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Letter Correspondence with Various Departments / Offices / Universities drad aes:oao- 22a64212. aEad16: oao-22a6361a. &dseddd deJeo Web: www.gokdom.com eogdoara6dd den6m &dreduaool; 2ode d)dA. a.a ri-oedrd, d6roFt3d i6?Fd 6d[ (,ozJeqo6 &eO, arorid.rodJ 560001. doar6-: odo&/e.de/aa,'/.rr.!rd-o4/2o2o-21 6arood:-o9.1o.2o2o ri, drdre ")e* egw es66o0ridJ ee g doa;rdddd derodea qeraa3 odo$:- doasatd udeJdd eeeJJoerdddd adddordt,d zo'.o-21 de uaud uagl ao-ad6sdedd droea:sef (National Scholarship Portal-NSP) dH drgrs-dodd drdJ dr0r$-dai6-ale{ acro5Ordeddd €eaerrldd)a ,ged0dbd dcQ o-oodridd.:" d66eer,$ eederdil6 daa"o dgCod a:d. erugJeasd edon€ doarceadod, d6asd a6.$&d so$ddod eogJoargdd sdesduooo$Aod 2o2o-21 de udeed ooti ao-ddOrdedd d.oee^lro6 lNational Scholarship Portal-NSP) d d:Ere-dodd dirq &Ooc-ddf-tuetr aogordeddd eeeeFrjCdbd erdeld.r6 d.rood dgCod aq-od ilQ d;ado$ Ouoodddco Odd$dddg drdl eogdoaro6dd aderduooojrd dafd6r.:6dg 6uaod:- o4.1o.2o2o dod: dod6demnd. gida:don de d$doo6ri oflQ*d. doond:d ae4 e*;doaro6d eo6uo0rldr erdi6erdd egac d)d) o-aa:e5rld dled de ddrl dd!o6,r'&dod $dr d6d.o$o: erdeOdoahd. t. d€ oloeasdotl a:fl da$U a$oilg uodrasodd/aoo5@rrld droa"Orran el6d) drla6del d,laq E$ dE"Codu$. 2. d6-o6d a6&&d aoidroabrad aoBOFdCr er6r6eldd drood Jg,odd oaedddru erj6dA,$drd oe4 ooa;e3rld Jd:ed dodojr OuooddoCrl qoeroEd eoe;doa:a6dd a{doaQu-o6r'ld da3e6o$g,$edoabd ddd$ dDddgde. e. doaoddg eee4 ilQ uoerroad *go6o$d0rl. aoa5Orrltrod oarriddr" *edOCDd dlQ edd do6eod a-orto Codgdeuah eoarriddt" eedneu> eod:uorbdod Ed>d&CDdd:. 4. er.r6ddd6 eoarrlCdr" r-oe,eoriCg d66eesCrd aqoddd:u de dgidno6r3 of,$Ad a-orio qeroaJoi de.:6d6tfdg {atodr d6duond. s. National Scholarship Portal-NSP dg dod u-oe3eaorlddto croa:etdo: dodr u-oeJead USER ID, PASSWORD ddoie:: eogdoao-gdd oderduooo$d da:6d6r.:6d g FORMAT es&" $ d o demhd. de ds dofo rJaie r-ohdl d tro e3e ad dD.e.d-oe eeaE ddlJadrldd;" ae4 ere;doargdd dero6o eeroaio3:d dareooig ,gedo,$, d6ae(J,$ ddcu dr@eddeodooori de-;$eo6 ; ood odesdao-aooj:d dCcadaJedJ. d€d drd&OrDA (godo{Dddd sdesduaooid Jddoj)d &desddoad ped:o. erooro 6dd.oer6 EdddJa doda6dodJ6d6$dd. eegdougdd ader*oaoo$ +dorldod) ,oE|d,- dau-oEad dc-osdOod a6-tQrdeddd$d ddo$e! eogJoargdd aog0rddc oaql adt0rdedd do€oref lNational Scholarship Portal-NSP) ab+ oa% aot6cdedd draeaser6 (State Scholarship Portal-SSP) ddg eoae dgdoddr dqona-and. uoad a6t6Ededd dvaeareo6 (State Scholarship Portal-SSP) d e)C dJa6"oon$o dodddg ot,derarbdd:. * d./adaJo0A:oao- 22e64212 qir=ad66j OaO -2 2463 6 1a' r*r. mail.com d ire ctor okdo pdreddd dqJeo Email: Web: www. gokdo-tn'kar'nic'in dd den6m PdredPaooi .;.ff.