The Corporation of the of Sh uniah AGENDA Regular Meeting of Council

Date: Monday, December 8, 2014 Time: 4:00pm Location: Council Chambers, 420 Leslie Avenue, ,

1. CALL TO ORDER {res}




a) Minutes of the November 24, 2014 Meeting of Council {res}

b) Matters Arising from Previous Minutes


Union Gas Deputation - Donation to Fire Department {res}

6. CLOSED SESSION a) To discuss Shuniah Committee Applications {closed res}



a) By-law Enforcement

b) Building and Planning i) Summit Telecom Services information package re: self-support tower located on private property at Trowbridge Road & Highway 527; {res} ii) Request from Doug Leblanc for a site specific re-zoning on 405-412 Clover Beach Road East to allow for garages. {res}

c) Public Works

d) Fire Department

e) Administration i) Council orientation - list of Acronyms. Date to be set for orientation (check calendars enclosed) {res} ii) Letter from LRCA requesting name, address and telephone number of Shuniah representative dated November 6, 2014:{res} iii) Email from John Fotheringham re: white post marking Terry Fox's final stop on highway dated October 30, 2014.{res}

f) Finance Department i) Monthly Expenditures for November 2014; {res} ii) Resolution- transfer surplus funds to reserves at year~nd. {res}



a) General {res} i) NOMA Newsletter Vol. 1, Issue 1: 1 of 63 ii} Letter from Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative dated November 7, 2014; Iii} Letter from Minister Responsible for Seniors Affairs dated November 24, 2014; lv} OGRA Nomination for Long Service Award.

b) Referred

11. BY-LAWS a) A bylaw to enter into an Agreement with the Ontario Provincial Police re: Shunlah Policing {res}


a) List of Unfinished Business dated December 3, 2014 {res}





THOSE PRESENT: Reeve Marla Harding Councillor Donna Blunt Councillor Wendy Landry

WITH REGRETS: Councillor Giardetti

ALSO PRESENT: Nadene Hunley, Clerf< Eric Collingwood, CAO Paul Greenwood, Treasurer Blair Arthur, Fire Chief Craig Baumann, Manager of Operations Alan Cooke, Chief Building Official Duff Stewart Don Smith JoAnne Hamlin


Resolution No. 2146/14

Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy Landry

THAT this Meeting of Council is hereby called to order at 4:06p.m.



Reeve Harding declared a pecuniary interest on the matter related to O'Connor Point being brought forward in the closed session under Item 6.


Resolution No. 2147/14

Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy Landry

THAT the agenda be accepted with the following addition:

Item 6 Closed Session to discuss legal matters related to O'Connor Point Item 8 e) Holiday Office Closure



a) Minutes of the previous Meeting of Council held October 14,2014

Resolution No. 2148/14

Moved by: Wendy Landry Seconded by: Donna Blunt

THAT the Minutes of the Council held October 14, 2014 be adopted as circulated and that a copy be filed in the Clerk's Office.


b) Matters Arising from Previous Minutes Councillor Blunt asked about the Aggregate Rezoning and why it was moving forward to a public meeting. The Clerk clarified that due to the Planning Act, Council was obligated to move forward and that it also provided the opportunity to hear from various Ministries and Agencies but Council will have time to comment on the Licence Application



Reeve Harding left Council Chambers and Councillor Blunt took the chair. a) to discuss legal matters related to O'Connor Point ~ I

Resolution No. 2149/14

Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy Landry

THAT, In accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, we adjourn at the hour of 4:10pm p.m. to meet in closed session to discuss a) to discuss legal matters related to O'Connor Point


Resolution No. 2150/14

Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy Landry

THAT at the hour of 4:36 p.m. we resume meeting in open session.


1479 Nov 24 2014 COU Page2 of 9

4 of 63 A resolution was passed during closed session to give direction to Mr. Johansen related to the O'Connor Point legal action.


I a) Resolution to receive Notices and/or Minutes from Various Boards and Committees that have been electronically distributed: ~ i. Minutes of the Board of Health Meeting held September 17, 2014

Resolution No. 2151/14

Moved by: Wendy Landry Seconded by: Donna Blunt

THAT the following Notices and/or Minutes from Various Boards and Committees that have been previously distributed electronically be received and same be filed in the Clerk's Office: i. Minutes of the Board of Health Meeting held September 17,2014



a) By*law Enforcement

b) Building and Planning

i. Set Public Meeting for a proposed Zoning By*law Amendment * Rural to Aggregate Processing.

Resolution No. 2152/14

Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy Landry

THAT Council hereby sets the date for the public meeting to receive input on a Zoning Amendment to rezone property described as Part of Section 13 Concession B, Mining Location 4H, 5H and 6H from Rural [RU] to Aggregate Processing [AGP] for January 26, 2015. CARRIED

ii. Chief Building Official Year to date Building Permit Report

Resolution No. 2153/14

Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy Landry

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the Chief Building Official Year to date Building Permit Report and same be filed in the Clerk's Office. CARRIED

1479 Nov 24 2014 COU Page 3 of9

5 of 63 c) Public Works i. Sostratus Engineering Report {under separate cover)

Resolution No. 2154114

Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy Landry

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the Sostratus Engineering Report and same be filed in the Clerk's Office.

AND FURTHER THAT the report be referred to the 2015 Capital Budget for consideration. CARRIED

ii. MTO - Power Supply at MacGregor Landfill Site Entrance-

Resolution No. 2155/14

Moved by: Wendy Landry Seconded by: Donna Blunt

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the MTO - Power Supply at MacGregor Landfill Site Entrance; AND FURTHER THAT Rick Inman from MTO be invited to come to a further Council meeting to discuss same. CARRIED

d) Fire Department I II e) Administration I. Holiday Office Closure

Resolution No. 2156/14

Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy Landry

THAT Council approves the closure of the Municipal Office, Public Works Shop and Fire Department Administration on January 2, 2015;

AND FURTHER THAT the Public Works Staff and Fire Personnel are available throughout that day as required. CARRIED

f) Finance Department

i. Monthly Expenditures for October 2014

1479 Nov 24 2014 COU Page 4 of9

6 of 63 Resolution No. 2157/14

Moved by: Wendy Landry Seconded by: Donna Blunt

THAT the Council of the Municipality hereby authorized the payments of the accounts for the month of October 2014 in the amount of $445,748.83. CARRIED

ii. Monthly Financial Statements

Resolution No. 2158/14

Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy Landry

THAT the Council of the Municipality of Shuniah hereby receives a copy of the Financial Report ending October, 2014 and same be filed in the Clerk's Office. CARRIED

iii. Administrative Changes to the CSPT Program

Resolution No. 2159/14

Moved by: Wendy Landry Seconded by: Donna Blunt

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the Administrative Changes to the CSPT Program and same be filed in the Clerk's Office. CARRIED

iv. Final Election Expenses

Resolution No. 2160/14

Moved by: Wendy Landry Seconded by: Donna Blunt

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the Final Election Expenses and same be filed in the Clerk's office.


v. Board of Health revised Municipal Levy

Resolution No. 2181/14 Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy Landry

THAT Council hereby receives a Board of Health revised Municipal levy same be filed in the Clerk's Office. CARRIED

1479 Nov 24 2014 COU Page 5 of9

7 of 63 vi. Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund - Fonnuta-Based Funding Allocation Notice

Resolution No. 2162/14

Moved by: Wendy Landry Seconded by: Donna Blunt

THAT the Council of the Municipality of Shuniah hereby receives a copy of the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund - Formula-Based Funding Allocation Notice and same be filed with the Cieri<. CARRIED

vii. Provincial Funding Announcements - Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund 2015 Allocation Notice and 2014 Allocation Notice

Resolution No. 2163114

Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy Landry

THAT the Council of the Municipality of Shuniah hereby receives a copy of the Provincial Funding Announcements - Ontario Municipal Partnership fund 2015 Allocation Notice and 2014 Allocation Notice and same be filed with the Cieri<. CARRIED

9. REPORTS OF REEVE AND MEMBERS OF COUNCIL Councillor landry reported that the Recreation Committee met and discussed the new community garden committee and stated that it was very well received. She thanked the Roads Department for help for the Christmas float for the Parade. She also reported that the artisan sale at the MacGregor Rec Centre was successful.


a} General i. Call for Nomination OGRA

Resolution No. 2164114 Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy landry THAT the following items of General Correspondence be received as circulated and same be filed in the Clem's Office: a) General I. Call for Nomination OGRA CARRIED

11. BY-LAWS a) A by-law to amend By-law 2038-00 site specific to allow for an accessory building to be located in front of the main building and to allow for a 4.1 m setback from the side yard for the property located at 230 Bass Lake

1479 Nov 24 2014 COU Page 6 of9

8 of 63 Resolution No. 2185/14

Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy Landry

THAT a by-law to amend By-law 2038-00 site specific to allow for an accessory building to be located in front of the main building and to allow for a 4.1 m setback from the side yard for the property located at 230 Bass Lake is deemed to have been read a First and Second time this 24lh day of November 2014.


Due to the nature of the By-law Councillor Landry requested a third reading.

