Images Resemble Celebrities

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Images Resemble Celebrities ffibserucr entertainment Ethel Simmons editor/591 -2300' 8B*(W.G-5B) O&E Thursday, April 7,1983 Images resemble celebrities By Ethel 8|mmomj staff wrfter . ' • . -' - .-* ."/..:• who are dead ringers for celebrities in the entertain- ment world — are\putting on their first professional show to- gether as the Mirror Images. mi George Cbukalas of Troy, is a con- struction worker who looks just like • £ ^- Robert Blake, star of the TV series mm s about a colorful cop named Baretta. He and the other Mirror Images, all *Mp-*:; •'•,.' _•_i j'-"1- ; •/\ of whom share equal partnership in y .their new show-business venture, •will perform at 9 p.m. Monday,- April 18, at the" Clawson Lounge and fv... Supper Club at 14 Mile and Roches- ter r&ads in Clawson. Cover charge •• • .'•' Is $5", and. reservations are recom- mended. : .'. Chukalas, 44, who is Greelf, bears f an uncanny -resemble to Robert vv • Blake, 49, who is Italian. Not only DEBORAH 800KER/ataH photographer does he look like-the rough-hewn movie actor, he talks like him natu- Construction worker George Chukalas of Troy goes into action, In case you couldn't tell, Geryl Brandt of South- Plymouth, Phyllis Diller. They're also part of the rally arid even moves like .. striking a pose like Robert Blake as the TV cop, Baretta. He's one ; Having the same mannerisms" is field looks like Suzanne Sommers, Ken Ingle of Mirror Images, who will be performing soon at a of the eight Mirror Images who have teamed up to do shows, with Plymouth like Neil Diamond and Doni Donlon of Clawson club. how Chukalas describes it. That's skits, songs and dance?, in imitation of the famous folk they what makes a Mirror Image special resemble. " • — more, than just a facial or body- type resemblance. Newly organized and managing The.Mirror Images'also are Leon exactly how tail Blake-is or how cause of Baretta," he said. character Baretta that Blake plays. "MY GIRLFRIEND thought I themselves, they hope to mqke their Jewell of Utlca, an artist at the GM much the actor weighs, he figures Chukalas doesn't always dress in- Women like Baretta, Chukalas looked like him;" Chukalas said, de- uncanny resemblances pay off. Tech Center, who resembles TV the celebrity's body type must be formally, and he carries a gun (a said;'because ''he gets involved. scribing how he got his start as., AT THE Birmingham office of comedy pesonality Foster Brooks; similar to his. He is 5-feet-5-inches cap pistol) just for his Baretta per- Women associate him with helping "Baretta." She applied for a ticket to the Observer it Eccentric, Chukalas Robert Paul of East Detroit, an as- tall and weighs 155, but because he formances. He describes* himself as someone in trouble. Women say to the WXYZ-TV show, "Kelley & Com- pulled out a scrapbook with clipp- semby-llne worker at the Tank is muscular and lifts weights, he , a construction worker but also as "a. me, 'I'm in love with Baretta.' They pany," which was holding a celebri- . ings about the Celebrity Clones, who Arsenal in Centerline, with the grin . looks bigger. businessman." ., wani autographs." ty look-alike contest last year. have evolved into the Mirror Imag- and good looks of Alan Alda; Johnny * Chukalas said he doesn't have any Being Mirror Images can make Two hundred ordinary people. es. Williams of Clarkston, a high school complex about his size. "I'm an in- HE OWNS HIS own company, these unknowns become celebrities resembling the famous arrived at Among the others are Geryl algebra and science teacher, whose i fluential person. Small people tend Sparta Building Co. pf Troy. He said in their own right. "Our Tom