Amended Timetable.Pdf
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air competitions are given to lst and 2nd prizewinneni in the l2 - l5 and INI.'ORNI,\'I'I0N IIOR QUAI,II.'IIiRS: 15 - l8 age groups in the tbllowing competitions: fiddle, concen tlute, 2-rorv accordion, rvhisrle, uilleann pipes, concertina, piano accordion, l lr'itrlit ( lrtlrl tli lrl rrerrrtrr $lll l)r ltr'l(l irr I rrrls Itrrl harp, banjo ond traditional singing in Irish and English. Scholarships are \rrrrrrt l,)tlt lo ll:1 trir' ()\r,rlt'rl l\ tll( ( r,ntl)('ltlt(,il | ilrr.l:rhle also given lo five qualifiers in each of the ll-13, 13-15, l5-lE age r ( lilr \nlr, groups in Comhrd Gaeilge. Scholarships arc not transferable betrveen lsl. -lrrrl rrrnl lrrrrrlrlr' irtl l,r'rl( \\utlcl\.tt tll( .1 l'tr'\ilr(till categories or persons. Where a person is successful in more than one cat- I lerr,illurnrrrrr lrclirrttl. I't. lrr,l;rltl 1r,.'rlrlr' ir,l lltlzrt \\lln(t\ irt egory, only one can be chosen when applying. \ tl)r'l'rr\lllL( ol llritart l lelr,llr. I'r. -1il,1 irr(l I!rr.llrl. lrtl Irrzr' \\rrinrl\ irl lll( \ll.i \\(rt irn(l \liil \lliilrlir'l lcirrlit;rrrn;r irr tltr. Scoil 6igse atso c&ters for Non-scholarship applicants. Gradcd classes ('\.\ (iIrit 'l)" I,ltr' lr.l tr';rt ' \ll ln'l,rrrrl \\ilrrrr\ ill l,,rrlr, are offered in fiddle, flute, whistle, button-accordion, piirno accordion. !ltlillrl\ l() (ilrrl)(l( r\i'(' I Lrr,llr rtrlr'.i concertina, banjo, harp, uilleann-pipes, piano-acconlpaniment, tradition- Fleadh \ll !r',ltlr(lit,'l\ ;uc ;nlt trctl lo rt'Potl l)tr)illl)ll) rrl lllf ul singing, amhrdnafocht. Cornhrd Gaeilge, dancing and a mixed instru- ,rrlrutltrr'ri llill(\. l(r Ilrr \l.rlt ol lll(I \il[ll)(ltltotr' ll r. llre Ilrenl cl&ss tirr adults. Cheoil na lrEireann t{ \lrIl\rtlrltt\ Lrl i;rr Il .olill)r'tilot lI rrp|r,.rt I)rr)ilrl)ll\ .rl llri Application forms are availahle ol: lrtllllt\llc(l liln( rrl (rrIrl)('lrlrilil ll r\ ilr'l il!(r'\\iil\ li) r(':'i\tcr http:/ ( )llrrc rr ( .rl I lcrrrlll I ll( 'rt:.uu\( t' rll l(!l ,tr r'ltl ri \J)('I\!l)lllt\ lrI (rttl[(lrlor\ rilr\!nrr' r(rilll](llll(,,t\ llu( 10 hy cmail from solas( or by calling (01 280 0295) lill( .1[r\irl I \r'r\ (llorl $tll lrr' rrlrrlu l() lirrrlllitlr. ll)o\(' Accommodation: generul enquiries about accommodation including rr\rrl\!il ut lrilrt tlr,il tril( (oilll)r'ltlltIl. lll{)\t(ld(l lltrt li,ttr( campsile provision lbr the period of the Scoil Eigse should be directed $rlll llt( ( lrll \tr'u.rt,lt rl Ilr!' \( ru.r !,rt)\'.ll((l to the F'leadh Hcadquarters in Ennis. rit \(rr)rtlill!, t,, I lcirllr l(ulrr .r \'rItlIlrlt,r[ ,.rtr $trl_r lr. lrt.hl Sec: hnp:// or email accommtxlation(4i' ,,lrrt lr! l5 rttittttttr. lol \rtrlt (,lul\'tltrl\ :rrrtl tlls rrrle rrrll Early brxrking of accommodation is advised. ll' .ttrr.tlr ll{i(r r'rlot(r'rl lt I(,.rrlltr'rr'lrr llrr' I lrrrrllr 'tlrr'rlrrlr. F'urther details fronr: Ph: +353t0) 65 684 59I8. \ll rlrr|r'lrtor. t. r.e1rl \l,rrrlrrr,f llirnrl .lnrl \r'll(,t ('( iir lirrtt,l rtrr'trtlrr'rrt wtll lre rr'rlLtrrt'(l I(r lltl!ll.r\r'tlrL t)ltrLr;rl C omdrtais C omhrd Gaeilge \\il\ll!.