Resolution No. 2188/14

Moved by: Wendy Landry Seconded by: Donna Blunt

BE IT RESOLVED THAT A by-law to amend By-law 2038-00 site specific to allow for an accessory building to be located in front of the main building and to allow for a 4.1 m setback form the side-yard for the property located at 230 Bass Lake has been deemed to have been read a Third and Final time this 24th day of November 2014 and numbered 2786-14;

AND THAT the said by-law be engrossed in the By-law Book.


12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) List of Unfinished Business dated Nov 18, 2014

Resolution No. 2187/14

Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy Landry

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the list of unfinished business and that same be filed in the Clerk's Office.


1479 Nov 24 2014 COU Page 7 of9

9 of 63 13. NEW BUSINESS a) Sponsor a Rural child program

Resolution No. 2168/14

Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy Landry

THAT Council hereby receives the notice of the sponsorship program being run by the Rural Cupboard Food Bank for children currently enrolled in the food bank school lunch program;

AND FURTHER THAT Council hereby donates $250.00 which will give 5 children a school lunch for one year.


It was suggested that the Rural Food Cupboard be placed in the newsletter.

b) Resolution for yearly donations to Christmas Cheer and Salvation Army

Resolution No. 2169/14

Moved by: Wendy Landry Seconded by: Donna Blunt

THAT Council hereby authorizes the yearty donations to the Christmas Cheer fund in the amount of 250.00 and to the Salvation Army in the amount of 250.00.


c) Humane Society request for user agreement

Resolution No. 2170/14

Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy Landry

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the following correspondence:

i. Thunder Bay & District Humane Society request for a User Agreement.


d) Request for nomination for volunteerism

1479 Nov 24 2014 COU Page 8 of9

10 of 63 Resolution No. 2171/14 Moved by: Wendy Landry Seconded by: Donna Blunt

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the following correspondence; i. Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism In Ontario and Council recommends the following Individuals for consideration



Resolution No. 2172114

Moved by: Donna Blunt Seconded by: Wendy Landry

THAT a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council be read a First, Second and Third time on this 24th day of November 2014 and numbered 2787-14;

AND THAT the said by-law be engrossed in the By-law Book.



Resolution No. 2173/14

Moved by: Wendy Landry Seconded by: Donna Blunt

THAT the hour of 5:25p.m. having arrived this meeting of Council hereby adjourns.





1479 Nov 24 2014 COU Page9 of9 11 of 63 =II SUMMIT ••• TELECOM SER'IfiCt~ tbaytel Tel: (!105) 928·9481 Fax: (888) 622-4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Mlsslssauga, Ontario LSJ 11<9 www.summit

November 27, 2014 Sent via email

Nadene Hun ley-Johansen-Clerk, Manager of Planning Municipality of Shuniah 420 Leslie Ave. Thunder Bay, ON P7A 1X8

Re: Tbaytel-lnformation Package Proposed SOm Self-Support Tower- Commence Municipal & Public Consultation Site: HWY527 Address: Trowbridge Road & Hwy 527, Municipality of Shuniah

Ms. Hunley-Johansen,

Summit Telecom Services Inc. on behalf ofTbaytel would like to submit this information package to the Municipality of Shuniah for Tbaytel's proposed SOm self-support tower located on private property at Trowbridge Road & Hwy 527, Shuniah.

The proposed installation is In response to customer feedback requesting improved wireless services In the area, as well as a review ofTbaytel's wireless network that confirmed coverage deficiencies in the area. A new site is required to provide a reliable wireless network for residents. The proposed site was identified after completing an in-depth review of the area that would achieve the coverage objectives.

The approval authority for wireless telecommunication towers is w ithin Industry Canada under the Radiocommunlcation Act. Industry Canada's Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems­ CPC-2-0-03, Issue 5 outlines the process for the proponent to follow and encourages the establishment of policies from the land-use authority as they are best positioned to contribute to optimum siting of facilities to meet their own community needs.

Industry Canada's Radiocommunlcation and Broadcasting Antenna Systems- CPC-2-0-D3, Issue 5, can be retrieved at: https:/!$fjle/cpc-2-0-03-iS.pdf

The Municipality of Shuniah approved By-Law No. 2629-12 on September 10, 2012 that provides guidelines and processes for municipal and public consultation for establishing significant telecommunication structures. The proposed 50m self-support tower is considered a "significant structure" since it is greater than 16.6m in height and located within 300m of a residential dwelling.

• '·' ~ ...l ,..,.. • 1,l! •

12 of 63 ::.SUMMIT ••• TEL£COH '5ERVI E tbaytel Tel: (905) 928·9481 Fax: (888) 622·4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5J 1K9

Public Consultation • Mail notification will be sent to adjacent property owners within 300m of the proposed tower • Public notice to be published on Saturday, December 6, 2014 (or Wednesday, December 3, 2014) in The Chronicle Journal.

Q A public information session will be held on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 at 7:00pm at the MacGregor Recreation Centre, 800 lakeshore Drive, Shuniah. • The last day to receive submissions on this proposal is Monday, January 5, 2015.

This information package is to provide the Municipality of Shuniah with the following: o Coverage Objectives • Co-location Opportunities Considered • Proposed location, Tower and Site Details ~ Map- Horizontal Distance to Nearest Residential Zone/Dwelling • Mail Notification to Property Owners within 300m of the Tower o Public Notice to be Published in The Chronicle Journal o Survey

The proposed SOm self-support tower Is located within MTO controlled right-of-way and a building and land use permit is required and a copy can be provided to the Municipality once secured.

At the end of the public consultation process, if the proponent is satisfied that it has addressed all relevant questions and would like to move forward with this installation, a request for a letter of concurrence from the Municipality will be submitted along with all correspondence from the consultation process. The letter of concurrence from the Municipality will provide confirmation that the proponent has satisfied the consultation process by addressing all relevant questions and has consulted with the Municipality.

I trust the information included in this package will be helpful for the Municipality of Shuniah consideration of this proposal.


Jay lewis Summit Telecom Services Inc. On behalf of Tbaytel .

.. ill • Q;J t; .. r.: •

13 of 63 ;:.SUMMIT ••• EL£ M RVI H tbaytel Tel: (905) 928-9481 Fax: (888} 622-4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5J 1K9 www.summit·

Coverage Objectives

Tbaytel continues to make large investments every year on improving their wireless network to expand their coverage and increase their capacity. Increases in the number of users, devices and amount of data accessed over wireless services have resulted in additional sites required to increase capacity to maintain a reliable wireless network.

Tbaytel's wireless consumers will continue to experience dropped/failed calls, diminished speed for data services and possible dead zones with limited or no wireless services if Tbaytel does not address these coverage and capacity deficiencies.

Tbaytel has a number of existing sites that provide wireless services as shown in the image below; however, due to the limitation of how far a signal can reach there are coverage deficiencies in the area of Hwy 17/11 and Hwy 517. Tbaytel previously had a site at Mount Baldy that is no longer utilized as the elevation is too great compared to the surrounding area for current wireless technology.

Tbayal reviewed these coverage deficiencies and determined that a site at Trowbridge Road & Hwy 527 would improve wireless services along Hwy 527 and Copenhagen Road between Hwy 17/11 and Compressor Station Road, as well as the surrounding area.

Map Identifying Tbaytel's existing and proposed towers.

14 of 63 SUMMIT •••==• lElECOM SERVICES tbaytel Tel: (905) 928·9481 Fax: (888) 622-4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Mississauga, Ontario LSJ1K9

Coverage Maps

Coverage maps are an excellent tool to illustrate why a proposed site is required. These maps are modelled based on the signal strength diminishing with distance from the source (existing sites) along with: environmental factors (topology, terrain, vegetation, weather, etc.); population density; and structures.

Existing Coverage Map

As shown on the adjacent coverage map, Tbaytel currently provides wireless services along Hwy 17/11 with a number of existing sites.

Between the existing sites, CURRENT RIVER & LAKESHORE, the quality of wireless services diminishes and north of Hwy 17/11 there are large areas with no coverage.

Existins & Proposed Coverage Map

The proposed SOm self-support tower at Trowbridge Road & Hwy 527 will improve wireless services and coverage along Hwy 527 & Copenhagen Road, between Hwy 17/11 and Compressor Station Road.

Coverage map of Tbaytel's existing and proposed sites

r•· • • a a •

15 of 63 11: SUMMIT ••• TelECOM SERVICES tbaytel Tel: (905) 928-9481 Fax: (888) 622-4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Mlsslssauga, Ontario LSJ 1K9

Co-Location Opportunities Considered

As required by Industry Canada, other structures such as existing communication towers, water towers or buildings are considered for co-location prior to a new tower being installed to minimize the number of towers in a region.

Within the prescribed search radius there are no structures that Tbaytel can co-locate on that would achieve objectives. Tbaytel previously had a site at Mount Baldy that is no longer utilized as the elevation is too great compared to the surrounding area for current wireless technology.

Tbaytel will consider all applications for future co-location to reduce the number of towers in the region.

Proposed Location, Tower and Site Details

Tbaytel Site ID: HWV 527

Location: Trowbridge Rd. & Hwy 527, Municipality of Shuniah

Co-ordinates: 48 30 33.0N, 89 09 21.0W.

Property Description: MINING LOCATION 23Z MILES SURVEY MACGREGOR WEST Of PAR2R EXCEPT PT 1, 2, 3, 4, 55R7812; S/T PTA131058, TBR360253; SHUNIAH

Location map - Tbaytel Site ID: Site plan -Part 1 (Compound) & Part 2 (Access) .. .. :Jij .. ..

