AGENDA (530) 661-0816


If requested, this agenda can be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Federal Rules and Regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Persons seeking an alternative format should contact Kathy Souza, Executive Assistant, for further information. In addition, a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in a public meeting should telephone or otherwise contact Kathy Souza as soon as possible and preferably at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Kathy Souza may be reached at telephone number (530) 661-0816 or at the following address: 350 Industrial Way, Woodland, CA 95776. It is the policy of the Board of Directors of the Yolo County Transportation District to encourage participation in the meetings of the Board of Directors. At each open meeting, members of the public shall be provided with an opportunity to directly address the Board on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Directors. Please fill out a speaker card and give it to the Board Clerk if you wish to address the Board. Speaker cards are provided on a table by the entrance to the meeting room. Depending on the length of the agenda and number of speakers who filled out and submitted cards, the Board Chair reserves the right to limit a public speaker’s time to no more than three (3) minutes, or less, per agenda item.

MEETING DATE: April 14, 2014 MEETING TIME: 7:00 P.M. MEETING PLACE: YCTD Board Room 350 Industrial Way Woodland, CA 95776

The Chairman reserves the right to limit speakers to a reasonable length of time on any agenda item, depending upon the number of people wishing to speak and the time available. Time Estimated Info/Discussion


7:00 PM 1. Call to order/roll call/Pledge of Allegiance X (Voting members: Woodland, Davis, West Sacramento, Winters, Yolo County) (Nonvoting members: Caltrans, UCD) 7:00 2. Consider Approval of Agenda for April 14, 2014 meeting X 7:00 3. Comments from public regarding matters NOT on the Agenda, but within the purview of X YCTD

CONSENT CALENDAR 7:00 4a. Approve YCTD Board Minutes for Meeting of March 10, 2014 (Souza) (p 1-3) X

REGULAR CALENDAR 7:00 5. Board Member Reports, Announcements, Other Nominations, Presentations (Oral Reports) X a. Consider Selection of YCTD Vice-Chair 7:05 6. Oral Update from Veolia Transportation (Carmen Alba, Veolia General Manager) X 7:10 7. Ratify Transit Mitigation Actions For Fix 50 Project and to Cover Bus Rehabilitation X Project (Bassett) (pp 5-18)

7:55 8. Receive Director’s Report (Bassett/Phillips) (pp 19-32) X a. Streetcar Update b. Rail Relocation Project Update c. Updates Regarding Development of Preliminary Budgets d. Status of PG&E Project e. Oral Report f. Attachments i. Fixed Route and Paratransit Ridership Reports thru March, 2014 ii. Article in March, 2014 Business World Magazine 8:00 9. Adjournment X

THE NEXT MEETING OF THE YOLO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILL BE MAY 12, 2014 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE YCTD BOARD ROOM, 350 INDUSTRIAL WAY, WOODLAND, CA 95776. The Board reserves the right to take action on all agendized items, including items under the Executive Director's Report, at any time during the meeting, except for timed public hearings. Items considered routine or non-controversial are placed on the Consent Calendar. Any Consent Calendar item can be separately addressed and discussed at the request of any member of the YCTD Board. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda was posted on or before Friday April 11, 2014 at the Yolo County Transportation District Office (350 Industrial Way, Woodland, ). Additionally, copies were FAXED or transmitted electronically to the Woodland, Davis, West Sacramento and Winters City Halls, as well as to the Clerk of the Board for the County of Yolo.

, YCTD Secretary Terry V. Bassett, Executive Director

Item 4a YOLO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING March 10, 2014 Yolo County Transportation District Board Room 350 Industrial Way, Woodland, CA 95776 Agenda Item 1 – Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance Chair Frerichs called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. He asked Director Ledesma to lead the assembly in the pledge of allegiance. The following representatives were in attendance: West Sacramento – Christopher Ledesma (Alternate) Davis – Lucas Frerichs (Primary) Winters – Harold Anderson (Primary) Woodland – William Marble (Primary) Yolo County – Don Saylor (Primary) UC Davis – Gary Sandy (Primary) Not in attendance was a representative from Caltrans District 3. Staff present were Terry Bassett, YCTD Executive Director; Janice Phillips, YCTD Deputy Director, Sonia Cortés, YCTD Legal Counsel and Kathy Souza, YCTD Executive Assistant. Also present were Carmen Alba, Tom Follansbee and Dan Thao of Veolia Transportation, Bob Andosca, Yolo Transportation Management Association and William Lowell, West Sacramento. Agenda Item 2 - Consider Approval of Agenda for March 10, 2014 meeting Minute Order 2014-12 Chair Frerichs asked if there were any changes to the agenda. There being none, Director Marble made the motion, seconded by Director Saylor, to approve the agenda for the March 10, 2014 meeting. Roll call resulted in: AYES: Anderson, Frerichs, Ledesma, Marble, Saylor NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Agenda Item 3 – Comments from public regarding matters NOT on the Agenda, but within the purview of YCTD William Lowell, West Sacramento, stated his concern about the downtown Arena demolition scheduled to begin May 7 as it related to moving bus stops. He wanted clarification if benches, shelters and convenient near-by restrooms would be available for passengers. He stated he supported delaying the construction projects until such time as a new bridge could be built connecting Southport and the Pocket area. Agenda Item 4 – Consent Calendar Minute Order 2014-13 Director Marble made the motion, seconded by Director Saylor, to approve the following items on the Consent Calendar: 4a. Approve YCTD Board Minutes for Meeting of February 10, 2014, 4b Adopt Resolution Authorizing Filing of Grant Applications and Executing Grant Agreements and Supplemental Documents, 4c. Authorize Grant Application for Clean Air Funds. Roll call resulted in: AYES: Anderson, Frerichs, Ledesma, Marble, Saylor NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None


