The UCSD( 'nivcrsity of California, Guardianan Diego / VOIUllll' 17, Number 12 / :\londa) , i member 1.1982

Kripke, Rider debate NSA Clark issues for students addresses By BETH BING HAM San Diego ~taff Writl'r "If VOll are for women's talk regardmg tht' La Jolla B\ CATY TI'''U-. nghl'>.then you should be for DemocratIC Uuh. In a ran' puol t 1.IJt aranc . prchtltutlOn This IS a Then the actIOn began. and th' fIr I 111ft· hl'\\('nl t(, \'lCl lmlc..,s Crime, and adult~ Knpke .... Ixlke fir ... !. slati ng hI" \\'a hinglon. ~all()nal .... hould make theIr OWI1 .... tand on tht' major IS~Ul'S of "('(Urll\ ,\(hl or t(,Pre Idefl' deCISIOns and I heIr ()\\ 11 I he (ampiugn, Thi. wa:­ Rl'agan. \\ III lam P. (la: k I1lI"takes," slated DICk Rul er. pn'(('cc\cd by what "eenwd Itkt' ,Ield n' ed a JIJII1 t I UIlC1COII f Iht' Libertarian candldale for cI pcp talk dllt'cled toward the t"e, an l)ll'''l l tl\ (\.1., an. state senate In the :~hth ,1lI dll'I1Ct' and Ihl'lr (rH.·neb lIlt' l hardlt'r of C 1J"1lrnen • 'I di..,lrIll. \\hlCh strl'lcl-te" lrom about \\h\' Ihl'\ ... llOUld Ix' till' IIllt '11 Holel or \1' 1/11 PaCIfic Beach to OeeCln .... lcle. al 111\'01\ ('CI \\'11 h i hl' 1.;1 Jolla Ba\ la ' I· mb\ 0(1 b .. :!(l a debal ( \\ It h Dan Knpke. t h(' 1>emonat It C III h, III ~ I kmorrat Il canclldat c. 'I h.... 1\ IIpke ..,tat ('C\. .. Thl .... rlu b IS llark "aId t'1at hI \\anl{d I \\ ,I" one of only a (Ouple of old(·r. larger and bet t l'r 'pr()\ Ide a 1,I'l: relxJrl fin 1 ht IssUt· .... that \\'okl' lip the funcllonlng than mo~t. Tin1l' I'rt· Ident· .... eft(lrt to yt. tltn audil'nn' la..,t Thur~day night. and effort musl Ix' prl'..,ent to {'ntlcd ,tall' leader hIp and OCloher ~H. make the polit ieal process 'he re 011l11O11 of he tn WIth Iht' upcoming election \\ ork ... 'llc111\ dlff! ul' I lI{' ta( ''1g dattO all11O. t upon 1I:-. II would L()udh and IXI .... III\·l'Iy. he 'rE l nllpd lilt In "eem I hat a debale bet \q'en directed hl:- . pt"l'ch to Ihe 'Illernat Illna ,tif,u r local :-talf' ..,l·nale call(\Jdatl'~ ..;1 uden!. prl'~l'nt \\ ht'n hc 'Ill b 'gJr ht rt"t" \·d I hI" wou Id be IIf :-ign i fil'ant :-al(\. "II ~llIlknt~ go to the dllllClte o' for i' allal \\ hw l, ltllllll,ntt'd " J.. Red ar intel"l':-t t() many \'(lter.., This p () 1I ... • I h l' Y ran l' Il' c t \\ a:- prm l'n wrong. rt'pn· ... {·ntat I \·t·... 10 ... upport admlll Irtltlon \\ hcn ,t f r ' TIll' Internat ion;d (cnll'r at t helll The~ l'an Imng '111ll1C\ 'l'DI}I'd 11110 Ihl Itad·~ III ('(SI) \\ a t IH' locat ion f()r I Ill' II) (·l~'f). If p<'lIpl{' il-I.: Hult· .. , and on ,hl' ri).(llI i ... Dall Knpl-l', 'I hl' 1'1( Il r \\"l'rl' pn'''l'll t. bu I t ht tIll ca III Il:II, '11. III I ChlCkl'l1 J)l'1ll0l'l'lIli(' l andicl"lh'. l'l'pullJr;t1l can(llda!t·. BIll I It Il';H' tlltl \\ ,Il(earn \\ h:tl Lra\ l'll. \\ htl \\ a 1m Ilt'el. dId hl'rl'prt' llll lit· ,t1 1/ I'" afr;lid ,,')oul 1111" .. ('11 I It ltll!ll<:d 10 Rldl'l l()eLl l'd ('1 I flt not "hm Knpkl' ,mel I'Hit'l 10 1;lkt' I "',lIld 111 _ ,I( raml'nlo bllll'\ t '11 l'ln'Jlllnl'll 1,I,lI 11')( '1.1' "Ill Pal' btlll bOlh l'omllll'J1ll,<1 thdl. "II I (I a l'11l.r'n 't' 11Ill nllW Ill' I .... prult'lIH' Iht nud .IY II('I·/t'. 1'1.1n\ I I \\ hlcl, \ t rl I'l' , ) (Ol1llll0n lor hlln ntlt II) conlt'l() I It'd lor 1,I .... t on I .... fOl \\ llllell' J IJ.,dlt ') 19l1l'r II line theaudlenll.( In ')l"'ld,lIl1H> I Ihe dl hall . !ouglWI l'nm( punl hnllnt It 1,1 \ ,11 llllt'dIC,,1 CO • \,,,nt I v\. l:.ltl' , h 1'1 cit" (1.11 III I hl' t'lllllillrLtbll' and .... .I pl'CU hal' dIlle I hat Ill' ..,;lId hI' I a.!..!u"I11\ ..... l\npkl: Ilnl .... lll'd h\ lalkll1).( 1:X Jlillllll. plt-a ... (· lun1 III pa~l.· 10 l'':lll(! latt II, Ix \Il\\l'd 'YUIll dhlltld " '~l '!I It 'nllll a \lll.l 1\ IUl Update on local rape, robbery al'ld kidnapping tr' '1{\-.,,1 i1ratllnIPClllllt' "rhl lh,11 19l' I,HII,' 'rl' Idt 11' I\e, g; l'lt 1. ,1\ Iht Suspect arrested, held in county jail 'Il l lit ' .... 1 ,dlll·n· ... p·.HH n.­ ac\c\t'd l :clr:-.· \\" .... 10 ',\11\ 'h Ih R\ YDELE AHUII\AL Illlw.lhl' tlldn produn'd d knill' \L'h Irll' iI~ I Ill' ~:1I111' one \\'h I( h I hl' 7~ hOIll'" I l'Il'l 10 \\ (Irk Ill, \\t' I t'rn \\ oriel t)\ ell'r:' m. ra and (lICit-red t h(' \'I('IUll Into a had IX'en n'lxlItl'c\ "tolen 111 I Ill' da\ ... Oil". tlll~ I hat 'Ilt' l'!1Iled , ta1l'''' BIIIl(' Wmnl' Ikarel. a ~() "mall pickup I ruck parked ::-.111 1)leJ,!o arl·.! the I1lght ()n ·I:ul· ... dd\ ail\·rlltHlll. cIIlIld. IJlh l' 1l111r'(, Il ad III I hl ymrold "ouihea ... t San Dlegan nearln. Ill' dr()\l' hel to Ihe Ix'llIrt· I he rapl' \\' l' I raced I hI.' (lei tiber ~(i. ;11 a'lpnl'llllall'h :! rl'''oIUllon 01 Ine .... l prohlt'll1 who I~ "u~pertcd of hldnap· ITni\l:' lsit\ "('o\\nl' lenIn' tt u(k. and Oil I hl' l'lghl h cia\' III p.l1I.. lIeard \\ a:- lornlall~ and pla~ ;1 PO" It I\( rolt' !'1 ping. rapIng and robb1l1g (\ I ~). parking lot' \\'hl're he raped IWI Ihe ra~e. \\( Il'lll\ lH'CI It III charged wil h rape. rohhl·r~. f(ll'l'11!1l aiiail" .. vearold female .... tudent of and robbed hel" 01 an l· ... t Illlat l'd "outhea,,1 ~,tIl I Ill·gO." ~aid hidnapPll1g and au 0 tlll'11 llark tlwll ()UIllIwd .... 1 l TC SD. wa" arrested I 01 .. Iahlllt \. and r 'alt The alleged rape oceunwi al werl' dl'h\enng 11l'\\'~pap{'r" 111 gat hen.'{\" ",ha'h led to Il eard Ht'cau:-l' I ht' Illal i" .... t III III \\ II hIll I h (' I n t t' I" n a I loa I three a.m. on October 9 as the the area The .. drove her back .\ ~t'arch of h 1:- homl' rt' ... u IIt'd prOCl'...... J Onl·... could nol l 0 mill 11 Il I I \ ,I n d I " ... It'" \ Ict 1111 \\a~ reI lIrnlllg 10 hl'r to her apartnwnl \\ here "Il{' III t he ~l'l/lIll' (If e\ IdelKl' ell"clo..,l' \\ hat I hat l~\ Id('I1Cl' ..... l'l () n tllll Il' g I" t) \\ t han d apartment 111 Ihe l\1e.., a called Ci1I11PU~ policl'. aga 111 ... I hill!. ;lIld acrordll1g ttl -\\t hough l1lan~ .. wdl·nl .... dl'\ l'lopllll'nl III all 11.111011'" " Stu d (' 11 I II 0 1I " I 11 g a I' t' a Sergeant Rob .lone". t hl' JOlle:-, the poilU' arre~lt'd ma\ ft'elldll·\"t·d I1t 1\\ '11;It t hI' Hcltll"l' hl l'ontllllll'(i \\l!h follo\\ II1g a part y offICer \\ ho ha ... been \\ork 1I1g \Icard OClo\)l'r :! I "U"lwct ha.., hl'l'n caught l .lIla I hl':-l' llhjl'ct 1\ l· .... ll;lh a ... kl'd. The \ iel illl told polin' .... Ill' ..,t('ad d, on the ca:-e .., lI1 ce II 'I' he r a :- l' \\ a " t h l' n Bu ff. an 111 ... 1nil t or for 111l' "\\ho would h,n t' I h(lugl'l hadlx'en dropped off 111 front of hapPI'ned , fell I hat perhap~ .... uhlllltted Itl t hl' ell ... lllet \\ oml'n· ... ~lll Ildelhl "onw ~n lll11nl h... ,Igo. \\ hl'1l \'. t' her apartment oya friend and I he pICkup I rllck had bt'l'n hot at lornn. \\ 11 ., had 7~ hour" tn CounCIl. '11.1II1I.1ln' Ih,11 It hq,:an. th,11 II1t"rl'l laic" \\ a.., knock 1I1g on t he door to \\,Iled "'II1Cl' I he \ Il"I 1111 not ICed cll'rlde \\ hl'! hl') (,I' IlIII Itl I)ll' ...... could hapPl'11 ,Igalll, \\(luld drop IJ\ 30 and Ih,1\ a\\ ahen her roommal(' \\ hell I hal t 11l' "u .... pecl dId not ha\'(' a charge... . ~IIKl ' till' aITe"t tOllk , 1)(' ... tat l'«( I hat. "'1 hl' l"al'l"l IIlllallltt1 \\mlld (hop b) .III ..,Ill' wa.., approached by a man car he\ place Oil Thur <1;1\.11 took 11\(' ha:- h{'('11 'IITl,,-tl·d. hilI I h(' {'\ l'n gn·:tl {'r IX'I\"l'n ta~I' alld I.. \\ htl a..,ked her for (II let 111m ...... :\ ft l'r f () U I d a \. .... 0 f d;1\'~ lor 11ll' milt kr 10 I'll ' dangl'l III ,I 1.!llt· {X'ClIllI1g ... tlll gOlll~ d'l\\ n. Th,1I I" .\ .., .., Iw knocked a .... econd il1\ e ... t Igat Ion. I Idl'nllll~'cI I hal a!,,' H Groundskeeper sues UCSD for $1.5 million. Pag 5.