16 of 63 SUMMIT TELECOM SE 'V .E tbaytel Tel: (905) 928·9481 Fax: (888) 622·4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5J 1K9 www.summit·

Tbaytel is proposing a SOm self-support tower that will include equipment attached to the tower that provides wireless services. An equipment shelter will be located at the base of the tower and both will be located within a fenced compound to prevent public access.

Access to the site will be off Trowbridge Road (south side) approximately 65m west of Hwv 527 Intersection. A short access road will be required from Trowbridge Road to the compound.

The structure will meet Transport Canada's aeronautical obstruction marking requirements (painting and/or lighting) as set out in Canadian Aviation Regulations, Standard 621 and can be provided once available.

Example of SOm self-support tower Nearest Residential Zone/Dwelling

Map showing norizontal distance to nearest residential zone/dwelling

17 of 63 Ill SUMMIT ••• TEt.ECOM SERVICES tbaytel Tel: (905} 928-9481 Fax: (888) 622·4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5J 1K9 www.summit

Mail Notification to be sent to property owners 300m from proposed tower

'*'· "' • " r• I' 1': •

18 of 63 1:1 SUMMIT ••• . HECOM SERVICES tbaytel Tel: (905) 928-9481 Fax: (888) 622-4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Misslssa11ga, Ontario lSJ 1K9 www.summit·

Mail Notification November 28, 2014 Current Resident/Owner

Summit Telecom Services Inc. is sending out this mail notification on behalf of Tbaytel to notify you of the proposed SOm self-support tower located on private property at Trowbridge Road & Hwy 527, Shuniah.

The proposed installation is in response to customer feedback requesting improved wireless services in the area, as well as a review ofTbaytel's wireless network that confirmed coverage deficiencies in the area. A new site is required to provide a reliable wireless network for residents. The proposed site was identified after completing an in-depth review of the area that would achieve the coverage objectives.

The approval authority for wireless telecommunication towers is within Industry Canada under the Radiocommunication Act. Industry Canada's Rad/ocommunlcation and Broadcasting Antenna Systems­ CPC-2-0-03, Issue 5 outlines the process for the proponent to follow and encourages the establishment of policies from the land-use authority as they are best positioned to contribute to optimum siting of facilities to meet their own community needs.

Industry Canada's Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems- CPC-2-0-03, Issue 5, can be retrieved at:

The Municipality of Shuniah approved By-law No. 2629-12 on September 10, 2012 that provides guidelines and processes for municipal and public consultation for establishing significant telecommunication structures. The proposed SOm self-support tower is considered a "significant structure" since it is greater than 16.6m in height and located within 300m of a residential dwelling. A copy of this By-law can be provided upon request from the Municipality or the proponent.

This mail notification is to commence the public consultation process for the proposed 50m self-support tower at Trowbridge Road & Hwy 527, Shuniah.

Public Consuttation e Mail notification will be sent to adjacent property owners within 300m of the proposed tower • Public notice to be published on Saturday, December 6, 2014 (or Wednesday, December 3, 2014) in The Chronicle Journal.

Q A public information session will be held on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 at 7:00pm at the MacGregor Recreation Centre, 800 Lakeshore Drive, Shunlah. • The last day to receive submissions on this proposal is Monday, January 5, 2015.

19 of 63 SUMMIT fELECOM SERVICES tbaytel Tel: (905) 928·9481 Fax: (888) 622·4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Mississauga, Ontarfo LSJ 1K9 www.summit·

The Information included in this mail notification package is intended to provide you with the following: • The purpose and proposed location of the tower • Physical details of the tower including its height, colour, type, design, including any accessory equipment • The name and telephone number of a contact person employed by the proponent

The purpose of these notifications and the public information session are to allow requests for additional information, comments or questions to be submitted by the local community and for the proponent to address all relevant questions. The appropriate contact information can be found at the end of the mail notification and may be submitted until the closing date of Monday, January 5, 2015.

At the end of the public consultation process, if the proponent is satisfied that it has addressed all relevant questions a request for a letter of concurrence will be submitted to the Municipality of Shuniah along with all correspondence from the consultation process.


Jay Lewis Summit Telecom Services Inc. On behalf ofTbaytel.

"' r:. ~·. r-: • J. ' [•. •

20 of 63 11. SUMMIT ••• TEt.ECOM SERVICES tbaytel Tel: (905) 928·9481 Fax: (888) 622·4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Mlssissauga, Ontario LSJ 1K9 www.summit ·

Mail Notification Package: Proposed SOm Self-Support Towre Tbavtel- HWY 527-Trowbridge Rd. & Hwv 527. Shuniah

In accordance with Industry Canada's federally regulated process, Rodiocommunicatlon and Broadcasting Antenna Systems, CPC-2·0-03, Issue 5, Summit Telecom Services Inc. is inviting comments, questions or requests for additional information on Tbaytel's proposed SOm self-support tower at Trowbridge Rd. & Hwy 527, Shunlah. For more information on the Industry Canada regarding these installations please visit or contact the local Industry Canada office listed at the end of this package.

In accordance with the City ofThunder Bay policy 02-02-15, Communication Towers Consultation, a public information session will be held on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 at 7:00pm at MacGregor Recreation Centre, 800 Lakeshore Drive, Shuniah. Any clarification, questions or comments can be submitted to Summit Telecom Services Inc. via mall, email or fax to the contact information listed at the end of this package. The final submission date to receive comments is Monday, January 5, 2014.

Purpose Tbaytel continues to make large Investments every year on improving their wireless network to expand their coverage and increase their capacity. Increases in the number of users, devices and amount of data accessed over w ireless services have resulted in additional sites required to increase capacity to maintain a reliable wireless network.

Tbaytel's wireless consumers will continue to experience dropped/failed calls, diminished speed for data services and possible dead zones with limited or no wireless services if Tbaytel does not address these coverage and capacity deficiencies.

Tbaytel has a number of existing sites that provide wireless services as shown in the image below; however, due to the limitation of how far a signal can reach there are coverage deficiencies in the area of Hwy 17/11 & Hwy 517. Tbaytel previously had a site at Mount Baldy that is no longer utilized as the elevation is too great compared to the surrounding area for current wireless technology.

Tbayal reviewed these coverage deficiencies and determined that a site at Trowbridge Road & Hwy 527 would improve wireless services along Hwy 527 and Copenhagen Road between Hwy 17/11 and Compressor Station Road, as well as the surrounding area.

21 of 63 SUMMIT l L COM S R' I E l> tbaytel Tel: (905) 928-9481 Fax: (888) 622-4939 2545 Royal Windsor Drive Mlssissauga, Ontario LSJ 1K9 www.summit·

Coverage Maps

Coverage maps are an excellent tool to illustrate why a proposed site is required. These maps are modelled based on the signal strength diminishing with distance from the source (existing sites) along with: environmental factors (topology, terrain, vegetation, weather, etc.); population density; and structures.

Existing Coverage Map

As shown on the adjacent coverage map, Tbaytel currently provides wireless services along Hwy 17/11 with a number of existing sites.

Between the existing sites, CURRENT RIVER & lAKESHORE, the quality of wireless services diminishes and north of Hwy 17/11 there are large areas with no coverage.

Coverage map of Tbaytel' i existing site

Existing & Proposed Coverage Map

The proposed 50m self-support tower at Trowbridge Road & Hwy 527 will improve wireless services and coverage along Hwy 527 and Copenhagen Road, between Hwy 17/11 and Compressor Station Road.

Coverage map ofTbaytel's existing and proposed sites

.. 5'• ••~' •

22 of 63 SUMMIT TELE<;OM SERVICES tbaytel Tel: {905) 928-9481 Fax: (888) 622-4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Mlsslssauga, Ontario LSJ 1K9 www.summlt·

Co-Location Opportunities Considered

As required by Industry Canada, other structures such as existing communication towers, water towers or buildings are considered for co-location prior to a new tower being installed to minimize the number of towers in a region.

Within the prescribed search radius there are no structures that Tbaytel can co-locate on that would achieve objectives. Tbaytel previously had a site at Mount Baldy that is no longer utilized as the elevation is too great compared to the surrounding area for current wireless technology.

Tbaytel will consider all applications for future co-location to reduce the number of towers in the region.

Proposed Location, Tower and Site Details

Tbaytel Site ID: HWY 527

Location: Trowbridge Rd. & Hwy 527, Municipality of Shuniah

Co-ordinates: 48 30 33.0N, 89 09 2l.OW.


MACGREGOR WEST OF PAR2R EXCEPT PT Uifl ... l:l.l.!N'' ...... -·-_ r-c.t-· 1, 2, 3, 4, 55R7812; S/T PTA131058, TBR360253; SHUNIAH

/ location map - Tbaytel Site ID: Nipigon Site plan -Part 1 (Compound) & Part 2 (Access)

23 of 63 ~~~ SUMMIT ••a TELECOM SERVIC£5 tbaytel Tel: (905} 928-9481 Fax:(B88)622~939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Misslssauga, Ontario L5J 1K9 www.summlt

Tbaytel is proposing a 50m self-support tower that will include equipment attached to the tower that provides wireless services.

An 8'x10' equipment shelter will be located at the base of the tower and both will be located within a 200m2 fenced compound to prevent public access.