Agenda Item 5 – Board Member Reports, Announcements, Appointment Nominations, Presentations a. Mr. Bassett explained that with the loss of both Supervisor Mike McGowan and City Councilman Oscar Villegas from the board, new appointees are needed to represent the District on the Streetcar Policy Steering Committee. He further indicated that Oscar Villegas is now on the Yolo County Board of Supervisors and has been named as alternate board member to the YCTD board. Minute Order 2014-14 Director Saylor made the motion, seconded by Director Marble, to appoint Director Villegas as a primary representative to the Streetcar Policy Steering Committee and postpone the second appointment until West Sacramento made its new appointments to the District board of directors. Roll call resulted in: AYES: Anderson, Frerichs, Ledesma, Marble, Saylor NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None b. Mr. Bassett explained that Oscar Villegas had been the alternate to the JPA board so a new alternate needed to be appointed. Chair Frerichs stated that the selection should be postponed until all new appointments were in place. Director Saylor stated he might be interested in serving. Agenda Item 6 – Oral Update from Veolia Transportation General Manager Carmen Alba: • Introduced Tom Follansbee, Operations Manager, and Dan Thao, Safety and Training Manager, who each gave a brief statement of their transit experience. • Stated she and Dan had completed the Drug & Alcohol Test Management Information System report for 2013. • Stated the management team was working on plans for dealing with the upcoming construction projects and expected traffic congestion implications. Agenda Item 7 – Consider Proposed Approach to Mitigate Impacts from Various Construction Projects Mr. Bassett reviewed the staff report, emphasizing that there would be multiple projects going on all at the same time, the WX project, work on the Pioneer Bridge, on/off ramps at both I-5/50 and 50 at Jefferson and I-80 eastbound lanes being resurfaced with traffic being diverted into the new HOV lanes. In addition to all the projects, the demolition for the downtown Arena project was to begin adding up to 90 trucks hauling materials per day. Mr. Bassett explained that Highway 113 could well be affected, as commuters attempt to avoid the construction zones, also creating heavier traffic Woodland surface streets and on I-5. Mr. Bassett stated in 2008 Caltrans had provided reimbursement for mitigation expenses, but for these projects none had been offered. He reported approaching Caltrans about the matter and received the response that Caltrans was waiting for reimbursement suggestions from the affected agencies and would only pay for additional service put into place because of the projects and would not pay for driver hours extended by delays. Mr. Bassett shared cost analyses for several possible mitigation measures and asked for authorization to correspond with involved agencies. He asked for authorization to request that Caltrans postpone the I-80 work and the Arena project delay its start until the other projects were completed. Director Marble asked if no mitigation was received from Caltrans would the District still move forward with mitigation measures. Mr. Bassett replied the District should do so in order to best serve its jurisdictions and their residents. Director Ledesma expressed concerns about east-west capacities crossing the river in addition to the start of the River Cats baseball season with its additional traffic. He asked how flexible the District could be in responding to changing patterns by commuters and how quickly the District could lease extra buses. Mr. Bassett stated the District was looking into leasing several diesel buses and Veolia was working to build up their staff of drivers to be available for any additional service needed. He added that it would be several weeks before buses would be on-site. He also mentioned the possibility of contracting with private shuttle companies to fill in as necessary. Director Frerichs asked if the District would have to purchase Capitol Corridors up front. Mr. Bassett responded that with the I-5 project the District was only charged for those tickets actually collected. He added that one concern about the discounted tickets was regular riders might try to purchase the discounted tickets instead of their regular passes. Director