Rhonda Becker on riding the racer' dg . Page 1 h. --- - Bert Kobaya hi: t acher, planner, ad u r. Pa 19. Monday, November], 1982 2 The UCSD Guardian------Monday. November 1. 1982 Thl' l 'CSO GU I hal I udl.'nt consumers to recycle their - there is no nel cost to the Rebuttal: Rebuttal: can contribule In Ihls {'Il'CIUJO Opinion be r and soda con tainers. - It I" estimated {hat 4.700 Why I/ot? could be the difference consumer u nle~ s he doesn't imilar laws are being return hi s containers. new Jobs will be created in bt:1\\('Cn t he pa~ , age or fallun' s uccessfully implemented in - Deposit laws have California as a result of A last note: of Ihls propo"il!!Jn Your \ole l '/I.!;/f("ed cdl/vrral" rl'p IL'sell/ 1111 o/mllo", oj /J/I' edl/vrial bUllrd vl/l/(' /'CSD six states (Oregon. Michigan. reduced container litter by 80% Proposil ion 11. Student IIlvoh'ement ha., noe, cou nt. "0 pletiSl I'IIti' 1m (;lIorliioll Tlteed/loriol boo rd ISI'o m/JO,rd oj S('ull I'Ollllg. Li~a LoPIII. TOIII Rallkill alld Caly TII/kle. All ullterarlleles 1I/lIlISSIY lrUllllre so/ely Ihe upillivn oj 111/' «'riler Iowa. Maine. Connecticut and and 10lal litter by 40''',. - Many of the jobs would be made the difference III other :--10\ . ~! a lid do 110/ 1I('(essarily represell/ lite /'ieu'So!llte l 'C D GllardlOlI. ilscdiluriol boo rd. Vermont). and are supported - In Michigan. litter clean· its adl fe ,I,sen or Ihe Regellis uf lite / '",versily of Cal,forllla. by 80·90% of the voters of those up costs were redu ced by (Jne· states. third after passage of the Letter to the Editor Proposition II itself is Boll Ie Bill. clo ely modeled after the deposit law in Michigan and tored containers will would work as follows: a 5¢ creale health hazards in retail Water conservation facts Propositions: do the .t ••• ( . refundable deposit would be Slores, you 11-11Nt<. IT 'S Ot£P'( t-.!OW WA\1' fiLL WE (CM£ BACK. AfTER llARK ' required on all beer and soft Rebultal: drinks sold in bottle. and cans. - No citatIOns have been Editor: about. alternatl\ es are examined and people stand a chance? After havlIlgre.,earched Ihe Retail stores would receive a issued for un~anilary If Propo'-.rtion 13 i" pas..,ed. implemenll'Cl If Ihe\ are more minimum of one·fifth of this condit ions in retail stores in "Water ConsenatlOn and California"" water policy wJlI ('ffe("11\ ('. California'.., wall-r Who should profit the most from the right to vote Letters to the Editor deposit to cover the C(Jsts of states WIt h deposil laws. Effic ien cv Act. " 1 v.. ass an TIll' malll opposi tIon to the thl" warl [ lhlllk need til ·\m endrnen I I hat \\ ould allo\\' Amendmenl mit ialmg a S.l l'\}lendIIUres for {'ducal ion . Bottle Bill come" from retail I'ropos IlIon I I \\ III r,IISl' go flirt her 1h,m . I he \lIll'r IIII pll'll1 enl "Pl'l irll'c! \\ aIel' \\ a'er U ... er () d, \ ,·Iop and For example. the shopping bags at Ra lphs. which 1'1,.. l.l'gl..,lalure Iw.., sJa"lwd n p l In,' dIll' the Leglslat lire I II prm idl' fret:' millIOn gl\ ('a\\ a~ 10 n'liglOlIs "lore" and Callfornlan:-- 1m cosh red lICl' ..,all'~. pillllphll'1 {\Ill' r ha\ In~ Ull'''l'n al lOIl pn,gr;IlIl" "1('nt I ;qlil ,t\ IIUllay" b~ I~ Pl·I"('l·IlI. {(HlS{ ":111.',1 €'\ er~ one carrie~ home. an' all pI inted with "No on te'tbooks te l students 01 and pn\'all' ,eh(xII", 1.:i91 01 ~t'I"'lhll' La\\..,. an organllil' Hcbuttal: rt" l'alt'ht'd I hl' ., \\ alt' r /)i"'pr/)\ ing ... onl(.· myths: \alef \at Jrl' nllnpub1!c -'l':.\wd" - sl'('lllar Inllllllt'd 110-;(' 1/1 ::;10 11lI111I1l1 J. 1/ trUI /', 'IWIt 11<11, I I ''''d' 1,1I~l 1,)llIlll' I! \ all r 11." \\hlCh opC'rall' 1,,1' profit. I HlI1 funded chlefl\' 1)\ out·oj I hl' 1' /1 .., 1, I II I hl' l'lin"'l 'l"\ ill \( In and I, 1(lllt'l1< \ plt'''-'l' turll to pngl I Or. the San Francisco Ba~ Bridge, a thoroughfair and rl'liglou" . profil a nd The pmp(IIIt'nl S III PropoSI slatl' IJn'\\'l'r" alid 'hotlllllg bn'\\l'I'!l'S \)(lllllIlg ('t lmpalli('" '\ r l.' I \\ l'tll'IK(' as ;1 f1ghlll1g con"1I1l11 I' Prlt'l·". l"Ju nl" \\ hen 1101 \ Itlllg \\ ,b tlll \\ :tl ll l'd l hOl l lor tOil '11,111\ III I"t UlltillP '\l~1 I h l' a I' g II l11l' n I -., a g a In" I makl a deci~jon . major l!'lllll', .!r(' up b~ I:! o}Jp()sl'd (' lIll s idl'ral ion of ~t '11101' Tn;1I I JtoPll t \' Drst nd - fn .. tall" \\ 1111

weal t h. !\[anpo\\,er rou n l'i. appall~'d I hat lahlollwl \\ tlulll " ... I fl I flllll1 \1 Tomorro\\,. \\ h('11 it IS deCIsion making time. think t·\ ('n (onslder John \ ';Ill cit' I about It; \\ hirh opinion i'i more \ alid? The one on a "'amp .I.. an optIon for \ ...... ,,\ follHI.1I \1 .111.1":1 "" IS YOUR FUTURE \ tlorne\ (.t'nl'ra( \ an cll' I , .. 1\ paper bag. backed by }} /()J/(V. or I he one \\ here you \l,lIl.I~lIIlt I clnll' I I I I I II Kamp's'rc('ord ha., con..,1 anll\ IIl'.ul I ~ 1""I'lh' l kno\\ the fach. the one supported b~ hundreds of shown h", pro' cn 111 III al bIas. pmjJ/c. :--;01 on 1\ dill'''' he 'u PP"J't pll·it I 1\11 THE AIR? II I "I. 1\ "'· .. llit , .. II.. \1 ,,'\\ ... I , lIlu, " " I I. I \\ Random Access , \1, 4,, "1111111 Ilhllll " , "diU 1 lUll \1.lll.ICI I TH.Al~INn: Training p rograms offt'rll1l!" ('ariy mnnagt'n,tl :lnd A voice for UC techrll(',d rt'spollsihilit ics. Imll1l'diatl' o})('ni ng in H\'iation man:lI.!l' I1WI1I . \ 1, I \11/1 " 11111111111111 \\ mll1ot lOll pI fJgldl11 rndud('d {\ Il\ \\' (1, I \\a impn'~~l'(l by hop!' Ill' und('r"'land~ Ihal 1111" I alk (H1U ht· h I ht'll': IH' \\(IIl'1 , hi" 'land "n it nUllllJef (;/ lJalaflll' I" (lIfllCult 10 i1chil'\I' II happear Ill'hllld ""llH' ,,1!lk "',.lil \\.II,q .. r I 1I .. I. \, PHOCEIH ' HE: St'nt! il n ;"lIll1l' to. nr l',dl \m .1I \Llll