Access to the site will be off Trowbridge Road {south side) approximately 65m west of Hwy 527 intersection. A short access road will be required from Trowbridge Road to the compound.

Example of SOm self-support tower

Health Canada • Tbaytel attest that the radio installation described in this notification package will be installed and operated on an ongoing basis so as to comply with Health Canada's Safety Code 6, as may be amended from time to time, for the protection of the general public including any combined effects of nearby installations within the local radio environment.

Environmental Assessment ~> Tbaytel attest that the radio antenna system described in this notification package is excluded from environmental assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012.

Transport Canada o The structure will meet Transport Canada' s aeronautical obstruction marking requirements (painting and/or lighting) as set out in Canadian Aviation Regulations, Standard 621 and can be provided once available.

Engineering Principles • Tbaytel attests that the radio antenna system described in this information package will be constructed in compliance with the National Building Code of Canada and comply with good engineering practices including structural adequacy.

f'- •" co: a w•

24 of 63 ••• SUMMIT TElECOM SERVICES tbaytel Tel: {905) 928-9481 Fax: (888) 622·4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Mlssissauga, Ontario L5J 1K9

Industry Canada c General information relating to antenna systems is available through Industry Canada's Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website

Public Information Session: Where: MacGregor Recreation Centre 800 Lakeshore Road, Shuniah When: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 at 7:00pm

Close of Comments: Monday, January 5, 2015.

Contact Information:

Summit Telecom Services Industry Canada Municipality of Shuniah Jay lewis Eastern & District Nadene Hunley-Johansen - Mgr. of Planning 2645 Royal Windsor Drive 2 Queen Street East 420 leslie Avenue Mississauga, Ontario LSJ 1K9 Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario PGA 1Y3 Thunder Bay, ON PlA 1X8 Fax: 888.622.4939 Fax: 705.941.4607 Fax: 807.683-6982 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

25 of 63 ::I SUMMIT ••• TELECOM SERVICE!; tbaytel Tel: (905) 928-9481 Fax: (888) 622-4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Mississauga, Ontario l5l1K9 www.summit·

Public Notice that will be published in The Chronicle journal



SUBJECT: ANY PERSON may make a written submission or request • Proposed 50m self-support additional information to the individuals listed below by tower to be installed on close of business Monday, January 5, 2015 or attend the subject property, between public information session on Wednesday, December 17, MTO set-back offHwy 527 2014 at 7pm at the MacGregor Recreation Centre, 800 & Trowbridge Road. Lakeshore Drive, Shuniah.

• Entrance to site is off PLEASE TAKE NOTICE as the approval of this site and its Trowbridge Road, 65m design is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the west of Trowbridge & Hwy Government of Canada through Industry Canada. For 527 intersection. more information on the federal process pertaining to these installations please contact the local Industry • Tower will have related Canada office at: . wireless equipment installed to improve PLEASE FORWARD ALL COMMENTS AND REQUESTS Tbaytel's wireless FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO THE FOLLOWIN network. INDIVIDUALS:

• Tower and equipment PROPONENT CONTACT: cabinet will be located Tbaytel cfo Jay Lewis, Summit Telecom Services Inc. within 200 sq. m. fenced 2645 Royal Windsor Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5J 1K9. compound to prevent Fax: (888) 622-4939, Email: [email protected] public access. MUNICIPALITY OF SHUNIAH CONTACT: • This structure will improve Nadene Hunley-Johansen- Manager of Planning Tbaytel's wireless services 420 Leslie Ave., Thunder Bay, ON. P7A 1X8 alongHwy 527 and Fax: (807) 683-6982, Email: [email protected] Copenhagen Road between Hwy 17/11 and Compressor Station Road, as well as the surrounding area. I LOCATION: • 48 30 33.0N, 89 09 21.0W.

e Trowbridge Rd., Municipality ofShuniah



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~LEYA!IOH NO!E RE\IATIIIIIII IIDII a. TillS P\M MI. ul'll IMQ 1), )Ofll 1•• KOO(t!C n""n.. Ml Uf'IIL'SIO fiiKIIII .,_ ..II .. TIMI , SCAL[ 1.7500 Hlf1 ..ocr... • WI .. «t.J*&. ._...,._.U U~~Mto, ~SI I

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SITE DATA PlfOI'Iiii'TY MIA ------~~~ ~~~ MINING LOCATION 2~Z ...... 0 ... • .... Ul~K.~~~---- 11..00 • 000001.

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J.O.BARN,~~ :~~::::· ..... , .., ...... , ....1'.

28 of 63 11: SUMMIT ••• TELECOM SERVICES tbaytel Tel: (905) 928·9481 Fax: (888} 622·4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive MISslssauga, Ontario LSJ 1K9 www.summit

Mail Notification November 28, 2014 Current Resident/Owner

Summit Telecom Services Inc. is sending out this mail notification on behalf ofTbaytel to notify you of the proposed SOm self-support tower located on private property at Trowbridge Road & Hwy 527, Shuniah.

The proposed Installation is in response to customer feedback requesting improved wireless services in the area, as well as a review of Tbaytel's wireless network that confirmed coverage deficiencies in the area. A new site is required to provide a reliable wireless network for residents. The proposed site was identified after completing an in-depth review of the area that would achieve the coverage objectives.

The approval authority for wireless telecommunication towers is within Industry Canada under the Radiocommunication Act. Industry Canada's Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems­ CPC-2-Q-03, Issue 5 outlines the process for the proponent to follow and encourages the establishment of policies from the land-use authority as they are best positioned to contribute to optimum siting of facilities to meet their own community needs.

Industry Canada's Radlocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems- CPC-2-0-D3, Issue 5, can be retrieved at:$file/cpc-2-0-03-i5.pdf

The Municipality of Shuniah approved By-law No. 2629-12 on September 10, 2012 that provides guidelines and processes for municipal and public consultation for establishing significant telecommunication structures. The proposed SOm self-support tower is considered a "significant structure" since it is greater than 16.6m in height and located within 300m of a residential dwelling. A copy of this By-Law can be provided upon request from the Municipality or the proponent.

This mail notification is to commence the public consultation process for the proposed SOm self-support tower at Trowbridge Road & Hwy 527, Shuniah.

Public Consultation a Mail notification will be sent to adjacent property owners within 300m of the proposed tower • Public notice to be published on Saturday, December 6, 2014 (or Wednesday, December 3, 2014) in The Chronicle Journal. ., A public information session will be held on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 at 7:00pm at the MacGregor Recreation Centre, 800 Lakeshore Drive, Shuniah. • The last day to receive submissions on this proposal is Monday, January 5, 2015.

~ a· IIIJ' ~·: :;.; a • •

29 of 63 Ill SUMMIT ••• TELECOM SERVICES tbaytel Tel: (905) 928·9481 Fax:(888)G22·4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Missiuauga, Ontario LSJ 1K9

The information included in this mail notification package is intended to provide you with the following: • The purpose and proposed location of the tower • Physical details of the tower including its height, colour, type, design, including any accessory equipment

I) The name and telephone number of a contact person employed by the proponent

The purpose of these notifications and the public information session are to allow requests for additional information, comments or questions to be submitted by the local community and for the proponent to address all relevant questions. The appropriate contact Information can be found at the end of the mail notification and may be submitted until the closing date of Monday, January 5, 2015.

At the end of the public consultation process, if the proponent is satisfied that it has addressed all relevant questions a request for a letter of concurrence will be submitted to the Municipality of Shuniah along with all correspondence from the consultation process.


Jay lewis Summit Telecom Services Inc. On behalf of Tbaytel.

It'· • • • II *' •

30 of 63 Ill SUMMIT ••• n· .E(;OM SERVICE tbaytel Tel: (905) 928·9481 Fax: (888) 622-4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Mississauga, Ontario LSJ 1K9 www.summit·

Mail Notification Package: Proposed SOm Self-Support Towre Tbaytel- HWY 527 -Trowbridge Rd. & Hwy 527, Shuniah

In accordance with Industry Canada's federally regulated process, Radiacammunicatian and Broadcasting Antenna Systems, CPC-2-0-03, Issue 5, Summit Telecom Services Inc. is inviting comments, questions or requests for additional information on Tbaytel's proposed 50m self-support tower at Trowbridge Rd. & Hwy 527, Shuniah. For more information on the Industry canada regarding these installations please visit or contact the local Industry canada office listed at the end of this package.

In accordance with the City of Thunder Bay policy 02-02-15, Communication Towers Consultation, a public information session will be held on Wednesday, December 17,2014 at 7:00pm at MacGregor Recreation Centre, 800 Lakeshore Drive, Shunlah. Any clarification, questions or comments can be submitted to Summit Telecom Services Inc. via mail, email or fax to the contact information listed at the end of this package. The final submission date to receive comments is Monday, January 5, 2014.

Purpose Tbaytel continues to make large investments every year on improving their wireless network to expand their coverage and increase their capacity. Increases in the number of users, devices and amount of data accessed over wireless services have resulted in additional sites required to increase capacity to maintain a reliable wireless network.

Tbaytel's wireless consumers will continue to experience dropped/failed calls, diminished speed for data services and possible dead zones with limited or no wireless services ifTbaytel does not address these coverage and capacity deficiencies.