Frerichs stated that the Davis and Sacramento passenger train boardings had declined as opposed to most other stations showing an increase in boardings. Director Sandy asked how buses would augment train riders. Mr. Bassett responded that could get riders within easy walking distance of the station but that it could be problematic taking the buses all the way to the station. Director Sandy mentioned that some Capitol Corridor riders were currently driving from Sacramento to Davis to avoid the $10/day parking fee at the Sacramento station. Director Sandy suggested that Woodland might need to change the timing on stop lights and perhaps add police traffic control if expected congestion on Main Street developed due to commuters traveling from I-5 to St. Rt. 113. He suggested that Mr. Bassett bring public works directors and police chiefs from the member jurisdictions into the discussions. Director Ledesma asked if late arrivals on routes would be considered. He suggested that employers be encouraged to allow employees to either arrive earlier or later than usual commute times to help alleviate congestion. Director Anderson stated that he did not expect the Arena project to be held up until after the other projects. He asked if the possibility of barging demolition materials, rather than hauling by truck, and scheduling outside of commute hours had been discussed. Mr. Bassett responded he was uncertain if the barge concept had been looked into by the planners. Director Frerichs asked what involvement SACOG had with the projects. Director Saylor replied, to the best of his knowledge, it had not been brought up at the SACOG board level. Consensus among the directors supported staff recommendations and directed to move forward with the proposed actions and revisit the matter for financial decisions at the April meeting when more information would be available. Director Saylor stated that Mr. Bassett would be invited to discuss the issue at the March 21 Yolo Managers’ Group meeting. Agenda Item 8 – Authorize Activities Related to River Cats Home Game Shuttle Services Mr. Bassett provided an overview of the staff report stating that the River Cats management was asking for post-game service for those attending games. He explained that some of the parking lots used by the River Cats in previous years were no longer available due to development. He stated that one possibility would be to run additional service on the Routes 40 and 41. However, if the River Cats requested free shuttles, that would not be possible as the District was prohibited by federal regulation from providing charter service. By general agreement the Executive Director was authorized to continue discussions with the River Cats regarding post game bus service. Agenda Item 9 –Receive Director’s Report a) Paratransit Vehicle Procurement Status – Mr. Bassett gave an overview of the staff report and stated staff would provide more information once details were available. b) Streetcar Update – Mr. Bassett gave a brief recap of the Portland streetcar trip. c) Preparing for Strategic Planning Session – Director Marble requested the planning session be postponed until twenty-four months from the last review (deferring the matter to the fall of 2014). d) Oral Report – None e) Attachments i. Fixed Route and Paratransit Ridership Reports thru February 2014 ii. Quarterly Performance and Financial Report Through December 31, 2014 iii. Article on Obama Proposed Transportation Reauthorization Agenda Item 10 – Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned by consent at 7:58 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

, Clerk to the Board



BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: YOLO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 350 Industrial Way, Woodland, CA 95776----(530) 661-0816 Topic: Ratify Transit Agenda Item#: Mitigation Actions For Fix-50 Project and to Cover Bus 7 Rehabilitation Project Agenda Type: Deliberation/*Action

Attachments: Yes No Prepared By: Terry Bassett Approved By: Meeting Date: April 14, 2014

RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the YCTD Board of Directors ratify the following actions regarding mitigations associated with the Fix-50 project (April 22-June 25, 2014), and to procure spare buses while other buses are being rehabilitated, and authorize its Executive Director to undertake the steps necessary to accomplish said work. It is also recommended that the YCTD board ratify the alternatives as described in the attachment and authorize the Executive Director to undertake the following: 1. Negotiate and execute an MOU or other agreement with Caltrans, SACOG and other parties to implement the YCTD mitigations as described herein; and 2. Prepare a budget amendment, as necessary, for the May or June YCTD board meeting to cover YCTD mitigating expenses; and 3. Procure 9 CNG buses from Sonoma County Transit, at the price of $46,000 and prepare them for revenue service and lease communications equipment and one paratransit vehicle, if necessary. REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION: The “Fix-50” reconstruction project sequencing and schedule have been modified. Also, we are preparing to ship buses out for rehabilitation and desire to supplement the fleet during that time. BACKGROUND: Last month, your board heard a report from staff regarding a proposed series of Caltrans related freeway construction projects planned for the period of May 2 through June 17, 2014. Since then, Caltrans has reassessed the projects and now plans the following: 1. Project period: April 22nd and continuing to June 25th , excluding May 22-26 2. A 2,530-foot section of the W/X freeway (Highway 50) between 18th and 24th Streets will be reconstructed. Some 10,000 cars an hour each direction will be funneled down from the current five lanes to two or three lanes, but only one direction at a time. The eastbound work will occur April 22nd to May 21st. The westbound work will be May 27th to June 25th. 3. It appears that construction work on the Pioneer Bridge (over the Sacramento River) and related on and off ramp work at both Jefferson and I-5 may be delayed until AFTER the Fix 50 project. 4. Also, it has apparently been decided that construction work in various sections in the eastbound direction on Interstate 80 will also be delayed until AFTER the Fix 50 project. What does this mean to Yolo County? • Delays of up to 60 minutes could occur, especially April 22nd thru May 21st. • Eastbound traffic on Highway 50 will back up—it is just a matter of how far to the west on I-80 it does. • West Capitol Avenue, Jefferson Boulevard and River Road in West Sacramento, along with several other surface streets and the Tower Bridge, may become heavily congested, due to the backup on Highway 50.