&; 2ode dJdB. c.a .troe;oo' wg-"d dJottjd Jsard satt tsotjedo" seQ. ejorJd'adi 560001 6 aod; oa.1o.2o2o 2o20 21 doald eedo&/a.de/€acJd6/'$eJo€-o3/ dcdcs ', ,.y'' aa:ad Edm aeroa3 eseJ eoz-o-zt ado$: - doosr;d uoadd eeeJdoardddd 'ioodQrritrd .de saod ooqi alarOtaual dmeuso' (National Scholarship Porral-NSP) ag dtg+-dtde aoo6@rded11 t*t?'lS a'{ do6ee':'1, erde36ro6 dro6"e gedoCod "u--t:t:tidd:" dgCod e':(' aQ'r.,dod ooidldod eogJoara6dd uugleasd adong JoaoQ&dod' dr-osd (National aod 2o2o-2t de uaed udti sdodoEdedd d'deoro6. oderduoooj: t::ld*:-"t"o Portal-NSP) d d;g#-d-rodE'r6-dd?6P:-'::, Scholarship d:dl eogdoao-o5dd drood dgcod aqra &Q a^i"r' ao-ooddd':."add$dridg dal6Jdtl6dg 6uood:- c,4'1o'2o2o dodl dod6Jerond'@€ ederduoe;ojcd rooj:rdd'r" duord d:Q ddrdod ddrd $dJ aJf ,t-""u ddrad dJdl eoe3doao-a5dd eerdai dJqd d6r1o{a3eu-od * ddrS gio ddrdod de ddr{p dd;, eeroa3os:od $do dd:.o6,$dodod edrqd. eldr aoodQrob oa$ du-asd ao,r'&d drorjrddrddod deo3la? d dr'raeld erar6e36af eear dmea:rou lNational Scholarship Portal-NSP) oaareJrldnoori "iooe@sdedd er*r^* eeaeE d.odokooari &rjad6.$drd ilSfi";Ij" d""i^,S:Td$oj'dc ao-46@rduod eoeerridd;. esdddd d"*1-B,N".49nod Jgdaied:' i-a'ettn erddg eegdngd{+ [.r'.o-""] Larrldd;" a$a* d r1 dc do{ ai e ro d d dc' - dl alo6e o-o d6oi do / o3 o d: ro o d; eraroJcd:o o-dti er) d.go!a? eogdoaro6d ao-06@ro'i '160d@E1u^'-, ,*t"t* dgCodod doead.o{d{Q' (National Scholarship t'ortal-NS-P) errfe36o6 dcroe;d COPY) o-ooejrid ddced esdd a;e er) so-odQFriCr aed;d elesridJ (HARD '$edo'l ar,Bdra{dqd; lr.c.d.af q ) .ioo6@rrieod eJoJ6eldd6 drood dgad esarrid d06eod a) dra3.rge arod6on cb / a3 od:;roo O ri U ser Ma. u a I eonb" de d$cfuooBrl .,H g,r d. de) National Scholarship Portal-NSp des d..od uaeiridd.r, oaaresdu) d:t aae3rld LisER ID. PASSWORD ddoiel erodoa;-o6dd aderduae-:oid dafd6r.:6dg FORMAT eod:" $d.,Je,.ohd. dedrdoforJalerahd:d uoejojc elarrldd:" esdddd eploi: erud oderdddt. uodraod 6dr eu-.J-OdOrl dgJa3edc eru) erud edecdd&. uodEa&d Ed- ar-.:-ddd doddg daed0derod dod uoejrid sedsd eoer dvaaogo$d.:. d0Eee& National Scholarship portal-NSp dg oooo$d $ab da"d:dd; ilQ es uoeJrJtrri USER ID, PASSWORD oedc{d;. e'rrd ) earod6rrJuod etose36o6 drroe;d Oaedo6 elhcbd eoerrid"J:" erud oderddd.r. uodEaad Sdro eeroaJ-ddd doddg dOeadod a;r3 VIDEO CONFERENCE rooJ:r$ d;dd.t" dd6d g dtuA8;ad rorbd)dr aJ.:) 6deo eeroajoj: ee* ECO (erud;r)dddd.:. esglo! d:gu6_d.ndr eo-ddQgdeddd *.3* eoQua0oluanh dezudaied;. e"od: ded esgong ECO (erudcr;ddcb qgd dddg d:gu6-drodr aoad@Fdeddd o1laeadoi a:f, er"nddd)g doeder6 oou-aooid>a dezudaJedod: d.-raa:denfld. erui: uod5.rgd J*ag aego:: otroooddn eoal:qJdd{ R . er 06. cb ( erudJ r )ddddra detuda:ad; roOdoQ d. & osJod draedue es r-o0oj:ro h . de.at,i,d;ddd ddcb dduoai d:d: esdd dndarord do Mobile Nunrbcr drd) E-mail ID oJ: *d d.oo6ri e-; g&dJd FORMAT de dd derad drrad-t Odrlodrnfl er dya6 d ddedoci: d,oeOd .d".*.*ondJd d,aingildn ond*riraedu dd.ra drdf ddrd ee.roa3oi o)e* egouoorJd^ t darira .c?o6oiJd ddu-oddaJ:" $o ddrdodaedaledodi d,oedenhd. de *.*1o11: *rOTo 8dm qeroaJosJod eroOrloedaieaoRdr{rdood daia dodomr Jduad q&Qd ood: aDaderohd. odesddcb do aro6dd o deeduoe.:ol: aJorlCodr odrd,- d;rorr,:d dEordaod .trddordedddibd ddoj:el o.:doan6dd a6dd66rigJ uaXl, aro66rdedd (National d,eai'er6 Scholarship portal-NSp) d;d; uoa6 a'odo'dedd d-oe'ro6 (state Scholarship l'ofial-SSP) rido erer dgd;ddt drrdoidaRd d!