Tbaytel has a number of existing sites that provide wireless services as shown in the image below; however, due to the limitation of how far a signal can reach there are coverage deficiencies in the area of Hwy 17/11 & Hwy 517. Tbaytel previously had a site at Mount Baldy that is no longer utilized as the elevation is too great compared to the surrounding area for current wireless technology.

Tbayal reviewed these coverage deficiencies and determined that a site at Trowbridge Road & Hwy 527 would improve wireless services along Hwy 527 and Copenhagen Road between Hwy 17/11 and Compressor Station Road, as well as the surrounding area.

31 of 63 :I. SUMMIT ••• TELECOM SERVICES tbaytel Tel: (905) 928-9481 Fax: (888) 622·4939 2645 Royal Windsor D'ive Mlsslssauga, Ontario LSJ 1K9

Coverage Maps

Coverage maps are an excellent tool to illustrate why a proposed site is required. These maps are modelled based on the signal strength diminishing with distance from the source (existing sites) along with: environmental factors (topology, terrain, vegetation, weather, etc.); population density; and structures.

Existing Coverage Map

As shown on the adjacent coverage map, Tbaytel currently provides wireless services along Hwy 17/11 with a number of existing sites.

Between the existing sites, CURRENT RIVER & LAKESHORE, the quality of wireless services diminishes and north of Hwy 17/11 there are large areas with no coverage.

Cove r<~ ge map of Tbaytel's existin& site

Existing & Proposed Coverage Map

The proposed SOm self-support tower at Trowbridge Road & Hwy 527 will improve wireless services and coverage along Hwy 527 and Copenhagen Road, between Hwy 17/lland Compressor Station Road.

Coverage map ofTbayteYs existing and proposed sites

II!."- Iii .., •• •

32 of 63 ;1. SUMMIT ••• ELECOM ~ERVICES tbaytel Tel: (905} 928-9481 Fax: (888} 622-4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Mlsslssauga, Ontario L5J 1K9

Co-Location Opportunities Considered

As required by Industry Canada, other structures such as existing communication towers, water towers or buildings are considered for co-location prior to a new tower being installed to minimize the number of towers in a region.

Within the prescribed search radius there are no structures that Tbaytel can co-locate on that would achieve objectives. Tbaytel previously had a site at Mount Baldy that is no longer utilized as the elevation is too great compared to the surrounding area for current wireless technology.

Tbaytel will consider all applications for future co-location to reduce the number oftowers in the region.

Proposed Location, Tower and Site Details

Tbaytel Site ID: HWY 527

Location: Trowbridge Rd. & Hwy 527, Municipality of Shuniah

Co-ordinates: 48 30 33.0N, 89 09 2l.OW.

Property Description: MINING LOCATION 23Z MilES SURVEY C8!1NIW1-'i MACGREGOR WEST OF PAR2R EXCEPT PT .... -~...... 1, 2, 3, 4, 55R7812; S/T PTA131058, ...... ~·--·ar- · TBR360253; SHUNIAH -~­...,. u...

., ..., .. "~ <\,

location map - Tbaytel Site 10: Nipigon Site plan -Part 1 {Compound) & Part 2 (Access)

..... liD' II!;!;' .

33 of 63 :II SUMMIT ••• TELECOM SERVICE!i tbaytel Tel: (905) 928-9481 Fax: (888) 622-4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Mississauga, Ontario LSJ 1K9

Tbaytel is proposing a SOm self-support tower that will include equipment attached to the tower that provides wireless services.

An 8'x10' equipment shelter will be located at the base of the tower and both will be located within a 200m2 fenced compound to prevent public access.

Access to the site will be off Trowbridge Road (south side) approximately 6Sm west of Hwy 527 intersection. A short access road will be required from Trowbridge Road to the compound.

Example of SOm self-support tower

Health Canada ~ Tbaytel attest that the radio installation described in this notification package will be installed and operated on an ongoing basis so as to comply with Health Canada's Safety Code 6, as may be amended from time to time, for the protection of the general public including any combined effects of nearby installations within the local radio environment.

Environmental Assessment " Tbaytel attest that the radio antenna system described in this notification package is excluded from environmental assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012.

Transport Canada • The structure will meet Transport Canada's aeronautical obstruction marking requirements (painting and/or lighting) as set out in Canadian Aviation Regulations, Standard 621 and can be provided once available.

Engineerins Principles • Tbaytel attests that the radio antenna system described in this information package will be constructed in compliance with the National Building Code of Canada and comply with good engineering practices including structural adequacy.

34 of 63 1:1 SUMMIT ••• TELECOM SERVICES tbaytel TeJ: (905) 928·9481 Fax: (888) 622-4939 2645 Royal Windsor Drive Mlsslssauga, ontario L5J 1K9

Industry Canada • General information relating to antenna systems is available through Industry Canada's Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website

Public Information Session: Where: MacGregor Recreation Centre 800 lakeshore Road, Shuniah When: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 at 7:00pm

Close of Comments: Monday, January 5, 2015.

Contact Information:

Summit Telecom Services Industry Canada Municipality of Shuniah Jay Lewis Eastern & Northern Ontario District Nadene Hunley-Johansen- Mgr. of Planning 2645 Royal Windsor Drive 2 Queen Street East 420 Leslie Avenue Mississauga, Ontario l5J 1K9 Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario PGA 1Y3 Thunder Bay, ON P7 A 1X8 Fax: 888.622.4939 Fax: 705.941.4607 Fax: 807.683-6982 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Jl: • • ~ ,, If .

35 of 63 Nadene Hunley

From: Doug LeBlanc (Thunder Bay) [[email protected]] Sent: November 27,2014 2:09PM To: [email protected] Subject: Clover Beach Association

Hi Nadene, I'm sorry, I did not leave any con~act information with our plans. If you could please contact myself with any other questions and the results after your meeting with council would be greatly appreciated. Again if it would be possible this December, that would be great if not January would be fine. I will then forward this info it on to the rest of the directors and hopefully we could then make an application. Thanks again Douglas LeBlanc Director of Clover Beach Association (807) 624-8094 cell (807) 577-8986 home email [email protected] or [email protected]

Douglas LeBlanc Service Group Leader [email protected] T: 807-345-3231 ext. 223 F: 807-346-4471 C: 807-624-8093 Like us on Facebook:

NOTICE: The information contained in this email and any document attached hereto is intended only for the named recipient(s) . It is the property of Troy Life & Fire Safety Ltd. and shall not be used, disclosed or reproduced without the express written consent of Troy Life & Fire Safety Ltd. If you are not the intended recipient (or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this message in confidence to the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified that you have received this transmittal in error, and any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this transmittal or its attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmittal and/or attachments in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply email or telephone and immediately delete this message and all its attachments. Thank you.


36 of 63 We are asking for, the Association Cottage Sites located within the Clover Beach Association land in the Township of MacGregor, now the Municipality of Shuniah, in the district of Thunder Bay being more particularly described as Parts 38 to 47 of Reference Plan Number SSR-12427, known as 405 to 412 Clover Beach Road East.

Be rezoned to allow for construction for garages with some of the key items are as folio ws:

1) The required setbacks away from other structures set out within the Zoning By-law are to have a minimum separation between building of 3m (10'0"); this to help in the ability of fire protection around the building/structures.

2) The minimum setback distance from the side yard is !.Sm (5'0"), unless the garage door opens toward the lot line and/or roadway.

3) The minimum setback distance from the back property line is 1.Sm (5'0"), unless the garage door opens towards the roadway. The minimum setback distance for doors opening to the roadway is 3m (10'-0").

4) The height of any accessory structure cannot exceed 6m (19'-9") In height, and share not include a second story.

S) The total areas of accessory structure are not to exceed 10% of maximum lot coverage.

6) Maximum number of buildings one.


37 of 63 I--


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·.J.. ·. -

Y MOI'AA.IENT FOliNO y MOifJMENT SET U1D lllOH 8AFl ~ SURVEYOR'S CERTlFICA TE ED I "CERTIFY 'Qt4T: : IES LJ.IITE!) OF TRANSPORTATION, ONTARIO L nfiS SUI!V.EY AND PI..UI ~E CORRECT N«J II ACCOIIOAHCE Willi 1l£ S1IIVE'fS S, O.L.S. 42 of 63 • HMH.O.I..S. ACT, THE SURVEYOR$ ACT, n£. RECIISTRY ACT, All) 1l£ lAIIl ll1l.£S Ac:f . -11932 ··'18R AND THE RE~llONS MADE lMlER net. Ho.8 · 128 ?. 1'HE SURVfV ...... •··- ~ p • 2821- 32 uv C'D""" ' -~ List of Acronyms

alPHa Association of Local PUBLIC HEALTH Agencies

AMCTO Association of Clerks and Treasurers Ontario

AMO Association of of Ontario

ARB Assessment Review Board

CAO Chief Administrative Officer

CBO Chief Building Official

CofA Committee of Adjustment

CEMC Community Emergency Management Co-coordinator

COMRIF Canada Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund cowoc Committee of the Whole of Council