• We think that some eastbound I-80 vehicles may divert to Highway 113 between Davis and Woodland, possibly causing backups along East Main Street and Gibson. • Car commuters and truckers may attempt alternative routing in Sacramento, clogging up those streets. • We speculate that between April 22nd and May 21st, when eastbound Highway 50 is being worked on, southbound I-5 could back up to Highway 99 or further north. • If law enforcement finds traffic too heavily impacted at certain ramps (e.g., J Street exit off I-5), there is a possibility they could direct traffic past those ramps. That may prove quite difficult on our bus operations. Three other matters may affect traffic: • If the Sacramento Entertainment and Sports Complex (ESC) gets past the EIR, demolition of the site (surrounded by 5th, J, 7th, L Street) may begin sometime between late May and early June. Some 90 trucks a day may be involved in moving debris, which may impede traffic. • There are 31 scheduled Sacramento River Cats home games scheduled for Raley Field from April 22nd through June 25th. • The Jazz Festival is scheduled for May 23-26. At the request of your board, I brought this matter to the attention of the Yolo Managers Group. I also met with staff from the Cities of West Sacramento, Woodland and Davis and have been in communication with staff from the County and the City of Winters. We also plan to rehabilitate up to eight (8) CNG buses in the near future. Undertaking this activity will place added stress on the remaining YCTD fleet. We have learned that Sonoma County Transit has 9 active CNG buses that it is willing to sell YCTD (the price is being negotiated. We believe that buying and using these CNG buses, as opposed to leasing diesel buses, is in the best interest of YCTD. They will address the Fix-50 vehicle needs as well as accommodate the bus rehabilitation project, and we will be more commensurate with the intention of the California Air Resources Board. The following is proposed by YCTD staff: 11. Undertake various activities a. Suggest to the City of Sacramento that the Sacramento Entertainment and Sports Complex delay demolition work until after the Fix-50 project is completed. b. Inform YOLOBUS riders of possible delays ranging from 20-60 minutes on all routes in and out of Sacramento. c. Encourage express riders to take earlier bus trips when possible. d. Update YOLOBUS web site to show these changes. Include link to Caltrans site. e. Erect temporary signs guiding Woodland and Davis riders to park-and-ride locations. f. Print and distribute interim schedules. g. Create and post information in the buses h. Post information on local cable government access channels. i. Press releases, in coordination with Caltrans and other operators. j. Have staff work with State Agencies and other downtown Sacramento employer to inform them of additional service. k. Have staff provide on-site assistance to riders during a.m. peak hours the first few days. l. Have afternoon deadhead trips from Woodland to downtown Sacramento leave the Woodland yard early. m. As necessary, hire extra interns to assist in these efforts. n. Negotiate compensation to Veolia Transportation for added revenue service associated with traffic delays, within the financial constraints established by YCTD. o. Negotiate and execute pass-thru reimbursements with Caltrans, SACOG and other involved parties. 6

2. Additional Services During “Fix 50” Project for Yolo County Transportation District (See attached, including proposed alternatives) BUDGET IMPACT: See attached. Based on what Caltrans has told staff, it appears that Caltrans may limit what Fix 50 related transit mitigations it will pay for in the region to a maximum of $1/2 million. The details are still being worked on. Collectively, the transit operators and TMAs have requested about $1.081 million from Caltrans. YCTD has requested $290,343 from Caltrans. (Our estimated gross cost for the mitigations is $363,067. After crediting $73,614 in fares, the net cost to YCTD is $290,343.) Additionally, we are now proposing up to another $72,600 (net cost is $33,000) for an additional 13,200 Capitol Corridor train tickets if demand warrants it. Caltrans has tentatively offered up to $171,000 for YCTD mitigations. This means there would therefore be about $152,000 that YCTD would need to contribute ($119,000 if we subsidize only 13,200 train tickets). We are also proposing to procure 9 used CNG buses (12-14 years old) for $46,000 from Sonoma County Transit, rather than lease four (4) diesel buses (17 years old) from a private vendor, plus lease one paratransit vehicle, and ask that your board ratify this activity. We think it will be cheaper in the long run to do this and it provides us some much needed wiggle room as we start sending buses out for rehabilitation.


City of Davis – City of West Sacramento – City of Winters City of Woodland – County of Yolo EX Officio – Caltrans District 3 – University of California, Davis

Yolo County Transportation District 350 Industrial Way Woodland, CA 95776 530.661.0816 FAX: 530.661.1732

April 7, 2014

Proposed Additional Services During “Fix 50” Project for Yolo County Transportation District Total Net Request for Added Bus Service & Train Tickets: $290,453 (The above number is a “not to exceed” number. YCTD reserves the right to shift resources around to meet variations of the proposal components described below, and in response to real time changes in conditions, as long as the net subsidy from Caltrans does not exceed $290,453.)

A: West Sacramento Added Bus Service Description (22 days): ($26,643 net of fares) Two buses at 16 hours a day each additional driver time would be assigned to added West Sacramento service. This will include, but is not limited to, running extra service between the West Sacramento Transit Center and the Sacramento Amtrak station, plus extra peak hour trips from Southport to downtown Sacramento and back, plus other additional local service.