Is empty political language More Random Access ... T he UCSD Guardian Page 5 - -I h II '\ continue d from page 2 mention the election. Yes, the Caty T inkle, News Editor November 1, 1982 " through the lobby of AP&M general ~Iection. Tomorrow. NeW's 1eavlng SI ence at t e po S • when I saw an affirmed I won t bother telltng you campus conservative examin· how to vote, except in the ingg posters on the bulletin contest for Secretary of tate. continued from page 3 In effect. what politicians again can serve to bond the board there and tearing down Just remember, if you don't Wilson, concentrated only on today tell us about the governed to the governing. the ones that bore messages vote for March Fong Eu, pay A S -meets: VCAA one theme: Wilson favored economy and foreign crises It is that step, perhaps, with which he did not agree. I toilet s will be on their way in a cutting some Social Security does not go beyond what which mos t stands between suppose the First Amendment matter of weeks. And with the selection benefits. everyone already painfully American and their voting only applies to free speech that legi lature in its current mood, same old Now, the reverse seems knows. The language of boot hs in the 1980s. is right, er, correct. dime toilets might appear a a more accurate, especially after politics is disturbingly empty. *** reasonable source of revenue underway Vietnam, Watergate and other There still are plenty of As a closing note, I'd like to for the UC system. So vote. problems scandals that have erupted Americans who do vote. of By M. TCHAKALIAN n~ CRAI(, KAKEDE ~[aff \\ ro((-r ince 1970. Even if we like and course, regardles of the Van de Kamp Staff Writ"r respect the pre ident. as most erosion of our political At the brief ASUCSD When Dr :\ltle,- enel ... hI Americans do, we no longer language. If people depend letter Council meeting last Wednes· t l' r min J u n e a ~ \. II e tru t the language he speaks. upon government checks or continued from page 2 UC funds to go private? day, AS members elected not Chancellor of l\caelemlc The economy is the single other kinds of entitlements. 'to inv stigate Guardiall Affair ... , he \\111 Ix' vatatlllj.! a greatest concern of most they can size up candidates Attorney General have proven continued from page 2 takes books from the hands of allegations against Reggie po'-,llu!I1 of ptm l'r "l'CClnd onl) citizens, but iew if any accept and mea ure them in terms of time and again his intent to public chool students and Williams; discussed eliminat· to the ChanL"elloL protect the people and the explanations offered by evident self·interest. If people from the computer literacy put them into the hands of ing AS·funded beer at TGIF's; "The \'1((' ll'lann'lIor of tho e who are suppo ed to feel strongly about some promulgate firm laws. and math/science programs. students of private school s. [f and overrode AS Predident ..., :kademll ,\I f'lIr.., I.., 111 (llarge The choice appears obviou know. Economic policy special "single issue ." they and actually cut t he textbook this proposition passes, tax Henr y Chu's veto of a r of l'\er~ · t hlng that l'Heet advisers. who were once can measure candida.tes and while the alternative may be allowance per student, a fund dollars will s ub idize the resolution to officla ll v stuelt'nt'" sailed concern Ill),! prumo IUn and gone back to the lect ure room . cious argued that the first tep Order schools, which frequently support every religion and cu lt Programming Commis­ hiring .... , tll!llnatt'ly clt·ter Their political science in pol i tical reform is cater to the more affluent, that operates a chool. Vote sioner Dave Parker reported mllllllg hoI\' gorld th' fandt\' colleagues, who used to "rectification of names." Put bebop: lerm develped in Ihe USA while public chool students no o n 9. on alcohol abu!>c and a racial I~ ." provide grand analy es of in modern terms, that mean ill Ihe 19405. Characterized by are often forced to share Walter B. Pontynen , Jr. imbalance at the October 22nd l hoo ... tng \Iilt· ...... uccl' ...... or IS cri e abroad. also have creating a language which wi ll lime·pulse stresses bv Ihe textbooks? Vice·Chairman, No on 9 TGIF. later moving to suspend an important dt't'I~lon. not disappeared. explain things. and which drums. In reality, Propos ition 9, Committee all AS purchase!> of alcohol. made alonl' In ~eplemIJl:r. a pecifically. the head of AS ~arch commit (t'e wa" formed. head of programming IS from nomlllatlon" b\ thl ~an concerned that the responsibil· Diego AcademiC '''fnate.., ity the AS assumes at TC's by , Comm!ltee on LCJmmltltt' .... providing beer cannot be pJwlo b~ .Huhuf'''''fl'fl1,\ ph"t,j In \If( IUld ....".', f n plu ... four CCSD representa' PRECISION adequetely justified. ThIS tI\·e.. responsibility includes the CSD groundskeeper and pest controller, David Piper, in hi" clement. Piper ha" filed a ' 1.5 The n lIle·mem her "earch million suit againsl the University. HAIRCUTS enforcement of the minimum committee ha~ the arduou!-­ drinking age and the task of ... electlllg three name, prevention of the use of open from ~O to 2;) nominatIOn" for subml'-,slon to the l hancellor for wom en bottled containers of alcohol How to follow Fellini. on campus. UC.SD groundskeeper sues for final "election & men The Programming Commis· " We're collecting \artous sioner noted, "the AS sets the recommendat ion" and e\aJua tone for getting wasted" at university for $1.5 million tlng the polential., of these TG's, and "to say 'everyone By MIKE BEEDLE exemplified by ~ome popular complaints of d i!'-com fort from Indi\'ldual"," 'r Herbert digs TGs' is making a racist Dave Piper. a professional horror stories aboLit "roaches pallen .... and ('mploYl'l'~ \\ hlch Stern. chair for the "elellion statement ," as very few blacks PI's! con I roller \\' ho ref u "eel to found cra\\!tng across babies' \\ere attributed 10 the eftects commlttce ":\ames art', oi t·. were present at the recenl spray a pnmar} care umt at lace~ . ancl ,,0 Oil. of t hl' \'o,,·Ban fun1l' .... ('our ... confldl'nt taL' affatr. Unl\'erslt\ Hospital with Vo" The danger to pat ient '- and '-POll return from hI'-. . \ n \ (I n era n ... u h 1111 t a '. Parker asserted the Ba n insectiCide, filed a $15 emplo, er, \\a" foremo"t III .. leaH· ... Plpl'r \\ a~ elen;ott'd to lloll1ll1at Ion . Hut the nlll11lnt:l' :'4,000.00 In programmtng millIOn lawsuit agalRst l 'C [) Pqx'r's milld Still rpfu~:ng to pulling \leed ... III Thlnl must hold a ';Cnltlr prlJk~"llJn· LI.rGLLI al appolntll1ent In thl.' funds earmarked to purchase on Augu"t 13. 19R2. "pray the III "l'ct ICIcle. Piper Colll'ge. Then III \\:1" beer for the remaining 1982·J The su it. Piper \·s. lICS!), appealed to illl pO""lbk rt·"tricted loa ,'ertain area and ('mn:,rsi{\' lit Calltornl'l. CD'j'l'llflj '1'(;\ t'llulel be beller spent. ci t es harassment and supen'ison' levels tor t hl' Instructed not tl) leaH' that ~ tel' n . ~ a I d t h l' \ ' Il' L' r';ih 11.; ;-oupo n o nly - -­ Questioning the impetus AS · dlscnmlllHtion from super· grou nel" ciepa rt men t. Each area \\lIhoUI ,\ "UIX·r\I.,,,r·,, Chancellor ~h(\tllpltal form of a wnt ten demerit people's beer. ..! am not willing suit t\\'l(:e: each time to \\ hl,'h \\'ould herome a part of ... lUden ...... 1------I expires______11/ 8/ 82 _ he \\a" placed on an inltwl 737 Pearl to break the law to ingratiate request an extentiol1. 11 I ned a \' I n \ e.., t I gat 0 r \. hi" permanent r<'Olrd. T\\o ..,ludent-.. an under I with this coupon only myself (to students)" When 1'1 per ref used to spray .. Iea\:e ... · E\'entLlall~ thiS PII)l'l '" per"onal ele"rnpt Inn hrradu1ttl' and a gr.tcluJte, an' 456·1170 'The AS Council voted to the IIlse<:ticide, he c!led the "Ieave" stretched to thirt~ of t hest' t JnW" \\ a". "I t \\ as on the "elt'l'tH1n COlllmlltl't'. 456·1815 : Perm $29 .50 suspend the rules to allow for a IX)tenlial danger 10 patients in days WIthout pay·. debdltat mg." .. Stu d l' n t ~ 1I f t t' n h :1 \ ' l' a I expires 11/ 8/ 82 general discussion of Parker's the, bug·infected areas. such During Piper'" 1m olu ntar} "It I" \mrth\ to Ilotl' that per,pt'ct I\'l' of a faL'ult~ report and motion. Many as newborn and unborn babies leave the primary l'ail' unit at once thiS suit' \\a, filed IR member that other farult\ Council members expressed and their mothers. and the hospital was sprayed twice court, Davc \\ 'a~ pro mot ed mem hers ne\er rea liz ... ~aid concern that such an action improper usage of the with Vos·Ban. The job was back to hiS Job as a pe"t Stern. would elicit a negative student insecticide in a hospital. performed by one of Piper's cont rollcr," accorellng to Arrogance can lx' the death of an adnllnhtrator." ... aid ArrENTION STUDENTS: response. The pest~ were roaches and su pen. isors. The following Ke \ 111 !\1cTaggart. Plper's please lurn to page 11 the problem was acute, as days 'iaw many documented plca;,e t urn to page 10 plca!-.l' turn to pagl' II · DA~IC · Eastern Light How will you vote for peace? TRAINING for t h e -YES on Prop. 12 Western Mind Bilateral Nuclear Weapons Freeze A three lecture/concert series on - DAVE WALD for U.s. Senate consciousness, self~knowledge and Peace 8c Freedom Party ~ personal power. Enlist Now."for a Healthy, Sexy Body! ~~ee______--, Both Wilson and Brown lallar tM 6·1 bomber the Grt.'un B\lrt)t; Hydrocurve II Student Special: and maIntaInIng our arsenal of nuclear weapons lhe'r apprO\. lenses 1) Pierce the Veil of Maya and support Israe's InVaSIon of Lebanon and the rC'preSSlv for up to 10 Classes reg. $45 NOW $25.00 mlillary regIme III E Salvadol W"son backs Roo on s (jral' two weeks North Conference Room leglsila1lon pion and BrOwr odvocalL's ,10,,011'1 US continuous con" .... nllonolll1l1llolV forCeS If' fur' , k it over, over a cup of Ol'ilnge Clppuccino. Creamy-rich , with BasIC TraInIng IS on exerCIse concept deSIgned to help you develop 0 Tuesday, Novembt;,' r 2, 7:30 pm wear ~~~Mf.~~' healthy, sexy body through IndIVIdual attentIon, lImIted class SIze, ond even whIle a,: orange twist, it'b a little bit of In dolce ,Iill!. And it '~ ju~t one of ~ix deliciously profesSIonal InstructIon. It's a waste of tIme to eKerClse Incorrectly, at BaSIC you sleep l 2) Silent Running DAVE WAL[l offers a reasonable alternative to different flavors ':-:--5' ~_~ . Training we won't let you Dr. l ....nthot Dr 00",1" from General Food ... these Insono poliCies Wold demands that mill Of',' spending be ~Ioshed and that ted "ra tunds 00 used IpoftI At_ Ar ... SonDt~ Intemational offcl'~ . • ~. And the " BIISIC" beneflts ._ ? Slender hips. Ilrmer bottom, leaner thIghS, 3) The Power of Music f'f...... , I.G .._ fkJttPr tummy and " ~n<;p of well belnq for humon nh..'(is obs. ~chools . health carL' 22),2133 """If' '\'f~' 11..'( GLNI RAL l'Oam,' INTI RNATIO AI, cor·Frr<, Th, 'I'l·"k,·r, /I.1.1hl) ,111 i,)hn S.l\.II:'·, I' .1 thrn' " .. ,r hOUSing ct.uIo VIlla At... -'UOJ I\~ MUCII A H LI I (,1\<.., 1\ HAVOR NfWlOCATlOH CIa_ ,,",,1,'111 "I ::--" t '11111111"\. ])Ir,', tllr "I \ nlil',1 1".1111 m, HOW ortEN call for appointment: 456-0049 M,·,IIi.IUlln J,!n 11'1'. " I< """"M_ Available at: UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE 4Z~1010 C IIIIUtl0C4 Make Your Vote for Peace Count on Nov. 2 7553 Girard A venue, La Jolla, CA, .... \.1.11 .. '111 ,I t \ l t ... 1) .... , /l 1"011\\1\ RllI1lHnL: lillI' h lr II1h11IH.11 l1l\" _II WALD FOR U.S. SENATE ,1\1 .!, 'l'.! DII. W _"'M-. 0 D Monday, November I , 1982 6 The UCSD Guardian Monday, November I, 1982 The UCSD Guardian 7 ------~

