CONSUMPTION BASICS Principles and Analysis Frank Cowell

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 1 Overview Consumption: Basics

The setting

The environment for the basic Budget sets optimisation problem

Revealed Preference

Axiomatic Approach

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 2 A method of analysis

. Some treatments of micro- handle consumer analysis first . But we have gone through the theory of the firm first for a good reason: . We can learn a lot from the theory of firm: • ideas • methodology • techniques . We can reuse a lot of the analysis

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 3 Reusing results from the firm

. What could we learn from the way we analysed the firm? . How to set up the description of the environment . How to model optimisation problems . How solutions may be carried over from one problem to the other

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 4 Notation

. Quantities a “basket xi of ” •amount of commodity i

x = (x1, x2 , …, xn) •commodity vector

X •consumption set x ∈ X denotes feasibility . Prices

pi •price of commodity i p = (p1 , p2 ,…, pn) •price vector

y •income

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 5 Things that shape the consumer's problem

. The set X and the number y are both important . But they are associated with two distinct types of constraint . We'll save y for later and handle X now . (And we haven't said anything yet about objectives)

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 6 The consumption set

. The set X describes the basic entities of the consumption problem . Not a description of the consumer’s opportunities • that comes later . Use it to make clear the type of choice problem we are dealing with; for example: • discrete versus continuous choice (refrigerators vs. contents of refrigerators) • is negative consumption ruled out? . “x ∈ X ” means “x belongs to the set of logically feasible baskets”

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 7 The set X: standard assumptions

.Axes indicate quantities of the two x2 goods x1 and x2 .Usually assume that X consists of the whole non-negative orthant .Zero consumptions make good economic sense .But negative consumptions ruled out by definition

no points . Consumption goods are here… (theoretically) divisible… . …and indefinitely x1 extendable …or here . But only in the ++ direction

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 8 Rules out this case…

. x2 Consumption set X consists of a countable number of points

. Conventional assumption does not allow for indivisible objects . But suitably modified assumptions may be appropriate


April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 9 … and this

x2 .Consumption set X has holes in it


April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 10 … and this

. X x < x x2 Consumption set has the restriction 1 ˉ

. Conventional assumption does not allow for physical upper bounds . But there are several economic applications where this is relevant

x1 ˉx

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 11 Overview Consumption: Basics

The Settingsetting

Budget constraints: prices, incomes Budget sets and resources

Revealed Preference

Axiomatic Approach

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 12 The budget constraint

. x A typical budget constraint 2 .Slope determined by price ratio .“Distance out” of budget line fixed by income or resources

Two important cases determined by 1. … amount of money income y 2. …vector of resources R p – __1 p2


April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 13 Case 1: fixed nominal income

y . .__ x2 p 2 . Budget constraint determined by the two end-points

 . Examine the effect of changing p1 by “swinging” the boundary thus:

. Budget constraint is n

y . Σ p x ≤ y . i i __ i=1 p1

 x1

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 14 Case 2: fixed resource endowment

. Budget constraint determined by x2 “resources” endowment R

. Examine the effect of changing p1 by “swinging” the boundary thus:

n . Budget constraint is y = Σ piRi n n i=1 Σ pixi ≤ Σ piRi i=1 i=1 R


April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 15 Budget constraint: Key points

. Slope of the budget constraint given by price ratio . There is more than one way of specifying “income”: • Determined exogenously as an amount y • Determined endogenously from resources . The exact specification can affect behaviour when prices change • Take care when income is endogenous • Value of income is determined by prices

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 16 Overview Consumption: Basics

The setting

Deducing preference from Budget sets behaviour?

Revealed Preference

Axiomatic Approach

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 17 A basic problem

The Firm . In the case of the firm we have an observable constraint set • input requirement set . We can reasonably assume an obvious objective function • profits

The Consumer . For the consumer it is more difficult . We have an observable constraint set • budget set . But what objective function?

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 18 The Axiomatic Approach

. We could “invent” an objective function . This is more reasonable than it may sound: • the standard approach • later in this presentation . But some argue that we should only use what we can observe: • test from market data? • “revealed preference” approach • deal with this now . Could we develop a coherent theory on this basis alone?

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 19 Using observables only

. Model the opportunities faced by a consumer . Observe the choices made . Introduce some minimal “consistency” axioms . Use them to derive testable predictions about

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 20 “Revealed Preference”

x2 . Let market prices determine a person's budget constraint .Suppose the person chooses bundle x . xForis examplerevealed x is Use this to introduce Revealed Preference preferredrevealed to all thesepreferred pointsto x′

 x′ x


April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 21 Axioms of Revealed Preference

.Axiom of Rational Choice Essential if observations are to have meaning Consumer always makes a choice and selects the most preferred bundle that is available

.Weak Axiom of Revealed If x was chosen when x' was Preference (WARP) available then x' can never be chosen whenever x is available If x RP x' then x' not-RP x

WARP is more powerful than might be thought

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 22 WARP in the market

. Suppose that x is chosen when prices are p . If x' is also affordable at p then:

. Now suppose x' is chosen at prices p' . This must mean that x is not affordable at p':

Otherwise it would violate WARP

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 23 WARP in action

x2 . Take the original equilibrium Could we have chosen x° on Monday? x° violates . Now let the prices change… WARP; x does not .WARP rules out some points as possible solutions Tuesday's choice: On Monday we could have x° afforded Tuesday’s bundle

 x′ .Clearly WARP induces Monday's choice: a kind of negative substitution effect  x . But could we extend x1 this idea…?

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 24 Trying to extend WARP

x2 x″ is revealed .Take the basic idea of revealed preference preferred to all . these points Invoke revealed preference again .Invoke revealed preference yet again .Draw the “envelope”

 x'' x' is revealed preferred to all these points

 x' x is revealed preferred to all these points  x . Is this an “indifference curve”…? x 1 .No. Why?