B: West Sacramento Added Bus Service Related to Rivercat Game Days (31 days): ($17,150) Pre-Rivercat bus service from Southport to Raley Field, plus post Rivercat bus service to Southport and the northern part of West Sacramento (up to 9 hours additional driver time x 31 game days). Because the Fix 50 project portrays a perception of inaccessibility to Rivercat games, we believe that a shuttle alternative needs to be provided throughout both the eastbound and westbound Fix 50 construction schedule. (See Sacramento RT proposal regarding shuttles between downtown Sacramento and Raley Field.)

C: Davis/Amtrak Feeder Bus Service (22 days only): ($8,114, including free fares on ) Our proposal shows 1 bus (6 hours a day additional driver time times 22 weekdays) that would be assigned to Davis. The added bus will shuttle people from existing Unitrans and Yolobus routes to the Amtrak depot in the mornings, and back in the afternoons.

D: Free rides on Unitrans April 22-May 21: ($5,000 for free fares on Unitrans) We are also proposing to pay Unitrans $5,000 to cover ½ of the general public fare revenues Unitrans would lose if it gave its service away April 22nd -May 21st, including Saturdays, if Unitrans covers the other half. This would provide virtually all of Davis public transportation access to and from the Amtrak depot (albeit some trips involving multiple buses) and help get cars off local streets which would otherwise be impacted by Fix-50 related traffic congestion.

E. Capitol Corridor Reduced Fare Program for Davis/Sacramento Rides (22 days only): ($33,000 net of fares) Sell up to 13,200 Davis/Sacramento Capitol Corridor train rides (equivalent to 600 rides per weekday). YCTD would collect $3 from the rider and pay Capitol Corridor $5.50 per ride. The tickets would be valid only on weekdays April 22, 2014 through May 21, 2014.


Capitol Corridor Train

Trains between Davis and Sacramento Davis => Sacramento Sacramento => Davis

Train # Davis Sacramento Train # Sacramento Davis 520 6:57 AM 7:23 AM 543 3:35 PM 3:50 PM 522 7:57 AM 8:23 AM 545 4:40 PM 4:55 PM 524 9:17 AM 9:48 AM 547 5:40 PM 5:55 PM

F. Woodland/Sacramento Added Bus Service (22 days only): ($6,419 net of fares) Two buses at 4 hours a day each times 22 weekdays would be assigned to Woodland. The buses will do one of the following: a) Provide two extra morning between Woodland and downtown Sacramento, plus two return trips in the afternoon; or b) Provide Woodland feeder service between various locations in the Woodland area and the Davis Amtrak station. G. Other Additional Fixed Route Bus Service (22 days only): ($68,158 net of fares) We are proposing 60 hours added driver time, where additional buses would be placed into service on routes that are severely impacted by the traffic congestion, based on real time conditions. For example, when intercity route 42A or 42B trips are running severely late, additional buses would be strategically inserted into service to get buses closer to scheduled times. This will also increase our capacity. We would only bill for buses actually added. H. Additional Paratransit Service (46 days) ($39,586) We are proposing 14 hours of additional paratransit driver time and an additional paratransit vehicle for each weekday. The Yolobus paratransit service area extends as far east as Kaiser North Hospital, plus serves several kidney dialysis and cancer patients in such areas as Alhambra Boulevard who depend on paratransit services to get to and from their appointments. It is anticipated that the Fix 50 closures in both directions will affect that service, as surface streets will be heavily congested, particularly around Business 80. I. Why we need to lease 4 buses and one paratransit vehicle for 2 months: ($41,950) (4 buses/ x $4,300/month x 2 months, plus 1 paratransit vehicle at $2,000/month x 2 months, plus 5 leased phones x $100/month x 2 months, plus $250 per bus x 5 buses (including Unitrans bus) for signage, plus $300 per vehicle x 5 vehicles for installation of fareboxes, other preparation, and return costs) We currently place 41 of our 50 large buses into peak hour revenue service. That gives us a maximum of a 22% spare ratio, or 9 buses. At any time, 4-7 of those buses may be in for preventive maintenance or repairs. In essence, that means we have only 2-5 buses available in case one breaks down. Also, one or two of our buses will be tied up for rehabilitation around that time. The additional 4 leased buses are needed because we are adding up to 4 additional buses into peak hour revenue service, plus depending on Unitrans for a 5th bus which they will operate. We will need the buses at least 10 days before service starts, as they need to be prepped and drivers will need to be trained on them if they are different than the current fleet. If we can find a way to lower the lease costs, or get by with fewer buses, we will try. The rates are based on a quote we received from a vendor. If we find a lower lease rate, we will adjust our billing downward by the revised rate versus the rate described above.