- - - No Beer At TGs! Attn: Sea Deucers There is a mot ion on t he floor of t he A 11 CSf) this week UCSD VOTE that I feel is of major Importance to a great deal oi Mond ay (11/1) - st udent s. ome members of our glorious A UC J) an' Science Fiction 2 pm Sea Deucer Dive. Meet at GPL trying to elimmate beer from TGIFs (you still would be 6 pm Lobster Re earch A ' ociation Meeting. And Make A Difference! able to BYO). In anv case. 1 feel TGs are one of UCSD·" Festival Meet at Scuba Office. onlv traditions and somet hing that st udents can loo k Cast Your Vote Nov. 2! for'... · ard to. Well. the AS is now trying to pia) mommy to all of you Tuesday (11 / 2) - Polls Open: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. students and IS deciding what you ca n and can't do at a 11 am Sea Deucer dive to Scripps Canyon. Meet social occasion. I don't feel this i. right. It took a whole at GPL. On Campus Polls: year to be able to ha\ e beer at these e\'ent s, why should we nO\\1 change somet hing that the students lik e. Our campu,", Wedne day (11 / 3) - Revelle Plaza suffers a . it IS from a high attrition rate. much of which is ·f pm Sea Deucer fund raiser organi zational attributable to a lack of ocial life on campus. The AS Muir Commuter Lounge should enhance the non-exi tent social life here, not tearit meeting. Meet in Rec. Conference room. down. It is time for you tudents to come and speak at thi s Thur day (11 / 4)- Wedne day's A meeting at 6:30 in the North Conference 6 :30 pm Sea Deucer No. Count) Lobster dive. Room and tell Dave Parker that this bill i not in the Meet at GPL. The Madman tudents best interest and to start programming for the good of the campus. Please how up. Mozoboon . and the Nun Thanks, aturday (11 / 6) - Newly formed c ommittee 9 am Sea Deu cer Abalone clIve. $2.00 Zodi ac fcc . Marc Geiger Meet at GPL. By Stanisl,m Wit kie\"icz Commi ioner of Public Rel ations needs members & ideas. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• November 4, 5, 6 FREE!!! Join us Friday, Nov. 5, 4 pm. Mandc\Tille Reci tal Hall S.A.M. presents . .. pn1 FR~=E 7 North Conference Room :l prrJdllilltJll 11\' 1111 Ill/lilli/iII Tliut/'I 1:",1,/ /IIh!t Bob Moss and his Dynatnos Sponsored by ASUCSD RO.L \D\\TORI( i ot Moss-cess Unlimited lookillg for r------~ He is funny, witty and dynamic! editors... Assorted Vinyl If YOU arc interested in working . ~ Self Confidence Program is having an Easter sale now thru Friday on thc editorial beurd of Come and see why ... Come and check it out. RO.\D\\TO RK. send in a piece of crcatiYc and or critical writing. Enrich Your Life == Increase Self Confidence New English Beat - only $5.99 along with a cm'cr lettcr about Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 5 pm your \Hiting or editorial TCHB 142 (3rd College) ~------~ experience. bcfore :'\OY. 12th . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . . .and submissions. • Outing Club Meeting The submis ions deadline for International • 2nd Meeting Forum • Tues., Nov. 2 at 6:30 pm ROADvVORK 8 is Jan. 3lrst. • UCSD's Friends in the rec. conference room Tlte Po/i/iw/ S,/ua/ioll ill Cltile • ROAD\\TORK. a LJCSD literary 7i)c/rlv - Dr. Jallnt' Con cha . Lit of the [) pt: Thur"day. No\ . 1 7 pm. Corne sigJl up for {{ tyip out this wee/tend. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Journ&.l Since 1977. publishes I.ifc ill /.ihera/I'd /:01/(,,\ 0/ 1:'1 Sierra Club prose. poetry. and artwork by Sall'ado/' - Alex I>reshler. LAGO Calendar former ABC C()rre~lxmdent ancl Thursday, Nov. 4 WILDERNESS WORKSHOP: students. faculty. and other )ournall..,t. Thur"clay.:-.Im. II . "Everything you've always wanted to know about Thursday Nov. 4 7 pm AP&M Steve Brady speaks members of the UCSD writing 7 pm. in the environmental hazards (and more) bud didn't know to on Coming Out {',.\ I'''/I (v IlIIml'd /..Ii/ill . \I/II'J"/(({ South Conference ask. " community. ROAD\VORK 7 is - Dr Carlos Wal~man. ~[)C Friday Nov . 12 9 pm Che Cafe Non -sexist dance Dept 'I hu r ... rlay. l\' (/\ l'1ll her I K. Room Tuesday Nov . 16 7 pm No_Conf. Speaker on Gay a\'ailable at the Bookstore for 7 pm. at 7:00 p.m. Don't miss this wonderful seminar! culture and Hanky S2 a opy. ROAD\YORK . B'023 (given by UCSD's own Chuck Gormley) code Spon"ortd b~ the Intnnat ional Off campus event D • La Jolla. Ca. 2093 Cluh Free! Hefre~h nwnh and Call Dan Kolk 4S7· Saturday Nov . 20 TBA TBA e\ er~ Oil(' welmme 1312 for information Tuesday Nov . 23 TBA TBA Gay Thanksgiving Potluck off campus Monday, N()vember I, 1982 8 The UCSD Guardian Monday, November I , 1982 The UCSD Guardian MEDICAL NSA Clark X-ray holography will luncheon open biological doors DO__O_I _IS_B_U_BY__ ~ GI3f;tu~ · continued from page 1 Two Los Alamos NatIOnal an' 0111\ 1\\'o·dlmenslOnal. SCHOLARSHIPS progress. and as the Pres ident Laboratm! phYSICISh say ,WI1l'n it I·;ologram I.... IllCl{le \,,, it h aid, there is more in store if magnified thr{'edimensional x·ra\ .... ;lIld thell \ I{'\\t'd \\ Ith we are only willing to stay the snap~hoh of li\lng cells \1~I·bll light. a greatly THE NAVY IS OFFERING FULL 4 YEAR course." record<.'(1 m it few tnilionthsof maj.{ndll'd Image of thl' Clark stressed, as the first a second are po'-,sible. using ol'lglnal ohjecl I.., see n. MEDICAL SCHOLARSHIPS TO ENTERING o bj ecti \'e of the Reaga n short·pu).,e x·ray sources. The re\'ealing detai).., that ordmClry administration. that befor we pi ct urI's \\ ill re\·ea I tIll' microscope" cannot rl'so" e. AS WELL AS ENROLLED MEDICAL STUDENTS move on lo international struct ure of liVing organi<.;m'i The mtense x·ra\, sources affair~. " W~,must dean upour with contrast and resolution Ill'l'ded for thi .... 'kind of own house. never before possible. The holography arl' under or l' Any AMA approved Medical or Osteopathic school in the U.S. Clark noted that the second technique has enormous d e \' e lop m n t 111m a n )­ Puerto Rico task to keeping peace is to implicatIOns, primarily for m..,tltulions. but the aUlhor" biology and it s related fields. say I he) expect t hem to be "restore t he foundation of available to ('xpenmenler<; in All Tuition and Authorized Fees strength which underlines the 10hndale Solem of the concept of deterrents." lie Laboratory's Theoretical the near fUlure. ~1ean\\'h"e, Reimbursement for Books and Supplies poin ted out that the Soviet Di \ ision an'd Ceorge Baldwin Ihe Los Alamos scientists '-,ay Union has outspent the Unit <.'() of the Physics Division, thev will continue to work States militarily in t he last revealed t heir findings in a Wit h ot hers in t he field in $530 per month development of laser·like decade by over $200 billion. paper published in the Oct. 15 But Clark added that under issue of Science magazine. One sources for x· rays. Pay and Benefits of an Ensign (0-1) while on 45 days active duty Presi dent Reagan , "t h e research r has termed the So sensiti\·e is the Los each year. program of rebuilding is now work described in the article Alamos technique. Solem and launched, a nd if we can as one of the most exci ting Baldwin foresee using it to sustall1 it. there is every activ ities of the decade. probe t he innermost reJat ion· NO OBLIGATION DURING APPLICATION OR SELECTION PROCESS. pro m i set hat e f f e c t i \' e "Essentiall y, this technique ships of a cell's molecules, and deterrents will endure and would take a snapshot of the even the changes thaI occur CALL that peace can be preserved, biologica l struct ure of a cell wit hin Ii \'ing cells in their MEDICAL PROGRAMS OFFICER not on ly in our own. but in before radiation from thex·ray macromolecules. Biological future generations," source kills It," the Los problems t hat might be solved AT 293~746 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Alamos author'i sav. "The x· I hrough x·ray holography "The next important goal." ray.., heat the <,;pl'Clmen so include the citon of light on the said Clark, "is reciprocity and quickly thai It becomes a ret mal cells of t he eve the reslraint in United S tates· pla~ma and explodes. The nwchan I<;m" of gene ex·pres. Sov iet relationi->," He stressed tl1:hnlque n'cords 111(' 'plasma saHl. and the rau .... e of Sickle· lhat we must work wit h the gh()~t' Ix' fore I hl' specimen is cell anl'lnla, oviet Union on all inter· obliterated." national problems. while al AJt hough I he Los AI,unos the same time, not stand idly The lechlll(lue. called \·ra~ paper conn'ntratc;.. on lIlt' by \\ hen "Soviet suppression holograph\, can Yield biological appllcat ions of ,·ray and subver ·ion is obvious." informatHlI1 about the detailed holograph~. Ihe author. agree Here he discussed the ph) sical arrangement ... of that tlll'l'l' are mam IXltentla1 con troversy over Reagan's proteins. chromoson1l's. and appilctlt ion". part Icular" to policy of econ omic sanctions cell ... tructun.' in a 11\'ing malerials science. ..uch as against the Soviet Union for organism - informal ion not analysis of metals and alloys. their actions in Poland, obtainable 1)\ ot her tech· Li ving organismas. I hey poinl Centra l America, and niques. BlOs(:ientists custo· OUI, present much more Afghanistan. He ca lled these marll\" stain and fix cells. in difficult problems. because order' lo examine them. Such sanct ions. "What may \'er~ they can change dunng a long B\ MIKE BEEDLE "I plan 10 rdurn lol"ral'1 10 facull\ till the a\\C\rd \ well be the greatest human techniques kill linng exposure to x radiation and ;\lell;)rd E. SPIro, professor dOlllort, work on I hl' Kibbull.1 cllm m'itt l'l' IIlL'n ma kt", I hl organisms, The ne\\ theon rights effort since World War t he! can IX' e1L'st rll! L'tl by and fou nde!' of I he depart tlwnt also "·cJ in "The tnck IS to make the ;1\\ arded the )'n''''IOl'nl "Chall \\ork I11g lin," "aiel ~plro . prl'-.ldl'J1I . \\ hu :nakl' 'hi: The next issue Clark dealt "hort enough bursts at high c\posure \cry, \en "hort and b~ [lC PreSident John Saxon "I \\ ill ha\l' a n{'\\ book pn"t'ntatlCln. u ... u,lIl) b) wi this arms control. He enough Inten'olly. t he Image of the II1I(,l1Slt\ Il'ry. H'ry high. thh pa .... t SUllln1l'r. puhli"hl'd "uon l·onCl'rnlllg I hl' formal letter to thl' rl'lllJ1elll a cell and Ih structure can be termed the pu bli c': intense to create a plasma ghost that "Thi.., came as d l"Ompll'le l'\I"lenn' III r hl' Oedipal Thi" <1\\ ard -.\1'1 hohlt" t t1e interest in limiting nuclear capt ured before It cli ... inte· capt u res the det a II of an sllrprbl'." sHld Spiro. "It \\as Complex amllng tht' mhabl ' forell1()"t "c1l11lar Oil I lw arsenals "a n eXlreme ly graIl's. ()rgani~!ll IX'fore It dlslnte· Ihe fi r .... l Iime I he Co\ cl <.>CJ lants of t ht' Trobriand 1"land". lilmpu..,. h ea lth y a nd we l come Ii olog-rams, ",hen made and grates. :1\\ ani has been ,l.!lallI L'CI to CI In additIOn, I \\ould Iikl' III Splrllcame 10 ('C, I> ·1 Elll .... phenomenon." He sa id that, \ Il'\\ed WII h \ isible light from Lo .. Alamos ~atil)nal nonSCIL'nce. " fll1l'.h a hook on Burnw .. (, and fuundt'd I he depart mull of " We must do everYl hing we la~ers. pnJ\'ide in·depth Laboratory 1'0 operated by the In addition to the fi\l' \ ear poll tit'S. " Ant hropol(l).,"'. I"~ l'Illpha'I' can to reduce the amount of i magl'S of an object. un like l ln l\'er"lt\· of California for lit Ie I.... a S2jO.()(JO a\\'anl Earh rc L'ampus .. elerh a ill'S 111 the IbychoanalYI il' It's a record sale! Get down fast nu c lear weapons." He ordlnar) photographs. which the J)epartment of EnerJ..T). II1tended for rpst'arch repre>.;t'n I a I I\'e r rlll11 the a~pL'Ch of am hr(lpolo).,,, '. mentioned proposals made by and get your favorite albums for Reagan to the oviet l nion to draslically reduce arsenals, $2.98 and up. but he did stress accounta· Faster Processing & bllity on both sid es, and the Better Copy Get International Forum/ • Top Artists danger of a unilateral freele. Better Grades a nd Focus on Latin America • Major labels Clark t hen stated that the uic ker Publicat.ions fifth object ive of the Reagan • Hundreds of administralion in foreign "The selections - pop to classic affairs is "to establi sh a new basis for conducting our Political Situation Stereo LP Albums relat IOns ",it h the de\'elopi ng countries of the world. Cassettes/Box Sets which," he said. "reli es in Chile Today" hea vil y on t he energy of the private sector. The President Dr. Dan Hallin has tried to blend a combination of trade, aid. and Thursday, November 4, 1982. in centi ves for in veslment into RTT~He­ a car fully balanced arrange· Portable Computer ment to facil it a te the self·help 7:00 p.m. efforts of people in t he"e $3995 developin g nations." An mdl'lx'n"hl!' IIK)I (or the FREE "lIdt'nl, r,'"'ar,, h"r and WrIll'r, To explai n the sixth goal 111 WOld pro",'","!: Inclueled I~ eagan's peacemeking effort ", International Center Lounge Clarl< dl'srnbcd a n "old ·15" on SIIl"Il'gll l1li l1 g " I I I ( \ choose bel ween pu blic and their differences on the issue audience that O\'ember 2, is year, $278,638 contract will \\, r11 Iii J.. 1111 "'1 h ' ( '111\ II ~ It \ 1('(' .II IB \ l' (1111)(11<1 (. I· '\ I) 11 I r f I ( I It] l 1 " " antibodies. and to allow t\\II-\e, and t hat high bet ween Kripke and Rider. the day "to exercise your right allow them to treat 10 cancer Intlll" ln I' a rtlll"" lt l jl II' Ill.1dq,J;II.l· ... n .\ 1 111, 'J.. .. ( I ( 0' II :" !J I l tl r. I (, t hi l researchers to determ me the pro 'gra 111 dt Slripp'. a IJia nt'i 1 1'0.1'11 .In I I ( I II chool st udents should be Kripke said that more to vote." patients. and perform E ngllll'l'r·lflg. ' YIII·J.. I (lI1don or '1 \\ YO"k best way to administer the " f [ ' C~)) . Thl' plogralll \ 'llt It. J' II, I l '\ numerous monitoring te ~ts on III1\\ard I\allfmdn. I>rt'''. Ill' \\a 1,It'ctt'd ;,ll 11\\1 \ Ill' antibodies. Based on the 1I1lludl·... graciUall' st udll''' and blood samples obtained during delll 01 the E\\lIlllorporallllll prl' ''' lcll 'll l 111 H 1(; ~ 1 il nd a 1 (';1 1 1<1'1'('1" .md IJlIll)1 II promising results obtallll'd l;illOl at or)' alld shipboard the treatments. These \\ III "peah: at :l p.m. Fridm . Ialer lX'lallll' a \ "'11 ing 11'11(1\\ d I '(' 1I 'i' I h t po I 'I,; I ,/1" samples will be analyzed in during these early trials, the rl' ~ l'al'l · h . Thl' Tlnh('r AS meeting ;-,)()\ 12. in the i\landl'll Wels" (It the Center for the Sll1dv oj llonOml, tC 'I-I I"l-Il l CI ha" granted four Founciat IOn is prOlld1l1g a Hoyston \ laboratories at the lentl'r lor t hI' Performing iJeml)(T(ltlc In"tilutilllls- 111 do\\ nllJ\\ 11 retl,'\' lop''ll'l'' contrart" and grant" to S I 0.000 per year scholar ... hip nmlinued from page 13 VA Medical Center and l fCSD Art.... The tOPIC for I\auff ~;tnta Barbara. til' rl'l limed to TIll"1 II ill jJl'ak II' l (IT!krentt mndu!'t a broadl'l IIlH·.. t Iga · for ('aeh sludelll Cal1cer Cent er. mann';. I('cture IS "l-:n('r).,1'\ JB:'Il In 1971 as dm'ttor of LlIlda llark. appOtlltml'nt 1-l'parlllll'llt lilt' :-... ,It IIIn al . Al'adl:11I I If traditional l'\ U1t .. a I'C:1l t'll ... lit h;1 PI'Il\ \C),'{I II, I l IloIIl \('r, mOIlI)l loll al .tIltl thl \ ,IIII ,na l l nl\l'r"' l!l of La of Ekct neal E nl!;lfll'l'rll1g all ti ElIg lI ll'l'llrlg tIll' \1111'1"1l'.l11 odl (, ;11 (. PI"o('lI(-I'd III a \\ltl Job ,'('Ul'11 UIlIt! , '" I I I 1'111 ' n \r .~ ln t 1l1 ,1. Il l' h.l COl1l l)U Il'r ~ (, Il ' lln' ''. 'I hl'rt' an' -\ '''II("(at II I[J lo r till' \ (11 anCl" n 1"'011 '() ( nd IX'l'l a' I'{ /' .. IIh IU , Iucll n. dt'( I ... I rl'1l 11 ;11'( g( 'n( t l Ilgllll'l.'llIlg ll'lill'lqUl' ltlll I'd. sl udi .. d :l Wr ill l' hi" l"g\ al I hl lllITI' 11I 1\ ~, () I , II ll d( r.l! ' ;ldliatl' mePl "f ~("(l'rll'l' .lIlel.. Ull1lr William ... InCJuir) C1')-'I·d 1.1, '11t call1li l 'fll loll 1\ I' II .d'''I\ t 'at· ... n,t!h .It: iJal(' \\.lIllt~ ~t:t'1l1l1 \l.lll11t' cJ"End;'lIlll' 111 IlItIl'llt ... alltl :!;;-< gr:ldll;lll' '111 "lh( 1 <)f I'll' In 'IHI'l' III \lt e 1.1 l m'ml'" I(lno I I l )" tit' l 101 '.lr.L!;t' ... «11 (' prodUl·t IIIIl III till' III' I pl.l! ('. F.'. 11(' .lr( h I' "l'l \ 1'( a .1 IlIdl'll ... lnrllilul \\ It I I·'t.tlla .·HI 1·lll YOIII I,ll' \,In Il JOrtl-d t ~,I j \\ d j I t llll t"llit- 01 : Ill' hll 'lla ll hod\'. -l lll' I'C la\\\I'1 i't('d 0 trI. I)!. t h , III· (lr hlo h J.(\ ,I ' ( l ng III ('llI'h Illllr r'lall' I· ~""" BII.II '11 II' 1l [)an I\ripkt' (/1'1/) and Did, Hider(ni-'lil) . .... tate Sl'llalorial l'tllldidalt'" d~'hall' Oil (· l' II "I B. I, I Ur ' )1 ',c l i\(' lor (oll'nll'nt ( • r , I I· Il \ P t , I'll' r.1 I, \ I I J ( 1 ! , University Events Office presents The 17th II' BUC. " Ill' , I ( I", I "" HI 1'1 r , 'I lit' fmlnd I'll' I ... 1i'1~ 11Il)' , ( . .1' 1)' )' I \ I l~1 I I International !IIll I 1.,1t IIlg II 1111 tI 1.11" P" Update Otl rape .\ I I, .\, tum YO 0.,. (,;11' III ~ nlpp", ,wtl I ... 11Ind1l1l.! Iln(1I111 pOln'le "lll 'l'tltlt1J cllnl j IlUl·d f rolll ",,/ott· I dill 11'111111 ~ I I' 'IIU 11 It It'd '11 111\1 I" . '1,1\11 ,,1111 hlblll.I.J,lphH Il"l Ill! h.1 Ix"'" (l1I'd III d lor (,1111·'rC\n.~ ,It I '.\" t\ P"'l'ltl! r I ... t Y J... Tourneeof .ECA., ,I 1""llt I' 101 'lIarllll' "'lll J1Ct' oIg;IIIl ..,1:11 ('\I'il'" ' " hI' addul :- , l'mhc.'1" :1. , (1111"1"" H 1 ::-- 1l 1ti II :h ;1Ilt! I.;lt l ll \ :r"lIlall l'llla.· ph' .. ..,(, ,"rn to pagl' :!3 , I. fr i( Ilf lr l') dmt tif'fllcll ('p ,prq f fl( Il "., C; 1 (j( 1f ' r1t ~ National Film Board of Canada H Id ',P ()tJ ("" I 'C f)1l1y tl t I Ht (~fl l' 1I ('l)