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 25 Limitations of WARP

.WARP rules out this pattern .…but not this

x x′

. WARP does not rule out cycles of preference . You need an extra axiom x″ to progress further on this: x″′ .the strong axiom of revealed preference

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 26 Revealed Preference: is it useful?

. You can get a lot from just a little: • You can even work out substitution effects . WARP provides a simple consistency test: • Useful when considering en masse • WARP will be used in this way later on . You do not need any special assumptions about consumer's motives: • But that's what we're going to try right now • It’s time to look at the mainstream modelling of preferences

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 27 Overview Consumption: Basics

The Settingsetting

Standard approach to modelling preferences Budget sets

Revealed Preference

Axiomatic Approach

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 28 The Axiomatic Approach

. An a priori foundation for consumer preferences • provide a basis for analysis • axioms explain clearly what we mean . Careful! (1): axioms can’t be “right” or “wrong” • they could be inappropriate or over-restrictive • depends on what you want to model . Careful! (2): we blur some important distinctions • psychologists distinguish between… • decision utility – explains choices • experienced utility – “enjoyment” . Let’s start with the basic relation…

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 29 The (weak) preference relation

. The basic weak-preference "Basket x is regarded as at relation: least as good as basket x' " x x'

. From this we can derive the “ x x' ” and “ x' x ” ≽ indifference relation ≽ ≽ x x' . Also the strict preference relation “ x x' ” and not “ x' x ” ∽ x x' ≽ ≽

≻ April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 30 Fundamental preference axioms

.Completeness For every x, x' ∈ X either x x' is true, or x' x is true, or both statements are true ≽ .Transitivity ≽ .Continuity .Greed .(Strict) Quasi-concavity .Smoothness

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 31 Fundamental preference axioms

.Completeness For all x, x', x" ∈ X if x x' and x' x" .Transitivity then x x" ≽ ≽ .Continuity ≽ .Greed .(Strict) Quasi-concavity .Smoothness

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 32 Fundamental preference axioms

.Completeness .Transitivity . For all x' ∈ X the not-better-than-x' set and Continuity the not-worse-than-x' set are closed in X .Greed .(Strict) Quasi-concavity .Smoothness

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 33 Continuity: an example

. x° x Take consumption bundle 2 . Construct two other bundles, xL with Less than x°, xM with More . There is a set of points like xL and Better a set like xM than x° ? . Draw a path joining xL , xM M . If there’s no “jump”…  x  x° The indifference curve .But what about the boundary L  x points between the two?

Worse .Do we jump straight from a than x°? point marked “better” to one x1 marked “worse"?

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 34 Utility function

. Representation Theorem: • given completeness, transitivity, continuity • preference ordering can be represented by a continuous utility function . In other words there≽ exists some function U such that • x x' implies U(x) ≥ U(x') • and vice versa ≽ . U is purely ordinal • defined up to a monotonic transformation . So we could, for example, replace U(•) by any of the following • log( U(•) ) • √( U(•) ) • φ( U(•) ) where φ is increasing . All these transformed functions have the same shaped contours

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 35 A utility function

υ . Take a slice at given utility level . Project down to get contours


The indifference curve x 0 2

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 36 Another utility function

υ . By construction U* = φ(U) . Again take a slice… . U*(x1,x2) Project down …

The same indifference curve x 0 2

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 37 Assumptions to give the U-function shape

.Completeness .Transitivity .Continuity .Greed .(Strict) Quasi-concavity .Smoothness

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 38 The greed axiom

x .Pick any consumption 2 bundle in X .Greed implies that these bundles are preferred to x' .Gives a clear “North-East” direction of preference  .What can happen if BBliss! consumers are not greedy

. Greed: utility function is monotonic x' 


April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 39 A key mathematical concept

. We’ve previously used the concept of concavity: • Shape of the function . But here simple concavity is inappropriate: • The U-function is defined only up to a monotonic transformation • U may be concave and U2 non-concave even though they represent the same preferences . So we use the concept of “quasi-concavity”: • “Quasi-concave” is equivalently known as “concave contoured” • A concave-contoured function has the same contours as a concave function (the above example)

• Somewhat confusingly, when you draw the IC in (x1, x2)-space, common parlance describes these as “convex to the origin” . It’s important to get your head round this: • Some examples of ICs coming up…

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 40 Conventionally shaped indifference curves

.Slope well-defined everywhere x2 .Pick two points on the same indifference curve .Draw the line joining them A . Any interior point must line on a higher indifference curve

. ICs are smooth…  C .and strictly concaved-contoured .I.e. strictly quasiconcave B (-) Slope is the Marginal Rate of Substitution x U (x) 1 ——1 .. sometimes U2(x) . assumptions can be relaxed

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 41 Other types of IC: Kinks

.Strictly quasiconcave x2 .But not everywhere smooth


 C MRS not defined here



April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 42 Other types of IC: not strictly quasiconcave

.Slope well-defined everywhere x2 .Not quasiconcave .Quasiconcave but not strictly quasiconcave

utility here lower than at A or B A  C B .Indifference curves with flat sections make sense

Indifference curve .But may be a little harder to follows axis here work with…


April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 43 Summary: why preferences can be a problem

. Unlike firms there is no “obvious” objective function . Unlike firms there is no observable objective function . And who is to say what constitutes a “good” assumption about preferences…?

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 44 Review: basic concepts .Consumer’s environment .How budget sets work .WARP and its meaning .Axioms that give you a utility function .Axioms that determine its shape

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 45 What next?

. Setting up consumer’s optimisation problem . Comparison with that of the firm . Solution concepts

April 2018 Frank Cowell: Consumption Basics 46