[r(l 1,, l,.ilI.klrilr\\lrIr lo (oltirr'lllr(]il\ ( orrrpttiliorr l'.rrrguiris shoukl llr.rliru'ltrl lo:- Rachaidh ctiigear cfilitheoirf, as gach aois ghnipa, direach ar aghaidh j.l ( ttmhullut. ll, lrt;rre \(lllillr. \lr,nL\torrrt { r, I)rtlrlrtr chuig Flcadh Cheoil na h6iroann. Cheobhuidh cdilitheoiri faoi l5 agus lrL.lrrr,l l,l, liilIrl,,rl)il,,t. I I r 'ril \ '.,, laoi 18 ag an bhFlcadh Criigeach, Scoldireachi chuig an Scoil Eigse. - c-msil - colas( t?ebslte l'ive qaalifun fiom euch age group, Bo Jbrr'erd lron, the Pruvinciul Accommodslion l),nquiries should be directed to:- Fleudh ro the All-lreland l'leadh. Quulifiers in the Under l5 and Under f Uaan CAeol Oga, Fltdh Cheoil na hlinann Ennis 20t6, l8 a74c groups from Proyincial F'leodluuua a,? entitled to a sdnlarship The Mad<ct, Enais, C a. Cbrz. to Scoil Eigse,which tukes ploce during tlte *'eek prior la the F-leuih. T:M5&5918 ** t* ** f * f,******* ********** ** * ** t ++* + t+**+ * * +* ***$*i*+ +* t + Scoil Eigse IN: +353 65 fi4 5918 Completed Scoil Eigsc lbmrs with lull lees must be in Hcad Com6rtais Rince August 14th - {gth OlTice (see No.6 above) on or trelbre, 3rd August. l\No rcgisiration 'on lhe day' at Scoil 6igse. except in l. All compctiton are advised to repon pronptly at the advcniscd ( \r('l)llrrl)irl {'1r!tlill\li[]!L'\ I rl(rirllr! lrrtl,.rtttrltirll:r:.rr' times, lbr the :iun of their competitions. It is the rcsponsibility of cach Fleadh Gheoil \ ( (,iltlr(l,l()l\ ilr lll('lr)llrr\\il1,!r (r!illJr'(rlioI\ \lt SI rorttlrtlr' competitor to &ppear proulptly at the published time of comJrelition. ('iili 'fhe ir tlrr'(n(l(r lrLrlrlrrlrerl rr tlr( l'ror,rrrr r( lrir r llarrrlr organiseni rvill not accept respnsibility lbr conrpetilors missing August 19r 2Or 21 tnd (;rupxi ('toil, l-i-llt {t ()-lti: l)rrctr lt lrios ()-lt{. competilions due to late arrival. Every eflbrt will be made to facilitate .( \l-1. llitrching llandr. l.rtltn.- trr rlo 'o. .t,tiril' those involvcd in more thln one competition, provided they liaise with lllsQl \'l("1'l t()\ the Call Steward itt thc venues conccmed. () Seachtain (','llt lJrttLl. \,L t(r,lljlrti()ti\ 2. lf conrpetitors are competing in more than one cotnpetition, they na hEigse 2Ol6 should advise each call steward in writing by outlining the prccise details of the time, number, etc. of the competitions they are involved 14th - 21st August Sutil tligse in. Advice Slips are available lbr this purpose at venues 3 All danccrs' niuncs, as received, are listed on Souvcuir Cldr. Any S.,,rl I rr',',( ( lr r lrttrtltl