uc San Diego Health Center DenIal Group f I)' .1ppollllrl1pnl (;(lll 452 2080 $1 OFF Monlid I r rtrldy 8 00 rl In 4 00 P IT ' ,iI !tH' UC S, In [lIl:CjO Hp.alth Cenlee Famous Philadelphia Steak Sandwich or IN A CAR ACCIDENT? ,~ Delicious Pasts -Every Day With This Ad - • Plt1l1.. '''' n.l1ft L'.t~ .h', I""" • \\ III " I, I II II 1\:.11 dnd r I ~ J Fantastic Philly 5teal~s smothered in 1',1" 111 • \q". I"l' I I .• 111\ 1 Il'd • I rt, , • 1 U 11 .. 1 III onions with cheese or peppers or ' I 11l\ l .1I I' d, lI l1 01~ I'd' • I r ... c: \,,1 till C,'\.t nhtl lH) The Worl~s. Or try our zesty • \~ h,. 1'.1\ ' lilt' "'1 ItI,· Iollll' I J inL1ndi...l Vodk.."l OonWMK h,IH' 1,1\1 .II ''''I ~ / tx""' • I ~,' <11'1\ tH' m '~" \('1\ Bl~fl'at('r Gin b~lOOk Posta Dishes. • \~ . hal II I ".lnl It' ' ti '" C utty !>.uk XOIVl Ch •• oll> Jim Beam Bourbon R""" • \\ h.1I II ,,"lln'lIl' ,11," 111 '"{h Rum Zinfandel Kitchen Hours: Arandas TC4Ui1d Olrlstlall Br~ B/andy Monday - Friday 11am " 2:30pm: "WELL BRAND!>" $1.25 GEOHG(JI~ & SI .. \~~ November 5 I friday I 8 p.m. 5:30pm - 10pm Hiah above all the hustle and bustle. you can ~h back and relax Watch a Saturday: 5:30 to closing spectacular Pacific ocean sunsel with Atwrm.:v ...It Llv. Mandeville Auditorium d good drlnlc and super Ilors d'Oeuvre. (ocktaillounge open 1Oem to 2am ( d , If n ,, If' ILc iJ I' ' If $1.75 Nlghlly Jan Lnterlalnment 9pm ~ ldm Daily '",dr U't'l) lo! '" '11,1 l.. ~~ Nlghlly Dining 6'IOp,n 4590541 HEARTH HOUSE 453-6101 297·0101 11th floor. ~umm~r Itou.,e Inn 7955 La Jolla ~hO/e. Dr ,,)949 Governor ar Genesee (next to Safeway) Til'kcl;, al l C~I>'., lenlr .. 1 Bo:\. ()flllt'. I.)~-I.) .)(; 12 The UC 0 Guardian ------The lJCSD Gua rdian

