was voluntary and anonymous and that they maintained intelligence (EI) predicts the four measures comprised the right to withdraw their participation at any time. in the dimension: intra personal awareness, intra Written consent in printed Performa was obtained from personal management, inter personal awareness and the individual participants of the sample included in the inter personal management. Several types of research study. This study was approved by the departmental have suggested that all the indexes are supposed to be research committee. The investigator explained the above 0.90 to be a good fit(23-26) as cited by Kumar & purpose of the research to the participants. Then after Shrivastava (2019)(27). The inconsistency in chi-square the instructions are given on the questionnaire were is the level of once > 0.05. RMSEA should explained to them. The participant first completed a be accepted in the range of 0.05 to 1.00 the lower value Mangal emotional intelligence inventory and then is said to be a good level. Model fit was excellent in the Personality inventory with demographic. At the the samples [CFI = .968, TLI=0.904, SRMR=.033 completion of the inventory, participants were thanked and RMSEA = 0.11 (RMSEA 90% CI: Lower-0.0495, for their contribution and provided with pertinent contact Upper-0.189)]. Figure 1 shows the regression weights. information should they want to request the results of the All values depicted in Fig. 1 for the all students - intra study upon completion. personal awareness, inter personal awareness and inter personal management show the largest values (>.67). Statistical Analysis: Data obtained was analyzed Intra personal management shows the lowest weight for with the help of SPSS (16th) version, ADANCO the sample (0.664). version 2.0.1. and jamovi. (Version 1.0.). ADANCO

Figure 1: Measurement model (Confirmatory factor analysis) for all samples.

The direct and indirect effect of personality trait The goodness of Model fit analysis was performed for (Neuroticism & Extraversion) age, gender on emotional the direct and indirect effect. The fitness of model was intelligence and its dimension excellent with the data (table-1) and was evaluated with guideline [{the Unweighted least squares discrepancy Direct effect hypotheses testing analyses were (dULS) P < .01, the geodesic discrepancy (d G)P < .01 and performed with structural equation model using the standardized root mean squared residual (SRMR) P ADANCO version 2.0.1. Software. Maximum likelihood < .01}]. estimation was performed with standardized estimates. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. 11, No. 03 767 Table 1 Goodness of model fit value

Value HI95 HI99 SRMR 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

dULS 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

d G 0.00 0.0000 0.0000

Figure 2: Direct and Indirect effect of Neuroticism, Extraversion, age and gender on emotional intelligence and its dimension

Figure 2 which indicate the estimation variance of the study reveals thatage as a mediator variable does of the predictors (neuroticism, extraversion, age and not have any significant rolein the association between gender) accounting (R2=0.103), 10.3% of variance for emotional intelligence and personality trait (neuroticism emotional intelligence; (R2=0.117), 11.7% of variance & extraversion). Extraversion as a mediator variable does for intra personal awareness; (R2=0.76), 7.6% of not have any significant role in the association between variance for inter personal awareness; (R2=0.032), neuroticism and age. The insignificance of mediation 3.2% of variance for intra personal management; was examined by bootstrap. This study shows that the and (R2=0.043), 4.3% of variance for inter personal personality trait neuroticism and age were significant management (figure-2). The neuroticism was negatively predictors for the progression of emotional intelligence; related toemotional intelligence (-0.2480, p<0.001), meaning thereby that increase in the level of neuroticism, intra personal awareness (-0.3006, p<0.001), inter there is an increase in risk for low emotional intelligence personal awareness (-0.2394, p<0.001) and inter in students. personal management (-0.1482p<0.01). The age of the participants was positively related with the emotional Discussion intelligence (0.2136, p<0.001), intra personal awareness The main objective of the present study was to (0.1326, p<0.001), inter personal awareness (0.1470, find out the predictors of Environmental factors for p<0.001) intra personal management (0.1577, p<0.001) the development of Emotional Intelligence. Here, 300 and inter personal management (0.1350, p<0.01). 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