J. Why additional drivers will be brought in from other properties: ($27,061) With the accelerated start date for the eastbound work, Veolia Transportation will need to bring in, feed and house drivers from other Veolia properties, rather than hire and train new drivers. The proposal now assumes 4 drivers will be brought in for the period of April 17th through May 21st. Each will be paid for travel time to and from Woodland, mileage, for housing and meals, and for about 12 hours of familiarization training. K. Why we need additional road supervision: ($6,257) It is estimated that Veolia Transportation, our contractor, will require 8 additional hours of road supervisor per weekday. This is needed to assure timeliness of service, inform drivers of changes that occur, to provide signage at bus stops on the changing conditions, to deliver and drop off some relief buses (if drivers are unavailable), to deal with bus re-routes that become necessary, as well as accidents. L. Why we need additional customer service: ($7,254) We are proposing 8 hours of additional customer service per weekday over 6 weeks. We anticipate a large influx of calls, in addition to the 250 calls we already receive each weekday. Customer service representatives will need to keep the public informed on the supplemental services that are being provided, as well as the current conditions of existing service. They will also be needed to guide Capitol Corridor train riders where they can pick up train tickets. M. Why we need interns: ($3,861) We are proposing 45 hours/week of interns over 6 weeks, including a week before the eastbound work and one week during the westbound work. They will be responsible for selling Capitol Corridor train tickets at such places as the Davis Farmer’s Market and the Davis Amtrak Depot. They will also be involved in distributing bus schedules and publications to our riders and numerous outlets and doing ongoing web page updates. We believe it will take 3 part time interns, each working 15 hours a week, to accomplish these tasks.



Alternative: $323,453 net of fares if another 13,200 Capitol Corridor tickets are sold.

Alternative E-1: Sell up to 13,200 initial Davis/Sacramento Capitol Corridor train rides. YCTD would collect $3 from the rider and pay Capitol Corridor $5.50 per ticket returned ($72,600 gross, $33,000 net of fares). The tickets would be valid only on weekdays from April 22, 2014 through June 25, 2014. Add an option to sell ANOTHER 13,200 tickets if the demand warrants it.

Alternative F-1: One bus at 4 hours a day times 22 weekdays assigned to Woodland/Sac and one bus at 4 hours a day times 22 weekdays assigned to Davis/Sac.

Alternative I-1: Buy 9 used CNG Transit Coaches from Sonoma Transit for $46,000. Prepare (estimated at $27,000) and use them for Fix 50 service and for remaining service while YCTD buses are being rehabilitated. Then at end, decide whether to use some of those 9 buses for spare parts and sell the remaining buses and parts.



Some road sections that may be impacted by Sacramento area freeway projects:


YCTD routes that may be impacted by Sacramento area freeway projects:

Proposed YCTD transit service mitigations for Fix 50 Project




Service Description: Yolo County Transportation District (aka Yolobus)

Added Bus Service Operator Costs Driver Driver Report Off Strt Time Decimal Pay Rate Cost/Day Days Subtotal Driver Costs Fuel Maint. Insur. TOTAL West Sac--Bus 1 6:00 AM 10:00 PM 16:00 16.00 $33.34 $533 22 $11,735 $2,908 $5,584 $1,410 $21,637.32 West Sacramento Area Additional Bus Runs West Sac--Bus 2 6:00 AM 10:00 PM 16:00 16.00 $33.34 $533 22 $11,735 $2,908 $5,584 $1,410 $21,637.32 West Sacramento Area Additional Bus Runs West Sac Local Rivercat Shuttles Set to match 31 games 9.00 $33.34 $300 31 $9,301 $2,305 $4,426 $1,118 $17,150.04 Rivercat Shuttles Additional Inserted Trips 5:00 AM 9:00 PM 16:00 16.00 $33.34 $533 22 $11,735 $2,908 $5,584 $1,410 $21,637.32 Additional Bus Runs Additional Inserted Trips 5:00 AM 9:00 PM 16:00 16.00 $33.34 $533 22 $11,735 $2,908 $5,584 $1,410 $21,637.32 Other Additional Bus Runs Additional Inserted Trips 6:00 AM 8:00 PM 14:00 14.00 $33.34 $467 22 $10,268 $2,545 $4,886 $1,234 $18,932.66 Other Additional Bus Runs Additional Inserted Trips 6:00 AM 8:00 PM 14:00 14.00 $33.34 $467 22 $10,268 $2,545 $4,886 $1,234 $18,932.66 Other Additional Bus Runs Woodland AM --Bus 3 6:00 AM 8:00 AM 2:00 2.00 $33.34 $67 22 $1,467 $364 $698 $176 $2,704.67 Woodland/Sac Additional Bus Runs Woodland AM --Bus 4 6:00 AM 8:00 AM 2:00 2.00 $33.34 $67 22 $1,467 $364 $698 $176 $2,704.67 Woodland/Sac Additional Bus Runs Woodland PM --Bus 3 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 2:00 2.00 $33.34 $67 22 $1,467 $364 $698 $176 $2,704.67 Sac/Woodland Additional Bus Runs Woodland PM --Bus 4 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 2:00 2.00 $33.34 $67 22 $1,467 $364 $698 $176 $2,704.67 Sac/Woodland Additional Bus Runs Davis AM --Bus 5 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 3:00 3.00 $33.34 $100 22 $2,200 $545 $1,047 $264 $4,057.00 Davis/Amtrak Additional Bus Runs Davis PM --Bus 5 3:30 PM 6:30 PM 3:00 3.00 $33.34 $100 22 $2,200 $545 $1,047 $264 $4,057.00 Amtrak/Davis Additional Bus Runs Medical Paratransit 6:00 AM 8:00 PM 14:00 14.00 $33.34 $467 46 $21,469 $5,321 $10,216 $2,580 $39,586.46 Added Paratransit Service Total 129.00 $4,301 $108,514 $26,894 $51,637 $13,038 $200,083.74 Added Bus Service Costs Driver, fuel, insurance, bus costs a. Vehicle hours per day 129 b. Avg speed = veh miles / veh hours (Yolobus = 19.83) 19.83 c. Estimated vehicle miles per day 2,558.07 d. Cost per vehicle mile for full-size bus (payment to contractor) $0.80 i. Affected days varies j. Subtotal $ 200,084 k. Bus & Radio Lease Costs & Bus Preparation Costs (4 buses, one cutaway + communications, + prep + signage) $41,950 (4 buses and 1 cutaway for 2 months. Number to be reduced if lease costs lowered) l. 4 drivers (incl 12 hrs familiarization training + 4 hrs travel time) $27,062 (34 days x 4 drivers x $180/day incl. room & meal allowance + 200 miles x 4 drivers Supervisory Costs x .$.56 mileage rate + 16 hrs familiarization training & travel time) Additional Veolia road supervisor hours on weekdays to assist keeping buses on schedule, responding to incidents, directing traffic, etc.

