Peer to Peer Kazaa and Skype, Disruptive?

 What is peer to peer? “Skype literally touches millions  Useful? Disruptive? of lives and this is something to  Manageable, governable? be proud of…I would like to  Architecture think that we have contributed to making the world a little bit flatter.”  , , Limeware, Kazaa, When Niklas is not creating innovative, BitTorrent, Rapidshare, disruptive businesses, he is a passionate sailor Usenet, Skype and enjoys offshore racing with his wife as  Which are p2p? well as skiing. (Niklas Zennstrom)

Compsci 82, Fall 2009 12.1 Compsci 82, Fall 2009 12.2

Kazaa and Skype, Disruptive? Sky (peer to peer) Skyper  Skype Skype has been an incredible adventure and I  eBay purchases for $2.6 billion in 2005 am proud to have been part of it. Looking back at 2003, at two guys running around with  Subsequently marked down, resold a crazy idea of building a global phone company purely on the , …, still  Bootstrapping after login, but true p2p battling a major lawsuit from our Kazaa days,  Find a peer… 2003 seems a long time ago. It is amazing to think that it is only four years! Janus Friss  Proprietary code, some open standards  AES, RSA, for encryption

Compsci 82, Fall 2009 12.3 Compsci 82, Fall 2009 12.4 Napster is Centralized p2p Gnutella/Limewire decentralized p2p

 Legal ramifications?  Distributed  Bootstrap issues

Compsci 82, Fall 2009 12.5 Compsci 82, Fall 2009 12.6

P2P: origins and current state Napster, copyright, law

 Shawn Fanning  Napster was centralized, file-sharing/p2p  Napster, 1998-99  Location of files, location of index.  Under 20, , …  Centralized server  Started just after DMCA, court cases new  Rupture, EA $15 million  A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.  Justin Frankel  Direct, contributory, vicarious infringement  , 1998-99  Just 20, mp3, …  AOL, $50+ million  Compare Grokster?  Gnutella  Microsoft, RIAA, Mark Cuban, …

Compsci 82, Fall 2009 12.7 Compsci 82, Fall 2009 12.8 Brian Fox

 Started by Bram Cohen,  GNU Bash Shell (developer)  Buddycast (co-developer) “each person has a sweet spot — a  Distributed p2p, torrent, tracker place where they are incredibly  You must cooperate to download productive and at their happiest while doing so — okorians spend  20-30% of all Internet traffic their lives living there — the okori  Files are split up and downloaded in pieces sweet spot is the realization of the  Advantages? Disadvantages? concept, the delivery of the impossible, from the germ of the  Seeder, swarm, clients idea to the instantiation of it”  “optimistic unchoking” not tit-for-tat?

Compsci 82, Fall 2009 12.9 Compsci 82, Fall 2009 12.10

BitTorrent advantages? Bittorrent meets DMCA and RIAA

 Indirect Swarm detection  In swarm? Liable  NAT, other IP address  “in-the-wild” experiment

 False positives  Direct harder  Man-in-the-middle  No Encryption

Compsci 82, Fall 2009 12.11 Compsci 82, Fall 2009 12.12