$1 DATA CENTER NEW LEADERSHIP Developer Craig Harrison SBA’s Matt Varilek starts pushes forward with energy work amidst floods and park. shutdowns. 3 5 Volume 19 Issue 3 | Nov. 1-14, 2013 Special report: State early adopter in health IT BY MOLLY ARMBRISTER adoption of electronic medical records. percent, according to data provided by Foothills Mall
[email protected] Despite substantial costs and down- the Colorado Regional Health Infor- time associated with installation and mation Organization, or CORHIO, a Colorado doctors and hospitals, training, Colorado’s adoption rate is health-information exchange working including two major regional provid- about 74 percent, meaning that nearly to establish electronic connections interrupted ers in Larimer and Weld counties, are three-quarters of providers are now between the state’s providers. outpacing the national average in their using them. The national average is 72 ➤ See Health, 4 When the city of Fort Collins Northern Colorado Business Report and developers of Foothills Mall reached agreement on a $53 mil- lion financing package in May, it Northern Colorado Business Report looked as if all systems were “go.” FEMA’s fingertips on flood damage But in fact, within two weeks, alarm bells were sounding as devel- opers warned that city delays in making decisions threatened their ability to launch the project, and as the city fielded complaints from major players, such as Arc Thrift Store, that developers were ignor- ing commitments to help the non- profit relocate. With each passing month, costs rose as the complicated public- private partnership encountered one snag after another. To read the Business Report’s online analysis of what has delayed this ground- breaking project, visit: www.ncbr.com/section/foothillsmall In Technology Special Section, Page 7 JONATHAN CASTNER NoCo chambers split on Amendment 66 BY MELISSA SHAAF dramatically increase funding avail- how $1 billion in new annual revenues
[email protected] able for schools via an increase in the will be spent.