m. FTE Supervisor positions 2 n. Additional OT work hours per supervisor 4 o. Wage, overtime, FICA per hour $35.55 p. Cost per day $284.40 q. Affected days 22 r. Total added supervisory cost $6,257

Customer Service Costs s. Additional Veolia Customer Service hours at 8 hrs/day x 6 weeks x $16.12/hr x 1.5 OT x 1.25 benefits $ 7,254 t. YCTD Interns 15 hrs/intern x 3 interns x $14.30 per hr x 6 weeks) $ 3,861

Unitrans Fare Revenues u. Unitrans general public cash fare revenue replacement on weekdays ($227.27 per day x 22 weekdays) $ 5,000 v. (subject to finalizing negotiations with Unitrans*) Subtotal $291,467 Before Fare Credits

w. Capitol Corridor Train Tickets $ 72,600 Before Fare Credits (600 tickets a day x 22 days x $5.50 per ticket net subsidy)

Fares x. SUMMARY paid by Riders Rides Avg Fare y. Added Bus Service, Support, Bus Lease $291,467 Wsac: $ 16,632 10,800 $ 1.54 z. Less Bus Fare Credits -$34,014 Davis: $ - 1,760 N/A aa. Bus Reimbursement Amount $257,453 Woodland: $ 4,400 1,760 $ 2.50 4 Added Buses: $ 12,982 8,430 $ 1.54 ab. Added Capitol Corridor Train Tickets $72,600 Added Paratransit $ - - N/A ac. Less Train Fare Credits -$39,600 Total Bus Fares $ 34,014 22,750 $ 1.50 ad. Train Reimbursement Amount $33,000

ae. Total Request $290,453

af. What Caltrans is NOT being billed for: Schedule printing costs, ticket printing costs, advertising costs, overtime beyond the assumptions above, bus stop signage change costs, other publicity costs, lost fare revenue in the event YCTD loses ridership during the construction period, most YCTD administrative staff costs and YCTD overhead.

*All costs are estimates. The above number is a “not to exceed” number. YCTD reserves the right to shift resources around to meet variations of the proposal components described below, as long as the net subsidy from Caltrans does not exceed $290,453.



BOARD COMMUNICATION: YOLO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 350 Industrial Way, Woodland, CA 95776---- (530) 661-0816 Topic: Agenda Item #: Receive Director’s Report 9 Agenda Type: Deliberation/Action*

Attachments: Yes No Prepared By: Terry Bassett Approved By: Meeting Date: April 14, 2014 & Janice Phillips RECOMMENDATION: Items with a staff recommendation, if any, are in italics and marked with an asterisk below. Your board reserves the right to take action on all items below. BACKGROUND: f) Streetcar Update—A letter has been sent to the Federal Transit Administration requesting approval to proceed with the project development stage of the streetcar project. Once that gets approved, that will allow the project partners to continue their steadfast work on environmental and design activities, as well as address financing mechanisms for local contributions and how governance will be dealt with. g) Rail Relocation Update — The application for a Federal Economic Development Assistance Grant to analyze the rail relocation projects economic impacts and opportunities is complete and in preliminary review by former EDA staff. We anticipate receiving comments back by the end of this week and absent any significant issue, we will submit the application to EDA shortly thereafter. The Working Group continues to work on other aspects of the project and has begun to engage in preliminary discussions related to potential alignments of the new rail line and conducting fatal flaw analysis relative to the I-5 undercrossing. h) Update Regarding Development of Preliminary Budget—YCTD’s preliminary budget is due at the end of April. The only service increases proposed in the preliminary budget relate to a Spring Lake to U.C. Davis commuter shuttle, added time and miles associated with the Sacramento Entertainment and Sports Center, and an increase in curb-to-curb ADA related paratransit service. It is anticipated that the preliminary budget will shift the percentage of service charged to the Cities of Davis, Woodland, West Sacramento and the County of Yolo. The percentage share is expected to rise for Davis and Woodland, go down for West Sacramento and stay roughly the same for the County. This is because Davis and Woodland riders of paratransit service consume more service miles and hours because they tend to take trips of a longer average length than West Sacramento riders. i) Status of PG&E Project—PG&E has a comprehensive program to inspect and enhance the safety of its natural gas transmission pipeline system. They have a project testing the gas lines along Main Street this spring. At one point we were anticipating having our gas delivery interrupted and expected PG&E to place tube trailers on our property to deliver gas for our vehicles. PG&E has developed an alternative for this project. We received notification that there will be no interruption to our gas service at any time during the testing procedures. This means our CNG should be unaffected. j) Oral Report k) Attachments iii. Fixed Route and Paratransit Ridership Reports thru March, 2014 iv. Article in March, 2014 Business World Magazine


