About the Collection in-depth research Follett required Virtual Exhibit of his researchers and himself in The Ken Follett Papers Descriptive commentary by order to create the accuracy and arrived at Saginaw Valley Carlos Ramet and digitized excitement of historical or contem State University in spring examples of selected re porary settings. 2000. During the construction sources contained in the Ken Official Ken Follett and remodeling of the Melvin The Ken Follett Papers total Follett Papers. J. Zahnow Library, the Papers over 44,000 documents. The ma were entrusted to the care of terial is the largest collection of Dr. Carlos Ramet, former Follett's work in the world, and the Using the Library Archives collection is primarily related to his Chair of the English Depart Arrangements should be works published between 1978 ment at Saginaw Valley State made in advance to insure and 1998. Wikipedia entry: University and now Executive materials and staff will be Assistant to the President of available for your research. http:// SVSU. In 2003, the Ken Fol Available Online Resources Contact Thomas Zantow at en.wikipedia.org/ lett Papers were moved into
[email protected] or (989) the Library Archives for proc Found at http://www.svsu.edu/ 964-4238. wiki/Ken_Follett essing and an initial inventory. -tzantow!Follett/Follett.html. Materials are used In Li Mr. Follett visited Zahnow Catalog of Follett Archives brary Use only under supervi Other Web Sites: Library on the occasion of the A detailed inventory of the Ken sion of Archives staff. dedication of his Papers in www.fantastic Follett Papers in the SVSU Melvin December 2004.