Selleck the TV studio in Southfield, to com- Brandt of Southfield, a homemaker, students get to look at "Tom Sel- . to be powerful people. I'm big in my he's struggling with the business be- is starting to getpopular. I saw him pete. Chukalas was one of the 12 . who looks like blonde glamour girl/ leek" all day and Rossetta Mills of mind." cause" of the economy, but having and said, 'Hey, you're Johnny Wil- picked from the audience to,go <jn comedienne Suzanne^Sommers; Ken Detroit, a hpmemaker with the Wearing a shorUsleeved T-shirt, flexible hours makes it easier for liams!'" the show. Ingle of Plymouth, la truck driver . striking appearance of Diana Ross. in his "Baretta" character, and with ' him to do the show-business sideline. THE LOOK-ALIKES get deprived Afterward, Chukalas and some of whom you'd swear-was really sing- Chukalas. said people have been three big tattoos showing on his Raised in Greektown, Chufalas of their privacy, just like the stars , .the finalists received invitations ing superstar Neil Diamond and comparing him to Robert Blake tor arms, Chukalas looks as macho as and his friends used to go to the 1st they Imitate. You're sitting at a from a California-based producer Doni Donlon of Plymouth,'a home- 20 years. Blake portrayed the killer the popular hero. ' Precinct at liOO Beaublen, police, table In a restaurant and, "The and a metro-Detroit modeling ageri- • maker with the madcap" styling of • In tie movie version of Truman Ca- The tattoos are real, and while headquarters In Detroit, to- work out limelight opens up again. It's good cy to make special appearances. Phyllis Dlller. pote'a documentary-novel "In Cold Chukalas thinks Blake.may. have . and play regularly at the gym. One for publicity, but you don't know ; • Up to* now, their pay.has ranged Schoolteacher Marlene Lloyd of 1 Blood." • . :- . __^ some tattoos now, he's had his body of his best frelnds grew up to be on whento lock it up. "from nothing to $30: apiece,". Plymouth Ls not yet a Mirror image,. "Hfi (BLAKE) had psychiatric decorations fora long time. Some • theylce.squad. "It gets me in trouble with my Chukalas said." Not long ago, the but she, too, will appear In the show v; treatment for It (the niovle). He got showgoe'rs have been suspicious of So, the big-city lifestyle and a po- girlfriend' sometimes," Chukalas group appeared In a show at Center at the Clawson club. Lloyd and into the part so much,"' Chukalas Chukalas' tattoos, "they were liceman's lot are'not unfamiliar to said, explaining that they may want Stage in Canton. "We did that for beautiful Linda Evans of "Dynasty" said;"The Baretta character I like." scratching me to see if they're real. Chukalas, which niaybe helps him to have just a quiet moment togeth? .nothing," he said. ' \ are look-alikes. ' . .Although Chukalas doesn't know They thought I-put' them on just be- along in his resemblance to the.. er. .. — J»- "the famous Archie's i Senior Citizens Fast becoming Livonia's 10% DISCOUNT FAMILY ^RESTAURANTs Most Popular Eating Spot! Heapin' helpings of home style cooking at less than fast food prices I • to Right: Chef Paul, Owners, Toma Paloshaj aad Michael Palushaj' . - . SAVE THIS MENU & USE OFTEN sakfast Specials : "' •/• j .4} MENU . . « Specials .? ^.- .':/> ..;- -'« - :•. •. x : Tlei Eut Fit4 •....;..'.... tlS—'i y Joup - Homt Utit Deily 60 4 -S tm.B*n*crSti,'istta 199— ••• -••-'• - - /•««». W ; LUNCH VOUINER'V HtiOmtlriti 1 AT.Q^ Ifnum/iftfl .. ..-•..^...(- 24S — JH:. T. rr.»(v !.** k.. g W»m A C»r J.if Ontlitit '...-.. US—.Hi' "Q Wai. flafi-i« • ••'•' Iif\ V . BioilrJf, itSuet -•'«'«• '.i : ' r; Ex«mplet of Our Otily SptcitH 0 VyiArooiDn/.'jH* . ' 26S — I0) . 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