/ad.ras6:oaO- 2 2A6 4 212. OaO-22a6361a. I 0dreddd dqJeo ( I a F0566: Email: directorgokdomaaEmail.com oe3doara6dd derad$ odredudoog 2oJe@ dJdE. a.$ .ioed)d. EdJr'Jd ddard 6dI €odedo" See. doajdrdd) 56OoOt. #oald: (9do&/&.de/qAoil6/,$erd_og/pogo_pl 6uood: l2.,tO.pOpO d.:d:s de9 6do-o6u-oorlCo oodEsr&d 0E* E*", ......4e9....... .......... soumd> .......6.e1....... .n ............. aceJ &dot:- duars:d uaal5d elerdoao-o5dd aoo66rrieri zozo_er de uoerd uagi a6-od6rdedd aloealroo (National Scholarship Ponal-NSP) dg drgu6-dod, ao-od6rdeddd eoerrldab" *edOabd aidf ooa:e3dddro dO6Je.r, erd6eldd6 a:aa.i dgxbd a;fl. erugJeasd ado${ Joa;oQadod. daord ao,rr6d oo$ildod eoodoaro6dd &derduaooiOod 2o2o-91 a3p :-,apqJ rr:rr:t or Schorarshipp".t"r-Nsp;-:'*'=I--"+r:d":35.1'J'jff drrood dgJ,:d pqud :[[,)]':F *$ S,odon 6uoodddr"" addgdrldg Jq1'JX;*oa:u5uO 11.r?T?*d da:6d6u6dg 6uood:_ oo.,'o.roro dod: d,nd6dmod. do ,ddr{o.d drnd il* ddra eeroa5oJr ddu-od abdj aaonrd.l" J_ro .irq eoetdoaro6dd eeroaj dJBd. ddrdod de $.9 ddr{p dd:a eeraa3os.tod d6rln$aier-ad & ddri ddrobadrdod ecbgd. $an daoed a6.$dJd drarJrddsddod doolo? eodr adad@EoiD oo{ adodoEdedd doeuro. (National portar-NSp) Scholarship d drnod ecd6o3o" eoael jH1aa, eseero$ aiodoj:eg fe y-",ir-" erlada&;;-- ;;;;*J eodddd d),a1n6e uod6oi o ri oo y::"- p*r."*rr$ ; ;do, J;;'''il ruo,J"o eo aeerld"J.r^ _, d::o6d dro&€rron oAO^ g e i.{ dn g j g^A d) ea d) od:aaocb dr3d:d.ra aieuod dd;:- eogdoao5d aoo66ro$ Yl du*g eeeeoid>" odgl adod@rdedd doea:rerc ( Nati onal Scho larship portal p)dg -NS eso6eld# drood Jg J_rdod dne ado$d{{. e') .i6-ad6rri$ oedcd esasrJdc (HARD copy) o-oa:ejrrd dabed gedo.t, eldd ou Er,Bdragdgd; E) aoo66rrieod eJdoeld.Jo drrood Jgad elarrjd doOeod a;r3 dlaLro6euod6o$d;/a3odtuoo0ri User Manual eed)d & d$dno6ri odQ&d. CRP erud;s ddd dds dc:- eo) National Scholarship Portal-NSP dg d;ad uae3r'ldd:" ooa:egJDdd: rorlo dernrjeje d-roeodedoirad uoejrler3 RESET LOGIN CREDENTIALS eod)o eed)d)d. o afuod U-aejrlc d.oodeJrraR 6-arlo dernrleJe doeoddoj.rad saeJrldJ ddJd enRo6 RESET draado{oc eeeldoaroddd sdetd oeroid dar6ddLr6dg FORMATS rJdJ oqldad. o uoeJrldc dd:ri eo$os:Jod FORMAT eod.tu aj€r Jrd6 agojr erud edetdddJ, a;-adraad 6fro euaa3-ddori dgiodod doadaied; sdd uoe3rjsod doro}od FORMAT riddJd uadraod Adsd BeroaJ-ddori ddoeJaie*. docl6o& z3goij md &detdddJ, eg) uoejrJerS do3oJ:;ron dJ.ra National Scholarship Portal-NSP erono6dg dradel PROFILE UPDATE droa dodd ADD UPDATE DETAILS dg COURSE-WISE FEES eod:o UPDATE dvoder draa3dodun. qg-tadee soero eranil6dg .io-o66rrld (eeeFrJdr do6eodrnh dod:a:dldog. e) egdddd qoerasdg d{d Joa36on eodr aoa5Qrrldr adad@tdedd{ eoeer Jgt'r:dod gdr fdrtroqd)dJ. d€) Ao-odQFrirrod *edoderad eoasrrldd:a uae-ra National Scholarship Portal-NSP LOGIN dg d0Oee:a eril6eldil6 drarooddde dlo6d dod{ dgdoJorbdod doeadn{drd:.
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