:', ~ .. 1<# _ "., • .;·~_ob • 4~::.r ,,~ ,

mecnanICs, and sentence and paragraph 1-4pm - Finding It hard to study With those x3616 OIS(U\.Slon At the UniverSity luthf'/dn Church, Bpm - AnnounCing Overeaters Anonymous structure Pre-writing diSCUSSions, when Services/ unfinished derails nagging at you? Get the 9~)5 1 Jolla Shores Drive meetings Coming soon to UCSD. For anyone necessary. Will be conducted In Spanish. dates. facts and names you need to clear your FRIDAY wro has trouble controlling hls!ller food Students may attend on regular or occaSional 10:30am - CatholIC Mass, In the Student Workshops mind and get your academIC schedule In order Intake. For more Info call Sara at 453-3456 baSIS, according to their needs In USB 4070 ) p m - Philosophy department colloqUium Cr 1'1 BUilding B. lovver level See your peer advisor at the Warren Provost's servICes/workshops sealon/Wed office, presents Professor leno Vendler's lecture on 5p.n - Catholic Mass Sponsored by the en l-4pm - Academ IC deta ils have you ready 4-5:30 - Communications Workshop small MONDAY-FRIDAY "Understanding People" In the Revelle Formal CatholiC ' Community at UCSD At the to scream? If you are a Warren student. you group diSCUSSion of Issues faCing Incoming 4 - 5 : 30pm -C ommun I cations lounge lutheran Church, l<1 Jolla Shores & 8:~G-4pm - PAL Conferences Treat your may not have to O Uick and friendly advice IS Un l~lslty freshmen Group partiCipation Will be Wortcshop: Sma ll group diSCUSSion of Issues Tor-ey Pines studies like a professional! Schedule a PAL available from your peer advisor at the 4-5:)Opm - ColloqUium - speaker prof encouraged ThiS IS a great opportunity to talk faCing Incoming freshmen Group p<'lrtlClpatlon [personal Assistance for Learning) conference Provost's offICe Peter J, Huber. Harvard Unlvermy & about things that are a part of your life at and learn the best strategies for your Will be encouraged This IS a greatopportumty Mathematical SCiences Research Institution, to talk about thingS that are a part of your li fe UCSDI JOintly sponsored by OasIs Success coursework by developing reading, memo/)" Berkeley Ti tle "RamifICations of Projection Program and Third College Counseling and ruESDAY at UCSDI .JoIntly sponsored by OASIS Success eetings test prep, and test-taking strategies PAL PurSUit" In TlH 104 PsychologICal SefYIces In the Student Center, 9-11am and 1-4pm - Warren College Program and Third College Counseling and conferences are conducted by reading and North Conference Room learning speCialists Sponsored by the Oasis students can get help on a variety of academiC Psychological Services In the Student Center. MONDAY problems [class scheduling, add/drop, North Conference Room Reading and Study Skills Center In USB 4010, Bam - Alcoholics Annonymous open 7pm - Lesbian and Gay support group major/minor) qUICkly from their peer advisor Religious me' til H] In the KSDT Conference Room In the vvelcomes you for another Informal, friendly 8 : ~0-4pm - OasiS Writing Center offers free Ask for Mana or Melanie at the Warren seMce for all UCSD students who need pre­ StL Irr Cemer open diSCUSSion We offer support and a place Provost's office THURSDAY writing help, conferences on drafts, and MONDAY 4pm - Isr<1el Action Commlnee meeting If to meet new fnends Sponsored by LAGO In 12-12:50 - The French Workshop - IS a editing adVice. We engage any kind of writing I-2:30p m - How to Concentrate at Will - In ~':'d In learning more about the State of USB 4060A new feature of the OasIs l<1nguage Program It 5pm - Cattlollc Mass held dally Monday and any kind of Writing problem. Conferences lack of concentr<'ltlon can Include anything lSI , ~If'a~p. )oln us In the Revelle Formal 7-9pm - The Surf Team/Oub IS haVing a IS designed mainly for students who are Fnday at 5 pm Sponsored by the CatholiC are by appointment only Evening from procrastination to daydreaming to mental lou 19 mandatory meeting to diSCUSS the upcoming writing papers or other class assignments In Community at IJCSD At the Urliverslty appointments are now also available In OasiS wandering It IS fr!'quently the most difficult SUrfing E'xcurSlon to MexICO With SDSU at the French Students not working on speC/fic lutheran Chapel, l<1 Jolla Shores & Torrey 5pm - SA TCH sponsors Miguel Per/ea, Third Place at Third College [For the full range and perSistent prOblem college students f,lce Pines San Miguel cdmpgrounds, We WIll have the p~ers, but who would Itke to perft'ct their rf'C "ter for the COliegl' ot O,teopathlc of serviCes, see back of Fall Schedule/ ca11452- ThiS workshop Identlflf'S the psychologICal, tropllies 'or the winners of the UCSD Open writing ability In FrenCh, are also welcornt' The 7pm - (ampu\ (rusade for Christ 'Study Me l' uf tt,e P.Klf/r In he South 2284 or come by USB 4010 to make an phYSical, and enVIronmental f,lllOrs thdt Hopdully there Will (llso be refreshments In Workshop Will offer a unique opnortunlty tor Bre.1k' I Fellowship Singing, Shdrtng and qoo" l r fp il. I" Ro('m appointment ThiS service IS available disrupt learning, i11'd It prOVides proven f-lSS 11C,) ttlrougllour thf' quarter students to edll their own papers. and seek techniques for combdttlng tllese prOblems Bible teelchlllg In the C~an(ello(s Comp:f'J( constrUctive cntlClSm from thetr pe rs 't Will lilA lW 9-4pm - GI rlm.,· 'VIi.J~e:; Hotline a leJrn hnvv to put 0 Jt your ma~ rlum eftor; a'so prOVide clanflCation of qr~lT'rrilr whf''' you want to 5 )()r1S0rt'd by tnt' Od~l~ 7:30pm - Blulf' "urfy b.! ,!,j on th uool< 'If 6:3 m - r or f jewlsll 'itude'l') wP" Y THURSDAY grammil' hot Ineprone In 't'/liKe for I elp ","tn n echanlc< and sentence dnd p.lra1Plph Read/rl(j ,md Study kills (' enter n [t I' '\0 OJ l,;rCI~I ... ~te~ I" t"c I ouny )f thf' Unlwlslty P 1 J '1 " 'fl(j Is ~<"I folk D,lrlClnq r II I ave to be ~>p..l f'd J 1 diction qr.. !l1.'Tklr ilr'd Du"'cru.1tlon problems strt..cture Pre-Nr t '1g dl ,CUSS/or), when (t 9<;9'; < r To re"leh Grdml''l fr ) II R~II ( " betwee' t»t' h0ur~ of 9-4 Monday-Fflday 1t' 't R > Ie In' I Lounqe Stt..derts 'I ay ,lttend on regular or ocr e lonal 1-4pm - l\!eeCi i' Irtbnrlly elr for yo!..r Sponsored by Oas" Wrltlnq Center St'n.lCe 7p I' IJ( )1) ~ I"q C t..b )ffer, Id'~ 7pm - ~ely '"t~ .lrl'pUS netll'v{'rk and LAGO bilsls. ilccorrJlng (0 the" needs II" USB 4010 ac,ldem c problems ( Twe of '.he'll ar" av lll..lble ava' It)le throughout the qUi Ile,>blilil dnd ('l~ Organization of JC'iD) on your Warr!'n (allege Peer AdVisor pluS 1o-4pm - Per~onill Counseling Wilnt to '·2:30pm - Time Managemert Time Spm - Red/scovertng Cdtil()liCiSm illl ope" "\ ,H tN," sall'St p,anes flYlnq C.if'le c..osp01'sor Steve Br'llly speelklng on "Coming Management slife managementl The qUick Informatloll on clJ'>s sthedultng, speak ~bout academiC, personal, or SOCial diSCUSSion group, Subject forrhls week 'Guns to 1"'1(' ~"'e[lng tonlgt1t and ,'qn up for an Out 11' AP&M 2402 planning determines how much we acnleve milJor /mlnor and stude'lt orgdnlzatlon See dlfflClJltle~ WIth someone who cares? OasIs Vlolemf' .1nd CatholIC CllflSclence' At 11"1' 1 cmry "del Above ttle g.~meroom II' the 7pm - Don t panlelll We'll do It foryoul ThiS IS and how xHlSfylng our days are ThiS Mand or Melanie dt the Warren Provost's :,tu t (enter Peer Counselors represpnt a diverSity of UniverSity luttleran (tlurch, l<1 Jolla Shores Dr Just one of the· exe ltingly odd seNlCes that Dark workshop Will show you how to take control office culrurdl,nterests and major areas of stUdy, plus & North Torrey Pines Star prOVides to fans at UCSD If of your life, break assignments Into success­ sCIC~nce- flalon they dre concerned about you, Don't delay; WEDNESDAY you hdppen to have a smat/ badger [or worse) Oriented stUdy seSSions, and get through the drop In or call todayI452-3760. Sponsored by WEDNESDAY lOdged In your edl. you may exch.'lnge It for a quarter With a minimum of stress Sponsored 8am - AlcohOliCS Annonymous open the OasIs AcademiC Success Program In the FRIDAY Babel "511 dt ttliS week's meeting All are by the OASIS Reading & Skills Center In the 3pm - BiblICal diSCUSSion on 'ChrIStian Fdlth meet' 1 In the KSDT Cont Rm, In the Student Student Center. BUilding B Cer~1l1 welcome In the Revelle Informal lounge. Thlfd College Humanities Bldg, Rm 141 9-11am - Want to relax before the In the World Today, . led by Dr Tim McLarnan, weekend? Get those academiC prOblems Instructor In mathemdtlcs at UCSD, sponsored 3-5pm - Registration fee committee meets to are encouraged to attend. Take charge of your taken care of now' Your peer advisor can give by the lunleran Community at UCSD, open to dIS(.JIS ~ur fee levels and olller Important FRIDAY MONDAY life Film & diSCUSSion, Sponsored by the OaSIS you qUick, fnendly and up-to-date .'dvlce dt all. In the lounge of the UniverSity lutherap ISS,- , H,Ne el Sily -Join us In til!' Ch l'lcellor 5 AcademiC Success Program In USB 4030 7777 - The SUf'nce flCtllln Fe !Ival 12-1 :3Opm - The Sp,l'llsn Workshop S ,1 the Prol.'Osts offICe Ask tor Marla or Melanlf' Olurch... lCroSS the street from Rf'Ve/te College COrl x "'A Conlm,ttee /leeds responsible IndlVldll Confere'1ce Spanish, Students not working or speCifiC small group ses~lons on how to leda a Joiln Huber In the lounge of the Unlvelslty )~L Jc>J ' ~ "nter dbove g.~ml·roo111 RC'lo,'l papers, but \lvho W(')uld like to perrect tnI'/[ successfu! academiC life nllS week's topIC IS Lectures Luther,m Church. dCross from Revelle College' wntlng ability In Spanls~1 ar ,1IsnuV{'lcome rr.f' 4-5:30pm - Women s Resowce Center 6:30pm - Tnron wargamwg met" ·M.lstery Learning Students e~perlrn(lnq 7:30-9pm Inter-Varsity CI'rIS[lan does workshOp Will )fff'r a unique opportlJnl'Y for ac.:ode'Tllc (Jiffl(ultles arf' e'lcour,lged toatrf'nd (" jlJ(.r contlnuel ThiS wf'ek M JOSie every FrlddY star t , tudc'nt Dlnnel JOlll omu nc.. ~ju drlnn A:, director of ttle U( 0 O,ly air • nOer, IvIs Fdulkes prOVides services nLlt Spm - ArnnunCl'l9 Ovt'reaters AI onyrno(;' w.' I~ ,-ome Ie 1 r , I' IdtC'St d 'nces " hI' ( linlc JJd If"lt In t'Je J" ~t,,'r~ confE r"'l( I" mOf11 students for gOO<1 '000 .lrd qOOd comparl Rt'( (orf R JL ',.. ('. [/11" <. ,dent Heelltn ( enter f'vey 1 hurS(/dY .It 5 4~ e' tI'(' UniverSity (\ IV ·ee chl/dwn, l)[lt ,11\0 SUDOOrt Inr rnt'ell,lC;s ClllTlll 'e:. ~oon to UCSD fflr ,myo'lf' WEDNESDAY IS Ir' ubiI' controlling h~/ lcr , or. LlItn,'r 111 ( IllJrrh, 500mo'l'{j Uj the C.1l11r IIr ,....lrl' ' lrC'nting IS not m 11'1' t(' tr lit w'1o e 5-6pm - Wrf S 111<., "b I.J 'q t )r relili 4:30p", - Ul SD I\ew \h'lt nq <;f'r a COrllT'un 'y .It IJC SO Sf 00 .:101', tlOI Nl ~ ) 11 'S children or ,1l1!lClpc les "'vel 'ntd"( For 1110H' ",'0 call 'iNa (0' t1!t, I 'lr \'1( )1 h or Re"rll'1" 'eatu"'1q Kenw<1fd flnlsl (' (poet. l'lV' I'lildren Will benefit 'rOl'l 'WI wrestler, of ' ed', 'evel' Ir ., \t r>Stllny Spm - ( Studer'l Bible Study Grou~ 'lovellSt I,brettls. edltM & PL'bllsnu) ,'1 "1 ' plf' n' 1 I'll Sta'f , q!..d'lf,aJ bld~ b It Ore' .rJ by SAM In TCHB 142 11 am - Lt" [[;f/' - L of the Sed md Or tre I\orth 8.11 r, ~w 5pm - (It'Jolic M.1SS. at tile UnM'rSIt). MONDAY-FRIDAY Manne clennflC Resedrrh d CelSC' StUdy of 142. THURSDAY llither,ln Ctlurth (l.l JoII.1 Shores & Torrey 4-6pm - Gymdmtlcs C Ilib prdl tire MeXICO and till' U'IIted States, by Jorgf' PlI'r ,) 5pm - 'iwr. - Soc,ety 01 Ij/ornen Engllleprs THURSDAY Spm - TIl tv, 1 j COntlnu('s Open workouts for e~pefle'lced Vargas. vIsing reSf'arcller with tIll' Center for pre' " lraduate school ~tr rvery Fnd.1Y lor 4pm - Dr Robyn Hunt, professor of drama Village Dr , Intersection to Eastgate Mall dnd TUESDAY T~ rey r'np, $1 dO/1,ltlOIl 5 :30pm - The Student CCllter of Singles, doubles. pr.1Ct,ce workouts Will offer a person,,1 view on te"chlng & Genesee B & 10pm - 11lh rO(;rrlpe of A'1lm.Hlon <1 If'"rnlng In thf' Interndtlol1dl Center UncjNgr.ldllate Researcll and Innovation 3-5pm - Chess Club get-togt'lhrl M.'pt >OCldllLll1g All levels of pldyers Nt' welcome \t'lf'ctIOIl t'll' h(>\t tntern,ltlonal (;lrto n, of 8 :30am - Catholic M Ar cross the street from Re'","IIe PreSemed by SAM In TCHB 142 and Instruction by FAA certlfieet HlllrllClors all llll' lock~ dnd (()!l1PCte tor ",.1]or prizes SAnJRDAY ci tIlt' Ld Joll.1 VIII,lg" Inl1 TI( k('[\ ,Iff' 54 For 10"m lutheran ~ervlce at Holy meetlngsjThurs . Our trainers ar!' tile s,lfe~t plimcs flYing Comt' 801llJl'nng site rele.1s['d ,,\!, '''l'rnbl'r 3rt! (,,1/ Bpm - lilt' M,1(11lCm dnd the 'Ull - l't' more Info, c,,11 thf' U'IIOf! of )r'wlS/l Stude/lts, Communion, followed by r!'fre~tIrTl('nts and sorry, SundclY' to ttle mef'tlng ronlght and \Ign lip for ,111 15<;·893/ far Info f'ury let' 52 Thuro;cj,lY, 8pm , I,,;, c. I", ~------.~~------~ 14 The UC D Guardian November 1, 1982

The UCSD Guardian Page 15 Trick or Treat! Michael Ahn, Eaitor Features November 1,1982 Seeing the bike at the end of the tunnel