rtt(ltirllrlltirl \unllr('t \rll(x'l llrkr'' pltr.c irt chtnges nrust be notified to the Call Steward/Clerk at the venue befbre "The World of Traditional Music" I rttti'. \ttgtnl l-lllr trr lt)tli \lu(l(nl\ rrl .rll trrr'r t(rl\lr,t lrJl ll)('\irfl team pcrforrnance. ()u\ rr\tIlilr('illirl iltu\l!. \Il!ilt!. rllilr.iltl lrttrl l:rtrrtrrrc rlir'sc.. The Catl Stervard shall terminate a competition alter the completion of ( lirrrr'r lxrirrt rr Ir\ ltrr;trl trrtrr tillr() iilrrl irr( lril(l lrt lr ttirrtr rrl irrlur the performmce by the last available competitor, unless he./she has been nlllt()t)ill lulr)l! \\llo ilre irl\o tl.l\lcr l!tllr!!Itctr. I ltrsc lulr)r\ llit\(' previously notified that the missing competitor is detained while com- CouHALTAS Ir{)\('lr lriraL l'(!'()r(l\ lu)rl litcr lrrrrt,, il \\r'iillll rrt Pr'rlirrrltrillr,;rtrrl p€ting in arurther competition, in rvhich cass the compctition shall be O l('lr(llItr,(\l)r'n(il1('l() Srrrl lriL.r'. rr'llL'Ltrrt- tlrr'ttntltrlritrrt r'rltreir held open lbr a maximunr of tifleen minutes". R 37. ItIt[rl PlttLrr,rlrlll ol ( ( lr l{ettrtlitlr0o :rl\,r ill! lu(le\ illlcil(liiltrt' .ll irltcrr(\rn re(rtrl\. ( lul) I:igrc rrr tlre trcrrrrrr .lttl tlrc elrrrrrl lrrtrl Competitions need not remain open until the time of next competition. ((,il(frl \l)rar'l)t'il[lllilrr rrlltr't ltrtttrlr rrrcrtthut. rrtc ttcle0lllc lr, Refer to Rules 21.22.!3. Rialacha Fleadhanna Ceoil in reladon to all :tllr'rr(l dancing competitions. Cl6r Ama Timetable (over) Schollrrhips t(' tllr' S(r)rl I irrr' lrri ltLrtlr rrr;irrr !r)nrl)r'trl0r\ rrrrrl .lrrrr Full rules available:,rules ( De hAOINE 19 u Lunasa Venue 1pm 3pm 4pm Gom6rtais Rince Domc 2 Crirl, ilaf cs l.l I I ;rjl)ai Ceor iJ12 .F Drrr"rs 12 I5 lll,ir! lai lli 1l) /', 1l; Rir:e Colleqr lB f ia(i 1 ;- iliriI S i: FR'DAY !.,,,h j.i Colarste i!1r,iro .iA !r.,q15trr'1e 11 11i s11,qri 1 ! D6 Domhnaigh 21 u L0nasa Venue: Wesl Counly Hofel (A) (lolarstt lr,!urri:,18 i fii'j 1l l: i ll rril ":) I l' j0 C0 ulr r\lirecl ['uli Sct l7 I.r ColArslc lvlLrrr: 4C Dl,1)is i5 tt T|rrs lfr 1ll ) I L.l0on' icrd cs Frll Scr l? lr C(r;irstc lulu (r 4[) Arri,,ri:: li: li. ;ir!arfntr lx l:l I .00r-rrtr Mixed Full Set l5 il i r1 1./ I'. Lr.lr1[' l]) Darrlann 4[: ?llc S,r\ 1.)- 2.()[)prl Lodies Full Se1 lj) il"l Co,I (l0ilcq0 lr itrrln,,)il i;'l:, N .i 00or:r Holi Set l(, . ,r. ,\ ,, lL/" 9"L-q-o-rtfba i I o St. Flannan's 11A il.lrr,'2'i i.1,[1'l ]l | 1. ii, Venue: Wesl Counfy Hofel {B} Sl Iian,r;t,:r r!tj i'rrrslir i:, A il 1i r.'i,f,,5lii. /1 ':) ]0.00 om I Hond Ceili Lodies r2 r5 lil []rrr.,'.ril,r ll(l i rili: l;) rr, I r,ii,:; A i/ li I l.00om 4 Hond Ceiii Lodies r 2,15 lll l.rrrrriitrr lJl) Llr,r:,rr'rr l) i,r r 1,) 1l i,].,.)','t Ii i)a'l i'i i il l: I l.30om 8 Hand CeiiiMixed t2 t5 il ll,trlr,lr'! l1l: li I:',i{r,t..1, 1r ft,,.