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The U.S. Presidential Inauguration An Exceptional Tradition

President rests his hand on President Lincoln’s Inaugural Bible. Michelle Obama holds the Bible as he takes the Oath of Office on 20, 2009. (AP Images/Elise Amendola)

any U.S. governmental Capitol, where Congress meets. preserve, protect and defend the institutions and politi- Both major political parties are Constitution of the United States.” cal traditions sup- involved in planning the event. M The option to affirm was offered port continuity in the midst of Many U.S. inauguration customs in case a person’s religious beliefs change. The laws and traditions date to the 1789 inauguration of prohibit swearing. Only one pres- surrounding presidential inaugu- President George Washington; ident, Franklin Pierce in 1853, rations are among the best exam- others have developed over time. has chosen to “affirm” his oath ples of continuity during political rather than “swear.” change. The U.S. presidential When the Constitution inauguration embodies a unique Beyond the oath, the original Doesn’t Apply bipartisan tradition, and even Constitution is silent. It does not the most heated partisan political The U.S. Constitution doesn’t state when the president-elect debates are set aside to honor the specify how to install a presi- should assume office, where he peaceful transition of power. dent — only that the person takes the oath, who administers elected must take a the “Oath the oath, what happens if the The inauguration of a president of Office” — and it even allows words are misstated, what hap- brings together all three branches for a slight variation: “I do sol- pens if the president’s term ends of government: executive, legisla- emnly swear (or affirm) that I before the president-elect takes tive and judicial. The chief justice will faithfully execute the office the oath, whether words can of the U.S. Supreme Court admin- of President of the United States, be added to the oath, whether isters the Oath of Office at the U.S. and will to the best of my ability, a speech is required and many The U.S. Presidential Inauguration An Exceptional Tradition other potentially contentious again in public ceremonies the carriage. Most outgoing presidents points. Swearing on a Bible is not next day. President Reagan’s pri- and presidents-elect have con- required, although most presi- vate oath was televised. tinued this tradition of traveling dents have chosen to use one. John together to the ceremony. Because the date for President Quincy Adams, by contrast, swore Barack Obama’s second inaugu- • In 1877, Rutherford B. Hayes on a law book. ration falls on Sunday, the first began the tradition of the pres- The 20th Amendment to the African-American U.S. president ident-elect and outgoing presi- Constitution stipulates when will take the oath of office in a pub- dent meeting first at the White the inauguration takes place. lic ceremony on the national holi- House before traveling together Going into effect after the dif- day commemorating civil rights to the Capitol. ficult Depression-era transition leader Martin Luther King Jr., • Franklin D. Roosevelt began a from Herbert Hoover to Franklin , 2013. U.S. Chief Justice tradition of attending a morning Roosevelt in 1932, it set the start John Roberts will administer the church service on Inauguration of presidential terms as noon on official oath in a smaller ceremony Day in 1933. January 20. Until then, a president at noon on Sunday, January 20. elected in did not take • James Madison and his wife, Though not required, every presi- office until 4, the date the Dolley, were the guests of honor dent since George Washington has Continental Congress had set for at the first official inaugural ball, delivered an inaugural address. President Washington’s inaugura- held at Long’s Hotel in Washington tion in 1788. in March 1809. Tickets were $4. Customizing Their Experience • In 1953, the Joint Congressional Over time, the list of inaugural Traditions Take Over Committee on Inaugural events, activities and customs has But the 20th Amendment did not Ceremonies began hosting a lun- expanded, as have the number address one important question: cheon at the Capitol in honor of the of people who attend the events. what to do if the inauguration date new president. Food from the pres- Unique facts, precedents or notable fell on a Sunday, the traditional day ident’s home state often is served. events are associated with nearly of rest when it was once illegal to every inauguration. Here are a few: • Jimmy Carter was the first presi- conduct public and private busi- dent to walk the parade route • In 1837, outgoing President ness in many jurisdictions. James from the U.S. Capitol to the White Andrew Jackson and President- Monroe consulted the Supreme House, but security concerns have elect Martin Van Buren rode Court and simply took the oath a discouraged the practice since. day later, Monday, , 1821. together to the Capitol in the same In 1849, Zachary Taylor did the same. Rutherford Hayes took the The first U.S. president, George Washington, is depicted during his inaugural address on 30, 1789. ( AP Images) oath twice — and 5, 1877. Woodrow Wilson, however, took the oath privately Sunday, , and publicly Monday, March 5, 1917. After the amendment set the spe- cific date and time, however, the risks of having either no president or two presidents for even a day were suddenly clear. Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1957 and in 1985 took the oath pri- vately Sunday, January 20, and