CRF Community Reinvestment Fund

DSSAB District Social Services Administration Board

EMO Emergency Measures Organization

FCM Federation of Canadian Municipalities

FIR Financial Information Return

JEPP Joint Emergency Preparedness Program

LRCA Lakehead Region Conservation Authority

LASB Local Area Services Board

LSB Local Services Board


43 of 63 LSR Local Services Realignment

MMAH Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

MNDM Ministry of Northern Development & Mines

MNR Ministry of Natural Resources

MOE Ministry of the Environment

MPAC Municipal Property Assessment Corporation

MPMP Municipal Performance Measures Program

MTO Ministry of Transportation

NHRP Northern Home Repair Program

NOMA Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association

NOSTA Northwestern Ontario Superior Tourism Association

OACA Ontario Association of Committees of Adjustment

OBC Ontario Building Code

ODA Ontarians with Disabilities Act

OGRA Ontario Good Roads Association

OMB Ontario Municipal Board

OMMI Ontario Municipal Management Institute

OP Official Plan

OPA Official Plan Amendment

OSTAR Ontario Small Town and Rural (Development Infrastructure initiative)- Superbuifd

POA Provincial Offences Act


44 of 63 PSA Police Services Act

PSAB Public Sector Accounting Board

PSB Police Services Board

PPS Provincial Policy Statement

RFQ Request for Quotes

ROMA Rural Ontario Municipal Association

SCPC Shuniah Community Policing Committee

SCTP Sports Culture and Tourism Partnerships (initiative)

SPSB Shuniah Police Services Board

TB DSSAB Thunder Bay District Social Services Administration Board

TBCC Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce

THDHU Thunder Bay District Health Unit

THDML Thunder Bay District Municipal League

VFIS Volunteer Firefighter's Insurance Services

WSIB Workplace Safety and Insurance Board


45 of 63 LAKEHEAD REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 130 CONSERVATION ROAD, P.O. BOX 10427, THUNDER BAY, ON P7B 6T8 Telephone (807) 344-5857 Fax (807)345-9156 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

November 6, 20 14

Ms. Nadene Hunley Municipality of Shuniah 420 Leslie Ave Thunder Bay ON P7A IX8 /U..Pti~ Dear~:

Kindly provide the name, address and telephone number of your representative to the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority for 2015. It would be appreciated if the term of the appointment coincides with the Annual Meeting of the Authority which is held the last Wednesday in January.

A reply by early January would be appreciated since the Annual Meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 28, 2015, at 5:00p.m. in the Conservation Authority Boardroom.

Yours truly,

Mervi Henttonen, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer


N0\1 1 4 201~



From: John Fotheringham ([email protected]] Sent: October 30,2014 9:16AM To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: Attention: Reeve Landry - re: Terry Fox marker Attachments: ATT00073.txt; ATT00076.htm

Reeve Landry - congratulations on this week's election to office. I visit Thunder Bay on a regular basis for business purposes, and always make time to visit the Terry Fox Memorial and the spot where his Marathon of Hope ended. With the expansion of the highway to two lanes, I noticed yesterday that the white post that originally marked the final stop has been removed. Jennifer Grundy, Senior Travel Counsellor with the City of Thunder Bay, who was at the Memorial yesterday, told me that the post is apparently "in storage" with the Municipality of Shuniah.

May I ask what the plan is for the post? It is a significant piece of Canadian history, and I hope that it won't be allowed to gather dust in a Department of Works storage shed. May I suggest that, at the least, Ms . Grundy (c.c.'d here) be contacted to discuss having it permanently displayed at the Memorial's centre? It might even be worth considering display at the Museum of Civilization in Ottawa. Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope had a significant impact on many Canadians, me included, and I would hate to see this piece of history be discarded or forgotten. I look forward to your reply. Thank you. Sincerely,

John Fotheringham 5 Elderfield Crescent, Etobi coke, ON M9C 3K6


47 of 63 Municipality of Shunlah Fire Expenditures For the Month of November 2014


12945 1113/2014 1670747 ONTARIO INC Fuel 584.20 12947 11/3/2014 C.C.POULIN EQUIPMENT LTO Annual safety 850.39 12950 11/3/2014 CRC COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED Speaker mic, antenna brackets 123.84 12951 1113/2014 E. C. AND COMPANY LTO Fuel 786.74 12952 11/3/2014 HUMPHREY SANITATION SUPPLIES Toilet tissue, cleaners 233.52 12955 11/3/2014 MINISTER OF FINANCE Plate renewal2015 15.00 12959 11/3/2014 PUROLATORCOURIER LTD Courier 60.64 12964 1113/2014 UNION GAS Monthly usage 122.62 12967 11/3/2014 SPI HEALTH AND SAFETY INC Oil sorbent pads, FF boots, cleaner preservative 533.68 12968 11/3/2014 LOWERYS BASICS Training material, special order hole punch 301.02 12969 11/3/2014 VAN HOUTTE COFFEE SERVICES INC Coffee 115.70 12973 11/312014 EMERGENCY NORTH TRAINING Fire Con 2014 1,062.20 12983 11/3/2014 COUNTERMEASURES SECURITY Door repair 246.35 12987 1113/2014 BELL MOBILITY INC Cell phones 427.14 12988 11/14/2014 RBC: Visa Crystal Beach Fuel 55.23 12988 11/14/2014 RBC: Visa Angelo's Pizza Meal forFFs 87.45 12988 11/14/2014 RBC: Visa On star On star 28.20 12997 11/24/2014 BLAIR ARTHUR Rehab supplies 140.00 12998 11124/2014 AUTO PARTS CENTRAL Cleaning supplies 160.09 12999 11/2412014 BELL CANADA Monthly services 94.36 13000 11/2412014 C.C.POULIN EQUIPMENT LTO Annual safety~parts & labour 1,066.96 13006 11/24/2014 CRC COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED Radios 3,254.40 13007 11/24/2014 JOE ORCAR Meals during fire call Oct 25/14 121.17 13009 11/24/2014 GLOBALSTAR CANADA SATELLITE Satellite ~ 3 services 146.84 13011 11/2412014 HYDRO ONE Monthly usage 703.44 13012 11/2412014 INTERCITY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY Batteries, tools, supplies 170.19 13014 11/24/2014 LAKEHEAD MOTORS Safety gear for training 156.41 13015 11/24/2014 MINISTER OF FINANCE Fire dispatching calls -Aug, Sept, Oct 225.00 13019 11/24/2014 PUROLATOR COURIER LTO Courier 87.47 13022 11/24/2014 SASI SPRING WATER Coupon boOk for bottled water 75.00 13023 11/24/2014 SHELL CANADA PRODUCTS LTO Fuel 511.49 13025 11/24/2014 DEL SMITH Snacks for special presentation 22.47 13032 11/24/2014 RELIANCE HOME COMFORT Water heater rental 39.72 13033 1112412014 SPI HEALTH AND SAFETY INC Face masks, plug for eyewash station 118.40 13035 11/24/2014 J &J SPORTS Spark plugs, carb cleaner 56.80 13036 11/24/2014 LOWERYS BASICS Computer repairs, Microsoft update, card access 609.65 13037 11/24/2014 PARTSOURCE#738 Head lamps, sockets 75.73 13042 11/24/2014 JOHN AYEARST H&S inspections, face shields for First Aid training 449.51 13044 11/2412014 LIGHTNING EQUIPMENT SALES INC Siren controller, cable 917.56 13047 11124/2014 CARRIERE FIRE & SAFETY CO. 1988 LTO Flood light pole replacement 286.62 13048 11/2412014 CANADIAN RED CROSS Red Cross renewal fee 100.00 13052 11/24/2014 CESTA Ropes & harnesses 5,462.69

Total Fire Expenditure $ 20,685.89

Page 1 of 4 48 of 63 Municipality of Shunlah Roads Expenditures For the Month of November 2014


12945 11/3/14 1670747 ONTARIO INC Fuel 3,360.79 12946 11/3/14 BRUNO'S CONTRACTING Hoe with hammer rental & mileage, gravel 2 ,127.56 12955 1113/14 MINISTER OF FINANCE Plate renewal 2015 8,990.00 12957 1113/14 LAKEHEAD CLEANERS Coverall cleaning 101.45 12958 11/3/14 POTTER PUMPING SERVICES LTD Porta rental 678.00 12961 11/3/14 RECOOL CANADA INC Recycling 1,909.70 12964 1113/14 UNION GAS Monthly usage 252.79 12974 1113/14 MANFRED ROHR Beaver removal x qty 6 300.00 12975 11/3114 LEHTO RAINBOW PRINTERS LTO Landfill permit cards x qty 2000 788.74 12976 11/3/14 TRUE GRIT CONSULTING LTO Fall water sampling 2014 6,158.50 12977 11/3/14 SOSTRATUS ENGINEERING LTD West Loon Wharf Structural Assessment 8,983.50 12979 11/3114 ANCLIFFE TIMBER LIMITED Gravel 1,586.52 12985 11/3/14 SHUNIAH SERVICE Wheel repair 265.86 12988 11/14/14 RBC: Visa ALS Laboratory Water testing at Rec Centre 38.00 12994 11124/14 1670747 ONTARIO INC Fuel 2,474.53 12995 11124/14 AIRMASTER SALES LTD Blue civic signs 224.02 12996 11124/14 ARMTEC Coupler 50.44 12999 11124/14 BELL CANADA Monthly services 89.84 13001 11124/14 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Flasher gate crossings 1,782.00 13008 11/24/14 E. C. AND COMPANY LTD Fuel 330.20 13011 11124/14 HYDRO ONE Monthly usage 1,614.16 13013 11124/14 LAKEHEAD DIESEL & HYDRAULICS Knob 14.13 13017 11124114 LAKEHEAD CLEANERS Coverall cleaning 81.16 13018 11/24114 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION Wheel, gloves, CYL 1 year lease 550.35 13020 11124/14 RECOOL CANADA INC Recycling collection 1,666.75 13023 11124/14 SHELL CANADA PRODUCTS LTD Fuel 604.62 13024 11124114 COMPASS MINERALS Highway salt 8,079.31 13028 11124/14 SUPERIOR SYSTEMS Roadside brushing 8,319.63 13040 11/24114 MANFRED ROHR Beaver removal x qty 7 350.00 13043 11124/14 SOSTRATUS ENGINEERING lTD Bridge inspections, West Loon Wharf Assessment 4,700.80 13049 11124/14 COUNTERMEASURES SECURITY Door openers x qty 3 6 ,556.40 13050 11124114 SHUNIAH SERVICE Engine repair-parts & labour 6,109.00 13055 11124114 MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Annual land use permit for MacGregor 4,147.31