Yolobus Fixed Route Ridership Trends

'11-12 '12-13 '13-14 +.8% YTD 180,000 -1.7% +0.8% 160,000 +5.4% +6.8% +1.4% -2.8% -1.8% -2.9% 140,000 +4.8%



Riders 80,000




0 Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Totals 13-14 145,240 150,145 147,925 159,624 135,001 128,789 140,420 134,193 140,902 0 0 0 1,282,239 12-13 136,029 152,771 141,712 158,319 138,423 122,854 138,422 138,245 144,978 143,474 145,716 129,271 1,690,214 11-12 125,846 143,688 140,150 142,995 134,523 124,528 137,741 143,683 147,795 139,652 145,890 131,767 1,658,258 10-11 140,034 143,616 136,714 139,815 130,272 118,877 133,058 130,088 141,582 141,200 140,848 132,082 1,628,186 09-10 144,651 141,258 144,049 150,809 132,730 125,460 133,705 136,346 148,367 140,109 136,272 132,315 1,666,071 08-09 160,580 161,041 158,082 168,903 143,478 140,487 153,123 138,164 152,247 147,277 144,946 140,563 1,808,891 07-08 159,817 155,510 152,555 163,369 138,675 136,205 148,057 133,631 147,265 142,604 140,421 136,372 1,754,481 06-07 122,800 126,074 114,147 127,610 116,009 106,480 116,214 117,959 124,535 134,526 138,991 140,437 1,485,782 05-06 106,044 121,542 111,262 118,112 107,259 101,906 114,092 105,096 123,411 115,029 122,358 116,621 1,362,732 04-05 107,150 117,018 108,890 112,076 103,828 95,674 107,599 101,379 113,837 105,354 118,847 115,748 1,307,400 03-04 105,206 106,152 104,410 103,943 97,488 95,852 99,008 96,068 106,015 105,685 105,309 105,176 1,230,312 02-03 108,939 103,488 101,711 108,467 92,480 89,168 92,516 89,648 106,759 101,867 102,835 103,819 1,201,697 01-02 112,889 111,782 105,554 114,277 97,067 92,461 101,652 95,307 106,049 104,030 106,669 101,146 1,248,883 00-01 117,273 121,631 108,539 118,293 106,027 96,291 105,754 98,203 105,663 109,432 113,032 103,519 1,303,657

6.8% -1.7% 4.4% 0.8% -2.5% 4.8% 1.4% -2.9% -2.8%


Yolobus Special Paratransit (ADA) Ridership Trends

'11-12 '12-13 '13-14 +1.9% YTD 2,500

-4.9% +12.5% +12.7% -3.7% +3.6% +1.0% -1.8% 2,000 +1.6% -1.6%

1,500 Riders 1,000


0 Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Totals 13-14 2,023 2,026 1,985 2,074 1,896 1,821 1,974 1,735 2,046 0 0 0 17,580 12-13 1,798 2,005 1,761 2,181 1,930 1,792 2,050 1,764 1,975 2,248 2,035 1,845 23,384 11-12 1,422 1,554 1,507 1,479 1,425 1,346 1,452 1,441 1,677 1,577 1,791 1,648 18,319 10-11 1,399 1,435 1,471 1,443 1,288 1,346 1,396 1,382 1,557 1,515 1,519 1,530 17,281 09-10 1,447 1,326 1,349 1,306 1,260 1,292 1,273 1,265 1,414 1,334 1,310 1,341 15,917 08-09 1,504 1,465 1,606 1,667 1,341 1,531 1,590 1,582 1,701 1,415 1,378 1,444 18,224 07-08 1,456 1,640 1,276 1,478 1,272 1,275 1,283 1,300 1,344 1,467 1,491 1,368 16,650

12.5% 1.0% 12.7% -4.9% -1.8% 1.6% -3.7% -1.6% 3.6%


Article in March, 2014 Business World Magazine