By ROG ER P . FRENCH racer. a i>eautlful, brilliant red I~h()nda Ix-gan compel Ing in lilt' \\ h, ,Ie I hlllg l'xpll)(j('(lln Illl' and . Rhonda Becker heard The machine \\ II h huge s(xlke local flal track races \\ hen she Hht'('ms' face on a -.Iiflingl\ "I ainl lalkm' bOll I a ) 1 '/ Crowd on her way to work LhaL wheels and while Ilres. There was I H. In little lime she hOI day \~ hen a group of loc,il )i'){Ii/. ','IIU Ignl'rnt 11<1 lard," morning. This in ilself wasn't was more involved than became, in her own \\ a\ . bikers \\ a.., gal hered in fronl of I1(I('k" II) \\ork. I'arklllg In hl l """<11 ... pot, " he gr:lbl)l'd ilL! p"r .. t' Ir I'j Il " \ III and c1lml)(.'d olll in III II I(' clamp l ~ l~ ; 11 1l1l 1l'nll1g l'illil \rrtl'lng Ihl' ( In I It hl r I d I' 10 " hI' cl lMIl 111'1 "flil'l', bl'gan I l- ~t d ( \ n .lI1l)llwr cia \' \\' 1\ h a Jangle of III '. nl 1\ ,nd I ,1' h t \~· .... I, 0" hor, re.11 I to., [. \\olllci 111. II l~h l) l1d il 11;ld 111· ... 1 ... 1 arlt'd "Ullldl. 'III, II d II P ndll1g !lltllon') ('Il'" \\ IlI'n ..,Ill' '[ • In' l, II. d. \\ " " I hlrt ('en \"(·;11 · ... old . ller "IIUl\\hl{1. ., .. :111 I) .l1t"11 \ulmrlL!.llh"rlclallllllll'allund 11I/ ~ . III. I III.l" I IIf{l1I1 111.1I/.: 1Ill1llll1l. III lallll'r, l~oi>('1 I ,\ rend", \\;1 ... I he "1' '1'1l/tI, ( our Ill." ,\ll'n! \ h •• 1 ".IS II Ihl'l \\ , H' .II! 10. kill~ : II ~. \ h in l, a ,,1 :lIw, .... ul)(.'ll11l1l1l l1 t fl, It 11.1-' 111I 1'1 t'nll~ conlr,)1 I h~' . \ rl'nci". " Hh( ' l'I~l'- \\ IIltid bdIO\\'l '< l. d"l h'h ll1 ~ h i.., ""'1 .Iround I; Ihlllg .111<1 laLl,h,']' ..,In'lIkl·d \\II1c!II\\.., and Ihl' un\\'lclch' Indian, 11\ Ing III a SIll't' I , "\'CIlI)' ball\ '1"1 I'r ridl" a and "ho\ Ill)..: hl~ L'lI L·,1 11'111 \\ II h l'\' I l'lllt'nt. (' Illlh'h lIlusl \ slIlell 01 decacil'S old hou..,t' full of nlt'n and clolllg a bike I hal'" 11fI11 ".., I,hl ,I" \(fur" I I a 1'1'\"'" r'I(,(' . "You 111 ... 1 l u d\ln' 1'' next fe\\ vear~. and II didn'l Ill;tlterlhal Ixhl'l'ms h;l\l' III pul \our 1111111\ \\hl'\(' I hrllugh l Ilt' ... l ,·trr IL' III and James Earl, 1\\0 veal's her Ihousands 01 bone·shall ering wouldn'l l'\ en rare. and \\as a \ nUl fllChll1g ml1ul h I" and hlJ..l'r ... III III"'n and 11\ 11lt'll lllt' junior. Their mother' had died miles, she fOllnd to her delight s 10\\ and I alent k,..,,, nder tahe Il1l' on. RI,I!;hl Iwrl' f~lghl I~hond a ancl j{ollt:rI :\1'11\ cd 'II gi\'ing birth to what would Ihat she was able 10 outride himself, hl' had RIlI"k'rt on a \!OW." IIt'adkllockl'r. I here wa" a havl' been I he fourl h. and last. damn near e\ervbodv in Boise hook and loved to lilah' him l~h <.'el1h dre\\ back, hi'" "l1fl , c)'(I\\'d III aboul I hlrt \ or 101'1\ child. even to hi s clintinual thra!'h around on It. to the pall' hamb f1ultertng tlm\ n h\ Jll'oll', hUI Rhl'eilh \\ a" On ~h()nda 's thirleenl h em barassl11cn t. her brut her continued amll'iel1lenl of hi.., crolch "l'lllon .'rend ... .'· nm\ hert' 10 lx' ,,<''I.'n i>irt hel ay, l< oberIJr. madeagift Robert. This. in fa 'I, led in a w hOI1H.'vl'r happened 10 lx' 11<.' sqllenked, "1\ \\'ouldn'l lx' a "mdk nllrk(" \\OJ-. ,\ 1\\(1 of his 1916 Indian !iOO c.C. certain way to f~ o l x-rl 's deal h, around. fall' flghl. YIlU'!'l' 101 blggt'I'1I .,Il'a",' lurn II) pa~l' 1 (;

------.I DAN KRIPKE- SCHOOL OF MEDICINE I For tate enate • CIFAS UNIVERSITY • I Dan Kripke 1 ~ a UC D "CLASSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH" I The Unlversily is localod In Sanlo Domingo I Dominican Republic. Our Medical Program Is lallored DEADLINES? Prof ssor. H stand, for: after Ihe Iradillonal U.S. Model of Medical Education I and is fully accredited. I We 'll help you eJl l'iroJl J11l'II/al pro/eel ion OPENINGS AVAILABLE I make them , " Our Medical School is WHO listed And Approved fasl Service' late Hours l{'())J/l'JI'S righls For V.A. Beneflls." I Copies 4 V.~ n If rll'll r jj P('z£' For More Informfttlon ilnd AppliCAtIOn J orm plf'.ls .. wntf> 10 I (8'. x II WhIle Only CIFAS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE I 101('('r )}lcd ira I (OS Is DEAN OF ADMISSIONS 10m :t·RI{.' I .,,-n His opponent is against all this. 12820 WHITTIER BLVD SUITE 26 • WHITTIER. CALIF 90602 I 8855 Villa La Jolla Dnve (Ralph's Shopping Ctr.) PLEA E VOTE! Staff photo meeting, C'uardian office, 4 pm, 11 /5/ 82 ._------457-3775 (~==== WE NEED YOUR VOTE! ======ill 16 The UCSD Guardian Monday, November 1,1982 ------Monday, Novembe r 1, 1982 The UCSD Guardian 17 Mock Twain By John Rosen Specjmens from UCSD's scholastic tidepools

By JOON SUNG m t hl'lr high "chon'" The guy.., As you wa lk acros~ the third you thought werl' jU" put WorfY' s.J,s.

Whatever your degree will be, the Navy can give you a management position (jf yo u qualify). You'll get technical training and managerial experience. The Navy offers managerial po itions in the follo\\'ing areas: ELECTRONICS • ENGINEERING MEN'S & WOMEN'S INVENTORY CONTROL/PURCHASING PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION OPEN, SYSTEMS ANALYSIS B & C DIVISIONS All you need is a minimum of a B / BA degree ( ummel' graduates may inquire), be no more than 34 years old, be able to pa s aptitude and physical exa mination ~m d qualify for ccurity clearance. (U. . cit i L ~ms hip required). Your benefit package includes 30 day' earned annual vacation, medical/dental/low cost life in urance OCT 5ign up and defails in Rec Gym Office x4007 Deportment of Physical Education coverage plu s other tax-free incen tive. If you're interested in gaining Charge line (714) 565-2865 manag rial and technical re 'ponsibilities fast. call the aval • I Management Program Offic at: ~m·(i7 _1 (_; ~ _____ or end a letter to:~ B m H:ll ~ I _ S.11l I)i l'/-~(\ . l \ 9~ I : ~H 22 T he UC D Guardian Monday. November 1, 1982 Monday. November 1. ]982 The UCSU Guardian