Total Roads Expenditures $ 85,286.06

Page2of49 of 63 4 November Elcpenditures 2014 kv2 pg2.Jd& Municipality of Shuniah Admin Expenditures For the Month of November 2014


12948 1113/14 C.U.P.E., LOCAL 87, Payroll source deductions 745.59 12949 11/3/14 CHRONICLE JOURNAL Annual newspaper subscription 396.90 12953 1113/14 LAURIE MATYCHUK Mileage. meals - election 76.20 12954 1113/14 MINISTER OF FINANCE Policing - October 53,761 .00 12956 11/3/14 BILL PAUL COA mileage & per diem-Jun to Oct 231.20 12957 1113/14 LAKEHEAD CLEANERS Black mats 22.78 12960 11/3/14 RECEIVER GENERAL Payroll source deductions 17,141.79 12962 11/3/14 DON SMITH COA mileage & per diem..Jun to Oct 293.60 12963 1113/14 lWIN CITY REFRESHMENTS LTD Coffee, creamers 93.16 12965 11/3/14 WSIB Payroll employer premium 1,479.25 12966 11/3/14 BOBZALE COA mileage & per diem..Jun to Oct 252.00 12970 1113/14 HI-IMPACT SIGNS Sign changes and rental - election 415.11 12971 11/3114 DAN FILIPOVIC COA - mileage & per diem -September 118.48 12972 11/3/14 THUNDER BAY LETTER SHOP SERVICES Mall prep and postage - City of Thunder Bay & Shuniah 1,190.04 12978 1113/14 NORTHERN HOME DESIGNS Design revisions - barrier free ramp 271.20 12980 1113/14 KRISTY HINTZ Mileage & meats - election 66.84 12981 1113/14 MINISTER OF FINANCE-EHT Payroll employer premiums 1,428.00 12982 1113/14 FIONA BUCHAN Mileage & meals - COA and Election 65.36 12984 1113/14 CARREL & PARTNERS LLP O'Connor Point 2,701.27 12986 11/3/14 SECURE STORE THUNDER BAY Sea can rental 169.50 12988 11/14/14 RBC: Visa Visa Annual fee 12.00 12988 11/14/14 RBC: Visa WSPS Forum North H&S training-K. Hintz 349.17 12988 11/14114 RBC: Visa Future Shop Large touch monitor screen 386.73 12988 11/14114 RBC:VIsa Future Shop Large touch monitor screen With warranty, 465.82 12988 11/14/14 RBC: Visa Staples Wireless numeric pads 78.42 12988 11114114 RBC: Visa Shuniah Web support for 3 months 59.97 12989 11/18114 GREAT-WEST LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Monthly benefits 12,111.58 12990 11121/14 C.U.P.E., LOCAL 87, Payron source deductions 332.94 12991 11121/14 RECEIVER GENERAL Payroll source deductions 9,558.63 12992 11121/14 WSIB Payroll employer premium 738.61 12993 11121/14 MINISTER OF FINANCE-EHT Payroll employer premiums 778.59 13002 11124/1 4 CHRONICLE JOURNAL Election ad 577.15 13003 11/24114 CITY OF THUNDER BAY EMS 3rd quarter levy 95,886.00 13004 11/24/14 ERIC COLLINGWOOD Mileage Oct; eyeglasses benefrt 613.32 13005 11124/14 COURTESY FREIGHT SYSTEMS LTD Courier 18.06 13010 11/24/14 GRAND&TOY 4 drawer file cabinet, Ink cartridges 1,981.16 13016 11124/14 MINISTER OF FINANCE Policing levy for November, and semi aMual credit 53,761.00 13018 11124/14 MINISTER OF FINANCE Semi-annual credit adjustment (35, 176.00) 13017 11/24/1 4 LAKEHEAD CLEANERS Black mats 65.09 13021 1112A/14 SALVATION ARMY Donation 250.00 13022 11/24114 SASI SPRING WATER Coupon book for bottled water 75.00 13026 11/24/14 DON SMITH Plaque forM. Harding 41.25 13027 11/24/14 STAPLES BUSINESS DEPOT STORE #37 Banker boxes, networ!( supplies 218.07 13029 11/24/14 THUNDER BAY DSSAB DSSAB levy-November 71,793.00 13030 11/24/14 lWIN CITY REFRESHMENTS LTD Paper towel, creamers 83.19 13031 11/24/14 UNION GAS Monthly usage 162.62 13034 11/24114 ALAN COOKE Mileage- October 659.36 13038 11/24/14 LOWERYS BASICS IT services - networking 42.36 13036 1112A/14 TBAYTEL Monthly service 113.34 13039 11/24114 SHUNIAH COMMUNITY POLICING COMMITTEE Shuniah Parade 2014 1,000.00

Page50 of 3 of463 November Expend~u res 2014 kv2 pg2.><1s Municip•lity of Shuni•h Admin Expenditures For the Month of November 2014


13041 11124114 LAWRENCE KELLAR COA mileage & per dlem-Jun to Oct 330.00 13045 11124114 ONTARIO BUILDING OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION Membership renewal- A. Cooke 337.87 13046 11/24/14 MOLLY MAID Janitorial - October 328.00 13051 11/24/14 SECURE STORE THUNDER BAY Sea can purchase for landfill 10,113.50 13053 11/24/14 INTELIVOTE SYSTEMS INC. eVote services for 2014 Election 5,800.23 13054 11/24/14 LES FAIRALL & SONS CONSTRUCTION Frame. drywall, fire rated door to existing basement wall 3,544.13 13056 11124114 DIAMOND 'P' SERVICES Moving services of Admin office furniture 1,243.00

Total Cheques $ 319,652.43 Bank withdrawals: PayroUs for month 82,156.77 OMERS - premium for prior month (employee and employer) 18,327.78 Photocopier lease • monthly 197.75 Total Admin Expenditures $ 420 334.73

Totals for Resolutlon(s): Total Fire 20,685.89 Total Roads 85,286.06 Total Admin 420,334.73


51 of 63 MUNICIPALITY OF SHUNIAH 420 Leslie Avenue Thunder Bay, Ontario P7A 1X8 COUNCIL RESOLUTION

Date: December 8, 2014 Resolution No.: ______

Moved By:

Seconded By:

THAT the Council of the Municipality of Shuniah does hereby direct that any surplus funds derived at year end be transferred to working fund reserves; AND FURTHER THAT the Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer funds not expended in the fiscal Capital Budget which are still required to complete capital projects be set up in the appropriate departmental reserve.

~------r------. l I i CARRIED ! DEFEATED i LOST TO A TIE I i I ,.

I : l ~-----.. -··----·------·~·-.. ------·------... --.l.------·--·------·------i------·-·----·------·------1 ! I ! I i J , REEVE ! ' I I I L-···--· --·------·------·------..------·------·------·-·-···------1

52 of 63 Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association News Update

Fall2014 Vol. llssue 1


• Seeking Intervener Status In TransCanada Pipelines Energy East Project NOMA is recommending that TransCanada Pipelines commit to installing valves on both sides of significant water crossings; ensure that the pipeline will be shut down at the first sign of a potential problem and conduct frequent inspections. We have also suggested that TransCanada Pipelines consult with all impacted communities to identify what a significant waterway entails. • Request that the Ministry of Finance move on PLT Reform NOMA is requesting a phased in approach be undertaken that specifically looks at social costs, policing, health unit, etc. Further, NOMA is requesting that the unincorporated areas payment be based on an updated cost at the current level. • Supporting a resolution to expand VIA Rail Service NOMA is supporting a resolution put forward to see VIA Rail expand train service along the north shore to the Manitoba border. • Working with the Energy Task Force on Energy Needs for the Northwest The Energy Task Force conducted a meeting with officials from the Ontario Power Authority, Ontario Energy Board, Ministry of Energy and Independent Energy System Operator. While there has been some movement recognizing energy needs, there is still a lot of work to do. This issue will be brought forward with Minister's at every chance. • Provincial Policy Statement NOMA has met with officials from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to discuss the Northern Primer of the Provincial Policy Statement. NOMA will be requesting some revisions to the Primer.

NOMA Wins Wood Works Award David Canfield, NOMA President and Mayor of was presented with a Wood Champion Award in recognition of NOMA's advocacy for changes to the Ontario Building Code that now allow for structures up to six storeys built using wood.

A Fond Farewell As a result of the recent municipal election, Mayor Roy Hoffman, Mayor Gord Dingman and Councillor Andrew Hallikas will be leaving the NOMA board. Reeve Gary Gamsby retired from political life. We wish them well in their future endeavours. Best wishes gentlemen!

53 of 63 . ~-:·~. : ~.:,- Greattakas.lncl5t. 1..1-n~CitNslnitlattn ~Atl~.c~es..a~a~G~~~·Ju· ~~~r~.

November 7, 2014

Reeve-Elect Wendy Landry Municipality of Shuniah 420 Leslie Ave Thunder Bay, Ontario P7A 1X8 Canada

Dear Reeve-Elect Landry,

On behalf of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, I congratulate you on your recent election as mayor of the Municipality of Shuniah.

As you may know, your municipality is an important member of the Cities Initiative, a coalition of 114 mayors from across the region, committed to working together to protection, restore and promote the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. As members of the Cities Initiative, we share the privilege of living on the shores of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. This privilege comes with the duty of preserving, restoring and enhancing this important resource in order to leave future generations with a quality environment to live in. Working in a spirit of collaboration, member mayors of the Cities Initiative are positively engaged towards that goal.

The Cities Initiative is a modest organization in terms of staff, but it is a very ambitious one. More and more, we are recognized by the different orders of government as a respected, key stakeholder in all matters related to the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River.

We sincerely hope for your municipality's continued support in the coming years. As you know, issues and challenges related to the Great lakes and St. Lawrence River are numerous and significant. It is by working together that we will achieve progress, all in the name of a better environment and economy for our communities. For any questions about the organization, please contact Executive Director David Ullrich, at 312-201-4516 or [email protected]. You can also learn more about us by visiting our website at

I look forward to collaborating with you and meeting you soon.


John Dickert, Mayor City of Racine, WI Chair, Great lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative

20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2700, Chicago, Illinois 60606 - (312) 201-4516 phone - (312) 407-0038 fax ®GLSLCities John Dickert, Mayor of Racine, Chair Mitch Twolan. Mayor of Huron-l

November 24,2014

Ms. Maria Harding Reeve Municipality of Shuniah 420 Leslie A venue Thunder Bay, Ontario P7A 1X8

Dear Reeve Harding:

Last year, I wrote to you asking for your participation in helping our government realize an Ontario that is safe, inclusive and accessible for people of all ages.

As part of our Action Plan for Seniors, we launched the Age-Friendly Community Planning Guide, which provides step-by-step advice, processes and tools to help municipalities develop, implement and evaluate their local aging plans. This guide, along with several other programs within the Action Plan continues to drive us closer to our goal.

As we know, our population is aging. And it is up to us to ensure we have the right plans and the right tools as a province, and within each community to respond to the growing needs of this population.

That's why I'm proud to tell you that we've launched the Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Program. Open to local governments and eligible community organizations, this program provides funding to support strategic planning activities that make communities more age­ friendly and help seniors contribute to all aspects of community life.

Building an Age-Friendly community means building a community where policies, services and structures are designed to support and enable seniors to live in a secure environment, enjoy good health, and continue to participate fully. This is something that we know we cannot achieve without your partnership.

Applications will be open until January 30, 2015. I encourage you to visit for the application and ~delines.

~· : •JNIAH

.. ./2 NOV 2 7 2014 .. q{(l 1-"r... ~-- ·--·---- 55 of 63 -2-

Every community is unique in its strengths and challenges, and we rely on community leaders to work with us to make every conununity strong for people of all ages. Thank you for your continued efforts. Together we will make Ontario the best place to age.

Mario Sergio Minister

56 of 63 TO: OGRA Membership RE: Long Service Awards

As in the past, the Ontario Good Roads Association will recognize employees who have given long years of service in the cause of good roads.

It would be appreciated if you would complete and return the enclosed questionnaire advising us of any employee who is eligible under the conditions noted below to receive an award.

The following are the eligibility requirements:

• Minimum of 30 years In the road industry employed in the municipal, provincial and/or private sectors.

• Retired from their employment or will be retiring within one year of the Annual Conference at which the award will be given.

• Immediately previous or current employer is a member in good standing of Ontario Good Roads Association.

To nominate an eligible employee: Complete the attached form or download the Long Service Award Questionnaire from the OGRA website. Fax, email or mail the completed form to OGRA.

Deadline for receipt of Nominations: January 30, 2015.

Presentations of the awards will be made at the Awards Luncheon on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 during the OGRA/ROMA Combined Conference.

For more information contact Carmen Sousa: [email protected]

Yours truly,

Joseph W . Tiernay Executive Director

57 of 63 ~u~~~ . ------==:~==~------~

1UI fiiJ( EMAIL:

NAME OF DELEGATE( ) T- • • , , . •., ;; '.'' .., , ..•' •"• • • • ·• . • • ,, ,. (to appeao on badge-nohn•ll31&) ' Lt -·. · I • ~ . I • '. ''• I !o ~- ., p. l,t. ' ' "·' ·-- - ... I 'o.l •• • .. I

Refjistratlon rooms cannot be pnjCeSSIId unless 8CQO!Illanled • pa)mel1t 0GRA1R0MA ProvlnclaUFeclnl Fa VISA or IIASlERCARDpajl!lellls 1D 289-191.&4n. Non-Mtmbn FEES (anclcmd) 11ern11n Govemm.. ll REGIS'IRAllON lYPt: CARD I

58 of 63 OGRA long Service Award Nomination cont'd

Nominee's Personal Background Name of Nominee ------Part One: Employment History Please print clearly. Years Position Employer (from -to)

Part Two: Personal Background (Please highlight significant career achievements, hobbies, interests, and/or family information we can include in their introduction at the Awards luncheon.)

Return completed form to: Carmen Sousa Tel. 289-291-6472 ext 21 Ontario Good Roads Assoc. Fax: 289-291-6477 1525 Cornwall Road, Unit 22 Email: [email protected] Oakville, ON l6J 082


59 of 63 OGRA long Service Award Nomination cont'd

Ontario Good Roads Association 2015 Long Service Award Nomination Form

Deadline for nominations: January 30, 2015 Please print clearly. Name to appear on plaque

Retirement date

Position held immediately prior to retirement Total length of service in road industry Employer

Business address

Postal Code Bus. Tel.

Home address of nominee

Postal Code Home Tel.

Nominated by Name




Postal Code Bus. Tel.

Please complete nominee's personal background information on page 2. 2

60 of 63 List of Unfinished Business Updated- December 3, 2014

Items 1Comments t O'Connor Point I Currently under review- verbal update December 3, 2014 ------·------·------~------·------Official Plan Review ISubmitted to Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing I April4, 2014 :------'------1 Electricity Corridor- letter on agenda Nov 24 Haugen Road I from Rick Inman- Rick Inman to be invited to future ICouncil Meeting 1------+1l·------·------l GDF Suez and RES Canada waiting for final Option Wind Energy Agreement revisions. 1'------·------+------Subdivision Lakeshore Drive (Menic Waiting for Ministry's approval of the draft plan. Planning) --·------·--·-----·------·-·---J------·------·---·------1 Wild Goose Park land transfer 1 Transfer under review !------·------:,------i

Administration Bldg Construction 1 Site plan -to be completed in Spring 2015 ------··------·------·------i-···------·------·-·------·------·-·------·-·--

TBDSSAB 12015 Year Budget proposes 1.6% increase for 2015 ------+------1 Request for donation to Salem I Lutheran Church for cemetery i Deferred from June 9 -~-~P!.!?~~.."!!~~!~------··-·------·------.l------·------1 Staff Orientation I Date to be set ------~------·------l Request for nomination for i Deadline December 5, 2014 (to be addressed at ------volunteerism --r------I December 3, 2014 special meeting) ------'---··------'

fK:\MINUTES\COUNCIL\AGENDA\Agenda Forms\List of Unfinished Business Dec 3.doc

61 of 63 . ~~•... --.r- ~$;~ ) r· I r ""'_('- '~ 1 ~~ ~'.k~·f·. "\ -::.1,.(~~ L__ ) . ·, 'i . 1,~ ------

Sunday Monday Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday fi"';W ._ - .... ·.-: 1 2 3 4 5 ------· 6

0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

(J I I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Winter Begins Christmas Eve Christmas Day Boxing Day 28• 29 30 31

New Year's Eve () 62n of 63 ,js. c n e rf1...t....J1 v b t:: Sunday Monday

Rf)Hason' •, Flswers y; __ _ Hatch Mott r"'{' ..;.:.~..::~-· MacDonald 1 CollotiiiiiiC · o~YJ,~, Floral Specialist TIIUncloti!DCI""""• ..,. 807-623-0513

4 5 6

0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

() 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

• 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

() 20 I 5 Conservation Dinner & Auction Thursday, February 5, 2015 at 6:00p.m. . Da V met Centre, I 30 S. Waterloo St . Tickets Available at the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority Office !30 Conservation Rd. Thunder Bay, ON63 PW of 6T863 • 807-344-5857 • t