,Ping, Then come the Suns. Lucas help bolster 'a leaky defense. ProfesSional tYPing fa,l. Ij(rlj'are, P'Of could be just what the doctor wp.Jgnt,:Vit'P1 i!~i"f"j .. I"")J~~ .. ~ewSd(j(jd Finally t here is the Port land Kobayashi tr,f'" s, r~rn IPdr.RrS IBM se t" ttle (Ioc...e 0 Typing repolts. lerm PdpelS, 'nlsc IBM [ng Ot9 p(X:fet rl tr'~ frc.'t t touna, p ea~p (rlll Clippers improving ordered here. Lucas will help Trail Blazers, an all around rDrq,JS. ?me(l!'nr..,. f though. no luck. Now terling need it . under the board . Now and defense if t hey have any 4 ~ 1fJ 11 ~ Walton . the Clipper cou ld club had 60 members. rapidly flP? 111/1(" I!. In., Rel!.d Reo'.,lt ~IJ 04.', Lost & Found ha a lawsuit on his hand • that the "greyhound." Walter a 'pirations of a successful t'I/4) pull them elve out of the attained a member hipoffrom BtATU COl LFOION ItLl N'''T'oered I ~x tl Announcements Col , 'W • e '/v . filed by an ex-SDSU ba ketball cellar of the Pacific Divi ion. Davis. is back from an elbow sea on. A trade of guard ,et 13 lecOf'f·, '1ev.·I.J~ed 8' ~i' r<'led>e'i, T)D ,JldN I rYDI-,q P tr n'::t 'r (') 200 to 300. and has remained "'Y ' Ie j >'t, d~ injury. the Suns have a I 'Ily \>958486 (11,') rr r. JSCf,U orooh~Jd'nq lHM:L trl( player who won a free·throw Here's a look at the rest of Kelvin Ramsey for center the largest chool cl u b ever ~ , k 61 ,"" e formida ble backcourt in Davis SwelJ d.'.l" S'1o)rP stelec system swell "t"riP',1 "'I', ~e1 416C; 11 8) jrk df l ~;N(' j 3 K ~I"v}f ! hooting conte t ponsored by the Division. The La Angeles Wayne Cooper should help. ince. The name" ea B X 'Ie [, '':' Ihe 108111 Annual H'dtuS L~,efl k pnre $35, NOrcolO 25 't fridge ~wlli prrn~ Ne"(j rl '(O', Rea-,ona Ie ,.:ocel, .7Pp 'e" J" j,A Sterling. but never received and Dennis Johnson_ JIm Paxson i a definite big , r, Lakers are the class of the Deucers" originated in the contesl See YOI,r }iTl'" In Print, WHI $60 4~5-9784 dec ,r;)le Kdthlr <'71) 1277 1)(; nd .,,, t' f " 1 ,,' ~ ~ 111 d!' the $1,000 prize. There have , ,. H' Pacific if not all of basketball. If there is a sleeper in the coring threat. and with Vietnam years as a pun on th 130 llou, p(l.'e~, ana ,nfiuerl(e tr,erl(J, d~d Fo' 'idle surf "d 5 10 5mglp f' n SIO t'VP 'f--<' , 4 TYPING_ CAf.A(COVODArr .AS' 'JIINU [ ,t EECc.. 1,1 b n, C; • I ')y ~ W, " ~ ". been talks with a La Jolla With the addition of James Pacific, it is the Golden State Darnell Valentine in charge of ""'91 see e ad n spe "ers IlIf,nltY(p S140/od" 455?09'; U "deuce" symbol in the hand nors for more dCtallS PAPER D£ADLI~,[S (ALL liSA .15972l0 t JJ) 'f ~ IrSI J~~ ~e tE 4",," I~ ~ cardiologi t about selling the the offense. the Trail Blazers Ihe Hlatu~ !>e(tton 01 ~a1l452 3468' 11/4) for Mike (11/') Worthy to the likes of Magic Warriors. If they can get good ign for peace. The first club (11, 11 ) " 8 team, but nothing seem to be Johnson and Kareem Abdul play out of their forwards. will be doing a lot of running. logo was a number 2 (deuce) APplications for Winter QUdrter 83 for For Sale 8OHONDA ACCORD 2dr d.JtOfT' Intelnshlps through the Academ iC e,c, cond $5990 ph 2726172 dm/frn materializing. If the sale can Jabbar, the World Champions they could wind up in the Alee it the tanding. playing card with a mermaid be commenced before Sterling Internship Program are due November 19 stereo/rope (I 1/ 1) could fie ld two teams that playoffs. A n off-season trade should end up like this: on it. Come In or cdll uS al 4524355, Warren OHAUS DIAL-O GIAM Excellent condition can initiate his "go·for·O" could beat just about anylxxly. for Michael Ray Richardson. College Provost's OHlce, across from weighs to the Queen size bed (monress & trategy. then thing should The Seattle Supersonics who led the New York Knicks 1) Los Angeles Bert created the scuba boOkslore Earn credIt for expenencel box sprrng) Excellent condition $40 or The sante old AS problenls definitely tart looking up on 2) Seattle program to encompass a wide (1.1 / 18) best offer 4814127 Jose (11/1) pose the biggest threat to the in scoring and a sists. give th at the Rul e~ Comm ittee Iypesetter to produce tht' ~an deSigned to coni III Ut: pro\ 1(1 Ing' the basketball court. Lakers. With new acquisition the Warriors t woof the bigge t 3) Phoellix ran~e of student intere ts. In PIerce the Vetl of Mif'/d PartiCipate In the 1978 Honda 750 fss excellent condlt,on 4) Coldell Sto/e vetting falrrng custom seat, must sell 453 drcided it was in appropIale for Diego Opera's "Cold Hook" flIT faru It) s u ppl i('d acac/em IC Now with a couple of David Thomp on pairing up scoring guards in the league in addition to supervising several ';I1foldlfl3 of self knowledge, Iruth, love the council to invest igate an l'mted . 5) San Diego Tues Nov 27 3 pm North Conference 9411 (11/1) re~ource materIal after an established guards in Hollins with Gus Williams. the Sonies Richardson and former weekly dives. he sponsors Help a fellow studenl Buy my San Diego indi\ idu al and killed (hu's Vetu Qveride aclmlllistrallon cieci Ion to and Smith to go with an 6) Portland marine bIOlogy students III Room Info cdll 4592009 (11/1) could quite literally be flying Clipper World B. Free. Top Who tICkets $1600 (cost) each Be a pal motion to es tabl is h a "Reggie 'I he AS CounCIl I'oled phase OUI "'011 n',t r\'('~ I rom excellent front line of AI Wood . their upper division and high. draftee Lesl er Conner will Jlmbob 452 4865 God 81ess you (11/4) Williams Inq uiry" comm ittee. una n lin /) us Iy too \' l' r 1'1 d (' l ampu ... hbrant· .. • *** work at Scripps. 74 Subaru DL, 4 5Pd. 4 dr, am-fmcass xlent Anderson noted t hal "good old Chu's \eto of a resolulion Othe r N e ws Wanted trdns for students, I should know curios it y" led Rul es Comm it· \\ hlCh officiaIlv separated i\ S L()bb~ AnnE'x r(·pre ... elliat 1\ l' In his special programs for $850/oHer 457·0732 (10/28) dive masters and assistant tee members to in vestigate the Sofl Re ... en e'-. from A~ Leclure ])a\Id Coodman reported on One pair profesSional speakers 120 watts alIcgat ions again .,-! WillI3 illS Noll'... WhIle Lectun' ~()Il'" the de\'elopmpnt of a San inst ructors, Koba yashi ~ h a r es UA 300 series 12' woofer 3 piece cabinets MEDED NOW RElIABLE HOUSEKEEPER and t hr ir fi ndings included: and ~oft I\esen e .... are '>l'paralt' Diego Collegiate Council in hi s ent hu s ia. m for teJching. COUPlf OK) PRIVATE GUEST COTIAGE Must hear and see 10 appredClate, $800 - WIlli am's 100"{, comm lS Ilt'ms on the 1~X2 ·K{ (\ . COnjUnClHJIl With .'an 1)Il'go H helps qualified divers to I qq 4815475or7552558 II/lSI value for $400 COnlal! Nic k e: 4556456 present lect ures and to del'elop ('1/4) sion on I/{'//' illdi('a/or ad ... wa'i Budgel, Council nwm IX'r It-It Stall' (' nIH'r"JlV and rlll1l'r effective t eac hing s ktll s Mu:.tang 1968 California speCial "Ins Will, establi'-.hed 111 a contractual a rpsolut Ion of offiCial ~aIl ])Iego lIl;tIlUlton .... (If themselves. ew m s tru c t () r ~ very 'ri'e C Jr , must se'l $2Ot project IS hiS .'eil 225 8ro,,",on, IN 40615. (11'1) a I1l'gal Ion t hal he used t he ; \ ~ ,e '10" cd funnylill "'IOlll'r) I hl' program 1I.t., Kcsoulce,> cou rse. offered thi'> < 451' 3468 Gel 1~llklte5 fortl'lll ~nll1eVux $7 Cd'C , I AfT'es qu ar tt'r. Students Icarn till' d'lC I'ld'," r georn sl..l manl a' Oy 5ner>< bIological lalue'>. nut ntlOnal T 1 81 rrt, tN~I' s, nrut~SS("lr'), kB, 4)l7350 1,1) Saving J Ie" r J '1.-"Or~etS fe-I.JW (0,,) er, content. and ta'>les 01 I'arious rr~"- t )J~ 'w S "" I ,II leng t1. ~,eeve'e.,< sea organisms Tht' ria.,,, OJ' ';I!'N r ~e' use') Inc "'COd boo: ,~ B.:t 1'>1 n~ 1" water ronslsh of a II et'kh aftl'rnt~m conlinued (nun 1M!.!!' :~ dil l', f"lIml ed 1)\ a ;'1,,1>" ill I Ill' H /(/1£/111111/1(111/11' ,11 l t~l'n' ('Ienmg at thl' m--II'UClor's r C; n r d', house. The lab Inlol\l's l(. ~ "', • I c' I 2 ~t;tl \\ ,Ill I~' liJ II L l\ '''11 Board I- J.., Lr tldlt1In" cleaning. preparing. and ~ '" eker 1M, ~XJ '>C f ;a ('ilt IIlg whall'\ l'l plallh and 1 - dblC 75 Jb L Jo.:ly <"liP "ulhOr\'\. III. "t rt ... ·atl 1 ' bUrl'.lu·lr,ll I' L~l"tI.'" anllnal.., w('re di,>l'OI ere: 2 rt'cogn 1Il'.. "'I III ~l' I .l 1\ 0 i>a\,a ... hI de ... n ill('''' 111111 ... ('11 L. y U· 'e t f ' 1 ' pot, I1t n I fo" 'OIIl!·tel' SCrvlCC Pro- TyPe 454 680(, ..a to Iht -I.Itt' and af'el'leu Illal wok1llg." i.e. he· ... not a rn'llll' JC)J 00 fo ll ower. Ill' host-- Irl'qm'nt d.l!l·IlL Il·.... d,'pl'I1Chng '111 'hI' Guys ~ Gdl, HMSry Ins stldmnov. hJ,r Jt dllloUnJ Llf \\ ,llt'r dlld l'r l'r ~ meals for hl ... ..,1 u(knt s. ftwnd ... For Sale Jnll blowilry$\??, W,lh JCSD Cdrd $17 Ocl --;I\ ld an c! cI u h IlwmlxT .... 1 thr'. N(N 15 1982 rhe HallSryl'>1> 549 B""l·d 1111 ! IIl",' and '11al1\ 87..'9 746 G" )"j 51 , La JOlin (1', 11 ' As (IIrl'clur "f 11ll' !'-Il'a ' til hl'r fall~. I ur'l' \ (Ill to I (,.~. 1,,/2 P ,IT" .It· .)u,"" l·IO HO '''VI)I d 'Ypmg '>pCe Ih.·un·r--, l\oi>a\'/ldsheld Slltl.! l aliiornla's Ilnllled \\ iller ~ 'Jdg> Fo'elg" ',:Jlj"nIS need hrlp With your b "C" .17';0 (1'17554)39 114 ... uch a .. ll1l' I I,dltm l\'11 gold f I"" II ,eo [n'lllsr? e,,, Jentld cd ESL tedch~1 -NIII t.;tO! .... upplIl· ... ,\[ Il·a ... t j.!() alld 'ole .,() dill' 111 Ill{' pml Oil (ktol)('r :11). W -:1:)( Il ~[1<'ed. ~) f"rre i9C ycx.. PI 21~ 61·1 'i t 11 1 I hat you loa n L" JIll· .... \. '1 r I Il'l P'J(T I:-, 61~1 (1 al. Il~ Thu .... till' .. culJa cluhl .... a \\(·11· ),' 'lill Id<' DI;:>POY APM Ni'cd d TYPIST' Rea501ld Ie dnd SPEEDY ;11 Russ 459840" Ews 11 4 intl'gl ated progr;lIl1 \\ hll'h !1Il11l.~ hi" flr.,1 \ ('a I.... Ill' Act lVIlIes Fund (DECAF) Lo Jolla orgaI1l/t~1 1111 rallllll;t! ,lIld, has mone y for Wa rre n altel' nn'l\ I1lg hI ... (ll'gll'l'lllIlll - Coll e g e sludenl p ro SCrIpp .... \\ as offl'rt11 a lob 1111 WHAT'S THE Two Big Performances Ihl' ('lSI> fanIlt\ a ... l)llt'rtor g rammers Info rma tIO n Every Wednesday Night! and applications avOll­ DIFFERENCE? of I h l' P . I·: " 11 d I ~ l'r . ..Jble a t Ihe Wa rre n Th e diff rence; A Wrttlen 9: 45 & 11 :15 1)P part Illl' n I ... h 0 h a ~ a ... 111 cl('('('pled I hi'> posilion ()\ t'r College Dean's O ffl ce Guarantee. We have >tudent No Cover! discounts, dnd eve ning hour" offers 10 do paid m back up all our Tuesday through Thursday n'gn'l led 1hi ... deCIsion . alld is November I, 1982. work In wnl ln~_ It, ,liter w e'~{' cuI, nig hts, dazzling illUSions \en ('ollleni \\llh hi .. life al perm ed, or colored your hair you rt' l 'C~ I> . It·t·ling a ... lrollg loyaJt\ nOI complelely hdrpy cdll US \~ llhtn performed right a t your own 1m, I ... all allr lind .. I lSI) ... 111(/('111'-. a plt',bun' II) c1 1\(' .l11d .,111 I,Iil/t' Produced by SELU HAi~ \\ II h bl'l'llhl' I lIt') ;lIl' l"1'1i t~1 Gi=\A ~liCS ailoul 1('; 11 lllng and ("P('I it'll (I ng Ill'\\ I II lIlg.... Il opd 1I 11 ) ollll'r org;ll1l1allon., onCdlllpus 452-3466 1.1 /011.1 1/"'''iil' COml'nt('n( P «,lIrl'r \\ ill 1" lIm\ Berl h O},;1\ a .... hl ..... ADVERTISIN (\(' \/ /0 RJlph, .m d '>.11 Oil ~04303 La Jolla Village Dr ... l1cCl· ...... llll (1IIlInl/llll;,I1'" III 4 S- J/ /4 457, 4170 ;11'1 II ( .... ludell1 IIll' ;11 {'( "" 1) 24 The UCSD Guardian Monday, November 1, 1982

an you'll

get the top gra II Top grade audio/video gear at Pacific Stereo! We know you care about the top grade! Now the Pacific S~ere~ Win An Atari 800 Student Discount Card will give Home Computer! you the opportunity to pick up When you turn in your card stub top grade, brand nam~ at any Southern California audio/video merchandise at a Pacific Stereo you will be e Igible 150/0 discount. The card is valid to win*a fantastic Atari 800 through December 31,1983 at Home Computer! No purchase is any Pacific Stereo in Southern necessary. California! ~\\\\\\\\ \, \\,\\\\\\\\\\\~ \\\\~ \ W\ \\ .\ \:~,\ \ Here's a shot Whether you're looking 1\1\1,\1111\, " \ \1\\\\\\\\\\ ., at entering for a personal portable to \\11 " \\W\ the computer keep you singing between age for free! classes, a TV to keep you The Atari tuned in, a great stereo 800 will system, or much more, you open up a can make your purchase at a 15% discount. The card is whole new good for all merchandise world of knowl­ edge and it's not except audio and video difficult to operate. In fact it cassettes, advertised may help you move right to the merchandise and close-outs. head of the class! You'll be Cards will be distributed on amazed at what you can do: plan campus soon. Don't miss your your budget, learn foreign chance to get 15% off and still languages, master the principles get the top grade! of accounting, discover word processing, play video games There are 29 Pacific Stereo and much more! .tore. in Southern California. Check The drawing will take place on the white page. Saturday, January 15, 1983. If for the one neare.t you. you're the winner you'll be notified 1982 PaCifiC Siereo by registered mail or phone. A UnIt of CBS Inc, • A 11)1.1 , of 2~ Alar ROO compute \ willi)/' ,Iw,,,"ed ,I pr •• 'S